Merry Christmas, user, here's your new video game!
Merry Christmas, user, here's your new video game!
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just more proof that KJV is the best version, its multiplat
>King James
Literally the worst translation. They didn't even pull from the original Greek or Aramaic. LOL, let's just translate from the vulgate. Fuck it.
>its real
why not just carry a physical bible at that point?
Its cheaper, more legible, and not much bigger than an original gameboy
Why the fuck would you make this? Even more baffling, who would by it? Wouldn't anyone who came close to being part of the target audience have several bibles already?
Silly James, you got the wrong audience.
Christians don't want game boys, they want choir boys.
Then you have to carry a bible AND a gameboy, so it double the space and probably quadruples the weight, given how dense books can be.
Based. Now I can read about the donkey dicked lads anywhere I go.
>king james
thats a yikes from me dawg
You are not a REAL christian if you do not own King James on the game boy.
please dont look up this guy in the archive its fucking pathetic
The what
Holy shit, you have some sort of mental illness dude.
The donkey dicked lads.
>some sort of mental illness
Atheism, to be exact.
>getting christians confused with catholics
As expected from a fedora tipper.
When is there going to be a Gameboy game about our reality being a Time matrix perpetuated by the planet Saturn?
mommy and daddy made him sit in church for a whole hour on sundays. poor baby
T-thanks Pastor Jeff...
Seething nonces
dilate tranny
Why are you so obsessed with Christians?
>$199 game
Nice, thanks man. Don't be surprised if you don't see it on my shelf or anything, I'm going to go 'store' it.
>gets called out on being a obsessed fedora tipper
the absolute STATE of atheists
Imagine taking Christianity and Roman Catholicism seriously
Because many children suffer from their rapes.
Stopping christians is moral imperative.
>I am a white supremacist
>but I worship a dead Jew
>who was used as a battlecry in the destruction of my ancestors and their cultures
wew lad
You're pathetic, just go in the archives and laughs will be had.
is this your "headmate" or something? i think they have pretty decent pills for that nowadays
>thinks spamming shitty posts and samefagging is "stopping" them
Kill yourself my man.
This, also who looks a gift horse in the mouth?
If I got this I would be very happy because I know down the line I'm getting Pokemon for it.
The often insert the word corn whenever other versions of the bible says grain. Corn didn't exist in the middle east. The monks that transcribed it were retarded.
You don't even know what it means.
Also, every moment you spend angrily responding to me and seething is a moment you aren't raping children.
you don't know that
>Homosexuals infiltrate the church
>The church is now bad
The homosexual crys out in pain as it strikes itself.
"Corn" doesn't imply that specific plant, christnigger.
The plant is called "maize".
Check the dictionary.
but mom I wanted niv
read ezekiel
>reddit spacing.
It all add up, it all fucking adds up!
You're doubly wrong.
One, reddit spacing would have double newline after the greentext.
Two, I'm agnostic and not an atheist.
>giving third-world-tier baiting (you)'s
Even MORE pathetic. Say, do you mind giving me a list of your buzzwords and filenames so i can filter you? I really don't like looking at tourists.
I've been here longer than you and will stay here long after you fuck off to discord.
Also, I change my filenames and hashes to confuse retards like you.
>gets called out and exposed
>Also, I change my filenames and hashes to confuse retards like you.
It. Keeps. Getting. Worse.
You're thinking of Catholics. Catholicism is literally the church of Rome. They are Saturn worshipping pedophiles.
Kill yourself you dumb fucking mutt
Third worlders... the actual FUCKING state of third worlders.
Mom i asked for a dildo!
Orthodox does same shit.
Ameriburger republicans do it on a smaller scale, but they keep getting caught with underage prostitutes.
Look at that,no one disproves him
Based nonce-slayer. There's a lot of pedophiles on this board who'd like to see you gone, but I support your war.
Heh, I guess it fits. Video games are fictitious, after all.
pope is always funny
For me, its the Douay-Rheims
said the gay furry
Did Wisdom Tree ever considered the fact that them making/selling unlicensed games was wrong for them to do? Not having permission? That's technically a sin.
And still causing butthurt, years after his pedophilic corpse rotted to dust.
fred fuchs
Is the int boost from the tree of knowledge worth it bros? It looks like its got some high factional penalties.
Are you stupid?
Post mains:
Old Testament
New Testament
It's mandatory to take it anyway. Without it you can't leave the tutorial area.
To exploit stupid christcuck boomers who want to passive-aggressively torment their kids duh
You know if christians could make halfway decent entertainment they wouldn't be getting curbstomped by the globohomos right now
I guess video games really do cause violence.
>Not New King James Version
I had a babysitter who would only buy her son bible games on the NES and he could only play that.
I could play Zelda, Mario and other real games but her son wasn't allowed to watch. She said it was to keep her son as Christian as possible. Jokes on her because in 20 years he went full blown gay.
Old Testament:
>Lot, because he was date-raped by his 2 slut daughters. horny bitches they were
New Testament
>The "virgin" Mary. Because Jesus doesnt care about her and the idolizing Catholics always seem to miss that.
old: Pharaoh (the babycide super is super good)
new: Longinus (dat range)
>Game has War, Rape, & Adultery in it unabashed.
Thanks Grandma!
Im mildy christian, but I always used NKJ on my bible school homework, but since I have got to college everybody keeps jerking off the New international version, whats the difference?
The translation is more palatable, uses easier words to understand
I do remember NKJ being kinda snooty and over the top, so that makes since. I've been trying to get more in touch with religion to impress my uber-catholic girlfriend and its kind of daunting
keep going, sauce idgaf just don't leave my ass here
sauce is Shindo L/Da Hootch
filled with the holy spirit!
Jacob, he fucking wrestled God of course I'm goign with him
Jesus is too played out, John the Baptist for sure
oh no
it was just a 4-page omake. i bought the physical version a few years back, still have it somewhere i think
>uber-catholic girlfriend
It's great that she's connected to God, but hard Catholics don't give a shit about their faith. All that matters to them is policy, whether that be church or state policy. Read up on your local laws on abortion and border security if you really want to impress her
You're definitely at least partially right. I really enjoy going to mass with her but Jesus does she feel strongly about abortion. I'm mildly bluepilled but I'm pro life, which is good because she definitely wouldve broken up with me otherwise. As a protestant I'm enjoying learning about catholicism but some of the stuff they focus on is weird man.
>being a christcuck
how exactly does this happen when jews killed jesus
Too much focus on the old testament and too little on the new.
Abrahamic regions are all tied to Saturn worship. Saturn is the black cube. Islamists literally worship a black cube at Mecca, the Star of David is a cube, if you roll a cube out three-dimensionally you get a cross. Saturn has a perpetual cube on its north pole and a perpetual "eye" on its south pole. Saturn imagery is everywhere. "All roads lead to Rome", the Catholic Church is the Church of Rome, Rome used to be called Saturnalia.
whatever man I don't believe in any religion I just jack off to anime girls
NIV is by and for communists, which is why it's popular at universities.
I want a consolewar thread but about bible translations, still using wojaks