SGDQ - Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

Castlevania block time

Now: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Next: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Later: Prey

Full Schedule:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I am up next guys, wish me luck!

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Post your dancing animation

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Post your Vita penis


if i learn to speed run a game will i get a gf bros?

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How many times is the runner going to choke? Jesus christ.

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good luck, groundhog!

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I love these puns don't you guys? So funny!!

Someone donate with a Castletrannya joke

First for the horrors of war are trivialised by violent videogames and you should be ashamed of contributing to the military-entertainment complex.

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>cast'll train ya
alright, you win.
RIP tompa. So sad what happened, man. One of the better TASers and game breakers out there.

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Based and nextpilled

Threadly reminder

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imagine the smell

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Good luck!

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I love bloodstained to death but symphony of the night looks like it's on a whole different level despite the dated backgrounds

Zoomers gotta go

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Pity there is no GTA run.

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This why white girls prefer us blacks

imagine donating money to make a room full of retarded autists laugh with shitty puns

That's the exact opposite of how to get a gf

>3 hour Borderlands 2 co-op run
>Titanfall 2

I'm looking forward to Metroid Prime, but I got work tomorrow morning so can't stay up super late. Is the Borderland 2 run even worth watching?

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Is there an awful games block this year?

it's like he's trying to convince himself

That and shower.

agreed, man

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He can save you from your tranny ways Yea Forums.

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if you have to force something to be a pun it doesn't work

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LOL these puns are so funny XD

They're always a laugh.

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A play on words =/= a pun you dipshit

borderlands 2 is very broken, but it's not particularly fun unless the group has lots of synergy. Even the group with tons of synergy that ran it a few years ago (prof broman and missy and the other two I don't remember) couldn't salvage how much of a snoozefest it was.

Let’s be real, if GDQ had trans runners like sphere hunter, you faggots would love it.

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Do these people donating not even know what a good pun is? None of these are funny. Just cringe and awkward, like nobody is laughing at them.

Why the fuck are they playing music?

You will become the gf.

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what do you think?

Dont be mean to Sanae!

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nice scooby doo shirt

These donations are ruining this based run

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cmon dude, at least try to live healthier

Please save us, Jesus.

You are being so negativania!

I wouldn't mind the boob posting if it seemed like he was genuinely happy, but every 10th or so boob is interspersed with a mental breakdown and it just reminds you he really is just trying to constantly reassure himself.

At this point the host is interrupting the run to read shitty puns. I hope the views start to tank.

Why does this sotn run feel much more boring than previous sotn runs?

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Which run has been best so far?

>that's the wrong button

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>fishing without a license


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Yeah why can't gdq hire hot transgirls and teach them to speedrun for the event.

no romscout

easter speedsters

Attached: Our Guy.jpg (480x640, 38K)

FTM bro here, we know how you feel about MTFs but what about us?

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Guys seriously where is Proto? I'm refreshing their twitter every minute to hear from them, I literally can't stop thinking about Proto.

SotN runs are always boring

Have a cute gun to cheer you up for this boring run.

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When's the next race?

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>it doesn't work
Neither do you, scrub

Full fem-tomboy or mutilated roid-beast?



Just as mentally ill but remarkably less annoying.

Post pussy

Half minute hero was cool

show boypuss

This is my nightmares.

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mighty reimu!

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Say "him" and it'll appear

yeah, not being built like a shit brickhouse as a "woman" can go a long way

Fuck this, this bloc has sucked. I am gonna play some STALKER

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Does it have a penis

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Most of them do any% because they got the need for speed

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It doesn't have based Metako

Just say no to the tranny pills Yea Forums

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Yes, but that is not the position we are in. The trans people at GDQ are just ugly white dudes that couldn't get pussy so they transitioned.

What version of SotN are they playing? Looks faster than normal.

fuck off retard

I hate you for ruining tomboys.

I want to sniff her thighs

based retard

Wrong, spamming faggot. That thread needs to be deleted.


Honestly yeah.

It's not fair bros. Youll never have a qt Italian gf like Spas who you can cook for everyday and love unconditionally.

Who are these Chad's and Stacey's?

absolutely horrifying

Is there no good torrent site for games anymore? I miss that shit had everything. I'm poor as fuck bros I want to play

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360 XBLA, it's the definitive sotn version for speedrunning, unless you're doing some meme category like maria or something where you play saturn.

shoutouts to tech crew

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honestly I think FTM is worse since you have the ability to bring life into the world and forfeit it for being a dude. You won't be able to be like us by the end of the day and it just makes me sad.

Seeing her up close and in HD...that girl is pretty ugly. Unless it's a tranny. Bitch looks like the ugly version of the girl from Pulp Fiction.


Jesus Christ, how horrifying.


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Unironically far less annoying. Plus if you aren't fully anatomically transition, you're just a bro with a pussy. God tier if you ask me.


only if that's a trap. I'd rather fuck an ass than an open wound

god you are so gay lmao

White girl here, you wish darkie.


Is there any for the steam porn games though? these are family friendly

Is this dumb game almost over yet? It's just Dracula flying around.

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tits or gtfo

Can these idiots not afford $20 worth of cable ties and flex piping to keep this shit from turning into a rats nest?

>Yandere Fox image
Do not trust this demon.

Funny you say that because sphere hunter, does talk about beating the game fast with screenshots of their time on their social media.

christ did they any% setup, too


Let's kick cancers butt!

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>keep up the castelvania puns please!
normies are mentally ill

it's alucard flying around, dooley, you faggot.

Which year is this from?

based sisko

Cute pussy peek!

>literally donating for other people to donate with puns

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There are people named Timmy in the bible?

How many lives does the average cancer awareness pamphlet save? Like five?

I am a man!
cheers to the honesty I guess
I don't think I can do the surgery to be honest
Its not real to me, wish there was another way
Cheers to you too tho

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Why is Tom Hiddleston at SGDQ?


Normalfags, and you are one of them

that's the professional work of world9 gaming, who they pay $15,000 USD per day, every event to do all setup.

weird pic
is that real?

Imagine the shit rating this run will get, solely because of the puns.

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It's not too late to repent user

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Don't do it bro, you need a VPN and shit nowadays.

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do not trust this poster

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>I am a man!
So you're as deluded as MTF. 0/10 - stream the suicide.

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hmm I am pretty sure that is indeed a female.. But she's a jew, sad!

>tfw no greasy twink bf

I have no idea.

Read Yuureitou.


last gdq actually, this year

>it's still 2006, guys!

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>normies are mentally ill

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They still have the full package

Not even him but imagine thinking it's okay to be white in 2019.

he was a disciple of paul who was probably the biggest contributer to the new testamints

ok haha
thanks for replying

>Lard Corps

You only need a VPN if you live in europe.

At least post the White one, she's prettier.

Post pic of body

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I fuckin wish, like 1/3 of this thread would be loads getting dumped by accident still.

Interesting. I didn't know Timmy was a bible name. I thought it was exclusively given to little kids who would eventually be corrupted by Drugs/Rock and Roll/Video Games/D&D.

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Why are the boomer runners all a bunch of chads and the younger runners are all weak nerdy pussys and trannis?



poor craniax why not just get a wig


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I downloaded game of thrones once in the US without a VPN and I got a letter from my ISP. Will this happen with games too? I haven't torrented a game in years, so I don't know how serious they are with catching people.

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Post Muscles
Not because I'm gay, but because that's probably what FTM's like to show off. (idk)

Frozen Halfs are trannies

What’s an any%?

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Is she post-op? Most ppl don’t have issues with trannies until they started pushing for it hard. Like if it was just one or two trannies, no one would’ve cared. However at this point there were like 10 trannies and they’re all super work & bitchy.

Wait how much health does Galamoth have? Felt like he did a shit ton before he died there unless he can't die during an animation.

ask and thou shall receive

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why didn't they invite ZFG for an OoT 100% run?

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in western europe

I miss him more and more every years bros

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hes applying for agdq

The light reminds me, reminder GDQ fucking offer to put on some light makeup to all runners the same as people get done for TV.

Remember to stretch your muscles anons!

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I really doubt it, most ISP's at least in the U.S. don't give a shit unless you are doing something that is against the law like cp or something.

Did he die?

werster when?

lower your fucking ISO


Once again, the rule is "its not how you pirate, its what you pirate". Pirating big name, modern tv shows and triple a games will get you noticed, but for smaller and older games, youll be fine

None of the games this year interest me. It's probably the weakest lineup they've ever had.

it's not fair bros

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>Learn to code
Yup he's banned

Chattahoochie boys rise up

I want to stretch her anus

kys tranny freak

I hate working out in the summer, I get sweaty immediately.

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Or it’s you, Zoomer.

>how much health does Galamoth have?
a lot

brazilian mommy give me milkies

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I hope it goes to her tits

Will there ever be a Kirby and the Amazing Mirror online co-op mod? I really wish there was because I wanna play that with friends.

>capeshit refrence

I only brag jokingly about my pecks to my fiance lol

>watch stream
>can guess gender of couch at first glance
what happened to SGDQ?


Given they banned a guy for wearing a MAGA hat even though he didn't actually wear it surely this guy is banned now.

>That lewd bodypillow in the background

I want to hot mating press Wii Fit Trainer!

Does she have a dick?





>tfw you'd be a tranny but you're 6 ft 1

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Borderlands runs are pretty insane as the game is fucking broken and they start shitting guns.

fat atago?

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it's literally my favorite run

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Taco is better, Jesus christ your taste is awful, shitcan. Go back to your general

post legs

iktf except i only wanted to be a trap but it doesn't work then you're 6'4

Going to MCdonalds you guys want anything?

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youre a needy one arent you

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And there's like 12 of them every time...

Then rate what it would have been without puns

I bet you have nice legs at least

No Cheese and when he is there it's shit 70 star trash. No ZFG. Very very few runners worth watching and even fewer games. All the awful games have been done, horror block ran into the ground. Full of new shit and indie trash no one cares about. Some faggot attention whoring in the thread about being FTM and blogging. People dumping feet, tits, Yuri, and other partialism garbage that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Wojak/pepe template spam. Sterilized event, sterilized runners, sterilized posters.

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boring ass 2d platformer #115254542 /10


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can you fuck off back to resetera with your shitty erp posts

I left during Castlevania 1 race.
What did I miss?

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havent watched/10

>a reset
>still under estimate
Not bad, huh

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I'm a virgin neet with an 8 inch penis no girl will ever see!



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No Metako/10


>wishes to be the little girl
Every time.
Stop watching anime.

it was enjoyable outside of the donations

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mcchicken for me please

i love you tom cruise poster

8/10, really solid
Listening to music so I don't hear the puns :^)

>born too early to experience 2150AD cyberpunk traps that look exactly like girls

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The largest woman (female) ever was a fucking giant.

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1 kgf please

How does your Fiance rate you
(As a male and as a female)

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8/10, +1 for doing the bat glitch that I like where Alucard stays human.

Based doomer. Gonna be an real hero someday. Probably sober, too.

>top 10 of all time
not even Yea Forums has taste this bad, right?

>You will never hear his laugh form off-screen which makes everybody else laugh

for me, it's gotta be the Filet O' Fish

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You can boymode in public. At least treat yourself like the girl you are inside in private. You'll be much happier. Good luck girl~

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Anything embarrassing happen?

McRoyale with cheese and fries with mayo

>Top 10 game of all time

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one single value cheesburger (not mcdouble)
please scrape the onions off before you give it to me

I’ll get what you’re having

literally quite unrionically blood related to her haha

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B. Didn't care for the puns.

Fat boobies!

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For me, it's the McChicken

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cute rat

>encouraging trannyshit
Slay yourself.

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

You can order it without onions tho



Why are you people even allowed to have these threads all week? It's just a chatroom.

When is Werster's turn?

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It was alright, 8/10. Hate the puns though.

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kys phobe

She said I used to look like comicbookgirl19
Now I am a bit buffer


>eternal eNIGma

>Not getting a mcdouble or quarter pounder


What the fuck is a mcroyale?

Good taste

my nigger of superior taste

hes banned

Love me

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This shit's been on Yea Forums longer than you've been alive.

You're supposed to take your average run time (As in, not your fucking PB), add time if you were to fail ALL of your tricks, and then another brick of 2-3 minutes for your estimate time, to account for any and all failures. Most people don't, then they end up choking and going over estimate. It's how to spot a veteran runner versus newbie.

You're supposed to talk with other people on Yea Forums.

I don't watch anime nerd

thx user, have a sneak peek ;P

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bacon smokehouse burger and a large fry please

Fucking niggers.

a daily dose, please

7/10 - little tired of SotN runs

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I just got back from the library with my girlfriend. We read lots of books about animals, so I say, save the animals. Even my girlfriend agrees!


It felt too long, it was kinda boring, yet there was some fun moments like all the puns & resets.

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kys too


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i like the lingering scent on the bun

tall traps are hot af

>this remix
Actually pretty fucking cool.

werster isn't allowed at GDQs anymore. Probably "unbanned" like bonesaw, but if he showed they wouldn't allow him on camera, or give him a mic, so he doesn't go anymore at all, he was at aussie speedrun marathon earlier this year, he ran pokemon and some other stuff.
He posted a new WR for wario ware twisted yesterday.

who actually enjoys these runs?

What is the internet?

wtf hot???

I have a girlfriend and a big peepee and sometimes I put my peepee in my girlfriends vagina becuase she likes it and she wants me to

Does anyone else know this feel?

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Is Prey the 2016 Arkane prey or the first Prey?

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>fun moments

I will have that thing off the breakfast menu on a biscuit!

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He's just not allowed on camera or couch because he autismos it up. However, he was also the ultimate cheerleader for every runner. If you had a 3 AM run nobody was watching, he'd be there, clapping. He'd laugh at every joke you made, louder than everyone else. He had nothing but good things to say about every single runner at the event. He was one of the truly positive forces, and they wouldn't let him just be that good person. We all miss him.

>With eyes

why do people keep falling for the "sphere hunter is trans" meme? it wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny now

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Would you?


How the fuck do you stay cool in the summer heat

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The good one

That's JGL, moron

How about just being attractive first user? That should take you long enough then maybe we can reevaluate cutting your dick off.

Wait what? Marine? You're still here?

Why is she sitting like that

What did he do to upset GDQorporate?

>talking about video games


Believe it or not most of Yea Forums was a chatroom before newniggers like you flocked in.

lose weight fatty

I watch naked and leave my windows open, hoping my neighbor sees me.

awesome, it's so rare to see someone run the 2006 prey.

cool people get direct dls from

Can't wait for the whole thing to go down in flames, holy shit that's a fire hazard

i like the runs where the guy and his bros just joke around about stuff. it's annoying when it's just constant explanation and minor spergouts about missing one input or something.

Why are GDQ threads always so horny?

She’s cooling her cooch.

Be naked

It's ironically unfunny so the normies eat it up. Based.

Oh right. The Arkane one.

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First one then?

ay 'nigga' this ain't Yea Forums

Probably screaming nigger on stream.

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GDQ wouldn't be so big without Yea Forums

I have a tower fan. It helps a bit.

Yeah i see you you fucking faggot.

should i jump in to games done quick or play a game instead?

>and people denied healthcare
Does Doctors Without Borders assist Americans?

cute trannys are the greatest aphrodisiac known to man


If someone like sphear hunter was at the event the rest of the trans there would be super pissed off and jealous, The chat would love them and call them cute, everyone else at the event would want to take a picture with them, They would probably start some drama thing just to kick them out, because they’re the 1% extremely passable trans and the rest of them are just guys in dresses.

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it's really comfortable. look at her face, she's really happy.

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Fans and freezing bottles of water.

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he laughed when breakdown577 fucked up on his SMB run during AGDQ 2013, and both breakdown AND jewyama looked back at him with a death stare, and that started them telling him he wasn't allowed to be loud anymore, he couldn't help how he laughed, so they banned him to watch in the casual room where they stream the stream on a projector, and he hasn't gone at all the last couple events.

>Nobel peace fries

MSF is at least more legitimate than the PCF, right?

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That isn't a good thing though.

Insurers can't deny healthcare because of based Obama.

user, please, post more

That's messed up.

Neither of those things are good for a snake

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I thought TheRedHat reverted that?

Legitimate as in they actually use the money to do something? Absolutely. Is what they're doing helpful to society? Fuck no.

Our healthcare works fine.

Good thing I'm a man
Show me that cock

Yeah. Don't donate to either of them though.

Is that a young Mike Madsen?

Are you gals ready for some cringe?

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It is, he was part of SDA since the early 2000s, even though he sucks at running ecco which is basically his only speedgame.

you guys hearing that background noise

his rant about the fall of germany and preservation of the white race during echo got a bit awkward. pretty good execution and really ahead of his time though.

prize goblin

Be honest, who here is a tranny (pls post pics)

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>Looks like he smells like sweaty balls

Bonus game is probably some newshit game not ready to have a real run yet.

It hurts


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not a black dude
not a white girl


Looks like Le Mumps Man has recovered

pcf is fake
msf are terrorists, and shitskin importers and body trafficers
i'd rather give my money to nobodies who print out pamphlets than unironic terroritsts

Are Velocity and Sir Prizes dating? OwO

ohhhhh triggered trannies


>uyama cringe reminding us that he unironically kills fun

holy shit I need more like this

about to do my league of legends Silver to Plat speedrun wish me luck!

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go back


He's starting to look real greasy bros


I love metroidvanias but still haven't played SoTN for some reason, what makes it the best?
My favorite is Dawn of Sorrow and apart from the touchscreen gimmick it's the perfect igavania imo

Like this user

Jfc just because real girls won’t fuck doesn’t mean trannies will.

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Oh boy here we go

god i want to fuck sue lightning so badly, would definitely impregnate her boipucci

John McCain fucked him in the pooper before he croaked. Based Vet.

>NES relativized video games
In what fucking country

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If you care about improving the lives of Africans who will help fatten the wallets of Chinese corporations making economic investments there, sure

Belly lick

whats a CD?

dumb jackass forgot to put his pants on

>'d rather give my money to nobodies who print out pamphlets than unironic terroritsts
why would you donate in the first place

sent is short for dragonsentinal. He does ff0, magical pop'n and some other fun games, but he doesn't run much anymore.

Nagas or Miriam or general monsters?

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>SIR Prizes
uhm don't assume xer's gender you fucking shitlords

The chad manly Sir Prizes vs the virgin shemale Velocity

it literally did, zoom zoom

>hollow knight
ah yes the friend of metroid

h-hewwo uwu

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Prove it.

Wow talk about overreaction. Runs fuck up all the time, just gotta learn to laugh.

>would definitely impregnate her boipucci

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>only has 4 limbs

Get your shit in order, mate.

Man people meme about elo hell not existing but after I remade my account I went from bronze to gold immediately after placements. It's ridiculous.


It's pretty comfy. There's a lot about it that doesn't hold up, and the graphics can be a bit jank, but the action is still sterling and it was the last igavania to have dedicated subweapons that actually did shit before just replacing it with Souls, Glyphs, Cards, and so on.

I could really go for some Red Bull

Deepest lore

more miriam nagas

Yeppers, this one sure is going in my cringe compilation.

Hello, why is there a /mlp/ tier dragon at gdq?

It isn't the best, but it's a very broken game with a lot of movement related shit making it popular for speedruns and other gimmick runs.

prize section is the best part of gdq

Xhey are the new genderfluid mascot

fuck off

When will prize goblin finally break? He gets more nervous every event.

>and it was the last igavania to have dedicated subweapons that actually did shit

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so quirky and merchandisable

im one year hrt and have a girlfriend who loves me, I think I'm good

problem, faggot?

Please watch this video if you think GDQ actually gives a fuck about its fans, and is not hording money:

>$200 minimum donation

i forgot, he had a glitch girl there too and he hadn't gotten it yet.

someone tell me what this is

Jesus, did the entire tranny population of GDQ invade this board?

Sir Prizes >>>>> Velocity

whatchu playan during boring runs Yea Forums?

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They were the first real player after the video game crash in the 80's.


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The United States of America


Why get Redbull when you could get twice the amount of Amp for the same price?

MSF give healthcare to everyone and aid to everyone. This means they don't refuse to people that people will not agree with (within reason I imagine), if you are okay with that they are a great charity that actually does things to help the needy.

r-rude! :(

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God bless you user

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There are no more Miriam nagas; you're boned I'm afraid.

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Show me your waifu.

>Videos (None Yet)
All you fags ever do is disappoint

>mister "I fingered my girlfriend on stream because i'm as retarded as DSP" aristocrat
lel. The event is shit, but it's severe autism to think they're actually laundering millions of dollars.

At least Sir Prizes is actually gendered.

Tower of Time right now. Good shit. Nice Xcom taste user. What the fuck are you doing triggering an overwatch without smoke up?


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that one guy gets banned for talking shit about mods.
meanwhile these entire threads

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You are fucking retarded.

Post legs

Waiting for the new Hitman level.

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Based Sir Prizes actually having a normal gender

You should watch some Angry Video Game Nerd because you are pretty ignorant about videogames.

He's right you know.

more like bone me user

Wo is the qt on the end

Because Yea Forums is the most degenerate of boards.

e261 and I disagree, Until I see shota dragon porn that is

Jim fans are so fucking gay

Did you just assume gender?

continue jerking off your favorite e-celeb.


damn you hiro

Grinding skills and money in Sekiro


You'd better make Tom Cruise look like Charlotte for the next run

the things id do to youmu...

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The game selection just isn't inclusive enough

I don't really like Harmony of Dissonance, but you're right. I found it that forgettable, but it's apparently some peoples' favorite.

Fucking weebs