Why does Chun Li have a chinese name ?
Why does Chun Li have a chinese name ?
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She's Chinese.
is that from wreck it ralph 2?
She's Chinese
She wants to be colonized by Cammy.
Chung Lee
She's a chinese officer who works for interpol.
Literally Chinese wearing a Chinese dress
she is caucasian her name is chumlee
Is Cammy David Bowie?
Cannot be, she looks human.
Artistic license can only get you so far.
Because she's from China
she's from china
>Blue round eyes
>European nose
>Caucasian skin color
It was on the plates when she pulled up in the benz.
>tfw no blue-eyed hapa daughter
Doujins were a mistake
Her eyes are brown.
Don't take fanart as canon.
What's the point of stating "age:" if you're just going to add questions marks after it ????
Do Chinese video game characters like white guys IRL?
asking for a friend.
>>Blue round eyes
>>European nose
It's not fanart it's from Disney, so it's official
She's a stripper from the Bronx named Candy there was a mistranslation at Nintendo and this is what we ended up with
you wish "white" people such as yourself looked like that, mutt
>B88 W58 H90
>looks more like B120 W80 H120
Disney don't own Chun-Li, Capcom does.
Why'd they wimp out on going further with Cammy and Juri? That part in Story Mode was the sexiest gayest shit ever.
>it's from Disney, so it's official
Only if you're hueg like Guile
well she's based on caucasian physique and features so..... don't be gay ok
She looks russian
>it's from Disney, so it's official
They lend chun li to Disney to appear in a movie so it might as well be officially capcom
Wheres this from?
So when confronted by literal decades of official Capcom artwork depicting her as consistently brown-eyed and obviously chinese, you see a single third-party licensed depiction and think to yourself "Yeah, this is the real Chun-Li right here"?
>he didn't see the best movie of 2018
I will not reply to you again.
Sugar Rush 2
>You'll never be the sweat rag slave used by the cute Chun Li and Cammy couple after they come back from fighting
Why live
why does she look like a retard?
God I hate nu-pixar style more than I hate calarts
Chinese don't have round eyes, caucasian skin color or a white person's nose nor even brown eyes and hair for that matter
chinese have black hair, black slenty eyes and a flat nose
user.....Your right, it was pretty good, though i would tie it with Spiderverse
capcom is a japanese company so everything theyve done until now is a cheap knock off
you can't take it seriously until the west does it right
>she looks white
>she looks like a retard
It's not pixar dingus
If they had to force chink Tifa upon us the least they could've done was give her a face like this, at least somewhat attractive.
>you can't take it seriously until the west does it right
you mean broaden her shoulders, hide her tits and make her a dyke like with every other female character in the west?
I didnt say its pixar retard
Don't watch it, you will beg for death before it's over.
user pls
Tifa was always Asian
I-I was only pretending, haha
Piss off.
Literally who
well sure if all you do is consume shit media i guess
People don't actually think Anime characters look white...right? this must be bait....right?
>Tifa was always Asian
Is thinking anime is white how people cope with consuming anti-western Jap propaganda on the daily?
Whites look like retarded apes. What's new?
>implying she wasn't
ofc anime characters look white the whole of japanese sociaty is based on WHITE
Don't forget the thicker waist
Anime is white
>This post is extremely low quality.
White people literally created post-medieval japan
The only reason Japan invaded China was to be MORE LIKE WHITE PEOPLE
have you ever in your life seen an anime?
anime is white
I have and saying your average slice of life highschool anime and saying the characters are suppose to represent caucasian americans is fucking stupid. It's an art style.
Real life Chun Li
Asians exist in FFVII's setting. Yuffie Kisaragi, Ninja from Wutai, is one of them.
Tifa Lockhart, from Nibelheim, where she grew up with the blonde boy next door, is not.
Funny how sega gave them very specific oversight for how sonic should look, move, talk.
and capcom was just like here's our characters just fuck there shit up.
Why did they name her Misty for the English translation? Isn't Kasumi better? Kasumi means water vapor in the air and all her pokemon are water type. It's a perfect name.
Her name is Ondine where I live
>c-chun li is totally chinese I swear !!!
>wreck it ralph 2 thread
That's your pick for "World's Strongest Woman"?
Because "mist" is water in the air in english?
post chun
Hell no. People in the West don't know shit about Japan or its language. No one would've ever made that connection, which is usually why characters get name changes in the first place.
This is what an average /pol/fag actually believes. This is how they justify their "racial superiority".
Funny, isn't it?
Shes canadian
>Le pol boogeyman
Rent free.
>that one doujin of her getting fucked by M. Bison/Balrog
Good stuff. I love sweaty women.
Who? This person?
>might as well
it isn't. Know what IS official though?
>there are no Chinese people with blue eyes or European noses
Another idiot who thinks everyone in China is one united ethnicity. There's millions of Russians, Arabs, Mongolians and other groups living in China.
But despite that, her original design clearly doesn't have blue eyes. And her nose is just an anime nub.
Are you saying Asians can't grow up in non Asian places?
>its a "woman is """"old"""" because she's always got a nervous expression and is thick as fuck" doujin
Just make it weight gain related or something, she barely looks any different, fucks sake
>caucasian americans
we were talking about whites
This desu.
That's why they care so much about this thing. lol
If they are russians, arabs and mongolians then they aren't chinese retardanon
They don't usually end up with western last named when they do.
Are you saying she's adopted or hapa?
wait is this official??
Chun is for Juri
>Earth ethnicities exist on a planet that isn't Earth
You're the type of idiot that gives SquareEnix license to keep fucking up Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest translations with dialects.
Learn the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
Yeah...I'm the guy who's gonna ask for sauce.
>water vapor in the air
Like some kind of mist you say?
This is what a lot of the Olympic divers look like, which I never understood why they need super thick thighs and hips. You'd think it would make their splash bigger.
cause westerners are lazy af. they have no interest in non western stuff, so especially normie stuff needs to be simplified or dumbed down
I will step up and be a man to give Juri the baby she so desires.
It indicates that the subject refused to answer when questioned
Chun Li is from Hong Kong.
>looks at Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Seems like a normal Capcom thing desu
no, you learn it
Leg muscles breh
Although if you want thicc, look no further than sprint cyclists
.....if only
Big deal. I like Cammy too.
Chun Li has a regional name of chinese origins because she's from a certain region in china that isn't part of china but has traditional chinese name roots
Be prepared to live with their family there and you cannot work there and you'll need to buy their entire family a plot of land.
Thanks a bunch.
Hi, jews.
I’ve spent years in china and you bet your ass the women aren’t hot like chinlee
Can you even wear long trousers anymore with legs like that?
Fine by me, if they say her mom was from Wutai or something.
that applies for literally any country
Are there people that genuinely think she isn't? I thought that was pretty goddamn obvious
Okay let me be more specific. Have you ever seen a talking pig?
Her backstory will probably be expanded upon in Remake along with everyone else
You're not wrong.
Everyone was asian in Advent Children. Unless you think everyone in FFVII was supposed to be asian it doesn't really work as evidence.
My mom says there's a lot of Chinese people in Hong Kong.
Does she eat dogs?
Yes. Reese Witherspoon and the girls on The View exist.
That's Some Pig
have you even read animal farm? 0/10 commieshit
I'm gonna have to call my buddy who's an expert on Chinese people.
>Caucasian skin color
She's from Hong Kong, what else do you want?
Near as I can find, he's one of those dorks who wears his clothes too tight on purpose
Chun Li is the only Street Fighter character from mainland China, actually.
Even her father is from HK, but not her.
Thick =/= muscle.
Fatfags can go hang themselves.
Brazilian girls have had special thicc developing leg workouts for decades.
Tifa being asian was never confirmed or denied by any of the people who worked on FF7 until the remake, chun li on the other hand was chinese since the moment she was created, same as dhalsim being indian and ryu being japanese
>if you don't like muscles you must be a fatfag!
Women are suppose to have a higher BMI than men. The thick thighs, hips and ass comes from fat, not muscle. The muscle girls you obsess over are using hormones and blockers to get those muscles, as 99.9% of natural women can't. Deal with it.
>Brazilian girls have had special thicc developing leg workouts for decades.
Brazilian girls want to have thighs like not . Watch any Brazilian beauty contest or swimsuit competition and the winner is the one who can come closest to looking like .
>The thick thighs, hips and ass comes from fat, not muscle.
They come from both you sickening tub of lard. "thick" without muscle underneath providing shape other than rolls is disgusting.
Are you people samefagging or what the hell? How can there be so many zoomers in one thread? She is from China. This is common knowledge.
>if you don't think anime characters are white you're a jew
Go back to /pol/, faggot.
She fudged the numbers because she's insecure.
The shape is determined from bone structure and fat, not muscle. The only way muscle is able to determine the outward appearance of someone is when they lower their fat to dangerous levels like 5%. This is why women who get that skinny end up losing their curves. Because the "curves" comes from the pelvis widening and extra fat gain on the hips/ass during puberty. The basics of female anatomy. The only muscle these girls gain is what is needed to move the extra weight they gained.
Your muscle girls are extreme exceptions that come from going against a female's basic anatomy. They're basically trying to be men using hormones and blockers. This is why they also get reduced breasts and often can't have children.
What makes someone post shit like this?
The question is, was Chun Li the character that planted the seed for THICC in the mind of a generation of gamers?
Why. The first one was good. Great almost.
>Brazilian girls have had special thicc developing leg workouts for decades.
It's really not fair
i don't see how this image still gets posted despite being cherry picked as fuck. is it intentional b8
China, Hong Kong, what's the difference?
Nobody said jack shit about hormones and bodybuilders you delusional chaser, do you even need a whole woman to jack it to or are you fine with a bucket of crisco?
Prove it
Yeah, but the second one was bad. Shit almost
Nigger, watch Cantonese films from before the handover.
She might have planted the seed, but what really blew up the thick fad was hentai and porn. Anime and games finally woke up and started putting a token thick girl in every harem/idol/fighter in the late 2000s. But think girls were one of the biggest porn fetishes decades before.
And the designers for Street Fighter admitted they based most of their female characters on their own fetishes. So that explains how Chun Li happened. One of the guys on the design team likes thick thighs, in an era where chicken legs was the norm.
Sadly, some really good thick girls got overlooked because they came out too early. Before the thick fad took off. Chun Li probably would have been forgotten as well if she hadn't been in one of the most popular and influential games ever made.
>Nobody said jack shit about hormones and bodybuilders
I did in the post you quoted me. But I'm not surprised you didn't read it all. Just like you didn't read the whole last post either. You're just running on assumptions and deflection.
Go ask one of the protestors in Hong Kong right now.
It wasnt that bad
It was essentially Ready Player One for kids/toddlers. Just nothing but pop references
Not that you're familiar with running, fatfag.
Hair down Chun Li is a miracle.
You go me this time but it won't happen again.
Isn't China still holding the President of Interpol hostage?
>won multiple meets in junior high and high school
>set a record for my schools 500
Yeah, I know nothing about running. I'm just some fat loser because you are mad.
You need to take a life drawing course or something. Musculature is a huge part of outward appearance, even at high body fat and low muscle size.
Hong Kong has autonomy and people there have human rights unlike in China which is basically a massive prison where humans are ants.
jesus that doesn't seem healthy
rent free
Girl in photo is Vietnamese.
Just get a Asian girl in America, they all want white dick
>all this talking and no chunners posting
Bunch of homosexuals I swear.
>Musculature is a huge part of outward appearance
I have taken such courses. And muscles only come into play when the model is 1) thin/cut enough to see their muscles or 2) They flex/stretch their bodies in certain ways to make the muscles appear.
And even then, this only has to do with realistic drawing. People drawing cartoons or anime don't deal with that stuff unless they are specifically drawing a character with exaggerated muscles. Look at Chun Li. The only place you see muscle definition is her legs. Her arms, face, neck, shoulders and everything else looks like a typical anime girl. Since 99% of anime girls don't have this, they don't bother with the muscles at all. Unless the character is doing something that requires showing muscle. Which is why we have so many fighter girls who look like typical anime girls. They obviously have muscles. But they don't even bother drawing it because it's not Chun Li/Zangief level exaggerated.
Since there's no way in hell that Chun is a h*N bugperson, which ethnic group does she belong to?
Only if you look like pic related
why are you racist
You're equating muscles determining outward appearance with the visible appearance of muscle definition. I'm saying the size of someone's muscle under the fat and skin determines the very shape of the body. Muscles are equally as important as bones and fat. Someone who is the exact same size at 20% bodyfat as someone at 40% bodyfat is going to look completely different, despite neither being shredded with visible muscle definition everywhere.
Her only driving virtues are the law and filial piety.
She's han as fuck.
all the same is true of the japanese and yet Ryu isn't a squinty eyed ching chong halfling either, is he?
Who cares? Asians care more about culture than ethnicity. It's always identity politics with you amerimutts.
That's an edit on the right, surely?
oh man
>N1 PS1 era waifus
>N1 Ps2 onward waifus
dark times.
soooo Disney same faced Chunster like the rest of their factory made princes in that shit movie?
She used to have dark eyes. She also used to have more "Asiatic" features. It depends entirely on the artist / director.
Lmao, you know fucking nothing about the Han Chinese
jesus christ
got more?
>caring about ethnicity
Typical mutt
>TFW when you will never kiss a model
>Not even one from a "before" picture
no now its "does Capcom even care about the quality of what ever will be representing there brand today?" or "Capom gave us the rights to this character but sent over no details about them, quick look them up on the internet and copy the most recognizable part."
There's nothing more american than the idea of "ethno-pluralism".
t. europoor
err buddie
>also counts
>I'm saying the size of someone's muscle under the fat and skin determines the very shape of the body.
But there's no way to determine where muscle or fat is changing someone's appearance unless you did an x-ray on them. Which artists don't do. They just look at the outward appearance of someone and find common shapes and contours.
>I'm saying the size of someone's muscle under the fat and skin determines the very shape of the body.
It is a factor. But it isn't going to impact how most people look. Only the people who work their muscles a ton. Which is why you usually only see artists bothering with muscles when a character is a body builder, fighter or weightlifter, etc.
>Muscles are equally as important as bones and fat.
Not really to an artist. Is it good to know where these things are on the body? Definitely. But when you're drawing a girls thighs, an experienced artist doesn't draw the bones, then the muscles, then the fat, then the skin. They just draw a cylinder shape, then touch it up at the end with what they think will be the right contours. Unless they're doing a SUPER realistic drawing. In which case, they're probably using a reference.
>Someone who is the exact same size at 20% bodyfat as someone at 40% bodyfat is going to look completely different, despite neither being shredded with visible muscle definition everywhere.
While what you're saying is true, your example isn't a very good one. Because someone with 40% body mass isn't going to have the same muscle mass as someone with 20%. You should have said, two people with the same fat percentage (say 20%) can look very different. Which is true. But bone shape and fat distribution are still the bigger determination of shape than muscles are. One girl can have extra fat in her breasts while the other has extra fat in her thighs. Neither example factors in muscle mass. And at 20% or higher, she's likely not doing anything to create muscle mass beyond what her body needs.
>one of gaming's oldest most iconic women
>been around longer than some anons have been alive
>Most of her porn is fucking awful
>her best lewds are from abusing the games she's from
I think Juri already has more good doujins than her, it's fucking criminal, though I do like Juri too
>It's always identity politics with you amerimutts.
Europe started it and is far more entrenched with identity politics. It spread to America. America today is what Britain was three decades ago.
>get called out
You fuckers do this all the time, we seen this type of posting before. Stop acting like this is your first time here you faggots.
He is a manlet, so there's that.
I think you're either talking about low level internet artists or maybe life drawing specifically. Even in life drawing but especially when drawing from imagination knowledge of muscle groups and how the behave in motion or in various poses is a huge benefit. Even the fat itself and the differences in how it hangs from a body can change depending on the size and position of muscles.
It means that doujins are fucking stupid now
no it's from the chinese spinoff leck it lalf
I'm no burger, all I'm saying is that the Han Chinese are very ethnically conscious, particularly among the youth, and tend to assume the concepts of being a Han Chinese and being a Chinese national are the same thing. They tend to mentally lay claim to all ethnic Hans as their people, and all non-Han Chinese as minorities in their country.
>one of the major conflicts is about eBay
>they don't even get eBay bidding system correct
I have noticed that there are very few actual honest to goodness "Asian" characters. Japan loves to make these white faced or anime faced characters.
Mortal Kombat suprisingly has always been filled with actual Asians.