It feels like the entire industry is turning on Yea Forums

It feels like the entire industry is turning on Yea Forums

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Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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but my freeze peach

I just try to enjoy my vidya and not care about this other crap

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Who cares about this petty shit, Tifa's chest is gone.

Glad to be on the winning side


>fuck up exclusives lineup for several years
>the only way he can make people talk about Xbox is through memewords
what a champ

Never was a free speech platform in the first place. Read your TOS.

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But Anime is tranny shit and 90% only liked by trannies


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the market for free speech is now wide open

This. I usually play single player games anyway couldn't care less if overly sensitive people want people to stop saying mean things to them in multiplayer games

Is it autism?

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>No exclusives
>No games
>No free speech

I find it laughable that this far-left nonsense has gone so far. they do realize that the side they antagonize are more often than not armed to the teeth and have the resolve to see a job through to the end. Keep pushing, the silent majority can only stay polite for so long.

We won again, resetlads

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>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
I though in Resetera you loved lolis.

>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
I think this one is a bit outdated.


that's why after PS2/Gamecube era I only buy vidya on 75% Steam sale/non RDM Gog games

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I don't join the side full of Nazis.

Nah it just sounds like you're a schizo /pol/ faggot OP

Not a gaming platform either.

Its just an american thing, and america will collapse within 20 years due to spics.
The moment the burgerclaps die, humanity can get back on its feet.

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Add a line about the LGBT tag on Steam

so what. they can't do a damn thing about older games.

Go back to /pol/ racist

>>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
oh no no no no lads I thought the East was supposed to be safe from THEM

>a lefty
>liking censorship
Like pottery.

Nuke yourself, amerifat.

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WE always fucking win bay bay

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Only 300 more characters until you run out of space. Almost there.

>Microsoft litteraly trampled over privacy and rights
>Microsoft disagrees with freespeech because that's hot right now
>lefty/pol/ starts cheering

You guys need to go back.
If you're a fan of this you don't belong here.

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>they do realize that the side they antagonize are more often than not armed to the teeth and have the resolve to see a job through to the end. Keep pushing, the silent majority can only stay polite for so long.

>user commits a mass murder because he can't say the n word on fortnite


free speech is bad for business.

free speech = bad reviews
free speech = developer accountability
free speech = open debate of policies
free speech = the intelligent win

that's weird, i have browsed Yea Forums since 2007 and have never been banned from a video game service, also protip: you cannot say everything you want on Yea Forums either.

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That will happen in america because you americans are uncivilized savages.


Gonna shoot up another school white boy?

>b-buzzword response, that'll show him

>people driven to murder over VIDEO GAMES

In the Citizen United decision the Supreme Court found that all corporations are in reality human beings with the same rights and privilege of any other citizen. Xbox is legally a person and therefore has the right to do as they like with their property. If you dont like this start your own gaming company because you don't have a right to play

>Its just an american thing
It has literally infested every aspect of the Western world.

I hope he does.
The only good american is a dead american.

>larping as a nigger

All this larping in this thread in general is cancerous.

It's a reality everyone needs to see

>you cannot say everything you want on Yea Forums either.
Yeah, but on Yea Forums you can just ban evade and avoid the consequences

You post this shit as if most people hiding behind OMG MY FREE SPEECH RIGHTS ARE BEING INFRINGED aren't some shitheads screaming 'NIGGER' into their headsets.


>I can step on rights because it steps on my rights to step on rights

Lol oh boy.

About how obese millennials waste their youth pushing for political hints in videogames?
I think you should get a job instead, millennials.

>constantly calling people nigger and faggot
What am I supposed to do when people act like faggot niggers?

>Implying Yea Forums gives a fuck what consoles do

Nice strawman

PS5 it is.

Fake outrage means faggots here have to.

Was gonna argue about founding fathers but I realized they would all probably enjoy screaming nigger into their headsets if they had them.

based. Yea Forums btfo again

And yet - somehow - Trump is still president. Till 2024.

What rights are being violated? Microsoft has the constitutional right to do with its property as it wishes.

he she go on xbox live

I deeply hope this comment was not written unironically

>Nazis win

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a talking dog could run against trump and win

>Caring about mutt politics

At least read the article on OP instead of posting retarded bullshit.

>xbox live

now ya see in days gone bye i would be looking at hilarious tabs on google
Why does nobody do that anymore

The government should declare them a publisher.

Nice try, commie

What platform isn't? Call someone a nigger on PSN, you get can, and you can't even send messages on Switch.
Most people don't give a shit, but for the people that do, if you get reported, you get ban.
The industry isn't turning on Yea Forums, Yea Forums is just so fucking retarded that gaming companies have to state the obvious because "gamers" have turned retarded in the last 10 years.

and yet she didn't

>Its just an American thing
sadly it's spreading like cancer to even non western countries

Good fuck this shitty board. Vidya is shit and there are no good places to discuss it online.


trump in 2016 =/= 2020 orange failure

Gamers were always "retarded".

what will you do when trump gets 4 more years?

I would unironically vote for a talking dog before any of last several major candidates

Not him, but continue dominating the vidya industry, probably. The orange kike clearly doesn't give a shit about that.

probably take a shit

This. No game will ever question the will of the eternal SJW God-Queens ever again. They control all and we have no choice but to obey

Eh, there's probably some irrelevant indie porn games that will be too small for us to notice

bros... what if they dont give tifa her tits back... im shaking

SJWs really are the most racist people in the world

Spy on you dumbass
How new r u

Yeah, so let me guess, you think it's okay to censor Mark Twain?

>read the strawman that I'm quoting
No lol

>A Hat in Time
Had Jontron in it so that means trans rights activists support nazis.

Not if they IP range ban you, and you cheating doesn't change how it actually was intended to be. You aren't free, you are sneaking around to make up for it.

The fact that lefties think that free speech is something to be mocked as a point of principle shows how warped they are

>XBL is mocked for like a decade and a half as a complete shit-den of the dumbest and most autistic children in gaming
>tries to fix this image problem

>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
not really, resetera is still absolutely seething about thq.

It's the thing they hate most, they basically wanna live in communist china

>lol, SJWs aren't trying to take away your games or force an agenda on you, What, I'm not from resetera, just go back to /pol/

This mantra repeated ad nauseum for years.

Remember, it's only a "conspiracy theory" until it's a good thing.


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Is this what you millennials consider politics?
Then again, you are in your 30s and you still play videogames, so i'm not that surprised, but, remember when people used to fight wars over this shit?
I think it's about time that comes back.
It would be hilarious seeing millennials having to face, not only an actual challenge for the first time in their shallow lives, but war of all.
I wonder how many would die of panic attacks.

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You lost, sweatie.

All thats gonna happen is that the east will rise up. Chinese censorship is shit compared to the crap westerners get upset over.

Give a google/youtube/android alternative id rather have the chinks datamine me than insane white people

Don't pretend like you believe it in either. You fuckers lose your shit all the time over "freedom of speech" but then try to silence anyone who is even slightly left of center. It's "freedom of speech" that only applies to whatever suits you.

So, what race are you?

30 year old males have always been the demographic for video games
until recent years when it became 40 year old females because of mobile gaming
what is your point

>burger tranny spotted

sure thing chang

no my ancestors fought and died to defend my freedom of spech
you know the ancestors you hate because of white male privelage

>giant strawman

The only argument the left ever has is this. Fuck all the principles, you're actually just a racist.

No they haven't, the main videogame audience have always been teenagers.
It's just millennials are a generation of autistic manchildren who never grew up, which is why a generation that is already balding and aging, is still doing what they were doing in their teenagehood.

The only thing millennials deserve is mockery and suffering, one of which they are already getting, and the other will come as they age.

The only good part about you is that you are not having kids, god forbid this planet if you autismal fucks were educating the next generation.

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PR and marketing departments taking over essentially are destroying games for grognards.

>copy pasted 34 seconds after the OP

Imagine actually coordinating your posts on Discord to shill for corporations for no compensation

Are they a platform or a publisher? All platforms are free speech platforms legally. If they discriminate they are publishers and must be held responsible for all user uploaded content.

And any private area that operates as a public square must respect free speech, as per supreme court rulings.

You are full of shit.

>wahh wahh that offends me stop talking
t. every millennial ever

Get a job.

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Stop saying lefties you brainless faggot, it's progressives

I remember every classroom having only one of these nerds, and that he got bullied so much he would be crying all the time.
Why did an entire generation become a bunch of losers?

Offended? Nope. Insulted by your retarded bullshit? Maybe. Also stop talking about millenials like you're older than they are. That would make you like 45 years old ON Yea Forums like a CUNT

Full on censorship in inevitable on the internet and real life.



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SJWs literally justifying bullying fat nerds oh the hypocrisy

I'm not older, i'm 20.
You feel insulted?
Good, it's the least that you deserve.
Millennials are the kind of people that justify having a forced draft for every man and woman, if that's what it takes to prevent people from becoming a bunch of pussies like you.

You're projecting really fucking hard. You have a warped world view and think that everyone else must be as big a piece of shit as you.

>but then try to silence anyone who is even slightly left of center.

A bold faced lie, made worse coming from you user. How can you honestly say something so objectively false.

You aren't "slightly left of center", you are FAR left, as evidence by your anti-free speech stance. But to you actual center lefties are basically nazi's because you've gone that far.

What would a Yea Forums industry be? All consoles start with "Fuck off nigger" and every home page is bitching about how Tifa's tits are smaller?

gee I wonder what happens when someone forces their culture to overwrite yours. just because it's done in a non-violent way doesn't mean it's peaceful. talk shit get hit.

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its is the same for literally every game you play online though
i dont see what the big deal is for them saying this on xbox live

why dont you read a tos for once? you're surrendering your right of free speech by clicking accept just so you know

Anti /pol/ false flag

>45 years old no wife no family bullies fat nerds on Yea Forums
>Tries to act superior to the people he bullies

What are they discriminating against, exactly? The right for people to call each other faggots and niggers over the Internet?

Progressive would imply that you are somehow moving things forward or improving things. It's a self asserted misnomer. All you do is make things worse while sniffing your own farts and pretending that everyone doesn't hate you for it.

>"Encourage a true diversity of political discourse"
How about you don't comment on things you don't have even a cursory knowledge of. Go look up the communications decency act that established the legal classification of a platform.

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Of course I feel insulted. The fact you even think you deserve to engage me in conversation with that shitty substandard IQ is enough to make anyone insulted.

Yes and once Trump leaves the office, the world will revert back to stronger than ever new world order.

>All consoles start with "Fuck off nigger"
That's be nice.

>all this cope because of the Project Veritas video and the upcoming Google antitrust suits

LOL cope more antifa tranny niggers, get hanged publicly

He says when, for him, the pinnacle of life is watching Marvel movies and playing Pokemon in his 30s.
Millennials are the most embarassing generation ever.
They are more childish than the generation that preceedes them.
Hell, you are still making up words like "yikes" and "oof" like a bunch of 15 year olds.

Holy shit he fucking made it


You can't surrender rights, that's what makes them rights... it's just that free speech does not extend to online websites to begin with.

>spoiled elite boomers doing dumb shit
who'd have thunk it? Of course the peaceful, decadent generation is going to try as hard as they can to fuck everything up for their children.

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>They are more childish than the generation that preceedes them.
omg literally fuck off with that IQ

Good. This place is a hellhole that corrupts the souls of young men. Not only would everyone on this website would be happier and healthier if they had never discovered it but the world would be a better place. It is not surprising that the civilized world is turning on a community of people that has produced actual real-life terrorists and whose entire userbase are essentially terrorist wannabes.

Not if they remove the electoral

>b-b-b-but muh IQ
You care about IQ?
Is that why the few kids millennials have are racemixed abominations?

>Of course the peaceful
>Baby Boomers

Come on now user

Yeah, we all know millennials are trying to fix that very hard by discussing the amount of niggers there are in the latest superhero movie on the internet.

Millennials deserve the future that's coming for them, to be engulfed in war when you are too old to fight it.

If you are a platform you can't discriminate against any type of speech. So, while it's an extreme example, banning people calling for saying faggots or nigger is discriminating against certain speech. Just like how your phone company can't cut your line because you said nigger to someone.

This affords them the protection of not having to take responsibility for every post. The phone company doesn't get arrested because someone plots a murder using their phone service. But if you aren't a neutral platform like any news outlet, that outlet can be held responsible for content they post. So if a journalist for the NYT posted an article filled with child porn the NYT can and will be held responsible.

You people have been screeching "private cooperation they can do whatever they want" but that was never true. You are wrong legally and morally.

That's a strong generalization for ever person born between '81 and '96.

>literally calls himself a racemixed abomination with no brains
At least I didn't have to say it

it does

I like how this just keeps expanding.

Are you implying my parents are millennials?
When im 20 and millennials are 30?


>commies being the biggest corporate cocksuckers
Imagine my shock.

And a very accurate one.
All millennials are scum, and all what they deserve is to live through the worst misery possible, a war in their own homeland, ideally.

This! Thank you ResetEra for creating a Safespace for me and my fellow pedophiles!

I cant wait to fuck your kid in the ass!

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This entire post is wrong because the internet is not considered a social territory as much of it is privately owned.
Further, read your EULA, you signed your rights away the moment you put a signature to it.

They have literally no principles. They just hate the opposing side and will do whatever it takes to win.

>says the gen Z crowd

What bothers me is that big platforms (Google, Twitter) have the benefits of both public utility and private space in that they can limit the content in any way they want but are not penalized for illegal content. At some point there must be a decision whether the corporations can control their platform to the extent or are going to carry the burden of potential legal issues. I think platforms like Twitter should be considered a public utility and being subject of open space that cannot be limited in expression.

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Hey, i'm in the reserve, I know for a fact that war builds character, and for a generation of autistic manchildren for whom even speaking to the other sex is a challenge, that's exactly what they need to go through.
Even if they are in their 30s and are fat, i'm still a big proponent for drafting everyone born between 1985 and 1996.

why do you hate your parents so much little zoomie

You can always set up a page in TOR, at worst. I'm more worried by that crypto that has support of Facebook, PayPal, Visa and motherfucking Mastercard (the most trigger-happy censor company in Internet).

That's rich.

It's a business and as long as you're on their service you're on their terms. Get it? It's a privileged you're allowed in and they have zero obligations towards you as an individual. Same goes in your job or school, as long as you're on someone else's premises you follow their rules. The same goes even here on Yea Forums. You're not entitled to jack shit in this world except for what you yourself produce out of your own pocket, everything else is a privilege granted to you.

>redneck hoarders living in the fucking woods, trailer parks in Red States and the shitholes of Florida
>the silent majority
Fucking retard. There's a reason Trump had to appeal to the Electoral College to win; you fuckers aren't the majority. You're just loud as fuck and incredibly obnoxious, just like the SJW shitlords who keep getting offended over nothing. I hope one day they ban guns just to see whether or not you faggots will actually go all Wolverines on the people who own fucking attack drones. Fucking cuck.

The 360 era WAS inclusive to everyone. It's just that everyone wanted to call each other retarded niggers in the matchmaking lobby

No, I love my parents, but they are just not millennials, my father is 52 and my mother 49.
It's you millennials who hate your parents, which is why millennial women are all whores with purple hair, and why the men are incapable of even talking to women, and you are all permanently stuck in a 5 year old-tier slapfight between sexes.

Which explains why you would rather refer to each other as "males" and "females" instead of men and women, because you are not men.


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No it's not wrong you dumbfuck, all of this has explicitly to do with private entities. Platforms can't discriminate against content posted otherwise they are a publisher, in which case they have different legal responsibilities. That point is not up for debate that's the law.

And "Public Square" doesn't refer to a distinction between privately owned or publicly owned. It's any area that is open to the wider public. If a cooperation owned an entire street they wouldn't be able to restrict peoples speech on that street.

If he would of said this 15-20 years ago his company would be over, now people just accept it.

>wrestling pics
What is this, 2009?
Get the fuck out of here with your cringeworthy, fake melodrama.

Based mentally ill pedophile poster, bay bay!

>why you would rather refer to each other as "males" and "females" instead of men and women

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somebody got enough of all the faggot whitebois screaming "NIGGER" all over the mic for no reason that hes inferior with a small dick.



It's 100% true

It was a different time

American detected.

The best thing about you substandard IQ zoomies is all the brainwashing you love so much will turn you all transgender and you will commit suicide on your own

boiling harder than kevin nash's asshole in the hot steamy summer of 1992

literally only trannies and r*dditors hate anime


you have no right to say nigger on twitter


kek what a bitch

No sorry, only you millennials are autistic and lacking in parental figures enough to think that you can become a girl by cutting off your dick.
But you are welcome to do so yourself, it's not like you are going to put your dick to any use, "male".

How many white guys who say nigger online actually say it out loud in person?
If younarent practicing it in real life too youre being disingenuous and a cuck

>trannies hate anime

bullshit they always have anime profile pictures

as in they grew up in peace. They themselves are warmongers. My fault, could have worded that better.

It's fucking tragic how that generation seems to be so loyal to the very people who ruined their lives.
For an example, take the US University system. They claim to be so righteous and progressive while their entire disgusting operation is funded by ruining the lives of their own children via crippling debt. I mean what the fuck. And yet in spite of this I've seen plenty of millennials defend it. I knew one who was fucked because he got a music degree, but he loved his college and somehow blamed the political right for all his problems. I'm really sure at all how you could even think that; I guess the poor bastard was more or less brainwashed.

Though from a historical perspective I think there is precedence to this. Take the ruling generation during WWI. The fucks literally sacrificed their children for the promise of a bit more land. And their kids were all for it and super hyped until the actual war came.



Is this the latest favourite buzzword from the yikes-spouting generation?

>I know you are but what am I
Nice IQ zoomie

nope, it's BASED.

>i-i might be a manchild with no prospects for a future and i'm going to die alone in front of my computer screen, b-but you'll be a tranny!

Since you dont like the word i used youre going to disregard my whole argument? You could have just admitted you had no argument

If you think millenial prospects are bad, you have it a lot worse. Sucks to be you zoomie. Now I get why you hate your parents.

>Take the ruling generation during WWI. The fucks literally sacrificed their children for the promise of a bit more land. And their kids were all for it and super hyped until the actual war came.
Imagine how much better the world would be if boomers had done that to millennials.

>the intelligence of your average undrraged white 4channer
Christ. Next you faggots will say "the" and "hello" are tranny buzzwords

The problem with underage trannies like you is that you are both ignorant of the past and the dumb to see the bigger picture.

You LGBT faggots are THE MAN now which means that you are gay and boring. You are the cultural equivalent of evangelical moms 30 years ago, you opinions are as safe as they are stale.

Remember kids, /pol/ is ALWAYS right.

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All you incels will be pic related sooner or later.

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I'm 20 and I already have a job, i'm far ahead 99% of all millennials just for that.
Meanwhile you are in your 30s and what little money you get from mommy and daddy you spend it on videogames.

>Now I get why you hate your parents.
Why do you keep projecting, my balding, purple haired friend?

How old are you? Nobody over 18 types this and think they sound right or cool


It's exactly why we're doing it to you and brainwashing you to become TG suicide cases. The world we be better for it.

This. Yea Forums should just stop fighting it and start fucking each other.


>this image
>were losing but were le funny
Unironically r.eddit. Pol died in 2016.

oh cool it only took you until you were 20 to get a job flipping burgers
you must be so proud

>It's exactly why we're doing it to you
You are not doing shit, all what you do is what you do now, shitpost on the internet.
The last 10 years of your "activism" prove that the only things you can actually influence are the amount of black people there are in videogames, and since you are very satisfied with that, you'll never amount to anything else.
You'll be in your 50s and you'll still be doing the exact same thing.


No, i'm in the reserve.
Meanwhile you went to college, you put yourself tens of thousands in debt and you ended up flipping burgers anyway.
Except you are 30.

Yeah well, maybe if video games were actually good in the last 10 years I'd be playing them instead!!

These replies reek of rectally ravaged trannies.

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I thought you were talking about brainwashing me or some shit.

Why do I need to work when I can rest on the laurels of my white male privelege and inheritence?
Too bad you gotta flip burgers though, maybe cutting your dick off will help you cope

Coping fatso lmao

Have cunny.

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Nobody who has those things shitposts on Yea Forums. So whens mommy gonna run out of patience and kick you out? Must be soon. You seem really mad. Will pol and muh freeze peach save you then? Lol.