What's his personality like? He looks too soulless, almost as much as Steve.
What's his personality like? He looks too soulless, almost as much as Steve
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Play video games.
sorry I never got those nostalgia goggles
literally play his games, banjo and kazooie get a ton of dialogue
If you actually played video games you would know, and wouldn't have wasted your time posting this fucking thread
You know what is soulless, all the stupid smash threads with faggots like you
>He looks too soulless, almost as much as Steve.
Shitty bait
if you have to consume anything beyond the design to get your cartoon character's personality, you're doing it wrong.
Never thought Banjo was that interesting but as a duo with the cheeky cunt that is Kazzoie, it works nicely.
Hasn't anyone ever told you not to judge a book by it's cover you absolute fucking idiot?
Banjo is polite, kind, lazy, and slightly cowardly. He's be content to lay around the house, play his Game Boy and Xbox 360, and eat pizza all day, but he gets dragged into adventure by his best friend Kazooie, who is brash, annoying, rude, and snarky. She enjoys action and adventure, and will nag Banjo into going on epic quests, much to his dismay.
OP is gay, homosexual, and sucks giant penis, which annoys most everyone on the board. He has proven himself time and time again to be a fag, but he continues to behave like one, mistakenly believing he is in good company.
huge faggot detected
You know absolutely nothing of character design
Steve and banjo are canonically friends
Minecrafts skin packs have banjo content so technically steve and banjo have been in the same game
I wanted them both in
>This is what reddit actually believes
Gay here,dont associate degenerates like op with us.We have standards
Honestly the bear is just a straight man for the bird to play off.
The bird is what everyone actually likes
His reveal must have really pissed you off, huh?
Sorry bro, I meant gay/homosexual as in OP, not gay/homosexual as in homosexual
Try playing the fucking series, user.
You can't really like one and not the other. They're two parts of a whole. Banjo-Kazooie.
>if you have to consume anything beyond the design to get your cartoon character's personality, you're doing it wrong.
I really hope you're just being retarded on purpose
He's a raging crack head with a lust for revenge against Gruntilda, who enlarged his favorite lucky tiki head (which would later become sentient and give itself the name Mumbo-Jumbo.)
That's true, I never said I disliked Banjo.
But you'd be lying if you said the cheeky bird wasn't your favorite part of the duo
He’s a loveable slob bear
I don’t expect zoomers to understand as you are used to trannys or whatever
>You can see that the adventuring is wearing thin on Banjo more and more as you get deeper into Tooie
Your bing bing wahoo and woah! boys have nothing on these two.
I fucking hate you
You are the reason modern western animation looks like fucking shit.
>Run up the stairs to my wife's bedroom. cape WHOOSHing behind me!
>Jump up and down on her bed while I chant "BANJO IS IN SMASH! BANJO IS IN SMASH!!!"
>Her new boyfriend wakes up and snaps at me as she groans
>"Stop it Jamal, he's just excited... go back to bed, Bryce."
>I head back to bed, less afraid after she defended me, humming the Banjo Kazooie theme song the way there.
Holy shit.. I can't fricking wait! Banjo Kazooie and new Star Wars. What newcomers are y'all looking forward to?
Stevie Stevie...
>Implying Jamal wouldn't also be hype as fuck
Imagine coping so hard that you can't even get cuckposting right
He's lazy and very polite, but he can have a temper.
seething tooie fags
Please don't take this the wrong way, but were you born in 2001?
Not sure how you managed to trigger so many people that know fuck all about character design
Maybe on here, but it seems to me that most like Banjo more.
Here retard OP.
You will find more SOUL in this file select screen than in the last 10 years of videogames.
Alright smart guy, tell us about it then if you think you are so fucking smart.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
This. Show, don't tell
Teach us if you're so smart then. Why is this guy correct?
similar to Duster for me
And what exactly is stopping us from being shown his personality by his actions in the plot or how he carries himself in game?
I feel like a lot of people in this thread don't realize that some characters are designed to mislead the player with their looks then the personality being the opposite.
A great design does show it's personality and show don't tell can greatly benefit, but the looks aren't the only thing that need to define a character, writing/personality is often defined outside the base design eg dialogue
I was defending
Banjo and Kazooie actually have personalities, try playing their games you dumbfuck zoomer newfag.
this is good bait though
Character design is important you retard, but not every character design has to be the character's base personality traits boiled down as simply as fucking possible.
>17 second intro on youtube video
>wanting something as simple and basic as selecting a file to be some CUTE FUNNY HAPPY BIG LOUD NOISE FUNNY COMIC BEAR HA HA
fucking onions man
The games do show.
This, as you can see, Samus is a powerful supersoldier and he's a strong man that takes business from no one
his smash design is pretty fucking ugly
>t. my favorite show is steven universe
Not doing a very good job.
If the Iron Giant adhered to the Show Don't Tell rule as hard as you're advocating, he wouldn't have been a big softy. He'd have just destroyed the planet like he was supposed to from the beginning, because that's what the character design is informing him to do.
Steve fag here
Ignore gross steve and shit,most of us are fine with banjo
Personally i like banjo and steve
you can tell a lot by his looks and movement...
this user is right. they went through the effort of animating, composing and making easter eggs in the fucking file selection screen, when most games just use letters. PEAK SOUL
This is absolutely untrue and goes against a lot of the design philosophy of creating a character in the first place. Even My Little Pony, a show where characters are color fucking coded off the same 4-5 models, doesn't make this sort of mistake.
I believe you but it's very, very hard to not goof on you after a year straight of highly specific shitposting
He's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
That's literally me.
You're not only actively posting in a troll thread, you're consistently feeding the trolls within the troll thread. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Don't you realize this is why Yea Forums is shit? You're stuck in a loop of constantly feeding the trolls when you should be ignoring them entirely.
>triggered designlets defending their soulless cereal mascot
Show, don't tell.
You fuck onions?
How personality is being a goofy cereal box mascot but ironically
Stop replying to bait.
>Literally keeps repeating the same thing thats been said 3 different times in the thread and samefagging to try to be right.
How can one person be so fucking autistic?
>soulless cereal mascot
So the majority of the Smash roster
Stop replying to bait.
Just take the L before you embarrass yourself again.
Banjo is like one of those shitty Amiga games (James Pond, Trolls) but in 3D. Same shitty character design where everything has googly eyes.
Imagine being this retarded.
Stop replying to bait.
this thread sure is amusing.
>Their names
>They literally hold the instruments they are named after
Your going to tell me you can’t tell their personalities? It is literally a show don’t tell
could say the same for mario
Damn Kazooie be wearing those slick Yeezies
Holy shit underrated post