Holy fuck, this is sad. RDR2 was pozzed as fuck and he predicted it all, though he hoped it was just a guess...

Attached: sadly he was right.png (1080x1697, 888K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cringe, imagine taking youtube comments clearly written by clueless teenagers seriously

>1 day ago and months after release

Attached: 1560031272527.png (645x773, 11K)

cringe, says the big boy shitposting on Yea Forums

if a game focuses on anyone besides white heterosexual christian male, its literal gamer genocide concocted by the sjws

this but unironically, fuck off with the gay shit it will never be considered normal no matter how much progressives are larping about it

Homosexuality is already accepted as normal in countries that matter (and no, the opinion of "people" living outside populated areas does not matter).

0.2 sheckles have been deposited in your JIDF account.

it's a problem when the game is shit though

being forced to remain silent about the topic unless you want to risk losing your job =/= accepted

nice argument brainlet

Attached: BEPIS.jpg (471x350, 30K)

How does it feel to be THIS retarded? Do you even feel pain at this stage?

when did he post that?


Anyone else tired of all these made up buzzwords that trannies and incels fling around? Making up your own Newspeak seems like the kind of thing that brainwashed minions do.

Anonymous surveys in developped relevant countries show a significant majority of people see homosexuality as a normal occurence.

Anonymous surveys in developped relevant countries show a significant majority of people see homosexuality as a not normal occurence.

As usual homophobic insects are incapable of providing even an ounce of supporting proof for their brain damaged claims.

To be fair, neither of those posts provided anything more than words that say "I'm right" without evidence.

ad hominems

1 day ago


This sort of irrational/emotional blind reactionism is exactly why we hated Righturds to begin with. Shoo shoo.

>less then 1% of the population


It's spelled shekels, retard American.

As usual retarded alt left insects are incapable of providing even an ounce of supporting proof for their brain damaged claims.

I mean if I saw two dudes kissing in public street I'd think it was weird, but I wouldn't go out of my way to say anything about it and would most likely forget a bit later. It is more normal to see a heterosexual couple kiss in public than it is a homosexual one.

>if I saw two dudes kissing in public street I'd think it was weird,

Because it is not normal.

Homosexuality is observed in nature too, bro. And if you want to play that angle, the human intellect is hardly normal either.

He said it isn't "normal" not that it isn't "natural".
Normal means it's...well the norm, common, majority. Gay people make up about 4% of the US population, it is by definition not normal.

Who's we? Your on your own here buddy

>dude it's COWBOY SIMULATION LMAO were gonna spend 100 million dollars to make you feel like you were really THERE HORSE BALLS
>main character has 2019 coastal city values

Rockstar belongs in the garbage along with all the other hacks

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

So you think it's weird because most people don't do it? You're just a herd animal? lol

go back please :)

you love thinking about those horse balls don't you?

Neither are people with red hair, yet you wouldn't find them off-putting. An aversion towards homosexuality is pure conditioning. Nothing else. You shouldn't be ashamed of being conditioned that way but neither should you be proud of it.

Pozzed is old. It was originally gay community slang for the HIV positivity movement.

based and redpilled

No, the alt-right snowflakes are upset about hair dye too

Here's my point asshat, all that money they spent and all that tedium they put the player trough in order for the game to feel authentic and realistic is USELESS when none of the characters act and feel like they're from the time period and are instead 2019 progressive, it instantly falls apart.

are you even trying
fuck off back to your shitty subreddit

>Homosexuality is observed in nature too, bro
It has never once been observed in any species in an unspoiled habitat. You are likely referring to studies which have shown such aberrational behaviours in animal populations in unnatural or polluted environments.

>An aversion towards homosexuality is pure conditioning
It's entirely 100% innate. I didn't know faggots existed until I was 17 and went to college.

>So you think it's weird because most people don't do it?
Well that is the definition of weird, so yeah.
>You're just a herd animal? lol
No need to get so defensive, kid.
Nothing inherently wrong with being weird. I'm weird in plenty of ways including, you know, being bisexual myself.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Attached: 1441326804080.jpg (689x800, 76K)

not him but what's a spoiled habitat

Nope, you just get triggered easily, snowflake.

>An aversion towards homosexuality is pure conditioning
This is completely untrue.

anything that goes against my narrative

I thought Yea Forums said this game was redpilled since you can kill the Feminist and shoot blacks online?

Sounds like Fortnite's more your speed, zoomer.

Attached: dab.gif (931x682, 426K)

I saw this David Attenborough documentary once and it had a wild gay bird in it, he tried wooing another bird with a mating dance and the poor lad got scared and bailed

Okay, it's still some buzzword being dredged up by some special interest fucking "cultural" movement for the purposes of having a walk, a talk, an image etc.

Imagery and iconography increases loyalty to things. This is why branding exists.

I find it disgusting, but I realize I'm a minority in even bothering to notice that about it.

women and black people were literally involved and a part of many gangs in the old west, its a recorded fact, and known before the whole SJW era
read a book and have sex

lol they patched that and banned the lad who did it
rockstar of David is pozzed


but it's true

no it's bluepilled because the main character never even says the n word


They patched out killing the feminist?

wtf i love diversity now

I think it's a mix between being conditioned as this user stated because the people around you might have had some aversion to homosexuals and that got passed onto you subconsciously and, personally, I never grew up around homosexuals so seeing something that I haven't personally interacted with for years can be off-putting.

Fuck. This reply was to

But Mafia 3 was called bluepilled because other characters said the N-word

Most people also aren't serial killers

stop using words you don't know the meaning of

Jesus christ stop posting your own cringe ass comments here

That's what you are :)

Why is that baby so upset about women?