What games show the true ugly nature of women?

What games show the true ugly nature of women?

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Dead Space 2

Women absolutely can be lonely, in a sense, but it has less to do with the level of attention they're receiving and more to do with the gigantic fucking void they have where a soul should be. What women experience is more of an emptiness than anything else. You should be thankful you're a man, any man, because this means you have the spark of life within you. Women lack this entirely and will never know what it's like to feel true emotion. Everything they claim to experience is an approximation based on a lifetime of observation of actual humans... those being men, of course. Women are empty vessels, which is why they spend their entire lives trying to get filled up by various things so they can at least feel human. But it never works, because it's simply not their purpose in this world. The best of them adapt and in time become pleasant old grandmotherly types, but most of them never do, which is why most women are abject, nasty bitches their entire lives.

Be thankful you're not one of them.

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needs another panel with her saying "ew incels need to have sex" before this one

>believing in the concept of a soul

Yeah no

That's a shitty copypasta.

Why are incels so obsessed with hating women? Once you realize women are more like exotic pets or sophisticated AIs, you will stop getting angry at them. I mean, do you expect to have a fulfilling conversation with your cat and then get mad at it when it doesn’t say anything meaningful?

Also, you’re not God. You didn’t design women, He did. Who are you to say He made a mistake?

Nah man, some things are too gruesome even for horror games and the abyss of entitlement and asskissing that is female reality is one of them.

Actually based and redpilled


Have sex

Based and redpilled

u offering bby ;)

>sophisticated AIs
Nah, Tay (pre-brainwashing) was pretty based.
maybe basic AIs is more like it

holy fuck I'm dead

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What if you take care of the cat, feed it, play with it, take it to the vet, and it still bites you and runs off?

Why are faggots obsessed with attacking people calling them "incels", and "virgins". You are not even doing it right, all you are doing is making assumptions, besides you don't even know the true purpose of a woman, or sex, or anything really. Get your head out of your ass.

That god is such a fuckup.
I'd do a much better job.

>sophisticated AI
UT99 bots are better than women desu.


nice and a virgin as well. gib number bby

Actually true and based. Women are just like men but with another thing in between the legs.

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I mean he made Lucifer, who rejected him.

have sex

>fotm meme
get a life nerd

wow, "have sex" poster looks like THAT?

Actually women act on emotion and men tend to act based on facts.

>Women are just like men
Good joke, they lack a soul, accountability and get everything handed to them. They are more like pets or children.

>Believing in God

oh cmon, resetera took months to come up with that one.


Excellent bait.
Very nice touch getting all religious at the end.
Fine shitpostmanship.

I tend to think god is a woman. Only a woman could fuck up this bad and still demand worship and respect.


>resetera started the "have sex" thing
Here I thought Yea Forumsies had finally gotten over.

Women are awesome however white "women" are petty, cruel creatures.

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It's not even a good one, for people obsessed with protecting women from everything, telling people to use them as a mean to release their sexual desires is retarded.

>Women are just like men

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Imagine sticking your peepee in that... haha

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false, since anyone can learn how to do it the other way. it can be acquired
true but only because beta orbiters exist. if not, women have to get their shit together just like us

The soul is a myth.
However, you keep believing whatever makes you feels good, you fucking degenerate hedonist.

There's more evidence to suggest the absence of a soul, but you (the child that you are) can't accept that; your ego won't let you believe such a concept of YOU not existing.

>It's an OP got rejected and vents on 4channel episode

only 2 more and we get to see the mass shooter season finale

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This exact thread with this exact image was in /Pol/ a few hours ago.

Oh god fucking this.
>Was in a "my gf's daughter" situation
>Her daughter is apart of a dance school
>We were supposed to be going to the school 11:00 so she could get fitted for uniforms
>The thing ends at 1:00 but we don't have to be there exactly at 11:00
>Call her
>Says they'll be ready in 20 minutes
>They text me at 11:55 saying they're ready
>The school is 45 minutes away
>I'm the one that gets blamed for being late despite her literally saying her daughter took forever to get ready
>She blamed me, but let her daughter walk all over her

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Bahamut Lagoon, that upcoming space game with cuckoldry in it

>it's another why women say they are lonely when I send dickpics daily thread

This. Also fuck chaosniggers

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That pic still triggers me.

>t. YHVH
I'm already focusing for a powerful attack you nigger

Reminder that women chasing guys who have a lot of money is literally the same thing.

Not really but women literally can not be lonely. It's simply impossible unless like 90% of the men die off instantly or some shit.




Crusader Kings 2

Are you implying a bunch of assholes looking to rub their dick against any female they find are the type of people that will cure loneliness?
