I love my wife Shantae!

Claim your waifus before another user does!

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my wife is dead

Mine only

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>liking the town bicycle
imagine being a cuck

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I love my beautiful wife Nero!

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no one can claim it because it's a who

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My wife Olivia.

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I love eiki!

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I love Reisen!

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>human rottytops

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I am a foolishly foolish fool that is foolishly posting my wife.

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My waifu never gets claimed so I don't even need to bother

My wife.

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daily reminder
a woman has to agree to be your wife
and you know damn well she wouldn't, just look at yourself

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Erdrick is my waifu.

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Audrey is mine, MINE!

Attached: Audrey.png (800x1131, 820K)

Attached: blaz.png (417x600, 409K)

RIP tits

"they were unethical tho"
-Ethics Department

Marie is best girl.

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2booty is mine so fuck off

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Best girl

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My wife will make your wife a zombie so you can be with her forever

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Ice babies.

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>>>r/waifuism or kill yourself.


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Have sex

Magic Knight is my one and only.

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I'll always love my robowife Curly!

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Waifufags are garbage and deserve death,.


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Fucking waifufag trash, fuck off.

>not having a waifu

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It's proof I'm not a complete loser. Image dump your shit girls on Yea Forums

You simply posting here makes you a loser.

Does it bother you at all that anons get super horny for Morrigan?

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Yes, that's why I said I wasn't a COMPLETE loser.

>I'm not a complete loser
>posts on Yea Forums
>posts on Yea Forums
>tries to anonymously convince anonymous people on the internet on his social status

Years come and go and you fags are still here thinking you're better than the rest of us.

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Oh okay then.

Eh, can't blame em.

Well, I'm me so of course I'm better than the likes of you.

Oh so you're actually okay with anons fapping to her?

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this is mine

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That's a lot of maturity. I can't even accept the fact that other people have the same obscure waifu as I have.

>thinking you're superior to the supreme poster of 2 different boards
Dunning kruger much?

I love Peri!

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Can I stop them?

Terra is my one and only, but has good taste!

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that is not how this works you fucking ironic piece of niggershit

Furry or not, she's all of 3 and a half feet tall.
Standing blowjobs.

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Attached: My wife, Forte.png (600x600, 169K)

Dat projection. Broham, I am totes the poster supreme.

Always too easy

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I can't believe I still got her after 59 replies

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mine alone

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What do you think of wolf and parchment? Is it worth a read? I want more after I finished the Spice and wolf LNs.

I couldn't tell you, haven't read em.

Wait a couple of years when I get around to ordering the LNs from Japan and I'll happily tell you.

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In that case I hope you enjoy them, the last volumes are heartwarming and the extra chapters make me depressed that I'll never lead such a comfy life.

That's pretty gay user

Welsh cat wife

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There's some good taste in this thread. Luckily, no one posted my wife.

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Wait are you talking about S&W or W&P? Because I have read S&W.

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Cassandra is MINE

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I read your post as if you were ordering S&W, not wolf and parchment.
Based as fuck

she's all mine

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Blaze is best Sonic girl.