What happened to us, Yea Forums?
Why don't we have that spontaneity and silliness anymore?
Why is everything serious business on the internet all the time now?
What happened to us, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thinks the site was good in 2008
this looks so reddit to me, go back
This is cringe as fuck
Demographic change, OP.
Bet you know all about what reddit looks like, go dilate
This literally still happens. You just don't like it since it's pointed at you.
WTF is this reddit shit?
Anyone who expresses sincerity is 'so reddit' to you nowadays.
Unlike you, you who wraps himself in multiple layers of comforting irony. You who guards himself with memes and catchphrases that minimizes as much personal involvement and emotion from your posts as possible because of how deeply you fear being CRINGE like those you despise. You who wants to show how above everyone you are by handwaving away any sign of intent or effort with minimal effort for maximum trolling points. You who'll reply with HAVE SEX, CRINGE, or DILATE anyways in spite of my inb4.
Is it comfy, to abhor expressing any kind of emotional attachment? After all, if you're only doing it ironically, and if you're not even seriously putting any effort in, it doesn't matter what anyone else says about you because you weren't being serious anyways. Nobody ever can hurt you as long as you're being ironic. Look at this butthurt faggot typing up all this shit, I can't believe he got so butthurt from something I barely put any effort into lmao.
But when was the last time you felt genuine excitement, happiness, laughter, or joy from posting here on Yea Forums the same way you would have fun bullshitting about something stupid with your friends? When you're being ironic and detached all the time and never take anything seriously, is it possible to appreciate sincerity that isn't hidden behind several layers of irony?
You see people have some genuine sincere fun about something stupid, why is it that the first thing that comes to your mind is to deem it reddit or cringe?
>wall of text
>reddit spacing
That's an Yikes from me
Why are anons so scared of being genuine?
Have sex
Why are you so afraid?
Because only Reddit expresses genuine emotion about videogames, and that is cringe. To not be like Reddit, you can't be sincere, because expressing your genuine feelings leaves you open to getting hurt and getting trolled as we do to Redditors.
Cope harder, redditor
>only Reddit expresses genuine emotion about videogames
I thought they only posted the fotm popular opinion for upvotes?
>imagine literally being scared of people calling you cringe
You can't make this shit up
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here now.
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
Because whenever it actually happens you faggots start yelling that its not what you want
Zoomer newfags like you need to stop pretending like you were here
Found the flaw in your assertion. Emotions are easily manipulated. You can be genuine without being emotional.
because games are under daily attack from very angry people who can't fathom the fact that some poligons have bigger tits or a dick, and they screech in reddit twitter tumbl about being offended, about deplataforming about modern book burning about Xphobia about nazism about unethical breats
That is why we can't just be silly anymore
We literally could be silly during those times as well. Do you think faggots started doing that this year or what?
>Why is everything serious business on the internet all the time now?
Because it went mainstream, and the mainstream is only capable of understanding simple narratives.
how can one be silly when reality itself is utterly ridiculous?
we've become old and bitter
Careful there Jaden Smith philosophy isn't needed here
i'm tired user, tired of nonsense and lunatics trying to interfere in subjects they don't truly care or consume
How can people be so ignorant about every day shit? The eggs we eat are not fertilized. That's like looking at a used tampon and reacting like you just witnessed a bear eat your friend.
fukken saved
Then do what we should have done since the beginning and ignore them no one has ever tried that yet
>hey guys why arent you like you were 10 years ago?
We grew up.
>ignore them
that is the sole reason why things are at this point
ignoring will not make them go away
There's nothing jaden smith about that statement. you can't ridicule what is already totally ridiculous. this is why comedy platforms started becoming the sober realists. Why attempting to satirize people that actually exist right now results in creating caricatures that are more believable than the real people.
Hit the nail on the head man, I've been coming here since 06, before captcha, when there was a lot of spam and attacks, when people would try to combo with slowpoke, it was genuinely a fun and interesting place that seemed like shooting the shit with your closest friends, except the friends were all fucked up in the head.
Now look what we have, it's all wojaks and Pepe's and one word premade responses.
Yea Forums is dead and it's a shame.
>I thought they only posted the fotm popular opinion for upvotes?
I was referring to examples like this pic related. Meanwhile during the Smash reveals of E3, there was genuine hype. There was a brief moment where anons could express themselves without fear of being called cringe, but that one passed as well.
>You can't make this shit up
It is what it is. Not a mind-numbing sense of terror, but a subconscious anxiety driven by the notion of "I don't want to be like this guy" to the point where you go off the other end of the spectrum into not being able to genuinely express yourself, but instead use one of the memes in this list to communicate with others.
How can you even begin to actually the touch the feelings of an irony maestro who only posts "cringe"?
That can only be half true. There's always new waves of underageb& trying too hard to fit in, and because of it they're imitating the jaded outlook to life from the local oldfags who treat irony like a drug.
Unironically, the concept of cringe
>why are you embracing emotional and simplistic rhetoric?
>Why don't we have that spontaneity and silliness anymore?
because no one plays along anymore when they see something retarded and theres 2 reasons for this. reason 1 is the apathetic "oldfag" who is paranoid whether the guy is joking or actually retarded so he just lurks instead of contributing to the sea of piss. the other reason is redditors who have a constant need to throw down wikipedia facts and to correct people who are wrong on the internet because they want everyone to know how fucking smart they are.
/pol/ is only ahead in threads due to all the slide threads made there
the fun threads get deleted, this is just a porn board now
We do, but we make sure to hide the threads from you and vedditors.
Remember tripfags?
what caused the actual "death" was the entities that sought to fix the "culture" in amber. archivists, ED, knowyourmeme, etc. as a result everyone outside of Yea Forums thinks Yea Forums is just that wojack and pepe place.
I like the sort of drawfag threads where you get a loose premise and some MSpaint characters and the fun is people making more out of them with their imaginations, because it shows the side of Yea Forums that tells you why they're on a board about video games to begin with. People who enjoy exploring things, fantasizing, and playing games. People don't spend a lot of time expressing these things, the sort of things they actually love about video games, but it's still there.
I don't suppose anyone has the full pic of those /d/ powerpuffs?
You were obviously much younger then with this revisionist shit. I agree that stuff like "have sex" isn't productive, but neither were people trying to combo, CHECK EM, green_lex, etc. This board was literally unusable for some time because of all of the cancerous reposting in such a short amount of time that it was 100% meme spam. Yes, there's less OC now. Yes, Yea Forums was once occasionally better. However there's generally more talk about video games right now than several times before in Yea Forums. In fact, I bet this topic is purged soon if not before I even post.
Could be worse
Could be Yea Forums and spam "BASED CHAD CRINGE VIRGIN" and then just spam pasta
Git gud
i think all the correct answers are simplistic at this point, and "emotional" (aka angry) is justified considering the state the world is in
Blame people for responding to clickbait and legitimate threads die.
you're confusing sincerity for emotion. Emotion is useless, meaningless, and easily manipulated.
Anything resembling actual genuine thought is drowned out by emotion, everywhere. Because Its a lot easier to think when people think for you.
That would be true if emotions weren't trivial to manipulate.
>i think all the correct answers are simplistic at this point
However appealing that might be to believe, it isn't true. Correct answers are usually quite complicated and sometimes counter-intuitive.
>wow you feel things?
>what's it like being a brainwashed cattle
>point out that emotions are easy to manipulate
>responds emotionally
>hey guys do you wanna talk about shadowbringers since the game releases in a few days?
so basically Yea Forums became less reddit?
thats a bad thing? kek
>since the game releases in a few days
This always bugs the fuck out of me. What the fuck is there to talk about if you can't actually play it? All you can effectively do is regurgitate marketing at eachother.
How was /d/ back then?
goobergate and right wing refugees from reddit destroyed this site
heh you sure trolled me good
I mean people are discussing the event that's coming up, not to mention theory crafting.
the point is being, your emotional reaction to a corporate produced thing is always anticipated. Because emotions are simple. In fact, you're so used to this, you interpret any emotional reaction you could possibly have as intended by a third party.
Hilarious off topic thread OP
you say that like there is nothing you could be playing right now and talking about.
Literally just make typing any of these an autoban and that would fix Yea Forums
>all these """Reddit""""" cringe posts
you can tell from the first three posts that OP is right. Just a bunch of losers pretending to be "mature" by always being ironic and cynical about anything.
why the fuck are the blizzdrones obsessed with trannies? Like if you don't like the thread just ignore the fucking thread
>i can't do thing? i shall try harder!
You're screencap isn't even good. Also there was a really good sonic thread not too long ago that was pure kino.
>autistics neets do something cringey and it's normal
>reddit comes along and behaves the exact same way, without the veil of anonymity
>then the 4chinners realize how fucking cringe this shit is
So why im always disappointed and uninterested in corporate produced things?
This. Emotion is for women.
Shut up you retarded nostalgia wannabes. You have no idea what you're talking about and will be the first ones to cry about le facebook invasion the moment people start posting here "sincerely."
Look at this fucking shit. Look at it and try telling yourself with a straight face that you'd rather have this plaguing every single goddamn thread.
Protip: You fucking can't.
Because according to mods board culture is not allowed anymore.
>said the frognigger
because the goal is to keep you jumping from hype-train to hype-train. Because actually making something worthy of a hype-train would make the next hype-train all the more difficult to get rolling.
Nah, Reddit's problem with not having the veil of anonymity is that it makes people more focused on attention or their reputation than on the content of their posts.
>the corporate goal is to not get you to consume their products
youre fucking retarded
Hmm, would I rather see a bunch of random autistic shit, good and bad mixed in one shit heap, or the same threads day after day with the same setup, text, bait and responses that are all a universal waste of time? Can't decide
>everything serious business
What the fuck are you talking about? Try making a single genuine post, actually conveying your real thoughts on something like cyberpunk 2077.
>I think it will actually be good.
>They don't want to show or say anything about what the final version is going to be like. That makes me think it won't be very good.
I'm sorry this shit sandwich doesn't contain as much shit as you were hoping for.
We lost the culture war. The right lost.
Kill yourself
Yea Forums didnt change, you grew up
>m' lady
left wing feminist "men" are overwhelmingly emotional and irrational like a woman so that's ironic
... you really need to work on your reading comprehension.
>"emotional" is justified considering the state the world is in.
Like putting a sports bra on a character!!!
Apparently, replying to the post with anything beside those words is either "cringe", "ESL", or "reddit".
>you are emotionally manipulated by corporation
>they want you to feel disappointed and uninterested in their product because hype trains are hard or something
What the fuck was his problem?
It clearly did.
Speak for yourself, Mr. I Only Spout Buzzwords And Politics For Triggered Faggots Such As Myself.
Yes, they always want you to only be somewhat satisfied with a product and think the next thing will be better. Because if you're completely satisfied with a product you won't buy the next one.
Congratulations, you now understand how controlled mediocrity makes entertainment a sustainable business model.
quality post; too bad resetera and shareblue make sure anything well written just gets buried underneath oceans and oceans of trash.
Yea Forums was so epic back then
But i don't buy any of their products.
What happens to Yea Forums if we autoban any and all of these words?
too bad that post is wrong though. And the posts explaining why are buried under trash.
that must mean no one does
because you represent everyone
>emotional and simplistic
It's not lefty faggot rhetoric though
But people buy them because they're hyped for them.
or maybe all rhetoric is manipulative garbage
I don't remember these namefags/tripfags at all
was this even on Yea Forums
pls respond
some manipulation is necessary
>Yea Forums always complains that we never have actual discussion here and it's just Redditors posting retarded memes to post on r/Yea Forums
>Yea Forums also wants everyone to be silly again and not so serious
Just have a clash of both, so far the worse things here are the annoying ass buzzwords and how everyone on here is a flaming faggot all of a sudden
Remember tripfags?
ironic shitposting is the worst thing to ever happen to this site. it's a tumor that slowly eroded any enthusiasm anyone could ever have for posting here. it's all in-group out-group shit. used to be if someone posted a stupid thread you'd just get "op is a faggot" over and over, but everyone was a faggot anyway. when the response to a stupid post started to become "haha le good idea le fellow derp xD user is legun xDD" the tone of the site started to change. when disapproval included and accusation of "not belonging here" it starts to wear on people because most people, maybe not now but back then, ended up here due to a feeling of "not belonging" elsewhere, and here at least there was a sense of comaraderie in calling or being called a faggot when everyone was a faggot. why would anyone ever want to draw something or organise something or do fucking anything when all you're going to get back is an accusation that you don't belong here.
it's impossible to recapture old Yea Forums because it's too mainstream now. there was an unspoken idea that if you were here to begin with you probably belonged here because why else would you have left reddit or facebook or whatever. now every user is imagined to be some kind of subversive agent from outside
1984 censorship
Tripfags are fucking cancer. Them generally being gone is one of the best things about modern Yea Forums
Once the term "ironic shitposting" was coined, the site was already stuffed with retards who lacked the necessary self-awareness to even understand irony.
Just face that you were a cringy underage faggot back then.
Toasting in an epic bread
Why are you so hung up on the fact that anyone from back then must have been cringy?
anime girl posters were always the lowest quality posters on this site
I'll take frogs and wojacks over that any way
Smug anime posters are -literally- saving this website.
Because you were all posting cringy shit and pretending it was the most hilarious thing ever, with 80% of posts being namefags and tripfags roleplaying like little girls?
Smug anime posters are also fucking dead.
because it was. hence the whole "don't talk about Yea Forums" thing. Because everyone with half a braincell realized nothing that was funny on Yea Forums would stand the light of day.
Then what are you, user? What makes you not cringe that allows you to call others cringe with such certainty?
There is only one true culprit to blame for the fall of Yea Forums:
At least we're not Yea Forums.
>hence the whole "don't talk about Yea Forums" thing
jesus fucking christ, that was to keep out newfags you fucking troglodyte
>Look at it and try telling yourself with a straight face that you'd rather have this plaguing every single goddamn thread.
I would rather this over more wojak, pepes, zoomer wojak and Trump threads, yes.
>too mainstream now
I think this is the biggest problem. everybody knows about Yea Forums now and know it's a dumping ground for shitposts. so people only come here to shitpost. so this place became a toilet. people go to other sites to be serious and come here to take a shit.
Its obviously trolls
only newfags think that.
the whole "rules of Yea Forums" was a collection of observed behaviors.
Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums
I'd rather be locked in an insane asylum than be forced to post there every day.
Screencap thread?
Screencap thread.
4chans always been full of gays retard
remember bridget
"I recognise that bulge!"
and so on
only in the last 5 years has it become cool to be a raging /pol/tard and it's getting pushback, thats all, it's not "everyone is a flaming faggot all of a sudden"
it's people being sick to death of this giving up fun just to politically shitpost all the time
Imagine taking any poll on this site seriously
I genuinely think the average age of an internet user just went up.
Classic Yea Forums is what Yea Forums looks like when a bunch of teens are here and the internet is new and wacky to them.
These days most users are around their 20s and going through their depressed loser phases and suddenly giving a shit about politics way too much
not just that but also counter culture changed and Yea Forums has always been about being on the fringes of counter culture
I literally would prefer this
this, I rather be around guys who know how to joke around instead of cynical "ironic" tranny-obsessed modern Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is so pathetic it got bullied by a black man who hates anime in 2010
no one knows what trolling is anymore it doesn't exist
Because the internet has unironically become serious business. Funny how memes become reality sometimes.
>a bunch of teens
OG Yea Forums and the internet in general up to 06 was mostly college aged. "teens" stayed off in their little cordoned off areas.
I think the wrong people come to the site and then get upset that they’re on the wrong site. But then they stay, and never really enjoy a minute of it. I don’t get it either OP.
They literally did. "Surprise buttsecks" was a meme, and where are we now?
Surprise mechanics, evidently.
there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him, I say, stay in there, I’m not going to let anybody see you.
there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I pour whiskey on him and inhale cigarette smoke and the whores and the bartenders and the grocery clerks never know that he’s in there.
there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too tough for him, I say, stay down, do you want to mess me up? you want to screw up the works? you want to blow my book sales in Europe?
there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I’m too clever, I only let him out at night sometimes when everybody’s asleep. I say, I know that you’re there, so don’t be sad.
then I put him back, but he’s singing a little in there, I haven’t quite let him die and we sleep together like that with our secret pact and it’s nice enough to make a man weep, but I don’t weep, do you?
If anything the average age has gone down. The internet wasn't as widespread as it is nowadays. Nowadays everybody has a computer in their pocket, the only kids on Yea Forums were nerds.
I didn't want to make that connection, so fuck you.
nice photoshop, traps were invented later
good point I guess
I think the counter culture thing holds up but I suppose them being nerds makes sense too
actually it makes a lot of sense
I think there was a downward spiral for a while but compared to 2018, 2019 has been alot better so far for Yea Forums
People rarely want to play along.
OP sometimes makes a thread with a silly premise, but instead of playing along to have some fun or calling him a faggot depending on the situations, anons would sooner call it cringy and be that faggot in the group who's no fun allowed.
If something like this was posted today, he'd only get two replies calling him cringe before the thread dies, forever forgotten.
traps are as old as time itself
Too many complete newfags who don't know how to have fun, no one makes OC anymore, everyone argues in bad faith and not even in an entertaining way, just dilate and cuck over and over without any real effort.
They look happy to me
> this is why comedy platforms started becoming the sober realists.
damn...dude that gave me chills. you're like the joker dude. comedians are telling us the news...fuck
I dunno, the obsession with trannies feels like it's reached a fever pitch this year and it's one hell of an annoying bogeyman this time around. I mean, it usually is but at least past shit like ponies didn't feel so insufferably sociopolitical.
Yea Forums used to be a place where people said faggot and nigger because it was funny.
Yea Forums is now the place you go just to say faggot and nigger.
OC still happens, but it's a lot more sparsely spread out. It's less of a problem on Yea Forums where the posting rate is the fastest on the entire site and more of an issue on some of the smaller boards.
dude you are so right you need to go over to facebook RIGHT now and make a joker meme with impact text you'll get, like, 1000 likes.
it all started going downhill when it literally became a contest to see who could be the biggest retard/troll/faggot. now people are purposefully being 'ironically retarded', we have trump as president, and the site is overrun with trannies. we should have said 'no' when trolls started trolling trolls.
both based
I would rather have that any day of the week
It's human nature and you can't fight nature. We exist for conflict, natural or purposely created.
any time someone makes OC they get accused of attention whoring and some faggot photoshops wojak into it
Cry of fear feels like yesterday, and I still havent beaten it.