Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
fuck niggers
Stand back, I got this
The virgin stick dick smoysh player Etikuck vs the chad bbc warrior of the fgc LTG
Did he do a flip?
this right here, salad dodgers
You know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the vydia in my backlog, it's the dead nigger threads on our board. I wanna ask you a question: when you opened this tab, did the title read "/dnb/ - Dead Nigger Board"? No? You know why you didn't see that title? 'Cause it ain't there, 'cause talking about dead niggers ain't Yea Forums's fucking business, that's why.
good to see Yea Forumsros coming together on this one. we'll get our boy back safe. etika, if you're out there, we love you!
Give me the microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you ecelebs runnin' your twitter drama
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn posts "Trump" this, "Incel" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the reply button
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I'm gunna call you a faggot
A burrito loving retard
An autist
A no good fat son of a bitch
I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the crosswalks
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the STOREFRONTS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit
I'm gunna shitpost your feed
Send all you cringey sons of bitches home
I said I'll send you back
Ecelebs are not video games
>jumpbridge bad!
Fuck offf.
>>Yea Forums
God you fucking retards can't give up that this nigger is finally dead, let it go already.
hey steveposter. good to see you. you just punch in too?
>momma momma look momma i posted it again in the Yea Forums!!
you're shitting yourself Timmy, go to the bathroom
>My black youtuber>Your black youtuber
The absolute state of Yea Forums
You should be hoping LTG is next
Shut the actual FUCK up, dumb Etikuck fag. If 5 you niggers die
So he is really dead ? This is sad, internet is fucking people's mind.
Bros I think my 7 is acting up? Care to check it?
He's literally a nobody. Go to your friends house and watch them play video games. It's the same exact experience except it's actually tangible instead of this imaginary headcanon Eceleb shit.
Just go knock on your friends door you absolute retarded zoomers.
LTG is actually based. Fuck OFF dumb sperg.
Is he actually dead or just suicide baiting and laying low somewhere?
this is only the natural outcome of having a career that isn't actually a career
looks like i don't need to worry. see you in the next thread. we'll hit it off sooner or later.
>real life friends
That's the problem. People who flock to e-celeb gamers are substituting irl friends because they don't have any.
And there's fucking millions of these people. Kids and adults alike.
Based and Itadekipilled
I gotchu. Maybe the ‘ol FUCK AND SUCK can help you find it.
But wait, there's more!
Is that Smug?
he's not dead
he faked his own suicide and now he's making these threads himself
When the fuck did it become a thing?
Nobody I know personally EVER had this kind of shut-in mentality. The only thing I could come up with is social paranoia after 9/11.
I'm actually considering becoming a streamer to teach people to stop watching me and just go outside.
Isn't this Netorare?
Etika is not dead and traps are straight if this post ends in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9
>555.3 KiB
You had one job, user. Watch this 5
I think you dropped this
Even if he comes back which i doubt, he's mentally so it doesn't
Friends are pretty shit desu.
Come on darkie it's no fun when you get butthurt
Why would he pack his belongings only to leave them on a bridge? Maybe he is alive and is just desperate for attention? That would be more believable than a suicide.
This guy humor literally appeal to kids. No wonder Yea Forums love him
boogie cucks on damage control
e t i k a
>”monster” reborn
Fucking Fighting Gold
mentally dead so it doesn't make a difference.
Seriously, who the fuck is this guy, and why do people keep posting him? Something about him maybe having offed himself or something?
yes, and i hope these fags get their legs chopped off for bringing it up
I’m actually the original steveposter, but it’s good to see that the pasta is being spammed, he’s even using the same file name. I got a three day ban so I couldn’t post it.
>government pedophiles get outted for kidnapping children, raping them, and potentially cannibalizing them
>media says nothing
>random internet nigger goes missing in the same week
>everyone loses their fucking minds
really makes you think
The fate that every ironic weeb normalfag deserve.
>throws bants
>crys fowl when shit gets thrown back
C'mon son
mung, that was pretty weak. fuck off
Why he did it?
He was the hype man for nintendork shit, so smash soys obsessed over him. Outside of that he was most notable for looking like black Guile
Kill yourself jew
Is he still missing?
etika, pretty interesting dude. gained quite a following and made memes for lots of folks, now he disappeared and everybody woke
lmao looks like Darnequeon Sha-KwanZah is offended.
its not if you remove episode 2 from your headcanon
I mean she fucked 2 other guys but within the context of the situation is was forced. That and she also drinks semen so its like free food. She’s still loyal to the MC and his juicy semen tho.
It wasn't "bants" it was just a movie reference. And regardless everyone's heard "look mom i posted it again" ten thousand times
That seems mundane. Also, I don't know what a Guile is.
fuck e celebs
Uh-oh cunny has arrived how will e-celebs shitters cope?
Goog goy stay inside all day killing yourself slowly and give me and my padres who don't give a rats ass about you shekels.
is that fucken piss?
>Traps aren’t gay
>Post ended with a 2
If this post ends with any of the same numbers listed in that post. Then Lolicon is definitively pedophilia and all lolicons should be executed for their crimes against humanity.
It's OK because it has a Vanilla ending unlike the majority of NTRshit
street fighter character
She commented she didn't liked it if i recall.
All of his belongings were found near the edge of the Manhattan Bridge. If it isn't some stunt he is pulling, he probably jumped.
Based cunnyposter
yeah, that's gonna be a big sniff from me.
man, lolis are sexy
it's good you have disciples. i know there's at least one other dedicated etika thread poster, so i can take a day off every now and then. but really our work is never really done, is it?
Yeah. That she did.
Good goy go to your (((friends))) house and watch them play (((videogames))) they didn't pirate instead of free streams where donations are optional
Based Cunnyposter. Anyways somebody post Geiger Counter plz.
Fuck funs over, I'm calling my mom to come pick me up. Anyone need a ride?
UNbased and gay af
man, i wish lolis were real
Check this 7
this board is such a fucking shithole lmao
how the FUCK do you get worse than Yea Forums?
someone post some lolicon femdom next
Human life is worth jack shit. The more we infest this planet, the more fucked up things will become.
>Lolifag tries to be Janny Jr
you mean this?
he is dead. He left his belongings on the bridge so people would be sure he did it.
His "suicide note" video was pretty straightforward for people with actual experience.
Its true he did some things for attention before, but maybe someone should have paid closer attention. People arent all surface level simplicity, sometimes they are hiding a lot of suffering behind a smile. That's likely the reason why he constantly sought to have the most fun possible.
Pic related its pretty much telling. The dude needed a hug and someone to have a real heart to heart and hear him out and stay with him for a while, someone that really connected to, not just branding him whatever. Its pretty sad, I remember seeing pics years ago of when he was a kid, he really looked up to his older brother.
etikas twitter had some decent foot shit
Who cares about dead niggers it's CUNNY TIME FUCK OFF E CELEB KIDS
Yea Forums was always better
better discussion, better memes, they happily embrace /pol/ instead of rejecting it like Yea Forumseddit
>they never found the body
like lmao why don't you go back there and ask them roflcopter
How based can one man be?
More cunny
Nah. Check this 3 bitch (4,6, and 8 are also acceptable)
that's because he faked it
its cause hes not dead
hes living with the cult hes in
t. anime avatar cuck who makes LTG rage compilations on youtube
Nothing personnel kid, but I'm gonna have to receive that 5
"Nigga Reborn"
Keep it coming. So us Cunnychads can b cumming.
What the fuck? Sauce?
i believe it. that last video was incredibly honest. what a tragedy. so many people on Yea Forums would want to take his place, but it just goes to show you that every time you climb the ceiling gets a little bit higher.
At this point I feel the only person who cares about following the rules of Yea Forums is Barneyfag
simpler times
Here's a win win situation. Take your "memes" go back there and fucking stay there.
He's mentally dead, so he's dead anyways.
Why don’t you just pirate games and the. play them? Why would you watch someone play video games instead of playing them yourself? Would you want to watch someone fuck your gf or waifu too? Beta male.
Here you dropped this
Spamming and ban evading are against the rules.
This is what happens when a black person finds /pol/
>he doesn't have a piss jug
casuals out
i will discontinue these threads if and when a death is verified. i mean no disrespect.
Me on the right
Lying sack of shit
cunnies aren't my cup of tea but I don't judge
Looks like cunny will be this mans epitaph
Videogames are a horrible hobby to sink time into. It's better to just occasionally watch someone do it then invest in them yourself.
>videogames are as important as reproducing
is it just me or do his new videos feel faker than the smash 4 days
>this thread
God, I wish that was me
How do you go back to liking 30 year old women? tell me before this thread dies
oh my fuck
you all wish you could have this 5
I mean, you should.
They're judging you.
Not so fast
Nah I'M gonna receive that 5
shit bait