Why hasn't marvelous moved to the Switch/PC yet? Why are they staying with sony despite their horrible policy?

Why hasn't marvelous moved to the Switch/PC yet? Why are they staying with sony despite their horrible policy?

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the changes are quite recent all things considered but they might go full nintendo in the future gens

They have, with No More Heroes 3.

They were already in development when shit went down, they’ll probably assess the damages, compare to the sales of shitty pinball cash grabs on the switch and come to some retarded conclusion that pisses everyone off, like making sony games devoid of anything that made them interesting and flooding switch with half assed excuses to sell intimacy mode as a full game.

I'll never not be upset at snoy for making senran dead

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they moved away from nintendo for a reason to begin with

naughty dog did this
the ps4 audience in the west is too different from the one in Japan

Because games take years of planning and development. And there is no telling if Nintendo won't go back to their old ways since the Wii U was just last generation! Steam changes their mind seemly on a whim as well, so they cannot be relied on.

Also, we have no way of knowing if Marvelous has an exclusive contract with Sony or not. If that was the case, however, the terms of the contract were pretty shitty considering how Sony is dictating everything.

>inb4 retards will defend them by say E-EV already killed the franchise because they are butthurt over yumi pandering

ideia to marvelous: make a full blown porn game, put it censored on steam and provide a patch

There was no Nintendo-mandated censorship on Wii U, retard. Bayo 2 was a Wii U game.
The only thing that happened was mutts “localizing” first party games, there was nothing comparable to what snoy is doing.

Nobody wants porn senran, nigger.
Are you one of those retards who think people fap to ecchi vidya?

Why do people keep bringing up nintendo censorship like it means anything?

Nintendo ONLY censored their first party games, while yes it was shitty, isn't nearly as bad as censoring third party games.

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There is no telling when their first party policy will change to all games, however. As they already have a precedent for doing this to first party games, it is not out of the question they will make this policy for all games. It is their platform, so their rules.

Because they were idiots.

See NoJ never had a policy for censoring games, only NoA which has changed. Unlike Sony where the censorship comes directly from the top of Sony HQ.
So the claim you're making is without merit.

The Vita/PS3 games couldn't run on 3DS and it made no sense for any third party to put games on the Wii U. But that we haven't got at least ports of the mainline games on Switch is inexplicable bullshit.

Sony contract.

I don't think a company rooted in japan is going to censor third party japanese games because anime pantsu hurts the western feelfeels, that'd pissed off their huge installbase in japan.

I don't even think NoJ would censor them in the west either, I just think they don't give a fuck.

Which is why they are based.

Switch's install base still pales in comparison with the PS4
PC stands for Pirate Cave so developing / porting for it is pretty much throwing money into the trash.

Marvelous is with No More Heroes and Rune Factory 4/5. If you're asking why SK never made the jump with ports of mainline titles, nobody knows other than something going on with Sony.
I wonder if we'll ever know, Takaki was definitely hiding something, especially since its almost 2020 and we still havent seen shit of SK7 besides Asuka's new character model.

>Still waiting on Re:Newal switch port

Feels bad.

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Let's hope not. But Sony (a japanese company) was fine before they flipped the switch seemly overnight.

>Nintendo ONLY censored their first party games
This is false. See: Fatal Frame.

Fatal Frame is their series now.

Its a Yakuza Kiwami-tier remake. Not bad but really nothing worth losing sleep over.

Also Daemon X Machina.

It's such a sudden shift of pace that it's still fucking up the direction of SK at present on probably a difficult to reverse level. I mean, they've probably put so much work into a PS4 build of Seven that it's not worth it to scrap it and rebuild it, and yet we're seeing them have to suddenly work around modern Sony bullshit, not to mention Takaki being so disillusioned with the state of things that he left the company, so odds are they're caught between a rock and a hard place with Seven.

Nintendo in general due to underpower hardware never going to have extremely successful western sales, so I doubt it honestly

They co-owned the recent titles.

I'm playing Renewal now and it's definitely the best take on the Versus style to date. Smaller in scale than Estival, but much more refined mechanically and it's more of a challenge than Shinovi was.

The Senran Kagura games are garbage from a gameplay perspective. If they can't survive without tits, then they aren't worth playing in the first place.

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>But Sony (a japanese company)
Headquarters were moved to America though.

>In April 2016, SCE and Sony Network Entertainment International was restructured and reorganized into Sony Interactive Entertainment, carrying over the operations and primary objectives from both companies. The same year, SIE moved its headquarters from Tokyo to San Mateo, California.

install base is irrelevant with niche games, it’s about target demographic concentration
fifa will never sell more on non-ps4 systems combined because the audienxe just isn’t there regardless of far larger install base

>Before anime pantsu games got released uncensored mostly and the ones weren't was by caused by the ESRB
>Now leftytwitter, resetera and especially snoy are coming after every japanese game and censoring it

I want it to stop lads, this is far worse than nintendo censorship

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They're actually not garbage, just not top shelf action games. Estival aside, these games actually play rather adequately. Hardly on par with your average Platinum game but they do get the job done.

Gameplay is okay, the girls are cute, the story is okay and lewd is great

Seems like a good franchise to me faggot

We couldn't even stop the Western industry from dilating, no way we can do anything about Japan.

dumb demon poster

Yeah it sucks. Here's the consolation:
There are literally hundreds of games in the genre you want you can play that is already out. You do not need to buy a single new game for the rest of your life. Sure if the game is not new the won't be as much discussion, but is that really such a bad thing? You can still enjoy them.

>Allowing Japanese games to run rampant and risking alienating the public that buys your big budget titles

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>Hardly on par with your average Platinum game but they do get the job done.
>Gameplay is ok.
No they don't. They bored me to tears.
I would eagerly defend the series if it had any substance to defend.
Why having anime tits excuse them from having good gameplay when other games get crucified by you for having mediocre gameplay?

Senran Kagura does have an audience on PC and Nintendo systems, so it would completely make sense for them to try not to nuke their own franchise into the ground with Sony's censorship. Of course, SK7 probably had too many sunk costs when the censorship came about, so they couldn't afford to abort. But unless some painfully stupid decisions are made, it should be reconciled after SK7. I still have hope.

Then again, the Switch has been getting absolute garbage spin-offs, not even the Burst remake, so I'm not getting my hopes too high.

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It's like you want the series to die for real.
Switch or bust. PC can die in a fire.

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Are there SteamSpy numbers for SK games? Either way, I don't think it hurts having them on PC as well.

Fuck off, pc cücks are as bas as snoy trannies. Switch or bust.

Of course it would hurt having them on PC
>Marvelous invest money porting them
>Average PC gamer: "buying? ahahahahahaha"

PC is a worthless platform if you're a developer. I'm sick and tired of you guys trying to sold it as a platform worth porting your games to.


IT BORES YOU, retard.

Wew, calm down. I'm a disgruntled Switchfag anyway.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets bored by them. That's why they sell like shit compared to other action games.

You paint them like they're Devil May Cry tier when you're just interested on the tits.

Is there an ass mod for renewal? I found this pic on on the screenshots page for the game and the ass looks a lot bigger than usual.

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You realize that chart shows SK selling 50% as much as the GOTY 2018 in Japan, right? And that's the PS4 CENSORED version. That's really fucking good!!!

I never claim they are DMC tier, I just like the games you fucking faggot.

It's a moot point because the rest of the world didn't give a shit and the japanese are little perverts.

Pay up

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No, it's not moot. GoW was also a PS4 exclusive. Your numbers don't show PC sales - particularly US PC sales - where the game is uncensored. Where as ALL of the GoW sales are shown since they were ALL on the PS4. That chart is bullshit that is mysteriously missing about 90% of the SK sales. It means dick.

Steam PC sales are worldwide and they go out of their way to hide them.

Then why try to make a comparison at all if you don't have the fucking numbers? It's really obvious that SK sold at least 5x the amount shown on that chart.

It's like you don't pay attention to the world around you.

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thought hibari got an arc going by the thumbnail

i'm crying now

I like the 3DS ones that are more like side-scrolling beat em' ups than musou-lites.

SK2 Deep Crimson in particular has way more thought put into each character's weapons and playstyles and actually feels like a worthy sequel to SK Burst compared to what Estival Versus is to Shinovi Versus.

Too bad Yomi destroyed the sales of SK2 by being a casual filter in one the first stages of the game.

At least there's been some pushback (especially with D3 and Matrix taking shots at Sony and the leftists with Omega Labrynth Life).

They must feel pretty confident now if they were able to summon the courage to put out that advert a few weeks ago after that last minute localization cancellation of their last title.

They play just fine for brawlers. They're certainly deeper than classic arcade beat-em-ups, of which the earlier games clearly draw influence from. And while their base mechanics are simple they do flow well enough, these games are hardly incompetent in their execution. Launchers snap right into aerial raves, basic strikes can be cancelled into other actions, guarding with good timing nets you a parry, specials are easy to understand and execute, these games do a lot of basic action game stuff well enough.

Oh shit that game is out on PC? I was going to buy it on switch, but pc would be better if its only availble digital

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Typical console fag crying. PC sales count for 56% of all home gaming sales. Playstation is 24%. ALL Playstations.

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Takaki once said he won't move to Nintendo because he's afraid they'll censor stuff too.

Do ecchi games even sell on PC?
I mean there's so many porn games to choose from which often include the ecchi part but also go all the way.

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That's either a misquote or he's really retarded considering all he's put on Nintendo as late as last year (this year in the west).

Senran Kagura was born in the 3DS.

I don't hate Yumi as much as everyone else but I do think that she kinda ruined things a bit

If true I think he's just afraid of another SK2 flop.

Because the ecchi game is made by the original studio and the storylines, phrases character voices and everything else and in a sense it actually happens in the game universe. The porn game is just a fanfic with none of the above.

Yumi gets pushed a lot because she is the new protag for Sony games. It would really suck if the answer to OPs question was because they were reluctant to abandon Yumi as the protag because they seemingly went all in on her.

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And my point is that the games are garbage and not worth defending.
Senran Kagura is a pretty good showcase of Yea Forums's hypocrisy. This board prides itself on being a hardcore community of hardcore gamers who play hardcore games, where casuals games and games have no reason to exist, and here we are, defending with tooth and nail a shovelware-tier game because anime breats.

I don't know. I would have bought Burst Renewal in a heartbeat if it was on Switch. But I'm not giving snoy any money for a gimped snoy version

SK isn't shovelware, merely average for an action game.

when are we gonna nuke Commiefornia?

Nintendo just hasn't had their Omega Labyrinth Z moment where a weeb game gets banned outright and some mid level manager who wasn't doing their job before goes "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WEEB SHIT?"

>The porn game is just a fanfic with none of the above
I mean porn games in general.
Like that one which features Nan's art but with actual porn, forgot the name evi-something.

Have you forgot all the bullshit about Dead or Alive Dimensions on 3DS which got banned in some countries for the most retarded reasons? Nothing came out of that. There are also several games on Switch banned in select countries like Gal*Gun 2 in Germany and Australia, and that also led to nothing.

So are many others that Yea Forums shitpost to death because they're "merely average". But Senran Kagura gets a free pass.

It hasn't been a situation where the game was banned in the same country as the publisher.

Nintendo used to be extremely strict about weeb games in the west and for years they completely mangled the localizations of weeb games they owned.

I have a ps4 pro that I mostly use for bloodborne/sekiro and a couple other games. I wont get the ps5 and will go with pc/switch/xbox scarlett

That has no bearing on anything as long as the game still gets the go-ahead to release in some territories. Also
>Japanese company not knowing there's weebshit on their platform when they're the ones who have to approve it, including the localization
Sony is no longer a Japanese company.

the SK artist does art for an eroge series if you want to see him draw porn

SK's average action was supplemented by likeable characters and decent shonen narratives with the early games, and many fans have lamented the series' direction post-Deep Crimson on that front. The older sects of the western SK fanbase have actually been quite critical of the games that followed Deep Crimson for that reason, though they've also had their share of mechanical snafus to boot. Burst Renewal's the first game in a while to be generally competent but not only is it a remake but it's also earned its share of ire between merely being a remake and Sony's imposed censorship on the PS4 version. It still plays better than any other post-DC game, though.

>many fans have lamented the series' direction post-Deep Crimson
A fucking shame. Deep Crimson is the best SK game. Fucking balanced the serious moments and fanservice. Gameplay was nice too.