oh no no no no hahah
How will nint*ddlers ever recover?
Protip: they wont[\spoiler]
Oh no no no no hahah
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does the right look worse than the left? It's been 10 years.
Because despite Assassin's Creed 1 being gritty with a shitty color pallet, the overall fidelity and composure of the style is enough to make it look good even today. Or at least way better than anything on the nintens*y switch
>realism vs realistic
guess which one is more fun and stuck with people more?
0 days
Yeah because climbing a wall for 10 minutes then being forced to fall from it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!
assassins creed 2?
>realism vs realistic
Assassin's creed....GODS it was strong back then..
rent free, ubifags
Breath of the wild was actually fun, as opposed to "scale a building and press Y and see how high you are"
Why does BOTW make Yea Forums so butthurt?
botw would have looked like pic related if it stayed wii u exclusive instead of being held back by the shitch.
You fucking idiot. BotW is a FAR fucking better game than Assassins Cringe. You absolute mongoloid. Why are you still seething about the game after all this time? You little, dick-sucking cuck? Little faggot Chuck? Huh, cuckboy? Gonna keep posting threads like these, eh, cuckboy? Fucking faggot.
*cuck. Fucking phone.
for the same reason why Yea Forums hated ffxv and mgsv. actual enthusiasts don't like it when long-running beloved series sell out to casuals and start making reddit-tier walking simulators instead of games.
Incoming "Hire This Man" joke.
>read this wall of text!
No thanks. Isn't it time for you to be posting facebook frog somewhere? or jerk off to a smash fan art thread?
The Legend of Watchdogs: Breath of the Ubishit
you know those words are the same thing right? no one cares about your stupid definitions you just made up for them
N-... NINNTENDO!!!!!
Holy seething lmao
I'd rather be forced to find 900 korok seeds without a guide than play only the main campaign of asscreed 1
Say the mentally ill loser who has wasted THREE YEARS of his crying about BotW every day.
Nintendo made one of the greatest games of all time and you can't handle it. Oh my. Imagine being you.
I can already smell the console wojaks from ten threads away. Do we really need another thread of this? Come on.
Fucking spare me. LoZ was casualized with Wind Walker and that didn’t stop it from being fun.
>why Yea Forums hated ffxv and mgsv
Yea Forums hates everything.
Irony: the post. Directed by: user who's never played a single asscreed
Fuck sake. Its been more than two years. Just let it go and stop embarrassing youself OP.
I beat it back in the day.
>implying this thread isn't founded on falseflags
not like youll listen anyway but it's worth mentioning.
the sad part is nintendies probably do believe this
Back in the day being the week it released? Clearly you need a refresher because they're practically the exact same game - it's just that one holds up better than the other more than a decade later, too. Though that isn't saying much in the context of open world collectathon games.
can't tell if you're shitposting but that was a prerendered tech demo, not actually running on wii u hardware.
Not really. All the wojaks and memes are the same boring desperate shite from the same mentally ill autist who has been in meltdown for more than two years straight.
how new
>t-they're not u-ubisoft towers....
Why did the person who got the footage on the right record the Switch's screen in handheld mode rather than do a direct capture?
>still being mad about Botw
>still being mad about it winning GOTY
>still being mad about Horizon Zero Awards
>still being mad about the Metacritic score
>still being mad that Nintendo is successful
>Can't cope with the success of BotW.
>Can't cope with the success of the Switch.
>Can't cope with the success of Nintendo.
My God, threads like this make me so happy.
be more subtle if you're gonna falseflag
People who like BotW are the ones no one wants to associate with or have near children. You know, ‘that’ guy in your class.
Btow clearly looks less tedium, no idea what are you on about
It’s Nincels who spam BoTW bait threads so the game isn’t dead on Yea Forums, nobody gives a fuck about this ubisoft shit, cope.
Use your brain, Ubishill.
What’s worse:
>Climbing wherever you want
>Climbing along the Set path the developer made for this scripted sequence and animations
Not him, but it's kind of a misnomer to categorize the first AssCreed as an open-world collect-a-thon. The second game onward, sure, but the first game was on tightly constricted rails.
Accept Target->Find Info on Target->Assassination Run->Desmond Scene->Accept Target->etc. etc.
There were only three cities, and only in the final assassination missions were major sections of them not gated off. I remember feeling ripped off and bored.
No comment on Zelda though as I haven't really played past the plateau yet.
With the upmost respect, I'd be far more tolerant of console fanboys if they stopped using sales and metacritic scores as a objective measure of qualiy.
ITT: seething nint*ddlers who suck down whatever nintendo and / or hideo / kojima spew out their assholes
>angry hands typed this post
Can’t wait until Year 3 of you still being mad.
It’s literally the only thing the legion of nintencel manchildren can cling to
the final product was also a tech demo.
cope, nintendie.
>two years of nothing but buttblastedness
>over a fucking Zelda game that was successful
Need I say more nincels? This is your fate if you don’t fuck off
Mate, I'm just a third party here. I'm worn out from seeing this back and forth bickering for 2 years straight. Do you know what it feels like to be called a snoy tranny and a nintentranny in the same exact thread? I feel like fanboys aren't even trying to argue logistically at this point. It's just become a race to the bottom of who can shitpost the fastest.
For example, tell me the difference between any of these shitposters >haha you're mad
>no, YOU'RE mad
I just want to talk about video games, and then actually play video games. Is that so hard to ask?
Neither of these games are either of those things you fucking retard.
samefag phoneposter
Imagine being so upset about a two year old game that you have to make a thread about it
Have sex
Look at the absolute state of this SEETHING nins*yddler. Took the time to not only edit and save an image, but to type this much shit lmfao
>everyone laughs at shitty garbage game
>”y-y-you are just mad!”
You think all the people laughing at your ugly face and fat ass are just mad? lol
Not even Nin10dicklickers will defend this one
>out of cardboard boxes
how do they do it?
AC is unplayable boring shit and BotW is one of the best games ever made so..... thanks for everything, Nintendo!
>me no like it therefore it bad
>AC is unplayable boring shit and BotW is one of the best games ever made so..... thanks for everything, Nintendo!
This seems to be quite the conundrum. What determines the quality of a game? Is it game journalists? Metacritic scores? Sales? By this logic, every single Ass Creed game is objectively good, because it sold and got rave reviews from journalists. If they're all "putrid western shit" then doesn't that invalidate every single game journalist and developer who praised the series? Considering thes people also praised BOTW, that would also invalidate the praise for Zelda.
Just food for thought.
I'm still to this day in complete awe at original AC's physics and movement animations, they felt ahead of their time.
>putting words in my mouth
I have never played an AC game so I hold no opinion on the franchise.
It is like 5 sentences
That doesn't account for the various other anons who say Ass Creed is a terrible series.
Wasnt it impossible to climb trees in AC, and they had to come up with some stupid in-universe reason to not being able to swim because they couldn't program it?
So what are you doing in a thread comparing the two games?
>he counted
Yes, Assassin's Creed is such an obscure game that Ubisoft abandoned because millions of people weren't interested in buying 20 sequels. It's also unrealistic as hell and was ridiculed by Yea Forums at the time for letting you fly up walls in a highly simplified manner compared to its contemporary, Mirror's Edge. But apparently putting natural grab points onto walls is high realism these days. Just have a flat surface that you Spiderman climb up. Holding the right thumbstick for 40 seconds is the peak of fun. I've never been as bored with climbing in a game as I have with Breath of the Wild. And god help you if it's raining. Because BotW sorely needed that bit of realism, right?
I said the first game in the series was boring and repetitive. The first game. I liked the second game and its direct sequels but fell out of it after Unity. I also know jack about Breath of the Wild and was trying not to comment on it, but I got dragged into these silly little fanboy wars anyway.
Rain would've been a much better mechanic if it served more of a purpose IMO.
>Run up the stairs to my wife's bedroom. cape WHOOSHing behind me!
>Jump up and down on her bed while I chant "BANJO IS IN SMASH! BANJO IS IN SMASH!!!"
>Her new boyfriend wakes up and snaps at me as she groans
>"Stop it Jamal, he's just excited... go back to bed, Bryce."
>I head back to bed, less afraid after she defended me, humming the Banjo Kazooie theme song the way there.
>Turn on my PC
>My logon sound is the Mii creator music because lols!
>go to 4chins
>See this thread
>Am absolutely taken aback by the false comaprison of snore-sassins creed and Breath of The Wild
Yeah, um, you guys are just mad. Maybe, just maybe, mad because a game is SUCCESSFUL?
>Ding ding ding!
I think we have a winner.
>Days Since Yea Forums Bitched About Breath of the Wild:
Because I’m amazed that Botw’s success and good reception still makes people here mad.
Who is mad? Pointing at a dogshit and saying that it is indeed a dogshit does not make a person mad.
You must be autistic if you actually think people are genuinely mad at something so trivial.
You two are no different from this posterConstantly stirring up shitposting for the sake of "making people mad". This is exactly why it's hard to have a decent discussion on Yea Forums.
>it has been pic related since Yea Forums has been seething over BotW
fucking kek
How does a shit game sell well and get good critic/user reviews?
>shadow of the colossus but you can climb on anything lmao
Plenty of games do? Same as movies.
Are you asking why these people buy them? Ask them instead.
>and without any cool monsters or soul
Whenever a sony product sold well and got good reviews, we came to the rational conclusion that fanboys were paid off and/or have no standards. This reasoning always worked before. Don't see why it's no longer valid.
>imagine being this mad about a kids game
I wonder who's behind this post?
>imagine being an adult playing kiddy games