World War Z: >2 mln copies sold, 700k on PC, EGS is the top digital platform
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At least 500,000 of those copies were bought by EPIC themselves.
Everytime I see someone writing like you, op, I just imagine a fat, lonely asshole. Unless you're 15, in that case I imagine a stupid teen.
>top platform
>only place to get it on PC
What? Is this out of consoles too? Is that how bad it sold?
this is in line with the satisfactory numbers.
epic LITERALLY buys 500k copies of every "exclusive" game they have
Makes me wonder.
SNK exposed Epic already
Isn't lying to your shareholders illegal?
They did the same thing with Metro Exodus.
Can't you only buy this on the EGS though? So what point are they trying to make?
Didn't SNK already say some online store wanted to buy SamSho as an exclusive in exchange of 200k "guaranteed" sales ? You can't really trust any Ebic Store sale numbers for exclusives.
>Not lying
>he thinks "sales guarantee" means Epic goes on the store and buys 500k keys
It's literally , deranged Steam drones are cornered and have resorted to pretending that the sales guarantee means Epic buys x amount of keys. Oh they're also all (devs, publishers, and Epic) lying to investors and risking years in jail, all because they are evil chinks out to hurt Gaben and Valve.
>Literally no one talking about it anywhere
>Only threads about it have ever been about it's "sales"
yes my friend i believe you
>Kiddies jump ship to a game that is being marketed as JUST LIKE FORTNITE BUT WITH ZOMBIES on the same plattform
Say it aint so! This comes as such a surprise to me, never would have expected that casuals gonna casual.
Epic is run by retards, as evidenced by publisher's not being told their products would be discounted during the sale and then pulling their games from the Epic store until the sale was over. There's also the fact that Epic's launcher steals locally cached info from the steam client without valve's permission. Lying to Investors will be the final nail in the coffin.
Would have sold better on steam. Isn't this game already dead anyways? What are you celebrating cuck?
IIRC Shroud and some big streamers played it and ebin games use the view before it tanks as the current number of players
>Epic is using Twitch viewers as player numbers
I love all these delusional copes, got any more? How about anything backing up your statement?
AMD have been literally giving it away free with both their CPUs and graphics cards. I bet those are being counted as "sales" too.
Who the fuck is playing this trash?
>only sold digitally on EGS for PC
>EGS is the top selling PC platform!
Are those EGS PR guys so fucking retarded, or are there actually consumers who are too fucking stupid to see this obvious fallacy?
Jesus christ, I fear for the mental health of the epic meme store fanboys. They have been BTFO so many times they are deluding themselves into thinking World War Z sold well on their piece of shit "platform".
This game is fun to watch, it's fun to play.
macacos pf
nós já vos cortamos o rabo há 500 anos atrás, não nos forcem a ir aí novamente
>give away game for free on platform
>russians and BRs flock to it
Fuck Epic shills and FUCK niggers.
Meanwhile risk of rain 2 and mordhau outsold it in less time
bloodstained will probably outsell it too
>Eliminate competition
>LoOK GuYs We ARe In THe ToP
OP as always is a faggot.
Isn't it also sold on Uplay as well?
>250k sold the first week on egs
>700k sold on egs total
Is this really something to brag about?
>A number of games will be guaranteed and we will pay you in advance for them if you become exclusive to us!
Please tell me what part of this deal is not Epic buying the copies themselves and sellig those off and pocketing the sales you retarded mongoloid
Didn't Risk of Rain 2 sell like double that in less time?
How are you getting "epic bought the keys from their own launcher" from this? Are you actually retarded?
>inb4 shill
I don't buy video games from these storefronts because i'm not a fucking moron, now answer the question.
It was all over the fucking board, but whatever, it will probably not count. Also, you'll probably find a way to say it doesn't count, but you're still a shiteater.
Since you are obviously too stupid to piece it together,
>Hey, i want to sell your game on my platform
>I will sell 500,000 units for sure for you. I will also give you this money that's the amount you wouldve made if you sold 500k units and got 88% of it
>If you agree to this, you dont sell your game anywhere else and I keep the money from the sales
>This goes on until the exclusivity period ends
>If you sell over the number, any extra sales will pay you. If you dont, you lost nothing since you were already paid!
>You can put down successful revenue in your reports since you got paid!
This is how it works. I eagerly await your rebuttal
>Inb4 butthurt steamdrone lying!
Considering they bought TV airtime, not really
Epic bought most of them, it's part of their deal to buy lots of copies to offset losses.
I've gotten good at spotting traps
i could care less about steam but its always nice to watch epic drones get btfo
Why are Steam users such retards?
>Is this out of consoles too? Is that how bad it sold?
Always was available on consoles.
>it's 2004
>oh yeah, since 2004 steam users blah blah blah
>Steam ever crying about or encouraging exclusives
>EGS talking about Steam needing to improve and fix its store
>thinking their haven't been competition on the digital PC front in the past 15 years
>calling others retarded
Oh the ironing.
she has a pusy user
>game sells for $35
>70% cut on Steam, $24.5 per copy
>88% cut on EGS, $30.8 per copy
>700k sales
>would've made 17.15 mil on Steam
>made 21.56 mil on EGS
if you're a developer, yeah, it's a big deal
Explain this
>700k copies sold on EGS
I wouldn't take that at face value. The Samurai Shodown director accidentally admitted that Epic will buy copies of the game en masse as a way to pay the devs.
there, I did it in one word
its funnier when you replace it with Epic
>yo epic its 2019
>being better that steam bla bla
Steam had almost exclusively valve games in 2004 and digital wasn't mainstream yet, meaning that steam sole purpose was to activate half life 2 codes
>devs get the same monthly pay as always
>publishers get the millions
ah, for the developers™
That is literally what it fucking means you fucking trog
do you understand that gettung 88% instead of 70% means the game needs to sell less for the publisher to consider making another game, or does that fly over your head entirely?
funny because that is exactly the original comic
do you understand that selling on Epic exclusively means your game will sell less and your reputation is tarnished
>2 mil sold
I don't believe it.
Seam users already have Left 4 Dead
There are no "Steam exclusives" you fucking faggot, you can buy the same games on GoG or other random key reselling sites. If it is only on steam it's because either the developer is indie as fuck or they realize that the best chance they have of selling their game is to put it on the more popular store.
Epic's paid exclusives can ONLY be bought on EGS.
God you're fucking stupid
>means your game will sell less
vocal minority != majority of people that buy the game
>your reputation is tarnished
oh woe, a minority of butthurt fanboys will not buy the games I make and release, boo hoo, I swear I'll release my games only on Steam now
holy shit thats fucking hilarious,they cant even make up their own media.
>There are no "Steam exclusives" you fucking faggot, you can buy the same games on GoG
Dark Souls games
>or other random key reselling sites.
Epic does that too.
Wow, it's like all those reasons you had to EGS were actually you projecting them
>vocal minority != majority of people that buy the game
you didn't disprove my point
>so have you heard of halo?
>World War Z's digital sales are better on the Epic Games store than anywhere else.
>500k of those are Epic Games themselves
I won't even try because regardless of what argument I make, you will always respond in fanboy mode with shit that doesn't make sense
been there, won't waste my time with you :)
Would have sold more if it was on steam, retard.
>I won't even try
well that was easy. thanks for the win
It's even funnier when you realize how badly edited the other picture is, you can whoever did it just vaguely colored (in a blocky way) the EGS hat, and even if it's edited you can still catch a glimpse of the upper left corner of the EGS logo
Their policy is that they make a deal saying that if the game doesn't sell x amount of units in a certain timeframe, Epic will pay the company the moneys worth in difference to, financially make it as if it did. That doesn't mean that actually but keys from themselves you fucking retards. Holy shit.
At least he has something unlike you retarded chinese bots.
You do realise that's the exact same price as on Epic, and it's only on there with Epic's permission, so it's a moot point.
sorry, upper right corner, not the left one
>Forced Exclusivity and exclusivity as a result of only being on one platform are the same
>80 fucking dollars
You are defending this shit? Steam games on GMG used to cost less than full price.
>dark souls
Maybe because Steam is a big platform and Japan has never heard of GoG before? It being exclusive to steam has nothing to do with steam itself.
You're either a shill or a retard who believes anything chinks say.
Also Tiananmen Square
so BL3 is not exclusive because its on GMG which we all know wouldnt have happened withou the customer twisting their arm but Dark souls being on various third parties sites makes it exclusive? nice logic
>EGS top digital platform for World War Z PC sales
Huh, pretty cool, I guess EGS isn't such a fa-
>EGS is the only PC store where World War Z is available.
Nevermind, you're just using its exclusivity to brag about it selling more copies on EGS than Steam when sales on Steam aren't even possible.
How do you lie to your shareholders when you are your shareholders?
steam hurt PC gaming by making it standard to expect steam codes for PC games instead of actual physical media
taking a page from modern Chinese innovation
>specifically say I don't buy games from storefronts
Thanks for your low IQ confirmation.
>Dark Souls games
Nigger, it's not Steam's fault that Japs only know one store for PC shit.
Your Social Credit has increased!
That's in Canadian dollars. Randy bitchfork might be a retard, but he isn't that dumb
>"oh wow, finally a faithful adaptation of the book?'
>is just a L4D clone
shh pay no attention to the shill behind the curtain
there's nothing fanboyish about stating facts. Selling on more marketplaces means more sales. If the game weren't Epic Exclusive, it'd have easily sold double. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying, I'm not discounting Epic Store sales when I say the game would have sold double.
I stopped listening to any 'news' about Epic months ago. It's always bullshit. Misleading this, fabricating then, omitting fact, paid articles, etc. Just ignore it.
its weird how they copied almost everything including enemies
Great, you confirmed it's the latter
so epic players like shit games?
a smart move
You can't even buy it on steam
This is the average Trump supporter - yikes
>if the game doesn't sell x amount of units in a certain timeframe, Epic will pay the company the moneys worth in difference to, financially make it as if it did
AKA buy it themselves
You fucking inbred, you'd have to be lobotomized or wilfully ignorant to not see this
By your retarded logic Tencent must not own any shares in the company because apparently they always lie and they said they own 40% of the companies shares so they must not be telling the truth. You are fully aware that Epic is American and follows American laws, so lying about something like this would actually destroy the company, right?
>everything is about trump
>700,000 copies sold on an install base of 100million
So your argument is nothing but /x/ tier conjecture? Do you have any actual proof that they actually just buy their own fucking keys from themselves?
Those are good numbers though.
The fact that World War Z - a game that is so bad and boring - did the best on the epic games stores is probably a good testament to how nobody guys games on there.
Reminder that Valve shills hate being reminded that Artifact flopped
>Valve is still relevan-
>vocal minority
You must be retarded to think that
Lmao fucking what?
I have seen literally nobody talking about this game. I never saw any full lobbies, any youtubers playing it for fun after the reviews, like, what the fuck are these guys talking about
This reads like a __ is over post from the election.
Post the no name platformer now, autist. Go on, do it. After that post Apex Legends like anybody cared.
It's a matter of taste.
If your taste is bad enough to use epic game store then your taste is bad enough to buy generic zombie 3rd person shloote # 556
Sold pretty well for an indy game
>implying it wouldnt have sold more than 700k if it was also on steam, and would have netted far more then 21.56mil
You're a fucking retard.
It's the ONLY platform to get it on, ya MORON!
>Valve is still relevan-
What other digital platforms can you buy this on other than EGS?
Too bad there are no Valve shills here
They arent bad numbers for a B title, but they arent anything to brag about retard. Meanwhile Risk of Rain 2 doubled that in the first week.
if she was actually a trap i would have an erectile dysfunction from masturbating 10 times a day
he only appears when you mention switch and how switch had 3 shit games sell better on switch eShop instead of steam.
Xbox One, PS4
They're kinda big deals.
Damn, you're so triggered. Feeling threatened?
>Too bad there are no Valve shills here
t. Valve shill
>Titanfall 2
Did I miss something?
They not lying when they say 500000 copies were sold, which the guaranteed sales policy fufills. They never said who bought them, just that amount of keys were sold, so they never lied about anything in their claims.
>physical media
what year is this? i bet you still use cassettes
Ah so the only PC option is EGS
Have you even seen the reveal for artifact? Nobody wanted it
>get a called a retard for being retarded
>"hurr triggered"
No u
Irony the post
Did you read Yea Forums before it launched? It was shilled endlessly
You can't be more wrong
Nobody cares about this game and nobody cares about Epic. Fuck OFF todd sweeny
No, it was shitposted endlessly you revisionist chink.
8 track my dude
GMG have to go through Epic to get keys to sell, which is why the price is identical to the price on the EGS
Meanwhile publishers and devs can quite literally sell their own keys on sites like GMG and not give valve a single cent
The director of SNK was contacted by Epic and offered 250-300k copies sold if they brought it to their platform and he told them to fuck off. So yes, they do.
what did he mean by this, Yea Forumsros
>People actually buying games confuses the epic shill
What do you think Epic Store exclusive means?
>Literally shilling for an Artifact tournament stream
>Zoomers discover more games
>Quit Fortnite
>Discover steam
Is Tim thinking this through?
Microsoft was trying to literaly close windows as a platform. He was against it, like everyone else
is this guy retarded
>and devs can quite literally sell their own keys on sites like GMG and not give valve a single cent
And give GMG 30%? Yeah, so much better than just selling on Steam
Yes you fucking faggot, its right here >Hundreds of thousands of guaranteed preorders
I wonder where those are coming form
Translation: Fuck you Microsoft why didn't you put the Halo collection on EGS as an exclusive I'm gonna try to ruin your reputation now.
>pointing out that 700k is a good number is acting like a retard
It's a fact that most non-AAA Steam games don't reach that number in a month. Whataboutism and cherry picking won't change it.
>posting gore
Yeah. You're triggered.
Meant for
That tweet was made years ago, you Steam brainlet. (Though that is a redundant thing to add)
the Chinese investors don't care since they picked Sweeney to help them take over PC gaming globally and they know everything he says is bullshit. They want their Chinese-controlled monopoly, and use the autistic boomer faggot and an army of paid shills to make it happen.
That was a few years ago you absolute fucking retard
No proof that was about Epic Store other than your conspiracy theory - it could have been about Win 10 Game Pass for all you know
Take your meds.
You still haven't proven that they buy their own keys, especially when epic never said they buy their own keys off of their own storefront. This is what I was asking about, you fucking moron. Fuck, you console warriors are so fucking stupid.
>guaranteed sales policy fufills.
Their policy guarantee's funds, not copies sold. Can you not read? Holy fucking shit. if a game flops on their store and was agreed to sell at least 200k, then epic will pay the company in question 6 million USD if the game only actually sold 50k units on their storefront. They have no reason to buy their own keys from themselves and you still haven't proven that they actually do this.
>l-look guys valve shills
>its some people talking about pony butts
I fucking hate EGS for bringing the console kiddie war to PC. All was absolutely fine until they had to shove their retarded nigger faces in.
Not him but the date isn't included in the image.
i dont see UT or fortnite on steam
Are Steamniggers really this demented?
Yeah, if tencent is behind epic games then why do they have their own launcher in China? Why do they allow to epic to sell games in China as well? Why do they allow valve to sell in China as well?
This is like flat earth theory, but people unironically belive it
AMD bundles it in with their graphics cards. every time someone buys an AMD card this sack of shit game gets a sale. if it weren't, WWZ would be selling in the thousands.
>I don't trust gaming journalists,unless it confirms my bias
Right sure, every store not named steam has been promising guaranteed sales and upfront payment for exclusivity, especially since when epic did it everybody loved the idea and how much money it brought the store rather than actually being a loss in the beginning
>Of all examples he cites gamepass pushing for subscription over sales
You really are retarded
Every multiplat sells more on consoles.
This, Steam users are doing the equivalent of reading Fox News because they "don't trust mainstream news like CNN"
This. Metro was never a PC exclusive franchise, so Steam users are just grasping for straws
Blame the people that fall for this shit and unironically try to defend either platform with posts everywhere. If people would just ignore it and not start shitposts about it everywhere, then the epic games store would become irrelevant and die out. Just quietly accept that a few selected games get on steam a year later and then buy it. In 3 years people would stop taking exclusivity deals because of it.
>Yeah we have the revenue of 200k sales here up front, our game was a massive success! Invest in us!
This is what THQN fid at that investor meeting
>Just say 500k copies were sold, it'll make us look good! We got a sales guarantee of that much, fuck it why not?
This is what satisfactory devs did.
See a common thread yet?
They don't have to tell you shit since you're not s shareholder. And since none of them asks just who buys the keys, Epic can say whatever amount keys are sold or will be sold as long as they are bought in the end by some entity. They have all the reason in the world to buy the keys themselves since that makes their storefront looks good. And woould you really take whatever they say at face value?
>Steamcels say your game can only sell if it's on Steam
>Game isn't on Steam
>Sells 500,000 anyway
Add the Epic exclusive payment and the game is a HUGE success
>trolled steam drones with tweet about selling only 8 copies on EGS
>steam drones actually thought what they sold that much and started to celebrate, posting on news sites and reddit about games failure to sell
>steam drones brain was too small to realize that was a joke and they got dabbed on
Absolutely based Coffee Stain blowing the fuck out of Yea Forums
>ITT: Valvecucks SEETHING
It's okay to lose from time to time bros. ArtiFLOP, auto chess trash and Epic showing competition to Steam may be too much all at once, but I'm sure you big boys can handle the banter, right?
>700k on PC
Something tells me that's not entire truthful or accurate
Top digital platform because they seld 700k copies of a game?
What year is this?
Making up bullshit to appease them is literally half the job.
>Add the Epic exclusive payment and the game is a HUGE success
There is no payment if you copy sold x amount of copies. This is really good strategy, because it allow devs to publish here with no risk involved and epic does not need to pay shit if the game sell well.
RoR2 sold over 1 million copies in less than a month.
Based opalaposter
Nah, if a game's more than six years old and still in Steam's top played you can guarantee it's getting lots of late-life sales, like Borderlands 2 and the Bethesda games.
Would you say that WWZ or satisfactory is a better game than risk of rain 2? I wouldn't, it's hard to compare two entirely diffrent products like that
>Two videos about WWZ have done a million views+ each just this month
>auto chess trash
Epic has their own auto chess too, care to explain?
>look how much our exclusive game sold on the pc market
>more than any other platform
>no one else sold more than 0 copies
But it wasn't shilled on Yea Forums because of reddit narrative. How could it be?
Sure buddy, just laugh at valve as steam puts up a completely successful and well conducted sale that publishers willingly participate in! A sale where you can buy all the games you want in one go because of a shopping cart! And with better security too so no random chink gets access to your account! And once Gov galaxy releases, your launcher will be completely forgotten!
But Im sure you can handle a few bants, right!
You mean "publishers".
he means that epic is unethical too
you have to have 100 IQ to see thru his post
>completely forgotten
GoG fixes all of the EGS problems while it does nothing for steam. In any case, GoG makes EGS stronger than before
Yea Forums is too retarded (thus their constant Steam shilling) to understand that zombies aren't the problem, it's the game genres that they get put in. People will always love zombies.
GoG makes Epic a stronger choice and shits all over Valve though.
>cant take any bants and begins posting buzzwords
Let me guess, 'cope steamdrone!' will be your next post
Not that guy, but you are literaly coping with that post
I love watching Steam bootlickers cry about the evil Chinaman
Competition bad, devs should pay that fatass gabe 50% of their profits so he can pay for his inevitable heart surgery hurr
>you have to trust me, they're obviously lying!!!!!
This is basically all your argument boils down to, you still haven't posted any proof. Again, since you think they're obviously all lying then by your logic Tencent must not own any shares since they always lie and said they own shares int he company. Are they lying about that too?
>This is what THQN fid at that investor meeting
THQ specifically alluded to metro flopping because they refused to talk about its sales in relation to the Epic Store. So no, that isn't what they did. They talked about revenue, like I specifically stated so you just murdered your own retarded argument.
didnt they just get caught for inflating sales numbers like 2 weeks ago?
>says that when his previous post was literally him being mad as fuck
lol, cope hard steam tranny
Based SNK.
>hear literally nothing about this game
>every single thread on it is just about its sales count
>look it up on YouTube
>every big result is made by sp*nish ""people""
what an epic win, my dudes
>All PC games are still sold as physical copies, even Valve's games
>Only Valve's games needed Steam
>A handful of other digital platforms like Direct2Drive were around at the time
>Overwhelming number of games are still available as physical products with no need for any digital launcher
>Many AAA companies begin to take the initiative around this time by making deals with Valve to sell their games on Steam and other digital downloaders (They still have physical copies)
>Only around now is Steam actually opening itself up
>Many PC games are now becoming digital platform only because AAA producers want that big boost in profits, Steam is just about the only one going strong at this point
>Those AAA companies from a few years ago seeing the extra cash from digital-only begin to build up their own platforms at this time, like Origin and UPlay
>Valve opens the gates to basically everyone at this point
>Everybody willingly jumps on because most have no other convenient means to distribute
Steam has never cared for exclusives, they simply made their platform so attractive to publishers and players that everyone jumped on. The push that led to PC games becoming overwhelmingly digital-only were from major AAA producers using Steam as their weapon for profit with fewer cuts between third parties.
>spanish people play it, it must be bad
That's not even remotely an argument, what the fuck.
And it doesn't prove it flopped either - what is wrong with Steam drones?
>I-Im totally not the same guy, y-you literally are coping!
Called it
Your next argument will be either 'steamdrone seething!' or you'll start a new post 'valvecucks btfo!' or something like that
I mean, it could be worse. Like every single YouTube video being filled with murrican e-celebs.
I'm literally not, but okay my dude
Steam has ALWAYS supported installing games from a CD.
It wasn't Valve decision to stop physical media. It was greedy publishers who didn't want to print CDs to save a few cents.
>look it up on YouTube
>every big result is made by sp*nish ""people""
Funny, literally zero spanish videos in top results for me. Let me guess, you live in a place that's overrun by mexicans?
Physical copies are still alive, however they hold no value like they used to because of steam.
They talked about revenue to avoid bringing up sales to investors because lying about that to investors is a horrible idea. That's what they did with regards to metro. They mentioned it sold best on consoles and that the revenue from PC exceeded their expectations so that the sales numbers question could never come up.
They bring up sales numbers to us to brag about how popular they are to lure more idiots in. That's advertising, and this is what the shitisfactory dev is trying so desperately to do
Nothing ive said contradicts itself
how about they release actual numbers (they won't) instead of making nebulous claims about their relationship with egs.
>ey brought it to their platform and h
Do we actually know if it was Epic?
Digital was always going to happen. Always. It was trading tangible ownership for convenience, and that is a trade most everybody is willing to make and most every manufacturer desperately wants.
Check your regional settings user. Youtube recommends channels watched the most from your region.
Maybe you're just overrun with Mexicans?
Fuck DRM
Fuck storefronts
Fuck buying
Fuck Valve
Fuck Epic
GOG is okay
Fuck chinks
Fuck Steamdrones
Fucking Epic shills, even the ironic ones
Epic cucks are so predictable
How many units did exodus sell? And where's that shopping cart, chang?
>They mentioned it sold best on consoles and that the revenue from PC exceeded their expectations so that the sales numbers question could never come up.
No, that's not what they said. They said that EPIC sold the most copies out of other platforms(xbox/playstation/pc) but it did not outsell consoles.
I never said anything about lying. Why do you keep saying that's what I'm trying to drive here? They can say that they sold x amount of games, which they can't lie about. What they can do is skirt around the question of who bought them, since none of the shareholders ask that very important question. The point is is that they're not lying about sales, but they never said anything about who bought them, which is a point Epic can eaily avoid since investors do not care about the audience.
Shrinking retail space for physical PC games was happening before Steam. Valve didn't create the problem with Steam. They solved it.
Shopping cart is on GoG galaxy, enjoy
only good post ITT
but also fuck the westacuck games in general
The Epic shills are intensifying the shitposting before Steam has their summer sale. Instead of being stupid cunts, you might actually pay attention - this is how you do a sale without fucking everything up.
Who am I kidding, EGS won't survive this year.
>they buy their own copies
despite the fact that they never said they did this
>guarantee of funds if game does not sell x amount of copies, so at the shareholder meeting when metro obviously flopped they talked about funds and not copies sold
Then they would have said that the game sold 1 million copies instead of making some x amount of dollars because you think they actually just buy their own copies from themselves. God fucking damn you're retarded
>(x) game developers said they sold 700k so epic obviously bought all of those copies
>(y) game publisher said they sold 500k, so epic obviously both all the copies
>(z) game company refuses to talk about sales because it flopped so hard, so they only talk about revenue instead (but I thought epic bought their own keys so why would they do this?)
THQ would have no reason to not talk about sales if epic actually just bought the keys from their own store front like you claim they do. You're actually fucking mentally challenged.
>This kills the Epic shills
>Shopping cart is on gog
>Chink too stupid to understand that gog galaxy is a game launcher only and you cant buy shit from other stores on it
Kek get back to work! You still need to manually update your store like stored did 10 years ago!
it's technically not lying
epic bought 500k copies of the game = the game sold 500k copies
it's not a lie
Yes you can, fucktard
that's literally how they operate
are you retarded?
>epic bought 500k copies of the game
>I want to bait steamfags
Nice try, not installing Epic until they give tools for user interaction.
You think they're the only fucking online store front? I'm not denying that it was them, but the post never mentions anything by name. I just want proof, i'm not some fucking retarded inbred to jumps to conclusions because it suits me.
....How the fuck does GoG make Epic a viable anything?
Hell, an army of unpaid shills who hate Steam too.
>(x) game developers said they sold 700k so epic obviously bought all of those copies
>As an advertisong stunt
>(y) game publisher said they sold 500k, so epic obviously both all the copies
>As an advertising stunt
>(z) game company refuses to talk about sales because it flopped so hard, so they only talk about revenue instead (but I thought epic bought their own keys so why would they do this?)
>Because they did this at a fucking investors meeting
You cant afford to lie to investors. I said this before you dumb illiterate chink. Tey reading comprehension
>t. chinkshill
I dont see egs games on gog galaxy catalog. You sure youre not pulling shit out of your ass again?
Galaxy integrates EPIC
>gamers can message devs about their problems
>calling anyone else an ESL chink when you can barely type properly
Top fucking kek. This is doubly hilarious when you think a public release of a shareholders report somehow doesn't count as some kind of fucking advertising stunt. You unironically just fucking contradicted your own argument and now are goalpost moving and backpedaling like a fucking retarded corporate cock sucker. Imagine being this invested in a company that doesn't give a shit about you instead of just pirating or buying directly from the devs. Steamfags love to try and act superior when you're basically all as retarded as those epic shills you screech about so much. Does Gabe's cock taste that good to you?
Why would I do that though?
Why not just use Galaxy and Steam?
Of course they want it to be on reddit or discord. On discord, any talking negatively gets the "we noted youw concewn and we PWOMISE weew addwess it" treatment and further talking about it gets deleted or banned, so it's easier for potential buyers to not see the problem. The initial messages get buried and make it virtually impossible to locate.
On reddit it's the exact same way except it's easier to scroll through the history of top level threads. However with how reddit is set up, any discussion older than a few days is completely dead and forgotten, buried under any new thread - almost assuredly never to be brought up again. You also might find a reddit thread on google if you google the exact problem you have.
Of course devs want to have complete control of the information being seen by the playerbase, why the fuck wouldn't they?
Are you getting paid for acting like a moron or smth?
>go on devs Discord
>"Why is X not working"
What other stores offer payments for hundreds of thousands copies in exchange for exclusivity? None. The only other platform with exclusivity schtick is Discord and they are nowhere near that level of retardation.
>Ad hominem:the post
I loved all the rational and sensible points you didnt make, assblasted chink
>Goalpost moving
>THQ would have no reason to not talk about sales if epic actually just bought the keys from their own store front like you claim they do.
>Still no exodus sales numbers
Chinky's gonna short circuit soon at this rate
Yeah, or humble where their cut is much better
Love watching retarded fucks parrot stupid shit but they can never explain how the 18% meme is good for anyone that actually buys and plays videogames and why exclusivity is not bullshit.
But hey, lets also ignore that big publisher's games always have had a 20% cut instead of 30% so they are gaining a 2% extra in exchange for losing a lot of good faith.
Hurr indeed, you dumb faggot.
That's kinda what happens with They are Billions now.
>We know Epic pays UP FRONT CASH
>We know that Epic guarantees x amount of sales
>Epic has only been bragging about this game, never about Metro a high profile game
>They constantly brag about the game having sold 1.3 million on consoles for no reason as well
What other stores try to actually compete with steam?
The fact that you need to bribe everyone around you do gain a market share in steam market is nothing new, just in case you are blind it's article from januray 2018. Before epic was a thing
Yes, some other online storefront decided to do something that would make absolutely no sense unless you had endless money.
Why are they so uptight about something that clearly saw no play testing from anyone but the dev sniffing their own farts about how well they've done making the campaign.
The tactical missions especially a complete horseshit and I have to wonder how anyone managed to play through them and approve.
>Using in client browsers to check other stores
>Being this retarded
Alright then, explain how epic exclusives will sell on gog galaxy, please
Be honest. Do people actually here prefer Epic store over steam or are you guys just shitposting to get the console war bullshit on PC as well?
You starded this adhom shitfest by randomly calling people retarded chinks then get mad when people adhom back at you? Holy shit, your lack of self awareness is hilarious.
>dark souls
When DS1 Prepare to Die edition is in the works, Bamco's options were Steam, Origin (Which at the time was barely a year old) and UPlay (Which at the time was a clunky piece of junk)
>But GoG!
Sorry but no publicly traded publisher will ever release a AAA game on launch without some sort of copyright protection, stop living in your fantasy world where everything can viably be DRM-free
You log in with you epic account and they you buy egs games on GoG galaxy, it's that easy you fucking brainlet.
Why is World War Z still a thing? It's not 2010 anymore
>Still nothing but ad hominems
Your butthurt is palpable and you still havent answered my question
Some of us realize that steam having almost absolute control over pc game distribution is not ideal scenario for the future of the industry. But hurr durr shopping cart
How to Break Into An Industry When What You Offer Is Inferior To Your Competitors
How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Buying Exclusives
a book by Tim Sweeney.
billions and billions of dollars from fortnite players parents.
>Some of us realize that steam having almost absolute control over pc game distribution is not ideal scenario for the future of the industry
Google having almost absolute control over internet search functionality is also not an ideal scenario for the future of the internet. That doesn't mean I want Bing Exclusive websites you fucking dunce.
>"Hey Joe..."
>Epic wasn't a thing in 2018
Is this nigger a legit retard?
What the fuck is up with titanfall 2 so high?
You are fucking retarted if you think anyone cares about features. People don't want the slightest possibility of losing their steam games and this is why they feel the need to attack any potential competitor, the rest is just pure mental gymnastics.
No one is forcing publishers to use Steam as a DRM. There are plenty of indie games on Steam that are completly DRM free that you could simply copy to another computer and play there.
Steam DRM is not mandatory on Steam. Devs are free to implement it as they see fit. Big Publishers are of course always going to go the mandatory DRM route as you have to check your risk mitigation boxes in your shareholder meetings.
Steam having an absolute monopoly is a much preferable outcome to having to deal with platforms and publishers like Epic in their current state.
You didn't actually ask a question, you fucking retard. Do you not know how to speak English?
>Still no exodus sales numbers
That's the point, you fucking moron. Holy shit.
>The most underdeveloped and half-baked launcher that cant even hold a sale right and still has no shopping cart or any features at all is going to overthrow the steam monopoly
And now you're hopping onto the gog bandwagon to save your faces
The delusion never ceases to amuse me
>Steam has absolute control!
>P-please ignore those games on origin, and uplay, and egs
>Zombies still fucking going
>Will never get a good dinosaur fucking game
We need a World War D as soon as possible
>I want an inferior distributor because i-it's competition
>Unfortunately, you can't just build a better mousetrap, because you'll be absolutely murdered by Steam's impenetrable network effects. Even if every aspect
I've yet to see someone make a platform that is actually better than steam in more than one or two gimmick aspects.
People underestimate how much development went into the platform, especially stuff that isn't necessarily consumer facing.
>Good dinosaur fucking game
Since you're obviously too stupid to keep up with the conversation, I'll ask again-
>THQ would have no reason to not talk about sales if epic actually just bought the keys from their own store front like you claim they do.
>Still no exodus sales numbers
There is always one answer that fits - people are retarded.
>fortnite with zombies
Isn’t that CoD5?
Just a couple more millions of dollars and we'll finally overtake Steam!
>People don't want the slightest possibility of losing their steam games and this is why they feel the need to attack any potential competitor
Why the hell would anyone be worried about that?
What people are upset about is a vision of the future where they have eleventy-billion launchers because everyone decides that forcing you to use their launcher for 2 fucking games is a bright idea. What people are upset about is a vision of the future where PC gaming is a fragmented market like modern consoles where everything is exclusive-driven shitflinging.
Nobody is the remotest bit worried about "losing their steam games".
Funny, there are websites that google won't find but bing will. Also, cool analogy. fucking brainlet
>No one is forcing publishers to use Steam as a DRM
Wrong, steam market share literaly does.
>Origin and Uplay
Yeah I'm sure nobody actually cares about feature, especially not things like good publishing and update pipeline and stuff like cards/emojis/backgrounds that are straight up free added value for your game.
>Epic has to use Steam for forums and reviews
Because the game sold like shit and they only received revenue from Epic you illiterate nigger. Can you not follow a simple logic path? It was why I brought up .
Go back to your English classes, Pablo.
People are actually buying World War Z?
>that file name
>Funny, there are websites that google won't find but bing will
what a fantastic outcome, I sure hope Bing spends millions of dollars per website encouraging that behavior so that we'll all be forced to use Bing! Surely this will be good for the internet, since it will weaken Google's stranglehold.
I know that but the only way shit like that gets pushed out the door is if the devs convinced eachother that the gameplay isn't actually just a repetitive chore, especially since you are always in danger of being killed by explosions or bad pathfinding.
That might explain why they are so defensive about it.
Only on consoles. We know that Epic paid for half a million of those copies.
Steam drone can't read, what a suprise.
Yeah, because this shit is just like console wars. You need to pay 1000$ to play on epic afterall. Perfect example of mental gymnastics
>Yeah, because this shit is just like console wars
It is
The lower cost of entry doesn't change jack fucking shit.
And GoG and Discord
And all the places that sell requested keys that Valve gets 0% share from.
>Because the game sold like shit
>AAA game that was highly anticipated sold like shit on EGS
>In spite of all the shilling and preorders from steam
>Exodus sold like shit
>When Satisfactory 'sold' 500k units
>When wwz 'sold' 700k units
Oh please say it aint so!
Kek. If you dont see the problem here, you are beyond help
GoG for sure but I don't think Discord's market has enough of an impact.
Not having my complete data set send to random people making GDPR requests is worth $1000 to me.
Get fucked.
Do you even know what the original point of this argument was? Because I don't think you do.
But it is like console wars, you're mindlessly shilling for an Anti-consumer platform for no reason but brand loyalty.
Why the fuck is a game being EGS exclusive a good thing to anyone but the greedy publishers? It doesn't make the games any cheaper to buy and EGS doesn't provide you with any sort of service.
So why the fuck should we ever want to buy anything there unless we're forced to? Which is what exclusivity on EGS is. Literal game ransoming.
Are you underage? Generally curious, there is a lot of people out there that i don't agree with. But you are literally fucking braindead
imagine shilling for ebin store
You know what's even better? These"people" only get paid in (You)s. Majority of the shills in this thread aren't actual chink shills.
I'll make a thread in a year or two that starts with
>remember the EGS?
>yeah, me neither
see you guys there
based, I'll be there
Don't be buttflustered because you can't argue your way around the analogy. The fact that there are certain sites Google can't or won't find is a problem that needs to be fixed, not an ideal situation that needs to be encouraged.
In a perfect market, every game would be available on every storefront and platform. That this is not the case is regrettable, not an ideal to strive towards. I hope more games come to EGS; I hope no games are exclusive to EGS.
The only reason for EGS' focus on exclusivity is their own knowledge that their service is inferior dogshit with no hope of attracting a consumer base on its own. They are attempting to strong-arm their way into market with a worse product than their competitors by buying an advantage. This is not a good thing. This is a bad, anti-consumer thing.
To argue in favor of it because "Steam is too big" is disingenuous at best and straight-up drooling-in-your-lap retarded at worst. You don't solve a problem of a monopoly by having two fucking monopolies, and yes that is exactly what a market fragmented by exclusives is. You have two separate services which act as monopolies on certain products (the exclusive content). That isn't competition. That is not in any way superior to a single monopoly; it creates all of the same problems, and only compounds the inconvenience to the end-user.
More like
>Remember Steam
>Yeah, me neither
That shit service has 1,5 years at most before it goes under
have a u
u need it desperately i see
i wanna thank Sweeny for paying for my copy so i can pirate without moral repercussions.
>Go on, lad!
Poor steamdrone. Maybe one day you'll break free from the hivemind and see the light
I know this meme is popular but Epic is an American company.
>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No shopping cart
>No reason to use Epic Store
I can't belive steam drones are still seething at EGS. You claim it's dead, yet somehow it's not true. Weird
>Tim Sweeney trying to build a de facto monopoly spanning both PC and consoles is the light
I guess it's ok when incompetent people do it.
Why would I ever buy a game from EGS?
>No h-games
Biggest offender
Fuck Epic Games
Tim Sweeney is literaly hitler
Yeah I starts here The argument is if egs buys the shit that doesnt sell itself to pad out numbers and make things look good for the publisher and the storefront. You claim it doesnt.
You also claim that they have no reason to not brag about Exodus sales numbers if the minimum sales guarantee didnt buy their own keys, when in fact, they do.
Here's why egs will NEVER release exodus sales numbers, atleast not until well after the exclusivity period ends. The reason is because they put in the egs upfront pay as the received revenue in that investors meeting. Now if the sales numbers is just equal to or lower than what is required to generate that revenue, the publisher and the store will lose face. Exodus is a special case because it isnt some no-name indie like satisfactory. Exodus is the result of a AAA project that had a lot of money and work go into it and thus needs to answer to a lot of people. And saying '500k units of this big AAA game were sold after six months!' is a big slap to the face to all those who invested in it when less popular indies hit larger numbers in shorter periods of time
Do you get it now?
>needing a storefront for h games
>giving a shit about achievements, trading cards, micro transactions, cloud saves, and music and tv shows, and sharing
I thought you idiots wanted a video game platform, not a fucking facebook account. Steamfags are as dumb as epic drones, holy fucking shit. Suck my fucking dick faggot, I'm pirating for the rest of my life.
that is not how things work in the adult world
if someone says they're going to guarantee x sales, that means they cut you a check for x sales. only a manchild gamer would think anyone else has the time to sit in front of the computer and click the purchase button x times
No, Hitler's vision for germany actually worked in the first years.
Alright shills answer this. What do I , the buyer, get from Epic that benefits ME?
Im not a burgerfag so the 10$ off doesnt count.
Hello r*ddit. Good to see you again
Because EGS will destroy steam and all of your games with it. If i were you, i would stop spending money on steam
Holy fuck 10/10 post
Developers get a higher cut of money.
So fortnite?
Depending on your country you pay an extra tax so publishers can profit more.
Why would it die if I won't ever buy games from EGS in the first place but keep buying games from Steam?
>can't refute anything
>has to fall back on crying reddit
Hey, how many months till the exclusivity ends? And where will they all go after that, I wonder?
They don’t have to LITERALLY click “purchase” and generate keys. They only have to REPORT THE REVENUE AS SOLD FUCKING COPIES.
That’s the dishonesty here. Guaranteeing sales is not “guaranteeing revenue”, it’s guaranteeing SALES. Sales that you report at investor meetings. Sales that you use to benchmark the success of the product in your portfolio. It’s about padding the numbers so that ALL of the negative impacts of an EGS exclusive release are mitigated.
I don’t see how this is a weird concept to people.
Friendly reminder that valve is also working with tencent. No matter who wins this shit, tencent already won.
CD Projekt owns GOG??
Yes, you didn't know this?
Yes they do
Perfect World isn't owned by Tencent. Are you retarded?
And the point that shows how stupid your argument is comes when THQ Didn't mention sales like everyone else, despite the original claim supposedly being that Epic buys the keys off their own storefront for this deal they make with other companies. IF Epic actually does just purchase the keys from themselves instead of just giving the funds to said company, why did THQ not mention sales figures like the other companies did? They have no reason not to, this was the point I was making and you somehow didn't see it despite be explicitly spelling it out for you. You are an actual ESL retard.
>b-but 500k isn't good enough!!!
Not only are you retarded enough to think that the deal for a AAA game like Metro would limit itself at 500k, but you're also dumb enough to think that 500k at launch is bad, especially when Metro isn't a highly known title like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Metro 2033 and Last Light sold 2 million on steam as of one year ago and this is with being available for purchase for 9 years (2033) and 6 years (Last Light) on top of having multiple sales a year since launching. Somehow you couldn't put 2 and 2 together because, surprise surprise, you're a fucking retard. And you think the devs saying "We sold 500k at launch on this infant store that no one uses" would be bad for them? Are you actually fucking serious?
>false flagging
You fucking wish, I'm never giving valve another penny, and Epic can fuck off too. If I want a game i'm just going to pirate it. Eat my fucking shit, you corporate drone.
Honestly got me thinking who bought this?
Haven't seen a single thread here.
Right on.
I buy all my games but I haven't paid for music in a decade so I get it.
Did you also know that Valve owns Steam? Pretty crazy, huh?
Epic bought it. 500,000 times. Have you not been following the thread?
Epic did.
Wait what is valve? Isn't that the first company to introduce lootboxes in west market?
Epic buys the games before they put it on the store because they want to keep people on the store even if it means losing money because they think the long term benefit of it will pay off.
Just like Beanie Babies.
so like, has anyone here actually played world war z or are we just shitposting
That guy sure has to rationalize a lot for why he is pirating, he even posted the same thing twice.
About as far from "deal with it" as it gets.
Nobody actually knows who the fuck is playing WWZ.
You don't see thread about fortnite as well, do you think it's a dead game?
MTGO was released with loot boxes in 2002, try again. :^)
I didn't see a single thread and in fact I forgot it existed. That's not about Epic however, I didn't even remember it was exclusive, it's just that zombies are kinda meh.
I have heard of nobody playing it. I saw trailers and gameplay vids but the moment I saw
I skipped.
I have to assume it's zoomers or people who are extremely desperate for more WWZ media
Christ the chink marketing is so fucking aggressive. Wish EPIC would just focus on making an actual decent platform, but everything they do instead only makes people hate them even more.
IF Epic actually does just purchase the keys from themselves instead of just giving the funds to said company, why did THQ not mention sales figures like the other companies did?
>Now if the sales numbers is just equal to or lower than what is required to generate that revenue, the publisher and the store will lose face.
Read you fucking idiot
>especially when Metro isn't a highly known title like Call of Duty or Battlefield
Funny, the shilling and advertising for it while it was on steam was much like that
>And you think the devs saying "We sold 500k at launch on this infant store that no one uses" would be bad for them?
>Yeah, i want to invest 10 million dollars to develop a new blockbuster game
>Oh what about this dev team? Lets see, they sold 500k at launch on this infant store that no one uses?
>Why would they sell at that store when they could sell at a more popular and better alternative? Why did they take money from the store before selling anything? And the sales rate seems to drop really hard after the first month as well
>This team is too risky, I'll go invest in another team elsewhere
You may want to practice this activity called 'thinking'
There are loopholes to that law. Sony has been using them for years.
Valve was the company to made them popular.
I get the argument, but I assume Fortnite has a general on /vg/ like most extremely huge games, and so discussion is sort of banished to there.
Like Warframe. A shitload of people play Warframe, even on Yea Forums, but you rarely see it discussed on Yea Forums because it has a containment general.
Wrong, that was Blizzard with Overwatch.
I had no idea this game was even out.
Platforms offering healthy incentives to vidya consumers and developers is good for competition. Steam needs to step the fuck up.
I love the EGS shill edit, because at the time Steam did have lower prices and improved the store.
>No shopping cart
>dogshit account security
>healthy incentives
Top jej
This. We need Steam to pay for their own exclusives.
You do realize that there were diffrent amount of copies sold for both WWZ and metro exodus at different times right?
Also, let's say satisfactory "exlusive deal" was for 500 000 copies. Based on the info we have, we know epic does not pay for a single copy if the game meet that 500 000 copies sold. Based on that we can conclude that satisfactory did indeed sell 507 000 copies. Not 500 000 and 7 000, that wouldn't make any sense
>You may want to practice this activity called 'thinking'
And you need to learn how to read properly. You're comparing a AAA game to some random indie shit and thinking they would have the same cap on their deals, or that 500k at launch would be bad for metro when it was never a big selling like CoD. The other metro games capped out at 2 million on steam and this was with years of sales, yet you think 1/4 of that within a year would be bad because its on the epic store? Your cognitive dissonance is starting to bear fruit.
What healthy incentives does EGS offer me? Please tell me :)
>incentives to vidya consumers
k, wake me up once they have something better than giving away years old games that I already played.
For example lower prices or better service.
Yeah man, nothing helps the industry more than retailers bribing developers for exclusivity.
Sure buddy, keep on sucking that corporate dick fucking faggot
>muh Steam monopoly
what is, Origin or Uplay
holy shit you're a retard
Yep. It took 4 years until the next big game added loot boxes.
And after Overwatch it was in every AAA game. Thus, OW popularized it.
Thanks for proving my point.
Exclusives are anti-competition. It's why console wars existed despite both the PS and Xbox platform being total pieces of trash. Nobody bought which one was better, they just bought whichever one had the games they wanted, regardless of the quality of the console.
You forgot GOG. Everyone always forgets GOG.
>Other metro games capped out at 2 mil on steam
>Exodus caps out at 500k on egs
>Sales from the assured sales guarentee agreement meaning nobody actually bought the game
But of course, if it sold much more than that, please release the sales numbers and prove me wrong. Or even better, tell me how many copies of the game were assured to be sold by egs. Either one will put this argument to rest, wont it?
>Chinkshill on overdrive
it's the same with Satisfactory.. "WOW LOOK HOW MANY COPIES WE SOLD" meanwhile there is literally no hype or discussion on the internet about these high-selling standout hit epic store games... yet when mordhau released there was tons of articles about mordhau, tons of posts on Yea Forums and various forums about mordhau, lots of streams... it's almost like you could feel mordhau being part of the zeitgeist but all these epic blockbusters have ZERO fucking buzz
really activates the almonds
TF 2 2010
Fifa ultimate team mode(2010)
Star trek online(2011)
Mass effect 3(2012)
Yeah, clearly. Overwatch started all of this, not valve. Gaben is an angel, not a greedy cunt
Lord of the rings(2011)
>ignores that metro has been a series since 2010
>ignoring that the EGS launch isn't even one eyar old yet
>ignoring that 1/4 of 2 million wouldn't be bad for a store that people hardly fucking use to buy games
>also ignoring that there still isn't any proof that epic just buys their own keys from themselves
>still screeching about chinks then gets mad when people adhom back at you
Critical lack of self awareness, as stated earlier. Don't you have summer school classes to attend, Enrique?
>Based on the info we have, we know epic does not pay for a single copy if the game meet that 500 000 copies sold.
That sounds like data you pulled directly from your asshole. Didn't even wipe the shit off it, just yanked it right past the sphincter and started bandying it about.
No one gives a fuck about GoG as an actual platform to buy games.
>You do realize that there were diffrent amount of copies sold for both WWZ and metro exodus at different times right
I dont because exodus never released any sales numbers and WWZ sold 250k on opening, and upto now, sold just another 450k units-that is if the assured sales thing didnt kick in
Tell me again how this is a good thing
>Satisfactoy dev brags about total number of sales
See the sleight of hand there? TOTAL number of sales. Egs couldve bought 100k, 200k or 500k and it would all fit into the number he spouted out. His words mean shit because of the assured sales guarantee. He may not have sold anything at all and the assured sales guarantee can still kick in and save his ass, and he can use that number to dave his face and make egs look good in the process
3 games is not "popularized in the West"; nobody even cared about loot boxes before 2017 and OW
>Completely ignores the argument about guaranteed sales
>Ad hominems galore
>Ignores proof posted in the thread earlier about samsho because 'muh epic is a good boi, he dindu nuffin!'
Lol chang. You must be in a lot of trouble to try rack up social points this hard
Fifa Ultimate Team was released in 2009.
As such you successfully proved your own point wrong.
educate yourself on the matter you fucking ledditor.
Maybe, maybe not. This is all speculation and you can't be sure about anything, you will obviously choose to go with theory that suits your bias. I'm not the guy you were talking with earlier, but both of you are fucking stupid
>steam has never had competition
so what are WFGL, Xbox for Windows, Origin, and UPlay? stupid fucking chinkshill, get tiananmen squared
yeah but that's kind of like forgetting pirate bay
Lootboxes were introduced a year later after TF 2 added them you fucking zoomer. Why every steam drone need to be a fucking kid, i swear to god
I could go on and on. Just because you are not old enough to remember times before 2017 does not concern you fucking nigger
>>Completely ignores the argument about guaranteed sales
Guaranteed funds, you fucking retard. Not sales. Holy fucking shit. didn't ignore a single fucking thing you butthurt cuck.
>leaves out MTGO
Shit timeline, chang.
So where is the proof that they buy their own keys? Is there an actual statement on this from Epic? or is it in a financial statement or earnings release?
>Steam is a monopoly you drone!
>Please ignore Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, GOG, and none of those exist
There wasn't a single western games released with lootboxes in between 2002 and 2010. Why do you even defend valve on this one?
>Epic paid World War z devs 17.5 million for exclusivity
Delusional Steamcell
See Too bad the thread is about to die chang. Making butthurt epicshills like you seethe in defense mode is a lot of fun for me
I'll be sure to think about the epic store and all the good its doing for the gaming community while I indulge myself in the steam sale that wont ban me because it has a shopping cart
They aren't true competitors. They were only enabling Steam's toxic monopoly.
The entire thread was full of retards convinced that Epic unironically purchased their own keys from themselves and now you're backpedaling into the argument that I was talking about the entire time, you absolute fucking retard Thanks for your concession.
>something something chang xi cheng
Keep screeching about chinks, maybe one day you'll land a proper swing.
Jokes on you, steam is already in offline forever mode. USA gorverment just fucked them up with anti-trust law
>now you're backpedaling into the argument that I was talking about the entire time
>Epic dont buy their own keys, those guaranteed sales come from smoke!
>You lose because I say so! Cope steamfag!
Kek chang. Its been fun. I have a proper sale to get to now. Try get that shopping cart added to your store sometime this year, yeah?
Try adding crossplatform support sometime this century
>can't read
>calls anyone else chang
Absolute kek, keep seething, cock sucker.
50 Social Credits have been deposited into your account
low effort edit
Original was like this, later on some faggot changed the last pannel and people are posting this version, why? I don't know
Epic paid Phoenix Point devs so much that they could get 100% refunds and be boycotted and they would still make a huge profit.
I for one welcome are new chink overlords. Why delay the inevitable when you can accept it and get good deals out of the epic store.
>Original was like this
>Implying chinks could make a knockoff of good quality
Care to post it then?
why would anyone buy this on ps4 when it has actually good games coming out? also xbox owners don't buy games.
>good deals
Fuck Steam users
Sure, i will waste 3 minutes of my life to search for that damn thing for you to say "lol you just corrected it" fuck off faggot
Shut the fuck up what does that word even mean anymore?
>It exists
>I do t have it but I saw it! It exists!
If you had touched that cheap knockoff up a bit and posted it here, you actually would've gotten some respect chink. Continue to be an insect though
Look at the picture retard, you think someone was able to get everything correctly to fuck up at last bit?
>What other stores offer payments for hundreds of thousands copies in exchange for exclusivity?
>retard steam drone conveniently ignores all the times steam's done this exact same shit
This is why the rest of us hate you cunts.
>t. Gog user
>you think someone was able to get everything correctly to fuck up at last bit?
>Implying they did anything correctly and didnt just rip off the existing image and make it against steam
Come on man, you should be able to recognize chink knockoffs when you see them
>Of course devs want to have complete control of the information being seen by the playerbase, why the fuck wouldn't they?
This is also why Epic's promised their review system is going to be opt-in by publishers. They don't want people to actually be able to make informed decisions or see if the game has a problem. They just want reviews to exist solely to be used as free advertising.
Because reviews are only on steam, right
it's more convenient to move my finger an inch or two to scroll down to skim reviews than have to go somewhere else for it.
So which one is this, you're a lazy cunt or epic don't want people to make informed decisions? Actual gameplay is the best review to begin with
If you consider all the money they dumped on streamers to hype their product it's pretty bad.
>what are mmorpgs
Almost as many views as LOL.
Where you trying to make a point? or you just wanted to flipp the retarded switch on?
>minecraft above fornite
your brain must be smaller than a grapefruit. they don't literally buy games they give them money. fucking trogs you people are so fucking stupid
shitskin detected
Risk of Rain 2 sold over a million in its first month just on Steam with no advertising. I'm glad Saber Interactive managed to put a game out thats fun and is able to attract customers based on its own merit despite the EGS controversy.
They don't need fortnite anymore, EGS is a huge succes already. Not even talking about 6 next big games they are developing and i'm ignoring their revenue from unreal engine and infinite money from tencent bros
>There are loopholes to that law
Such as?
Sony has been using them for years.
Any examples with sources?
>Actual gameplay is the best review to begin with
It also requires you to actually buy the game unless you pirate
>EGS is a huge success
You got any sources for that? Sweeney has stated that the exclusive deals is not something they can do in the long run, they're basically just trying to do a crash and grab hoping that Steam can't hold out for as long. Tie those statements with the fact that Epic gives the dev/publisher a cash forward to compensate for a certain large amount of copies sold (such as SNK stating how they were in the hundreds of thousands), it really paints a bad picture.
Maybe it would be successful if the PR for the actions wasn't so negative and now lootboxes are about to be banned all over the world (EA's stupidity has finally done something good). But it seems Steam isn't hurting at all so I wouldn't doubt if they'll just wait it out and let Epic go down the shitter because "MUH 12% CUT"
>What are videos
>Epic's review system is going to be opt-in by publisher
The whole controversy over review bombing is the biggest non-story out there. I don't know if it's just because games journalism has fallen further down the cancer hole to rely on hate clicks so they think a non-issue needs to get blown up for their own personal likings, or if they're in cahoots with Epic. Steam already has a system in place that detects review bombing and doesn't allow it to affect the games score. It's been that way for a while. I get why Epic is doing the op-in, but I feel like that allows scummy publishers such as EA (just as an example, not that hey would use EGS) to try and shield their games from criticism and exposition over serious bugs/glitches/abusive practices. It comes off as throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
user, it's not just big companies that don't want to have to deal with reviews. Indies would love that too.
>Indies would love that too
I'd be interested to see actual data over that. While it sucks getting criticized or targeted, I'd bet that a lot of indie devs would rather have the review systems out in the open because of the engagement with the community. I feel like the only ones who would be against it are the types who make games as an extension of their ego as opposed to a desire to make a fun, engaging, and meaningful game.
>Epic introduce reviews
>People buy games on epic to leave a bad review because "FUCK EGS,FUCK EXCLUSIVS,COMPETITION BAD" and then refund
>Epic disable review option till the time you can't refund
Do you even need to ask why they don't want to go with reviews? Gamers are literal kids
>buying games to leave bad reviews
That's retarded in general. Why do you think Steam shows the hours played on reviews? Why do you think they have a system in place that hides these reviews that are clearly targeted review bombing? The whole shit about fear of review bombing is a total non-story when it has no effect on the game's review in general. It's literally a "I'm gonna get butthurt for the developer because for about 5 minutes you could read some spazs thoughts on homosexuality in China"
Rent free
>Titanfall 2 sold best on Origin shit....
If they deleted review bombing people would just went
Sure, they could deal with that problem. But in the end people would bitch about any solution because they are biased as fuck. I don't think anyone realized how strong valve brand loyalty is, truth be told i wouldn't guess it myself
>sold best on EGS!
>literally sells nowhere else on PC
That's called bullshitting the masses, guys. Pay the fuck attention.
And yet, digital sales on consoles are insignificant to miniscule, depending on availability of physical copies.
>But in the end people would bitch about any solution
Except the only people bitching about a solution are Games Journos at Shitaku, and those corporate cocksuckers at Resetera. No one else cares because the solution arrived a long time ago via the earlier described methods. Review bombing is not new, It's a literal non-issue getting blown out of proportion because it happened to Capeshit movies and Star Wars. It's just convenient that it bolsters another one of Epic's talking point "pros" that are just empty and meaningless. It serves no purpose but to not get shit on by those uppity leg bearded she bitches at Shitaku and their pension for authoritarianism.
Epic doesn't compete with Steam. They throw money around and CLAIM they're competition to Steam. There is a difference. For EGS to actually be considered competition to Steam, the games would have to be available on both storefronts so as to compare how well it did on either one based on customer preference.
Did you not miss the whole thing where they were selling Witcher 2 cheaper on GOG than Steam and providing a bunch of bonus stuff on top of that?
Yeah, no. There is no way anyone can compete with steam like this due to network effect. If you don't realize that you are delusional, people would choose steam even with higher prices(Publishers wouldn't allow lower prices to begin with) and even if EGS would be better than steam in features deparment. This is how this world works. You can don't like epic/boycutt them whatever the fuck you are doing, but you can't deny what i said
B-but is fun
But the difficulty is so weird, 4 skulls is too fucking easy and feels like a chore and then on 5 skulls your team is full of extras from the movie
>Yeah, no. There is no way anyone can compete with steam
Thank you for repeating my point. At least we're in agreement. Too bad you seem to be arguing like a fucking moron, anyway.
Based Epic
They can't compete with your terms. They can clearly compete like they are doing it right now. Obviously I can't argue with you because you are just another steam shil with no ability to think at all.
As all the dead retail stores how much "moral consumerism" and "voting with your wallet" helped them against Wal-Mart.
And yet, what they're doing isn't actual competition. It's bribery and lying about numbers. And it's drawing nowhere near as many customers (the part that actually matters in the end).
Name a single time steam has offered payments for exclusivity
Imagine being excited for a sale? what a bunch of shills!!!
>that Steamboi cope
as he said. steam never had competition
Can still be a fat lonely asshole at 15, and in that case it's even more sad.
This is absolutely a distinction without a difference, user.
Are they still working on that mode or is it all hands on battle royal?