DMCA/Mario Royale Thread

>What is this ?
Mario Battle Royale that got fucked by Nintendo, now called DMCA Royale.

>Can I get banned by having any type of slur in my name ?
No, but you can be banned for cheating (basically touching the javascript). You have been warned now cheatfags
Fuck off Tyrone

>mamaaaaaa i want bing bing wahoo!!!
Here are some sprite mods:

Attached: memories.png (1919x1042, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:!MUFkwAZC!bxsRZk4M-sAPKUiahex2q2cB9Zl4T27zMe88cmV_KNc

Remember to use Yea Forums as the squad code to see the names of other Yea Forums members. This website has some mods also.
How big is the development team, inferno? Tell us.

*grabs the star on 5-1*
heh.... nothing.... personel....

Attached: keenio256.png (256x256, 38K)


Attached: chrome_2019-06-24_14-55-30.png (1920x943, 50K)

>tfw can't decide whether or not to leave the non-mario sprites in my edit as default or not because I like the hand-eye memory of seeing them

rip Doppio

Attached: 5.png (313x303, 3K)

hl sounds and musicsprites maybe later

why the fuck is the game so laggy now

why the fuck do you think? there's 1500 people trying to play a game meant for about twelve

if you want better servers, stop being such a fucking jew and donate

Any lewd sprite sheets yet? I wanna fap and play at the same time.

I just realized infernoplus was that youtuber

Just use Kirby, he's always naked

I've fapped too many times to Kirby, looking for something new.

God damn cheaters fucked this game so hard. Can't get a match without some faggot flying over everything, or infinite duration starniggers

i have literally never seen a cheater on this game

qq more

Brainlet in need of some help.
I fucked myself over and got banned while trying to add skins (assuming thats what Gay Baby Jail means). I touched the javascript without realizing I could've just used redirector like a total tard.
How do I get unfucked so I don't make this mistake again?
No I did not cheat.

What? I've played for almost an hour now and I've yet to encounter one.

is right, to an extent.
Cheating is definitely an issue, though not as bad as this user says it is.

You'll occasionally encounter someone with infinite star as soon as they spawn, or moonjumping, and it'll probably get you killed.
But cheaters no longer appear at the podium since a couple patches ago, and when the game ends they probably get banned instantly anyway

5lets shouldn't be playing this game

Attached: file.png (592x764, 15K)

Someone please post a character editor template if they have one

fuck, my shitty laptop runs it like at 5 fps

You want something like this?

Attached: boxes.png (256x256, 10K)

Fuck off to /vg/ already

fuck no. /vg/ is cancerous

If it's indicating the UVs for each sprite, then yeah, thanks.

I can give you .pdn file if you need it

fuck i hate starniggers so much
fuck you merula

>stand in one place not to fuck up anyone
gets killed by some other starnigger
>blames me

This thread was literally rejected there.
Seethe more.

All-Yea Forums victory

Attached: file.png (311x257, 15K)

Did something happen with sprites recently? No matter what I do, any custom sprite I'm using just has the game stuck on an infinite loading screen now. I'm using Switcheroo if it matters

Attached: 1549770220069.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

niggle me this, are you able to see the link you are redirecting to in your browser?

>try to wait near a pipe to not touch any Yea Forums's with a star
>they walk right into me to get out of my way


try climbing up a vine and waiting near the top
you will steer clear of all the Yea Forumsbros

2/3 cunny!

Attached: file.png (567x441, 27K)

rip vanilla tomboy

>2nd place 5 times in a row

i need to upgrade my core 2 duo

This, but as .pdn with layers!MUFkwAZC!bxsRZk4M-sAPKUiahex2q2cB9Zl4T27zMe88cmV_KNc

I need to stop fapping and get a CPU that isn't an AMD one.

Attached: 1fa.jpg (645x790, 71K)

> lead the run
> Yea Forumsro behind
> die
> Yea Forumsro stops for a moment and looks back

updated the pastebin
"updated my journal" reference

dead game

Hey polarmanne dude, Maker and Lewis are backwards

so dead that you went to the thread for it and gave it more life

>1300+ players

Yea Forums always amuses me

Mobile when.

I see lots of bros die in 6-3 due to the springs of do not work that way. You have to press and hold jump again right before you land on them to bounce off them instead of holding jump down from a previous jump

>harder to see Yea Forumsros
dead game


Attached: 1500926226305.jpg (568x510, 80K)

400 Yea Forumsirgins = soul
1300 streamers and third worlders = soulless

Mmmh yes

Attached: bara.png (1250x646, 28K)

>touch side of the pipe
what the fuck?

you can hold down the button and bounce on the spring to get alot of height.

Attached: victorotciv royor.png (365x313, 3K)

I'm testing it and it works by holding jump down. I think people messed up the jump because they slipped off the spring, probably from holding down the directional button.

Attached: YuAyasaki.png (256x256, 30K)

I've tried two different json's from the website on redirector and none of them worked why am I so retarded at this.

Edit the example url and the include pattern to have the www., like in the pic related. Also make sure to turn off adblock

Attached: www.png (698x564, 36K)

Attached: Wii U - Super Mario Maker - Costume Mario (1).png (851x4088, 402K)

Be honest Yea Forums, the playerbase is going to be cut in half once Maker drops this Friday.

Attached: 50262133_356779464907637_1572464261564902100_n.jpg (480x480, 35K)

Shame they're only small sprites
Oh shit now I wanna do something with this

Good, fuck nintendies who gobble shit up

>Removed alt costumes
This game is putting Maker 2 to shame

The frustrating part is that most of them are too big to just use directly for Royal, because they extend outside of the hit boxes in Mario Maker.

A step closer to having only Yea Forums lobby.

That's fine. This game already plays better than the original NES game anyways.

>dying to the same fireball

Attached: 1513107673954.jpg (298x294, 19K)


Attached: 73655961_p0_master1200.jpg (858x1200, 474K)

>not playing both

Attached: 1559763301848.jpg (481x333, 45K)

It doesn't matter, the creator realized Yea Forums can keep it alive as long as he keeps up with the constant updates.

Your c-word pass is revoked

Attached: 1533210429147.jpg (600x338, 27K)

>nameless bros waits for me as we overcome 3-4
>dies to bowser
i made it to the end vro
too bad all 3 spots were taken

A true cunnysseur wouldn't save resized images

Yea Forums gang

Attached: 14999885gg087.jpg (1000x700, 124K)

anyone know any good super mario world skin?

>7 players remaining


Attached: 73655961_p0.jpg (888x1243, 567K)

>Decide to throw shells like an asshole
>Accidentally fall off and die
>Be a virtuous fucker and helps opponent get a mushroom/power up
>Ended up getting first place
I don't know if Yea Forums believes in karma, but doing good deeds helps me secure a victory.

Attached: MyNinjaGreg.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Just make sure not to post samples in the future user.

Attached: 1556929071018.png (1000x1400, 589K)

I'll do my best!

Attached: 69314863_p0.jpg (694x982, 328K)

>Mobile when
Puffin browser pro works but I don't think you can change the sprites

Attached: world 1.png (720x1280, 128K)

Having a similar issue where adding www. just loads the default assets

82nd post just to say tyrone got BTFO

Attached: 1549506061053.png (716x857, 89K)

Make sure to clear out your cache as well

>Not saving thumbnails the maximise the number of cunny pictures you can store

I wish this would accept larger sprite sheets.

>Being a storagelet

Attached: 1507551319125.jpg (255x255, 44K)

Here's Builder Mario. Mario Odyssey had most of the big sprites, and Maker had most of the small ones. I only had to make the sprites for shooting a fireball, climbing a pole as big mario, the transition sprite, and the death sprite. If there's any issues, let me know.

Attached: smb_obj_classic_maker.png (256x256, 17K)

not so fast dick dastardly
t.benis :D

Any tips on clearing the 5-3 goomba? It's a really spooky jump to make and it's costed a lot of runs.



Tried finishing Megaman.

Attached: megaman royale.png (256x256, 19K)

you can literally just jump those, it is spooky at first there is slightly more leeway to those than in 1-3

Starchads report in.

Attached: starchad.gif (1067x1000, 2.64M)

Cave Story. (has sprites if you want to try and make an edit)

Attached: NpcCurly.png (512x160, 11K)

It's not something that gets shown in screenshots like sprite swaps do, but I've been loving the new tunes!

Not so fast buddy no homosexuals allowed.

Attached: My first big mario win.png (1910x882, 40K)

This might also peak someone's interest too.


Damn autocorrect.

you called your mistress

Attached: ss (2019-06-24 at 03.59.22).png (345x302, 6K)

I'm playing better with the new graphics.

I play best with kirby. he's so clean and has a nice outline

So getting third is the only way to ensure your overly long name is legible.

Attached: minamiroyal.png (1201x563, 353K)

Would anyone be interested in this?

I'm currently working on a mod/script which adds inputs for every texture/sound the game loads to the main menu so you can quickly and easily choose which modded files to load before starting the game. The entered links will be saved in the site's cookie so you don't have to enter everything all over again every single time.

Attached: file.png (687x208, 18K)

>Walk into Plus-4 in first place with 2 extra lives
>Don't even make it past the first firebar
I am bad at video games

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-24 DMCA Royale.png (1920x1005, 26K)

that looks amazing

Attached: 1559757474316.gif (500x364, 983K)


I can't believe it's dead bros

>start of 5-2, 2 players
come on

this is another reason why I want Yea Forums only lobbies. 90% of dumb fucking normalfags can't even get past the first level

Attached: 1502612304523.png (1110x507, 118K)

Lack of new custom levels is also getting boring, almost everyone has muscled memory every jump.

that stupid tranny gender option better take only a few moments to implement because there are much more important things to do with this game than cosmetics that the community is handling by itself already

>that stupid tranny gender
I hope you're joking user.

Just a gender option. Not even sure if it's real since I haven't seen the dev post in a while, just some obvious newfag dipshit "Pixelcraftian" or whatever that acts like a retard, possibly unknowingly. Not sure if they're on the dev team either. The official discord (if there is one?) might have some more details but I don't have the link.

In memory of Chadd, thanks Yea Forumsro.

Attached: {11BFE169-E3DB-4EED-89F9-753C23E47D16}.png.jpg (3439x1203, 433K)

It was fun, but I'm bored now. I don't want to get burned out so I'm gonna take a break. I'll check back in a week to see if anything's been added.

Nice dance moves, Chadd.

why do I never get more lost levels or plus levels? It’s always lost-1 or plus-1

Because those are the only ones in the game at the moment.

Is there ant switcheroo touhou pallete?

Attached: FASTER CAT.gif (280x440, 49K)

Is it just me, or are you unable to sprint+jump leftwards? It's gotten me killed a couple of times.


Attached: 1547387163182s.jpg (250x201, 6K)

>waits 30 seconds to join a game
>dies in 2 seconds due to a turtle faggot

Also, real chads don't grab the flower on plus-1

How do you even get through plus-2

Sometimes I can't get pass the name screen cause it's blank, what do I do. Already tried clearing cache

I only choke the easy jumps lads

Jump carefully, go slower if you have to

Talking about the escalator part, you really can't go slower in there.

input a name

>Mario Cave Story style
holy shit someone please make this.

>that guy named giantess fetish
mah nigga

Attached: df5205d5d6a9896fca52c328f6a97f33.jpg (1287x1800, 164K)

Ironically, for a while I was the only big mario in a sea of manlets

so mario world royale when?

We can combine the big Bowsette sprites with the little Mario ones to great effect.

Attached: ee42ff80aad965d302d9da3e78aff505.png (926x769, 254K)

The sprites are 15 px wide so it should be easy. Hitboxes might not match the sprites though but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Attached: 1505441835990.jpg (300x300, 74K)

What is Plus anyway

no amiibo costumes

Custom world by infernoplus.

Attached: real.jpg (547x692, 75K)

I know user, I wanted to play as Snake and Simon but here we are

Pharaoh's Curse Royale when?

Attached: Pharaohs_Curse_Demo_Animation.gif (384x272, 93K)

My wageslave bucks are meant for actual games

>spam shift, get stickY keyed
>fall into pit

Any way to clear the lag?

Pixel is on the team, he posted a video of the new graphics in the discord before they got released previously, and has been talking in the discord as well. I just lurk in there to see what's happening, and it seems like he's on the team.
seems to be the last post from inferno, unless its an epic prank.

How do I create a sprite sheet?

>mfw I leave the second goomba alive on Lost 1-2 to stop the guys right behind me from making the same piranha plant cycle to jump up top

Attached: 1525043922705.png (996x1000, 107K)

You just take the existing one, take out the marios, and put or design whatever you want in each place for each pose. It's fun!

How do I do that though? I see the program needed in the OP, but unsure what I need to add in to make stuff work.

>Kick a shell and it somehow kills you from running into it from behind
>Die from hitting enemies even though you're on the descent of your jump
Thanks game.

>Mario Battle Royale that got fucked by Nintendo, now called DMCA Royale.

fangame got c&d by nintendo
rebranded just like no mario's sky

great, I want to go back to comfy -200 players status.

Eh? So it did not get fucked then? If it got legitmately C&Dd, shouldn't it be offline then?

they changed all the graphics

KSP Royale. Imagine the carnage.

Attached: heal_santa.jpg (500x281, 36K)

gg ez

Attached: 81.jpg (396x350, 15K)

First win in a while, feels good

Attached: you ok dingo.jpg (961x511, 53K)

where my vros at?

Attached: 1383337865816.jpg (350x350, 68K)

reimu and cirno so far

Literally just use paintdotnet and make sure the sprites aren't misaligned.!MUFkwAZC!bxsRZk4M-sAPKUiahex2q2cB9Zl4T27zMe88cmV_KNc

dead game

cunny game

Attached: 71687506_p0.jpg (799x1118, 224K)

what are some other games that would be fun in this format?

mega man?
ninja gaiden?

Flappy Bird.


ye, still cant play the game. Was a nice time Yea Forums, guess its time to move on

Any reason its kicking me back to the name screen every game?

When only Yea Forums knew about it, people couldnt even beat 3-1

works on my machine
yeah I used to be horrible too but I've improved a lot

Was this before or after Tyrone?

A story in 3 parts

Attached: 82.jpg (734x354, 23K)

You can actually be banned if you have "nigger" in your name. I know, because I have been permanently banned without warning via IP just for using "nigger" as a username.

time to make a general

Its been a week. still no new maps?

This. Imagine a map that has shortcuts, but they can only be activated if 5+ players cooperate. Could lead to some interesting dynamics.


wow, i would love a metal mario sheet desu

Was wanting to just port over some Sonic sprites, but found that they were too big for the fields. This is all I have so far, but think I should give up since I don't think I can get it the way I would like.

Attached: 1548237244734.png (238x239, 7K)

I'm imagining a randomzier where items are placed in different blocks each game as well as piranha plants hiding in different types and fish following different patterns.

i love it user!

Attached: unknown.png (359x371, 7K)

Add a quality button, I'm lagging like fucking shit.

ok, nigger

Every time I make the podium but don't finish 1st I add another cut to my thigh.


Did the URLs change again? My OBJ and MAP asset swaps broke. I was playing it just fine a few hours ago.

Why don't you add another cunny to your collection instead?

Attached: 66857159_p0.jpg (982x694, 569K)

works on my machine. clear your cache and disable your adblocker and check which url you're accessing from because it might make a difference whether you're using http:// or not

Attached: redirect.png (702x1179, 35K)

better like next time twitchfaggot

Anons, post sprite sheet you are using right now.

Attached: luliigiig.png (134x90, 1K)

I'm using the Mega Man one in this very thread

I changed literally nothing and now it won't work. How annoying.

Is that afro circus as the new star theme? Also I thought the vineshroom thing last thread was just shitposting but it turns out it's legitimate.

How do I use a sprite sheet?

Cave Story swap is really good. Just need to swap the sprites for maximum comfy.

>All the Yea Forumsro's outrun me by the first level

Attached: sadcat01.jpg (446x473, 23K)

>stay behind 10 seconds because of the enormous lag
>is somehow still top-5 at the end of stage 2


mega man is cute but I think he's a bit fucked up

Attached: Desktop 2019.06.24 - (1280x574, 1.53M)

>try to go faster to keep up with others
>runs right into the first hazard

Attached: sadfatcat.jpg (540x416, 32K)

just git gud, bro

Attached: 83.jpg (345x42, 9K)

This has actually made me pretty excited for Mario maker 2 for whatever reason

top kek


Hacks when?



Pipes are always 1-2 seconds behind the surface right?

>medusa heads filtering all the casuals

the 5-2 pipe is faster than running overworld, same with the 2-1 vine

Excuse the dumb question, but this easy to mod? If so, I might do something too.

1 install Switcheroo or something similar
2 set it up so the sprite image ( redirects to a custom sprite sheet for example

The script that shows how many people are ahead is not working

Attached: bowser.png (1366x768, 242K)

Commander Keen

Attached: bowser.png (1366x768, 256K)

They forgot to change the position of the growing sprite when the fire flower became a gun and the shooting sprite became twice as wide. The two sprites bleed into each other now.

Excite Bike

I feel your pain bruddah.

Attached: 1561245960220-uganda-prev3.png (256x256, 22K)

Any new level since lost?


god damn I'm bad at this.

Make levels harder please. Too many people are making through to Bowser.

Same here. The only tactic that's worked for me was go slow and hope that I get a tough map that filters out the fast players.

Haven't played in a bit, anything new happen while I was gone?

Assuming you don't have a static IP, resetting/unplugging your router and clearing cookies will dodge bans pretty much anywhere (including here).

How the fuck do you get through 5-4 and get the flower?

Or is that shit a trap?

Attached: 54c68e2af1be04836a33c68df216f433.jpg (2040x1396, 176K)

Start from the left of the level and travel right.

big if true

i just want to thank every user who used my reimu sprite sheet past two days!!
this dmca royale thread is running slow. i think the days of having 24 bump limit reached threads on Yea Forums are at a end.

Attached: 1453200585622.jpg (481x337, 52K)

Updated the site with some more mods, and also put in a sound set for SMB3.


Dead game, dead thread.

If anybody wants to go raid a streamer, here ya go:
squad code is pog

I always choke at the end, Eleanor. Forgive me.

Attached: catch that jump man.gif (340x256, 610K)

>see eleanor in the room
>doesn't make it to the end
here's to you

Attached: Capture062419.jpg (614x549, 33K)

I updated my Chitoge sprite sheet

Attached: 1556037845542.png (256x256, 14K)


i keep messing up sometimes forgive me guys!! btw im nintendo hire me

This feels like collecting a set.

damn sorry eleanor died right at the end

So close, if only you took that mushroom with me.

good race bro

i didn't want to kill you with the star earlier so i held back, glad you made it to the end

Attached: yTGxetN.png (371x320, 6K)

>using default character

Another hollow victory.

Attached: empty.png (1376x850, 59K)

Reminder there's nothing wrong with dying in the early/easy levels as you continue to learn the most optimal path to take. Go fast or die trying.

Attached: RUINER.gif (300x413, 974K)

Eleanor pls be my gf

Don't choke NPA you got this.

Spoke too soon. I should've just shot Bowser,

>last player in 5-2
come on

>when the mushroom on lost 1-4 makes your head bigger and you bonk on the wall because you based your jump height on small mario
Name a worse feeling.

Starlow you double nigger why

Having someone bump the tile you're currently running on from below so it'll force a short hop and ruin your run. Go ahead and guess on which level this will never fail to happen. Lost - 1

Bumping the blocks in 1-2 and falling into a pit because you zoned out and forgot they existed.

I'll be back in like half an hour. These deaths are disheartening.

How do we stop the Giga Starchads bros

Stop being slow.


Rebording :DD

Attached: 1560836432492.png (1267x702, 64K)

>starlow's in the game
>rush to hit the star block asap
>run to flagpole
>6 players remaining
Based starniggers purging the plebs.

All I want is for the damn hitboxes to match actual mario 1.

Attached: v wins.png (1308x713, 27K)

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1920x1080, 94K)


Attached: fdsdsafdffds.png (1920x1080, 55K)

why am so garbage today frens

SMB sprite pastebin please.

i enjoyed dancing with you, I AM USING A JOYCON


Attached: file.png (358x356, 12K)

Why do I keep getting stuck on "Loading resource..." screen? I can still hear the game music as if I'm normally in-game.

because something loaded wrong. are you using firefox or chrome

Wait, is redirector now better for sprite swapping than switcheroo?

Web archive is down, switch it off.

Thanks. Is this temporary or should I change all the web archive link?

Temporary most likely, keep it disabled for now or find another source like the github sound source you should have from the pastebin.

starlow reporting in

Attached: winskills.png (560x39, 19K)

Maybe this user has it, but I think he's only shitting us.

Attached: lewd loli mod anon.jpg (534x350, 21K)

>it's a the shell turns around under the wall in 1-2 even though it's literally impossible for anyone to stop it there episode

Attached: 1543564447981.jpg (622x621, 61K)


Attached: file.png (384x311, 7K)

Spoiling them animefags

Attached: file.png (438x351, 5K)

please help a brainlet. I was using SMB 1 graphics just fine for a few days, but after refreshing got stuck on loading resources.
I tried using the mods in the OP but all I get is vanilla DMCA garbage.

Where do those links lead exactly? If you're using images from a thread, they've most likely been removed after being archived

The redirects are from the OP link. Pic related

fuck me

Attached: Capture.png (813x753, 60K)

save the images and upload them somewhere

No dice

Attached: Screenshot (3).png (1920x1080, 88K)