I should bash your face in after all you've done.
I should bash your face in after all you've done
>kill NPCs whole family
>pay 5k gold as penalty
>no one cares anymore
This game is so hollow, I don't get why people like it so much
Long live the Empire!
What/ You don't like the new Whiterun with 50% more big titted anime girls?
You shouldn’t have come here
mods and nudity
>accidentally steal a jug belonging to a little girl
>hires a death squad to kill me
someone should make a screenshot of him saying that with all modded foolishness in the background
>Not 100%
You need to broaden your horizons. No males except the corpse of Nazeem.
He also resurrects every day to die again in whatever way I chose.
Are there any mods where I can change my character to be a cute girl?
Nothing lewd pls
>not using mods that improve this kind of consequent.
Tell me about a mod. Always seemed weird that I could walk out of dragon's reach, soul trap a guard and get back to enchanting after I dumped a little cash on the guards.
if you kill citizen npcs everyone's disposition changes to negative.
the gold is so you don't have to go to jail.
what do you want the game to do? lock you up forever and end the game?
Is the DLC worth playing?
>not murdering them stealthily and getting away scott free
I feel like NPCs don't really react to what you do much
One big example is when you're a dark elf and can just go to windhelm and no one calls you a nigger, you can also join the stormcloaks easily without being a nord (makes no sense)
Also no one suspects you're a Thalmor agent when you're a high elf, for me this makes the game very bad, it's like your actions don't matter and your characters race is just aesthetic
Videogames have their own logic, accept it or end up with tedious chore of a game. But yeah, there could have been more NPC interaction.
Remember that one time they worked with the thalmor to have a member of the rival family thrown into a thalmor torture dungeon for life?
braise the embire :DDD
except if citizens really hate you they can send assassins after you.
Honestly what would be a better way of handling this type of thing? If it were realistic, you'd be sent to prison and rot there for eternity. But that doesn't make for a fun game.
kys ADD zoomer
dont want ot get send to the jail? dont commit crime
or dont get caught
because of little shits like you we will never get golden age of games
It's because they are hollow too
I mean realistically think about it.
You kill a bunch of people in the middle of the street, the guards should just aggro you forever until you go away, that's it.
If you happen to return and they recognize you, then the prompt to go to jail/fight back should show up.
If you are arrested for a serious crime you should just be in jail and wait for execution, then you can just escape with lockpicks/magic/speech.
If that were the case then getting caught would be no different than just dying, effectively making the entire prison system useless, and regressing back to something like FO3 where you commit a crime and everyone tries to kill you and there's no gray area.
Fair enough. Add a "trial by combat" option for builds not focusing on stealth/magic/speechcraft though.
>murder the family
>get sent to jail
>lose ranks of Thane
>lose the house
>banned from the city
>have to sneak to the city if you want to get in
>murder the family
>don't get banned
>people throw rocks and you and curse when they see you
>shops ignore your "speech" and offer dogshit prices for everything
>no one is willing to train you anymore
>murder the family
>everything from the inventory is stored in the jail/dungeon
>get branded across the face
>no one trusts you now unless they are shady fucks already
>sent to a fucking coal mine
>banned from the city
>banned from using fast travel if you are in this hold
Bethesda are a bunch of lazy fucks who think that gold is a punishment enough.
What the fuck do you even buy in this game, alchemy shit to make more money and 1 ebony ingot to finish the set? Fucking hacks
Name the mod, fag.
"You call yourself a wizard? I challenge you to a duel!"
*should of
>See dude in fancy upgraded dwemer armor with shield and mace
>Gotta be that mage dude i heard so much about
>He is probably just hiding his power level!
>Maybe Mirabelle-Senpai will notice me if I win this duel
Funny thing: I only used magic for occasional conjuration, healing and enchanting. Heavy armor, mace and shield all day long. I still fondly remember him telling me "You can't do that! Use real spells like a mage!" as i bash his skull in. What did that moron expect? That I constrict myself to an arbitrary ruleset, which favors his skillset, the moment he outright ambushes me in the street? Maybe I was just shopping stuff or seeing my Hoursecarl or maybe I just wanted to relax and have a walk.
>mfw I get to bash some faglords skull in and I haven't even left the city yet
>It's like Dinner just walking right into my mouth!
"This is a magic duel. Ma-gic. You know, with spells."
Crazier things have happened in reality.
>Implying the entire world isn't suffused with magic due to the nature of the dream
>Implying fisting someones face in while yelling I CAST FIST doesn't count as magic
>Implying the Dragonborn isn't magic by default due to his entire backstory and reason to exist, therefore everything he does is touched by magic
Anyways, I cast FIRE SPEAR. It is literally a Javelin with a preheated metal tip. Or KNUCKLE SANDWICH. Everything is magic when you give your technique a special name. Even DOUBLE STAB or KIDNEY STAB.
>mfw some rando challenges me and i just shout him off the city wall
>Projecting this fucking hard
gib big titty vampire gf
Got a problem fetcher?
Do yuri fans even play TES