Was he right?

was he right?

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even arin thinks the video and his arguments are shit now


I like LTTP more than OOT because 2D Zelda > 3D Zelda but he's a fucking idiot who clearly doesnt know how to play the game

Some points of his video stand true, like most zelda 'puzzles' being easy
Mostly it's all shit though, he's literally just bad at games.

He doesn't, actually. He still thinks his arguments are sound, but thinks the problem is that he didn't do a good job of communicating them and that everybody misinterpreted him.

Yes. There is SO MUCH. God. Damn. Waiting!

After watching all the Game Grumps episodes where he was playing, hell no

>gets major blowback and exposed as a dumbass casual
>people just didn't get my point haha....

Only about the treasure chest cinematic being tedious. Everything else he says only serves to reveal at least one of the following:
>he's incredibly impatient as fuck
>he's a retard that genuinely struggles to comprehend a 3D space in vidya
>he's a reflexive contrarian
And the Grumps' playtime with the 3D Zeldas only cements this.


His MM playtrough just showed people how bad Arin is at video games. Especially 3D Zelda.

Watching his Majora's Mask PT was suffering, the guy is a fucking retarded excuse for a human being. No wonder why he never finished HS.

Why did he do it?

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>Dumps Arin for another guy
>He writes her a letter every day for a year begging her to take him back
Arin is truly pathetic

>says Super Castlevania 4 is an "ungraceful sequel"
>barely makes it past the first few levels doing this
and his whole idea about how the levels should've used the whip as a platforming mechanic more was retarded too. If the game did that every level would feel the same and feel gimmicky as shit, there's a reason only a couple of levels use it in that way

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it's called being romantic, incel.

guy that cant even play games tries to be objective about games that he hasent even beaten

>Talks shit about SS for years
>Says the game is too easy
>Dies to the first fucking fight in the game
Was he right? Absolutely not, how many 3D zelda playthroughs has he quit on now?

>says Super Castlevania 4 is an "ungraceful sequel"
I remember when that video came out and all the retards were going YEAH I USED TO LOVE THIS GAME BUT HE'S RIGHT
SCIV is considered one of the best if not the best in the series behind SotN and Rondo and of course Arin has to be a contrarian faggot about it
but then again he thinks SotN is shit too so it's not surprising

I remember that video. I've been playing the game on and off and using the whip definitely doesn't make the game too easy

true but i think the game should've incentivized items more. IV is the only game where i maxed out on hearts. maybe give some enemies more health and have an item crash, or just give out less hearts.

Reminder that he did all that shittalking of SS but at that point he'd never gotten past the second dungeon.

No. He's objectively wrong and pretty pathetic desu.

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The Irate Gamer is more respectable than Egofaptor.
Arin is not a gamer.

That's honestly really sad
t. Completed that game 100%

Sounds like he's a textbook narcissist.


This guy does a whip only run and it takes him the same amount of time it would take if someone upgraded the whip and used items a lot so Arin's argument is full of shit

More and more this guy has become less and less likeable over time. Glad we at least still have Oney.

I agree though using triple crosses or triple holy water absolutely breaks boss battles so if anything there's more incentive not to use them if you want more of a challenge

Not really.

When I first watched the video I thought he made some decent points, but I think it was after watching him play Wind Waker for a couple episodes that I realized his opinions were baseless.

why arent they on patreon?

didn't chris bores join the alt right?

Did he?!
This is news to me.

who cares if some retard with no qualifications yapped over half a decade ago

He was right IV was way too easy because they made the base whip too strong and removed the need for items as a result. Its the only time he was right about something.

>tfw even Oney realized how much of a scumbag Arin is
>is actually doing what Arin should've done and more
as much as Arin likes to whine about "how much work" doing Game Grumps is, Oney was able to do the same thing with Oneyplays and he still has time to do things like make chimps in Blender and make music and make a game with a team of people without hurting what he actually wants to do and he can make all the jokes he wants
Oney is basically the anti-Arin

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For someone who plays videogames for a living, he really is incompetent at every game he plays.

I just looked it up. He's a Trump supporter who watches Alex Jones.
That's not alt-right.


When did that happen

look at his wife and tell me he has good taste

seewhether or not the whip is stronger makes no difference if you don't know what you're doing

About being an oxymoron? Yeah.

Daily reminder that Arin's antics and overall degeneracy has earned him a thread on the infamous KiwiFarms! He and his scummy wife have been involved in numerous schemes and scandals, and he would throw anyone under the bus if that means he could make some cash out of it! He's also a closeted tranny, and will most likely come out in the future!

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i don't think you know what that word means

How does someone beating the game without items disprove items being far less useful in CV IV than in the other games?

Thread over

Suzy did a draw my life video

Every time you post this stupid fucking thread I will always post this goddamn video that debunks damn near everything that retard has to say.


Oney hasn't managed Oneyplays since like the first few episodes. Guy genuinely spends all of his time doing whatever the fuck he wants and has the gull to claim he's constantly working.

Oh yes, kiwifarms, the hive of people who have stared into the autistic abyss for so long they've become what they hated
fuck them for making that one guy kill himself

Are you talking about the one who set himself on fire?

He made Nintenttardds eternally seethe so of course he's right.
OoT aged like a piece of shit. It's just a dry husk now.

nah, this guy

He's the equivalent of Dobson complaining about Link having brown hair.

Suzy cheated on him again
Poor guy

>all those times he leaves on the hover boots for no reason
there's no way anyone could be this stupid

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I guess that's why he's such a grump lmao


>Only about the treasure chest cinematic being tedious. Everything else he says only serves to reveal at least one of the following:
>>he's incredibly impatient as fuck
But finding the chest opening animation to be tedious to the point of frustration also reveals that he's impatient as fuck.

It's literally like 10 seconds, it's not that big a deal. He even did a stupid montage of chest opening to trick the audience into thinking it's over the top and super tedious, but it ends up weakening his point because cherrypicking basically every animation in the game is still only like 30 seconds of chest opening.

Can you blame her? Dude looks like he'd be afraid to touch a tit

What are some of the things you can deduce about Arin from his behaviors and quirks?
I'm 99% sure he has a scat fetish, and I'm 99% sure if he was born as a GenZ kid he'd be transgender. I think he really dislikes being a man.

Most of his complaints were retarded. But he was right about one main thing, having to do with the overall design philosophy of all the 3D zelda games starting with OOT.

The older games tended to have a design that was much more "metroid style" in that you just had a big world with dungeons and you were allowed to do what you wanted and explore and dungeon-crawl. Certain areas might not be accessible yet because an event needs to happen or you need a certain item, but it still feels like the world is your oyster.

Then in the later games starting with OOT, they start feeling more and more cordoned off. You're constantly being cockblocked and not allowed to just go dungeon-crawl, because bullshit roadblocks are put in the way. Oh, you need to feed the gorons some rocks. oh, you need to collect bugs as wolf link. Oh, you need to do a bunch of bullshit for the birdfags before being allowed into dragonroost's dungeon. The later 3D games constantly have this mindset of wasting the player's time and forcing them to do a bunch of tedious bullshit rather than just letting them dungeon crawl, and it makes me never want to replay any of them.

Granted, this was probably the least-bad in OOT as compared to later games like WW and TP, but it was still where the issue started.

That was cruel. I thought that they just went after scummy fucks like Arin. This guy didn't deserve that.

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and then they brag about a killcount
bunch of faggots

He always plays as women in games when given the option because "there aren't enough female protagonists".
They always look shit too. He doesn't try to make them attractive or anything.

someone post the "DROP IT" image

>ootfags defending themselves
u just cant win with people who are THAT retarded

Oney has not worked hard a single day of his life, excluding that time he worked at Gamestop.

>when you remember he's a literal cuckold and had to pack up her apartment while the fucking who plowed her for a year watched him

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and that parasite mister metocunt/jim81jim uses them as steals shit from them while having his cult of kids putting him on a pedestal, by worshipping that guy!!!

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AlttP being better than OoT? Sure. But not because of the reasons he listed.
I presume Arin can't enjoy any game that isn't fast paced or easy to pick up and play for a few minutes. Hence, he will find flaws in any title that demands patience or features a slow build up.
He's a tired gamer.

fuck off hbomberguy

I just cant get into the new oneyplays hosts. i try to watch the new episodes but find myself just turning them off after a couple of minutes.

does anyone feel the same?

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And you really believe them when they claimed they went after people who "deserved it"? without, you know, their priorities, definitions, and motivations and intent!?

scummy fucks like these are narcissistic so if course they will always play the DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL trick, to the point they program themselves to be robots, because at that point they are no longer human.

God i wish i was him

Yes, of course he was. If he wasn't, autists wouldn't get so butthurt about what he said.

Imagine being cucked by an alien.

He's not stupid he's fucking lazy. Every single time he wants to take off the hover boots he has to press start, and potentially R or Z, which add two or three seconds to the playthrough for a game he absolutely hates so he will play like shit just because he wants to get it over with as soon as possible. He literally doesn't care about his "supporters" enough to even give them a good show he just throws a tantrum like a baby because he's forced to play a game he hates.

>Jon and Arin were at one point going to both release videos about ocarina

Can you fucking imagine how awful Arin's video would look side by side

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>game grumps are greedy unethical fucks
>game grumps does not have a patreon which their thousands of sheep would gladly pay out the ass for
someone explain this. after supermega easily managed to get 25k a month, why the fuck isnt arin jumping on the same train?

>He's not stupid he's fucking lazy
He is both stupid and lazy.


Arinraptor was only 3 years old when ALttP came out, he was too young to appreciate the game anyway so his views have no merit. He just wants to act older than he is.

Anything with Lyle and Mick is terrible. Tomar is cool when he is paired up with Zach.

>supermega easily managed to get 25k a month
zoomers need to be purged off this fucking planet

>His favorite Sonic Game is the one where you just boost to win and fuck around with Custom Characters

I wasn't even born until a year after ALttP released and I love that game.

Why are links fighting? Stop glaring at each other.

>Was involved in a cover of one of the songs from that game
>It actually sounds really fucking good

Imagine looking stupider than an obese, NEET italian who publicly broadcasted his J.O. session before shilling his shitty t-shirts and patreon to a bunch of middle schoolers who make up his fanbase.

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Oh, but they will start one. Arin was complaining about declining viewership, blaming "muh youtube algorithm". Considering he has over 20 people on his payroll, he will need those patreon shekels soon enough.

Pretentious hipster faggot wasn't right back then. He especially isn't right now post Game Grumps OoT playthrough where is was made painfully obvious that Arin's "gripes" with the game stem not from how OoT was designed, but because how much he fucking sucks at 3D Zelda games.

thanks for making this thread for the millionth time, and here's the same answer you always get:

pack it up boys

fucking retard doesnt realize this is a game grumps thread

Imagine a world where he never released that video.

they've always been a site of sociopaths, never understood how a person can care so much about ecelebs and random people on the internet

ok cuck

Based and redpilled

He was until OoT Randomizer came out and fucking destroyed every argument he made about the game.

He just left them on so he'd have an excuse for being a fuck up.

pretty much, and not only that but
>Oney was given opportunity to work at Adult Swim, squandered his personal project but AS still recognized his talents and let him work on other people's projects as a side animator
>Only spotlight Arin has gotten was that he was voted by fans on a reality show that wasn't on TV but through PSN and they absolutely hated every single second with Arin existing

Both ALTTP and OoT suck when compared to more modern Zelda games.

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His point about the combat being fucking boring is true.
>wait until enemy moves and is open then hit
>maybe use an item here and there to make the opening happen
Wow. So complex.
The world is fairly solid though. The towns the best of any early 3d adventure game. Overall a game that justifies buying an n64 over a ps1 back in the day, just for its unheard of scale and scope. But its a pretty weak game when looked at from any lens besides the first few years it was new.

after watching him play OoT, I lost all respect for the video, still its pretty humerous.

I never liked OoT (or really any of the 3d Zelda games as a kid) so I agree with most of his points in the video. You really can't disagree that at the very least there is too much waiting in these games. Why is every time I open a chest an annoyance?

>That episode of DmC where Lyle stated something wrong about DMC4
>People in the comments correct him
>Some episodes later Chris gives him a chance to correct himself
>He instead takes it as a attack and call DMC4 fans liers for liking the game
Now I know why people don't like the guy.

Fuck off Jim!!!

There is literally only ONE (1) Zelda game that surpasses OOT that's been released since OOT.

I don't think there's a single enemy where you're absolutely forced to wait for them to move before you can attack them. They can all be made vulnerable through items, which is the point of the combat.

It's just sad that until botw none of the 3d Zelda games did like anything better or different. OoT was a pretty good entry into 3d Zelda, if the waiting bs both in and out of combat were toned down and the puzzles and world expanded on later entries could have been amazing, instead they're basically just reskins

I will say I prefer ALBW over ALTTP for sure

hell even the deadhands can be forced out of the ground with bombs

No, because the Zelda game he wanted was BOTW, and now everyone want to go back to the ALTTP formula after playing BOTW

Like? BotW isn't a Zelda game so don't even go there.

you really gotta upload something that high res

Gamegrumps ruined any credibility that Sequelitis could ever have because it immediately outed Arin as being fucking horrible at video games. any criticisms he ever had were all immediately able to be disregarded as him being a dog shit player. Watch any let’s play with this dumbfuck at the helm to see him fumble through the tutorial and then flounder around the rest of the game never once blaming his inability to learn basic shit only ever pointing fingers at the game itself. it’s laughable.

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Watch him playing the 64 Zeldas or skyward sword, it's plainly obvious that he has ADD or at least a below average attention span. He skips through useful dialogue, glazes over obvious environmental details, outright forgets that he already got the dungeon item or killed the miniboss, and refuses to use basic items like a bow or shield in combat, opting to wait around for a sword strike then complains that nothing is happening. He demands immediacy, which is fine and explains why he likes the 2D zelda games more where each room and area is given immediate clarity and combat is simple, but it also means he often conflates his own inadequacy with the games shortcomings and treats them unfairly.

I just want a new 2D game, preferably a sequel to ALBW, but I would accept anything at this point

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Does anyone know good playthroughs of Zelda games, maybe with good commentary?

This dude is so bad at games that he can't have a valid opinion on anything.

the entire "there's too much waiting" argument in general is correct, not just the chest thing
>waiting 10 seconds to get bombs from a chest is not a big deal
excuse me for not liking when games waste my fucking time

That pretty much sums it up.
A lot of what he complains about is just his fault.

e-"celebs" are never right

Surprise, people have shit taste all over the place. Thats why EA thrives, thats why McDonald's makes billions, etc. Shit taste is the biggest problem in our society.

Watch him play any video game and then afterwards ask yourself if his opinions on game design mean next to anything.

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I personally like chuggaconroy and Nintendocaprisun but i know they're an acquired taste. Chugga puts a shitton of effort into his videos and caprisun is a chill dude

>you have to play the game when it comes out to like it
what a silly opinion

i'd like to see the bizarro-universe game grumps where arin is the one who leaves to be replaced with danny instead of jon

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Game Grumps has about 5.1 Million Subs

JonTron has 5.4 million subs

Who won in the end?

>botw isn't a zelda game

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Is Jon still dating that girl?

The only good guests are DD, Joobian, Zach, Tomar and Cory
Zach is fucking godly because he can make good comedy out of everything, and when tomar and zach are in the episode it feels like old OP with the boys

>be an Icelandic-looking white trash bush-bearing THICC girl
>get into committed relationship with guy who is single-mindedly in love with you, and literally would not stop messaging you when you broke up
>guy ends up not touching you after a while, because that's how marriage works
>the Icelandic need to breed gets heavier than usual, and your husband won't get the hint and prefers making jokes about being a girl over touching you again
I mean, I probably would.

>Thinking Arin's points matter anything after watching is worse than DSP Ocarina's playthrough
Don't even get me started with Majora, the game he loved so much he had to ragequit

Arin has uniquely horrible taste in video games and the only reason people listen to him is because he has an undeserved good reputation for making newgrounds animations back in the day

It's not. The only Zelda thing about it are the aesthetics and the "story"

>doubling down on the stupid opinion

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honestly I'm in point of my life were I would settle a for a game stop house, I already have a house free to inherit so why bother getting a job that actually involves responsability.

Jon is dating an English chick that showed up in his Flex Tape 2 video

Glad I stopped watching after that first episode. Not only do they have to play a shit game but you have to have a retard like Lyle be the one with "knowledge" on the series. Say what you want about Ding Dong and his cynicism but at least he understood and cared about gameplay mechanics.

The way the two LP are polar opposites: it's neat to watch the two back-by-back.
>Chugga: largely scripted approach to game, good amount of editing, comprehensive detail of game, while most of the personal incidental commentary once the detail is done is just him going mopey about the fact that people picked on him for being an obtuse nerd, or him being an obtuse nerd in general
>NCS: absolutely no scripting, minimal editing, burp and fart over the tracks, all commentary is personal stories and weird asides, 2007-style LP work, commentary is a roller coaster of emotion watching a fortysomething play Nintendo games and pal around
Chugga is like listening to that one dorky friend of yours analyze your favorite video game, while NCS is like picking a labelless VHS out of a roadside collection and hoping he stops using the camcorder while naked again so you don't have to see his hirsute depressed old man dick in the TV reflection again.

Also, Oney did some storyboards for an episode of Spongebob.

Lyle is discount Zach. He tries to imitate his Yea Forumstard jokes but ended up sounding like those edgy kids who post Yea Forums memes on twitter.

yeah that sounds about right

Lyle is an unfunny fuck. I wouldn't even consider him a discount Zach.

I think it's just as simple as a retard making content for retards. I cant how stupid arin is. Like you're talking about a guy who is a high school drop out, married the first girl who ever kissed him and pleaded and begged for her to return to him, and now spends all his time playing video games.

And by playing I mean singing songs about pissing poop out his dick.

He makes content for children if you're over the age of 16 you're definitely not his target demographic.


OoT isn't a very good game at all, and an inelegant translation of Zelda to 3D.
>b-but he played it bad while doing a comedy show
Don't care, it's still a bad game

you're a retard bro

Guess the Disney "Star Wars" are still Star Wars, "Metal Gear Surive" is still a Metal Gear game, "Silent Hill" Downpour and Homecoming are still Silent Hill games, Arkanes "Prey" is still a Prey game, and Bethesda "Fallouts" are still Fallout games.

Yeah, they are.
Except Prey as that is a different thing and just uses the same name.

Yeah..? Just because you don't like something doesn't invalidate its existence.

Yes, yes they are

Arin is a faggot

Still have Vinny too