Enemy can flank you

>enemy can flank you

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This from Mob Psycho or something?


Crew vs Shimazaki, Mob S2

>enemy can put you to sleep

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Is the anime good? This animation is stellar, and talented animation is basically the only reason I watch any anime at all these days.

It's great. First season is pretty silly and a lot of fun. The second season is a tad more serious but actually comes out on top.

The story is top tier in my opinion. The social commentary is way better in Mob Psycho than One Punch Man.

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Its the second best anime, only behind Attack on Titan

it's really good

if good animation is the only reason you watch anime then watch Kimetsu no Yaiba. i don't like it because it's generic shonen but the animation is gorgeous.


Animation is good, but it's generic main character has bullshit powers and is unbeatable crap

He gets his shit kicked in though

The animation is great. The story is pretty good but it suffers from the problem where the supporting cast is way more interesting than the main character. Also the anime rushes through the story which diminishes the impact of some key parts.

Oh, it's a manga adaptation? That tends to lessen my interest desu. The animation will still probably draw me in, though.

I still love that the first season's OP spoils the 2nd's ending.

what if the animation team for mob 100 did one punch man...

>it's good if it's look like shit on purpose

But OPM S1 already had the legendary Space Dandy animation team of Bones staff, freelancers, and Madhouse staff, including Yoshimichi Kameda and Yutaka Nakamura.

at certain points during the anime you can tell exactly who the target demographic is based on the preachy nature of the dialogue
otherwise even the self contained episodes like the exorcism jobs were entertaining

sorry meant season 2 opm

its genuinely one of the best follow up seasons I have ever seen.

>that fucking mogami arc

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Ah. I forgot that came out.

>everyone raves about One punch man, when studio bones blows both seasons out of the water constantly

No one is raving about opm s2

season 1

iirc some of the members from Bones that work on Mob Psycho worked alongside Madhouse on the first season of OPM.

wouldn't surprise me, the entire first season was just a collab that madhouse sort of took credit for.

I will say they've got some extraordinarily dedicated animators.

Probably one of the best adaptations ever made. It's as good as the source material, but the art direction, animation, soundtrack and presentation are genuinely one of the best ever made.

It's kinda a shame the final fight of Season 2 isn't as good as some previous ones, but overall it's a feast for the eyes and the characters, specially the Reigen - mob dynamism are pretty well done.

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Spoilers: I was genuinely worried Reigan was going to die at some point

>Setting LoD slider to minimum

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I don't we've ever got past 10,000 polys. Anything past that, especially for a character, is pretty unnecessary.

I fucking love Reigen so much. He and mob are pretty well constructed, being likeable and believable. The fact that they listen so carefully to each other, think and worry about and how they evolve and learn from those around is so good.

I hope they animate the 3rd and last season with this quality so we can get the full thing in almost perfect adaptation.

>I hope they animate the 3rd and last season
oh user...


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