Tfw just bought 32 GB RAM for my gaming pc

>tfw just bought 32 GB RAM for my gaming pc

how did I do Yea Forums?

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>anything more than 24 gigs
Unless you stream or someshit that's totally overkill, even for gigachad gamers.

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Why didn't you just download more RAM?

streaming will make it useless

What is the Yea Forums server?

Are all servers the same just Or is there a PVE and PVP

ever heard of downloading more ram, faggot?

streaming doesnt use more ram you brainlet

too much

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Only faggots stream though

Need a lot of ram for loading 5000+ mod packs for Minecraft.

Good job. We are here to install your 5G router btw.

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Bro you don't need more than 24 but it's cool.

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gz on literally burning money to have a pc that runs worse

All the faggiest streamers have 32 gigs of ram you monkey fuck, it helps with side shit they do while streaming.

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>runs worse
[confused anime girl.jpg]

>they don't play sim games

I have 16 gb, I play FFXVI watch GDQ, have firefox with 20 Yea Forums threads open and have an android emulator running with gachashit
Never uses more than 8gb

with 16gb I have no issues hosting & playing on my own server

>open one tab of chrome
>7/8gb of ram in use

Nice, now you'll be able to use Firefox

you retards dont actually have 24 gig configurations do you

I want to have more RAM but I can't justify it.

This. But even with tons of tabs opened and some swapping happening, my computer is still very fast. The swapping might be wearing my SSD though.

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>he doesn't have 2x12gb sticks

please tell me you don't quad channel 8gb sticks

He's trying to cope and spreads FUD because he only has 4GB.

Not him but I dual channel 4gb sticks.
Everything I play still works fine even on high settings.

I finally upgraded my RAM a month ago after I couldn't even play eurojank games like Pathologic 2. Granted it did have a memory leak problem at release, but I couldn't play Kingdom Come very well either.

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Where did this "5G emits radiation" meme started from?

>12gb sticks

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I allocate 8 to minecraft and 8 to the server. So having 32gb is nice

How much and what speed in mhz?
I've got 16gb but it's 3000mhz which is good enough to boot most programs up in less than a second.


still, streaming doesnt use more ram

Hardware seller! I'm going into battle and I need your strongest RAM

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Should've gone with 128 gigs to be futureproof. Next gen games will be at least 64 GB.

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I do 5 to each & have room to spare

>m-muh futureproof
By the time you can use the capacity, the other specs or even the standard will be obsolete

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and where did you buy a 12 gb stick bro?


Do you have some CAD worl to do user? Did you get a Quadro or a Radeon WX?

>running an extra program like obs doesn't use more ram

It's important to have space for a big write buffer. Not gigabytes more though. If your disks can't keep up then they can't keep up.
It does but not THAT much.
Hard to imagine why you'd need so much RAM on a desktop (for now). Maybe as cache for HDDs.
A lot of people look at the task manager at how much RAM is "in use" and think that their RAM is "full" but it's way more complicated than that in modern virtual memory systems. You only need a certain part of it to be resident at any given time.
And some people may have programs that are leaking and wasting a lot of their memory. They'll eventually use all of the memory no matter how much they have. They have to get rid of them instead of getting more memory.

>It's important to have space for a big write buffer.
Oh wait, I was thinking or recording, not streaming.
Streaming probably still buffers up uncompressed frames which can help when the encoder can't keep up. But there too it doesn't need that much.

>A lot of people look at the task manager at how much RAM is "in use" and think that their RAM is "full" but it's way more complicated than that in modern virtual memory systems
the OS uses more RAM when there's a lot available just because it can, right? like it will reduce its usage if you open up a bunch of shit that needs the RAM?

it does emit radiation, just radiation that cant penetrate the skin. so you get people who dont know what radiation is other than nuclear radiation and they think its bad

>not 6x2GB masterrace

>12gb total
might as well use 2x6 at that point

>tfw 8GB of RAM
What's a good amount to have?

16, at least until next gen consoles come.

>cant penetrate the skin
>goes in your eyes, ears, nose and mouth
based retard

In the simple case, the memory is used for cache and can be freed immediately when needed.
But with browsers using so damn much memory nowadays, it's mostly allocated (and filled) but "inactive" memory that will get swapped out to make room for something else. Some of it may already have been saved to swap before (possibly preemptively) and behave as if it were cache (i.e., can be freed immediately).
If you have enough memory to avoid the swapping, yeah it'll be faster, but if you use a SSD it won't matter much. And you'd really need TONS of memory to completely avoid it. Browsers are the main culprit now for most people, they just allocate shitton of memory but they don't need all of it.

it was a ten year old computer, originally with triple channel 6GB total. after i bought a new GPU, but before i upgraded the rest i bought another 3x2 set for $20 just to squeeze a little more life out of it

zen2 fucking when

radiation is bad, shocking I know

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July apparently.
Are zen+ CPUs going to noticeably go down in price when Zen 2 is released?

>am I horny because of the girl or because of gigachad and his ballchin?
>is it okay either way?

Most likely no, as it'll be a disappointment just like 7nm GPU that came out.

Visible light is radiation.

>32 GB
>for Terraria and Dwarf Fortress

You certainly have a bunch of RAM now. Not sure what you need it for but ok.

I just want people to like me for playing videogames

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>paying for ram
Just download more.

Who the fuck would like someone for that? Yeah, i just wish somebody would like me for watching tv y'knw?

>not 128gb for you can load entire games into RAM
Fuck off poorfag

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Yes and UV rays cause cancer from prolonged exposure do they not?

or use your ram cleaner every thirty seconds

Ron Pearlman's CGI replacement still doesn't get his details right, huh? Not even with all of that ram.

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That's retarded
Stop streaming faggot

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Oh fuck he's right, we should ban the sun.

>128gb ram
>not the available 64 bit architecture ram limit that is 192gb
Very weak.

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is melanin our only defense against the 5g menace?

Yup but just "radiation bad" is wrong.
Not to mention most people will think of particle radiation, not EM radiation.
5G is higher frequency than 4G but still lower frequency than visible light. UV rays are higher frequency than visible light. They're pretty different things.
And you know what maybe 5G is dangerous if you put it near to your face (especially for children) I don't fucking know but trying to scare off people because "it's radiation" is dumb.

>you can load entire games into RAM
does everything load instantly, or probably more accurate to say that it doesnt need to load at all?

32 gigs of ram is only like 120 dollars now, assuming you want generic 3000, instead of 3700+

Yes most games load in under a second when loaded into RAM

64 bits would give you a 17179869184GB limit.
In practice x86-64 CPUs don't support full 64-bits physical addressing. I think it's often around 48 bits (262144GB). I'm not sure.

>32 gigs of ram is only like 120 dollars now

you've really never taken the time to mess around with ram disks?

well people tell me they like it and that I should do it more


>tfw 4gb ramlet

>tfw still on ddr3

True but most of the operating systems we use today don't allow for more than 192GBs of ram.

my HDD is like 3 times that what's the big deal?

Depends what you mean by "load".
Starting the game should become CPU-bound.
Even if the game's data files are already in RAM, it still needs to read and process them and that could be a lot of processing depending on how the game works.
One thing is that a lot of games aren't very well optimized in the way that they handle loading their data and they end up waiting on the disk while doing nothing a lot. In this case, having the files already in memory will make a big difference.

They only watch you to laugh at your autism

>ram disks

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Oh yeah I'm seeing this. I think it's mostly a limit for desktop versions of Windows.
Not an "architectural" limit.
Gigachad would have a server with many TBs of RAM running many games at once in virtualized OSes with GPU passthrough.

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>There are people here right now who have 12 gb ram

>start minecraft
>cpu goes into over-drive
>91c peak

Block storage is just called "disks" even if they're not disks. SSDs aren't disks either. HDDs usually have more than one disk but they're still being called "a disk" too.
Or you can call them "drives".

I dont think so, lots of people tell me that Im pretty funny. I think its rude to judge someone you dont know

I know you're insecure and hungry for attention

I dont think thats it, I think I have potential and just desire a chance you know what Im saying?

I'm thinking about getting a desktop for the first time later this year. I'm planning to go full AMD for the cpu+gpu, once the next gen Ryzen is out.

Any downsides for this?