if you could play a game with Warwick Davis, what game would that be?
If you could play a game with Warwick Davis, what game would that be?
The most insulting game for him.
A game where you play nothing but a tall lanky elf killing normal sized people.
Dwarf fortress
I'd just play a game of Fridge The Midge with Warwick Davis. What's Fridge The Midge, one might ask? It's simple: you put a midget in a refrigerator. You and the boys put him in the crisper drawer, shut the door, gather 'round, drink some cold ones, and laugh yourself lightheaded over hearing the pathetic little midget's futile attempts to escape. He's not strong enough to push the door open, he doesn't have the leverage or space to even get the crisper drawer open, the cold is slowing him down, he's running out of air, he knows it's almost over for him and starts screaming for help. Maybe you liven things up a little by shaking the refrigerator to spook him, or say "oh my God is somebody in there" and open the door to give him a glimmer of hope before slamming it shut and mocking him, it's up to you. I wouldn't recommend letting the midget die, that's when things get complicated. Though, I suppose it'll be easy to hide the body, considering... you know.
Willow: The Game
it would be fucking awesome, lads
do you guys come up with these things on the spot or is there like a database of them somewhere
I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.
As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.
You can usually pretty easily find entire forums dedicated to hating on just the most inane personal archtypes.
Obviously mostly these are made by edgyboys doing "art" or whatever men who use makeup do for fun.
I once met Warwick Davis at a book signing in Liverpool. I shook his hand and was surprised by how strong he was. You could tell he had a wiry strength to him that people oft underestimate. We ended up chatting for a good 10 minutes and he amazed me with how personable and warm he was. But the highlight of the evening came when a fat guy wearing a fedora and steel-capped boots walked into the room and started shouting "MIDGE, MIDGE, COME OUT, COME OUT". He was belligerent and aggressive. One of Warwick's assistants went to get security but Warwick stopped her and said he can handle it. He bravely walked into the crowd to try and resolve the issue. When the rotund aggressor saw him he went mad with rage and started running straight towards Davis. What happened next was like something out of a Matrix movie. The attacker powered up a nasty kick, aiming for Warwick's chin, but Warwick deftly spin-jumped up and to the right, avoiding the impact. In that same instant he flanked the pudgy assailant and landed a devastating punch straight to the back of the knee. The neckbeard's leg buckled from the sheer force of the punch and then gravity did the rest. He started falling back, threatening to crush Warwick beneath hundreds of pounds of lard but Warwick rolled away in the nick of time. All of this happened in less than 2 seconds. Needless to say the delinquent was knocked unconscious and Warwick was left winded but victorious. The audience gave him a heartfelt applause and he went back to signing books while the obese neckbeard was escorted from the premises and later arrested. What was particularly satisfying was his sobbing cries as he was dragged away; he kept repeating "I'm sorry Warwick, you're a not a midge after all".
007 Nightfire multiplayer
playing as Nick Nack ofc
>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items
half life
There are already two of those, a good solid arcade game and an rpg on NES.
Posting the obvious answer
Is he still trying to fight Hiro?
Shut the front door. How did I miss out on this? Thanks, user.
I'm going to roast Warwick Davis and his family alive. Oh God, It's gonna be great. You start with his kids. It wouldn't even be hard, just hold both parents in your left arm while the right holds a twig you found in your backyard, both of his kids skewed between two marshmallows. The screams of the parents are at first drowned out by the screams of the kids, but eventually the kids stop. Your dog runs by and hits your leg, causing you to lose balance and one kid and the front marshmallow burst into flame. You take your loss and let them fall into the fire, while both balloon up and eventually pop and sizzle, becoming one with the hot burning coals. The other kid you get just right though, evenly crisped from top to bottom. When you move onto the parents you decide to not go through the trouble of roasting both so you just throw Warwick's wife into the fire immediately in lieu of a new piece of wood. Now Warwick, Warwick you really have to take your time with. You just hold Warwick over the firepit with your own two hands until the Ewok costume becomes engulfed in hellish, licking flames. Once you drop him into the pit you think that you're just looking at the Ewoks face, but you realize that it's already burned away and Warwick has the exact same dead, black eyes. You stomp out the flames and the Ewok fur gets caught on your shoe. You scrape it off with the marshmallow stick and move onto the next midge family.