Wait WHAT?

wait WHAT?

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based. fuck ALL of them

Well with the exception of things like the SS or command, most of the people fighting on the front were "just" german soldiers.

Can't wait to see the productive discussion in this thread

>it's another "Yea Forums falls for clickbait" episode
Really tired of these reruns desu

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This screams clickbait

why the fuck are you reading vice lmao

inb4 they were just just following orders :((((((((

It's another episode of
>American millennial does not know shit about WW2-era European history

>"I hate Jersey Shore, such a fucking stupid reality tv, why do they keep making it?!"
>"I'm going to watch the next episode just so I can hate them and yell at the dumbass jews".

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>confused Wehrmacht with SS

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to all the nazis who are gonna be in this thread

What absolute retarded shit is this? The SS were full blown Nazis, but the main German military were mostly dudes fighting because from a living standpoint they had no other choice.

It's because people play games to have fun. Game that is about atrocities on non-fun way would not be very interesting, games don't work like movies and documentaries do.
Not saying that game about nazi atrocities could not be fun, but just imagine someone releasing real Holocauster Tycoon or beat 'em up where you play as SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger trooper during Warsaw uprising and rape Polish women to death in minigames between levels. Both might be educational, though.

>It's always some fat incel.

Yup, Wolfenstein is full of completely normal soldiers. Absolutely.

Americans would not say this about the Russians, despite that also being true.

No. I don't want Nazis to procreate.

>Implying anyone in the world does.

slow news day?

Germany conscripted many soldiers from the territories they annexed
That said they also only had like 3 black people who served in the European theater, 2 of which who may have held a rifle at some point

They can't. You don't think these 30 year old virgins have time to LARP as nazis because they've got kids to raise, do you?

I want to know the context. Was this dress-up-as-a-historical-soldier day? Or did he just dress up like a German soldier for no reason?

I'll bet money that autist showed up like that for attention.

Yup that 14 year old volkstrum kid really wanted to put that nose in the fuckin oven

actually they do that because putting nazi symbols in games is not politically correct anymore even though it's you know, history and stuff.

also this

>OMG Grey characters are so much better and more interesting! Real world isn't black and white guys
>except germans during ww2 were objectively literal pure evil and don't you dare say otherwise

Well. No. But for that reason alone I'd never tell them to have sex.


I mean, it's actually very true, the SS recruited from outside of Germany all the time as they had the ability to.

The SS Legion in Latvia is still particularly looked fondly upon


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Love this retarded argument. Because I'm sure some German dude wanted to be manhunted by his own platoon for treason, and the only monetary compensation available for people who weren't in a specialised field necessary for running the country cut off from his family so they become homeless and/or starve.

Anybody in the position of the average German soldier would have done the fucking same - followed orders and kept your head down.

The Nazis were faggots simply because they failed to eliminate the Juden and degenerates who now feel smug and victorious being all obnoxious and shoving themselves everywhere.

Germany is literally only country where WW2 guilt is a major thing. Maybe to some extent in Italy too, but countries like Hungary, Finland and Romania always get away with having axis past in popular history and mainstream controversies.

Rather than simply doing it because they were able to, it became an existential necessity, because their reckless combat style resulted in heavy losses on all fronts and they soon ran out of flawless aryans.

Which was pretty fucking stupid. They should've sent the jews off to war instead concentration camps, and spared their own sons, and they'd rule the world now.

>Nazis were faggots simply because they failed to eliminate the Juden and degenerates
Now frankly it's not entirely their fault.

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Don' forget Japan. Why they don't pride themselves of the defeat and are perpetually nuke-salty, they will forever deny any and all war crimes.

> vice

Have any of these writers ever learned anything in school? Seriously... what kind of retarded education did they go through to think up of these articles?

calm down, zhang

"While", not "why"

>what kind of retarded education

The kind that costs $120k and lands you an internship at a dying media corporation.

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Useless sociology degrees and "American education"

The Wehrmacht participated in war crimes and the senior leadership of the Wehrmacht sympathised heavily with the Nazis even as they opposed the radical element of the Nazi party (the Wehrmacht officers were staunch oldschool conservatives - an old guard dating back to the monarchy in a lot of cases). The 'clean hands' myth is, well, a myth.

That said, it's not like every last German soldier was a card-carrying Nazi either. Soldiers are mostly ordinary people, and ordinary people aren't consequential enough to be evil enough to be worth mentioning.


Nice RT. Right or wrong, you might as well post Kotaku faggot.

>Anybody in the position of the average German soldier would have done the fucking same
That's not an excuse.

Even if almost everyone fails to live up to humanitarian values when push comes to shove, it is still a fucking failure. People should be accountable for their failures.

He dressed up for a school project and someone stuck the caption on for the memes.

You've probably seen similar ones where people take some pornstar's photo and put
>you sure? we are related
over it or whatever.

>"I am ANGRY. Because ANGRY and UPSET about NAZIS is what I should be. WHY? It's what I was told to do."

say, who owns Vice media now again?

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To punish someone because of an unwilling mistake that nearly every single human would have fallen victim of is hypocritical moral posturing.

Their punishment is falling into that pitfall, they don't need to be punished further. Fuck knows how many Wehrmacht soldiers killed themselves because of the shame.

>>you sure? we are related
I have not, in fact, seen any of these.

>To punish someone because of an unwilling mistake that nearly every single human would have fallen victim of is hypocritical moral posturing.
Maybe if they were punished for it they wouldn't have done it. People go along with war crimes because the cost of action is higher than the cost of inaction.

Furthermore, at some point crimes are so serious that no level of extenuating circumstances can excuse you.

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t. statist scum

Finland actually still uses swastikas as emblems of some army units

But Call of Duty World at War showed nazis and japanese as heartless monsters.

Germany's punishment was the fiercest for a reason.

Understanding and sympathising with the poor bastard stuck in the broken cogs of a warmachine is statism now. Okay.

>Furthermore, at some point crimes are so serious that no level of extenuating circumstances can excuse you.
No, I don't buy this at all. If you're at risk of indirectly killing your own family due to lack of money, and being killed by your own best friends because you dared to step out of line, no person is going to cause a ruckus in this scenario. By choosing not to fight for the country, you are dooming either yourself or those closest to you. You're asking something very selfish of this person if you expect them to just stop and say no. They want to stop, but they reasonably can't.

>Maybe if they were punished for it they wouldn't have done it.
Punished by WHOM? You? A morally righteous Millennial in the year two thousand and nineteen? Do you have a time machine handy?

It's a total and complete retcon to declare that the Allies were the lawful good versus the Axis' chaotic evil.
WWII was the continuation of Imperial(ish) Germany's various attempts to establish control over the European continent.
The holocaust et al have dominated classrooms and history lectures, not without reason but it is vital to maintain the proper perspective. Wehrmacht troops on the front line were the aggressors (again not always entirely unfairly, fuck me international politics is fucking complicated) but not inherently bad any more than Allied troops reinvading the occupied territory. Both fighting for their countries, or rather, for their country's governments at the time.

Dunno, maybe talking about auxiliary units like cossacks and hungarians and such, they had those via Us vs Communism thing they had going on

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>Germany is literally only country where WW2 guilt is a major thing
>burger is oblivious the actions his gubnit carried out in germany after the surrender
not surprised

>get away
>nationalism is bad
oy vey

World peace can be achieved only by the death of every last dishonorable g*rman

>Yea Forums

Which is justified as finns used swastikas before the krauts. Even then we had to remove it on tons of emblems after 1944.

>Yea Forums
btfo or gtfo

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>implying there a difference between the boards when clickbait is involved

>Implying chinese count as people


>implying slavs, jews, fags and gypsies count either

It was pride month celebration day but thought it wa sthe other kind of pride

why are ugly american teens always so obsessed with g*rmany?


Sometimes I hope hell actually existed so these fuckheads and any other leader with no regards for their people would burn in its deepest pits.

Why didn't Germany butcher all their veterans yet??!

Another word Axis was the bad guys and criminals. Also sinners hehe.

Americans scrap the bottom of the barrel for nationalism as the US is a corporate hellscape so they cling to their 1/64th of german genes they have.

.....is that a cleft head?

We wuz nazi and zz!

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I'm confused. Is it now bad that video games are removing the abhorrent and completely evil and unnecessary nazi imagery

not surprised

>Isn't it great?
>God blessed me with a perfect face, but he mangled this kids just so I could look even better

>ss foreign legions didnt exist
heres your (You) kike

We wuz nazis and shit



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When you color them as "just bad, evil men" it weakens your perception that the same thing could very well have happened to you if you were born in their shoes. These people don't read books and so they see only in black and white from the spyglass of the Internet.

To be honest were the people working the camps even ideologically nazis? They just seem like regular sadists, which is what most young people are, especially today, even on the left.

Yes, the overwhelming majority of the German military were not involved in war crimes to any great extent and were just following what they saw as lawful orders as per the chain of command and the oath of service. This does not excuse those who did commit warcrimes but it has to be said.

As for video games, the reason why so many do not focus on the SS or such is due to the fact they want to avoid controversy.

Some were, some weren't.

>You're asking something very selfish of this person if you expect them to just stop and say no
Get ye gone, bugman.
>To preserve one's life is generally speaking a duty, but it may be the plainest and the highest duty to sacrifice it. War is full of instances in which it is a man's duty not to live, but to die. The duty, in case of shipwreck, of a captain to his crew, of the crew to the passengers, of soldiers to women and children, as in the noble case of the Birkenhead; these duties impose on men the moral necessity, not of the preservation, but of the sacrifice of their lives for others, from which in no country, least of all, it is to be hoped, in England, will men ever shrink, as indeed, they have not shrunk. ... It would be a very easy and cheap display of commonplace learning to quote from Greek and Latin authors, from Horace, from Juvenal, from Cicero, from Euripides, passage after passage, in which the duty of dying for others has been laid down in glowing and emphatic language as resulting from the principles of heathen ethics; it is enough in a Christian country to remind ourselves of the Great Example whom we profess to follow.

>Punished by WHOM? You?
By a war crimes tribunal.