Objectively better than mario shart

>objectively better than mario shart
>people will think it's worse because it doesnt get the nintendo bonus

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its not a good game and only appeals to degenerate furries.

just play the old one, the new physics are bad

come here faggot

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Mario Kart has the most advanced tactics of any racer

Are heavies supposed to be good in this game? I'm not big brained enough to do the drifting with Tiny just yet

what could he have possibly meant by this

why aren't you just playing your game pham

mario kart isnt a racer. Its a party game.

The new physics are fine but not perfect
Some shortcuts are more difficult
Did they really not keep the source code from the original?

Why is this a remake and not a new game?


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*muffled whirring in the distance*

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Nintendo bonus is so blatantly real yet nintenniggers still deny it


Do you have to pay to play online? On the ps4

>objectively better than mario shart
In what way?
Do you even know what Objective means?

yes, all consoles have paid online now

Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch lmao

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What the fuck

Never played MK or really cared for Nintendo. Just enjoying’ the game.

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hes lying its free

Pic related is the average nincel manchild. What makes them so pathetic? Is it playing bing bing wahoo 1up that warped their psyches or were they born deficient?

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Can someone please be honest

Man, I still don't get why people care about the brand ironically or otherwise. Just play the game and have fun.

Hello darkness my old friend

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im with you, op
I think sonic all stars transformed was way better than mario kart, but no one plays it
any kart racer that isn't mario kart doesn't get as popular

They all have paid online.
Sony's is just as bad as it was on PS3 but now you pay 60
Xbox is the same
Nintendo is the same but now you pay 20

My arms are bigger than his!

Imagine being this salty that the inferior game got the lower score

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>>objectively better than mario shart
It's a good game but only a retarded snow faggot would think this.
Fuck sony and fuck you you shitstain.

It'a actually mostly the same in terms of quality, a highly overrated kart game that nostalgiafaggots will treat like the second coming of Jesus and can only remember the rose-tinted good parts in their memories.

>roided faggot likes his shitty normie SJW console
Fucking snoy cancer.

I bet they are fatty

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>dyel ugly fat virgin screeching and playing bing bing toddler games

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>meanwhile, defends Animal Crossing

That's a whole lotta irony.

Isn't this on switch too?

>objectively better than mario shart

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of course the retarded console war kid would post from his phone

>waaah mommy bought me a shitch instead of a phone!

Have sex

>Gets roids for the sole purpose of proving somebody on Yea Forums wrong for callig them fat
Show me your fucking face and nuts, then call yourself a chad again. I dare you.


Imagine still being triggered by a 5 year old game

Game is on Switch as well so I dont understand the point of this console war faggotry...

>be normal fit
Easy to tell who doesn’t lift

Only chads with sega saturn gamepads can reply to this post, gays dont

It's mostly of the rage part. Every other gym bro I've met is tame, chill and friendly as fuck. Not you though. Seems you just life out of insecurity, hence the need for roids. Let me guess...5'9"?

>wippii wahuu
How can anyone like Mario?

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>ridiculing someone on the internet via text = rage
You must be autistic. Also it’s not even my picture you fat ugly retard and I’m 6’2.

Plot Twist is that both arms belong to the same guy and he's a chronic masturbator.

Nice cope

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>>ridiculing someone on the internet via text = rage

>Virgin Shitposter vs. Chad Funposter

You must be a really pathetic little beta bitch if words on Yea Forums affect you.

>isn't me
>manlet still feels the need to mention his height
When will they learn?

The game is censored though.

What country in south america are you from?

you say something?

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Can’t stand the way nu-crash looks, shit reminds me of fanboy and chum chum

Based Chad

>xbro switch bro and PCbro playing CTR together and having fun
>Snoy is by himself
Some things never change


When you have a hardware that is easily 4 times as fast and deliver half of the frame rate with the same visuals, yeah, you fucked it up.

You can stop replying to your own post any time now

While yes i prefer CTR over Mario, how could you tell?

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on Yea Forums it means "in my opinion"

>85 is a great score
>have to bring up a nintendo IP and compare it

why do this to yourself?

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sart sucks tho

>old orange bandicoot still gets dabbed on by superior plumber
Mega oof

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ctr fans are really insecure

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The original CTR is the greatest kart racer ever made
This fucking remake on the other hand
>Has a retarded hard mode that just makes it so that the ai goes faster than your top speed, making Crash Cove near fucking impossible to beat without knowing the speed exploits
>Has a fucking microtransaction shop that only fucking had the money buying removed at the last second due to an anti-microtransaction bill
>Has retarded physics and invisible walls
>Runs at 30FPS on a console over 400x more powerful than the PS1

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crash racing is on switch


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CTR has always been worse than Mario Kart but DKR is actually the best kart racer.

played this game today at work, don't know how anyone in their right mind can believe it's in any way better than MK8. but w/e

Mario Kart 8 is a lesser game compared to CTR, but Journalists are bound to give the Nintendo exclusive a higher score. It's a consequence of the years, if not decades of bloated scores they've freely given Nintendo for countless lame releases and unusual corporate decisions.

The sheer amount of apologetic Nintendo fanboys in games media is staggering, but not surprising. Nintendo is what most of them grew up with, what caused most of them to become something as wretched as a games journalist in the first place. Zelda games aren't uniformly overrated because the games media are scared of Nintendo fanboys, but because the games media are nintendo fanboys.

The funny thing is, the exact same phenomenon is now occurring with playstation. The people who grew up with the PS1 are now forming platform-exclusive blogs masquerading as prestigious sites, youtube channels, and even pathetic shill e-celebs like Greg Miller and the faggots at Easy Allies (who are also as it stands, enormous Nintendo cocksuckers too).

By the way, everything I say is right. Every contrasting opinion you have from my own is wrong.

t. got beat by kids

>the absolute state of nintencels

That's impressive, two fucking wrong statements in one sentence, bravo

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you just created a talking point out of thin and then quipped at your own fantasy argument

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>takes "journalists" scores seriously
>thinks anyone would give a game that requires skill a high score
>ignores the nintendo bias
How can anyone be such a faggot and have a single digit IQ, what are you retard..
> incel low IQ anime poster

>consolewarring thread about a multiplat that's on all the systems

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imagine having to invent a review bias so you can pretend your kid's game is better than a different kid's game.

30 Frames per second.


im just waiting for the pc version so I don't have to pay for ps+ for online


That's a hard pass from me. Maybe when the PC version is out in a year it'll be better.

>runs on the most powerful console
>30 FPS
even the shitch gets 60