Do you get angry playing video games?

do you get angry playing video games?

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Not at all.
My friends get mad, and I just laugh when they tilt


Animated by the same person who animated A Night in the Woods

God I hate women

I get heated playing CSGO, sometimes a little mad playing singleplayer games like Hollow Knight. Never broken a monitor or a keboard though.

Why does she think she's entitled to icecream from the machine?


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I get tired, but not angry.

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FUCKING THANK YOU, iv been looking for this webm forever. i was explaining to a friend how amazing it is the way it simply slips liking the matrix into being a sexist so naturally

What even is this a metaphor for

What an absolute Chad

lol thread?

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Objectively, what is the problem?

The chad stride

>defeating nature is a bad thing
Stupid hippies.

Women are directly responsible for all human misery inn the world.

for future usage

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Women get triggered the same way when men have a preference for certain features they don't!

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What a fucking Chad

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me in the back

Sometimes but I never chimp out like a retard. I just breathe and calm down or use the adrenaline to get through whatever is making me angry.

Lifestyle changes such as a decent diet and bit of exercise will give a woman those desirable features. There's nothing a man can do to change his penis size, or height, except for very expensive and dangerous surgery that leaves him crippled.

>big tities, big ass and lean figure is just better
^that's why more common than dicklets coping

i got angry yesterday when i was playing fallout 3 and was trying to kill a feral ghoul reaver for like 15 minutes in the museum of history because this game is so shit

They made you so you're not wrong.

That's my point. Women are needed to birth humans. Humans cause and experience misery. Thus, women are the most direct cause of human misery.

And who impregnated them exactly?

sauce is shiftymine

Her body her choice :^)

It's gotten old. Give it a rest. You've gone nuts.

Used to, until I snapped a PSX controller in half with my retard strength. Had a bit of an epiphany at that moment, and I mellowed out immensely. Not only in regard to videogames but in general.
I don't even remember the game, except that it was some fuck-awful JRPG shit.
What a fuckin' legend.

haha, imagine if you did that to my pen- i mean someone's penis... haha...

why not?

Making fun of manlets and dicklets is completely fine, life just isn't fair, deal with it.
Making fun of fat women ain't ok tho

>men bad for laughing at women
>haha look at that pathetic incel what a failure of a man he can't have sex lets ruin his life lol, excuse me mr boss man incel sexually harrassed me

____ ___

fuck wom

speak up fat cow

Ah shit, who let women find out about the magical machine that dispenses wealth and success?

Honestly feel bad for nice guys and white knights. Everyone hates them, even the ones they try to appease.

Golly, someone doesn't like the Matrix.

I measured my dick and it's 7 inches long by 5 inches in girth so dick size isn't really my problem.

I can't stay hard for longer than 5 minutes.

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There isn't really an "objective problem" with this. Our disregard for nature, and our own self interest ultimately, paints a bleak picture for what we should expect from reciprocation by other countries or intelligent beings (if such exist) though. It would be hard to argue the worth of our species to a much more intelligent being if we made our planet trash/destroyed it for ourselves. We ourselves see creatures that do this to certain ecosystems as pest and trash so the idea kind of applies to humans. There's no real moral objective to this so it's only what we collectively value.

Pure projection, it's why there's an entire ||subreddit|| dedicated to calling out people calling vaginas roast beef

Obviously destroying the planet is bad for ourselves, but I see nothing wrong with killing/using other animals for their resources
>paints a bleak picture for what we should expect from reciprocation by other countries or intelligent beings
literally every country does this, and I'm not worrying about aliens

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Why is her nose so pointy?

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Because she tells lies.

Really makes you think.

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Yea Forums - Incels

>starting NG+

i heard the tranny that made this killed himself. Is that true?

>Literally a cope musical number

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The "animator" who was such an unhinged sperg streelight manifesto fired him because he couldn't be professional.

the animations are terrible

french should be the only one doing these things

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>won't change your skeleton
>won't change ugly breasts
>won't change floppy meat curtains

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have sex?

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Wrong, f*moid

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see what bugged me most about this is that theyre showing underage girls tits on tv yet they bitch and moan when its anime girls doing the same shit
double standards like this are retarded

take it out and masturbate for a few seconds every couple minutes then put it back in

It's not on tv though, it's a (((Netflix Original)))

tell me more

>meta thread about the absolute state of this board gets deleted
>this thread still up
i fucking hate the nigger mods

What is the ice cream supposed to represent?

When I was a kid I'd scream and throw stuff, now if I get frustrated I just turn off the game and do something else. I don't want to break my shit

>show a bunch of tits and vaginas for 2 minutes
>censor the word "cunt"

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netflix and tv are the same thing to me. both are shit and thats whats important

Perhaps I'm biased but I expect this kind of shit from Netflix at this point.
Also the show was made by jews, literally. That's funny to me.

Cause anime girls are actually hot

ice cream

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I think that was sarcastic

It really does show the disconnect between the creators and everyone else when they can make propaganda that has their opposition being as despicable as possible, and it comes across as being confident, courageous, and ambitious. How do you not admire the guy for defeating nature so effortlessly, even if he's a jerk about it?

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I would still fix the pipe.

Love watching the incels fall for edited comics


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Wait, the matrix is now a sexist movie? How?

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fuck you faggot, megaman command mission was good

I guess the author of that animation is transophobic oh oh oh.

more like
>Most people like icecream
>girl comes in and says she wants frogurt
>no one else wants frogurt

Fuck this show is ugly as hell.


it really wasn't
but yes that's me I should not use that reaction image so much gomen my sai

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I don't get it help
Is it because of the dyke in revolutions?

i miss Fitz too

spend the night with us at the human misery inn
you have to share your room with uh, this guy

not that user but how is the senko-san animu? can i fap to it like the manga?

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>showing underage tits is ok if it's for feminism

>____ is ok if it's for feminism


It's really good but you should not to that. Senko is too pure.

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reminder that this is an edit and not even the real image

a literal Yea Forumsirgin made the dick edit

the matrix is a good movie :D

Such as not being a fucking fatso?

sorry user i get off to pure vanilla

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The Wachowski are now sisters and the movies have some influence about their dubious sexuality, BDSM culture, "switch" was supposed to go from girl to man or viceversa whatever, hence the name switch and you can't say "well they were WHITE MALES before" because that's "dead naming.

As much as I enjoyed the original "the day the earth stood still" which goes into a similar direction, I don't like the cliche of the alien civilization that wants to kills us because we are savages.

I mean, there are significant portion of the population that have proven to be a threat to others, like the ebola spreading because patient zero was left unattended in Libya or whatever the place was and it was shitting itself on a Taxi and the driver did not give a shit or any of the passengers, what kind of savage would act like this? Or indians making those shit pies.

But then we would be pretty much Nazis if we just rounded them up. It would be more harmful in the long term.

Now lets let the thread die and go actually discuss videogames.

Why do we assume aliens are all environmentalist hippies? Is this the opposite end of the usual noble savage racism?
Maybe they're just cunts like us, making do, making mistakes now and then.

all the search engines refer to reactions


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Depends if the game is bad or frustrating because of bad controls or glitches. Or something causes my game to freeze.

But I wouldn’t call getting pumped after dying to a hard game angry since I still want to beat it and once I do it is a zen moment for.

>there were only a few female characters in video games
>I only knew peach at the time
> I litterally only played mario games, so peach was the only female
>a fucking game critic

I'm not reading the rest, I don't need to be this angry right now lol.

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Imagine playing as some alien or cartoon character and thinking.

>wow it would be really great if this game let me just go in and edit them to be black, female, and have dreads

>dumps radioactive slime into the ocean THEN fishes
uhh this guy isn't a chad

Come on, its not like they just go and create some sort of ethics division with the sole purpose of eliminating characters that have bigger somethings than themselves.

thanks for the offer user-kun I'm ready when you are ^3^

I don't get it, this is just an average Factorio run

>the bitch
Always gets me

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wait wasn't lara croft's design based on angelina jolie

what does "objectify" even mean and why is it bad?

Brought to you by the same money grubbing tribe that snips off baby dicks and hires a mohel to suck the wound.

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You know how people can attribute person traits to inanimate objects, like begging something to load faster or blaming a coffee table after accidently hitting it?
The opposite of that.

>Our disregard for nature, and our own self interest ultimately, paints a bleak picture for what we should expect from reciprocation by other countries or intelligent beings (if such exist) though
Not really considering any other countries developed enough or aliens advanced enough have done the exact same thing.

Who built the ice cream machine and bought the ingredients?

This. The French are perverted enough to know what makes a body beautiful, no matter what the proportions are

Danran by Herohero Tom

They think video game women are real, and if you do something in a video game you're going to replicate it in real life.

They seem to ignore that male objectification is so fucking ingrained in our culture, that if we were to start dissecting that we would strip apart every medium in existence.

>even now they inflate the numbers of female gamers to attempt to make it an issue

He helped the fish, he's not eating them.

Wait this shit is actually porn and not ecchi?

and they don't point out that they just play phone games.

Fuck me I just had to read that

Used to get mad at Tekken, then I realized I was just bad and had to get better.

>gears 5 trailer

Ah yes, the new tomb raider series, one that has already become all but forgotten because they are just Uncharted games with less polish and worse writing.
>I didn’t just want to write a man with boons
Instead you’ve written a bipolar woman who kills a hundred men while crying and assuring herself that she can survive.

Terrible cartoon but I do like a bush on my girls

So sick of this bullshit. I have an extremely average dick and my last girlfriend said I was too big for her and that it hurts when I put it in all the way.

Fuck off, you tiny bitch, goddamn

Post something funny, not controversial, for fucks sake

Funniest part was when he sheared the sheep as if it was a bad thing
>oh no he cut the hair off of an animal that will grow it back in 6 weeks

Playing CSGO with a group a friend, one of them has been playing with us for months and still plays like he's never touched the game.

Here ya go guvna

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artist hasn't shown the buttons on her flat chest yet and fanservice is pretty far between. none of it is really done in a "pervy" manner so can't even consider it ecchi desu
but when its there i'm always ready for it

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>litterally grabs his dick

Imagine if this was a guy.

Not at all. I've never yelled playing a game. The most I get is frustrated and I go "damnit" under my breath.

If it’s an opponent npc or not that keeps spamming the same shit and I’m caught in an animation loop of getting flopped around then yeah i’ll Go fucking bonkers and either shut off the game or just yell

If it’s a fair match I’m fine, outwitted or outplayed is fine

Watch people come out of the woodwork if you mention how you don't like roast beef flaps.

Its making fun of people who justify revolving their entire lives around stupid shit they cribbed from movies. It's calling people who unironically call things "redpills" intellectually stunted manchildren who are disconnected from reality and can only frame their lives through the lens of surface-level pop-culture references.

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This really only goes to show that Yea Forums has no idea what "funny" actually is

They hate you too probably.

Don't worry, I'm sure I would judge your pathetically shallow knowledge of games and game history too. The difference is that I'm a normal person so I don't get angry when someone doesn't know very much about le bideogames

Drunk women are the worst thing ever

My only problem is why that line.

Imagine a jazz critic that does not know who does not know who Thelonius Monk is or complain there are no black people in Jazz.

>someone’s job is knowing about le bideogames
>you aren’t allowed to criticize their shitty knowledge base


It's ironic you dip

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>Someone criticizes thing you like
>Person notes that person's lack of knowledge regarding the subject
>Decides to move along because it's not worth getting angry over.
>You: "I'm a normal person that doesn't get angry over silly things" "I'm now going to attempt to belittle someone else's feelings instead of letting it go"

Do you realize how stupid you are?

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>white knighting with your epic gamer cred

>this word is in reference to something else so its shallow

Fucking ESL lol

>we rule the world, so what?
>w-w-w-well if ALIENS show up you're gonna regret that!

Why is this shitty SJW comic the only mention of Never Alone I've seen in years?
Feels bad, I liked that game. The expansion has bobbit worms.

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and implying the aliens didn't jack up their fucking home planet and are travelling around because it.

I got pretty mad in darkest dungeons earlier

>started a new save on the medium difficulty
>finish the few tutorial runs to unlock everything
>got a babby group together for a medium mission
>man at arms, highway man, arbalest, vestal
>get jumped by a shambler only a few hallways in
>used a shovel to clear some debris, used up 30 torch light
>read a stack of books, got the bad end, lost 50 torch light
>shambler spawns as I take a step forward before I can light more torches
>do well for a few turns, got some bleeds and blight on the shambler, keeping the little ones managed, no real damage yet
>then 3 turns in a row all of my attacks miss
>for each hero
>and the enemy gets crits 2/3 times
>now down low on health, 3 are afflicted, last has high stress
>fail escaping from the shambler on 3 characters
>man at arms and arbalest are on deaths door
>finally escape
>vestal bleeds out and gets deathblowed by blight
>man at arms has a heart attack
>arbalest has a heart attack
>highwayman survives
>leave dungeon
>highwayman gets 2 negative quirks for my trouble

yeah, it was my fault i didn't light torches before moving. just had to turn the game off for a while after that.

so what do SJWs think about Jolyne?

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You also interacted with an unsafe curio. Don't do that.

>Samus of the Metroid Series (sans prime)
Why sans Prime?
>Heather of SH3
>Basically all the women of RE
Claire was already listed though. Padding the list.
>Most things Touhou
>Curly Brace
literal-who (sadly)
>Momohime from Muramasa
nobody played that Wii/Vita game
not a woman
>Sofia Lamb
Not a protagonist, are we listing antagonists now?
an animal

Not a woman, but wowee this comic needs to be updated. Where is Katarina Black Kat and Zero from Drakengard 3? Hell, now you can add Miriam and the chick from Hellblade.

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>Heather of SH3
She only walks through her own personal hell while making the occasional quip. How is she not strong?

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>not a woman

I get angry playing against other people online. So I stopped doing that.
Now I mostly play visual novels.

I mostly remember her crying over things, and I did a no-kill playthrough. Also characters not talking much in SH games is normal, see Eileen from SH4. It's as if everyone is absentminded to the horror around them.

You tell me.

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and? The comic you are quoting is about
>strong FEMALE characters
not women.

Fuck, there goes my reading comprehension. Disregard my post, I suck dicks.

This shit always makes me laugh.

>thread is still up

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This. Sapient creatures expending their resources is pretty much a given.


Giantbomb has a sort of wiki for this, ah there it is

On top of my head I can also remember some other titles, Primal for PS2, Jade from Beyond Good and evil, Syberia, Dead Island, Baldur's Gate, Eternal Sonata and more.

This needs an update to change that "Prime" to "Other M"
No idea what their beef is against Prime anyways.

That's worse than Japanese fan service that's visible underage nipples and vagina.

>Seeing people who look like you is really important
No, it really, really isn't.

post a picture of your wrist.

No. But also why?


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>Not a protagonist, are we listing antagonists now?
Learn to read

They won't know that she exists until Part 6 animation is announced.

I wouldn't call myself sexist since I don't hate them as a rule, but the world would be a lot better if 90% with any sort of internet presence disappeared

>Frogposter didn't use the same overdone pepe edit.

Schopenhauer pls

False, Momohime was being controlled by Jinkuro, Momohime herself is still a weak pansy bitch.

That is not how cause and effect work you dumb nigger. The cause of a person's anger rests in themselves, no one else. The same is to be said about any actions they take.

Me at the bottom of the 4th panel in the middle

>not a female
I hate secondaries

>all these people saying "so we're ruining the planet, where's the problem?"
>all these retards so far separated from the natural world that they honestly won't miss it when we go full megacolony
I'd be a full republican if it weren't for their lust for pollution. You people are a living plague.

>thread about the discussion of videogames and what in them makes you angry is still up.
Wowie zowie

Big Mouth is a pretty decent show, the male hormone monster is voiced by fucking REX KWAN DO from Napoleon Dynamite and almost everything he says is gold.

The only genuine complaint about Big Mouth I have is that like your webm shows, the entire fucking show is OMG WOMEN HAVE IT SO MUCH WORSE THAN MEN DURING PUBERTY THEY HURT AND ACHE SO MUCH AND GUYS ARE JUST HORNY DOUCHEBAGS >>>:((( despite the fact they had an entire episode dedicated to 'women are horny too'.

There's also a subplot of a shitty dad trying to make it right for his daughter but his wife just goes "lol wow I can't believe you actually tried to fix this marriage I'm out of here"

Hey guys, we getting man at women again?

>killing animals
>ruining the planet
The only good point that webm makes is the pollution

>getting man at women

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So that's a yes?

I think you need to read your post a little closer.

I can man, yes?

But we're practically killing all the animals. Don't go for "they'll be in zoos", either. Practically none of the large animals are sustainable in captivity as they currently are. Elephants, for example, are dying in captivity far faster than breeding. That's not even mentioning the sheer variety of space needed to house every single subspecies in large enough populations.

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>Even though she doesn't really look like me
As if people played as Mario, Toad or Bowser because they looked like an italian midget, a penis or a kaiju.

OK Just checking, have fun with that.

A man can't man a man. Can he?

Ok so this comic usually isn't funny but this one actually got me to laugh goddamnit.

Did when i was 16. Dont anymore Because its a video game

Yes, Mario Tennis Aces pisses me off.

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Why are they so obsessed with self inserts?

We actually aren't "practically killing all the animals", we're practically killing a large amount of specific species but only a tiny fraction of the actual animals.


brown people.

cunnyposters will save Yea Forums

this. The man bought the machine

highly underrated


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It means stop making characters fappable you privileged little pervert. Being badass means jack shit if you don't look as plain and boring as you can.

I had a period when I was younger when I did, but I never broke stuff because I have a properly developed brain.

Now the most Ill do is mutter "motherfuck" and drop my mouse on the pad when I feel like I made a mistake. I think at this point Im old enough that dying in a game becomes kind of funny.


god i hate men

Holy strawman Batman!

Regain virginity

Wait, I was a girl in that game? I thought I was a dude.

No, user, you were the little girl all along!
And also a fox.

>And also a fox.
My bro was the fox

>so we're ruining the planet
Who are you quoting? Most of that webm is dominating the planet, not necessarily ruining it. We did all this for our own benefit, so we'll fix the damage if it benefits us.

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