Have you got the invite yet Yea Forums?

Previous thread:

Attached: gog.jpg (1010x490, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 5252.png (519x471, 183K)


Attached: 2Wg3ZFI.png (1920x1080, 632K)

Where's my invite faggot

you just took this screenshot from the pack I posted in the previous thread, didn't you?

What about the workshop? Will Galaxy 2.0 access to it?

>imgur filename

I always use my own browser for steam's extra stuff anyway since the in-client browser is shit.

>Xbox was the first partner
How can Phil be so based

Attached: Pb2Qpv.png (331x284, 67K)

can you make it darker?
hate that "dark grey but not really dark just slightly dark"

Don't let your guard down whenever microsoft are involved

RIP Playnite

not him, but I use imgur alongside sharex, however mine seems to have [1] at the end of the filename from what I remember, so idk

Attached: USdT3RZ[1].png (489x77, 5K)

Can I add pirated games?
If so I'd use it for sure.

Attached: 1558103243342.jpg (600x600, 65K)

Will it have a full screen mode and controller configuration built-in?

>absolutely buttfucks EGL's exclusivity and brings some of the games to two extra launchers on PC by way of MS Store and GOG 2.0
I'm thinking this is epic.

It's a hidden link and you cannot login to the client unless you're invited

Are we free now? We can finally uinstall steam? Is pc gaming industry free of fat greedy gaben after all these years?

Will it install third party self launchers automatically too? E.g. star citizen.

holy shit I'm /in/, I thought I wasn't since I didn't get an email

Attached: agdagabba.png (521x389, 200K)


This was relevant in the early 00s. It does not apply anymore.

I don't see ths point of this.

Fuck off steam drone. I was asking a question

You still need launchers running, but hopefully this takes off and is less shit than Playnite.

I just want to be able to buy games anywhere without feeling anxious about splitting libraries everywhere.

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I think so
pic related :(

Attached: KMnYaaN.png (390x570, 19K)

explain to me
if I press play on a steam game through this launcher will my game immediately boot up with steam in the background or will it just redirect me to the steam launcher like when you launch a uplay game on steam?

well fuck me, false alarm

Attached: 123.png (390x570, 19K)

fuck gaben

Attached: why-gabe-newell-invented-steam1.jpg (470x549, 101K)

You're worried? I have games on Bethesdas launcher!

fuck off

what's the difference between GOG galaxy 1.0 and 2.0?

>be GoG
>be anti-DRM for games
>release anti-DRM open source client
>allow customers to effectively "own" games they purchase
>release your new client and only support the two operating systems that are the embodiment of DRM
>not supporting an operating system that respects users freedoms

what did GoG mean by this? Just release Galaxy for Linux already

Attached: 1517790772466.png (434x245, 189K)

Integration with other launchers.

calm your tits

Gog 1 Is more for gog games.
Gog 2 is for all games.

Can i change my fucking username finally?

Linux client is "in progress"

Hopefully they also steal the Proton stuff from Steam.

What's wrong with adding everything as a non-steam game?

You can use proton without steam.

It's been "in development" for literal years, they actually do not give a flying fuck.

I get that Linux is a very small market percentage right now but jesus, if you're open sourcing your new client just let the community help you develop it or something. I would buy so many more games off of GoG if I had an actual client to use.

Takes too long if you have multiple disks and launchers. Also is a chore to add xbox/microsoft games.

He's based I'm still not buying an Xbone though

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>niggas think that they are saved from whatever the middleware there is by installing this launcher for launchers

It's a fucking pain in the ass, if I'm using a launcher it better be convenient.

you're worried about installing this, and yet you still pirate games?

What about in Microsoft's case? Does official first-party integration mean only 1 actual launcher (GOG) or is it still just

>click GOG 2.0 game entry for MS game
>sends API call
>MS store app listener reacts and launches game

Honestly if I can install windows 10 shit without touching that shitty store app, I'm all for it. Don't care if gog has to send them commands, I just hate how they organize your paid apps.



I'm not one of those ricer tards that make the OS their job, the OS should do the job for me.

Does it come with Discord Rich Presence?

So, why are you using linux?

Bruh, have you even tried Linux? Linux, honestly is in a lot of ways easier and more straight forward than Windows.

Drivers for video cards are either preinstalled as a part of the kernel (AMD) or like 3 clicks away (Nvidia) and easier to update than on windows. Fuck that GeForce noise.

Installing updates and software on Linux is so easy and you're not subject to the torture of Microsoft's updates.

Valve literally supports Linux and gives you a compatibility layer built into Steam to just press one button and play a fuck ton of Windows games. And it's in active development and getting better all the time.

>inb4 b-but the terminal is so scary and how do I control my RGB mousepad
eat shit, there's a gui alternative for nearly everything in Linux and RGB is for children

The only real reason that you shouldn't use linux is if you rely on on Adobe products or some shit. And even then you can just dual boot or some shit.

I'm 52 and I still want to control my RGB mousepad, asshat. Just because everything has to look monotone and boring in your opinion doesn't mean everyone else is a child for wanting some color on their devices.

>drivers and updates on windows is hard
"Bruh", did you ever even use Windows in the last couple years? If you are seriously claiming any of this is easier on Linux you are out of your mind.


Drivers aren't necessarily hard on windows, they're just bullshit. You need to have a bunch of fucking control software, and RGB lighting software, and the Xxxt_TurboBoost_XXX buttons.

Every piece of fucking hardware seems to need some sort of fucking shitty 3rd party software to control int on Windows it's so fucking stupid. Every piece of hardware I've tried in linux literally just works no extra drivers needed cause they're included and "justwerk"

I actually moved away from windows to Linux because i was growing so sick of Windows and had so many problems with it.

>52 year old using RGB
If you want color or things to not be "monotone and boring" actually get some taste and stop using RGB it's an overdone Kitsch garbage marketing scheme to sell shitty gadgets

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.png.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

LOL, this is why they always catch you guys unaware

Can I use game pass with this thing?

As in Microsoft's? GOG is partnered with Microsoft and will have pass integration.

You only need 3rd party software if you want to use extra features, pretty much anything just works on Windows too these days. Even GPUs, you could just go to the website, install the driver and that's it. You're not forced to use that Geforce software along with it. Even though it makes everything easier and automated once you go through the hoops.

>it's an overdone Kitsch garbage
Not really, RGB is what you make of it. And you can do literally anything with it. I hope you don't think just because a device comes with RGB you're forced to have it on pulsating rainbow mode at all times.

Meh, I'll just wait for the official release.

Not him but because it just werks.


It definitely doesn't. Linux requires the terminal for some really mundane shit like installing a fucking package outside of the package manager.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-01 Main Linux problems on the desktop, 2019 edition or why Linux sucks.png (792x8740, 829K)

Then use the package manager?
What's the problem?
You need to use a web browser, download the exe, click it, follow the steps and don't even have the option of simply typing two words in the terminal on windows. Linux is simpler.

Don't you remember nokia?

Because not every software on the face of the earth exists on every distro's depos. Not to mention software always gets outdated on package managers. Having to wait for graphics drivers or wine to update is just ridiculous.

Never had a problem myself. It just werks. Not every software works perfectly on Windows either, so what? You don't need every software ever made.
