What the fuck is the point of this? 99% of whales are adults, not children...

What the fuck is the point of this? 99% of whales are adults, not children. And how can you tell whether a game is designed to market to children or not when that's completely subjective?

Really fucking sad that people want to remove their right to purchase what they want and need big government to force their choices for them because they are irresponsible.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's really funny is when these babies cry about "good lootboxes" getting banned too.

>Because they are irresponsible
You don’t understand, IM not the one buying loot boxes, I want to force other people’s choices, because THEY are irresponsible, and are rewarding terrible developers for making terrible games.

Y'know devs could just put in a storefront where you can sell and trade what you get out of lootboxes and there'd be no issue right? Stop defending shitty devs.

Do you like Microtransactions OP? The Western AAA game companies getting their ass handed to them for pushing dogshit practices should be a fucking celebration.

Attached: Western games are shit.png (1280x2048, 1.98M)

It's honestly a hard call.
>being happy my rotten shitsucking government is actually doing something for the welfare of irresponsible individuals and cutting off poor fiscal practice by game companies
>or get worried that my rotten poorly representative government is wasting resources and time telling people how people should live their lives, intruding on the public sphere instead of just letting stupid people do stupid things

>What the fuck is the point of this?
The children only part confuses me. The bill I saw being discussed involved banning all vidya gambling, period, which I 100% support. It's a practical and effective choice to eliminate a major harm and total economic waste that exploits defects in the human brain of a significant part of the population.

>Really fucking sad that people want to remove their right to purchase what they want and need big government
THE ENTIRE FUCKING MARKET ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE OF "BIG GOVERNMENT" RETARD. This is one reason why """""libertarians""""" are such a fucking joke, the analysis is always so shallow. The entire loot box market depends on the artificial government creation of intellectual property and further on DRM and monopoly platform lockdown, itself generally tracing back to government granted IP monopolies (which have been relentlessly lobbied up, from 14+14 years max to over a century RETROACTIVELY). There is no Free Market here.

Odd way to spell "neurotransmitter regulation issues" OP. Regular gambling is regulated too, because it's pure economic waste that works based on useless dopamine stimulation, the same as some drug doing that. It's not fully banned in most places though because that'd be functionally impossible and the resulting criminal run gambling would be worse then having some in the first place.

That doesn't apply to digital however, where it can be eliminated for no cost and cannot be gotten around.

That it will also make vidya better overall is a nice bonus too.

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>says this when Nips are the ones pushing gacha trash which is essentially the same thing.

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>what about gatcha!?
Gatcha is cancer too.

>What the fuck is the point of this? 99% of whales are adults, not children.

Because by children they mean minors, thus making every game with lootboxes an AO game which will get the game restricted on most consoles and retailers.

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it's about the manchildren who care about cosmetics but can't afford to acquire them. "protecting children" is being used to deflect from an attempt to control private business models to fit the gaming budgets of legal adults who still live with their parents

>99% of whales are adults, not children
why aren't the games all rated "AO" then (or foreign equivalents)? in fact can't think of even a single gachashit game that was AO

you think western companies have bad lootboxes?
sweet summer child

IT DOESN'T BAN DLC. DLC and lootboxes/gacha aren't the same. Fucking dumbass. You can have MT all you want, it just can't be chance. Want to charge $4.99 for that jpeg? You'd still be free to do so. What wouldn't be able to happen is to charge $4.99 for a 2% chance to get the jpeg.

>private business models
Business is created by government, that's where all the liability protection and legal bonuses and all the other many, many, MANY perks business enjoys comes from. In turn it is regulated. You can't just cause tons of damage and cause pure net negatives to society and expect nobody to do anything about it. If you want to well then try to take over and create a corporate dictatorship. If you can't then too bad.

Yea Forums is full of retarded statists

weren’t they saying that sports games needed children specifically to whale to keep them alive?

I play gacha and have put a lot of money in my grabble account but fuck western game companies I hope lootboxes get banned

And also democracy hating corporate dicksuckers like you.

Get fucked, loot boxes are a cancer that ruins games. Without lootboxes maybe EA will publish good games.

I didn't want government intervention, but corporations became too greedy. They literally couldn't exercise moderation and made games nothing more than lootcrate skinnerbox simulators.

Haven't touched the trash in years. The last lootbox I even opened was a mann co crate in 2014 I think. Realized how quickly that was a scam. However, I can't vote with my wallet because one whale can nullify my vote by buying thousands of dollars in skins and cosmetics. Not just my vote, but the votes of thousands, are nullified by just one whale not having impulse control. And because of that, game devs pander to him while I get left in the dust. And now you assholes are ruining every game, not just content with sticking to one or two games.

Now, I'm gonna force the government to stop it, otherwise you'll ruin my games with lootboxes and gacha. Don't like it? too bad corporate bootlicker. Now I'm in charge.

the ironing is that Jap microtransactions are more cancerous than western microtransactions, and that MGSV had microtransactions while GoW did not
pledging total allegiance to one country's vidya and ignoring their shortcomings is retarded on either side of the coin

>Surprise Mechanics continue to exist unabated because age filters never work
>The government now has their filthy hands in the monetization process of video games
This is the worst possible outcome in which nothing actually changes

Imagine unironically defending lootboxes. Jesus Christ.

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there is no effective way in which they can guarantee that children wont be able to access the gambling part of the game, wich means that, like in belgium and other countries, they either need to completely take it out, or stop selling the game.

>weren’t they saying that sports games needed children specifically to whale to keep them alive?
Holy shit if true can we please ban this yesterday then?
>EA's evil acquire/plunder/discard cycle powered by lazy yearly sports franchises
>they die
>EA dies
everything would be worth it.

Attached: The meaning behind EA.jpg (600x473, 32K)

classic npc response

Cry more faggot

> Work in customer support for F2P game
> Often receive mails from mothers/fathers saying their child bought something without permission
> I check the account
> Up to 2000 dollars worth of micro transactions
It's a good thing if it passes.

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>This is the worst possible outcome in which nothing actually changes
Banning digital vidya gambling though would be completely effective and easy to enforce. All of it has to go through a tiny handful of major platform holders or singular entities (mostly Google and Apple), BY DEFINITION, because if there was no DRM or server side lockdown then everyone could just "cheat" as many rolls as they wanted for whatever they wanted. You can't both have MT shit and avoid a single point of lockdown that is easy to identify and regulate. MT shoots itself in the foot here, it depends on destroying user freedom to exist and in turn it can be destroyed easily.

Wasn't there some comedy segment where they specifically had a mobile game dev take a call from a pissed off parent?

>defending EA
$0.05 has been deposited into your account good goy.

>giving a shit about loot boxes or AAA games
Yikes.. just take the indie pill.

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You have to be 18 to post on this site. What the fuck are you outraged about unless you’re underageb&

The former, the latter helps Government to fail and be overrun slowly by corporate practices. We have enough of those.

you just cant stop making strawmen can you?

>What the fuck is the point of this?
Forces all games with loot boxes to have an adult only rating, something almost unheard of in the current market.

This is good. It standardises the AO rating and will allow for more high quality porn games to enter the market.

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Banks don't like being called up and being told thousands of dollars of charges need to be undone because a minor made them, this is a preventative measure.

99,999 out of 100,000 adults who were not born with a mental deficiency are innate gambling retards, that means the child born to that person will most definitely grow up to a similar outcome. grow them up early with loot boxes

>gobernment help me! I'm too dumb to keep track of my children and money!

99% of 2 packs a day smokers are adults, yet smoking age is 18 in most places

>Bill could loot boxes children
Don'y do it Bill you sick fuck!

Everyone is looking at the here and now, both sides are. What concerns me are two things:

1. If this bill passes, will the govt. use it as a spring board for other regulation?

2. If the bill fails, how long until every game has loot boxes, and you can no longer play more then a minute before you die in game, if you don't purchase them?

The problem as I see it, is no one has answered these questions.

>I'm too dumb to keep track of my children and money!
I'm sure your parents were completely on the ball with your retarded fads and knew exactly you were spending your lunch money on.

Yeah it's stupid, but that's the world we live in and you know it.

If you can make it so that microtransactions make the game automatically Adults Only/18+, this hurts the fuck out of them since
>Retailers refuse to sell games with an AO rating
>Fifa/NFL/NBA etc. licenses will get pulled since they don't want to be associated with AO ratings
>Affects the entire market of mobile gaming since parents will make it so their kids can't download AO games
You put too much risk on MTXs to make them worth putting in games

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All videogames are for children, anyone over 18 playing games is pathetic
>then why are you on Yea Forums?
cause Yea Forums is for politics

No it just effectively kills all lootbox games by being AO and it will continue to be a red-herring within the industry.

> muh libertarian
> muh nanny state if anything restricts anything
God Americans are beyond retarded. As much as I agree we should persecute the enablers, this change is more than healthy for the gaming industry as a whole.
Micro transactions becoming standard is a mistake and reminder that loot boxes are gambling by their definition since you pay for a chance to win something.
Gambling is for adults, not kids. All the more reasons to ban it.

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Do they even still use eC?

>What the fuck is the point of this? 99% of whales are adults, not children.

So then the issue is?

>nd how can you tell whether a game is designed to market to children or not when that's completely subjective?

AO raring verses E-MA rating? That's it, that's the only thing. Loot Boxes and other gambling mechanics that can be purchased for real money in games of chance=AO rating, tadaaa.

According to you this only effects 1%, so what's the harm? Surely there's no reason not to stall it for such a low number, right...

>Pegi 18

there, fixed it, lmao

>No it just effectively kills all lootbox games by being AO
Also good.

I know right how dare the people team up and help each other to make their lives better, only corporations are allowed to team up in order to extract money from them!!!!

I... What?

From my understanding if the ESRB would ever acknowledge that lootboxes are gambling they have to upgrade all the games ratings to Mature or AO, which it isn't liked at all.

Lootboxes are 100% voluntary transactions, there is nothing morally wrong with it no mater how much you hate it. What is morally wrong is imposing your will on others for doing things you don't like.
EA extracts nothing from you. You have to GIVE them your money. The government literally extracts money.

You people have no principles. You can't think past >i dont like x therefor ban x.


Stop defending shitty people.

What an idiot. It fundamentally changes the way a game is designed.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the corporations!

how is that relevant to my post?

>We've hit a point where Yea Forums is more infested with children who have literally, never in their entire life, lived a day where AAA video games did not have loot crates and multiple transactions built in
>We live in a time where kids who were 6 years old in 2007 are now old enough to post here
>We live in a timeline where psychologists by the hundreds, have worked with marketers by the thousands, having been injected with hundreds of millions of dollars, have successfully seduced an entire generation in defending dystopian megacorps

There is nothing left to conserve for the conservative. There is nothing left to liberate for the liberal. Let it all die.

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I get it, corporations are the bad guys but how come parents let their children play this shita nd spend money?
I'm affraid of having kids, I don't want to end up with a kid doing shit like this.

Yes. Just like buying a lottery ticket is a voluntary transaction. Your point ?
A game being pay to win is also a good thing ? The fact you are at a disadvantage because someone used his credit card ?
It's not about not liking micro transactions, they are proven cancer and a byproduct of this "game as a service" mindset that is toxic for gaming.

This shit needs to be cut off now or you just end up raising an entire generation of people on pay 2 win mechanics and thinking that paying real money constantly for things in games that should ahve been included at the start like on-disc and day 1 DLC is ok and an acceptable practice. If this shit is not hemmed at the source now it continues onward, look at the shit we have to deal with now for that when we used to get more value for our games.

Because this is a video game board and some of us care about video games and the way they're designed?

you both seem to be confused that I'm arguing that lootboxes are good for gaming despite never claiming that they are

>Lootboxes are 100% voluntary transactions
Backed by government force. If you're arguing to eliminate artificial government IP protections in exchange for allowing lootboxes then sure by all means.
>there is nothing morally wrong with it
There absolutely is. It's exploiting a defect in human physiology. It's no different then pushing heroine to everyone, sure plenty of people don't have the biology that causes them to be instantly destroyed by it, but some do. We're free to say that's morally bad. In some cases the cure is worse then the disease and it can't be helped, but that's not true for gacha.

>What is morally wrong is imposing your will on others for doing things you don't like
Fuck off to Somalia you ebin anarchist if you believe this so much. Oh wait, you just want to be a parasite on society instead and socialize the losses while privatizing the gains.

>You people have no principles
Nice projection.

Mature wont fly. Gambling in US is 18+. You can feasibly be 17 and by CoD 15 or whatnot, but the only way to verify that the lootbox buyer is 18+ is to do ID check at the sale and ID check the account and payment

That fear u have already makes you a better parent. Than the ones that let there 5 year old play call of duty without supervision

You are arguing in favor of allowing lootboxes because it's """"""voluntary"""""" and MUH GUVMANTS BAD >:( because like many so called libertarians you don't actually like the Free Market (or even know what it is).

Your post clearly has a defensive tone, or at the very least playing devil's advocate.

Lol no it's not voluntary when an entire game is based on said lootboxes to give you gameplay advantages in said games. You're either stuck paying to win or you are stuck behind as others bully you in a game with their credit cards and thus creating a digital arms race in the game where the only profiteer is the company behind this. It's figuratively like arms trafficking supplying multiple sides of a conflict.

>afraid of a literal child doing something they’re not allowed to more than once

American hands-off parenting at its finest. Have you considered actually parenting your child when you have one?

Lootboxes and Gacha by extension can only be stopped once people stop playing them
That means somehow making every Asian (SEA, Korea, China and Japan), weebs and every person who makes micro-transactions to stop. I wonder how would Yea Forums tackle the problem My guess is genocide

>copy valve's already dubious microtransaction system, the one people claim killed the company
>conveniently forget the part where you can exchange your worthless crap for a tiny bit of real world value, the singular justification for the system

> Nothing wrong with loot boxes
> Never said they weren't bad for gaming
I think your entire argument sounded better in your head so I won't hold it against you.
Lootboxes and micro transactions have a negative effect on gaming, its quality...
Therefor, there is indeed something wrong with Lootboxes.

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If you don't tell companies to stop this bullshit they'll just keep doing it. Give a corporation a small mound of earth and they'll choose to take the entire mountain instead.

>Lootboxes and Gacha by extension can only be stopped once people stop playing them
No, they can be stopped by government quite easily actually.

>99% of whales are adults
Most people on Yea Forums still don't understand that. The majority of revenues is coming from whales and whales are by definition adults (or children who have 100% parent approval to spend that much money, so a ban wouldn't affect them anyway).

Triple gay game industry not even once, top fucking kek

Companies are weasily fucks who will exploit every nook and cranny in regulations, not to mention how corporations can easily try to fuck with politics with enough money

this. put games with surprise mechanics on the same shelf as hard porn and see how well it sells. also NO advertising allowed.

Even if you're not opening loot boxes you're encouraging other people to and perpetuating the problem.

I'm saying government regulation is bad. Not liking lootboxes doesn't give you the right to ban them. How do you not get this?

If anything, the number of shills in these threads is proof of the need to regulate loot boxes. The Jew is showing fear for the first time in years.

I think he's inferring that smokers often get started while they're young. Because that's an age where it's easy to get addicted.

The industry had a chance to self-regulate and it chose not to, anything the government does was brought on by their behavior.

It's a video game board user.
I couldn't give two shits about your libertarian garbage.
What matters here are the video games and its industry.

I bet you want to cancel student loans, you faggot statist. The Freer the Market tge freer the people

To all the "it'll make games AO" people, do you forget that MA is supposed to be 18+ and that means adult?

That is correct. I don't have that right. That's why Congress is doing it for me.

>U.S. bill could ban loot boxes
wtf? i thought that they were called surprise mechanics.

>I get it, corporations are the bad guys but how come parents let their children play this shita nd spend money?
Because many parents are working 10+ hours a day to make ends meet and struggle to even muster time for basic child interaction. And kids by definition have tons of free time to explore new cutting edge stuff and thus are often one step ahead of parents.

I mean holy fuck guys, I'm 34 and will be a dad soon but I still remember my childhood just fine. I was the technical one who was far ahead of my folks when it came to tech. It's not like they supported me finding porn on the net or whatever but I had every system rooted and could do whatever I wanted there. They couldn't look over my shoulder 24/7 nor would that have been good anyway. But back then there was simply no opportunity to get fucked over like nowadays. There was no social media. All my most retarded childhood dumbass internet posts are long gone or can't be traced to me. On slow 1200/2400 bps connections there was no significant image uploading going on of every personal thing. There was no easy microtransactions. All the aggressive adtech was a long ways off.

Since I went to work in tech I'll be ahead of most people, but even so I know I'll have more to deal with then my parents had to worry about. I'll lock down my kids' devices pretty hard because I actually know what things like MDM are, but I won't blame some hard working mechanic or painter or plumber or dentist or whatever for not knowing that.

Nice bait and switch there user, i'm not talking about student loans. I'm talking about predatory business practices and breaking up what is slowly trending to becoming a subpar industry standard. If standards are not set then they are not maintained and those standards slip and results in inferior and shoddy products.

18 isnt adult in the states.

Congress shouldnt have the right to regulate business. We are a free market society and its a short road from regulating loot boxes to full.blown socialism. I dont want America to turn into a shithole like Europe.

>make 2 cents off the thing you paid $2.50 for
Nah dawg, if anything it's discouraging

>muh geams muh gaems
imagine being this braindead
>i'm not okay doing something imposing my will on others, but I'm okay when my government does it for me.

Consumers set standards by voting with their dollars. Thankfully we have a republican senate that will kill this anti consumer bullshit and if they dont Trump surely will. America will never be a socialist nation.

>Congress shouldnt have the right to regulate business
And businesses shouldn't employ anti consumer tactics that warrant government intervention, but here we are.

Loot boxes are bad for gaming. I'd be happy if they were banned.

Yes it is. You can't drink, but otherwise you're considered an adult.

A 15 year old can legally obtain a debit card or a limited credit card from a bank if there is written and personally witnessed approval by a guardian or parent that acts as their financial guarantor. Originally meant for something like transferring money to their kid when they need it for something but kind of as a result has led to increased spending.

Enjoy your lead painted house.

>Companies are weasily fucks who will exploit every nook and cranny in regulations
And yet regulations mostly work, particularly when applied to an area where they can't really be avoided. You have to look at each instance and evaluate the costs vs benefits of regulations individually. In this specific case, lootboxes/gacha are one where it works. Companies can't just avoid it, because it's almost all gated. Just going after Apple, Google, Microsoft, Sony and Valve alone would cover most of the market, and particularly for the first two they don't give much of a shit. To them gacha is a rounding error in their money, almost all of Apple's comes from hardware sales and almost all of Google's comes from advertising, with a growing share from cloud services. They have zero motivation to fight the US or EU governments on this. They might even be happy to have an excuse to eliminate a bad bit of PR for their platforms and not even be at fault directly.

And again, there isn't any real way around it either, because gacha is self-sabotaging. It depends on no piracy and central lockdown.

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>18 isnt adult in the states.
It literally is though.

And you know what consumers can do?Not buy it. It is literally that easy.

This, I was a stupid netrualfag like OP before, but then they ruined Shadow of War, a game I was excited about, so fuck all the publishers that push for this shit, I want the law to be as vague as possible so they are really fucking scared of putting lootboxes on their games.

>We are a free market society
The Free Market is a creation of government and depends on government. It's also a tool of society, not an end by itself. It doesn't mean "LOL A MARKET WHERE EVERYTHING IS FREEEEE XD"

>by the way protect my intellectual property :)))))

Imagine being a hypocritical corporate boolicker.

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Why nkt simply refuse to play the game instead of giving the government more power?

> Imagine being Libertarian and never seeing the benefits of State Intervention in every single matter of my pitiful life
You're beyond retarded and why Libertarians will remain a meme forever.
When a market cannot regulate itself and pushes limits, that's when it's okay for the State to intervene.
You want companies to be free to exploit as they see fit ? They can gang up and find the best ways to squeeze every single dollar out of people ? That's fine.
Don't act surprised when the State intervenes.

>There is no Free Market here.
There's no free market anywhere, the whole concept is flawed. Let companies do whatever they want without regulation and you invariably end up seeing them collaborate with one another to inflate their own profits while fucking over consumers, or they just merge into one giant monopoly and do the same.

>stupid netrualfag
yeah try not to be anymore regardless of topic. The old thing of ''If I ignore it it'll disappear'' no longer works in modern times. Look at trash like SJWism

>I'm affraid of having kids, I don't want to end up with a kid doing shit like this.
So be a decent parent. My son knows that he can't buy this kind of shit without me or his mom's permission. Some parents are just lazy and/or stupid and don't discipline their children. And sadly I'd say it's a majority. Regardless, I'd be happy to see this if it meant lootboxes go away. I've come to accept microtransactions, but I think not having a guarantee of what you're money's going towards is a slimy business practice.

>There's no free market anywhere
Yes there is. It's a spectrum.
>the whole concept is flawed
It's actually not, but most people don't understand it either. It doesn't help that the name is really bad.

>Let companies do whatever they want without regulation
Which wouldn't be a Free Market.

>sell gambling games to minors when the government already has strict gambling laws in place
>dude wtf no it's not gambling it's a game of chance with a mystery prize, it's completely different
>wtf do you mean you want to put our mystery prize games under normal gambling laws?
>help the government is oppressing me

Gacha is regulated you retard, guess what, because companies took it too far, Granblue had to put a cap on spending like if you spent a certain ammount of money on the rolls you get a menu asking you to choose whatever character you want.

It's just the government dipping it's beak into the industry, and once they've had a taste they'll only want more. Only a complete retard would think this would change anything whatsoever.

That's no longer an option when a whale can nullify my vote. I'm gonna force them to stop with government intervention, and all you can do is screech and cry.

>99% of these whales are adults...
...whose snotnosed brat child stole their credit card

Yes it does. A true free market would let the consumer, not some evil government flunkie, decide what is sold. We dont need the government running our life and deciding what we can and cannot do. The government should be as weak as possible

>Consumers set standards by voting with their dollars.
No really, they don't. First of all consumers are idiots, they can and do buy cheap ass overpriced brand name clothing assembled for single digit dollars in a shop in Bangladesh, China or Cambodia marked up to exorbitant prices. Secondly consumers are not the ones who set and enforce standards in areas of finance, manufacturing, health and safety regulations and whatnot. Also you're probably memeing at this point but there is no such thing as a free market. People love to go on and on about the free market but then praise things like government subsidies for investment projects and bailouts for companies despite the very fact that a government subsidy or a bailout would be considered "manipulation of the market" and go against the principles of a free market but free marketers love subsidies and without subsidies in the past you would never have improvements to infrastructure otherwise.

But we're not "giving the government more power". The power is already there, and it comes from us. It's a democracy, the government is just the collective will of the people. Corporations also depend on government power, and they band together to best effect vs individuals and other corps. There is nothing wrong with the people in turn also banding together for their interests when it suits them.

That was cygames choice, nothing mandates other games have similar systems, and they don’t. A lot of games still don’t advertise the exact rates for items either.

Loot boxes are unethical.
Not only is it gambling, but it's gambling for literally nothing unless the game has a marketplace for you to trade/sell said items.

>I'm affraid of having kids, I don't want to end up with a kid doing shit like this.
That's not what I said you fucking autonomous retarded lemming. I merely pointed out to that said user that you no longer have to be 18+ to own and operate a credit card.


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Not a single week on Yea Forums without this shitty thread, when will people understand that the issue isn't lootboxes and children but lootboxes as a whole? Companies won't give a fuck if all they have to do is to prevent minors to access these things. You'll end up with some shitty 18+ warning to unlock the paid lootbox mechanics (exactly how you get a 18+ warning on a porn website) and that's about it.

Korea has already a system like that for mobile games, two version of apps exists, one rated 18+ with gambling mechanics (like RMAH) and one rated 12+/15+ (depending on the game) with these mechanics disabled. Didn't affect revenues from company relying on gacha, worse, money spend on gacha is increasing YoY Japan has also officially gacha restriction for people under 20 and under 16. You get asked for DOB upon registration and much you can spend per month is capped if you are below 20. Then again children can just tick whatever fucking box and say they're above 20. Like Korea, money spent on gacha increasing YoY.

I'm glad you don't know what a ponzi scheme is.

It's fun throwing words around.

Why do you think you have the power to use government force to make others do what you want?
We live in a republoc, not a democracy. What you are describing is mob rule. Corporations have rights.

>Introduce lootboxes in gaming generating billions of revenue
>the increase in profits does not result in cheaper games for you at any level

ecee^10t marp?

My bad. Misquote. Was meant for

>A true free market would let the consumer, not some evil government flunkie, decide what is sold
Nope. A true Free Market depends on things like cost internalization and information symmetry, ie., that both sides in a transaction have the same information and the same capacity to process and use it. Free Markets also have no natural floor level basis for humanity, nor do they respond well to non-linear scenarios. They're also metastable rather then naturally stable, left alone power consolidates until the market is destroyed.

These are all well known issues of the market and market failures. The Free Market is just a massively distributed value allotment tool. It's very, very valuable and very powerful, but in the same way a power tool is. You can still hurt yourself with it. You can use it for the wrong things. You can break it. The tool has dependencies.

>We dont need the government running our life and deciding what we can and cannot do
Why do you think the same wouldn't apply to any organization, including corporations?

You should try harder to defend your corporate overlords, slave.

Fair enough, this thread is getting everyone all heated up. I'll rescind my comment.

>We live in a republoc, not a democracy
t. brainlet. We live in both a republic and a democracy by actual definition. You sound like a first year freshman.

This. Godamn people on this board are so fucking stupid, yet act like they know everything and their opinions are fact.

>A lot of games still don’t advertise the exact rates for items either.
Show me one japanese game that doesn't, I'm curious since every single one that I play show them.

>And how can you tell whether a game is designed to market to children or not when that's completely subjective?

I'll take ESRB rating for 500, Alex

but i do user, or are you baiting to get a spoonfeed?

What is even the point of M and Ao if they're literally just 1 year apart.

You heard the bootlickers, guys! All government laws and regulations are bad, so piracy is no longer a crime. Let's all head to the torrent bay!

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Go to bed, Satan.

Parents back then thought teenagers didn't have sex before turning 18.

This is implying companies wouldn't find some other way to Jew us.

This isn't really solving the problem, we'll get something worse in return.

>when will people understand that the issue isn't lootboxes and children but lootboxes as a whole?
People in this thread clearly understand that. Lots of posts are in favor of just banning them entirely, period.

The only reason for gambling to be allowed at all IRL is that banning it entirely and effectively is impossible, it just makes a black market or causes normal people to get jailed for person to person stuff and means it's all unregulated. It's been tried. It's bad, but total ban is worse. So we practice harm minimization, nothing wrong with practicality.

Gacha/lootboxes though are equally economically worthless and harmful, but also digital, impersonal, and depend on centralized official control of a mass market. Getting rid of them is possible and makes sense.

it is called surprise free games get it right

Well I stand corrected. Still, it could be used as a determining factor. If I can join the Army at 17, I should be able to buy a lootbox. Not defending lootboxes because I hate them, but I mean this would be a good way to set the entry barrier.

Regulating corporations are wrong but theft is. Sorry you dont understand the need to protect the profitability of companies

Cry more bootlicker, your overlords had their chance to self-regulate, but ESRB acted like retards so this is what you get now.

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Well yeah, just like if you can vote you should be able to choose your sex partner, but this isn't how it works.

We should unironically start a campaign to remove boosters for trading card games as well. Boosters are physical lootboxes and almost every single trading card games are targeted at children (see: the for ages 12 and over on the package).

>surprise mechanics

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>nothing mandates other games have similar systems
Incorrect. A few years ago the Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency finally got around to doing an investigation and they declared full gacha illegal gambling based on the Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extras or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation, which is actually a thing in Japan. That's what caused a lot of rule changes and new disclosures in moonrune gachashit.

I'm in support of banning lootboxes. I was making fun of you because you don't know what a ponzi scheme is but you threw it out there like you did.

I agree that theft is wrong. Thank goodness piracy only makes a copy and leaves the original.

How are they legally going to ban loot boxes while other forms of child gambling, specifically trading card games, still remain legal?

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It's consider acceptable to give an M game to minors with parent's permission
Even dumb parents know not to buy something with Adults Only written on it
Pretty sure you can't actually display Ao games publicly in a storefront either, so you have to ask a cashier to get it from behind the counter or the back of the store, so less kids who go into a store to pick out whatever game catches their eye will even be able to find these games

>Why do you think you have the power to use government force to make others do what you want?
Because that's literally what government's purpose is to do when things go out of hand, to force said changes when an abuse, malfeasance, exploitation or wrong doing starts to run amok. And before you start yes some governments in many nations have done this in gravely the wrong direction but many have also enacted said changes in great directions too. Government isn't perfect but it's necessary when it needs to force said procedures.

All government entities should be in essence like parents and supervisors overseeing children in the playground(people & society) and like children in a playground most of them can probably be left to their own devices and you won't need to worry too much about them but every now sometimes the kids go a little out of hand so you straight them out a bit but the rest are ok. Then one day you're gonna get the odd kid that likes to do lot of dangerous shit, maybe that kid decides to mess with fire and gasoline and you need to stop that kid before they do something stupid.

Not defending lootboxes and I'm not a shill so don't strawman me.

However, I can already see what's going to happen.

"Because we don't have lootboxes we don't have enough money to bring the same quality into our games as before. Because of this we'll change our plan into streaming/releasing the games in parts. Thank you for understanding."

whito piggu go home

Well, it directly or indirectly destroyed some games I was really interested in.
So whatever the downfall of this cancer is I welcome it.

>How are they legally going to ban loot boxes
I don't understand what you mean? They can just pass a law specifically banning digital offerings based on chance.

>while other forms of child gambling, specifically trading card games, still remain legal?
There is absolutely no need to be "fair" by some retard definition when it comes to law. Congress can pass whatever they wish there. If they decide that one area is straightforward to regulate and presents clear major harm while another is more complex and it seems the harm is less, they are entirely free to regulate them completely separately.

What's wrong with using lootboxes with in game currency?

and why should I care? If they're willing to destroy their game by making it into a service that needs good internet just to play (IE places not held by monopolistic ISPS) then they can enjoy losing out on major markets. It's a worthwhile sacrifice, and I'll just sit back and refuse to play them.

>Gacha is regulated you retard
Don't use word you do not understand. Regulated imply government auditing companies, like casino are actually audited by government officials to make sure that payouts fits certain standards, money in/out is monitored for taxation purpose etc. For gacha games there's absolutely no auditing whatsoever, companies disclose rates that absolutely NOBODY is verifying. So for all we know fraud can be rampant, systems can be tailored for RNG to be pseudo-RNG (i.e make sure that a big spender after something specific fail to roll X numbers of time on purpose etc.)

So no gacha isn't regulated, it's the fucking far west, companies can do the fuck they want for as long as there's no PR scandal like the monkeygate and even when that shit happen you can just play the "but it was a programming error guys!". The day companies will be forced to reveal their ACTUAL rates then whatever they disclose means shit. In my country I can officially check the books of any Casino and check how many money was paid out as well as FACTUAL payout rates (i.e. what actually happened) per type of games. The same happen with the national lottery or scratch card, you can even monitor in near real time how many prizes were won so far.

If you can buy the in game currency it's literally the same.
If not your game is a probably a total slog to get through.

The way you get in game currency is by spending real money.

>Because of this we'll change our plan into streaming/releasing the games in parts.
They're already doing this now, well the releasing the games in parts thing not so much the streaming thing. Now they can do it the right way (episodic content) or the wrong way (proven instances of day 1 DLC just being locked content with a downloadable unlock key)

I personally find it an annoying mechanic, but that's not what's being discussed.

If the in-game currency cannot be acquired by real money means to gain an advantage then it's literally pay 2 win or pay 2 get ahead. Why bother acquiring skill in the game when you can just pay for your victories?

Like how the British government regulates social media by jailong people who say mena words? All regulation is a slippery e

yup, I've been telling this since forever
just make them adult only

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Sure you won't buy them. Jimmy with his hot loaded MILF will though.

>If in game currency isn't aquired by real money than it is pay2win

Get ready to buy things like Skin Pack 1 or Skin Pack 2. I also can see them increasing the price way higher to offset having no lootboxes.

You're right. That's why we need to get rid of intellectual property laws and make all forms of piracy legal.

>"Because we don't have lootboxes we don't have enough money to bring the same quality into our games as before. Because of this we'll change our plan into streaming/releasing the games in parts. Thank you for understanding."
OK? That's fine then, if they can make it work. As long as nothing you pay for depends on CHANCE, then it won't be lootboxes/gacha/gambling. They can do that right now. If it works, it'll be fine, and if it doesn't then competitors will come in and just sell games like normal and clean their clocks.

Again, lootbox ban doesn't get rid of DLC/P2W completely. They would still be free to say "You can buy Epic Infinity Shotgun +2 for just $9.99!" But someone will know exactly what they're getting, for exactly what price, and if they buy will get it 100% of the time. Consumers can evaluate that. It just will no longer be
>Buy a golden bullet gem for $0.99 or 5 gems for $3.99 (savings of 25%!) or 25 gems for $16.99 (33% savings) or 60 gems for just $36 (BEST VALUE!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and then the Epic Infinity Shotgun +2 has a 1.5% droprate (variable).


I agree that the example of British government nanny state is an example of things going too far in one direction. This shit is a balancing act, can't overregulate but also can't take a laissez faire approach either.

>Sure you won't buy them. Jimmy with his hot loaded MILF will though.
If it screws over the whales, that's an acceptable loss. I'm not just sitting down and letting them ruin my games.

Fucking commies

i was comparing the absurdity of people defensing lootboxes with defending ponzi schemes, it is not hard to understand, both are unethical cashgrabs.
>for all of the games we have on the market that have a randomized content mechanic, a surprise mechanic, a loot box, I have no qualms that they’re implemented in an unethical way.

Yeah I mistyped, meant to say "if the in-game currency can be acquired by real money" not "can't".

They should be free to sell whatever the fuck they want go back to russia.

The thing I'm trying to point out is they'll find another way to milk the whales. They always do.

Yeah why can't I buy heroin at walmart!?

I gotcha. It was just worded weirdly, but I can't really think of a better way to word it, so my bad.

Well try to see it from this angle.
In a TCG you can pump 1000$ into it. And open all booster and if by the next day you decide that you
don't to play that game anymore you can sell all cards and get around 75%-125% of your money back.
Some worth degradation over longer times may exist. I find it harder to defend these small blind bags
for children, but in any case you get something that becomes your property.
You could argue that even if you bought something digital directly you also get "nothing", but at least
you actively decided that you need exactly this skin for 5$ and not just some chance. And if you don't
get what you want, you are, more often than not, unable to trade it off.

Also, when you go into a casino you go there to gamble, or it's at least a huge chunk of why you are even there.
With games you are primarily there to play the game. You don't start a game with the mindset of "oh boy I'm
gonna gamble away some money now, maybe I get rich!"

because jews control the market

user you yourself aren't even freely allowed to sell whatever the fuck you want without oversight. You have to go apply for licenses and go through approval and standards for any products or services you wish to sell or provide. Corporations should not be exempt from this.

This, large corporations know what is best so they should be able to do and sell whatever they want.

>Get ready to buy things like Skin Pack 1 or Skin Pack 2.
>I also can see them increasing the price way higher to offset having no lootboxes.
But that only works if the market will allow for it. Like, why not just increase the price of new vidya to $200 to offset having no lootboxes huh, that will surely work because $200 > $60!!

Except obviously things aren't that simple. Increasing the price means fewer people will pay, and if the percent that remains is smaller then the percent of price increase you make less money, not more. Lootboxes work by exploiting a flaw in many peoples' brains where the true cost is never really clear and it doesn't trigger the same value evaluation pathways that paying the same price upfront would.

With that gone people aren't just going to necessarily pay $1k for skins straight up. And if a company can do such an amazing fucking job that they can manage that anyway? Well then they earned it. But there is a reason the industry hates this so much, and it's not because they think it'll be an easy transition like you imply.

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Then I'll keep making it harder.

The other thing about TCG's is that every booster pack you also get a guaranteed rare/uncommon/common ratio in your packs. Furthermore you can actually play a game with those packs.

>They should be free to sell whatever the fuck they want
No they shouldn't.
>go back to russia.
Hilarious since that's one of the countries where a company can sell whatever it wants (if they pay the right bribes) and is a shithole in part because of that.

They'll always find a way to milk the whales.
Sure it won't be a straight increase to $200. But little by little they can inch themselves to at least $10-20 more than they are right now.

you can gamble at age 18

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user, that would be company suicide by product.
They have already tried that shit and it didn't work out so well, streaming might though, but if you think that the worlds infrastructure is designed to handle loads like gamestreaming on a global scale you are just delusional.

The better ruling would be to just admit that loot boxes are gambling and to have them taxed accordingly. That's the entire problem that people have with them, they're gambling, marketed towards children, and sold as though you're getting a product. That's a mixture of scummy and blatant lies that never should have been pushed through as long as they have.

It's probably being pushed through congress by Gambling money anyways, they don't want the competition. They've spent a lot of time and money on their monopolies and their back-room deals, why the fuck would they want the bing bing wahoo crowd to get free use of their addicts

Good, fuck corporations

>Gacha/lootboxes though are equally economically worthless and harmful
So are tons of things online and these aren't banned as well. I find giving money to streamers just as harmful, likewise for people giving money to thots etc. It's literally exploiting people emotional weakness in order to obtain money, it's just as bad as cults really and yet this is allowed.

Saying that gacha is economically worthless is stupid as it creates jobs down the line. The money spent on gacha goes funding game companies. You can argue that their games are shit/cashgrabs and so forth but that's just a matter of opinion. Down the line you have people working making those games, marketing those games etc. So there are jobs. The Square Enix or Cygames employee getting his paycheck at the end of the month is going to spend it in the "real" economy, pay for his living expenses etc. So it's not economically worthless.

>They'll always find a way to milk the whales.
If they really thought that user, then they wouldn't oppose legislation about it. They'd just move on easily.

But the fact is that gambling is very effective. It always has been. That's why it's profitable and works. They're fighting it because they know they'll have to work much harder and produce a better product and still won't be able to cash in as lazily.

>But little by little they can inch themselves to at least $10-20 more than they are right now.
If they could so easily they'd have done it already. They do try to have Deluxe Editions and CEs and so forth, and that's fine. But it's not a total replacement for the money printing for minimal effort machine that is digital gambling.

>Get ready to buy things like Skin Pack 1 or Skin Pack 2. I also can see them increasing the price way higher to offset having no lootboxes.
That stuff already exists even with lootboxes. Skins don't really matter if there's a fixed selection of what you get with the pack and if those skins provide no additional gameplay advantage. There's not going to be any actual legitimate cost of production increases that's going to warrant higher prices ethically speaking.

Digital distribution was meant to result in cheaper end product for consumers since cost of manufacturing and distribution would have been cheaper but the savings didn't pass down to the customer at all.

You'd think so.
You're underestimating the power of Jews and their power.

> Fuck job creators
A poor man has never hired anyone

>video gaymers are literally so pathetic they can't stop buying bad games or loot boxes so much so they need government to stop them
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. You should all be shot for being this pathetic.

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>t-t-t-they're gambling
Guess we need trading card games to be sold at casinos too. Hey kids want your magic cards? Gotta be 21 because some autist online couldn't stop himself from buying bad games.

>Implying jobs couldn't be created before corporations existed
Co-operative organisations and societies have and do exist still to this day.

>So are tons of things online and these aren't banned as well
Name one that is at all equivalent and at all as easily targeted?

>I find giving money to streamers just as harmful
That's cute.

>Saying that gacha is economically worthless is stupid as it creates jobs down the line
So does dumping massive amounts of toxins into a river and killing everything in it in order to make a few million bucks. If you can externalize the costs you can use the "but jobs!" argument anywhere. But that same amount of money could be doing something actually productive instead, and still get the same money paycheck and still go out and support things but also have made the overall economy better.

you can give trading cards away for money
that's why it's okay with the law

Go back whence you came faggot commie

Oh no, how will EA make money? Can someone think of the executives?!

No. We want to forcibly stop other people from enabling corporations doing objectively bad practices.

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It's not gamers, it's people in general. Your average fat american would rather blame the food corporations rather then eat healthy. Blaming the banks for taking loans they cannot afford, so on and so forth. People are stupid with no foresight.

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it has never worked. if you ignore cancer long enough it won't go away, it'll kill you. we're just in an extremely accelerated form of society thanks to social media, everything moves much faster. what would take many decades before now takes a few years or even months thanks to extreme spread of ideas. on the plus side, counter movements can spread just as fast, but for that neutralfags need to stop being fence sitting cucks and start fighting for themselves.

They have. Think of stuff like the Atlus tax. They have no need to increase the prices right now but I can see them deciding to release their games more expensive on the context of losing lootboxes.

>Blaming the banks for taking loans they cannot afford
So the banks aren't charging interest now huh? Oh, they are? To cover RISK? And the banks also get free guaranteed money and support from the taxpayers? Hmmmmmmm.

Those co-op societies and organisations exist in democratic countries you fucking faggot, even in your country. Mainly to protect and prosper in the agricultural sector.

>objectively bad practice
>offering loot box in your game you offer to sell is evil to people
Yes I too want to tell them what they can and can't put in MY video games they make for me. Don't stop eating McDonalds no no no you're not strong enough for that, sue them that's the ticket

So banks should loan money for no interest?

It really didn't. Kompu gashit law is one thing. Displaying rates, mercy/pitty pulls and other shit is just agreement between big publishers in Japan. The ones who forced them in the west was actually Apple (it's still fucking weird to see that they actually pushed for lot of pro-consumer stuff), and Play Store followed as well.

>literally agree to pay at certain rates all completely written out for you in bold font
By any chance did you take a lot of student loans you can't pay back? Seems like a lot of college kids without jobs have this view.

So I'm confused.

I thought Yea Forums was right winged but there's a ton of communists in this thread. The fuck is happening?

in 10 years people will unironically defend products with asbestos, "don't like it don't buy it", "it is called free market sweetie", "think of the poor companies", we truly live in a society.

>Gets paid 3 times each ''loan''
>First in interests
>Then in tax payments
>And lastly by investors or tax avoidance
Nah user, you are just too stupid to see that you are being exploited

They would find a way to monetise their shit. You know, its EA after all

I totally feel you and I think the same. I don't buy loot boxes.
Still I am somewhat affected since I had some games I really anticipated
directly or indirectly being destroyed by them, so I won't defend them either.

Kill yourself, electionfag.

Mcdonalds doesn't force itself onto my dinner table everytime I sit down to eat. Lootboxes are forcing themselves into every fucking game I want to play however.

Hold onto your seats and wait. If it specifically stated that a lootbot can only be bought by an adult, then its fine. Stupid adults makes stupid decisions and I have long given up on hoping that people stop supporting horrible western companies like EA or Bethesda.
It should be "to sell lootboxes to children or the mentally-impaired is against the law" so that it will prevent people with gambling issues from buying.

>this video game EA made literally forces me to sit down and play and buy loot boxes
Yes you're a victim sweetie always a victim of those big mean bad people looking to put you down. You're brave so brave being force to play vidya, I can't think of anything so evil we should ban EA from the states where's my lawyer.

People here in general are anti-bullshit. Simple as that. Fucking your game up with lootboxes is bullshit.

Dilate, tranny.

Hey I'm just wondering. Aren't you all the type where it's every man for themselves and people should rise up to the top with their own hard work and strength?

>He plays AAA
There's your problem

The industry's kryptonite, games will never become an artform as long as they are scared of a fucking seal.

Yes I too think we should ban children from buying trading cards. They're EVILLLL

No, but the interest covers risk of default, and it's their job to set that appropriately. It's not risk free, the whole point of interest is to help cover their cost there and let them make a profit. That's their job. If they fuck it up and lend money to somebody who had no hope of ever paying it back then they should get out of the banking business.

Nah, I have an 820 credit ranking and zero debt. But I have no sympathy for businesses that are fully government dependent and taxpayer backed and granted monopoly positions and demand money for risk, but then don't actually want to do even their minimal risk management jobs which they exist for. It's not very complex.

Hell, shareholders would agree. It's like the old saying goes, "if you owe the bank $100k you have a problem, if you owe the bank $100m the bank has a problem".

Oh i'm not brave user, nobody is as brave as you having to lick the boots of your corporate taskmasters.

Correct, it IS however actually a law in China that they have to publish the rates.

No, literally nobody on this board is for that. There are ones that claim to be, but then immediately turn around and cry to the government for protection. They're just too retarded to realize it.

Why does Yea Forums turn into a bunch of women crying about children whenever lootboxes are brought up?

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>"if you owe the bank $100k you have a problem, if you owe the bank $100m the bank has a problem".
Meanwhile America is in trillions of debt.

What does a child gain from said cards though? The only one that actually gains anything from this transaction is the guy selling litteral paper to the child

>working for video gaems
the meme lives on

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>trading cards ebil
YAS SLAY SLAY You should ban candy next

Nigger bank loan interest is literally fucking nothing now.
Credit Card interest is absurd but you have to be a giant retard to be incurring it (lots of people do turns out tons of retards out there)

Yes. Those are essentially gambling too. As well as gacha games. Those must be banned from children under the age of 16, at least.
Banned as well for those with known gambling addictions, so we should apply an algorithm that monitors users.

I said what I said thinking specifically back into the housing bubble 2008 where people took loans they couldn't pay to buy houses they didn't need.

Financially speaking yes you are stupid for ever taking a loan, you should always save some money so you don't have to ever take one, a loan isn't for you, it's for the bank. The same thing applies to loot boxes and fast food. You shouldn't buy those products because you can get better value for your money elswhere, but people are too stupid to do otherwise, so they cry for big dad goverment to make it illegal. They cannot help but eat candy before launch, so they have to ask their parents to take candy away forever, so that it's impossible to eat candy when you are not supposed to.

left wing, right wing doesn't matter. Nobody wants to deal with bullshit.

Imagine unironically defending lootboxes lmao

>U.S. Bill Could Ban Loot Boxes For Children
Good, what is the problem here? The only faggots that would defend Loot Boxes are pedophiles, and roasties.

It was banned because it was a physical lootbox

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>and are rewarding terrible developers for making terrible games.
Games that inlcude loot boxed are terrible AAA crap or mobile trash. I'm more worried about what is going to replace lootboxes than about lootboxes. If you aren't Fifa, CoD, or Fortnite kid (which is most of Yea Forums), then lootboxes are irrelevant for you. Any lootbox replacement might affect the industry on a wider scale.
The target audience for AAA games are casuals, studios aren't magically going to create good AAA games if you remove lootboxes.
Except this isn't what the lootbox issue is about. It's about mechanics that are akin to gambling causing an increase of underage gambling. Being allowed to resell the loot would make lootboxes even more questionable from a legal standpoint. And while I agree that lootboxes should be removed in non 18+ games, in the worst case scenario this can turn into a slippery slope.

you should be shot

>why does Yea Forums hate a system that has been ruining games

>regulating corporations are wrong

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>trading cards are comparable to candies
Nigga, no.

They are not evil, just worthless. 99% of children would probably have more fun tossing around a ball.

>ruins like 3 games i haven't heard of or had any interest in
You have shit taste if you want to play games with these boxes.

>Loot boxes arent even going to get banned
>Just sales of them for minors
>Newfags screaming
Gee I wonder what the correlation between people defending lootboxes being banned for minors and the people defending them might be.

It's just an excuse to fuck EA. See

>you dam kids stop having fun this instant and go outside
ok grandpa

You should dilate. Gambling addiction is just as bad as drug addiction and supports terrible business models that has been the cancer of the gaming industry. The reason why companies can pander to socjus types is because they know gamblers will buy their games anyway.

Gacha is mostly popular in Asia, unless America forces laws there Gacha will do fine. Hell, gacha bypasses these laws because they're not based in the countries that ban this shit

>gambling addiction is just as bad as drug addiction
The mental gymanstics for this are incredible. Do you have a mentally weak person in your family and that's why you're so ready to cry and strip away rights for a mentally weak baby? Just because somebody can't control themself doesn't make it an addiction it just makes tham a weak baby.

Those that operate outside the west is unfortunately not in your jurisduction. But since lootboxes are being criminalized, so too must any gacha game operated within the USA.

Man I sure do like asbestos.

>2008 where people took loans they couldn't pay to buy houses they didn't need.
That entire problem was created by litteral scam artists that pretended to be bankers though. They WILLINGLY gave out loans to drug addicts, criminals and homeless/workless people and then turned around and ''sold'' all of their ''loans'' to some guillable/retarded bankers. The banks then got bailed out by, you guessed it, THE GOOBAMINT! If the US government had just done nothing the dollars worth would have sunken low enough to drag the entire world down with it.

TLDR:It wasn't the people who dun goofed, it was the bankers who had a lapse of judgement thanks to greed.

Facebook launching its own currency is also concerning too. Corporations paying people in their own scrip so they don't have to pay you real world money and can set their own rates. This is shit George Pullman tried when he was building railroads.

We're taking gaming back and I can't fucking wait. So many games have been ruined by microtransactions, entire genres even. Todd will have to delete his horse armor because that shit is about to be illegal. Feels good.

>mentally weak, mentally weak, mentally weak
Well we must protect them too. Kids, too, are mentally weak and I'd never trust a child or a mentally-impaired person to do the right thing about money.
But what can I do? Its their money. They can freely give that to EA, but I don't want them to.
Hence we turn to regulations and law instead. If we cannot control the people, we'll turn to the law to stop them from supporting bad business practices instead.

No, it was banned because Americans are too retarded to discern between a piece of chocolate and a bright yellow piece of plastic.

i guess if all of your whales are adults then you won't mind banning the advertising and sale of gambling boxes to children

>children should be able to gamble on virtual items!

sad but necessary

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No, it wasn't just the scum of society that took loans during the bubble, many common working people thought they could make a profit because housing was so cheap, but anyone who was into the industry back then, just as crypto right now, would tell you it was a bubble and it was not a wise choice to take a loan you cannot pay to invest in something so risky.

The problem IS that goverment bailed the banks out. The goverment has been bailing failed banks since the fucking '80. Everytime a big enough bank would invest in something dumb and lose money, the goverment would always save them because they were afraid of dollar losing it's value, but what happened is that since everytime you would fail the goverment would help you, there was no risk anymore, so you could be really dumb with your investing and have the goverment save you. It's a fucking snowball of goverment saving those who should fail.

AFAIK there wasnt a single person harmed from it.
But some soccer mom group threw a bitchfit.

Banks already repaid their bailouts.
They did that shit in under a month.

Remember who are the angry ones itt.

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Well said. These people are literally defending "horse armor" style DLC. There is no hope.

no bailing out the financial institutions was absolutely necessary, and if it wasn't done your employer wouldn't even have been able to make payroll lol
the problem is that the people working there to do some frauds didn't get their assets expropriated and put into jail

The question is whether you hate the government or corporations more.



no they didn't you dumb nog
it took the fed ages to clear its balance sheet of all of its backdoor bailout purchases

And us good parents have to let our kids loose in a world where they are vastly outnumbered by kids with shit parents. As good parents we want to leave a better world for our children to live in.

Games are mostly in the E to M ratings, the bill would require games with loot boxes to get pushed up to AO so as to prevent children from playing them, however this would probably completly fuck the game company due to no stores stocking AO games. At least that's what i'm getting from it.

>free market
>not allowed to buy or sell drugs

free markets are fake and gay

Stupid numbers aside, M and AO is the difference between R and X.

There's been a debate over the legal status of TCGs and gambling laws around the world for decades now.

make loot boxes AO, make content ALSO AO

imagine the sales of LEWDBOXES

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>Shills are PANICKING right now
Feels great

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>No, it wasn't just the scum of society that took loans during the bubble, many common working people thought they could make a profit because housing was so cheap, but anyone who was into the industry back then, just as crypto right now, would tell you it was a bubble and it was not a wise choice to take a loan you cannot pay to invest in something so risky.
And it is the bankers job to asses the circumstances and only lend money in case of a profit, yet they continued too give away money that had an extremely low chance at a return. They are the ''first defence'' in this situation, yet they failed to do their jobs. Just blaming people who don't know how the system actually works while defending the people that do is extremely disingenuous.

>The problem IS that goverment bailed the banks out. The goverment has been bailing failed banks since the fucking '80.
Yes, that is a problem, but it is a problem that they have been forced into thanks to privatizing banks in the first place.

>It's a fucking snowball of goverment saving those who should fail.
And it has never just been small banks failing, those are the ones that never actually gets bailed. It's the BIG banks (just like in '07-'08) that are the ones causing all of this trouble. If the US just did nothing we would instead have a totall economic collapse. And that would benefit no one.

A. Takes it out of games that are under M, so leave my fucking sports and racing games alone you cunts.
B. Adds an extra layer of commitment through the age verification gate, which is enough time to make some people back down and not buy them.

People should be allowed to buy all the drugs they want, as long as there isn't public healthcare for druggies. Their lives, their responsability.

esrb ratings are irrelevant and should not be utilized in any capacity by the state in making regulations as they are subject to the whims of the industry
regulations should specify legal ages and nothing else



I'm just hoping they ban gacha so I can watch all the retards who spent thousands on waifu.jpegs riot.

Fucking this

Nigger that literally received more than they handed out
>266B vs 245B

>Hurr secret backdoor bailouts
You read like some underage conspiracy theorist form /pol/, fuck off.

i want to ban all of these gay gambling mechanics because they exploit children and people with brain problems and i don't care how many parasites that employs
i'm sure killing my countrymen with opioids employs a lot of people too but i'm not ok with it

See And

i'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand fed policy and think tarp was the extent of financial stabilization but you should go back to your neoliberal subreddit and jerkoff lee kuan yew

Isn't that the DOA thing?

Then you'll have neighborhoods becoming crack dens overnight, not to mention homelessness murders skyrocketing

>Ban lootboxes
Not far enough, ban fortenite while they are at it.

If its just children its going to be as effective as the "Are you 18 or older" screen on porn sites.

Odds are they'll just have to add 1 line to their TOS, and thats it.

The obvious shilling on this site in favor of lootboxes is just amazing. You faggots at companies like EA can all go jobless

>Get ready to buy things like Skin Pack 1 or Skin Pack 2.
You mean the way it was before loot boxes?
The method in which a later edition of the game just has them all for free, or eventually you can just pirate them easily?


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Trading cards are scummy at their core, but they're a physical product that kids can, wait for it, trade.
You can't trade your Overwatch skins.

loot boxes in my cartoony video games are 100% intended for adult customers

Then better grow up fast and get a job, son. I ain't gonna pay for your damn lootboxes.

>*throws feces at wall*

Its called capitalism. Virtually all of the opposition to loot boxes comes from faggot socialist europoors who want the government to run their lives. Im so grateful we have a pro business GOP in control of the Senate and WH so we can kill this shit

I love how people act like this bill is going to be brought up for a vote and won't just die

Yes bruh. Its so cartoony, a guy named Dr Disrespect plays it. And someone fucking shot at his windows, that's probably a kid too.

pretty sure the sponsor of this legislation is a republican senator
sorry boss but ronald reagan is cancelled

Well lets say that lootboxes do get banned and any game with them turn into A rated games. At what point in the future do you guys see these changes getting implemented? 2021? 2023?

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>Overwatch isn't designed to draw in kids.
You're one disingenuous nigga, you know that?

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it's so cartoony you watch it on twitch.tv, which lets me know you are underage

Effective whenever the fuck the bill passes.
So 2020 at earliest.

Video games are as much as for kids only as anime is.
No, they're not.

>If the US just did nothing we would instead have a totall economic collapse.
As a side note, banks 100% knows this and probably abuses it for all of its worth.

tons of anime is for kids you can tell which ones because of their time slots
just like you can tell who fortnite is targeting by who shows up at your house on halloween doing fortnite dances

Bernie Sanders supports this bill and Bernie wants to cancel peoples student loans. QOD this bill is socialist garbage

I only heard about Dr Disrespect from some guy who claimed Twitch streamers are getting shot at vs trannies who only claim they're getting shot at.

Imagine how retarded a person would have to be to like Ronald Reagan. Just imagine.

>One Piece isn't aimed at kids.
>Overwatch isn't aimed at kids.
I bet you think Toy Story's designs aren't specifically meant to draw in kids too.

>And how can you tell whether a game is designed to market to children

Easy. If it's not R-18, it's for children.

Reagan was our greatest president. He literally destroyed the USSR and made America proud again

>law bans lootboxes for kids
>a bunch of anons complained
Wait a sec. You're not supposed to BE HERE!

Imagine being this user. Just imagine it.

With a rocket launcher while riding a Raptor holding the best flag on Earth.

you just posted cringe bro

If companies are forced to make actual games rather then Skinner box garbage then good.

Why do you fucking morons talk about this like it even has a chance of being brought up for a vote let alone passing? God you are a bunch of fucking retards

Poor Jimmy.

because nagging your representatives is how this will become law and telling you to nag your representative is how to get you to do that
call your representatives btw

Because it will pass and the kids felt like they've just been grounded for a year, lmao.

Whito piggu go home

The soviet union couldn't even feed itself despite as much farmland as the us. ffs they blew themselves up.

>law bans """"lootboxes"""" for """"kids""""
>a few anons complain and everyone else is happy about it
>1 month later poker is taken down from RDR2, every gambling mechanic in games are censored or removed for upcoming games, new laws are piggy backed of it banning tiddies to protect kids, new even stricter legal binding rating system is put in place, Real ID's are now required to access online services, you can't access your PS5 without first retinal, fingerprint scanning, and having the built in camera/sonar system track your facial movements at all times
You brought this on yourselves

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I will call and tell him to oppose thus anti business bullshit.
Hey Zoomers, Bernie will never win and we will never surrender this nation to socialist Bullshit like free college and universal health care.
Jimmy Carter was a weak bitch

the point is to tax companies man, no one ever give a single fuck about children or anything.
lootboxes are something that brings money, every single game from the top lucrative games have lootboxes as a main mechanic.
The state just happened to hear of it.

Fuck consoles and fuck open world games

contact them regularly
get your friends to do the same
use your real name and contact your actual representatives, and if you are a small business owner, part of a local community group, or otherwise active in your community, be sure to mention that

>Hey Zoomers
Boomer here, fine. But lootboxes has got to go. I'd be in favor of regulating DLCs too if that wasn't over the wall already.

Jimmy did the right thing instead of playing the game.

I just dont buy any games with day 1 DLC.
People who buy those season pass DLC things are literal retards and Im offended they exist.

>99% of whales are adults, not children

Children and Man-Children alike can fuck off. Literally no downside to this law.

Completely agree, but it's irony not "Ironing",

When i was a dumb kid one night i grabbed the phone and called one of those silly hotlines for phone-sex resulting in me having a one-minute extremely awkward conversation and my parents getting 30 extra € on the phonebill

I'm sure there's systems around to block these unwanted services and stuff, but ignoring that what do you suggest my parents should've done to predict that i was randomly going to get horny enough to attempt such a thing while they were sleeping? Kids are dumb and will seek the dumb, nothing new here. Except in my example i was foolishly falling for what's essentially an adults-only service that got advertised on TV during late night "no kids allowed" porn hours - with lootboxes instead we're talking about big mainstream products that youngsters are encouraged and expected to actively follow

daily reminder that those who are against the bill are shills

their arguments go like this

>but just dont play those games bruh

the quality of future game produced is negatively impacted by the fact that devs are pressured to put them in because the profit they turn in

>but muh gubernment regulation is bad

literal retard argument the squeaky gear gets the grease

>they wont be able to produce same quality bruh

ps2 games were profitable without them go shill some where else

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nu Yea Forums defending loot boxes again I see.

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i would love to get these companies to have to explain their psychological research and their dehumanizing jargon in public hearings so clips could be made to spread across social media

>Loot boxes basically done with
What a time to be alive! Cheers!

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I believe the correct scientific term is shillarus el maximus.

They're not even banned anymore I can buy them at Kroger's

>good lootboxes
Is this some fresh EA lingo?

Squeky gear gets the grease is a fallacy.

The baby that cries loudest gets the milk. The baby making no noise is in need of it most, or perhaps sharing it between babies keeps them all alive but the loudest crier.

And the metaphor is complete.

This is cool and it makes me happy, but this industry is unsustainable without consumer whales. What comes after this will be even worse.

You mean games won't have bloated development costs anymore and will have to focus on concept and presentation instead of graphics?
Oh no!

Don't be silly. That will never happen

Yea Forums is national socialist.
Companies and private property are allowed to exist, but ultimately they must serve Yea Forums's interests.

He's right, guys. No one has ever made a profitable video game without loot boxes.

this industry is extremely profitable and any attempts to grow profits at the expense of social welfare should be met with extreme vindictiveness
these companies have operated with no self-awareness, because they've been able to ride on the coattails of the laissez faire attitude toward regulating the tech sector--while it was generating wondrous novelties--but this entire area is going to get pulled into the fold of the rest of the economy

Remember TF2 started the lootbox trend

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It was actually EA with the predecessor to ultimate team all the way back in 06, I believe.

>The children only part confuses me
The children part is just to get it attention. Banning lootboxes in gaming, who cares? Regulating gambling addiction in children through electronic entertainment? That gets attention.

Trading cards aren't considered gambling because you always get a return on your investment, even if it's less value than the investment. Those cards have real world value because you can trade and sell them. The same should apply to the contents of lootboxes.

>letting stupid people do stupid things
That's the problem. You let stupid people do stupid things, and in the end it fucks over EVERYONE. We, the people with enough common sense to not buy microtransactions or lootboxes (I hope), are watching our hobby degrade due to people who are stupid enough to buy these things.
"Vote with your wallet". What a fucking joke. There is no voting. There's just a dollar-activated "yes" button that any idiot can press as many times as they're willing to pay.

whito piggu go home


Didn't realize Yea Forums was bootlicker central.


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"People" who play FIFA and Overbotch are not human and cannot think for themselves

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Lol, imagine FIFA with an M/AO rating, EA would kill themselves


Bears being a socialist from the Caliphate of Eurabia


They'll just find a new way to jew people.
I agree with banning lootboxes. It's essentially gambling that is legal for children.If you want to buy skins or whatever that is fine, just don't hide them behind a gambling mechanic.

I bet it's going to end in item shops, and/or a secondary subscription to the game for a monthly fee that allows you the opportunity to win items randomly at the end of matches.

if regulating gambling is government overreach then so is regulating theft. Why should the government interfere in the matters of your personal property?

Your to young to know why the FDA was made.

You are the faggot thats killing video games

whito piggu go home
at least most gacha games have bitches i can masturbate to. who was the last 7/10 to come from a new “AAA” western game?

If governing is bad we need to destroy the FDA! How dare they regulate what food I can buy!

Whito piggu go home