Just be yourself

Just be yourself.

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>wojak poster
Just kill yourself.

*crunch* Uhm, even me??? *crunch crunch*

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even you.

>Just be yourself.

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Just bee yourself

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Back to ResetTranny

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>I actually listened to the meme
>Got a gf
>gf motivated me to get to college, helped me with the bills for a while
>finished college, got me a good job
>living with gf now and 2 cats we adopted
Idk man, it worked for me

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Fuck off chad


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>tfw can never be myself because my true self consists of browsing this website, jacking off, and anime 24/7

>adopting cats
Good goy.

>just be yourself
>don't know who I am
Also, video games

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It's hard keeping shit to myself when i see a garbage youtuber spread an absolutely garbage opinon that his fanbase eats up

I was always told not to be myself if I ever got a date

You forgot to post the retarded meme.


Nigga i have a 40 hour job per week, and before and after work i do those exact same things and it doesnt bother me cause i know im saving up cash while my parents keep me in theirs until i get myself set up.

Learn to balance your life nigga

>The average user when they experience even a bit of positivity outside of subjects they have personal attachment to
It's their one weakness. And I've seen enough evidence to notice that shit. 13 years of it.
It's why most oldfags gtfo. They grew up.
The only thing that keeps me here is enjoying the art of enlightening others. That and exploiting ignorance in hopes that they learn something from it rather than ignore it and go further into ignorance.

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>Just be yourself.

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I am a good goy, thanks bud.

It's okay to house discussions of self improvement, reaffirmation, and attaining a sense of self awareness, but there's boards for this.

You can too, be a chad.

these two underage blonde girls at the bus stop were talking about some ugly guy messaging them and going EW EWWWWW. Then they started talking about getting him to boot for them. Vapid bitches.

>to boot for them
The fuck does this mean.

Chad is right you know.

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>I actually listen to the meme
>still lonely

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this is literally, unironically, the best advice you can get
if you actually cant do this for some moral or legal reason then just fake it till you make it





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Based Puro poster

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Oh man sure is videogames in here haha

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>Just be yourself.
h-haha, yeah. it's that easy

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>Be me
>Live in country where white people dont really live
>Know the language
>Hear what woman have to say about men when they dont think there are any men around that can understand them
>Just be yourself bro

Great joke, user!

>be myself
>everyone hates me

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>be myself
>everyone likes me
>still hate myself

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Back to tying that noose!


>all these bitching faggots not realizing the key is not only being yourself but faking it til you make it and until its natural
Why is this hard for you lot. Didn't you develop basic conversational skills, and some sense of confidence?

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ya seethe little guy



>doesn't immediately impregnate every woman he meets

>feel unlikeable and edgy
>look like a /pol/tard except pale instead of brown
>there is always at least one person who tries to start a conversation with me and isn't put off by my bantz

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But that will just lead to user being a nigger because he possible can't marry all those women and have enough income to nourish all his children to the fullest of their potential.

Fine I'll be myself and remove my Yea Forums mask.

Have a good pleasant day everyone I hope you're doing fine. Have a good time playing your video games. No matter what console/platform you play on.

You happy now op?