This is fucking DOGSHIT, why did you lie to me?

This is fucking DOGSHIT, why did you lie to me?

Attached: 7314019cv1d.jpg (1000x1000, 91K)


What exactly is wrong with it?

i agree, the red labels are a blight on mankind.
The only thing worse was the PS2 platinum label

git gud scrub lord

N-no, it’s the best souls game, or soulsborne as I like to call them, and everyone who says differently is a seething xboner.
PS Persona 5 is the best jrpg ever

>implying the red cases aren't kino

Its retardedly hard

Dark Souls 2 is better than bitchborne

>not dogshit
What the fuck did you expect?

Not really.




>clear game
>say its shit
>git gud
heh nothing personal soulsfags

Believe it or not, you won't like every well received/popular thing in your life and it isn't anyone's fault.

>choosing the threaded cane on your first run
thats on you user

>bought this shit in a seiko 2 weeks ago
>died to sum retarded werewolf 5 a row
>uninstall right away
Yeah, I dont think this semen slurping game is for me

I thought it was way too easy... I got teleported to some random higher level area at the start from one of the enemies and got a fuck ton of levels by killing a few things. Really shit design. The only good part of the game was the DLC because it had actual challenge and better weapons

The game is not difficult at all.

> holds your hand every step of the way
> specters and notes to literally show and tell you what to do throughout the game
> you can run past 99% of all enemies without being touched
> rolling makes you invincible
> lock on target removed the need for accuracy
> weapon range hilariously long
> a core mechanic is to be able to summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before. The game is inherently easy.

Attached: 1312412412.jpg (277x182, 9K)

>B-but the combat is faster!
And much less interesting somehow, enemies are so boring

Have sex

havent seen this pasta in a while

Have sex

it's the only one in the soulshit series I could stomach till completion anyway, so that's something

Hm, maybe non existent level design but empty corridors that just exist to harbor mobs, shit graphics, shit framerate, non-existent music or just generic chanting, absolute generic trash tier gameplay that's a bit trying to be curazy but fails miserably and of course way too much triest o be Souls and can be broken down as such: Dodge enemy attack, attack enemy twice, repeat, every mob, every boss.

It's one of the most overrated stinkers under this sun. Figures NeoGAF and söy boys love it.

/thread for intelligent people :)

Attached: 787.webm (800x418, 321K)

Filtered by the mob eh? Classic.

0/10 you barely tried to make this bait worth anything

That was the wrong shitty From game, there are so many of them and they shit them out annually.

Attached: 1538765361223.webm (640x360, 1.79M)

>gameplay that's a bit trying to be curazy
Trying to be what?


Hm, sorry but all of theset hings are facts lol The gameplay FACTUALLY is nothing but, wait for enemy to attack, press dodge button (I'm not even breaking it down, you don't have to press anything else and the thumbstick is basically pointless 90% the time as positioning doesn't matter in these games), then you attack the enemy once or twice, repeat.

The gameplay or clever platforming or puzzle solving or verticality or anything like that isn't given.

It's absolute trash and it runs at 20 FPS because From Software is amateruish shit and they don't even care about gameplay.

You are low IQ.

Something you wouldn't understand.

Attached: TOP KEK.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

Do you have more webms like this?

The game is super trash compared to all demon+dark souls games, but it's only like 4 hours long. There's no build variety, there's like 11 weapons, starting weapon (saw cleaver) is top 3 in the game, and armor is completely meaningless, blocking is taken away, combat is spastic and bad (for zoomers). Yes it's trash. If you don't like it you never will. I don't like it but its so short I've beaten it like 5 times.

go dilate

It looks like ass. Literally Xbox 360 tier. It’s such a direct copy paste of dark souls it’s not even worth playing. The better question is what is right with it?

I don't understand, and that's exactly why i'm asking in the first place

Oh yeah and of course I forgot to mention the rally system which fucking rewards mistakes and encourages sloppy spastic gameplay. It literally makes me sick but it's so hilarious to mash r1 and stay at full health no matter what.

I haven't seen Yea Forums this mad about the best fromsoft game in a long time. still my favorite game of all time

You're a fucking retard

>The game is super trash compared to all demon+dark souls games
All the souls games are garbage. Same shitty jank with R1 + O combat. It's braindead.

Attached: this is ds1 poise.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

ITT cucks seething about game of the generation.

ITT: people who never played into NG+

This is fucking DOGSHIT, why did you lie to me?

Attached: 220px-The_Legend_of_Zelda_Breath_of_the_Wild.jpg (220x356, 30K)

Shut the fuck up

>positioning doesn't matter in these games
stopped reading there

Nah, idk if you've ever played it before or you're just shit posting but spacing matters way more in the dark souls game, of course pve is braindead "learn the patterns, Dodge and attack," that's even true for MegaMan, devil may cry, any action game. But PvP is actually skill intensive with poise and outspacing your opponent, you can condition them to roll in certain situations so you catch them, or you can swing your weapon twice like 4 times in a row so they're only used to you swinging twice, then swing 4 times and watch as they eat all 4 hits and don't roll cause they didn't expect it. It's good fun, the combat.

does BB still have an active online community or is it deader than demon souls?

You can't be deader than something that had its servers killed.

I love that this is a Dark Souls pasta that works for Bloodborne.

every souls game that isn't DaS3 is dead
>souls PvP
it's fucking atrocious
FROM still can't netcode properly


Make your own thread, fag.