Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (308x366, 64K)

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAall the Serious Sam games are great, even 2 and 3
best thread on Yea Forums right now
planet badass when?

>planet badass

why'd they have to call it that



Attached: SS4.webm (640x480, 1.54M)

Fuck off back to Yea Forums.

How do they balance the ammo in this game?

Just how?

Where the hell is 4?

Slav magic.

Attached: 3faceb8f52e3553ad092df78e8337a5b.jpg (1242x1679, 111K)

>tfw 4 is the chronological beginning to the franchise

Attached: 1388598908723.jpg (300x302, 40K)

Last Hope technically is

mental gave me ultimate blue balls

Dev said it is counted as more of a side story and it doesn't have anything that important to the main story that it would be a required play for someone who wants to play the games in chronological order.

What's he looking at?


Attached: SS4 2.webm (640x480, 1.66M)

>they forgot to put the fucking audio
Holy shit im dying

these dubs

How far do you think they have come since last year?

Why do people hate 2 when its clearly the best game in the series?

>that 2006-tier plastic bump-mapping
they really need to step up their game w/ shader (or at least achive something impressive like 10k units on screen with tools/perks for strategic mass murder, akin to crimsonland / alien shooter, but in 3d)

The level design sucks compared to TFE/TSE

>w/ shader
shaders and textures

>or at least achive something impressive like 10k units on screen with tools/perks for strategic mass murder, akin to crimsonland / alien shooter, but in 3d

Did you even look at ?

They want to have 100k

Attached: 1561398924350.jpg (600x302, 51K)

Started Serious Sam First Encounter.
Its the Green lizards fucks who have given me the most problems with their homing green blobs.
Because of the jokes I though AAAAAAAAA and KLOP KLOP KLOP were the annoying ones

snipe them as soon as you see them

good - are there satellite nukes for crowd control? (cuz shooting manually that many mobs would get exhausting fast)
t. shitty fan-made painkiller expansions survivor

i did, but only after posting