Left or right?

Left or right?

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Asaris make my dick hard with their big blue ass and tits and big lips.


Then I choose Tali for ME2 and 3.
Also Vetra from MEA is best girl but stuck in worst game.

I'll pick exotic females over human whores any day

Left is human, so left.

The one with the big blue cock, obviously.

For charm factor and cleverness, it's Tali.

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Only normies would pick liara

Ashley is gorgeous and actually has a consistent character throughout the series

even aliens can tell you're cracked boy

>he fuckes an asari
traitor to his race and a fucking degenerate

Tali + Closest Female Biotic every single time.


based and gilfpilled

Wait for the next game.

But this is the correct option the first time through, when you don't realize Tali will be romanceable in the sequel.

And for Booty.

Funny you should say that

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That's her charm factor, frog-girl donk

The Lancer, now THAT was a rifle.

Not even a question.

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You have the option to date a psychic blue chick with a genius level intellect, control over all the galaxy's information, and the ability to literally blow your mind with an orgasm. Plus she will look like she is in her 20's for the rest of your life.

Why the fuck would you EVER choose the boring poetry reading human who turns her back on you the moment she gets some independence?

>control over all the galaxy's information
Yet she never found anything Cerberus related

>playable/romanceable alien/fantasy races
>playing/romancing humans
You're not a faggot, are you user?

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For what reason?

Are you retarded? She is the one that delivered Shepard's remains to Cerberus. She literally found them BEFORE becoming the Shadow Broker.
Also this is an either-or and Ashley Williams didn't discover shit either.

> that skin texture

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None, the romance options for ME are shit.


First off, they called HER. Secondly, in third game she is unable to track anything Cerberus related like finances or anything could explain how they got so fuck-huge so quickly. The new not-Kelly is more helpful than her.

Whats the best ME porn

>edgy bitch with daddy issues
predictable for you incels.

idk Ashley being a xenophobe unironically turns me on.
But ME1 Liara is such a nerdy qt.
After she becomes a serious business broker she losses a lot of her charm.

Why the FUCK does this thread keep popping up? Is it one guy and what does he mean by it

how is this even a question?
the one with the big blue cock and balls of course.

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A man of truly refined taste

Hell ye-

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Tali was boring af in ME1

I fucking love that image. You are also very correct, but do not forget big blue tiddies.

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>You have the option to date a psychic blue chick with a genius level intellect, control over all the galaxy's information, and the ability to literally blow your mind with an orgasm. Plus she will look like she is in her 20's for the rest of your life.
Because she'll eventually leave you when you bore her

Most of the characters were. People make fun of "DADDY ISSUES" in Mass Effect 2 but it's better than Mass Effect 1's walking codex expositors.

Will Bioware ever make a game with cute/sexy girls in it ever again?
Will they cease to exist in 5 years?

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>leaving you
Kek, she is by far the most clingy waifu in the series. Nevermind the fact you are her first, pair-bonding always strongest that way. Keep your human roasties if you want, but I'm gonna pass for blueberries.

Both, but not for me. They belong with a bbc

Considering their lifespan and them taking relationships really seriously I doubt that'll happen during your lifetime.

I always thought incels just wanted their super kawaii animu waifu. But fucking an alt chick was some of the best sex I had ever had so.. w/e

Shepard HE HE

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>Voiced by Ali Hillis
There is no competition with the voice of Lightning

>with the voice of Lightning

she is literally the most loyal and committed partner in the series.
she will stay with you if you want a threesome.
if you choose anyone else in 2 she still wants to be with you and she loves you so much she saved your body.

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I didn't like Liara becoming "le epic morally grey badass >:3" in 2 so, for me, it's left.

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>that shy but yet still somewhat sultry tone
She did fucking A job with Liara.

>she will stay with you if you want a threesome.
That's a misunderstanding. Just because she didn't get a chance to say anything before Ashley/Carth stormed off doesn't mean she was okay with it.

Too bad she loses it in later games.

all the female characters have daddy issues expect based samara, who is can't have, so it doesn't matter you dumb fuck

she wanted to plow ashley as well with her cock and hatefuck the xeno racism out of her

>I didn't like character X becoming "le epic morally grey badass" so I chose character Y that also becomes "le epic morally grey badass"
Congratulations, you played yourself.

>she loves you so much she saved your body.
...when you think about it that's actually creepy as fuck

Neither. Why should I pick between a tranny and being made a cuck and raising my wife's daughters?
Incredibly based.

Yandere Asari is best Asari.

>Tali was boring af*
Fixed. She's a shit character who went from being lore dump to waifu bait that brainlets fell for.

I bet you also saved Morinth.

>You have the option to date a psychic blue chick with a genius level intellect, control over all the galaxy's information, and the ability to literally blow your mind with an orgasm. Plus she will look like she is in her 20's for the rest of your life.
I don't allow parasites in my house.

That never happened though, to be fair.

I can't stand that bosh'tet ass bitch

The one that actually has a vagina and doesn't have to fuck you with her hand.

>Replay ME trilogy about every 1-2 years
Sue me I like some parts of 3 and I usually end it after the Citadel DLC because that's the de-facto ending to me.
>ME1: Garrus and Liara
>ME2: Miranda and Zaeed because Miranda is my waifu hahamichaeljackson xd funny and also Zaeed is arguably the greatest character in all the games. Best lines and best personality for the job.
>ME3: Garrus and Liara. Occasionally Jacob because he does have some alright lines that are fun to listen to.

Even if they looked like this?

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I really like some parts of 3 as well and the gameplay is actually really fun. I'm replaying the trilogy right now with some mods to see if it's any different


It always perplexed me why everyone became such homers for Tali. She kind came off as a stuckup bitch,

>You will never wake up next to a futa Asari
Existence is absolute pain

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Holy fuck I forgot his name. Biff McHuge. JAMES

JAMES VEGA I fucking forgot holy shit

Zaeed is the only character in the trilogy that talks like an actual person. It's probably just the accent.

Same. I unironically think the gameplay was at its best in ME3. I would've liked a better mix of ME1 and ME3 but if they had to streamline action much more then 3 did a really fine job. Yes, the game has many glaring flaws but overall it's still a decent experience with a few golden moments in a sea of poopies.

>Shepard didn't fuck her while she was passed out from the booze
Cuck franchise.

>expected some meathead dudebro
>got one of the biggest BROS ever in gaming

Because Yea Forums is full of subs who want to be talked down to and cucked by a ayyyyy.

>he forgot based Slab McMeat

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He gay bro, no helping there.

I recall being more worried about them saying he was suppose to be there so new players could find out shit with him asking questions about stuff since he knows fuck all compared to the others and he'd be constantly going "what's that thing/how this work" etc.

Any good animations of this?


Very damaged and used goods fren.


>tfw ywn be favorite boytoy of asari matriarch with huge tiddies and huge mating tube
user you also don't need to add "futa" there, mating tubes are canon.

Has anyone else always thought that Liara was kind of the 'canon' romance option because of the fact that she has the same plot armor that Shepard has? Unlike every other squadmate in ME1, Liara can never die or get killed at all during the trilogy, her romance has most content overall spanning all three games, and you can romance her in ME3 without already doing so in ME1.

>see mass effect 2 Jack
>meh, not that great but better then MJ or obvious waifubait
>Fuck because why not
>Play mass effect 3
>See Jack at Grissom
Fuck me what a massive improvement.

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It's been known since day one they really want to you to romance Liara. She has all the qualities of writers pet.

Liara was probably designed to be the only romance option, then EA went "No, people need something RELATABLE! Also add a gay option. That is hip with the kids these days" so they made Ashley for a relatable romance and Kaiden for the gay. Its why neither do anything interesting after ME1. They exist to be the "You are working with Cerberus!?!?!" character for five minutes and then kind of just meld into the background with all the other side characters. Meanwhile Liara actually does shit.

Kaidan isn't gay in the first game.

But then again, why would you want to romance anyone else? Liara is a perfect waifu.

She was basically just a codex entry on the Quarian and Geth conflict in the first game. Her role gets a major upgrade after that.

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>major upgrade
>lore dump to waifubait
Wow, amazing.

She's too naive. Or at least starts as one.
>no, don't kill the last queen of a race that nearly took over centuries ago
>no, don't give mercy deaths to walking corpses
>you just said you in a relationship with the other human in your squad but surely you are interested in me as well
>and that interest is purely romantic

>Talifags like this shit

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it was initially planned and you can restore the option

das cute tho. also only idiots kill the rachni queen

not playing beyond ME2

>only idiots kill a potential threat to the galaxy because it promised it won't be mean this time.

>She's too naive
That is the whole point. Pure virgin waifu.

>cute lesbian romance that spans all three games
I can't not do it, op. Seeing femshep and liara fall in love is really heartwarming.

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Based on meta knowledge, yes, the Rachni Queen actually kept its promise and explained that the Rachni were being influenced by a "sour yellow note" a la the Reapers during the Rachni Wars.

But Shepard puts on such a mean face while executing the queen...

Whens the HD Remaster?
I need that before EA/Bioware kicks the bucket

just play the PC version with fixed textures



Ashleyfags, choose.

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Uh, the human one

Ashley because I like bimbofication

>Shepard boring.
That'll never happen.

I chose the one that writes my name in the stars.

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None, don't like trannies or asari prostitute.

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And femshep can still have little blueberries!

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Check her out when gets older.

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Name some ME1 mods,pls.

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Why does the best human party member have to be stuck in the worst game bros?

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Ash of course

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Say what you want about ME3, I still love it. I've never been so attached to game characters and story before, and I dont think nothing will top that.
Yes, I agree that last 10min are shit and lazy writing, but they wont ruin the game for me. Citadel was perfect finish for the trilogy, and this song makes it even better.
Andromeda was total shitfest. Never even finished that, just lost any and all interest in that.

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And forgot to say.
Maleshep -> Tali
Femshep -> Liara


>forget that Asari live for 1000 years
>implying that Liara would ever become a Matriarch in Shepard's lifetime given that she's relatively young for an Asari
How many men do you think she'll fuck after you die?

I like fem an Liara then get Tali and Garrus to date.

>become a Matriarch in Shepard's lifetime
So they will get bigger?

My god this thread exists every day. Fuck off data collecting honeypot faggots.

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>ME2 makes such a big deal about Garrus having become a stone-cold vigilante that had an entire game's worth of shit happening off-screen with forming his band of mercenaries on Omega and fighting injustice and organized crime as he slowly adopts the persona of Archangel
>we literally never find out any more about all the crazy things he did on Omega other than getting betrayed by Sidonis
>we don't even really find out that much about Omega itself, or any of the major mercenary groups, or Aria, or anything beyond a throwaway expansion for 3
>we could've had a spinoff title covering all of this with Garrus as the main protagonist, with references to what other squadmates were doing during that two-year gap that Shepard was dead for
>instead we got Andromeda
fuck BioWare

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