All I want to play is a good FPS

>All I want to play is a good FPS
>All modern FPS are open world trash like Far Cry where you only meet ~5 Enemies before having to drive for fifteen minutes or Political shit like Wolfenstein as well as Battle Royal

Are there any good purebred singleplayer FPS games left?
I can't think of a single one.

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Doom? How retarded do you have to be to not know about Doom?

how is Wolfenstein political?

>Just play Doom for two years back to back
Nah dude, I beat Doom a couple of times already, and besides it's okay but not great
>Dude Nazis LMAO

you can give Amid Evil a try.

Just replay FEAR extraction point like the rest of us

>All I want to play is a good FPS

wait for Bad Company 3

>game features the most common enemy trope in the entire fucking world of media


Download doom2 and a bunch of wads.

Just play CSGO


you seem like you're being genuine to me
wolfenstein being "political" is ridiculously overblown and you're a rube if you believe it wholeheartedly

as for good singleplayer shooters, have you tried titanfall 2? it's the definition of a straightforward shooter campaign, in a good way. Very solid.

>Political shit like Wolfenstein
>Killing literal nazis is now enough to trigger /polv/
Why am I still here.

They portray nazis as the bad guys which is wrong

>Tfw we've been playing 1st and 3rd person FPS for years but no one has yet to make a 4th person FPS.
Our technology is stagnating.

just play dayz then lol

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Have you ever seen the devs talk at presentations

Retro trash
I am
Good Idea, might do that
Not Singleplayer
Beat 2033 and Last Light, Exodus is Semi-Open World, got bored at the volga already because of the Far Cry problem, no enemies and a lot of walking
I like Wolfenstein, I don't mind shooting Nazis, but the whole 60s Nazi aesthetic just rubs me the wrong way since I'm actually german
Never mentioned /pol/, I loved blowing up the Reichstag in WaW and shooting Nazis in the subway stations

After Doom 1 i really find struggling to enjoy other FPS, one of my favorites is FEAR 1 and 2, but other than that I can't find any fast FPS or immersive FPS that respect you as a player

>lame arena shooter with master chief
turned to unimaginative shit after the new order
semi open-world and the remakes are far worse than the originals

Titanfall 2

Loved the Titanfall 2 SP and MP, but SP was pretty short and has low replayability once you've seen the setpieces and MP is fun but close to dead, I don't like playing against the same people all day because there are only like 200 online in my region

yes they're fucking cringey pandering retards like every E3 presenter, big deal. the game is a simple fun FPS, and if you can't play it without seething at the nazis being protrayed as the bad guys then you're legitimately mentally ill.

same here exodus is alright but feels a lot like far cry at times. the setting and story though are interesting enough to keep me playing.

>far worse than the originals
exaggerate more pls. they're not as good but they're essentially the same fucking game unless you're autistic about minor graphical changes and stealth being a bit easier.

who gives a fuck what the devs say? Game devs are just as retarded as you at everything except making games

What about a new genre of shooters where instead of looking out from inside the dude's head you're looking from the perspective of the gun? You'd call it the zeroth person shooter.

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The New Order is perfectly fine. It's a comical homage to the yesteryear of shooters. It even has jew magic.

The New Colossus is where they go full SJW and start preaching dogshit as an alternative to Nazis.
Also if you're genuinely offended by a negative depiction of Nazis you probably need to kill yourself. National Socialism is also not mentioned once in the entire series. They are literally too retarded to even pretend they know what they are talking about.

I'm mostly just butthurt that Wolfenstein has been somehow politicized despite being strictly satire for almost 20 years. Fuck zoomers and their need to turn everything into propaganda.

>unless you're autistic about minor graphical changes and stealth being a bit easier.

He said good

>Amid Evil

OP has shit taste. Not surprising.

>Game has extensive character customisation
>It's first person

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Are you looking for a Singleplayer or just Multi?

I know there is some early access Call of Duty 2 clone that came out but pretty sure it’s just multiplayer.

I’ve been stuck just playing old titles. I still have fun going back and playing Rtcw but that does have really weak AI

imagine being such a grug that the idea of a game being open and allowing for player freedom scares you
just get an emulator and play shit like the old 90's doom games, retard

far cry 5 was fucking stupid for this shit

Doom 1+2
FEAR 1 + Expansion
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Kind of Jedi Outcast/Acadamy
No One Lives Forever
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
The Riddick games

What about a second person shooter?

Modern fps will be never good as the classic because how lazy is the design of regenerating health, that thing basically ruin any balance of level design because doesn't matter how dangerous are the situations, just tank some bullet and hide like a bitch everytime

It’s nice that we can play older titles, but I wish new games with this older development design would exist

>everything has to be open world collect a million fucking blue things stealth takedowns crafting

no. tight, linear, story driven FPS games are way more fun and engaging than open world game #235. the only good open world FPS game is STALKER, and that's because it's a linear open world.

dude FUCK the right wing

yeah and?

They even politicized that. They made the evil nazi tech trope into "you see, it's actually jewish technology, cause the dumb right wingers couldn't actually come up with that"

The golden era of gaming (1993-2007) will never return. Just get into modding and create your own video games on top of the good ones that already exist.

You appear to have DayZ by accident

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I'm gonna get called a zoomer for posting this again but I think it's a pretty good list of wad:

Play Deus Ex (the original)

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Just play STALKER. It's still the best and it's still active on the mod scene.

Try this one especially, it's a little hidden gem

if OP doesn't like walking around while nothing happens he won't like STALKER. this is coming from someone who fucking loves STALKER.

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If you are a Zoomer you may not like the graphics but I genuinely had more fun with the demo than with any other fps in the last 10+ years.

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Yeah but it's nothing like normie's open world à la far cry, the wild is dense, atmospheric and makes you want to explore.

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