AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAall the Serious Sam games are great, even 2 and 3
best thread on Yea Forums right now
planet badass when?
>planet badass
why'd they have to call it that
Fuck off back to Yea Forums.
How do they balance the ammo in this game?
Just how?
Where the hell is 4?
Slav magic.
>tfw 4 is the chronological beginning to the franchise
Last Hope technically is
mental gave me ultimate blue balls
Dev said it is counted as more of a side story and it doesn't have anything that important to the main story that it would be a required play for someone who wants to play the games in chronological order.
What's he looking at?
>they forgot to put the fucking audio
Holy shit im dying
these dubs
How far do you think they have come since last year?
Why do people hate 2 when its clearly the best game in the series?
>that 2006-tier plastic bump-mapping
they really need to step up their game w/ shader (or at least achive something impressive like 10k units on screen with tools/perks for strategic mass murder, akin to crimsonland / alien shooter, but in 3d)
The level design sucks compared to TFE/TSE
>w/ shader
shaders and textures
>or at least achive something impressive like 10k units on screen with tools/perks for strategic mass murder, akin to crimsonland / alien shooter, but in 3d
Did you even look at ?
They want to have 100k
Started Serious Sam First Encounter.
Its the Green lizards fucks who have given me the most problems with their homing green blobs.
Because of the jokes I though AAAAAAAAA and KLOP KLOP KLOP were the annoying ones
snipe them as soon as you see them
good - are there satellite nukes for crowd control? (cuz shooting manually that many mobs would get exhausting fast)
t. shitty fan-made painkiller expansions survivor
i did, but only after posting