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Other urls found in this thread:


>you can filter faggot games on steam now

New filter tag

based daddy Gaben is based

What game on steam that doesn't actually have any homosexual content deserves that tag the most?

>you can now filter out faggot shit

it's gay sex with hats on

you'd have to be an insecure faggot to do that

It's a win-win. People can look for the content or people can now filter the content. No real reason to complain

label all bad games as gay shit based


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Nope, just a normal God fearing member of society. Unlike fags.

>you'd have to be an insecure faggot to do that

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>steam adds porn games
>lets you filter out tranny shit
Literally a win win


Perfect to tag the games i don't like

this, thanks valve for doing this

Tifa's tits are too small.
Who cares about this shit?

Halo MCC for Xbros

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absolutely embarrassing thread. get it together, retards

>go to store preferences
>exclude tag "LGBTQ+" from showing in store
fuck trannies, fuck faggots, and fuck jannies

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this is why PC is master race

They copied the tinder trick with the non-binary genders. Basically they allow people to filter them out, and at the same time they market themselves as "woke" and progressive.
Tbh it's so obvious I'm surprised sjw haven't demanded yet that this would be a special tag that you can't filter out, only filter in.

Useful idiot detected.

>players looking for games that fit their own experiences
It's like faggots and trannies don't even understand what the fuck games are for.

Does anybody even know a game that's tagged with LGBTQ? I havent seen one so far I think and my filter already has all 10 tags.

Nobody minds that retard. If we can't be rid of you at least we can now ignore you.

or maybe they just added a fucking tag.
meanwhile every identity politic obsessed retard is making a huge deal out of this

It's basically the equivalent of kikes campaigning to wear gold stars

They just shot themselves in the dick and they don't realize it

When will they add 'tranny' tag? I would love to see trannies imploded as fuck. I hate them as a cis gay.

>meanwhile every identity politic obsessed retard is making a huge deal out of this
This is true regardless of the purpose behind the tag.

>gays can find gayshit
>faggots can filter gayshit because their feelings

Literally everyone wins. If you whine about this, you're just addicted to outrage culture and need to detox from the internet.

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>faggot filter
based gabe also fuck epic

Imagine seeing trannies complain about their games not selling because their game is filtered.

this but unironically

this is a good thing. when i'm looking for games with content to match my sexual orientation it will be much easier and may even inspire people to make more games with homosexual content in it

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Is a good way for filtering shit

Religion is artificial, homosexuality is natural.

>he doesn't shitpost/bait for (you)s

using this site incorrectly tb.h

Y'all think you're being oppressed because gay people dare to exist and it's fucking pathetic. You straight white boys know nothing of oppression.

So is arsenic. Go eat some fag.

this is bait but this but unironically



Religion is dangerous, homosexuality isn't.


ITT repressed homosexuals afttack the LGBTQA+ community for attempting to create a safe space for their art
Go fuck yourself, homophobes.

somebody's shitpost bot broke

I'm very secure about my desire to not play homo games.

i'm gay and i believe in God. Straight or Gay, sinning is inevitable. We sin against God daily and from what I remember about sunday school is: if you break one of God's rules then you may as well have broken ALL of God's rules.

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This may be a non-sequitur but transgenderism is basically a faith belief and thus just as bullshit if not more so than actual religious belief.

Sure, fag.

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>morality is dangerous
>AIDS isn't
t. faggot



that's... really gay

What does the A stands for?

God made the gays. They are a test of your compassion and you're failing it

because it nets me a shitload of replies



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And if you repent, you're forgiven. You deliberately sin and seek no forgiveness.

How so?
I don't want to stumble upon baras and daddies while browsing games with sexual content.

Whats the Q?

And also why is the L there? I figured the G has that covered.

>religious CIA zealots create Aids to kill gays
>hurt durr, morality has never killed anyone

Render into Caesar what is Caesar's.

Anyone that actually filters this is just absoltely fucking pathetic

What titles actually have that tag?

Just do what another user said yesterday and start calling gay all games you don't like

Well hey you got your safe space on steam now. I just dont have to look at it if i dont want to. Makes a nice containment zone dont you think?

Funny how gays are saying we're all sick in the head for not wanting to see sodomy..

By adding an LGBT+ tag, you imply that having gay and trans elements in a game is irregular and needs to be pointed out as either a selling point or reason to steer clear of a game in question.

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>Steam miss me with that gay shit.

Are any actually decent games on that tag though at the moment?

They only did this so the Chinkos can have stuff automatically filtered.

cope faggot


This. People complaining about this are retarded

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>there is now a legal way to say that the game is GAAAAAAAY on steam

nobody wants your degeneracy promoting propaganda in their games faggot

>trying this hard to fabricate a conflict where there is none
>nobody even dislikes it because you can use it to cull all the faggot shit off Steam
Eat shit, discord tranny.

>You can now filter out SJW games


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>religious CIA zealots create Aids to kill gays
BASED and REDPILLED if true.

Also, it's funny how muslims openly kill gays and you faggots only attack christians, you know the ones that actually respect your right to exist and have allowed you to become a cancer to society.

What rights could they possibly want?

Why? I filter plenty of other stuff. Why is filtering fag games somehow worse?

>hide faggot games from showing
>haha turns out I want AIDS and want to eat shit covered in ass hair


DoA, all that fucking ERP.

Why do /pol/shitters talk more about gays and trannies than the board dedicated to that shit

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I don’t like how there’s so many passive aggressive faggots on this board. You’re not normal get over it

>majority of pedos are homos
Color me surprised.

Thanks for the new filter gabe

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We don't respect their right to exist. Maybe some bastardized denominations do.

You don't have a right to block out LGBT+ voices because you don't like them. That's not how our society works. Steam should make the tag unblockable as a statement against oppression and hate.

good I know which games to avoid now
why are you incel losers mad about it?

Go outside for once in your life. We won

Every single game with this tag is trash anyways. First title that comes up is some furfag shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made the LGBTQ+ tag unfilterable

t. never actually played TF2

What happened to your Arab boogeymen being the biggest pedos?

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Recommend me some LBGTBBQ games.

Because horseshoe theory is real.


B-b-but sony...

Christ, why do we care at all? I mean like every party involved here, why does absolutely anyone care? The sun's gonna fuckin blow up one day, why do we care about this?

white men are pussies, they deserve to be bashed

You didn’t win shit loser lmao

>Look it up on Steam
>It's all just crappy indie games and visual novels from literally who? developers.

They don't even have Life is Strange or Undertale, the actually decent games that could fit under the LGBT tag. Resetera trannies BTFO yet again.

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>user points out the most obvious application for a tag / filtering system
>Start seething uncontrollably because your ResetEra thread is preemptively btfo

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It's like they are asking for EGS to win at this point

Filtered. Don't even fucking dare try to show me this filth, Steam

actually religion is created to tame your homo desires to increase birthrate in old times. because child mortality rate was high in old times. if everybody was homosexual like you we would go extinct. and today homosexuality is normalised because world is too crowded.
for me it is ok to be an homosexual but just because you are ruining our entertainment with your sexual preferences fuck you faggot
t. atheist

Why are you a faggot on this board when there's a board dedicated to that shit

Good, that would be a step in the right direction

>thread isn't the way OP imagined
>better try to stir shit some more until he gets the result he wants
Lol at your life

Mostly porn games.
Also Read Only Memories which I have played and I can confirm it's indeed really gay.

"non sequitur" was never a word. Fuck off. English literature and rhetoric will awlays be inferior to german.


Does one prevents the other?
Arabs are notoriously repressed faggots, faggot.

Why do faggots and trannies talk more about /pol/ than the board dedicated to that shit?

>t. newfag

The first fucking post on /pol/ is to avoid fallacies. Follow that advice my dude

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Freedol from marginalization and being judged. All sexual orientations need to stick together to fight injustice and racism

furshit can be good of it's well made

>he thinks arabs aren't closet homos
They fuck everything, including goats, if they can get away with it.

As already said, leave your echochamber


That all depends on what you think the "right direction" is

All teachers are paedophiles

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who are you arguing for here


>dude nihilism lmao

It gets a rise out of people. Which is all this board is good for.

Just means I can filter out shit "games" now.

You first, fignuts.

found the tranny. Anybody want to take bets how long til suicide?

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You leave Yea Forums first

>All these (you)'s being thrown out
How do I obtain this skill?

No it can't furfag. Yiff in hell you dog fucking degenerate.

As natural as a mental illness

I know this is bait but ill play along. Steam is not a society, little gamer. Its a storefront. I get to curate what I desire which in turn makes it easier for me to purchase games. Your voices will still get blocked in places where it might need actual representation, like Russia. Not that you'd care about them though.


i thought joke tags where no longer allowed?

How about just stop being a faggot? Seems simple enough

edge teen mentality tb.h

>even /pol/ has mature base than Yea Forums
Figure that out

Was pride month always like this? I don't remember seeing as much shilling for this kind of stuff in the past years.

This. I can literally add that tag to my filter list now and avoid all the shit games showing up in my recommendeds

im a tranny give me (You)'s

>mfw already own a couple of games tagged with this

Attached: smug ribbon.jpg (250x250, 17K)

yet somehow gay people have existed for millennia without woke storefront tags

>1 fake kid

How about over 1400 actual kids, straights.

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terrible reply

Q is queer.
So the whole thing could literally just be that

>feariing the skydaddy

Homos and trannies on suicide watch

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Why would you want to play a faggot game? Maybe because you're a faggot, but not me. Sorry, faggot.

reconsider your values

based. Yea Forums btfo by trannies


Not nihilism. I'm just saying, compared to all the other struggles we could be dealing with, we waste our time caring about what sort of hole people wanna fuck. It's just so fuckin dumb.

Not the same user but I liked Stories: The Path of Destinies.

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Just mention gays or trannies, anons literally can't help themselves but bite that kind of bait

No, but now it's seen as profitable to do so, so expect it for the next few years til faggotry is no longer trendy.

Normal people don't want to see faggot shit.
You literally force them to.

>If I throw the word faggot enough, I'll surely prove my superiority and have sex
Also, see

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>playing shitty games simply because they pander to your politics
Holy fuck you're pathetic.

imagine being such a faggot you can't ignore things of your own will and have to set up filters

It... Isn't?

Knuckles is too reasonable for this decade.

>sample size
>sub 30
nice study

>I believe in magical beings in the sky but I also believe in being a shithead whose a burden to everyone around me. Also I love being a faggot

Are Satanists the most cringy belief group in existence?

Aren't they always regardless?

you joke sucks
your life sucks
your mother sucks
you suck

>mfw dont wanna exclude the tag because people will be putting it on random unrelated games like the psychological horror tag for le epic meymeys xd

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You seriously having an issue with people using a filter system to filter out stuff they don't care about? The whole reason for filters existing. You might be full retard.

but now you can filter them. the fuck is wrong with incels?

>steam adds trigger warnings about gay stuff

liking different genres doesn't make you a faggot, unless you play MOBAs

That was done in 1996 and isnt even the full article

>hating criminals means you just want to rob a bank

this - can't be happier w/ the addition

Fuck. I forgot, you're right.

It's okay when literally anyone but Sony does it. They big bad man.

>this proves anything in this argument
No, faggot.

nah satan is pretty cool

>By having an Action tag, you imply that having action elements in a game is irregular and needs to be pointed out as either a selling point or reason to steer clear of a game in question.

It's "unto" you jizz-gargling moron, holy shit.

You're right, homosexuality is natural. Nature's way of preventing overpopulation of a species, hence the reason nearly all fags live in cities

Imagine being such a faggot that you have problems with people using a feature.

Actually you should look up the bakers who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. You don't have the right to do whatever you like if it discriminates. We love in an open society, free from hate where bigots are not tolerated

>60 guys from 30 years ago

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I'd rather not be sexually attracted to animals you sick fuck.


>he has a hat
Not an argument.

repentance means honest, permanent change. changing your mindset totally, so you will permanently find what you did wrong repulsive. not just "sorry god, i fucked up, i'll pray now" and then fuck up again later. it needs to be a honest, worldview-shattering change for it to count. protestants and their "just say you believe and you're forever saved! and say you're sorry and all is forgiven!" is bullshit that guarantees if there's a hell, they'll all be going there. doesn't help that protestant churches were the first ones to get completely cucked by feminism.

>Tagging DOTA2 as gay

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I remember the chaotic free for all when tags were first added. Good times.

Hi, retard.

don't like close minded bigots

Honestly pathetic.


Yeah nothing as cool as wanting to destroy everything and everybody because you're butthurt that you can't be God

People that hate spiders must secretly want to fuck spiders, right?

thats not a fedora

humans are animals

>Rome was not patched in a day
>Ghandi did nothing wrong

Heres your final (you). Dont spend it all in one place.

what's closed minded about not wanting to play fag games?

t. never actually played tf2
It's more of a game than any of that apex overcuck fortnite garbage

Thank you Gayban Jesus

They pander to my fetish, /pol/tard. Go back.

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just /look/ at these "games" my "guy". they're horrible, all of them. Visual novel anime crap, dating simulators, people making games with the LGBTQ tag do not have the intentions of making a good experience.

Attached: tag.png (1010x858, 597K)

cringe. amerimutts are out of hand.

>i'll say I believe in Satan to trigger the Christcucks lmao, i'm such an edgy troll

Thanks Gabe

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that's not what satanism is about lol

But enough about Muslims

Yes, that's normally the idea behind tags.
The difference is that there isn't a political push behind the action game genre.

I'm not talking about satanism. I'm talking about satan himself

Highway Blossoms is alright and I'm not even a yurishitter

>Yea Forums plays these games 24/7

/lgbt/ confirmed

The yuri games are the shit ones.

you should try genres you haven't tried before, you might find something you like

>I know it's bait but I replied anyway


Fuck off back to you sick fuck. Most of the shit with that rag aren't even games anyways and so don't belong on Yea Forums.

What's closed minded about using a feature? You see the irony here, right?

>Coming Out on Top
third guy in the row looks like the dude from total drama

Whoops, looks like someone chugged on the Military Industrial Complex-branded Kool-Aid.

Dream Daddy is a joke, Highway Blossoms is genuinely great, Also Hero's Rise (and all of the other CoG games will allow the MC character to be gay if you choose it but it's literally always an option).

>calling a religion of peace dangerous

Learn to use t., newfag.

>90% lesbo trash
>10% tumblr gay trash

But I know for a fact that I don't enjoy games with those themes present. It's same reason I filter fps, survival, battle royal.

Incels will have mental breakdown


Analogies aren't a good form to argument, silly Yea Forumsermin.

>he doesn't filter out violence and gore and mature content

Expect the unexpected.

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Cute rabbits

Glad we can both agree gays go to hell.

>I don't like platformers
>but I don't want to because I don't like them

>the same type of faggot that wants LGBTQ+ shit on steam is the same kind that will complain about hentai games being on steam too.
Who gives a fuck, just filter the things you don't like.

>newfags actually acting religious just to be contrarian

Why do gamers hate non-straight people so much?
I thought a large number of them isn't straight
Especially when you are looking at Yea Forums

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literally fucked up in the head person posted this

True, but the gay alphabet tag doesn't really say anything about the gameplay.

Living in fear is not normal.

Anything else I should filter? I'm filtering visual novel and rpgmaker right now.

im pansexual so im better than u

Finally one reasonable user in this miserable rabble of r/The_Donald tourists.

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Neither are fags.

Just goes to show that the right wing truly is the counter-culture.

That depends entirely on your personal preferences.

Sticking your dick in "they/them" girls is asking for trouble, man.

We don't want to play you're games. Boohoo.


At least my cooking ware isn't drenched in cum

So much cope

go sperg out on faggot

never said they won't. old testament wasn't invalidated by new, and god didn't magically turn into love and peace hippie faggot. it's still the same sumerian enlil under a different name, regardless of how much nu age fucks try to import hindu buddhist shit into the west to validate their hedonism masked as "spirituality."

My man. Bunny girls are the best.

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see and you'll get it

stop defending romance novels and get a life. "daddy sim is a joke!!!" OK, and I don't want it on my queue when finding new games to play.

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Story rich is usually a red flag.


Based Gaben quarantining fags into their blocked death cults.

yikes, imagine being religious in 2019

Thanks knuckles


But he's not coping. He's celebrating.
See for actual coping.

why? cant get them pregnant and i never have to see them again after its over
i was aobut to say neither is mine then i realized the joke

>find a game that involves suicide
>give it the LGBTQ+ tag

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We should make a registry for gay in real life too.

>with hats on
so straight then?


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>retard thinks its bad that valve gives him a tool to filter out content he doesn't like
you guys are getting more retarded by the minute
sun titties etc.


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feminism, socialism, equality and gender shit are just as religious, my dude.

fpbp, this is actually an incredibly based decision since it lets me filter shit games even more easily

I think this is good. If the game is all about being gay, it is good that people can find such games more easily - and those who want to avoid them can more easily.

It's a win-win for everyone.

>You don't have a right to block out LGBT+ voices because you don't like them

We literally do though, we can thank based Gaben for that

why do they include HIV positive people now? there's no reason to be proud about having HIV

There are two different kinds of tags, there are primary tags like "Action" and supplementary tags that further point out Irregular/Weird points of the game that are hit or miss, like "memes" and "2.5D," which people will either embrace or go running for the hills. LGBT+ as a tag is harmful because it is being pointed out as something irregular. I want to say it is normal behavior, if anything you should just have a plain "Romance" tag or "Body Transformation" in the case of some game where you transition.

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literal retard

And make them wear little pink triangles for future disposal

Jesus christ what are churches teaching people
user if you have no problem or remorse over deliberately and consciously sinning because "lol I will commit other sins one way or another" then what can I say? Chances are you hold absolutely zero love nor fear for God
Christians usually feel like shit when they sin even if it's inevitable, you seem to have rationalized it and you don't seem forgiveness

Gays really need more recognition and registry.

Attached: Pink_triangle.png (1200x1067, 24K)


Attached: JC_Denton_Is_Pleased.jpg (602x602, 51K)

This is a good thing retard. Now you can easily filter all faggot games with one tag

>Christians and other abrahamic religious followers are retarded


How do you filter tags on steam?

You just got lucky to get your own post there.

I think pride is stupid as fuck and glorifys us and does the opposite of making us normal.
Im sick of pride and drag shit
Lets just get rid of it.

There are not two different kinds of tags.
For example, here, Female Protagonist is higher on the list than Action.

Attached: firefox_2019-06-24_19-59-18.jpg (325x169, 12K)

I was in a gay thread on Yea Forums and a christfag on there said something along the lines that Jesus made a lot of the Bible's rules obsolete and basically you just have to live as a good person like Jesus and you'll be accepted into Heaven. I can't remember his exact quotes, but Jesus specifically made some of the rules like "you can't be a faggot, you can't wear polyester, and you can't eat certain food" null and void.

>want to filter LGBT shit
>don't want to filter Yuri

Is it possible to filter out the LGTBQA+ but keep the Ls

asking for /u/

>Yea Forums
Literally who cares. That board is dead

Females can be protagonists of their own story. Faggots, on the other hand, can only spend their days visiting glory holes getting their orifices filled with stranger's cum.

doubt it

"Action" doesn't mean anything though
The Female Protagonist tag actually tells me something, namely that I should avoid the game

fuckin weeb.

How do you know if your mind is truly resistant against The Gay if you need to use third-party tools to filter it?
If your mental fortitude is that high, can't your mind automatically filter out the gay shit instead?

You just pissed off every 15 year old browsing here. Good job, user.

Just filter that shit bro , anyway AA2 when ?????

Stop sucking cock and just join the straights traitor
If it wasn't for prides I would have never discovered that I was a lesbian woman trapped in a mans body

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Good to know that Jesus retroactively made wearing a material invented in 1941 perfectly fine. A true visionary

That's actually not how it works.... sounds like some modern Evangelical protestant BS you've been fed.

You pretending to be a woman is just a fetish. Every non retarded and honest person can see this.

>sissy boy
>likes women


>15 year olds
>caring about TF2
hahaha no, for zoomers it's just about fortnite and overwatch

Oh right it's 2019, if you aren't an agnostic pragmatic utilitarian hedonist nihilist tranny-supporting relativist liberal then you're an out of touch low intelligence bigot. Human nature is just a social construct and biology plays absolutely no role in psychology and gender roles, eating your own shit is just as natural as heterosexuality cuz it's all valid bro there is no God haha :)))

And literally nothing of value was lost. Filtered into oblivion. Thanks, Gaben.

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The action genre is irregular compared to something like say having a human protagonist

Gabe is and always will be, /ourguy/

Genetic dead-end.

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>Moving the goalpost this far
Swallow your pride and these nuts.

>Sex appeal doesn't belong in video games, incel. Go watch porn if you want sexual content. What? I can tag my preferred sexual content on Steam now? YASS QUEEN SLAYYY

nice strawman, retard

>look through the games on the tag
>not even one single good game
Yup easy filter.

gabe newell is an ultimate cuck

They need to add a furry tag next. Or just tag it as LGBt as well. Bestiality fits under the plus right?

Man the OG Team Fortress (The original Quake mod) was the shit. Damn I wish it was still around. Wonder if any servers exist.

But didn't Jesus die for your sins. So what does it matter if you broke a rule. Jesus has you covered.

>Stop sucking cock

Cock is the fountain of life. Literally.
Why would I convert to surgery wounds and chest tumors

You should be happy. Now you can play your degenerate games while I ignore them. Have fun explaining to god why you ripped apart your dick though

thats just great. divided we fall.


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Ironically it's always anti-gay people who say sexuality has no place in video games.

And then they turn around and play Hunnie Pop.


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I honestly don't understand all these corpos pandering to these freaks
something is seriously afoot

As long as it doesn't also filter Lara Croft and horses though.

fpbp, holy shit. Nearly as good as a potential HL 3 release.

I'm adding this tag to all SCP games


user,you having gender dysphoria doesnt mean i,a bisexual needs it.

When did Yea Forums get so unironically hateful? The nigger/faggot jokes didn't have as much legitimage vitriol behind them before

Fuck you faggot sailing is cool


kek why?




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>I don't want to hear about your sexual preferences in games but I am going to participate in a month-long tirade about Tifa's breasts being slightly smaller

Because ResetEra faggots like you won't stop coming onto the site and making threads like this to argue with them. All culture war autists need to fuck off from this board and the mods need to do their jobs and start issuing perma bans. /pol/ can fuck off back to their own board and trannies can fuck off from this site completely

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Bro why sailing? It seems pretty chill to me?

>Filter the LGBT tag
>Banned for bigotry


got something to say boyo?

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embarrassing post

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Mass tagging cry of fear with LGBTQ would work, especially since it's free

furry is the ultimate forbidden fruit

The absolute STATE of paid marketers

Are you afraid of the open sea you damn land lubber.


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thankfully to btfo bigots I am gonna tag every game with that tag

You're a nigger and cant swim thats why

Dykes are insufferable, OI know.


I agree, but you know it's pipe dream to think mods on Yea Forums will do anything about it.

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Does this apply to Japanese games with questionable romance options or just the Western garbage ?
Cause I want to use the tag but not if it filters Jap games as well.

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Yep. Literally nothing wrong with that.

I'll be cool with this if you faggots stop complaining about hentai games on steam. Deal?

get back to /po...
ok that's based

I seriously don't. The joke being women can't swim or sail a boat?

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humans are hardwired to desire something to believe in. leftism is the new religion for the world that abandoned christianity. it doesn't exist in reality, it's all based on faith alone. evil white patriarchy is a devil figure, like the right's illuminati jews. forced redistribution of goods is tyranny, people will never accept it, it goes against nature. equality doesn't exist in nature. there are only two genders.

thus they are religious. just because your god is not a personal idol doesn't mean it's not based on faith, aka religious.

but you don't want to hear logic. you're a child who works only on emotions, and my words hurt you, so you rage, replying with ad hominems while dunking your head in the sand until it doesn't work anymore. then you'll get slaughtered by muslims who despise all leftist shit.

>you can find cute gay games easier
>if you don't like cute gay games you can just filter it

I don't see what's the issue here

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Did you know animals can go insane as well?

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>Literally all this sjw fagshit is shitty indies and bottom barrel weeb shit
Fucking based

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Path of Exile

General Gravicius grunts, his hips rapidly slamming his erect donger deep into Shadow's lean muscled frame. Sweat drips from his brow as he moans a quiet prayer before both nuts erupt, turning him into a fountain of cum launching Shadow at least 5 meters onto the floor. Gravicius smirks at the sight, "I fuck for God, Exile. Who do you fuck for?"

Man I hate gay shit in video games. If any game has a tranny or homosexual, I don't play it.
This means I haven't played 90% of western shit that came out in the past few years. What the fuck is happening to western games?


Yes, that's 100% right. Some people like action games and some people dislike them, which is completely reasonable.

>/u/ shit

Good riddance.

well most sailors are fags, makes sense

Ok, so what's the best game on steam with this tag??

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Good lord, there's so much wrong with this it's physically painful

Why did the west have to ruin yuri by absorbing it into the political LGBT borg?

it's to filter RuneScape

I'm filtering it because I don't want to see your favorite gay furry dating game on Steam, is that so wrong?

yes "natural", that's why even during primitive times and after faggots were shunned and even kicked out of tribes/societies. Western liberalism was a mistake.

second post okay too

none of them they're all hot garbage

> It filters Jap games
Yep hard pass on that Filter tag

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i suggest you swallow cyanide then, it's going to make your pain go away.

Anime is fucking gay

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>adult only sexual content
What game on steam applies to that?


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Fuck you, there is some cool vr sailing games

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>Your voices will still get blocked in places where it might need actual representation, like Russia.
nah we're good without your jewdi3 mind-trickery, thank you very much

Kek I feel sorry for yuribros

unironically people who complain about anime are gay as fuck
what else should we be into instead of anime according to you, star wars? capeshit? fuck off.

> There is still new work with those two to this day

Damn, that's a lot of mad triggered people.
Here come the (You)s.

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lmao faggot

Now you can add it as a tag to any game you want to.

Attached: dota 2 is gay.png (858x399, 184K)

thanks for proving your just a fag in denial

use specific sexuality filters
lesbian filter
gay filter
bi filter
transhomo filter


said the faggot

>gaben makes literal virtue signaling tag
>real ass dudes can call each other's games gay with it

How many people need to add a tag for it to stick?

look at this r*dditor faggot lmao
i have zero sympathy for r*dditors, i literally hope they all get aids and die.
kys r*ddit faggot

>MOBA tag
>not a single ASSFAGGOTS tags

lmao fag

How can one group be so OBSESSED whenever Yuri is mentioned.
Boy you sure are pathetic user.

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There is no difference between Japanese degeneracy and Sjw degeneracy. Creation of fictional "traps" as well as trannies should be penalized and being faggot or anything lgbt related outlawed.

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I am very confused about gaming. Steam thinks I should filter out both single and multiplayer games. WHAT AM I GONNA PLAY THEN STEAM

Very based

lmao actual raging homo

>leftism is the new religion for the world that abandoned christianity. it doesn't exist in reality, it's all based on faith alone
What you're referring to is more specifically the rise of individualism and the desire to break free of the shackles imposed on us by society. The products of which are the ongoing sexual liberation where we're no longer encouraged to pursue heterosexual relationships, and the ongoing rise of transhumanism as we cast off the yoke of only having two genders.

Whatever your opinion on this, you can't magically undo this ongoing change in outlook towards sexuality and gender without forcefully trying to halt it, but much like isolationist societies in history it's only a temporary measure before they too want a taste of the future. Instead of trying to preserve the current state of society for as long as possible, your efforts are better spent on futureproofing those traditions rather than trying to fight the wind.

>forced redistribution of goods is tyranny
Yes, this is a pipe dream.

>but you don't want to hear logic
What's your tax plan?

you know star wars and capeshit ain't the same to cartoons about underaged girls getting fucked by their brothers


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>there are actual anons that think using tranny tag as a filter is bad
I bet you'd have no problems filtering games with anti-transgender messages or anything that you'd consider "/pol/"
>achtually it's a false equivalence because LGBT is against oppresion and thus it's better!!!
All ideologies will directly contradict other ideologies, absolute tolerance is impossible, not everything can be upheld or validated in the same society, even liberalism is oppressive
"Freedom" being upheld as the greatest human value is questionable and upholding it doesn't give make you morally superior, much less when you hypocritically remove the freedom of those you perceive as a threat to "freedom"

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I now understand the concept of cope
>this positive for gays thing happened

Just like when they had to cope with based hat in time putting a trans decal in the game
>g-g-guys you can deactivate decals HUH BASED it's okay

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>lol i was just pretending, i trold you hard trololololo

Christ said actually the opposite in the Sermon on the Mount.
From Matthew 5:16-20, King James version
>Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
>Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
>For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
>Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
>For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The confusion comes from how the old laws were divided into 3 categories.
Moral laws applied to all humans at all times.
Civil laws applied only to the political nation of Israel.
Purity laws (stuff like not wearing polyester, sacrificing animals, or eating pork) were rules to divide the Jews from the Gentiles and make them "clean" before God.

The first category is stuff like the Ten Commandments, and includes sexual conduct.
The second never applied to Gentiles and is irrelevant to this subject
The third was "fulfilled" by Christ's willing death on the cross, making all men who follow Him clean before God. These were not wrong to follow; it's that they were temporary measures until the true sacrifice came to make them unneeded.

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no player games

First post beat post as always

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based retarded centrist

Means nothing coming from a tranny.

While i agree that's a muslim and progressive issue. The progressive govt. let it happen and worked with paedo cops to keep it silent

>yfw you can filter anime pedo fags on steam now

Attached: zWrJlCu.png (1024x1023, 651K)

>trans decal is in the sewer
I really dont know how you idiots can take that as a win but ok

cope more

>falling for it again

I might be pretending but you're actually retarded.

the reason fags are so upset that we now have the means to ignore them, is because they are all attention whores

negative attention, positive attention, its all the same to them, they love it and cant get enough of it, it is what makes them feel special

now theyll have less attention, and it drives them fucking crazy

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>The confusion comes from how the old laws were divided into 3 categories.
>Moral laws applied to all humans at all times.
>Civil laws applied only to the political nation of Israel.
>Purity laws (stuff like not wearing polyester, sacrificing animals, or eating pork) were rules to divide the Jews from the Gentiles and make them "clean" before God.
>The first category is stuff like the Ten Commandments, and includes sexual conduct.
>The second never applied to Gentiles and is irrelevant to this subject
>The third was "fulfilled" by Christ's willing death on the cross, making all men who follow Him clean before God. These were not wrong to follow; it's that they were temporary measures until the true sacrifice came to make them unneeded.

Well said.

thats a top hat

It's not that polyester was named, it falls under the category of "garments with mixed materials" that was forbidden in Leviticus. Just a modern example.

>have never bought a single VN from steam
How the fuck does GabeN know my perversions?

>everyone I don't like don't deserve to live
Go talk with a proffesional

>game has a gay character
>faggots think it's enough to grant it the tag of lgbt

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Something something Karl Popper paradox of tolerance kill yourself centrist cuck fuck taxes and fuck the government.

Thanks for the attention


>knowing something is wrong and doing it anyway
>vs trying to do the right thing and making mistakes because humans are imperfect
same thing, might as well go suck 1000 dicks now


Luckily they don't actually play games outside of what they are told to.

why are anti-lgbt people so fucking stupid?

> b-but you're a Tranny
The absolute state of Yea Forums. No logical thoughts, no discussion, ad hominem all over the place... Pitiful user.

>obsessed with benders
>obsessed with trannies
>not obsessed with lezzers
Seems kinda gay

>it drives them fucking crazy
Look at this thread, the only obsessed people here are /pol/tards

balanced diet is healthy
>inb4 food analogies

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Why do gays always say this? "Ahbloobloobloo you're a fag in denial because you hates us"

The only problem i can see is them forcing the tag on titles that dont need it like skyrim

at this point who cares?
it was like this for girls a few years ago, why are you surprised the gays are getting this treatment now? lol just wait a few years from now the Furries and other degens alike will have equal treatment

>yfw fags literally on suicide watch

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You sound like the one coping bud

Christianity is a mental illness

>be lesbo
>cool, a way to find games with representation
>they're all shitty forced gay VNs
>nothing subtle

kill me

Attached: distress.png (128x128, 30K)

>food analogy

All yurifags are trannies who hate men and want to be little girls. No exceptions.

But what if good games like Life is Strange is tagged LGBT!? Don't filter it anons!

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hello dobson

he's right tho - trannies by design can't into logic

How do you look at this thread and not see all the seething fag replies?

Play Nier Automata

skyrim is pretty homo tho bro

if you were smart you would kys now and save us the trouble. lmao!


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>kill me
I'm hoping you do that to yourself.

*homosexuality and trannyism are mental illnesses

isnt it anti-sjws who cry and cry about being silenced cause it means they get less attention


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Remember when this kind of post would get you laughed at?

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>kill me
lmao you fucking failures can't even kill yourselves

Based no more tranny trash on my steam.Now i can filter this shit.

i like how you think user

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You really are mentally ill

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xbone is more like just the orange peel that was laying on the floor.

So I can filter out fag and tranny games now? Absolutely based.

>sony has exclusive exotic fruits
good analogy


I have never met a faggot that didn't have fucked up mental health.



>good games like Life is Strange

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Epicchads don't have to deal with this.

just kill yourself


Absolutely based

help me out here user, show me a couple

Whats wrong with females? you gay?

>muh anecdotal evidence

>you can filter faggots now
Based Ben

this is 200.6% true though.

This only makes avoiding faggotry easier, which is good for me, which is all I care about.

how do you filter tags my based man?

he mad

>epicels have gay dick forced down their throat
>based gaben lets gamers filter fagshit from their store

>Playing as a female

Might as well play those tranny games too!

Don't worry, you'll have enough good games left over to play anyway.

what if i dont like w

Lesbians don't have that many issues with suicide.

they have issues with domestic abuse

Again, you retards only use ad hominem.
Which are btw slanders because it isn't even remotely true. But what to expect from niggers who are responsible for the state of Yea Forums.
Better spam "have sex, dilate.." or whatever garbage one liner/pasta you'll find in the future.
Granted I gifted you a free (you) each.

Attached: ugh.jpg (480x480, 56K)

>you imply that having gay and trans elements in a game is irregular

....It is.


>he never tasted durian that's barely passes for a fruit

If I wanted drag races I would just watch tv.

it was never about being rational or smart it turns out it was just the aesthetics of being counter cultural and a cool internet guy
so now that being christian is less popular and being pro gay is we've done a 180 flip

sad desu I remember when the internet was more fun oriented than politics oriented



Calling you what you are is not an ad hominem.

name 1 (one) "lgbt+" game

>Gone Home just listed there
Wasnt the whole twist rely on not knowing she was a lesbo? Kinda spoils the only story the game had

wow just calm down dude

thanks for the (you) as well, dickless.

>I said the n word! I fit in! Take me seriously!
Buy rope.

>homosexuality is natural
Like cannibalism and raping infants to death
Natural is not good, we humans have the capability of acting outside of base instinct and it is how and why we built this grand civilization.
Fags just want to be mindless amoral animals and should be put in zoos or put down.

Yuri games (not even VN's) didn't ever get localized some years ago, now they get translated and I can actively show my support, you have it good but don't know it.

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> ohlolol I said it again
> I know nothing about you haha but you're a tranny hahaha
Holy shit. One thing I don't need to assume is that you're clinically retarded and a waste of space. But one day all retards like you will be purged from this board.

this, so much this

>It's okay that we're predatory, so are muslims!

There has to be an argument for there to be ad hominem. Dumbfuck.

pitaya is tasty i dont care

cope depends on who started it, the start point was the pro-lgbt so the anti-lgbts are the one coping here

>I know nothing about you

I know enough, like that you wanna chop off your dick like all yurifags.

This user knows what's up.

>Timespinner on the list
>Had it on my wishlist because I like metroidvanias and didn't know it had tranny shit
Good. Added to ignore list now.

Are they the ones committing the abuse or are they the victims of domestic abuse on the hands of male relatives resulting in their homosexuality later in life?

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why do these Bacteria sound like Caribean islands? Salmonella, Shigella…

So are the life-threatening STDs and human response of disgust and exclusion.

I'm a yurifag and I don't want to chop my dick, I feel like there's some projection going on.

you gave (You)'s to a bunch of bigots, can you spare one to a yurifan?

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Who's "we."
I don't have any huge pedo rings, that's your people.

sometimes ad hominem is all that's needed to explain everything
>why the dog chewed off kid's hand?
>it's a pit bull

same with loud mental cases, like trannies and faggots

click your name on the top right corner and go to store preferences

Kill yourself anyway.