You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this.

Attached: how2loot.png (823x751, 893K)

Just pull out the center rod to get the treasure? I don't get the problem

wouldn't the wave of gold crush/maim him?

It's clearly blocked by the other rods.

The other pins keep you from pulling it out

Because the barrel I guess I don't know how he'll even get out with the treasure anyway

How? The handle? Just rotate it 90 degrees and it should slip right through.

Turn the center key, pull out

the arrows are not going to shit by themselves also how did he entered there?

The pins get pulled outwards, toward the screen, dumbasss.

Pull the left pin out so that he can push the arrows out of their holes and get air before he suffocates.

Couldn't you just block the arrows with the barrel?

You can't rotate it, it's 2D.

>pull out rod blockin loot
>avalanche of root pushes you into the arrows
>even if you survive you drown to death underneath all the gold

Nice job

for some reason they do and it makes no sense

Obviously you turn it so it fits through the gap retards

the tomato soup on the top will make the coins messy but its better than risking breaking all those ornamental wall arrows when you pull the pin out

Attached: 412897610.png (196x197, 34K)

This shit is getting more attention then is deserves

Why does it even matter if the arrows hit the gold? They aren’t going to do anything. All he has to do is hide behind the barrel.

Climb up on roof and cut off the handles for the lava and arrow pins. Remove gold pin and go inside to grab the coins.

Hide the guy behind the barrel, pull the right pin out.

Push that pin into the lava from the other side, keeping the seal intact as the the other pin gets pushed out.

Remove treasure pin.

wait for the lava to cool down
pull the lava one
hide behind the barrel
pull the one with the arrows
then pull the gold

Better question is
How has the lava not melted through the steel

Oh that's simple, once you get the gold you put the center pin back, then open the top one so the lava burns a hole through the wall, once it's all spilled out and cooled you can waltz on out

The object is for him not to get hit by the arrows, not the gold.


I hate these shitty ads, they're an insult to human intelligence and an affront to good taste

If you could just melt the pins in the lava then the pin that’s holding the lava back should have melted by now. Just set the first pin aside, why do you have to destroy it?

You can't pull the original lava pin out without burning your hands off dumbass.

Why are you arguing about an advertisement that is nothing like the game it is advertising.

>avalanche of root pushes you into the arrows
but the arrows are behind the other rod

pull the top one
it melts the gold and the middle lock, then you put all the molten gold in the barrel

I know, that’s what I said. Use the barrel to block the arrows.


is this even a real game or is it another link that takes you to those shitty browser mmo civ games?

Guys, the riddle isn't to get the treasure. Its to escape from the sealed chamber.
That dude is imprisoned in there

Gold is heavy and that looks to be at least 5 times your mass.

Because it is F U N


Attached: df93979c408267d6ad36e5da10beeec8eef9875er1-629-888v2_uhq[1].jpg (629x888, 61K)

you gonna suffocate anyway in there


Attached: Fe7Hector.png (759x1160, 815K)

Tilt your screen so that the lava falls out, then take out the rod that was holding the lava and tilt your screen the opposite way so the gold falls out but not on top of the lava, then take out the centre rod to get that dude out as well

Pull the center pin just a bit, so the gold can trickle in rather than flood and kill the anime dude.

See how the lava pin sticks out the other side? Use the arrow pin to push it back through the other way. Don't burn your hands and you don't let the lava out.

the tree gave me the answer but I can't share it here in case some of you are under 25

>thesepuzzles dont exist
>it's just a shitty gacha idle game
I was pissed when I went to the store to check out some dumb puzzle game.

Loose the arrows, kill the armor knight.
Pour the lava, melt the demon sword and mimic's gold.
Take the barrel as your reward.

No, it's to kill the guy before he escapes. Remember those stick figure murder games on newgrounds?

And it's also what the first post you replied to said. Where'd this "arrows hitting the gold" question come from?

Surprised it took so long for someone to post this.

Shittest Gaiaonline Jin Kazama I've ever seen.

>slay the barrel
>carry the barrel carcass back to town as proof of your valiant deed
>get rewarded by the king
>marry the princess
>discover on your wedding bed she was actually a barrel all along, and wants revenge