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ITT: buyer's remorse
Colton Wright
Other urls found in this thread:
Jayden James
Did you got your ass handed by false knight?
Juan Young
t. zoomer with poor directional skills
Levi Collins
Gaming laptop. Never again
Evan Phillips
Posting actually bad games instead
Robert Bennett
It was only $4, but I was still disappointed I didn't like it,
Gabriel Cook
What was I thinking?
Noah Howard
It was given to me as a gift and I still feel buyer's remorse.
Has there ever been a more overrated """"game"""" shilled in Yea Forums than this one?
John Reyes
>lets change the game up
>okay, how about instead of blowing shit up to complete towns, we slap rings everywhere for the player to go through
>good idea!
No, fuck rings. Who the hell thought that was a good idea. Fuck you sonic.
Jose Powell
Is the remorse due to you being a huge faggot?