Risky rain


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Other urls found in this thread:


Tomorrow idiot

It already is tomorrow in Australia

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Dead game...

shit, gimme a sec to join

Risk of rain was never good


your mom was always good faget

I'll play in a minute, just gotta make an appointment with the periodontist



get your ass here

shit bro, you got hemorrhoids or sumthin?

-OBLIGATORY "game is called risk of rain but never rains hmmm" POST-

>doesn't talk in-game
>steals items
>doesn't bump when dead
Is there a worse kind of player?

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Switched toothpaste and for some reason my gums got fucked, didn't notice til the recession got bad. If it gets much worse I may need a gum graft even though I'm barely 20.
Anyway, thats all for my /blog. Lets get the precipitation goin.

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The (host) kind who quits after I spent a lunar so everyone can get kitted

Risk of Rain is the risk of crying after your blessed run gets ended by some bullshit 3 loops in

git gud retard

cool meme

The skinny on things not mentioned in the roadmap for the update:
>Hopoo says it's not a grind to unlock the new character, more a "quest"
>Artificer gets a hover jump with unlimited uses
>Attacks that do 100% damage or more get proc buffs
List of attacks that do 100% damage or more:
-All of Artificer's abilities
-All of Mercenary's abilities
-Commando's phase round, and his suppressing fire
-MUL-T's rebar rail gun, bomb, and charge/evasion
-All of Huntress' attacks
-All of Engineer's abilities
Artificer is going to be a lot of people's mains now that her DPS will keep up thanks to the proc buff and evasion move. Commando continues to have the worst early stages. Merc chads will continue to be chads.

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red pill me on lunar items. Are there any that are actually widely useful and not meme status?


Gesture of the Drowned has a laughable "drawback" in that it automatically activates, but halves the cooldown time for use items. Transcendence is great if you can stack more than one. The others who cares.

this 100% depends on how the hover works. If implemented incorrectly it will be useless or possibly even detrimental if you trigger it on accident

>Artificer is going to be a lot of people's mains now
>all these fags who didnt main best girl from the very beginning.

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>playing ror2

>Merc chads will continue to be chads.
The game always crashes for me at rallypoint delta on the first loop (stage 7) so I literally can't unlock merc

>tfw now anons will think im just bandwagoning by playing as her

They said in the IGN showcase that it triggers when the player holds spacebar/their jump key. Seems reasonable. I greatly look forward to it since I've lost many Artificer rounds due to her having no way to dodge Greater Wisp fireballs in the open without a hoof or energy drink.
Artificer is shit as of right now don't pretend otherwise. Literally nobody uses her in quickplay, or Yea Forums games.

Attached: Artificer3.png (1250x560, 893K)

RoR is okay but I can't stand 2D pixel type games for long, especially ones with wonky controls and both hands have to be on the keyboard

Just edit your save you dingus. Take the Merc pill.

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>>all these fags who didnt main best girl from the very beginning.
fucking this, I liked her since I unlocked her

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Delete this NOW

>save editing
But I wanna do it the right way...

>wonky controls
>using keyboard
are you retarded or a nigger?

>posting furry vore on blueboard
Enjoy that ban.

Calm down kid. It's okay when people don't like the things you like

okay spic

>Still no Acrid or Miner
oh no i'm starting to get sad

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Good one. Stop by /pol/ to pick up your gold sticker

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heres my thing tho. Does it carry momentum? Does it slow you down or outright freeze you when you trigger it? If they made it kind of work like headset float its gonna feel like shit and get you killed the same way



oh no

Glass is phenomenal if you git gud much like how glass was phenominal in Ror 1.
There's oneshot protection so less health really doesn't matter given that everything will kill you in 2 hits by the 2nd loop regardless.
Gesture is OP when stacked as is Trancendence. With just one they're just ok.
Corpseblossom is the worst item in the entire game, Don't get it or you're crippled forever.
Crown is super risky, but if you can make it work it does help.

wipe soon if we go to magma barracks

I think they're smart enough not to give her a stationary hover. That would be super fucking stupid considering everyone else's dodge has momentum, save for Engineer who has no dodge.


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host is pooping


the risk of rain was too great

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got a new pc and now I understand the "obliterate yourself just to make it end" memes
once I got the deer antlers (double healing) it was impossible for me to be even near death, even with the corpsebloom or whatever ruining the healing. I even managed to finally kill overloaded worms, which lagged the fuck out of my old pc, never letting me kill a single one.

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I wanted to test how the game ran on my new pc with an ezmode character

I think it was the 13 slugs, 3 predatory instincts, and six leeching seeds that put in the work sempai.

>9 infusions


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shrine of the mountain dropped 3 of them at once

5/10 get in here

Infusion is only illegal because of Glass.

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it's a pleb tier item, don't try to excuse yourself nigger


Risky 2 is arguably harder than 1 since it doesn't have Glass and Command as the meta. Quit being a faggot, faggot. Pic related is you.

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>taller than anyone
fake news

There's an old image I saw on Yea Forums of an user taking the time to measure the characters. Always kick myself for never saving it.

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>muh ror2 is harder therefore I can use easy items
>y-y-y-y-you probably play on drizzle

m8 pls stop being foolish.
>Glass makes enemies fragile
>Infusion allows your health to get to 9999
>Infusion outlawed

>No Glass
>Infusion allows 100hp increase per 100 kills per pickup
>Enemy health scales ridiculously high on Monsoon by loop 1
>Infusion becomes another tool on your belt
But pls by all means leave the Infusions untouched I'll gladly take it.

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>enforcer that small
He’s like 7 feet tall

t. Enforcer.

>still no ror2 variant of this that prohibits discord drama

It would get outdated pretty quick. Just look at Wake of Vultures, which is now a decent red.

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You have to wait for burger time

The log for lemurians in 1 placed them at 7 feet so there you go

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Why does Commando feel so boring in rdr2? How are they going to change his skills in the update?

Sounds like a Yoshi flutter jump

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Post your favorite MJ song bros

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>you try to force RoR meta on RoR2
>user explains why you're wrong
>call him a retard
I'm trying not to call you a retard because I want to get out of shitting on people even on the internet but bro.. Please start thinking critically


Ayy I was looking for that.

I don't find him boring but I could see how someone could. You basically hold M1 and cycle through his skills as they come off CD and dodge when you need to. If you have shit gear you're gonna spend uncomfortably long doing this. If you have good gear you'll still spend uncomfortably long doing this but stuff dies faster.

Hopoo mentioned near RoR2's post-launch that he feels people aren't fond of Commando due to how his guns sound and how the phase round looks. He mentioned they were going to change these things in a later update, starting with a minor change to the phase round in a patch a month ago or so. All it did was make it more distorted. I imagine Skills 2.0 will have different sounds and shit. Hopefully mix and match loadouts with multiple abilities.

Hopoo mentioned in a dev blog that they think that Commando may need a sound and visuals pass to make him feel less boring, which I think may be true. He is fun to play imo but everything he does feels underwhelming, but it might just be the way it feels

CHADgineer literally standing tall above virgin weebs and muh cawadooty kiddies

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>lol here's a plant character

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he's fat with stubby legs

in the trashcan

Man I love Loader but I doubt he's gonna make it. And chef seems mechanically unsuited to RoR2. We will see, though.

I hope HAN-D makes it, and I hope he gets the grapple he has in the current files. Then we at least get a loader/HAN-D combo

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Look at those fucking arms, bro, he's shredded.
Dude carries around enough electronics to weight as much as 2 people, dude could probably bench-press Mul-T if he wanted to.

I'm gonna hotglue that janny

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Thanks for hostan.

Tomorrow in relevant parts of the world.


you've waited this long why are you spazzing now?

>itemlets leave the game because they kept dying

>ywn relive the first 2 weeks of RoR2
>ywn browse the early RoR2 threads on Yea Forums ever again

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i got raging diarhea, sorry i couldnt clean my own shit.

Just shit on your piss bottle, nigger.

iktf, hope the update brings back some of that interest back, ror1 fags are absolute spergs who turn the threads into shitposting cancer

I'm more sad I will never experience the early RoR1 threads again, when there was still discussion.

No more host?

It's more than sound and visuals. It's that his loop 1 gameplay is literally holding M1. Almost every character except Mul-T plays more engaging in their base form, but at least mul t can mow mobs down like a car which is stupid fun

has more positioning options with her shift and R

does a ton of base damage and her skills are more involved than holding a button. You have to watch your positioning and use your cooldowns strategically. Very fun loop 1 character

Loop 1 you don't have enough gear to set and forget with turrets, but they help mop up some of the chore mobs while you move around with the character himself. can even get up close and personal with mines if you're feeling randy

nothing personnel kid; the character. i don't even have to explain why he's so fun and also a strong loop 1 char

Commando is like pray you get some good loot by Stage 3 or fight off being tempted to quit-to-menu. Also all those characters have ways to deal with a situation getting out of control whereas commando you have a short cd, short range roll which helps you dodge attacks but doesnt do much in terms of ohshit. A group like pic related gets me excited on merc and artificer. On commando it's like fuck here we go again another slog

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with that loot i wouldnt care what character im on I wouldve already quit to menu

cuntress is the most boring one, you can't even shoot unless enemis are in range, I'd argue Arti and Merc are the only that need a full brain to be played

That's a fair point, maybe he will get a funness buff, or maybe skills 2.0 will make him more exciting.

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Gesture is a completely broken item. Don't take this if you want actual gameplay in your run

lol i've had worse honestly. popped a newt portal and traded for a couple of kjaro's bands. some of my most fun runs have been barely coming back from shit loot. that feeling of barely getting to stage 4 then getting a couple items that catapult you into brokenness is pure ecstacy

I can respect it

Dude how much do you sell these figures for?

I'll give you one for some pics of your mom

I don't, they take too much time to make for me to feel like I can let them go. I'm a software engineer, this is just my hobby.

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better keep her skirt off

8am pacific tomorrow the update drops

Is the game stuck on build id 'mod' once you ran it with mods or does it go back to normal with everything disabled?

I'm making the skirt out of fabric with a jewelry wire core so it can be posed. Including posing her pulling it aside sensually

Ror1 fags are autistic, but in a dedicated way. Meanwhile, most ror2 threads are shit up by trannies throwing a shitfit over discord instead of playing the fucking game.

where chef

getting schrodingered

quantum chef, i like

>ror2 thread
>no one hosting

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Can you tell us more about how you do this? I do a little bit of hobby/figure/mini stuff and I'm curious. Are you using a 3D printer?

>most ror2 threads are shit up by trannies throwing a shitfit over discord instead of playing the fucking game.
Those were literally ror1 fags who insist on keeping a thread up just for shitposting, even without any hosts. I tried hosting ror2 in that exact thread where they were sperging out over discord and only got replies to host ror1 instead.

I'm scrapping existing action figures for parts where it makes sense, and 3d printing when it doesn't.

For example, artificers core body is a marvel legends spider girl. But I am 3d printing the jetpack, the gauntlets, and the helmet. Also the collar of the tunic is printed. Her tunic itself is sculpted with Apoxie sculpt.

The 3d printed parts are mostly the models from the game with small tweaks where they are needed (often for smoothing low-poly areas like.artificers helmet). Loader is an outlier though, because he has no model, so I had to invent a helmet and a backpack and model it.

They are all painted with acrylics and sealed with mod podge matte coat before assembling them (otherwise the paint will scrape when the joints are worked)

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t. pink name
no one wants to play a shitty unfinished tranny game, git gud faget

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Here's a picture I put together after I finished Loader in response to a similar question. Happy to answer other questions.

I also post in the /toy/ customs threads. It's a cool hobby and you should check it out if you're interested.

Attached: RiskofRain-Loader-Breakdown.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

If you're playing the first one just use a controller.
If you're playing the second one just play it like an FPS.

Great, thank you for the info. Unfortunately I don't have a 3D printer (yet). But I did just get back into similar stuff recently so I might try my hand at this when I become more experienced.

Unfortunately I just got a call-in for work that I need to handle so I can't chat anymore, probably will take me at least a few hours before I am back, I'll check around /toy/, thanks. Any specific thread name I should look out for?

/Customs/ general. It's a slow board so a single customs general will stick around a while. There are plenty of folks there who are happy to discuss projects like these, and you don't need a 3d printer to get started, you can kitbash or sculpt by hand, or heck, I'd even print small pieces and only charge you for postage if you're in the US and I have time

He's so insecure he augmented his height with tech btfo by adrenaline junky merc and natty commando

>posting art made by a ror2 player
Wow, You look really stupid.

his rapid fire shot is awful and needs to be reworked, his power shots are neat though.

>his rapid fire shots are awful
why? The guaranteed stun is great early game and i feel like it isnt outright bad until you have the fire rate and damage to just hold m1

Not him but its not an ability that scales well when you start building a decent inventory of items. Since you only ever get the set number of shots per use they come out faster with higher attack speed meaning its useless for stunning anything and makes his skillset even more one dimensional. It should function more like Eviscerate where you get more hits in the same window of time so it can deal better dps/more procs and still be useful for stunning multiple targets. Lower the damage on it if you want but the stun is the part that really ought to be important and usable about the ability.

Artificer truly has been, and always will be the superior girl.

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How can that be true when Beetle Queen exists?

I finished RoR1 for the first time today
God I hope they add a final level similar to the one in the first, it's so fun

Post engi fanart where engi is drawn in chibi/SD style thank you

>it should function more like eviscerate
actually you make a really good point there. I like it and can you imagine the use with brainstalks


So do we know anything about item changes

Not playable... yet.

jesus christ is that real?

that looks way too good

have a bump risky 1 friends. risky 2 host when?

>miner never
Feels good bros :)

Why not just add Loader at that point? They're already pretty similar. Not to mention, we have a pretty similar-looking robot already. From a design standpoint dude with robo arms currently beats straight up robot.

Well HAN-D has a model and animations so I assume they liked the idea of him being in RoR2, even if he's unfinished. And my reasoning is flimsy at best, mostly because a slow melee heavy hitter who can slap enemies around with his fists/hammer feels like they should be huge, like HAN-D. Plus he has a big hammer slam ability that doesn't make much sense for Loader. Also, Loader's Tesla coils don't seem like they'd work in 3d

To clarify, I meant they're similar in general playstyle. Obviously a lot of work would need to be done for the model.

Han-D a best

>got a random gift copy
Any poor user need it?

If they cared enough, they could rework his R like with Huntress. I know there's currently no proof indicating they DO care, but they COULD make it work. Anyway, I hope I'm not sounding antagonistic here, janny-bot is a bro. I just really like arm boy.

I want a Han-D from a thicc lemurian girl