This is Mike Pondsmith, creator of Cyberpunk

This is Mike Pondsmith, creator of Cyberpunk.

Attached: Mike-Pondsmith[1].jpg (640x480, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:


All I see is a nigger. Creator of crime

>This kills the /pol/tard

I heard he is an uncle tom

quit looking in the mirror then NEET nigger

Attached: D9onArGU8AQZEA-.jpg (863x1200, 81K)

Stop calling him that, he may read it.

Attached: MIKEON4CHAN.png (1947x672, 381K)


>/pol/ is parroting the based black man meme

are you okay?

This is George Lucas, creator of star wars.

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I'm sorry

Besides him and OJ Simpson, what other black guy is honorable white?

I'm sorry for the nigger comments Mike, but it's just my honest opinion based on facts and logic


>stop pestering me, be mean to your family members instead

Oskar Dirlewanger

T. Uncle Bob

Fuck off Uncle Bob

Wesley Snipes

sounds based

My uncle is a cool guy, I don't want to antagonize him

He had me until that last bit
>implying I don't join Uncle Bob for the bants

mike is a newfag. who pubicly admits he browses Yea Forums in the last 4 years. This place sucks but you can never leave

According to Official Spokesperson for Black People John Walker he is.

This is William Gibson, creator of cyberpunk.

Attached: William_Gibson_60th_birthday_portrait.jpg (234x300, 11K)

Sounds 100% accurate. Why would I bother a stranger when I can get 100x better reaction out of my family?

uncle bob sounds pretty based

>I am forgotten
He flung some shit after last year's Cyberpunk reveal, didn't he?

I'm so sorry.

Son of Gib is the creator of big cringe.

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>Ey whiteboy, have you preordered my game yet?

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When the e3 trailer came out he said it looked like GTA, so Yea Forums latched onto that and started calling him based. When the demo came out he said it looked a lot better and Yea Forums instantly stopped talking about him or calling him a cuck when he came up.

No, Mike, I don't preorder games.

I do plan to buy it on release if it keeps looking acceptable though.

Sorry Mike but I don't preorder games. I broke that rule for dmc5 and nothing else. I'll likely buy a couple days/week after release after doing my own research on the game.

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I like how he's working so closely with CDPR and looking so happy, a far cry from the Witcher faglord that tried to sue them and then sold the flick rights to fucking Netflix.

Future from the past knigga deserves my shekels

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Was it worth it for DMC 5?

Didn't he say somewhere he can't work with them as much as he wants? He's a burger who lives in burgerland while they're over in Poland.

hmm, I guess there were some polish jews still left afterall

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And then realise netflix is garbage and will destroy is franchise.

I think it was, yes. Unless the gameplay footage and anything else really blows me away I'm not gonna pre order, although I am somewhat tempted.

Good my brothas. I promise I wont disappoint you like that chessclub cracka Todd did

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yeah I got respect for a guy that called out our clown world direction all the way from the 80s.
prophetic world building.

A based black man.

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Where can I get those sunglasses

Shit looks great 2bh

He was actually defending shitflix for the shitty miscasting and all-female writing team.

they should remake Roots with an all asians and indian cast

so he's a reddit crossposter? I hope he fucks off and gets run over or something.


>leave vidya to me

Kinda looked like this guy to me, at least before I got a closer look.

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>acting like if you never checked reddit

You don't want to test me you dumb fucking redguard.

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fuck off out of here Mike and don't let them ruin the game.

My man

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Didn't he since try to distance himself from the project?

brothers from a different mother.

Sounds like most of this board.

H...hooly mooly, BASED.

Cyberpunk '92?

Damn Morpheus put on a few pounds.

Sapkowsky is to chad to give a shit about literall YA novels. For him, money is more important than kid shit, which should be true for every adult after a certain age.

From the couple interviews I've seen, he seems like a nice guy.


Is that why he cucked himself out or royalties for being a stupid kike?

more like Mike Dongsmith, creator of Cyberdong

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Yes, Mike. I'm also excited for Cyberpunk Red!


Mi negro, bring to me what I want and I will buy all the DLC and your new rulebook when it's out

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William Gibson is a shitty writer.

por qué no los tres?

source. gimme corpomommy nudes

/pol/ loves the magical negro (protip: that's racist)

Yes. He couldn't fathom his dumb kiddy shit that he wrote ages ago catching on like it did, so he took as much money as he thought he could. Manchildren around the world proved him wrong.

>tfw even if they add furries it will be some grotesque body horror

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todd is based though

>and then sold the flick rights to fucking Netflix


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>Fallout 4
>Fallout 76
decidedly unbased there, todd
>TES: Blades is a pure TES experience at heart
absolute cockamamie, Todd!

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My chocolate milk is all over you mother fucker

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the games might be lacking and bad in alot of places
some of them straight up shit
but todd will always be based

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If you can't tackle racist ideals within your own family unit where people (assumingly) love and trust you, how the fuck do you expect to change ideals outside of that bubble?

What the fuck were they thinking

Did everyone just forget the fact that THIS is what Bethesda came out with at E3?
>no elder scrolls 6
>no serious answer for fallout 76, just hur dur enjoy the BR mode, get fucked lol
Fuck off retard, Todd is lying little cunt and always has been.

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nothing is wrong with racist ideals though
as long as it doesnt lead to crime

NECESITO los tres!

We can have a realistic middle ground in it...

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Saucenao gives nothing, what is this sorcery?

>uses freaking and (bleep) on an internet forum

very cute
ive also been trying to swear less

todd isnt bethesda
todd is based

>how the fuck do you expect to change ideals outside of that bubble?
Get a tumblr.
It's not everyone's life mission.

racism is a crime in and of itself

Shame he wasn't man enough to fully exploit the opportunities given to him since he was so out of touch with market trends. A man who doesn't know how to make money is hardly a man. At least I can agree with him as far as The Witcher being shit.


I your cucked country's constitution maybe

Hello Mike, thanks for the girlcock.

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only because of faggots

Um sweetie, this is extremely transphobic and problematic. :^)

thats it guys we have to murder our uncles and cut them up for display during black history month

Denzel Washington
Will Smith

Uncle Ruckus would be impervious to all damage

I assume it's more of a general "don't give me shit if you want to "fight" racism, go deal with someone you know who actually is"

Prove that is an actual transgender identifying person and not just an effeminate male crossdresser

Attached: ifbEn3C.jpg (750x460, 68K)

Based negromancer poster

He's on /tg/ not Yea Forums

That's a girl with Mr. Studd implant.

>Game comes out
>Finally, whites can steal something of value from a black guy
Based cyber negro.

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I don't need to apologize to you, George. I always knew what you were going for in Episodes 1-3.

Wanting girlcock up your ass is transphobic?

It just looks like a woman with a cock implant. That said, passable male crossdressers (traps) are superior to trannies.

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kitty titty

I wonder if it's a fruit soda or an energy drink

He unironically looks like my grandpa

He looks like the Redpilled Black man that every cyberpunk novel has.

>that jaw
>that adams apple
>those hips
That's no girl, buddy.

He didn't create the genre.


>>that jaw
>>that adams apple
>>those hips
Exactly like default female V who is also built like a tranny fridge with fuckoff manjaw.
It's just western female character design my dude.

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it's 2077 old man, your ways are over!

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What can be said? Anonymity and freedom of speech is an addictive drug amidst censorship repression.

They're not including the weird shit from CP2020 dude.

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Based and redpilled
/pol/cucks BTFO

t. subhuman brazilian, the mixed cuck breed.

I actually think most transgender folks either don't care about Cyberpunk 2077 or are excited for it.

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but /pol/ is full of black people
mike pondsmiths universe is very political and a commentary on how socialism leads to unregulated capitalism and how unity leads to violent segregation

Mike is awesome.
>be a teenager
>get a copy of Cyberpunk 2020 as a gift since it's a ''book''
>be blown away
Cyberpunk 2077 can't come soon enough.

Are these people legitimately retarded? I mean short of being bought off by that Epic media web I don't see how such idiocy can be written by supposedly serious people.

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>Opinions, thoughts and feelings are a crime.

Holy fuck you're mentally ill.

Looks like FF7R barret's RAD dad

holy shit based

>They're not including the weird shit from CP2020 dude.
They are. There is literally an ad for Midnight Lady(the sex augment) in the middle of the street and an ad for braindance porn(AKA the DEVON ad).

what's up nigga

Attached: file.png (594x168, 5K)


Twitter destroyed any notion that famous people are smart.

>more important than kid shit, which should be true for every adult after a certain age
>give up your dreams and youthful aspirations to worship the almighty shekel
Are there really people this pathetic? Money is a means to an end, obsessing over it is shallow and pointless.

More like Mike CHADsmith, dabbing on SJW scums

That's not as weird as bozos and furries my dude. Hell that's basically required seeing the tranny demand in the west.

Even the Voodoo boys are no longer white guys with black faces. They're just regular blacks now.

i wanna see the bozos and exotics

You mean exotics and they were confirmed for being in the game but will be rare.
Some of the developers have been hinting about them.

Clarence Thomas

>they were confirmed for being in the game but will be rare
Like how multiple apartments were confirmed for the game? lmao

the only black man who has ever openly supported not letting niggers decide trials for other niggers

He's right though


Why does your mind instantly go there instead of woman with cybernetic robo-dong

Attached: cybersluts.jpg (1824x1491, 807K)

>They're not including the weird shit from CP2020 dude.
It's like you know it for sure

>trying to change your uncle's evil ways and world view

lmao look at this polfaggot.

Some of it may have to wait for DLC, or an expansion.

Thats a big guy.

Or a sequel.

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22 you

Choke on my black cock, Bob.

Pondsmith's response

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Holy shit, it's real.

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Idris Elba

He later said he loved it after the 40 minute demo.
Gibson also wrote a story of alternative world where Hillary won as a protest to Trump's winning.

>tfw my slav uncle has black wife

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>This is Mike Pondsmith, creator of Cyberpunk.
You mean Cyberpunk 2020.

Bill Cosby
Chris Dorner
Michael Jackson
Louis Farrakhan
Candace Owens
Stacey Dash
George Jefferson
Uncle Ruckus

>trying to change your uncle's evil ways and world view
>by telling him to STFU

not good my friend

No, Cyberpunk 2020 is the sequel to Cyberpunk.

come again? how does socialism lead to unregulated capitalism? are you saying because the government is so heavy handed people just do commerce outside of it?

>black angel worshiping Croatanon actually did it

And Mike didn't write Cyberpunk, he wrote 2020.

bozos can be cool and exotics are not the same as ""furries""

>Uncle Tom

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I know, it's still weird shit that you won't see in the game since they underplayed the Voodoo boys too.

Nah, just a censor on/for reddit I think

Most publishers/devs/officials have to make an r/ nowadays, it doesn't mean much.
I don't post on reddit but I often read games threads, nothing wrong with that.


>Wanting girlcock up your ass is transphobic?
Yes, it makes people think that transgenders maliciously turn cis folks into faggots.

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oh that sucks

>tfw you are V
>tfw realizing we're already living in a dystopian globalist future society
>tfw society crawls into your game with slight hues of neons to bring out the worms which burrow into your retinas with irritable joviality
>tfw you preorder a game just so you can live out your day to day life as a crossgender anthropomorphic moose with two pink claws for hands
>tfw capitalism is great
>tfw we're being brainwashed to accept our circumstances
>tfw a woman calls herself a communist while living in a Democracy
>tfw the corporations market off the gullibility and the reactions of "gamers"
>tfw you're the advertisements and the companies' mouthpieces
>When you realize we're bags of human filth who preach one thing and live out another by living bi-curiously through artificial constructs
>The moment you are exactly like your grandfather living out your days trying to get by and experiencing entertainment with household names such as John Wayne and the like because they want to kill themselves
>tfw you are V

Attached: (you).jpg (523x445, 83K)

And 2013, which is also known as plain "Cyberpunk"

Anyone hoping we get some nice car customization options? In a recent interview they said there will be a lot of different cars to choose from which is why they added a garage. They said there will be some customization but didn't say how in-depth exactly.

I want them to nail car handling down too. We'll be spending a lot of time with it both in car combat and racing.

Attached: khyzyl-saleem-ferrarifinallow.jpg (1900x952, 211K)

>only get my news from one website because said website will bully me if i don't

holy fuck what an ugly car

It's kitsch.

Attached: khyzyl-saleem-e92m3-final-lr-web.jpg (1920x1051, 423K)

My man, go Koenigsegg or nothing at all.

y'all niggas FUCKED UP

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Have fond memories playing 2020 back in the day so I thank him for that.

You literally cannot be bullied off of Yea Forums, it's anonymous. You can get your reddit account banned though for wrongthink. I'll be honest, Yea Forums is the only website I actively use and engage in and it's been that way almost exclusively since 2007. I trust and value peer reviews and info over anything any of the journo shills produce. Redditards are corporate cocksuckers.

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>nobody posted based Terry
FUCK Yea Forums

Attached: tc pcmr.png (759x500, 87K)

>You literally cannot be bullied off of Yea Forums, it's anonymous.

you can get bullied for the same reason you feel embarrassed when you accidentally say something retarded or misspell a word during a heated argument.

Oh my fucking god, you fucking cake boy. You know how many times I said something and posted before realizing I got the info wrong or misspelled something? You know what you fucking do? You suck it up, close the thread, go outside and try to suppress the internal cringe for half an hour, come back and look for new threads you stupid redditard piece of shit.

yeah but the fact that you got worked up over something that is impossible to tract back to you shows that it is in fact possible to be bullied anonymously. its why people on this site have such a hive-mind with certain things, specifically what websites you're allowed to browse.

recommend me some cyberpunk books

Why do you fucking cry about it then, fucko? I wish I had a button that could kill anyone instantly who posts here with reddit in their cookies (and everyone on /soc/). I'd do it and not feel bad about it.

Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn

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Cyberpunk 2020 book

Based black man

bruh im just saying that its possible to be bullied here despite everyone being anonymous

It doesn't go on your permanent record. You're user. You can be brilliant in one thread and retarded in another, nobody will care outside of those threads.

Close your eyes, cyber bullying isn't real, you weak bitch.

is it good tho?

>close the thread
You some type of pussy, embrace the chaos

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Neuromancer Trilogy / The Bridge Trilogy / Burning Chrome - by William Gibson.

Bruce Sterling I think edited an anthology of short stories, but I can't comment on the quality here, as I haven't read any.

There's Snow Crash, I think it was, also something I haven't looked into. I believe it's a little more modern, and I fear that it zeroes in on the cheesy 'so-cool-katanas-&hackers&cybercorps&anime' element of cyber-punk. But that's just some preconception stuff, I don't actually know. Seems to be selling well, though.

I think Altered Carbon has some elements as well, specifically running a lot further with the themes of immortal richmen from Neuromancer.

>meanwhile your uncle is trying to change your evil ways and world view
You should start listening to him.

A fucking prophet

good enough to make a game

Neuromancer was a fucking trilogy? I read the first book five years ago and assumed that was all there was to it.

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pretending the people on the internet aren't real is just as childish as closing your eyes and covering your ears while you put your head on your desk at school.


Neuromancer is dog shit, read instead

They really did a number on you if they've brainwashed you enough to believe cyber bullying is real user.

He's a Nice guy

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Yeah, there's an over-arching big consequences plot thing, but that's going on in the back ground. Case doesn't make a reappearance (if memory serves) but Molly does, and characters from the second book (Count Zero) return for the finale. I can't remember much, but they're certainly worth a read.


I really want to see more "neokitsch" cars from CP2077. Like the not-Veyron we saw in this poster.

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He's a racist liberal

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He's actually of Puerto Rican descent.

>imagine being so abhorrent there has to be a law preventing normal people from being mean to you

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that's one cool lookin nigga, I bet he smokes cigars and pounds puss on the regular, I bet he plays in a jazz band and sounds like Jet from Bebop, I bet he's killed a few guys in bar fights.

How's that racist you idiot?


>I'll be honest, Yea Forums is the only website I actively use and engage in and it's been that way almost exclusively since 2007.
Have you ever considered the idea that this is both unhealthy and incredibly stupid?

Forum culture is a cancerous disease.

wow so just because im white my uncle is racist?

its like
you got a leg in one hand and a brerb in the otha

Plot twist: Mike Pondsmith has an uncle named Bob who hates white people.

>use social media!
>put your personal information online!
>become punishable for wrongthink!
>have your irl life ruined for poorly thought out or edgy jokes!
>let us control you!

Fuck off.

95% of whites are racist, you need to be strong enough to stand up to them.

>Have you ever considered the idea that this is both unhealthy and incredibly stupid?
As opposed to what, using twitter? Or literally any form of social media?
>hurr you should just enjoy the indoctrination, be a brainless drone like everyone else!

>95% of whites are racist
Goddamn I wish that was true

100% of living things are racist

>wanting to participate on moderated/censorious sites
Have you ever considered the idea that this is both unhealthy and incredibly stupid?

How about you fuck off back to where you came from?

Poor, naive honkey. It's the 5% who are extremely vocal about being anti-racist.

I think your autism is preventing you from understanding what he meant.

He's based


jezus fucking christ you nigger the /pol/ boogeyman isn't even real

Dog bless that absolute madman and his black qt dumps

>'Back To The 80's' | Best of Synthwave And Retro Electro Music Mix | Vol. 20

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>allowing the online spergouts of people you will never meet to influence your feelings

That all white people have racists in their family?

Had to google that one. Niggers sure like to develop amusing words.

My favorites i've heard,

>corpse eyes
>snow ape

man that's spot on, not that it's bad

Don't post that kind of pics in vain. Don't.


Those are not at all similar things and you are a child for thinking they are

Man, I dunno. I'd buy a game if like a dog or a bird made it. I'd at least play it to check it out.

His voice is sexier than it has any right to be.

Kinda weaker than expected.
Wake me up when negroids develop something better than "pavement ape" or "porch monkey".

Are you telling me with a straight face and a hard dick, that if an actual dog created a video wouldn't even TRY it?

This is Philip K Dick, creator of cyberpunk and prophet who had visions from God.

Attached: dick_360x450.jpg (570x712, 93K)

t. darkie

>browsers Yea Forums in the last 4 years.

When will the secret club mentality end. I say this as 07 cancer .

Finally read Ubik recently, fucking masterpiece.

li'l dick no sex havin' yo women prefer black males white bitch

I mean, yeah. I don't feel offended by them, I call my cousin chalky all the time as a joke. I don't think i've heard heard a real gut puncher before.


Because at the end of the day niggers are niggers

hi lucas

never it's objectively a good thing

And I say this as 05, it won't. Never has and never will. Gate keeping is unironically a good thing. You either learn the culture or you go home.

Cracks me up every time.

Attached: BOATO.gif (480x270, 1.32M)

It's been dead for years and it's the reason why this place is so bad nowadays.

Terry Crews

n-no you

>Gate keeping is unironically a good thing. You either learn the culture or you go home.
>Yea Forums is more different than ever
Ok grandpa

It was always one of my faves as a kid because of how silly it sounded.

Dude, I don't know. I've been on this SHIT HOLE since 06 and I don't even recognize the culture anymore. This place has changed so fucking much over the years it's almost unrecognizable.


cyberpunk is a nigger...

No, I preordered CDProjekt's game.

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>Critique the commidification of transexuals
>Get lambasted for it by white SJW journalists who say "No blackman, this is why it's racist and sexist. To the gulag with you. "


This, it's been dead since 2016

Well yeah, you're proving the point right now. Be ready to get BTFO by your based Pondsmith reading nephew/niece next thanksgiving wh*toid

No, you haven't


Because we let trash in (reddit) and now this place is a dump. Congratulations on proving my point.

We relaxed. Used to be if someone said they came from reddit or linked there we told them to fuck off. The ones that did post had the decency and shame not to bring up. Now I see it happen freely all over the place here. We let our guard down.

Holy fuck now THIS is a butthurt assblasted /pol/fag. Remember when MOOT put blacked porn on your shitty board and you fags tried to take over /po/ and failed? lol

Gatekeeping doesn't work when the mods are against you user

I would say that is true. Now are all of them uncles i don't know.

>Because we let trash in (reddit) and now this place is a dump. Congratulations on proving my point.
You're the r/eddit you fucking election tourist. Yea Forums became shit because of GG and the 2016 election making r/edditors think Yea Forums was LE UNDERGROUND COOL PLACE. Like "Oh my god dude.... psst... I browse Yea Forums... I'm a fucking BADASS. Yeah I killed three SJW's in the epic gg war B)"

Wait how young are you? How in the hell have you not heard of that word.

I didn't even know what reddit was until 2012 and I only ever heard the word because someone on Yea Forums called me a redditer. This feels familiar somehow.

Fuck off Bob, shouldn't you be off complaining about the chinese kids hanging out at the arcade?

I'm not an Americunt, pal. We don't have niggers where I live.

Yeah I'm thinking he's black

Never told you fags to join a forum or social media. Just maybe read something that isn't shitposts all day.

I read plenty of shit, I just don't engage with those retards.

Stop painting it with a broad brush intentionally you stupid faggots. He's telling people who cry about racism online to stand against it in real life. It could be an uncle, a grandpa, a fucking neighbor. He's telling the leftist faggots who say this shit but do nothing when it happens in their face to shut the fuck up and put their money where their mouth is
>b-but he implied... muh white genocide
If you're actually offended by the statement, then you might actually feel bad about being a racist. But isn't racism and le tribalism and spear chucking okay now (when it's convenient to your narrative?)

Well Bob, maybe the reason you're only invited to Thanksgiving and funerals is because you're a cunt?

Pol hates niggers not a black man

listen mike you aight.
but i do hope you played fallout 1 and understand what we want. we know AAA has limitations but we also think that way better design decisions are possible than what we currently have.

But whites can be niggers too.

ive literally never posted on /pol/ this place is just full of hypocritical faggot complaining about politics while bringing up pol out of nowhere at the drop of a hat

Frankly liberals brought it on themselves. Don't try and tell 150,000,000 people that they're scum because of their skin color and expect nothing to happen.

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There's definitely a lot more reddit, a lot more shills and marketing, and a lot more pozzing, but you being an 06 fag i'd assume you'd be able to spot those out by now, like most of us can.
The passage of time also just changes everything, look back at the 80's and see the styles and haircuts and shit, it's fucked but it was cool at the time. Same thing with Yea Forums, even the original posters change somewhat, that's just what happens with time.

taking it like a champ.
Mike is based.

omg a real girl

>muh gg
>conveniently forgets about the fappening
every time

Hola Maria

Como estas ?

Nowadays everything that isn't Facebook-tier faggotry is /pol/, apparently.

This is more insulting but you just threw a bunch of words together, something is still lacking. Don't just tell your audience, sculpt it so that they have no choice but to see it.

You can do better user, I believe in you.

I don't either but i have heard it from the movies.

facebook and reddit yes

You could change the caption to modern alt-right and it would be exactly the same
>they brought this on themselves!
>a bunch of retards on the internet flinging shit at other retards on the internet
The rest of the civilized world thinks you're both fucking retarded but they're more liable to side with the side that isn't full of retards larping as nazi's. Play stupid games, win stupid fucking prizes.

GG was literally nothing. This site died with the scientology raids. It's never been the same since and it only gets worse.

No, politics are "for losers" everybody know anarchism is the only way *tips fedora*

I don't watch movies with niggers dishing out racial slurs either.
What kind of movies are (You) watching?

The fappening brought horny normies here who're too stupid to browse the rest of the website. Yea Forums was fucked over by the fappening, not the rest of Yea Forums.

GG literally INVITED r/eddit and "our" other "allies" right into this fucking board and they still haven't left. And apparently neither have the retarded cripplechan GG shills

The alt-right doesn't exist. Only radical leftism. The alt-right is a creation of the left to justify their methods.

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don't care the fappening dwarfed gg in exposure

70s blackexploitable movies.

I'm ok with gatekeeping user, it's just when people start having this ridicously high bar like
>4 years being new

I agree that people should "Lurk more" and therefore learn. I also hate fucking "reddit" witch hunts where people are screamed at for being reddit over the slightest little shit. Secret club just gets annoying as all discussion ends and turns the thread to shit flinging because some guy wasn't in a habbo hotel raid or some inane shit.

One man's garbage is another man's trash, I guess.

>The alt-right doesn't exist
Oh fuck off retard. Go ask any self-respecting righty what they think of "internet rights" an their stupid fucking fights and you'll know the alt-right exists and everything thinks they're fucking retarded

Oh come on, you don't like Shaft?

>any self-respecting righty what they think of "internet rights" an their stupid fucking fights and you'll know the alt-right exists
>believing in internet rights being a good thing makes you alt right
see this kind of sloppy labeling is exactly what's wrong


You literally a sub 70 iq brainlet lmao

>Posting regulalry on reddit should be a bannable offense.

Couldn't say, never watched it.

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>the alt right exists, I've talked to many of them of Yea Forums!
Who is this 4 CHAN?

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Nice projecting brainlet. Nobody outside of this fucking echo chamber will take you seriously you fucking r/eddit tourist

>muh I GUE I hate le jews but I eat up their retarded fucking schemes xD

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/pol/ is bro-black and anti-nigger.

You really think the right isn't aware of the retards masquerading as them online while also larping as nazi's and racists? All you faggots have managed to do is make the actual right look bad by association.

redpilled black man is redpilled.

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You should, it is great vigilante movie.

holy shit you dumb AND mad haha

Imagine if Todd referred to every race as one of the races in Elder Scrolls.
>calls kikes altmer

You know I never really felt the effects of the fappening unlike GG and Trump's election. I guess they were too busy on Yea Forums and the porn boards, what being bunch of horny dudes.

If racism is the only trait that defines the alt right then you've got a really big problem on your hand. I'm literally shaking

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Maybe I will, thanks for the recommendation.

Those glasses really help make him look like an older version of Blade from Sin.
I mean obviously missing the dreads and what not.

>you'll know the alt-right exists
Of course it does and you're a member. After all, this is alt-right HQ and you're posting like you belong here.

Love when americans derail threads to discuss their braindead politicians.

Neither is the tranny boogeyman

tits or gtfo


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>Keeps bringing up /pol/
no user you're the cancer.

The problem is for you retards when the left eventually overtakes since virtue signaling works better than screaming nigger at the top of your lungs. Fucking retard
>10 years from now

>and you're posting like you belong here.
Fuck off back to r/eddit nigger this isn't some ebin clubhouse for your echochamber.


Attached: discord trannies.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

>he says, as he and other 90 /pol/fags quickly rush from their discord to try and stamp him out with samefagging and censorship
The irony.
>shut the fuck up /pol/fag

user if you keep this up i'm going to have to go to that asian guy and tell him I don't want my ads associated with racism.

If you don't agree 100% with everything the radicals demand, you'll be labeled an alt-right nazi too.
Things like "I don't agree with them, but I don't think people who voted for Trump are necessarily bigots calling for genocide" may as well be a nazi salute.

>"I'll stick to Yea Forums"
Nobody whos been years in this place will ever say that unironically.

You're so fucking delusional it's hilarious. Who said I'm racist?

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don't mind me. Just dropping some pills. Some red pills.

>Fuck off back to r/eddit nigger this isn't some ebin clubhouse for your echochamber
See you are trying to fit in. You're trying to fit in in the alt-right HQ. Now if that doesn't make you alt-right what the fuck does? You're expecting a membership card or something?

>more non arguments and ad-hominem
Why are /pol/fags incapable of reading what has to be stickied on their board because they're so retarded

>trying this hard to force this
I'm not alt-right or left I think you're all faggots. This place was never anything until a few years ago when niggers like you revised history in your favor. You fucking r/thedonald faggots want this to be the echochamber you were promised so bad you shitpost on max whenever anyone questions it. Fuck off.

>People actually want to vote in that retard again in 2020.

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>retarded /pol/fag once again proves he's retarded
Ah. Another day, I destroy another retarded /pol/fag who can only speak in memes. Feels fucking good.

Attached: owned bitch lol.jpg (1600x900, 90K)

dont worry drumpf has no chance to win in 2020

Holy shit william gibson is a retard.

>spergs out about muh /pol/ boogeyman two posts in
Oh yes, the irony.

And dropped... Game will be filled with negro characters, not good for nigger-hating me.


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This. I'm not even into politics, I just think that Trump is a screeching ape that pops up in my browsing too much.

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Pics or it didn't happen.
It's funny how you're trying to pull a Uno reversal card after your own Discord was compromised.
Also, Trump a kike.

What's wrong with Trump? He's genuinely entertaining and so far been the best president we've had since Clinton.

Sure dude. Wanna bet ur anal virginity if it’sstill intact on it? Meme president did his best to get re-elected.

wtf /pol/ loves black people

>uses buzzword label
>gets angry when responded to with meme text
I guess some people truly are just born as faggots.

the establishment hates Trump, so of-course the logical thing to do is to vote for him again, don't you think?

>It's funny how you're trying to pull a Uno reversal card after your own Discord was compromised.
Nice job revealing you're a /pol/nigger retard. That's all I needed
>Implying I'm any of your retarded left cuck or right cuck discords
Kill yourself tranny

/pol/ boogeyman here. Mike is based and I'm not going to start hating on CP just because the author is a negroid. He did a good job.

>smug anime picture
lul didn't read

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You're trying too hard, buddy.

>I guess some people truly are just born as faggots.
Try not to feel too bad about it, I'm sure the /pol/discord will service your dick smoking tendencies in one of their trap channels.

>the establishment hates Trump, so of-course the logical thing to do is to vote for him again, don't you think?

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is he gonna troon out or something

>projection helps me cope lol

Do you have anything else to say or are you just mad because you're brown

Probably for the best, racism is a sign of degeneracy and low IQ.

I've been here since 2006 or something and there's really no other online community I like to visit, aside from guilds in MMOs. I don't want to post on a place with user history because of the garbage callout culture and elitist forum warriors who throw around their 100k postcount as if it gives them authority. Yea Forums gives every post and poster a fair shake, and I've always admired that.

>more buzzword and generic Yea Forums responses
Maybe for a fucking sub 60 IQ brainlet like you who types fucking Yea Forums venecular

yoooo that dude's shirt is lit af

Well I clearly didn't say that so I guess you're quoting yourself? You do know who quotations work, right tourist?

>people hate retards so we should keep retards in power
Is this so sort of disabled kid uprising?

he seems like a brave guy unironically

That makes sense when niggers are the most racist people on the planet.

>Stop quoting yourself, child!

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>the establishment aren't the retards
good goy

based and redpilled, the best thing jewggle ever done was try and stop drumpf

rent free

i dont get why people hate trump
he literally hasnt done anything
if anything thats why people should be mad

>rather than try and fix the system I'll keep choosing between retards out of spite

>fix the system
Still waiting on democrats to get rid of birthright citizenship.

>The establishment hates trump!
>The billionaire from an established family who was friends with the Clinton and other "establishments"
What kind of double think logic do Russian controlled drumpftards operate on.

what is that thing?

More like "stop calling a black man racist against blacks and instead target a real, legit racist".

but user this is the system in progress democracy caused trump and he was objectively the best option

if you want the national debate to improve in quality you should consider becoming an activist

based obsessed redditor

>that's wasn't REAL gommunism

Racism is just a simplification of reality that low IQ people try to accept so that they don't have to think about things beyond ooga booga other thing bad. If they were smart they wouldn't be racists.

this guy is, how i like to call them: a "nigger".

Depends on what your definition of racism is

a /pol/tard killer

>the masses arent retarded

Dude youre probably so informed from watching Vice all day

being a billionaire doesn't automatically make you the establishment retard also it was always a gamble

>I'll vote for a screeching yellow haired nigger that only cares about his self interests, that'll stop the jews

This is the biggest piece of trash screencap i've ever seen

>fix the system

I bet youre a bernie sanders nigger

>being a billionaire doesn't automatically make you the establishment retard also it was always a gamble

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So have you already castrated yourselves or are you waiting for the re-election?

Still waiting for democrats to get rid of birthright citizenship

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>only cares about his self interests
wrong and still objectively superior to hillary


pol eternally btfooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

i see you've conceded, alright then

>yes westerner, vote for Trump so he can drag you into a useless war where you lose international support and ruin your own economy.

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>having a sex change in Cyberpunk 2020 was one of them augmentations that slowly made you go insane
honorary aryan


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desu the thing I'm most worried about is China, and at least he's willing to be tough on them.

Will we ever get a good Cyberpunk thread?

There's no bannable offense for posting on reddit here. I just wish they'd all drop dead, personally.

>i see you've conceded, alright then

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>vote for Trump so he can drag you into a useless war
meanwhile he's mopped up isis which was meant to justify wars and is leaving syria well enough alone while actively expressing his distaste for the idea of invading iran

>all the seething r/politics faggots ITT

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>mutts projecting their shitskin on russians

>not a REAL billionaire

Listen fellahs I don't really care about politics but I just don't really see why when presented with two turds you'd just choose a lesser turd. I mean I'd just not choose at all if it were me. Although I'm one of you is about to tell me about all the not-changes that our new president has accomplished and how much better we are with retards and jews in charge.

When they actually show what the game is about

sorry your fanbase couldn't accept kino

but jews are dunmer

Still waiting for democrats to end birthright citizenship

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>I just don't really see why when presented with two turds you'd just choose a lesser turd
are you retarded? if you don't pick the bigger turd might win and that is an objectively worse scenario


If Hillary won America would already be at war with Russia
Trump literally just stopped a military attack in Iran

>expressing his distaste for the idea of invading Iran
>While at the same time trying to provoke
>Months earlier trying to provoke a war with Venezuela
>Russian getting scared the world is on to their Russian propaganda programs.

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>/pol/ prefers some trailer trash fat retard than this intelligent and creative man just because his skin color

Imagine being this stupid

Im older than you and know more about politics.

he looks like Ron Perlman if Ron Perlman's race actually matched his face

>If Hillary won America would already be at war with Russia
You are in fact a massive retard.

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You could not be a knuckle dragging moron and just find a better solution than eating turds presented to you.

apologies for our muds and mentals, friend

>While at the same time trying to provoke
he didn't he's just doing his usual unstable 4dchess shit
>Months earlier trying to provoke a war with Venezuela
look if you're retarded enough to take anything trump says at face value i don't know what tot tell you

Nah its just that Democrats turned into BLM nigger tranny loving faggots who are financially retarded

dunmer are more like muslims with how uncivilized they can get

No you fool. It's about no matter how much the times change, people will always be shitty.

/pol/ loves Mike, though

Mike didn't write that, another Cyberpunk writer, Ross Winn, wrote it.


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We would. She wanted boots on the ground and anti-air around Assad who was backed by Russia

is he /ourguy/?

If Hillary had won we'd be at war with Iran

>find a better solution than eating turds presented to you.
sure but that's easier said that done and in the absence of a better option im going to make the least shitty decision obviously

your nebulous ideal of a better solution is nothing but fucking nonsense anyway what the fuck can you possibly achieve, what's you viable alternative

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what self-interests? Dude would be making more money on his businesses than being president. A president only makes like 200K a year while Trump was making millions with shit like Miss Universe. And if Trump was enriching his friends you know CNN, MSNBC and the rest would be all over his ass like they were with the Russian conspiracy that turned out to be complete bullshit... Bullshit like their polls projecting Hillary to win by a landslide.

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But she said this and so did one of the Pentagon officers that supported her

ok user prepare from trump 2020 then

Yeah, Clearly Dems accused them of meddling in order to broker peace between the nations


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how fucking blind are you her entire platform was nothing but bashing russia supported by the entire MSM it couldve been ww3

Prove that he was provoking a war? By your reasoning, we should be at war with China, Mexico, and North Korea, right now.

>If Hillary had won we'd be at war with Iran
You are a retard, she would ahd supported the obongo nuclear plan which was enough to satisfy Iran and Israel
>Anti-air around Ass-sad would had ended in war.

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after release maybe

>he think presidents only make money from their salary
>he thinks Trumps assets and ventures are forfeit since being sworn into office

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He also has lost at least $2 billion since taking office

this image is blessed

>Giving nukes to Iran would have somehow been better than taking them away

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>Prove that he was provoking a war?

Attached: 1554428476985.jpg (588x823, 161K)

>russian planes are no longer allowed to fly in the airspace of syria which is run by the Democratically elected Assad
>which is positive for ISIS
>this wouldnt start a war

Your mom pays for your college dorm and youre trying to talk tough. Stfu.

>implying I'm not the racist uncle

>you're not allowed to privately make money unrelated to your governmental position
Then Bernie shouldn't have three mansions. Also, see

How many people starved to death in Venezuela?

>i google my opinion then copy and paste the results

Graduate HS

Damn this thread started as a comfy wholesome Yea Forums discussion.

Nuclear plan was stopping Iranians from making nukes.

This obsession with trannies is getting out of hand.

Brainlet wojaks are acceptable ONLY if they wear drumpf hats

>the guardian
fucking lmao

Lmao when seeing socialist commies eating out of trash cans

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>i google my opinion then copy and paste the results
>I have no argument to counter so let me yell at basic internet searching
Dilate your mouth faggot for Ivans dick.

and then derailed by post 3

>Giving nuclear technology to iran was stopping them from making nukes

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Now its brainlets talking politics as usual

every fucking time

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how the fuck does this shit happen?

Then we should be at war with Venezuela. You're not owning the Russians by projecting, user.

I remember being 17 years old and googling "validation for my opinion" and feeling like I was smart.


I remember being 12 and angry at people for supporting their arguments with evidence, or wait I was never that retarded even at 12.

Objectively false. Ransom money is not a condom, user.

>Here's billions of dollars, a cheat sheet, and a few scientists. Don't go making bombs now!

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If you are afraid of pol you need to leave

that's belligerent

Yo my nigga
Trump's presidency has been most peaceful in decades and even some democrats are bending the knee in relation to the wall after the immigration crisis caravan happened.
Also the economy is the strongest it has been in the last decade.

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>appeals to authorities
Pick 1

>googling bullshit and copying the first result is "evidence"

Know how I know youve never sourced a paper?

nah i meant people have to involve politics one way or the other and that's what fucked the thread

i guess it's hard to avoid with how polarized things have become

fuck yeah, nigga

>Mental gymnastics and ignoring evidence.
Moot should had nuked /pol/ and banned all the retard spawns from it.

Forgive me oh based Sowell

yes Big Mike. Appreciate the effort he put into the setting of Cyberpunk, but some of the character generation systems are a bit naff

>Dilate your mouth for Ivan's dick
Most of the EU ("the free world") already does this


>still crying about /pol/

Lmao, post a CNN article about how border jumpers are just like Jews in the Holocaust. Right now.

I unironically just want to play video games

They are both very real although pol only shows itself when it feels threatened whereas trannies are constantly posting on different boards

>evidence is anything I post
Have sex

Jimi Hendrix

found the /pol/cuck

so do i user so do i

Nah trannies are the most delusional. Plenty of resetera trannies have claimed on this very board that straight men will start marrying them like they are real women

Remember when talks with NK deteriorated but was good when Putin went? Oh yeah Trump is a master of making America look retarded
>Civil war ending and trump taking credit for doing nothing
pretty based but typical for the Russian puppet
>Economy strongest
Umm oh boy, better not look at this graph then.

Attached: us-economic-growth.png (979x755, 71K)

Yea Forums is known to house tons of /pol/cucks within this board. Don't be such a dumb faggot.

Pk subban

>being this much of a newfag

All of this rhetoric has been on Yea Forums since its inception. You faggots literally shrivel up just because someone says nigger or faggot

/pol/tards are the easiest faggots on the board to troll,ruse and otherwise upset. Have fun with them you deplorable lot.

Discord trannys and retarded SWJ. the usual.

>say nigger

Yeah ok

>ou faggots literally shrivel up just because someone says nigger or faggot
/pol/tards are the niggers of Yea Forums and not welcomed here. Go back to your tard bin

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Whats the matter /pol/tranny

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/pol/ hates cucks, though. Don't kinkshame like they do.

>no YOU'RE the tranny!

Look at all these niggers


>continues seething
Nobody in this fucking board gets upset over faggit or nigger. They pretend to be offended just so they can easily piss you off and get some reactions.