Thoughts, Yea Forums? Did you like Outer Wilds?
Outer Wilds Is One Of The Best Games I've Ever Played
The demo was fun but
Was he trying to say Outer Worlds as in the nu-Obsidian game?
if schreier likes it it must be shit
I kept mistaking Outer Wilds with Outer Worlds.
Once again, Yea Forums will fall for the bait.
Lmao. The game barely changed since that demo they put out in 2013 or something. They only added the ANCHIENT ALLIUMS stuff. It's kinda nice in an artsy way but between its EGS exclusivity and its clunky bare bones gameplay it really isn't anything special.
It was ok.
Not bad for a Tim Financed(tm) game.
Same. I wonder why bethesda didn't sue. This is literally what that law is for. They even did it to notch for scrolls.
It was great. Thank you Epic for the free copy.
Based PCnigger who cries when games dont come to PC like RDR
I loved it, but it's impossible to find any information on the final game's lore.
Not even worth borrowing my friends xbox for that shit. Played through VTM:B after finishing that shitty movie game, had much more fun. PC is still king, consolenigger
I pirated Outer Wilds thinking it was Outer Worlds, got stoned, and managed to play it for an hour without realizing my mistake. The whole time I was thinking about how hard I was going to shitpost the graphics, I kept thinking the blond would show up
I'll play it if it comes to Steam or Xbox Game Pass. Fuck EGS
I played this when it was a student project for school and Yea Forums found it and posted it here.
It was pretty shallow, boring and pointless. I'm sure it's been upgraded since then, but yeah, it being on EGS does nothing for me and I'm still not going to use your store, Tim.
It's on game pass.
I played during that time, too. Pretty sure that was like 5 years ago though.
no i was expecting it to have a tron more content but it has even less than its "demos"
What even is it?
>Artsy indie game
>9+select from Gautoz"the ultimate bad taste guy"
No way fag.
Oh, it was certainly ages ago. I would hope the game is quite a bit different by now. Still, it can't have changed so much to become some GOTYAY MUST BUY DOWNLOAD CHINK SPYWARE NOOOOOOW.
not even close.
not the PC one I don't think. Just the console one
Pretty nice game, quite glad i pirated it, but the anglerfish are bullshit with kb+m
Wut is it
the entire game is just 1 big setup for a jumpscare
>bethesda games
lol do you really....wait...Outer what???
>EG pays multiple millions to make it exclusive
>Ends up on Microsoft's Game Pass anyways
Sounds like don’t starve kind of. I just looked it up.
Because it would look like sour grapes.
I played that game years ago
you suck you missed the fucking glass broke your neck and busted your fucking ass
Outer Wilds has existed longer than Outer Worlds.
It was a decent game, but I'd hate to be a backer who's been waiting on this shit for like 4 years. 80% of the game ideas were already done and implemented in the tech demo
It would be bad press because those dudes making outer worlds made the New Vegas which became a cult classic to a lot of people despite it being a buggy piece of shit.
I loved the demo years ago, and from what I've seen they've made a proper little game out of it. Got a bit more meat on its bones.
Really nice atmosphere, feels good to explore, and has a few neat twists and turns. In terms of walking sim style games it's definitely one of the best, if you like exploring you'll like it.
Yeah, but I'm saying it literally wouldn't happen because Wilds is the older game. It predates the existence of Worlds.
Original demo was better and cashgrab devs cashed out on chinkmoney, so its double shit
This. This is what happens to me with bloodstained ritual of the night. It was okay but I felt let down because it just didn’t feel right. Never backing anything again. Those portraits were so cringeworthy. Too much pandering.
That isn't at all what happened to you with Bloodstained, retard.
>tech demo
>80 percent done
>before becoming a Kickstarter
>I have nothing but a concept give me money
Barely comparable, user.
Ah okay fair enough I was talking about Bethesda suing the outer worlds guys or us Bethesda publishing outer worlds I’m confused.
whoops yeah i got those two shitty companies mixed up because of how irrelevant they are, my bad fellow gamer.
Bethesda has nothing to do with either game
Okay sure thing I feel kind of let down by Bloodstaineds outdated game design but I only have myself to blame.
>was PROMISED a linux version
>didnt get it cause epic and tim sweeny
The narrow FoV makes it a lot more claustrophobic, and Dark Bramble being foggy as fuck was much better than what it turned out to be.
>all the newfags ITT that weren't here for the demo
Kind of amazed this became a full fledged game, I remember when it was just a tiny little indie project like six years ago.
the "full fledged game" doesnt even have half the content of the demo
The only people who bothered to play the game were those who played the demo. The game has 0 marketing despite getting fat bucks from the chinks
In fairness, it's not like all of Yea Forums played it then. I did though, so seeing this game suddenly become some semi-relevant touchstone in the Steam vs EGS war made me kek heartily.
It isn't worth shit. People getting worked up about it will sell more copies than the game itself would have otherwise.
It was great. Never played the alpha. Sometimes I boot it up and fly around for 10 minutes, I could play it for thousands of hours if it had more content.
>Epic being kind enough to buy your copy for you so you don't even have to feel bad about pirating
what jumpscare? The giant typhoon?
>Jason Schreier
It's over. The game is shit.
they didnt give me a linux version so im making my own alalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala BOOM
Same, the flight mechanics in that game were pretty great. I've been trying to get people I know to play it but it's hard to do without spoiling the best parts of the game.
EGS is cancerous and and I still don't understand why they went there, but the game is too great to be missed because of that. Honestly, it's an experience that shouldn't be passed by, it has nearly everything I miss in modern exploration games.
Between the atmosphere and the music of the game it's maximum comfy. Just listen to this shit, it's straight out of a gondola thread:
It isn't that great, what the fuck are you freaking out about?
>what is torrent?
The OST is what really carried the game to be honest, none of the fancy graphics matter
Oh the graphics are nothing to get heated about, by atmosphere I more so mean just the quiet exploration and landscapes of each planet. Basically the almost horror like element when walking about the caves on the ash planet in the dark with a quantum object randomly popping about the place.
>$1 on Gamepass
You sound like that faggot who is hogging the trademark on the word "Edge"
I couldn't get into it. I found the respawning mechanic frustrating and stifling.
Are you retarded? People really can't tell the difference between these games' names.
>it's straight out of a gondola thread
legit how I felt about the whole game
because people are retarded. What else is new
I thought this game had a really nice Stargate SG1 vibe to it.
literal shill comment
Sweeney doesn't give a fuck as long isn't on steam
Ive only played the demo, what was it 5 years ago? And back then it was already better than 90% of triple A trash.
nah its defiantly a major loophole in the contract probably
i can see how exclusive rightson a storefront is different from a streaming service
It's fitting then that the final game is only 10% better than the demo
Good to hear they didn't ran it into the ground then. Like with that britbong game gearbox bought.
Like you?
Does that guy even play games?
i wouldnt call this a game either
its more like a walking sim
Yeah but the game isn't much better than the demo. The full game literally ends like 15 minutes after the end of the demo
He probably watched a stream of it.
"No you are the retard!" says the man who can't tell the difference between the word "wilds" and "worlds"
Mustve been a rocky development. Is it a 1 man project?
It's something like 8-15 people
when you take epics money you know your game is shit
Ok, retard.
Reading up on it it seems like just somewhat lacking experience on the team merger and publishing changes. I can kind of see how that would take a while, even though most of the changes seem to be graphical/gameplay fidelity focused from the things i saw.
That makes no sense whatsoever user.
>oh shit our game fucking sucks
>hey dev want free money? just dont sell on steam lmao
But its a good game. Im not sure why are you so emotionally distraught about it. If you want to express your distaste with gookstore, please do so, but dont let emotions take over rational thinking user.
its barely a game at all though
wait what the fuck wasn't this game just at E3? How are people playing it already? Is steam getting a later launch or something???
Impressive how even thats enough to blow yearly division/asscreed/gacha shit and other low effort trash out of the water.
More games should take it as an example.
I absolutely loved it. My wife too.
It gets everything right about exploration. 10/10
its very unique and there arent enough exploration games about space and planetary travels, hell even time loops are in there
all my favourite things
yeah... I'm kind of nerd guys
yeah yeah its interesting to walk around in and look at for the 2 hours of content it has but its really just a "go there read that" kinda game
i guess its an exploration game but its essentially a walking simulator
Why would you downplay it like that?
If you go in blind, you will play way more than two hours user.
and why that's a good thing
not really
if you actually care about the fucking notes then you're retarded
just fly around to the 10 planetoids or whatever and delete the game
>if you care about one of the coolest, most interesting mystery crafter in any recent games you are retarded
What did user mean by this?
You are actually retarded
It does well what it sets out to do. It would be easy to just play into expectations, but it doesn't. Even though its not a space RPG with combat mechanics, it has plenty of other mechanics for players to explore instead. The boldness is admirable and is direly needed in the industry when everyone is either making copies of whats successful or never explore games as the medium because thats just not safe and the lowest common denominator expects not to have their brainbox used while gaming. Myst is a legendary game and it was just walking too, so what.
there is not mystery
its just text documents stating some lore that doesnt matter
>stories don't matter when I have to read them
What did user mean by this?
i meant you can literally just read a book if literally all the game does is have you hike 2 miles for every chapter
user, do you have actual autism?
Not meme autism. Actual, real autism?
so you have nothing more to say?
if his objective is making microsoft a viable competitor to steam then he is doing great
Do you really want me to spell out the difference between reading a book about a space mystery and actually living, directly experiencing this space mystery and how it is a thousand times more interesting and engaging?
>directly experiencing this space mystery
He's already said that he doesn't care about experiencing it by reading. It's a video game, he'd rather play it. Are YOU the autistic one?
I dont think you had anything to say in the first place other than 'im upset and i want to take it out on something'. Otherwise i can only assume you're not particularly experienced in the numerous genres of video games. Theres more to games than cookie clicker user.
in the end you're just reading anyways
there is nothing to find in the game
nothing to solve
its literally walk from one note says some lore and then pointing you towards the next
i could understand if they were hidden and you had to figure out some riddles or puzzles but it doesnt even have that
Do you actually believe that you ONLY read text in this game? Do you actually believe that nothing is ever asked of you in order to solve it? Game mechanics are constantly exploited in different and interesting ways on every single planet.
The general narrative of the game is built with both text and observation/interaction.
I hate this low poly, no textures "artstyle".
This is placeholder art but the dev just got lazy and called it a day there. Kind of like those drawings where 25% is very detailed and the rest is chicken scratch sketch because the artist was too bored to finish it.
Welp it's gonna be shit then
This is how I know you are either retarded or haven't played the game. The game literally have story hidden behind puzzles
you think i would actually play this game beyond the demo all those years ago?
This is a game you can actually finish in 15 minutes, but spend hours and hours exploring in order to make sense of what happens everywhere.
Your progression is ENTIRELY based on knowledge alone.
That's a lie. Did you even play the game?
It's funny how much better looking the demo is compared to the final product
High praise from Kotaku. Is it even better than Gone Home?????
That piece of shit like it, the game must be shit then