Other urls found in this thread:
What's the most well designed job and why is it Red Mage
Blue Mage says HELLO
a SAM main walks into the bar and double midares your gf's ass, what do you do?
That's not ShB BLM user
if anyone is gonna die its gonna be aymeric
and obviously daddy fortemps
>laptop broke
>won’t have all the jobs I wanted at 70, missing out on at least a week of Moogle/Namazu grind for ALC as well as frontlines roulette for Garo shit, going to have to scramble to clear out inventory space for all the shit the MSQ will throw at us
No, I’m not.
No I have to finish Eureka
I'm really shit at the game but I want to see and beat final form kefka, what do
someone is wanting a Final Fantasy giant monster game...
88 hours remain
No matter how Shadowbringer's MSQ starts, it's going to be shit that should have been in 4.56. Prove me wrong.
We know something is going to happen before we go to the first, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is up to halfway through level 70 or even 71 without stepping into a new zone.
leveling up with my girlfriend and 1.0 is basically a nightmare.
its so fucking long, the story's okay but I just want to get to fresher content such as Heavensward.
Ready for the concept art to ever be superior to the gameplay renders? Yeah.
1.0 is literally not in the game anymore
>hey WoL we found a thing at crystal tower go check it out
>in the first
I dont know why you think itll be dragged out
I'm going full DRK for the MSQ, but what job should be next on my list?
Why are people getting early access?
It's nearly time brothers
Why not?
If I buy Shadowbringers tomorrow on Steam will I get the Early Access code?
1.0 was before the re-release mate, game starts at 2.0
I havent been keeping up, does gunbreaker look like itll play significantly different from the other tanks or is it just more of the same
>run BA for the first time
>literally half of the raidgroup leaders are women
Reminder that even if you're not going DRK for ShB you should at least have prepared an edgy-themed glamour for your chosen job
the person who hosts the fucking /xivg/ meetups is a biological woman too
and everyone else says goodbye.
The fuck are they doing?
Malbro chads
What do you think of XIV streamers?
Fuck brown and white bunnies.
Who /ashbunny/ here?
Yeah, you get it instantly and you just register it on the Mogstation.
>the leaders of the Garlean empire are mostly reasonable and just people
>their soldiers are always shown murdering and raping everything that moves
gaius is a gay wiener head
What the fuck is this shit.
Never watched one and never will
I will hold the line when the flavor of the month wears off.
It's boomer time now.
Just get WHM AF1, it's the best one for classic WHM looks one and it's comfy af.
I don't know any. And don't want to know any
The wait to switch is actually killing me. I don't know what I'm going to do the entire day the servers are down.
I am but I wish everyone else would stop copying me. Reee.
git gud
>"hey guys, can you help me farm those spells in this lvl 50 dungeons with 5% droprate with no reward for you whatsoever? thanks!"
Truy the pinnacle of MMO design.
You know they really need to hire a marketing team who understands that this is a very niche game that will never appeal to the normalfag demo. These adds make no sense.
why on earth would you fucking buzz cut your hair
he looks like a goddamn egg jesus
>internal release dies in 4 days
Rip leg work.
Only a few more hours until I can play Bunbreaker...
Can anyone post their cute girls and their erp discord?
If anyone fucking touches a hair on either of their heads, WoL is gonna go fucking nuclear.
All AF's have been inferior to the originals.
>not as many glamour plates as there are classes
Does anyone have that pic with all the min and max heights for all the races??
women like mmo's in general when it comes to games, it happens.
then that, in MMO's I call the base expansion 1.0.
seeing as I can't play whatever came before a Realm Reborn..
This is a cool team up, strange but really nice. First respondents are bad ass.
Mr Happy's job summaries were ironically the best out of everyone from the media tour.
Plot Twist : The last, unrevealed area of ShBs is Garlemald
Now imagine how he would look like with longer hair. Getting a buzzcut was the right choice.
SAM or RDM, Anons?
>only set a glamour plate for my main job
Who /tankmain/?
not sam, twice
Don't trust these thighs.
That's cool if square gave out money for firefighters but, how is this marketing? What is the purpose of this?
SSS is you leg work
Well you are objectively wrong in all aspects and should shut the fuck up considering 1.0 is a distinct thing and often the subject of debate in these threads mostly larping contrarians pretending it was good
Gear is shared among multiple jobs.
SAM has literally no utility so its a trash job for shitters, go RDM
I heard it does literally no dps tho
I've been playing since 2.0 and as far as I can tell gil doesnt do anything
Me but no homo and no fur.
Neither, play SMN.
Honestly Yea Forums, would you forsake the 1st if it meant fucking her once?
This, BLM is so perfect that it is the only class to get more buttons than lose them.
>HW and SB sent you to a new zone in the very first quest
>ShB will be different for some reason
How retarded are you? It will be as simple as this user said
I'm going to go fucking nuclear if they dare touching them.
I'd give up Ala Mhigo as a whole for their immunity.
i'd do whatever she tells me, fuck the first
Firefighter job when?
if any of them kick the bucket, I swear I'm going to fucking __cry__
Watch the patch notes live reading stream.
>being poor
>That's cool if square gave out money for firefighters
>and Square Enix will match that donation, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000
Reminder that GNB and DNC will probably not have any Coil or 2.0 Primal weapons on top of the already confirmed No Ultimate weapons.
>queue for expert roulette
>get the burn
>all other party members are first timers
>wipe for 40-50 minutes on last boss
>finally beat him with ~6 minutes left
what even happens if timer expires bros
But why would you glam them all in the same way
the reward is the spell-drop and if you're begging to be carried for it they're either expecting to swap and get the spells themselves or they're just helping because they feel like it
This seems more like a charity thing than a commercial for shadowbringers
Because ARR and HW left off with the potential for that to happen. SB's MSQ ends with fucking nothing.
I'm all set bros
All tankmains are homofurs, user. Don't you read these threads? The random other user who said it surely can't be wrong.
it lets me buy things i need
you fucking stop this right now
You ever think about how this image is the result of like a decade of memes coalescing into something completely incomprehensible relative to the original? A derivative of a derivative of a derivative of a character from some shitty webcomic, combined with a meme spawned from a meme that came from a meme that started by mocking another meme originally meant to bait and mock people who play video games?
cute, I'll go for that then. I started the game yesterday so I'm still around level 20. Thanks user.
This faggot image needs to stop being posted, you look so goddamn ugly. Hrothgars will be played by the worst of the gay ass furries and you should be ashamed to be one you closeted homosexual furry momo bitch ass nugget.
>Black rose attack on Ishgard while we're away in another dimension
She's going to kill the Word of the Mother so that the whole world can have the blessing of the light!
Not really if you are so thirsty for pussy you can always punch some nunh and get yourself a harem.
There's a reason they're the leaders and not Sirs Murders-and-Rapes-a-lot
I really hope for some ARR style locations. There were corridors from XIII right but a lot of them look very good. You kinda "feels" good. Like forest areas
1.23 was a good patch though
Charity work is a great vehicle for self-promotion. See AGDQ
How much does rested EXP matter at the start of expansions? I want to level my Gatherers while waiting for Friday (all three are level 15) so I'd blow through my rested EXP in like 20 mins.
It's actually Hydaelyn
Sure, i'll just ask the 0 other blue mages who are currently looking to do the same content, and i'll do that for EVERY SINGLE SPELL
is the preorder stuff worth it?
Redpill me on SMN and I may just do that.
it's simply meme evolution at work, nothing to it but to sit back and watch it grow
copedialate pefotrannygayfurcuntbitchfaggot
>finished all of 3.X MSQ
>stuck in 60 jail
which non-NIN job should I level during the wait? I don't have a role preference.
just do what I do and rip people off horribly on the marketboard, I have over 70 mil rn and I've never crafted and only occasionally sell gathered junk
Are you tripping? The homo and fur part of my post was obviously directed at the fact your race is the homofur race.
So we can all agree this is the best countdown art for Shad Ow Bringers right?
Are they ever going to fix Blue Mage?
As long as my boy Honoroit makes it i'll manage.
>0 other blue mages
Start a BLU farm-party for a spell you don't have right now and marvel at how quickly it actually does fill up, either with people wanting to help or other BLUs
If you don't have any spells to learn, I win
I have never bought or sold a single item on the marketplace. I have ~5 million gil, just from vendoring everything and gil bonus for being tank in roulettes. What do I even spend money on in this game?
Only Arthars and Xeno are watchable.
My autism compelled me to make this. It's hard to judge how big some AoEs are just based on the animation. Shit like Quick Knock and Spread Shot are WAY bigger than their animation implies.
Nigga all areas are hydaelyn
Because glamour doesn't change with job change. If you autistically change glamour everytime you change job in the same role, you should feel bad.
I recommend a healer, or DRK for MSQ flavor
God of AOE, so many buttons you'll feel like mozart composing a symphony while doing your standart rotation and summoning bahamut is satisfying AS FUCK.
SMN/SCH if you want to level two jobs at once
they're not going to be walking around as blue mages retard, put up a pf and they'll change before joining your party
Whatever is most fun for you, user.
I like roes getting thrown a bone
its charity shit lads, theyve got it plastered all over SGDQ
are the codes for the expansion available yet or are they sending them 1-2 days before EA
Fuck off to vg tranny
Help! How the fuck do I get a cute turret gf?
Helps enough to allow you to level noticeably faster than others in dungeons
Could someone please give me a milk&chocolate Viera preset without a monstrous overbite?
Probably should have added which aoe goes with which range.
Pretty fucking surreal how all that started from a frog taking a piss.
>He doesn’t play NIN.
Explain yourself.
>No cool crossover fantasy first responder outfit
>Mfw the Ala Mhigo meeting is happening
>Sri Lakshmi is summoned again
>Actually mutter “not this bitch again...” under my breath
>Mfw you and Arenvald using the echo to stop an onslaught of temperance orbs
>Mfw there’s too many, and Fordola rushes in to save the day
>Mfw at the end of the fight, Lakshmi starts chaincasting divine denial
>Fordola puts up a shield to protect the group
>Mfw attacking Lakshmi and Fordola yells “Kill her! You have to kill her NOW” as the life drains from her body
>The entire time the godlike Lakshmi theme is playing in the background
>That last scene with the old man that thanks her and she sheds a tear as she goes back to her cell
Fuck, I loved that entire segment. A lot of the MSQ is a fucking slog but man when it hits those high points, it really nails them.
Is DNC going to be fun to play?
can a roe and a lala make children together?
why is alex jones narrating this
Happens once every 9 months or so but when it happens, they do good.
Enjoy your ban
>those massive milkers
Between this new countdown image and the Billie Eliesh webms that keep getting posted on Yea Forums I think I'm starting to become a tits guy
It's official, FFXIV killed WoW.
if you pre order it on the SE store they send you an early access code that you can immediatly enter
I only expected shit from their level cap and up like SAM and RDM had.
>want to main DNC
>don't want to be behind the MSQ
What do I do bros?
I don't enjoy it.
Stop giving it attention unless you're self posting. Still. Stop.
I have 0 comfortable keybinds where I could put mudras because all my keybinds follow a very specific set of rules across all my classes.
I was always told I can't play it without
Started as WAR, then went AST, then tried MCH and DRG- haven't liked DPS classes as much as tanking so far
Not gonna curse my youtube with endless Assmong recommendations by clicking on that.
>classic wow is already dead
wow who could have predicted it
Remember when they teamed up with the Red Cross for SB?
Just level it to 70 when Raubahn EX 2.0 happens
All line and circle AoEs are the same size except for limit breaks. Only the handful of cone AoEs are different. Rockbreaker is 5y, Fuga is 6y, Overpower and Flamethrower are 8y, Spread Shot and Quick Knock are 12y.
It's all the same in Shadowbringers except Apex Arrow is a 15y line AoE. All of MCH's new cone AoEs are 12y.
Get a friend and level DNC really fast.
A friend and I will alternate, I'll level DNC first while he runs GNB then we'll switch.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
I need a DNC glamour that doesn't make me a slut, what do
is that all you need or do you get a separate code for the actual expansion
asking because already claimed the EA stuff
Not gonna lie. Seeing Varis individually BTFO every single member of the alliance when they tried to talk shit made my dick hard. Literally destroyed them with FACTS and LOGIC
Do MSQ first to give time for the bandwagoners to filter away from the job then play DNC.
>No Yotsuyu trust that shoots everything then steppies on them.
>and the Billie Eliesh webms that keep getting posted on Yea Forums
Mind quoting me to one of these my good man?
>tfw best friend is going to be away for early access
>will be 4 days late
>me and our other friends agreed to level GNB/DNC while we wait for them so we can all progress the MSQ together
we could just do the MSQ but its just not the same without all of us
Shit job with low dps. nobody actually likes you, they only like trick attack.
This. I don't like him but his videos actually showed what he was talking about. Merri's videos were good too but far too few.
Will be remedied a bit with ShB getting 15 plates. That'll be four tank plates (GNB/PLD/DRK/WAR), three healer plates (AST/WHM/SCH), three ranged DPS plates (MCH/BRD/DNC), two melee DPS plates (MNK/SAM) and three caster DPS plates (BLM/RDM/SMN). Dragoon and Ninja don't share gear so you don't need a plate for them unless you're refreshing their glamour often, ie getting dungeon gear
So, what you're saying is, probably should have added which aoe goes with which range.
SB solo duties are really good for the most part, except for the low effort shit like Gilgawolf and Hien vs Zenos, (although the WoL distance messages still made that kino) it's a shame we'd have to go through Lyse's fist clenching again to replay them
tfw ruining my rested exp finishing off BTN
Theoretically they can but the result would probably look like a D&D dwarf, stumpy and muscular-chisel faced
Just delete it from your watch history afterwards
>worry about doing msq slower than people who rush
How do we rid ourselves of the annoying queer menace?
He said best, not worst.
How much longer until they do some cringy XIV MSQ speedrun at AGDQ?
Started as a BRD, moved on to DRK for HW and now i was thinking of leveling a NIN while i wait for SB. I wish i was better at tanking, but it seems being a DPShitter is the best i can.
>Saw this pop up in my notifications
>read the title thinking it's a new hype video
>it actually has nothing to do with the game at all
T-thanks Yoshi...
>Eorzea leaders: stop raping and murdering people
>Varis: but we live in a society
great facts and logic faggot
They need to fucking change the way fucking loot works in raids.
Make no loot coffers drop when clearing a raid unsynced, but keep the pages.
I'm so fucking tired of seeing faggots running around with the gobwalker/midan weapons/ahhrideus and acting like they earned it when in reality they just burned a boss down and ignored all mechanics.
He had nothing for Kan-E
dab on all those people that said that Classic was going to kill FFXIV.
How would they even get the poison gas there?
BLMs fight with fire all the time.
only play with friends
Fanta to male and take the Bartzpill.
>see! Ishgard resolved their differences and made peace with the dragons!
>was that before or after you murdered their king?
i'm not sure, it showed me an early access code, and an empty field for the actual expansion, but i can't imagine that you have to enter 2 codes, why wouldn't you have shadowbringers if you have early acess?
Is there a lot of pet micromangement involved? Like positioning for example?
>absolutely no crafters
>get a friend
You could have just asked to have it posted.
Anyone got ones for Sultana and Hein?
What a shitty tattoo.
is there any sense in rushing ? people are probably going to get fucked over and stuck like they always have on an expansion launch, may as well earn your 10 levels while things are getting ironed out
gridania is the worst, they are a country run by 100 year old children who disappear people they don't like and zombify them if they're feeling generous
>not browsing with incognito mode everytime
I mean it's not THAT much better but still helps with this shit.
How long do you suppose it would take to level a tank from 70 to 80 just by doing daily roulettes? Longer than a week? Kinda want to advance through the story on my DPS offspec because the queues are so longer and level up main tank spec just by doing daily stuff. Terrible idea Y/N?
my FC is full of NEETs who are going to be power rushing through the msq
I'd like to see a michael jackson dancer glamour.
crafting is simply too big brain for me
in 4 more days you'll never have to worry about this again
Here we have todays speedrun, final fantasy XIV.
We'll pick one of the tanks since they have instant queues and we'll start by doing a known speedrun strategy which is to go to the mogstation and buy a level and a story skip, that will save us roughly 2 weeks in the game.
>1 more week of gameplay to go through SB and early ShB.
Never because I'm pretty sire they don't allow online only games
It ain't that hard mate, all you gotta do is talk to people sometimes.
Either that or blackmail some childhood/high school friends into playing with you, that's what I did.
Simple. I don't think nothing of them because there is no fun in watching people streaming an MMO game for me.
I'm worried about coming to these threads more than anything and people just spoiling all the story shit.
what job does garry sinise play bros
>t. Angry hypocritical savage
As someone who mostly played EQ1 and EQ2 as my main MMO's (also bunch of others including FFXI), I'm thinking about returning to the MMO genre. Is it too late to join in on FFXIV?
Also never liked WoW, so have no intention to join in on WoW Classic.
Why are they calling beta to a game build that was finished 15 years ago again?
Almost none unless you're at autistic raiding tiers. And that's only for the next few days, job is getting reworked in 5.0
Someone shop a firefighter hat on Yoshi and put Spiderman in that image RIGHT FUCKING NOW
You have it backwards, glamour plates exist BECAUSE jobs share gear. If every job had unique gear it would be trivial to glamour all of them with the basic Glamour Prism consumables. Plates exist for those jobs that do share gear with another but you wish to have look different without having to apply Prisms every time you change jobs.
As long as you respect the content (i.e. Elementals) you're fine. Better than Ul'dah's lalajews or Limsa's cutthroats de su.
I'm abandoning these thread when patch will be downloadable until I'm done with the story.
yeah it's too late, if you start playing now yoshida personally shows up at your house and shoots your kneecaps off
I've been a bit out of the loop, are SMN and SCH losing the pet hotbar?
White mage male lala
because they're taking what was already a finished project and hamfisting modern wow code into it and hoping it works
i dont get it either
>plays an mmo for story
I really hope they will up the texture resolution on armors. Bulls cape looks so awful in every scene.
If I dc mid cutscene, will the game skip the cutscene or roll back to where I can play it again from the start? Please, this is important.
I wish all the teenage edgelords who want to join the Garleans would fuck off from this game
I want a Final Fantasy Kaiju game where you play as the giant creature through out.
>Ala Mhigo invaded Gridania for literally no reason in the past
>This is never brought up and Kana-E happy to help them
Getting left behind at the start ensures you'll lose your spot in the static
In lore is possible, but the child will almost always take on the race of the mother, with maybe some traits of the father.
XIV is all about the story, what are you doing?
So don't come to the threads????
I'm not sure if you're here or if this actually matters, but just in case:
I had some trouble registering my early access yesterday, and I have a feeling it's because I tried using caps lock. I put in the code with it on, with it off, and it only went through when I held shift down for the capital letters. Very weird.
they basically ported everything from vanilla to the modern WoW client. so expect bugs during the porting process.
>dungeon roulette
>whm starts flirting with you after a few pulls
>ignore it because it's probably a tranny
I wish I was 16 and innocent again. I get super suspicious whenever someone does anything nice for me now, as if I expect them to be doing it out of a joke.
He has a custom made gunblade now.
>had to resort to ad hom for Aymeric and blaming the padjal slut for Louisoix's actions (which incidentally were only done because Garlemald summoned a primal)
>only at sirensong sea in stormblood
im not gonna make it am i
I don't care if I get banned for spoiling but the moment I see the mysterious man saying he's g'raha i'm going to post it.
And... It can have single player and multiplayer mode.
>not avoiding threads until you complete the story
>mfw i can't do that cause i will have to go through SB first
At least i'll be able to visit the threads.
losing pet bar and pets can't die. pet attacks will just be normal attacks on your hotbar like your other moves.
just leave, like everyone else will do, and come back to discuss whatever joys / shit shadowbringers gives us.
No???????? Savage happens weeks after release dumbass
But I want her to step on me, not them.
Gosetsu is such a lucky man.
Do NOT come here once maintenance starts. You have been warned.
FFXIV is literally a WoW clone. Basically the exact same game except no AP grind, titanforging, or world PvP.
if you speedrun it you will make it
XIV is all about the story nigger where the hell do you think all the fun memes come from every MSQ patch
The Elementals are fucking dick heads though. Like half the FATEs in the shroud are the elementals being pissed off from trivial shit like eating the wrong plant
>stuff that never happened
I wish I had the one for Aymeric. I love Aymeric, I really do, but Varis absolutely bodybagged him in that parley. He got destroyed the hardest.
Fuck no you aren't
>killing primals is okay when Garlemald does it
>lil lalaboys with roe sized nuts
I-I see
I wonder what the combat should be like...
>XIV is all about the story
FFXIV is WoW but better mechanically and in presentation.
it's 100% a tranny, don't ever fall for it.
I didn't for the longest time but then I ran out of jobs I was interested in leveling and now it's one of my favorites.
>England and France fight 500 wars over 500 years
>help each other fight Germany
>Garleans try to destroy all of Eorzea and were going to let loose Bahamut on the entire world
>Abloo-bloo you're endangering the world using the Twelve to stop them
Get fucked, Varis
I just wish the internet was like it was when I was 16. People were nicer, assholes weren't as sincere, and cunts were easy to laugh at.
Don't. Abandon all threads and boards. Hide your in-game chat too. Shut it all down.
Trolling fugee
What's the equivalency to this in FFXIV?
>All those faggots who told me SAM's AF wasn't partially based on Auron
>New AF is literally Auron to a T
Feels good that retards can't into character design.
If you liked EQ and hated WoW you will hate FFXIV.
i'm ready bro
Is this referencing when the ratikitaka forest area goes up in flames?
Would explain Yuyuhase's JP voice at least.
I remember when shitposting used to be an art and not just using reaction images.
Out of curiosity, why do you think it's better mechanically? Last time I checked around WotLK-Cata WoW was really good on that end.
I like the chocobo ass hairstyle
it happens more than you know. i inspect peoples gear sometimes because i like certain pieces and 90% of the time they whisper me flirting
XIV is all about savage content, what are you doing?
>Do you guys not skip Soar?
it's not fair bros, it should be a tank set
I loved seeing this dumb shit getting obliterated into the next expansion by words alone.
You ask me how a multi million dollar company fails to release a finished and solved game when a slav can emulate it almost perfectly in his basement with a server which is cooled by grandma's compot jars? I have no fucking idea, but its blizzard so they get away with it. And the "devoted playerbase" (read: addict junkies, who can't get high and always want more) eat it up.
Nah all of the things Varis said were bullshit except when he BTFO Merlwyb. He just had the presence and charisma required to bullshit confidently enough to throw everyone off their game.
FFXIV has a billon times better story, aesthetics, community, and developer, but it's fundamentally the same game, except in a far crappier engine.
>Never brought up
BRD 60-70 quests, I'm still in the middle of them but they relate to the old Ala Mihgo-Gridanian war.
It's actually brought up in the bard questline. It's a non issue because the alamhigo king at the time was autistic, not the people.
This. He really had nothing on Gridania.
I'll keep it in mind my dude, thank you.
Help me Yea Forums only you can do it.
More like
>they were the only ones I watched
I'm not even saying MTQ were the best, but I liked how simple they were, you obviously missed the best ones
>implying zoomers know the difference
you'll be put just before you initiated the scene. if you're in a dungeon though you'll skip it
If you’re too lazy to put the effort into crafting, then go do some treasure maps with your friends/FC when the expansion drops. If you don’t have friends, go do bunny chests in Eureka and pray for an expensive drop. If you want to make gil with zero effort, send your retainers on one-hour ventures and sell what they bring back. Be a penny-pincher in general, shit adds up.
for fuck sake i thought it was Alex Jones's voice
Seek help.
>finish the 60-70 tournament arc for pld
>lol there's no prize
i hate this fucking class so much
He literally didn’t though. Ishgard (well, really the WoL) has to kill Nidhogg before any peace could be made...which was Varis’ whole point, that sometimes peace can not be made until war is had. The shit with him being a bastard son and a weak leader was just the extra cherry on top of the “fuck you” pie.
Which is more fun, MNK or SAM?
It really confuses me that they know for a fact beastmen respond to hostilities by summoning primals.
Why wouldn't they just dupe them into an alliance and make them docile.
Maybe it could idk, have lots of high octane action and many many many combos and also have magical abilities.
who here going to make an alt and stand near the GUB quest giver and spoil all the datamined stuff come friday?
Embrace the way of the Samurai!
WoW Classic is going to destroy this game
more like
>Do you guys not have limit breaks?
No Titanforging is a good thing
>my tale of an immortal being with ridiculous plot armor is better than your tale of your immortal being with ridiculous plot armor
I give you that, XIV aesthetics are better
Nidhogg was not a primal
Still might look slutty but I really want some fan throwing weapons to make anji
Neither. Play a real class like NIN or BRD.
One day we'll get a hairstyle that tops it
Lucky Viera getting great new hairstyles
The 28th comes... don't let me die bros...
I too, like to look at tooltips and not see the attack in action so I can commit it to memory. Hurrrrffhfdhhdur
having the entire raid depend on your shit is ridiculously stressful, i play it in stuff like primals though
Reminder that the Garleans are the best and most righteous cause while the Eorzeans are all self-destructive morons who shit all over their citizens except maybe Ishgard
Classic is already dead
oh no no no no
too late asmong is already shitting on classic
I didn't mean to imply otherwise.
FFXIVs engine shits all over WoW.. WoW doesn't even properly support multi core CPUs. That's why your FPS in Modern WoW raids is than in FFXIV raids despite WoW being less graphically intense.
beastmen respond to fucking everything by summoning primals, whether you're hostile to them or not
there comes a point where someone needs to fucking stop them for good instead of giving them a slap on the wrist and coming back later to deal with the regularly scheduled weekly primal summoning
take the MCH pill
unless you are a burger and live on the east coast
Are there other guides besides Happy's/MTQ's even? Admittedly i'm still looking at older content (pre-HW dungeons and such, mostly cause i'm playing a tank and i have to know what to do) and i only find guides from these 2.
Enjoy your ban
>SAM armour
>Not based on the only iconic FF Samurai character aside from Cyan
What a foolish notion.
your FPS in Modern WoW raids is WORSE than in FFXIV*
I guess you can always use the Amatsu set for that armored samurai feel. The Doman-colony Garlean set also has a nice aesthetic. Wish we could dye either of those.
sb nin sucks to play and i hate it
i'll probably go back in shad tho
gross understatement desü
And perhaps the special edition can come with its own artbook and trading cards and even a few statues.
>waaaaah, why won't the videogame let me be a fantasy Nazi?
I am a canuck that lives in southern Ontario.
home bros...
I'm not a support cuckold.
Every single thing he said was true. That was the point, that’s why they all felt unconfortable. They even admit that going in they thought they would be able to bullshit harder, but he denied them because he unexpectedly knew more about their history than they anticipated.
brute justice was pure kino
>want to play SHB MCH
>dont want to deal with leveling with SB MCH
i hate it
>watching guides for dungeons
There's hardly any mechanic that can kill you in dungeons as a tank.
When you start raiding all the best guide are written ones and not videos.
Sup bros, I'm looking for Gnberd. Has anyone seen him?
You'll get permabanned so knock yourself out.
I used to love WoW. I think at some point GC said it best, WoW got and stayed popular because it had satisfying, responsive gameplay.
WoW now kind of fucked everything up. All classes are combo builders but it happens too fast so individual hits feel less important and have less impact. Way more auto-dots and multi-hit abilities make the feedback even worse. I went back to check out WoW recently and the only class that felt goid to pkay at all was Arcane mage and they have like, four attack buttons now. It sucks.
I don’t think FFXIV combat is very good honestly, but it’s better than that shit at least. BLM was conceived as a rip off of Fire Mage and Arcane mage stitched together, and now it BTFOs them both. Blizzard really fucked up somewhere.
Fuck outta here
I really wish Ishgard becomes a full-fledged 4th city eventually. I wanna join the Templar Knights GC and live in Ishgard.
You missed the point of the scene then. Everything he says is hypocrisy. Yeah there had to be war before peace was made; unlike Garlemald they considered peaceful coexistence to be that and not "eradicate and/or enslave absolutely everyone and accept no other outcome". Yeah Eorzeans tried to summon the Twelve which might have destroyed the world; but they only did so to stop the much worse primal that Garlemald summoned from definitely destroying the world. Hell even the shit with the Kobolds is considered a mistake by the Eorzeans while it's considered "good and just" by the Garleans
I've been leveling it with PvP
play SB MCH to better appreciate SHB MCH
Avoid everything FFXIV related that isn't official when the maintenance starts, and keep it that way until you are done with the MSQ.
I didn't follow that advice and got spoiled that the sultana lives in HW.
That was Nael going rogue after he/she got tempered by Bahamut. The Emperor had no idea what Nael was actually doing as Nael wasn't reporting Project Meteors true goal
have you ever interracted with anyone in game? You could just say "hi" to a person in game and they'll hit you with "Wow what a cute character :3c"
WoW doesn't have garbage animation locking and allows you to properly run and casflt abilities without shifting direction. It's embarrasing that WoW engine which is literally a twenty years old juryrigged Warcraft 3 engine blows FFXIV out of the water in smoothness of gameplay.
you are too weak willed to play a tank or even a melee dps so dnc or mch
What are you talking about? Varis had nothing on Aymeric, that's why he only brought up his dad to throw him off. He deflected him at best.
Classic is already dead
I don't think most of them knew Bahamut was in that moon.
>I wanna join the Templar Knights GC
Same. Sadly this would fuck up PvP so it will never happen.
I want to put a demigod baby in Nophica's womb.
Ishgard > Garlemand > Doma > Gridania > Ala Mhigo >>> Ul'dah >>>>>>>>>> Limsa Lominsa
You cannot argue against this.
I don't play a tranny cat or lizard and I don't play on crystal, so no.
FFXIVs class balance is better than BFA. FFXIVs client is better optimized than BFA.
FFXIVs raid mechanics aren't designed to be tuned around the expectation that every player in the raid is using DBM.
FFXIVs crafting shits all over WoWs crafting.
FFXIV supports multiple control schemes out of the box, WoW only supports KB+M.
etc etc etc
Final steps of faith nidhogg was a primal.
Estinien hatred towards dragon mixed with nidhogg hate towards humans + a massive amount of aether stored in the eyes = primal.
That's how he's able to switch forms so easily after he's killed in the aery.
>Doma > Gridania
stop smoking crack
It needs to be a really long one and able to customize the party and able to buy from the store ingame.
You know you can turn off auto-face target right? It's mainly on by default for controller players
Animation cancelling is cancer. FF has weight to everything and WoW does not. It's all autistic jerking around.
WoW crafting might as well not even exist nowadays.
>Yeah Eorzeans tried to summon the Twelve which might have destroyed the world; but they only did so to stop the much worse primal that Garlemald summoned from definitely destroying the world
So he basically got mad when the alliance decided to respond to their nuke with an even bigger nuke?
Why the fuck do you brain dead tasteless retards like Ishgard so much? It's big, empty, soulless, dirty, cold, dark, and has literally no personality whatsoever
Why are BRD AF's so lewd?
I've never played PvP so please explain why to ignorant me.
GDQ advertisement is doing far more than this will.
>200 bucks for 52mil
lmao the absolute state of noncrafters
You know our man Gaius worked with you to stop Nael, right?
can monk fags tell me what is wrong with their class this expansion?
WoW prevents you from attacking behind you using spells, which I hate. The fact that they auto-rotate the character to face the target is just an aesthetic choice.
When will the merge ARR zones for each region into one big zone to allow flying and swimming?
>Implying I’ll even have my chat log visible during Stormblood
Knock yourself out
Exactly like most of the posters here.
I'd sooner spend the rest of my life in fucking Idyllshire than ever set foot in Doma again. Fuck this entire expansion.
You're a cat, you wouldn't understand.
>Gaius on our side
I can't fucking wait.
You're going to be banned pretty much instantly I know you're not actually doing this though, you just want yous
the same time they make the time to go gut all the garbage 1.0 code and finally fix that shit.
>dumbfuck post
>retarded cat poster
they still exist
Are Early Access and regualr Shadow Bringers separate on mog station or the same thing?
What's the lore behind this scene?.
What exactly the Holy dude from Ishgard saw before die?.
>the engine is better
>that awful fucking netcode
>targeted AoEs can miss their own target (like overpower)
>the underlying sphagetti of the inventory system that has half the menus disable the bag functions
xiv is great but nigger please
>he doesn't know
it's clear you never played WoW in 2019 or FFXIV today.
I got 90ms on average, how do I fair up?
WoL draining aether around.
>picked up MCH since HW dropped
>no matter what ups and downs it had, trying anything else just made me switch back to it after one duty
>mfw seeing all these newfags left and right ready for the big day
Puts a sadistic smile on my face because I know they hate it right now but don't want to be lvl fucking 30.
I still miss grenado shot, they should have given that back if it was going to be more tool focused.
Because every PvP map is designed to be a 3 group free-for-all. They literally cannot add a fourth without changing every single map.
At best being Ishgardian could make you a freelancer (goes into one of the 3 at random) but that sounds messy with premade groups.
server core does not equal game engine retard
He realized you are a primal.
>can't add people to friend list while in queue
my favorite
>Anything that isn't fucking DisneyLand has no personality.
Maybe I like Gothic architecture, snow, poverty, armored knights and the church, you limp wristed heretic.
I don't know why we lost it in the first place.
Old man shat his pants after he thought he was god and we kicked his ass.
>Did you make peace with the dragons before or after killing their ruler?
Aymeric and by extension Ishgard was the closest nation in terms of methodology to Varis in that fucking room.
Damn dude imagine all of the giant monster fights in that game and maybe even Colosseum type VS battles.
During interview they said that it meant nothing.
>authoritarian expansionist empire fighting to preserve the world against apocalypse events that happen at an alarming frequency against the wishes of shitty corrupt nations who cry about empire soldiers doing the same shit they do to others in wartime
>leader's main goal is to revert every race back into a perfect one with no preferential treatment to even his own race
It does seem like WoW suffered from excessive pruning but I didn't try so I can't tell. It's been so long. I'm 3 months into XIV and the game still feels kinda unresponsive at times, the dots/hots being tied to server ticks really is a bad thing in my opinion. Really could use an engine/network overhaul.
We don't know.
It is a new engine, how does it have 1.0 code?
If you pre-order ShB you get an early access code and the earring and the minion. They are the same thing.
I'm subbed to FFXIV right now. Played less than a month total of WoW in the past five years, though. Are you saying Blizzard actually changed their engine responsiveness?
I will give you 13million gil for a time card
try get that down to 50 if possible, its still playable, but you will probably clip your oGCD's in wildfire
I fucking loved HW MCH, I was pretty pissed off with the SB changes, but I still played it and got used to it, but I'm still crushed we will never play HW MCH again
i posted this last time and you obviously didn't watch it
How new are you? Yoshi has voiced many times that the game was built using pieces of 1.0 as a base. We are stuck with their spaghetti code pretty much forever.
>FF14 last 4 threads auto saged in under an hour
>WOW threads can’t even break 500 posts
They know autists are too stupid to grasp things like tone and emotion, so they're not gonna bother to try.
That does suck a lot, I guess at most we'll get housing then.
What world?
Nothing's wrong with them, it's just that NIN and DRG exist.
1.0 was made with crystal tools, 2.x was made with luminous engine. It's not the same code.
Because BRD and MCH had to match for some stupid reason. I still hate that we lost the old barrel because understandably wanderer's had to change.
That's sad.
I thought that he saw our truly identity, something beyond that being a slave of a fucking big crystal.
>she will never get any new lines
What a shame, her jap voice made me rock hard.
It's more about how based Aymeric is and how post HW it's the only reasonably governed Eorzean nation besides maybe Ala Mhigo which has the downside of having a braindead moron as their leader because of nepotism
>thinking WoL is actually tempered
Or it could rotate factions.
But that would make sense.
She's a fucking retard who thought berserk mastery was a new trait.
Haven't played WoW since MoP so maybe my opinion is invalid now, but it's XIV that feels weightless compared to it.
It's a different engine but we still use lines of code from 1.0. Don't be dumb. Yoshi has literally commented on this.
What boss is this I completed the whole MSQ but I never fought this guy?
For a slave we sure spend a lot of time doing shit that doesn't help hydaelyn. Like crafting or doing minigames for mgp.
SB alliance raids.
I really admire the Garo guy because his art is like taking your school note book demon doodles and turning it into professional art.
>Spikes upon spikes upon horns upon spikes.
>Asymmetrical as fuck.
>Autistic attention to detail.
Who is this crazy lookin badass, did i miss some stormblood content
It'd be neat if you got to fly in the game and explore open world environments for each place you visit in the world map and go onto many different side quests...
What if the extra dungeon isn't a post-game dungeon, but a second lvl 80 MSQ dungeon?
Every so often I post an obscure item for gil cap in the hopes some day a bored craft lord will buy it.
What ilvl is the new AF gear?
>there are people that ACTUALLY think the WoL is a primal
I don't understand how people this stupid managed to work out how to use a computer.
>Varis had nothing on Aymeric
>Aymeric argues they made peace with their former enemy
>Varis says they only did that after slaughtering their leader and how they used war to get what they wanted and they only sued for peace after the fact
sounds like Aymeric got BTFO to me, Varis knew all of their dirty laundry and simply let them know their honeyed words won't going to work because of it, because at the end of the day, they really aren't that much different to Varis, they only like to think they are
490 probably.
Don't remember all details about WoW. But I think XIV has kinda "weird" physics or something. For example when you use NIN teleport or jump or any gap closer you don't actually teleport or jump. You can't solve jump puzzle in Kugane like this. But in WoW you can. Or at least I remember you can. Hell in XIV you can't even fall down from "map boarders".
24man in Stormblood. Quest can be picked up in Kugane, the first one is called Dramatis Personae
yikes retard
if previous xpacs are anything to go off of, 430
If I donate 50k will I get a cool mount?
WoW niggers ITT seething
We aren't going to be ilvl 500 at the start of 5.0 you complete idiot
And then people who don't have freelancer on get double-length queues. PvP in this game isn't popular enough to justify that.
It will be another 8 man to get people into the msq queue.
You do realize models, animations and other shit comes from 1.0 right? It doesn't necessarily means they're using 1.0 code mainly when the engine is completely new.
Gaius is going to bring the heart of sabik to the First and we will cast ultima to nuke the sin eater Boss with darkness
Maybe they could do something for enhancements and have a skill tree too,
I wonder what the story would be like?
Also Ishgard actually feels like a home you earned. You're pretty much a Fortemps now, and are treated as such.
Please don't kill my dad, squeenix
That's Thunder God from Orbonne Monastery
>be WOL and the champion of Eorza
>Everyone sees you as a Hero, the good etc
>Suddenly in one of the most important scenes in HS you appear like an evil /spooky "shadow"
>90 isn't good enough
From what I know MCH is even more ping reliant in ShB, looks like it's finally time to hang up the MCH coat.
Eh, I embrace it. Haven't even reached HW so at this point it'll take me years to reach to ShB's plot specially with my current job schedule.
Anyone else miss kiting? It’s just barely functional in this game. BRD/MCH/SMN can just barely do it, but most mobs move fast as your character and can autoattack from 9001 yards away. Though telegraphs letting you get distance is nice. But everything has a leash of like 5ft.
It just feels weird playing ranged in this game after playing it in like, any other. BLMs stand there and let a mob beat on them because their roots and slows are useless and the mob damage outside if telegraphs is non threatening (because of health regen, but still high enough and mobs spread out enough that AoE is no good either). Not to mention they interrupt a very specific rotation. And Now in Shadowbringers the roots are just going away too. This sucks on ice.
Ah, ok so its the final 24 man. I forgot to unlock and do that one, TY
Don't you want a nice house and lot in Ishgard?
Same, like I said I could only stand playing that job multiple duties in a row so I dealt with it.
Killed it even more for me when they nerfed the heat gain and condemned it to the most static rotation on earth, despite ironically having a coinflip for every shot to proc.
Anyone else expecting the final boss of ShB to be Hydaelyn?
He has some of the most badass battle lines as well.
Meant 435.
still don't know what to main so i'm just going to have to level every job to 80 and see what sticks
likely 420-430, why the fuck would we jump nearly 100 ilvls at the start of the expansion?
Stop talking out if your ass. Yoshi has LITERALLY cited the shitty 1.0 coding as reasons for why he cannot do certain things.
No. This is not last expac.
No it's not, once you get to R300 it turns into "who presses supersprint first wins".
NIN Shukuchi, DRG jump, RDM disengage, etc only take Y coordinates into account. So that's why you can backflip over a small gap but immediately fall down into a pit instead of hopping over it.
They wouldnt pull that out yet. You'll probably fight Minfilia's old body as Hydaylens emissary, but not mommy herself until the last expansion
Only 1 day until those faggots go crawling back to grinding WQs and reps and cite their usual garbage reasons for staying with WoW.
that would be retarded
>SB AF gear is 290
>HW highest gear was 208
>Highest Weapon in SB is 405
You guys just blow in from stupid town?
Meanwhile, in nipland:
Hydelayn died a long time ago, as did Zodiark. The Ascians are trying to pump a dead being full of aether to bring it back, and it will fail
Class balance is much easier for xiv considering each class in wow has multiple specs and although mostly pruned now, can customise their gear/talents to a degree. I prefer ffxivs raids but the gearing system is so shallow and there is absolutely no customisation for each class.
XIV has an issue with there being just too many skills for the sake of it, that aren't situational. You need to be using almost all of them all the time. Not that it's overly difficult to manage, it's just cumbersome.
I've got shadowbringers pre ordered but I wish there was more gear with more options on how to build each job, with deep customisation.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
nidhogg and his cronies would never ever listen to reason, eorzea just wants the empire to stop invading and killing and raping their people, just because both sides use violence doesn't mean that they're suddenly equal in morality
>can't achieve
Clearly it's implying that we'll become Zodiark after shitting up the first with darkness, All a part of the Ascians master plan
Are you talking about the Doman Enclave? Kugane which is a shipping merchant city is NOT part of Doma
>90 isn't good enough
90 is good enough
No, he blamed PS3 and the 32 bit limitation. It has nothing to do with 1.0.
soloed the last ten percent of king moogle as a BRD when rest of my group died to AoE two days ago by kiting him around
AF gear is our starter gear you fucking idiot. We aren't going to jump up ONE HUNDRED ITEM LEVELS at the fucking START.
>HW highest gear 208
Look at this retard
Except they did ask for peace.
And they killed 13 guys who were going GENOCIDE THE WHOLE PLANET.
And then one dragon was like sure ok and another went nuclear because he had a death wish.
A couple executions of anarchists is not the same as waging war. Varis also did the exact same thing. His argument with Aymeric was utterly flawed, more so than any other.
If she's dead who's the crystal? Who's controlling Minfilia? Who's the voice in my head telling me about the light and shit
Even Asmongoloid said he didn't give a fuck about 8.2
>shitpost at the start of the thread
>leave for like half an hour to cook dinner
>already at bump limit
our servers are going to be so fucked aren't they
Maybe it could have a setting of an ancient world from long ago, there are tons of possibilites for the type of story it could be in.
Maybe a few aspects from Final Fantasy VII and some other great FF games could be in there for the overall feel for a few places.
I hope you're trolling because jesus christ dude
>Starting gear, literally the third best set until 5.1
Ah i see, you're retarded.
Class lost most of it's complexity, lost most of it's oGCDs, still has RoF slowdown despite not having the glut of oGCDs to justify it, and generally just has nothing going for it.
It benefits YOU, user. YOU tempered the WoL.
Yoshida: We went through desperate measures to create the main scenario this time. The story will accelerate towards the end of one section of FFXIV's story. Players might even worry about the amount of reveals and be anxious about the game ending soon.
Thanks for confirming the whole retard thing.
Who indeed, user. Who indeed.
I'll look into mudfish
I see posts from MCH saying them at like 70 isn't good enough.
they stress tested it bro dont worry
I don't think this was a point. Aymeric just wording his arguments incorrect especially by mentioning father.
Any reccomendations for necklace glamour? they look like shit
the mother crystal is not Hydaelyn? please correct me if I'm wrong
What server does Yea Forums play on?
You have no idea. Raubahn Extreme is gonna look like Ifrit Normal mode.
So basically like Primal Bahamut, they are just aether-eating shells of their former selves. I can see it happening.
You tell me bro, yesterday night I had to wait up to 30 seconds to join an instance with a full party, all I wanted to do is Susano EX for WT.
>I see posts from MCH saying them at like 70 isn't good enough.
Even 20 is not enough for Balance Discord mafia. At worst you will lose 1% dps. 1(one)
First off, that exists in both games retard. Second off, slidecasting will always exist unless you somehow find a way to delete latency entirely, which isn't going to happen.
I hope this game gets made some day, I want a Final Fantasy where you only play as giant monster characters.
Are you gonna stay Lalafell for a another expansion
The mother crystal is Hydaelyn as far as we know, seeing as SHB wants to shake things up it's basically up in the air but
>trusting ascians
No, but I will make sure of abusing Lalas in this expansion too
True, but the window in XIV is ~ a whole second.
I cant imagine playing anything else
>>HW highest gear was 208
Most of the 60 dungeons go past that.
In case you're serious, highest HW gear is 270. No idea where you're pulling that 208 number from but you're wrong.
The Eorzean alliance didn't word their arguments very well but Varis had nothing on any of them besides Limsa but it's such a low-hanging fruit since they're literally pirates. The fact that all of the leaders just sit there with their mouths agape until he drops the master race bomb makes me want to root for Varis just because he's more interesting.
>highest gear in HW was 208
It was 270 gear with a 275 weapon. Fucking brainlet
SB af gear was 290, the highest gear in HW was 270, highest gear in SB is 370, our AF gear in ShB is likely going to be 390/400 or so
They added a queue system on solo instances now. So instead of spamming praying a spot clears up you'll be thrown into a queue.
Good bait. Slidecasting is thing in WoW since classic We had even addons that show when you can slidecast.
>but the window in XIV is ~ a whole second.
No? Slidecasting has different windows because of ping.
The knights of the round and the Dragonsong War are intertwined but not the KotR are not necessarily relevant to the conversation.
Nidhogg was the leader of the dragons and even though a sue for peace was attempted, he was not receptive. So Ishgard (well, really the WoL, but you know) literally resorted to killing him. This is no different than what Varisis trying to do, they just have different goals. But the path to their different goals uses the same methodology. The only difference being that Varis doesn’t hide behind pretenses of peace and morality like the alliance.
My ping must be too good. Mine is half a second
It's fucking 3 days before the expansion drops you complete fucking imbecile. Nobody is doing that content because we have all done it already and are waiting for 5.0. Fucking retard.
Isn't this game for trannies?
highest gear in SB is 400. the AF will be 420 or 430
because you have bad ping
that is acceptable too
>>HW highest gear was 208
You mean 270.
And there was already a screenshot showing i430 lv80 gear.
Varis is just demagogue.
Media tour avg ilv was 433
>Ishgard (well, really the WoL, but you know) literally resorted to killing him.
Ishgards interests are my interests. Praise the Fury.
every game has trannies
Do you people even play this fucking game?