Crash Team Racing

Holy shit this faggot was 10x harder than Nitrous Oxide

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Get hit by two warp orbs and a clock
>Still DNF five other players
>In Papu's Pyramid
People really need to start using shortcuts
I can do this

Actually the last two regular races were harder than both Pinstripper and Oxide

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OH NO NO NO WTF SONICBROS?? Why would so many people buy a censored 30 fps racing game with microtransactions???

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Oxide is baby tier if you get past him early, and he seems to run into every trap you lay

Yeah, i beat him on the first try (though i played this as kid)

Post your n.gin labs PR's

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>faster than oxide on tiger temple despite getting hit by flame
pfft, ez

we just keep winning kek. blue rats on suicide watch

Oh, did you beat me? What a pity, tough luck, boy.

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just found out the hard way that shields don't activate the shortcut door in tiger temple

I can't even beat some of the first 4 levels on medium. It's hard bros

I just can't fucking do this game on medium. Clearly I fucking suck at cart racers. It also really emphasizes how braindead easy the original was.

Is the savekiller glitch about the clockguy or oxide time trials?

>he doesn't do the skip in Pinstripe's stage

It's the image that keeps on giving

What game is this from? Looks fun

I was a crash lad since the OG but why is coco so fun bros?

You're just getting old.

They do if you shoot them as a projectile

Any I think.

The original was just as hard, i can't feel anything different from this game expect graphics obviously

>never played crash bandicoot
>apparently plays like shit on switch
>dont have a ps4 or xbox one
should i still get it or just keep playing mario kart

>Already beat Oxide's ghost on every track, got every platinum relic and beat hard mode
>Game crashed twice during adventure mode with no corruptions
You lost Tropy, and not only did you lose but you failed TWICE. Get fucked nerd.
Also you're a cuck and your time trial times suck and are easy to beat.

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not for me lol

Yeah its fine on Switch. Extremely stable.

I reccommend getting digital though for faster load times.

How is it censored?

Either way I'm pissed. Just fucking unlocked N Trophy only for the next race causing my game to crash and my shit getting deleted

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I never played the original. Any tips? I play on a switch because I'm a basedboy

Literally played the original 3 days ago.

The original plays nothing like this one, you just don't remember it.

>thesis defense in 2 days
>can't stop playing

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man people were talking about how hard oxide's ghosts were but I beat most of them my first try. only ones that gave me a bit of trouble were dragon mines and tiny temple

Jesus fucking Christ. I am so glad I am done with this. Now I just have to beat all the Oxide ghost times.

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*deletes ur save*

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sonic adventure 2

really close races where you come in second/third are more fun than coming in first

rematch oxide is harder

>have a lot of work to do
>keeps reading threads on Yea Forums and watching videos because I want to go home to play the fucking game

I really want the hovercraft

But I fucking suck at the time relic things

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>log in
>new patch
>go online
>keep disconnecting from all lobbies
>finally a lobby works
>go inside
>halfway during the race EVERYONE loses and gets DNF
>next race get second
>17 coins despite being the first race today after the reset


>Game lags like shit.
>get chronoed.
>Chrono never go away and stay the whole race gimping my speed.

what the fuck?

It definitely wasn't. I played it late last month and didn't have too much trouble 100%ing. Courses like Dragon Mines had me raging in the remake.

i fucking love these

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>parking lot crystals
these are placed fucking awkward wtf

Microtransactions? Where?

They make you pay 40 dollars to get everything ever*
*excluding things from the collectors edition

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Can you play the campaing co-op?

Considering DSP beat Oxide on the first attempt you're probably right


wtf is this picture?

Honestly, I predicted this the absolute second I saw how Team Sonic Racing was being marketed and its overall game philosophy. The marketing was anything -but- aggressive, and everything about TSR just plays it "safe" instead of being bold and risky. CTR meanwhile is firing on all cylinders with its tracks, character roster, skill level, etc. Sonic has never fared well with the kart racing genre (cept maybe SSASR:T) historically, and why they thought that would change in 2019 is beyond me.

>beat all Oxide ghosts easily
>have times on more than one track that are less than 5% off world record
>still have trouble hitting the Relic Race time crates
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I'll just stick to time trials there are no crates to hit there


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>turn on game
>can't connect to servers despite having the latest version downloaded with all patches and a perfect connection
>cant access online matches or the Pit Stop
>all the coins I'm earning in story mode are going to waste

penguin yay none

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>Cortex Castle
>Electrion Avenue
>Inferno Island

Guess what they voted for. Just guess.

Sonic racing has oversized cars instead karts and mopeds, if i wanted to drive Honda i just play Forza or something and not some blue furry faggot

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Who the fuck enjoys Inferno Island it's more boring than Coco Park

I've never seen Inferno Island win a vote. Coco fucking Park on the other hand...
Mind you, Electron Avenue is pretty rare too which is annoying since it has a high coin payout.

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>A literal dead franchise outsells sanic

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coco park and inferno island always win in the lobbies i'm in

probably my least favourite maps at this point

>all these issues day by day

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jesus christ

I can't be the only one who sees goatse in the Matchmaking logo

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this desu
I'm great at getting to the goal as fast as possible by any means necessary but I don't have the precision to hit all those fucking boxes

>Pinstripe: had a hard time beating him for an hour, switched to dingo and eventually won
>Oxide: Beat him first try

Getting past oxide was hard sure he spams vials and shit but I still managed to slip past in his nitro laying phase and after that he just kept running into my traps and I sped ahead of him easy.
Pinstripe rubber banded like fuck and was also hard to get past, but every time I'd get the that last fucking hard turn he'd manage to get past me

It's modded/cheats though

>Electron Avenue is pretty rare too which is annoying since it has a high coin payout.
Not anymore. I just got 40 coins for first place.

That is genuinely creepy.

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Imagine if they patched up the glitches, but then made a "glitch character" generator, so that you can play as these abominations whenever you wanted.

Is it just me or do CPUs play better on Hot Air Skyway than any other course? Really feels that way.

>crash babies circle jerking over muh difficult cart game

If you want something actually mind bendingly hard, try F Zero Chapter 7 on Very Hard\

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>All those people that complained about them not being in the game

with that U-Turn tech where it said to hold back+left/right+square can I just downback it all in one with the stick or do I manually need to press down on Dpad and left/right on stick?

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>Relevant past the Gamecube era
Let it go.

Are there more?

They fucking NERFED the coins? 60-120 per race was already retardedly low.
Fuck this game, fuck Activision and fuck Beenox.

The NPC's beat my ass in the Skyway and Oxide level, holy fuck they were difficult on medium. I think the game is broken, certain NPC's are programmed to be demigods who go from zero to hundred in a blink of an eye

>Norm's fucking mongoloid smile

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It's just you playing terribly on this track in particular.

>using the stick ever
You're not gonna make it

why in God's name would you have to press the d-pad and the stick
how would you even do that while also pressing the right buttons
how many arms do you have

IDK, I hope so. Only got those saved from these threads. Would love to see the CNK lot brought into future games

Eat shit

people complained about them not being in the game because muh strong independent woman can't give trophies in [current year]
Turns out they were right

for how great it is, this game certainly does lack polish.

At least Tropy didn't fuck up my save files.

Pressing diagonal on the stick should be the same as doing back+left/right on the d-pad. Back should make your kart reverse and I think it's the same for the stick.

Use either or, not both, that would be ridicilous. Really recommend using the d-pad because it's much more accurate for this game, but it's up to you.

I have platinum and use the stick. Get out of here dpad shitter

Get Lost Velo, this is Cortex territory

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Mad as fuck

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finally got that last plat relic and backed up my save file twice

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Isabella really is a retarded bimbo slut.
Is there anyone who even likes her?

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Is there really no podium animations for online play?


>beenox couldnt mimic the proper physics engine and had to hardcode the jumps to work
god damn no wonder this game feels so shit to play compared to the original

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I can't do the turns

jump timings are weird, struggling really hard on some shortcuts which i can do in my sleep on og ctr
some clunky collision on some maps
the whole blue flame mechanic
i could swear that turning while power sliding is different, but i think its actually because im a eufag and our penta had max stats in all categories

Has anyone mastered u-turning on Switch with alt controls on?

Does this game have any performance issues on Switch?

No, just looks a little worse than the others, but if you aren't autistic about graphics it's fine

>can't replicate my own perfect start

Assuming you mean things like Sewer Speedway and Crash Cove shortcuts, they aren't hardcoded you retard. They're just bad.

You really want all the extra load time?

Imagine playing Geary unironically

What the fuck is this coin shit
Why do I get 70 coins at most?

I like is evil voice.


Do you think anyone under the age of 17 actually bought this game? I feel like kids these days are overly obsessed with Fortnite and whatever's the new meme FotM that they see from streamers. It must be weird being a kid nowadays.

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Is the Big Velo/CNK's Final Boss a skin of Real Velo? I like him much better

>10 year old zoomer bro wanted to try NF
>couldnt win crash cove trophy race on classic after 10+ tries
>i try to explain him how to boost and how its the most important mechanic the game is built around
>he just doesnt get it and ragequits the game
>doesnt care about anything else but the skins
what a little shit
when i was his age i already had all platinum relics and beaten all oxide's times

Even in this age of Fortnite shit it's essentially just modern COD or Halo, you'll always have kids going against these trends and playing other stuff: Crash's momentum is not as strong as it once was but these kids can still know him. It's still a minority at the end of the day though.

thats because the physics doesnt work. They had to actually hard code at what point your jumps make the landing and anything before that just flops and fails. It used to be speed dependant but now it doesnt matter how fast you go, if you dont jump at the perfect time you fail.

>Do you think kids got new game

I wish I was better at this game. I love speeding around but I can't sustain sacred fire worth a damn. Papu's track took me like 7 tries because I kept overshooting the drift and hitting the plants just before the finish line.

I'm going to die trying to unlock Tropy.

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You always had to jump at the perfect time or your trajectory would be wrong. The timing is just even tighter now. This is how you enter the Crash Cove shortcut btw

I really need to know the context of this image.

sewer speedway shortcut is just flat out ruined
i can do it in my sleep on original and have maybe 10% success rate in NF

Jump at a perfect 90 degree angle. I suspect there must be other ways to do it but this is the most consistent thus far and I haven't bothered finding better ones because it's not the only problem affecting Sewer Speedway in the remake.

What's the easiest tropy ghost? I want to get at least one to get my confidence up.

>Play as small Norm online
>Another guy plays big Norm and gets first place, while I get second
R-ride on brother

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Nigger I want to, but Miyamoto is a fucking fraud that is afraid of being exposed if he does a new one that isn't as fucking amazing as GX. So fuck him.

everyone with taste does

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>sewer speedway is just flat out ruined
Fixed. The pipe physics are awful too.

Damn, I just got Tropy, I don't know if I should bother doing oxyde times and platinum relics or just wait to do that the Pc version.


>absolutely shred a track
>feel great about my time
>trophy is 10 seconds faster than me

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>buy cute fisherman polar
>save up coins for the trophy girls

>oxide station time trial
>tiny temple time trial

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I want a hypnotized coco skin.

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Tiny temple is a fucking breeze, I don't understand what people are on about with this track.

why is crash cove time trial kicking my ass wtf

>game finally releases on pc
>epic store games

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the only scripted jump is on Sewer Speedway tho
and yeah, it's a massive fuckup

You won't need coins for the trophy girls if you do the grand prix

I want Evil Coco skin from that same game
She looked angry as fuck in that


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>he doesn't cut the last turn

gitgud OP

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a grill decided to be "funny" and she pulled her pants down

You basically need to keep blue fire for the entire track to beat Oxide, which is substantially harder than most of his other ghosts

you can actually get things from the collector's edition if you 100% the game

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woah, as they say

I have a sudden nostalgia boner from playing this game
should I get the n sane trilogy for my switch ? I don't really want to play on pc and I doubt it will run it well

Only Tawna will be unlocked with Nitro.

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>People actually struggling against Pinstripe
>Meanwhile I fucking crushed him as Dingodile
>Afterwards I obliterated Oxide first try

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more like

best be playing right now

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I want to play as Megumi
She cute

It time it will prove true, that the waifu fags shall shrivel and die, and the heavy beef boys shall reign supreme.

But it's the easiest track to maintain USF! it's all light curves and jumps!


I probably need to switch off of playing Dingodile for Crunch or Tiny so I can unlock some skins for them, but I just love him so much.

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>tfw used to self insert as crash and get excited at the idea of pinstripe stealing my gf
>used to make drawings of pinstripe kissing tawna and me crying next to them

Wtf was wrong with me

Sure, but the reserve mechanics are still pretty obscure to the average player, so I can understand why they might be intimidated when they get to Tiny Temple and see him flying round the track at warp speed on laps 2&3

When did Yea Forums become this casual and afraid of little challenge?


Also Lads, are you guys getting the same amount of wumpa coins online as you would get from arcade? I keep peaking at 72, even with USF drifts for a good portion of the race

Do you seriously have to do all the Oxide ghosts on the CNK tracks too?

I want to snuggle with Dingodile's plump tail UwU

Phil promised us Oxide on Monday, so, we getting it or what?!

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won't happen, Valve gives you free hosting for multiplayer if you sign with them, Epic doesn't. this is a dealbreaker and Activision / Epic aren't exactly at speaking terms I heard...

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Polar is the best character, cornering is more important than both accel and speed.

what's wrong, can't stand a bit of challenge?

Ok how on earth do you do the sewer speedway shortcut?

The CNK tracks are a lot easier than CTR tracks for whatever reason. After you've defeated Oxide in all CTR tracks you've done like 90% of the required work, the rest is a breeze.

I actually don't mind this Sonic vs. Crash vs. Mario shitposting. It's vaguely reminiscent of the old mascot era.

Why do you have two 101% saves?

I have successfully channeled my rage

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the hitboxes are fucked in this

it should not be possible to jump *over* a purple crystal when you're supposed to use a ramp to jump to it, the hitboxes are precise to the point where they inject a great deal of tedium into the game (since missing them often results in a reset)

I can, but after completing Hard mode I was hoping I was done soon.
Good shit thanks

>play online
>leave traps on shortcuts and alternate routes
>run into them myself next lap because apparently I'm the only one using them
Give me a fucking challenge already, playing against ai means an automatic victory too. Every now and then there's another veteran on the lobby too and I enjoy the very tight racing

And the animal fuckers are here.
Time to leave these threads.

Just got to go into that jump with a boost, head-on orientation, and a well-timed hop.

I know that feel, I just watched whatever Trophy did and cut more corners than him, usually get it on the 10th try

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I just played papu’s pyramid and three people immediately pulled off the short cut and in the second lap it was booby trapped like a motherfucker

How are people already posting gameplay of Tawna/trophy girls?

scrubs are learning and its only the fourth day. So is this the first online crash game?

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can anyone give me tips for the blizzard bluff bridge skip jump
i can't fucking get it consistently for the life of me

The game actually has matchmaking. You won enough to put yourself in league with people in your skill range.

Jailbreak, they're already on your disc/console so.
Just a bet, I'm sure some are genuine influencers for Beenox

How do you people do straight powerslides? Whenever I do them its always just curves or I have to hop around

Speed char, for some retarded reason anything else has FORCED understeer.

I hope it isn't too harsh though? some skill mixing is fun, emphasis on some.

It plays just fine on Switch.

Time trials my dude. Hopefully they add proper leaderboards soon, but in the meantime lets you compare your times to top players.

why do you niggas let Sonic live rent free in your head?

I would have considered the Sonic racing game if had a roster like Transformed did, with the other SEGA IP's being reppresented, like Vyse, Beat, or Alex Kidd

Why is the penguin considered an evil character?

no leaderboards and no win/loss ratios. All they do is promote toxic behavior such as leaving earlier or using a friend to support you in races by shooting clocks when you VA'd with him your shield is up. I want this to stay about fun and want peopel to stay comfortable. Call me a scrub guys, but I just want a wholesome online. Have my mains, incase you guys really want to insult me for my opinion.

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he's an enemy in the crash games, even if you do 'save' one from Dingo

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Because he's literally an enemy

>Not Yakuza or Persona or other actually relevant and not outdated Sega IP
It's like asking Capcom to focus on Megaman instead of RE/DMC/Street Fighter or wanting Nintendo to focus On Metroid and Star Fox over Splatoon and Animal Crossing because of "muh retro" autism

based joe bro

Global time trial leaderboards would make perfect sense though.

They were playable at the E3 demo

peak based and redpilled, enjoy the game and dont worry about some worthless win loss ratio

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well, that's totally fine by me. will centralize things, what antihack would you propose?

why is joe the only one whose kart color was changed from the original
he had like a beige kart before, now it's a weird dark brown

>planet is just a shitty ripoff of Earth
>worst racer of the Nitro Kart characters
>basically just a slightly more aggressive Papu Papu
>doesn't even get to be in the speed club with the rest of the big guys
>never played online
Is Krunk the roster's biggest loser?

Blessed user post

>touches a penguin
Why is Crash so weak?

Those were characters from Transformed, you think I wouldn't want those characters in a racing game too?

I wanted to make a racial joke but got nothing. Can't you just paint it back? browns / beiges are just dark shades of oranges afterall! (beige being high yellow)

Tiger Temple (NOT Tiny Temple)

Works on my machine!

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in the team cortex story mode he gets cucked out twice, once by how cortex roasts the shit out of him and again by how tiny becomes his ruler. Also out of the 4 bosses, I completely forgot that Krunk even existed and thats not a lie.

they use dark magic user.

How long untill this fandom gets filled with Whales and Fujoshits?

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He's not. He gets Aku Aku in adventure mode and the mask switches between Uka and Aku when racing as a tribute to the original glitch in CTR since he was put in as kinda an unfinished joke character back then

Me and I'll fight you over it.

Same, Nash yelled at Velo, bitched out and is very gay ''come closer, I don't bite''.

The Normies got points for sheer bizarre

Geary is a cleaning bot with combat programs

Velo is highly intimidating and charismatic

Krunk is just a lackluster Baboon, got vid of Cortex roasting him though? I do know Big Norm countered him and roasted Cortex though, is gold.

Just bought Sonic Racing after not liking CTR. Did I fuck up? I liked transform.

Also I got it essentially for free because of bing reward points.

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*Blocks your path*

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this tbqh

Wait is this shit actually 30 fps? A fast paced racing game at 30 fps? My god Sony fanboys will pay to eat literal shit.

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i have seen a total of 1 krunk online
guy was even using a skin, played one race, stomped the rest of us into brake dust, then left the lobby
absolute legend

>gave up after being rammed for hours in my ass by oxyde and n.tropy
>try out some casual tracks I never played before since ctr is the only game I got
>"electron avenue ? Huh, dunno, I'll just give it a shot"
>the colors
>the music
>half of the track is literally boosters
>sometimes I go so fast I jump out of bound just to get back on track by steering
fuck competitive, I'll just play it over and over, i never had this much fun in a kart game before
what's your favorite track guys?

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I saw this video say that the boss characters are basically improved compared to the normal roster, but they all have the same stats?

So are they any better?

Nice titties gal!

What're you gonna do about it fag boy?

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>Buying Racing games at all
Just go to the Ghetto and holla with your car
Be careful to not get Driveby'd

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electron avenue, hot air skyway is my favorite base ctr track though.

yeah i saw that video, the bosses aren't better characters in any way.

Laugh at your extremely low standards

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Roo's Tubes but Electron Avenue is absolute kino

No, he's not in the game atm, but it's likely he'll be his own character when added.

It still looks bretty good honestly. Track design and overall graphics are phenomenal.

You took the Nitro Kart pill, welcome to the cultured men's club

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what the fuck is wrong with their eyes

lmaoing @ your cynicism

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Why would he lie though? Do people do that, go in to the internet to lie?

Holy shit Oxide is a joke if you get in front of him fairly quickly.

way too goddamn big. Look like Mischief Maker characters.

>want to buy ctr in a few months
>retarded gamepass means I'll be missing out on drivers

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i'm not sure, the tips were all great for new players, except that random tidbit. luckily the comments were calling him out on that.

Even Malformed Norm is creeped out.

the only thing you won't be able to get is the pre-order skins and the skins with oxide edition. anything added to the game during hte grand prix will be added to the pit stop after the grand prix is over.

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Call me a scrub, but I like Tiger Temple the most.
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game, user!


Electron avenue is my genuine favorite, although desu I preferred the original, this one is a bit too vaporwave for me. I also dig Papu’s Pyramid N gin Labs and out of time

As a Sonicfan who bought NF and not TSR, I feel like an asshole reading this but TSR just didn't look that hype.

Console players unironically believe 30 FPS is silky smooth. If only they could experience glorious 144 FPS.

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post your guys

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other guy

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maybe he meant the characters as bosses are better ? because they are, they're simply faster than you but can't drift
just like every single boss, none of them have forward attacks and their weapons break down after a few uses.
just bypass them in the first 10 seconds of the race and it's just an easier time trial


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IDK how to imagegrab, but:
>Black cat Pura
>Charcoal Imperium car
>Classic wheels
>'14' sticker
This is my usual, but I explore different styles from time to time.

I saw a komodo joe looking like a fucking no faced demon from hell yesterday, jesus

>really wanted to unlock Geary because balancefag
>need 600 more coins


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fucking got me

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pls bros i keep getting styled on by chads online

If you can maintain the boost you get from the pad before the boulders (from powersliding) . Do one powerslide on the snow and hold jump at the top of the ramp. I don't think its possible without the speed from the boost pad

Oh shit that's a possibility

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I just want a quiet life

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make sure you hit the highest part of that snow mound perpendicular at the top of the mound and land on the lowest closest part on the other side

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That sounds fucking wild.

Why are all the NK tracks piss easy and brain dead?

Literally not that big of a deal because in racing games your inputs are basically predetermined. The extra response time/input lag caused by 30fps doesn't matter that much because of that.

t. 30 year old quake pro pcboomer

I did my first real Oxide time trial, Papu's Pyramid
That square around the pyramid is bullshit
I saved the clip and watched it and I made more good than perfect turbo's, especially near the end (choke)

Hooray anyway

I did Tiger Temple first but that was so easy.

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>You get less wumpa coins if you play for too long a session


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This is the big problem with these "remasters". The original game had to have "cutting edge graphics", and that meant cutting frame-rate to 30fps.

Now it's 20 years later, and guess what? We remake the game, but the same issue applies and we get 30fps.

Not really, or even if it does it's probably on both steam and I still really doubt it will hit on

Does this finally prove that CTR is the definitive cart racing game?

this game really needs a "save customisation" option so you can save some presets and quickly swap between them depending on the map

So is there a CNK Adventure Mode?

Move over, Sonic.
There's a new king around.

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Thats not it, you retard.
You get bonus coins for an hour each day.
You are getting the normal amount of coins now.

Why do people keep calling it a remaster? It's a remake.

unfortunately no

I feel like I'm done with multiplayer
there's no skill involved, only who'll be the lucky one to not get hit by all the fucking shit on the first box row and gets to separate from the rest of the autistic group

Have they fixed coin rates yet?

you're playing it like a time trial with randomised hazards

you're meant to be going out of your way to get crates to fuck people over

>there's no skill involved
Yeah okay slowfag.

USF races are generally a free win if you know what you're doing, unless you happen to get buttfucked by the super turbo on all 3 laps
The rest are more luck based

it makes no difference
>be first
>get nothing but beakers
>be 4th
>nothing but beakers and tnt
>be last
>nothing but beakers and bombs
put two players of equal skill next to each other with another 6 players
who will win? The one who gets hit by 4 other people once they collect their weapons or the guy who instantly get a shield and disappears soon after? You don't control the drops, you don't control enemy drops and you don't control who that faggot is going to shoot at
Fuck off with your bullshit and non-arguments

>he doesn't get the wumpa fruit which affect speed, duration of items, and rarity of items

I know about the importance of wumpa but do they really impact item probability?

I think it could run at over 30fps in single-player but they wanted to keep the framerate consistent for 4-way split screen.

They always have, and still do.

Anyone have a tier list for the track rewards?

I dunno if anyone has noticed this yet but all customization options that you purchase through the pitstop are unavailable when playing without an internet connection. Pretty fucking stupid of you ask me. Includes characters as well.

please tell me right now, before we continue: are you mentally retarded? Because if you are I probably shouldn't bother even replying anymore
>enemies are incapable of collecting wumpa fruits
>thinking your wumpa crate is guaranteed with all the faggots piling on it
>thinking you're even going to get it once you got your shit knocked around by 2 bombs and a rocket in a row
not a single argument so far, just stop. Nobody is calling your (and mine) precious game bad, it;s just that kart racing wasn't meant for online multiplayer, the only joy of it is to play it locally with friends like every other party game

I play on Switch and it runs completely fine.
It's the portable mode that people say looks like shit.

>the new bombs don't make any noise anymore
it's the worst thing about the new version, in base CTR the bomb would make a very distinguishable sound, now it's almost stealthy

>kart racing wasn't meant for online multiplayer, the only joy of it is to play it locally with friends like every other party game
True. I haven't even touched online multiplayer. Only played some local split screen with my bro when he was over and the rest of my time has been spent on time trials, which are the one true form of competitive CTR.

draw your main

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git gud
Racing is true competition
Being able to run fast lines with chaos going on around you is the true test

Considering you just keep making up hypothetical scenarios to whine the only conclusion anyone can arrive at is that you're a retarded shitter. The only way your scenario can happen is if people are specifically aiming for you and stagger item use to make sure you get hit.
This is a game where you can literally out race the warp ball for entire laps.

Wrong and wrong

Look, it definitely is possible to get RNG fucked, but if there is a skillgap between you and the other players you will catch up. I definitely win over 50% of my online races and almost never place lower than 2nd

portable looks fine if you put the screen on a table (looking at a distance 40-50 cm at it), if you press your nose against the screen then yeah, TV would be a better option.

>being able to get lucky is the true test (of skill)
you also one of those imbeciles that likes rng in their '''''''''''''''competitive''''''''''''''' games?
but it actually happens? Almost every other game?
No arguments yet again. I DNF at least 4-5 people and sometimes overlap them almost every time IF I don't get hit by all the garbage at the start of the match
Just admit it. You CAN NOT catch up to another player if he's close or the same to your skill level and he had the chance to separate at the start. The only times I've done it is if the player in the lead fucked up, either by falling or getting hit by too many orbs

Even in the original the best map was N. Gin labs followed by Cortex Castle. Sewer Speedway was a hard 3rd by the time you figured out how USF works.

I beat this on very hard and f zero x cups on master with all characters, this is still a tough game

if you can do all the platinum relics then you will have no fucking trouble with the oxide times. goddamn, any tips for literally any platinum?

The fact that you keep using the word IF means you're acknowledging everything you say is a hypothetical.
Get fucked shitter.

What's a Grand Prix entail anyway? Online races?

>"Why yes I do use Crash classic skin and blue kart. What made you ask?"

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So run time trials you moron. What you want is essentially a time trial with 7 ghosts.

>make sure to backup save before last n tropy race
>get the glitch
>go back to backed up save
>game still crashing after any race

what I imagine you all looking like.

Of course the underage doesn't know how argumentation works.

>one arm out of picture

let me guess, that's where the steroid holes are.

Nice try DSP

Of course, it's nothing new that kids jump on major trends it happened with our generation too, just the difference now is social media exists

There's lots of young gamer kids out there who enjoy other stuff than Fortnite

what do coco's feet smells like?

>hurrrr you used a word so I'm just gonna make another non-argument to act smart instead of actually trying to discuss something like getting actual decent fucking weapons or skill-based catchup mechanics
just move to /vg/ so I can ignore your autism

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my negro
all my online races are with Crash and blue retro kart

Try starting his save file on easy, it'll be easier than on the classic difficulty.

>>being able to get lucky is the true test (of skill)
>you also one of those imbeciles that likes rng in their '''''''''''''''competitive''''''''''''''' games?
It's a kart racer, it's supposed to have RNG.
You can't say you're good at CTR unless you race people. Masturbating in Time Trials isn't a true test of being a complete driver

>not raccoon Crash de Japón

>want to play badly
>have tropy chad unlocked with no corrupted save
>hear people claiming backup saves does not bring your time trials back
>beenox has YET to even give out a stupid ass "we're working on the fix"


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teen girl funk.

Strangest thing in this game is that 2nd place and 3rd place are crying on the podium.

I mean I get that they didn't get first but I find that detail just kinda weird. It's not like they got 4th and down or something.

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and you can't consistently win based on your skill alone due to RNG
>but durrr I got lucky with an item so I'm a gud racer

>finally meet a competent player
>lose but I was on his ass for the whole race
That was a lot of fun. They really need to sort out the matchmaking.

Address this you stupid twat. The game mode you want already exists. If you want to race without weapons just run time trials like everyone else. You are literally complaining about nothing.

Someone said in a thread that slowly getting all the boxes is more advantageous that's trying to go fast, especially at the start. Once you have them all, then go fast. So far I have Slide Coliseum from pure luck. Shit's painful.

Does this game have 4 player splitscreen?

there is no online leaderboard
and it seems your save file gets corrupted most often due to time trials

It makes sense, imagine busting your ass and just barely losing, you had a great run, but then your mind is filled with hypotheticals about what little thing would have given you the edge.

To come so far, and get so close but miss out on glory is a deep pain, and even mutated animals, aliens, and evil scientists understand that feeling of sorrow

But you keep saying everything is a not an argument when people prove you wrong so what's the point? And then you said something isn't a hypothetical, then turned around and used a hypothetical scenario to try and say something is an objective fact.

Doesn't help that the hotbox of the crates are smaller now

it was a ruse



What do people's mains say about them?
>Cocofags are posers who watched too many skill videos

>Playing online
>Server goes weird and me and my friends all arguing over mic saying we're in first place
>All say we finish first
>All get "Win 1 race" skin

Weird bug, seemed to put us all in a race with 7 AI mid-game but still count as online






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Happened once with me, even though we crossed at the same time, i dont know if it was lag or what


>100% classic
Done and done, also does the game assign you a random rival or some shit or is coco just programmed to attempt to cuc k you at every given opportunity.

Why do you feel you need to consistently win?
Why are you demanding an experience that the game is not designed to deliver?
Kart racers have RNG. It's a cornerstone of their design. Things don't always go your way. It's going to be okay.

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relax mate
they are coming
500 coins for 0.99
so you can speed up your progress ;)

Dingodile players are retards

I honestly gave up on Platinum relic races, shit's too big of a pain in the ass for too little reward. I'd rather just do standard time trials. Boxes force you to take less than optimum paths and I can't tell you how many times I made a jump, only to fly OVER the box I was trying to hit because I was going too fast. Tedious and annoying, I'll pass, a flashy paintjob isn't wort the waste time I could be spending playing Time Trial mode or online.

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I play Tiny, Pinstripe and Aviator Crash

Are you playing online? Online is where you get the most coins at least on the switch.


so what's this about a save corruption? do I need to back up my save if I'm about to beat all N. Tropy time trials?

>It makes sense
not sure what does because your entire post certainly doesn't
>prove me wrong
where exactly? I gave you a recreation of my personal experience from a match, it actually happens that I am absolutely unable to play my character for at least 8 seconds at the start of the match once people collect their boxes (and I'm one of them since I'm always in the lead, at least on my screen). How exactly are you going to prove me wrong on that?
I'm not even going to talk about the absolute garbage multiplayer desync and getting hit by bombs that are 10 meters away from you going some other direction. It's a fucking mess and my friend and I both see ourselves in the first place on our screens constantly, especially at the start

now you're on my time you little SKUNK

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Just have cloud saves on and save to multiple files whenever you save.

Time Trials corrupt saves
probably because Tropy is a sore loser

it's not fun and feels unfair losing due to RNG since it's an aspect you have no control over or can improve on

How come every xXxKushL0rd42069Xxxx can fucking do perfect fucking u-turns the entire race? I have yet to get first a single time

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kart racing is gay

ctr was also basically mario kart 64 for tryhards so it's double gay

you literally don't have to buy them though retard. it's all unlockable ingame

I don't even have an Adventure save slot. What are cloud saves? Is that an option on PS4?

Yes. Normally I get hundreds per race but then hit a wall

still don't get it
It corrupts my Adventure data (already happened) or corrupts all my progress, unlocked stuff and store purchases?

I tagged the wrong post, wow what a brainlet move on my part, I meant to tag the post about why characters look sad when they get second

>2nd place
>pick up blue orb somehow
>someone else throws blue orb
>throw mine as soon as I recover
>pass 1st place at the last second
Kek, why are these things allowed to go to someone in such a high position

ah okay sorry then

Might by diminishing returns then. Perhaps the more you unlock the more you need to grind? I've got 1 character I bought and I get +100 coins on my taxes consistently.

it corrupts everything

Makes sense, I finally bought the electron yellow shit I want and I cant hit triple digits anymore

>buying a game in the kart genre
>a genre known for distributing abilities during a race though some form of random chance
>complaining about said mechanics
>said mechanics being a hallmark of every game ever made in the genre

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fuck me

The losing theme is actually super good wth

Who /smallnorm/ here?

You do realise at the very highest level time trial/speedrunner play the original game was absolutely full of RNG stuff in the form of speed ghosts and global cycle hazards?

Go and play chess tbqh.

just don't bother doing Tropy until they fixed it
at least that's what I'm doin

I was until JUST NOW when I unlocked Geary

Lads, how have you guys been grindin for coins, I keep getting 1:30esque times around blizzard bluff for 40 coins and I have been able to do it for the past hours. Online doesnt give me shit anymore

please help

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Just have a couple backup saves

Wrath of Cortex and Twinsanity remake that fixes them when?

Nitro Kart and Tag Team campaigns added to Nitro Kart when

that too.
still I'm not bothering with Tropy Trials, having bootleg Crash is enough for me

Depends how good you are. I know i'm not great but okay, I can't get far enough ahead to avoid items.

Just played one online where I held first till the very end of the last lap, after getting hit but literally FIVE blue orbs over the course of the race.

And atleast 3 clocks.

>get home from work
>Start up a race
>Earn 15 coins

>beating oxide on tiny temple
Holy fuck, I was literally trying for almost three hours. When I reached the second lap still in sacred flame my heart was pounding, I dripping with sweat, my arms and my legs were literally shaking. Holy shit, I did it. I fucking did it. I'm still shaking a little, that was fucking tough. Only four or five tracks left to beat Oxide on, not a chance in hell they can be as difficult as that. The platinum will soon be mine.

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Tag Team is like one of the worst games ever made.

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I think a lot of nostalgic parents would have bought it for their kids to plau

Sewer Speedway and Tiny Temple are the hardest two Oxide time trials and for very different reasons at that.

Let me just play it onlin-

I've never played CNK and didn't think much of most of the CNK maps but dear god Electron Avenue is so fucking top tier it competes with Cortex Castle/N. Gin Labs for me for personal favourite map. It's easily the quintessential 'so you want to get gud at USF and u-braking map huh' map.

Sega is too pussy to commit to a Sonic R2 and just use the big 'R' now to push-peddle a new, generic racing game. Put them on-foot already you fucking faggots.

>Casually rip through the time trials to unlock Tropy
>Have to shave 11 seconds offjust to unlock him at Oxide Station
>My qualifying time was a second faster than the oxide's time
Why was qualifying so hard?

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God I hope they are 1.5k like the other characters

because it's the final level, so it's the hardest.
Even though tiny temple can suck a fat cock

Perfect excuse just to draw coco

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Pit stop rotates in 1:20! Post your Cocos to help summon Beach Coco in the pit stop!

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Orbs are a bit glitchy online. I managed to avoid one by dropping a beaker right as it hit me.

>He can't corner properly with anything bar a turn character

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Sonic racing also looks like shit. The cars look slow and clunky. The tiny karts, flames, and tires of the Crash karts look fast and awesome -- Sonic's car just turns me off so much. Also, Nu Sonic music is some of the worst pop punk shit in the whole world.

I've seen this lineup before. Inferno Island won, nobody voted Electron Avenue except for me. I've never seen it win and its one of my favorite tracks.

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This game deserves a competitive scene

Yeah they nerfed wumpa coins online because people were unlocking things too fast.

Fuck off I don’t wanna learn stupid ass shortcuts stop trying so goddamn hard you incel and let us have fucking fun

Why would anyone play as the CNK characters, with maybe the exception of Crunch?

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Sonic adventure 2 but you don’t actually play as eggman in that level

Because N Trance is my favorite crash character

And you can bet your ass I'm gonna be playing as Fake Velo when he eventually comes

experience tells us that it would bring nothing but cancer

Why the fuck aren't we hosting lobbies?

This, I don't want smash autism running crash

What other crossover characters do you think might make it in after the first 3 seasons?

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I just want a guarantee that the game will get long-term support

nathan drake lol

Because machines will always win!

I'm hoping Ripto makes it in with Spyro.
I loved his little pissass attitude in the Reignited Trilogy.

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they're in for long time, don't worry

>1st place on oxide's map
>clocked on that jump that goes over the other track
>land on it
>8th place
Well I didn't know that was possible....

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I never got my Unkarted so this needs to happen.

Jack and Daxter maybe?

Thats the only franchise I can see fitting at all

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Sonic should make his first appearance in a REAL kartracer

Ratchet and Clank and Sly can fit as well.


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>mario gets to appear in CTR
>Crash gets to appear in Smash

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What's up racers, I just got home, bought the game, and while it was downloaded I slammed my fleshlight, made some nice cacio e pepe, and smoked a big ol' bowl. Feels amazing... gonna start my Adventure mode and then see you boys and girls online

Okay, Hard 101 chads, fill me in - how the fuck are you actually meant to beat the Oxide Rematch? He literally zips away at the start too fast to hit him even if you get missiles or a mask right away, and by the time you actually reach the USF pad the course is fucking covered in red potions you are going too fast to avoid.

Yeah these would be good choices

That's the idea

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Thank you and God bless

Will a gamecube controller work for this game (on switch)?

Some of the tracks absolutely require all the boxes. It's actual aids. N. Gin Labs took me hours and hours, it was awful. You just have to do a good route to pick up all boxes and go fast.

You should get like, hundreds of coins for every N.Tropy and Oxide ghost beaten.

Do I get any wumpa coins if I dont make it to finish line in online matches? can I just leave if I know im not gonna make it to make it faster?

My wife has the best dance

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To invite someone to the server, please use the following link:

>extra coins for tt Tropy
>same but Oxide

The clock is so bullshit, why does the duration not scale with your place? Even the lightning in mario kart does that, and that item is super bullshit.

>everyone votes coco park
fuck OFF

>geary's eyes turn red when accelerating
Nice touch.

Why is megumis dance the plainest

Bad idea

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To invite someone to the server, please use the following link:

How do people make webms like this?

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it's comfy

>CTR newfag
>getting a decent challenge from adventure, usually not taking more than a few tries on any stage
>take an hour on pinstripe, choking a few times at the very end
>beat oxide 1 first try by 10 seconds

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Either people who played the original for years, easily adaptable people, or both.

Stop using meme terms and stop getting mad about how a 10 year old wants to have fun, you fag.

>Why is Megumis dance the best

ftfy and be sure to capitalize my wife's name next time

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They don't realise that you still get coins even if you don't finish, so they always vote for the easy circle tracks.

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How can none machines compete?

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>as of Febuary 2019 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy sold over 10 million copies
when's the last time a non-Mario platformer blew up like this?

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>Steroids? No my friend, I was just playing on the Nintendo switch out of frame

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>pay additional money for things you unlock in literally 3 hours if you're even relatively competent
That includes breaks too if you take them.

you know what does this game need?

Because Nash's the coolest.

Geary is cute! CUTE!

It pisses me off when people drive straight into walls and rails and shit and then complain about collision being bugged and eating their boost. You got too greedy and didn't steer, respect the game before calling it shit.

wow he plays so fucking badly, doesnt even boost half the time and still beats oxide
how are you guys having trouble with this? this looks casualized to hell compared to the original

>Getting shat on by your own ghost
I know this feel bro

No that's Mario Kart

dude, learn the shortcut, it literally removes that entire last awkward ass turn from the track.

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more than a decade ago because nobody except nintendo makes platformers anymore for some arcane reason
the occasional indie like hat in time takes advantage of this hole in the market.

why am I getting 150 coins per race now when I got 300-700 yesterday?

I really wish nonstandard platformers had taken off.

should i stop playing balanced and acceleration characters and focus solely on the speed ones if i wanna git gud?

Weekend bonuses

That turn is easy AF, just powerslide around it after jumping from the ramp
The shortcut does save time though
If you make it

Homie, you gotta learn the turn, its a bitch but feels good when you finally pull it off

comfy kino

A turn kart can easily beat a speed kart if he knows what he's doing

play what feels right man, skill beats stats in this game 9/10 times

>CTR newfag
>Spend almost a whole day on Papu Papu

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he beat it on normal

How's Oxide treating you on Papu's Pyramid?

When he beats Oxide again
>never gonna touch the trials
well then that's a no pham

I literally do not understand how to consistently do the shortcut on Sewer Speedway

I made him my bitch with an "all around" character

Why do acceleration characters even exist? They are in no way better than a balance character.

Bros.... Queue for battle once in a while...

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>There's lots of young gamer kids out there who enjoy other stuff than Fortnite
and these kids are social outcast losers and bullied in school every day

Because despite everything else the game had going for it, the actual gameplay was absolute garbage.

It's easy on the PS4 controller. It's actually the main reason I prefer Sony's stick placement, you can't really use the dpad and stick at the same time on other controllers. And yes it's been useful in more games than you'd think

Realistically which trophy girl would twerk for her dance animation?

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How does this Grand Prix work?
I want my Tawna and outfit.

none of them

because they don't work for niggers

You DID get all of the gems and relics right user?

You complete challenge tasks and get rewarded with nitro.
At certain levels of nitro bar, you get rewards.
Think Nitro as experience points.

Some datamines/leaks have discovered some questionable tasks, like using the rearview camera for entire race, driving the final lap of a race in reverse and winning and some more simplistic ones like boosting certain amount of times or hitting a forward tossed beaker.

Wait there's a third shortcut?

>implying liz isnt a nigger compared to the other trophy girls
Also liz

whose better between accel and balanced?