Ex-Fortnite Reddit mod accuses Epic Games of paying mods to manipulate posts

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Other urls found in this thread:


So that's where all the money from microtransactions got spent on

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Shocking. How could they do that. Oh no. That has never happened anywhere ever before. Certainly not. Goodness gracious.

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Didn't the CEO of Reddit do that too? because of this, the whole site lost any form of credibility and now illegible for even court evidence

no shit nigger
they also rent chink bot farms for views on twitch
unless you have actual damning evidence this isnt news

Naw, it's just a salty mod faking screenshots


They probably also pay shills here to pimp EGS and shit on Steam.

>paying mods to manipulate posts
are you telling me reddit has paid mods and shills?

Top kek

Oh shit

Reddit is total shit but this is still less embarrassing than cleaning up the garbage on this website for free.

This. Reddit isn’t just the site with the cancerous userbase, it’s the site with the cancerous moderation and systems.


you need to go back

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why would they need to do this when you can just use bots to downvote and upvote shit for you?

Imagine using shidit
Normalfags are amazing

>do i fit in yet guys
First post isn't the OP you stupid reddit tourist.

Do redditors geniuenly believe in impartial mods or is it just some sort of reddit meme?

Actually it is, since the thread couldn’t exist without it. Nigger

Their Mods get paid?

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>are you telling me reddit has paid mods and shills?
I'm shocked there are people who actually believe this. Apex Legends subreddit was/is ran by "paid influencers", which is most certainly case with a bunch of these game specific subreddits. You'd have to be retarded not to try to influence people on there

Imagine being a Yea Forums janitor cleaning shitposts for free while redditors actually get paid to moderate lmao

Thank fucking god OP is here to keep us updated on what's happening with the Fortnite subreddit.

fartshite lmao

Our mods get paid too, it's the jannies that don't.

You have to go back you nigger

Trying waay too hard. OP and FP are not the same fucking thing summer child. It's cute how you tossed in nigger to make it looks like you fit in more.

Based and redpilled.

>Words words words

You can call him anything you want. But you can't call him a necklet.

>Epic Games
Literally no one cares, kys.

No, the CEO edited someone's post without their permission.

What the hell is wrong with Tim's upper lip?

More details?
What were they manipulating?
Who was doing it?
Link to the article?

Is being a jannie like being a prinny

>collusion of media and game companies
MSM: i sleep

>game company associates with wrongthinker

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Guys. What if game journalists are paid for shill reviews????

everyone knows that Epic are cancer

>goes full ancap
Never let an autist be in charge of your company

>ex-fortnite reddit mod
how many shitty things can you put in one sentence

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>Yea Forums Jannie nervously trying to delete this thread before the secret is out

That's why the anti-China copypasta is now marked as spam

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You and I cannot imagine being the cursed being known as a jannie

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This surprises who? We already know they pay for exclusivity, why wouldn't they pull shit like this?

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Reddit has been point manipulating forever dude, they tried really really hard to get some Trump resistance subs off the ground but of course they stopped existing whenever the points weren’t being edited.



Who cares

Go back to whatever website that is a valid argument on instead of shitting this place up.

>and now illegible for even court evidence

go back

I honestly wouldn't be surprised with all the disposable fortnite money they have

I thought it was common knowledge Reddit is just a glorified advertising platform and that moderation is paid off at every level for any relevant sub reddit even down to basic voting bots.

What are you even implying? Was it too difficult for you to read a few sentences? Do you lack the capacity to write a reply?

Why did you make a thread about Fortniteing Redditors
Fuck off, delete the thread, who gives a shit about Reddit

Why would they just moderate the Brazilian subreddit of Fortnite?

It is, I don't know how it comes as a shock to so many people.

I'm a youtuber, the worst part of my "job" is going to reddit.
Mostly because of the mods.

cool story bro, but not video game

do you know what a bbc looks like?

Yea Forums wins again baby

>even down to basic voting bots
I make these for Reddit, Instagram, etc. I don't really care about their platforms and I use the money to buy random stuff online (I have a job)

I mean its not like Yea Forums posts have ever been used in court, have they?

>cut-out screenshot
>no link

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what? what do you mean? our jannies are really working for FREE???? oh no no no NO NO NO NO PPFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

How new are you?

doesn't that say that the mod paying is true but that there was also drama between reddits unrelated to the epic paying where mods faked screenshots?

The CIA got caught samefagging because they didn't remove (you)s when they submit evidence from 8 /pol/

>Yea Forums
>never used in court
Get a load of this newfag

honestly it's both the media and the consumers. people care more about getting mad at wrongthink than they do about ousting corruption/collusion.

>Unable to detect the sarcasm seeping out of that user's reply
You guys are the real newfags.

it's not at all surprising

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looks like a serial killer

At least they got paid. That's basically chad tier compared to the simpering mods on other 'big' reddits that preemptively self censor and change the rules on a whim so the corporate gum doesn't dry up.

2010 newfag, Havent been on /pol/ since 2013 so I very well could have missed it if it was recent

How much did it cost? Two $5 coupons to McDonalds? A free fortnite skin?

mods don't get paid

some advice... don't mess with football...

the full Chinese experience

Reddit is for dumb fags, go back there

Say what you want about Tim but he certainly has skin.

prove it. everyone knows they do.

How much do you think they get paid?

internet is full of shills, Yea Forums is still full of them and Jannies and Mods are faggots who do nothing

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Is your point that it's okay if other people do it? Because that's retarded.


Ah yes, reddit mods, people I trust and love.

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without revealing too much, let's just say it's less than the facebook mods that get PTSD do, and leave it at that.

Look at him. He's almost definitely a pedophile or a serial rapist.

sounds like it fits right into reddit's sheeple design

The absolute state of Reddit. Fuck those niggers and anyone that browses there.

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If they were manipulating points, why was the_donald hitting the front page nearly every day in 2016? there's still a post that gets that high about every week now.

this, for example blizzard subreddits are all controlled by actual blizzard employees.

Delet this!

>First post isn't the OP
OP = Original Poster

>asking someone to prove a negative statement

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>someone faked something on Reddit

Nigger, everything on Reddit is fake. People put on a persona to gather Karma instead of actually writing what they really feel like saying.

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>He doesn't know that OP is always a faggot

massive purge when?

they're volunteers like jannies so they don't get paid

>that hairstyle
>nobody notices it

he's literally a fucking Maoist

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I think the ones for big companies like Epic probably do, though I doubt very much. Probably like extra pocket change money. Or they'll just have employees do it like Blizzard does.

>Ex-Fortnite Reddit mod
What a disgusting waste of meat

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>brainlet can't google a headline

>It's okay if other people do it?
It's not? Read the article, only 2 top mods were paid, which is quite reasonable considering top mods being basically community managers at this point and they were required to abide by the rules and remove posts that stirred drama. I bet $100 that this drama is some twitter faggotry / streamer bullshit that is in no way associated with the game so it's like jannies here removing e-celeb threads. Not even epic shill. Or maybe I am. Who cares.
The article actually mentions that they doxxed other mods and got giveaway prizes for themselves, which is far worse than getting paid for the work you do.

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>facebook mods

I'm not saying that Epic wouldn't do shit like that but I am saying redditors are faggots that I don't trust with anything

Mods, purge when?

Sadly this place is shit. At least on reddit you can have actual conversations on games. Sure, the place is cringy as hell, filled with neckbeards and SJW types... but at the end of the day if I need advice on something like say... facing the Dancer in DS 3 I'll browse there. Why? Cause you get here are pedos and 14 years olds posting LolI and anime, PS4 douches rambling on about their shitty plastic boxes, soiboys cumming all over their Mario shit, and just memes and shitposts. Havent seen a legit game discussion here in years.

in the very short time I used reddit before getting banned for dumb shit, I literally would have multiple accounts messaging me copy/paste responses. I dont know how anyone takes that place seriously

Apparently from all the gore / cp / whatever suicidal shit that gets posted. What do you expect, they hire normies from the street that don't last more than few months, the fact that there's a world beyond their coffee shop and meaningless struggles of "uuuuuu mike dumped me what do I doooooo" is mindblowing for them

It's still not ok though

why did you got banned?

and downvoted. Fuck off to reddit already

>getting paid is not okay
Unless they got paid without contract - it's quite okay

This user claimed his post was a joke

>over 18 years old
>discussing video games seriously
youre a fucking loser, not meming bro

This, only kids play video games

It was really bizarre. I racked up thousands of post and comment karma just fucking around, then one day I posted an article about female students suing their state over allowing trannies to compete.. It got 3000 karma in an hour, made the front page of r/news, then within 24 hours I was banned for "violent rhetoric" in which they highlighted a sarcastic comment I made about "yeah i hope that celebrity gets raped with a knife." .. that was 12 days old.

I disagree, it's not ok unless they openly declare that they are employees of whomever is paying them.

They changed the algorithm so the sub wouldn't ever hit front page

I think the word they're looking for is "shills".

And we know the scum all to well here on Yea Forums.

as if here isn't the exact same shit except for bad goy points instead of good goy

It's funny, because that mode was paid by valve to spread fake info about fortnite mods

It is similar, but not as bad.

>Yea Forums hasn't had threads deleted because of advertisers


Why, it's not breaching any FTC acts

>gets raped by a knife
Wtf did you expect saying shit like that on a normie social media site? FFS.

rules are selectively enforced on reddit. first they decide they want to take you down then they look through your history to find a reason.

Given the context it was obviously humorous.

I figured. The post I made was locked almost immediately after it hit the front of news

i'm 100% certain that this happens on literally every subreddit. how is this news? its been documented beofre

he looks like a thumb

mods take less, they do it for free

/r/fortnitebr has been working closely with the reddit admins launching two huge pilot programs for reddit monetization - community tip jar, where you can tip a subreddit like a streamer and the company keeps a %, and the new subreddit-specific subscription model. there is a large test base of young apolitical users on this sub so there's a lot at stake. basically this is the future of the site.

also, this doesn't happen on every subreddit but the admins will step in and install compromised/corporate mods if the original mods don't cooperate.

you mean reddit is not a bastion against consumerism and degeneray and it's actually paid shill central?
Who could've seen it coming.

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It's really obvious, publishers give more attention to subreddits than their own forums.

>Noooo! Mods save us from the Steam Chads!

How is it a surprise that Epic is moderating its own subreddit? Wow, so newsworthy.

>brutal hostile takeover capitalist
the fuck? He's just a balding cunt, user.

If you by steam chads you mean redditors, then yes

reddit's terms of use specifically forbid taking compensation for a mod position.

mostly this is a story about reddit changing, not about epic.

just checked that shit and the thread is full of upvotes, are people really okay with that shit?

>publishers give more attention to subreddits than their own forums.
a lot of game surverys also ask how important you consider reddit for news and stuff. i remember seeing it in the Square and Sega surveys. that's literally all you need to know that they influence what goes on there, aside from all the other obivous evidence. it's just another marketing tool for them

The fucking Animorphs picture

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So any official word from plebbit?

you're arguing with a retarded american who probably doesnt even know what that word means

i enjoyed fortnite for the first year or so but the stereotypes Yea Forums pushes about their community are pretty accurate, especially for people that have stuck with it for this long. it's mostly teens and they mostly don't give a fuck. also values like free speech and freedom from corporate influence have been demonized as alt-right values over there so people just go along with it

they introduced $5 subscriptions for specific subs

Is this one of them reptilians? He's got a pretty shitty disguise

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how come redditors are not chimping out?

>genetic defective hairlet mutants
when will they learn lmao
>fetal alcohol syndrome lip
big fucking yikes, I bet he got bullied and is trying to get back at e-bullies by attacking steam with chinese money

looks like the bad guy in a 1990s action movie

because they get banned

most redditors are american and they dont see anything wrong with paying for everything. that's how microsoft got away with paid online for all those years before everyone else. they love defending corporations

you get called a tinfoil hat alt right nazi anti vaxxer over there if you question anything that isn't drumf

unless you're a global site admin a mod or the owner of a sub can't do shit, so this is definitely bait.

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you can ban key words, ban users, remove posts before they gain traction, and completely set the tone of the sub. what do you mean?

He looks like a thumb with a face on it.

>I mean its not like Yea Forums posts have ever been used in court, have they?
I remember when moot had to appear in court to explain Yea Forums terms and memes because some faggot hacked Sarah Palin's email.
Not to mention that fresh news of CIA shit

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>that one time a spy spilled some shit but everyone called him a fag

I love how Valve are just so laid back and chill, while Tim Sweeney is literally seething every second he's awake. No wonder this fuck wants to destroy PC gaming, he keeps getting dabbed on by the industry.

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>The CIA got caught samefagging

fukkin kek holy shit

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When the fuck has Reddit been eligible as court evidence?

>amoeba brain wants to give clickbait free google hits

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>unironically afraid that one click from someone with adblock will seriously improve the finances of a website he's never heard of

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>the smartest minds in the US
>can't even fake posts on /pol/
xv-kun is better than these retards and he's lliterally autistic

>corporate manipulation
>quite reasonable

You tried.

Definitely the type of guy to go to Asia for child prostitution.

weren't those just Facebook posts

iirc redit was founded on bot manipulation where they were used to generate upvotes and user numbers to make itt appear as if they have some huge traffic to gain advertisers.

You won't get downvoted into oblivion nor immediately banned if you say the wrong thing. Writing on reddit means censoring yourself to whatever the mod deems right.

no shit, they are a company with lots of money and they aren't afraid to throw it around

they probably pay youtubers and websites too


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Maybe he is making up shit because he got fired from his janitor job, remember to preorder Randy's game anons.

face like a fucking molerat

You're beyond reaching, the original poster never said that neither elaborated what "drama" posts that were deleted even mean, the article made that connection themselves. Seems like they weren't so drama if none of them blew up in those years. Retarded shit that is tertiary to the theme of the fucking forum should be deleted, and posted accordingly on other themed forums. There are thing that are far worse those mods did, but that wouldn't make a clickbait article now, would it.

Mods be executed for acting as an agent to a foreign enemy

tfw tribes ascend

fetal alcohol syndrome

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Test desu

> everyone knows they do.
prove it.
>mods get paid
and that too.

someone explain to me whats actually wrong with this outside of "i dont like it"

i dont like it either, and i dont approve of it, but i dont see why it shouldnt be allowed. these are both privately owned companies.

>The CIA got caught samefagging because they didn't remove (you)s when they submit evidence from 8 /pol/

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Nothing wrong with it, people are simply explaining why r*ddit is a bad place for videogame discussion.

Oh look we have another neo-liberal who tries to take everything at face value to come of as controversial.
What's your next post going to look like, "am I the only one who..."?
Fuck off back to plebbit you dick munching tourist.

it's a reversal of policy which was implemented to prevent conflict of interest. the community is literally controlled by company shills and this fact has been hidden for over a year.

see other comment i replied to for an example of the apathetic attitude that allows it

You're not their target market and they're trying to compete via publishers and not via consumers. Nothing's wrong with being mad at Epic and trying to fight them off.

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>I work for Dick Jones!
>he's the #2 guy at OCP!
>OCP runs the cops!

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>Go on lad! This one's on me.
This stupid shit makes me giggle.

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>user then claimed this post was a joke



just because is ebin WE have to be enraged

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thank you based Sweeney

>tits curving at the middle of the ribs instead of the armpits
This always makes me mad
Some artists who get paid to draw tits also make the same mistake wtf

Did that rebbitor just now realize the moderators of all subreddits are on the take if not outright employees of the company? Better late than never, I guess.

Yes, reddit mods are corrupt

And I love how the same day he got out, he posted on facebook that "the cops never found my backup hard drive. ;)" Dude is legit so autistic, he not only posted on facebook the same day he got released (using the internet was a term of his probation, thereby violating it in less than 24 hours), he also tipped the police off that they didn't find all of his shit.

Reddit mods are corrupted but recently our own jannies and mods became bad too.

One is even a Russian bot.

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>rules are selectively enforced on reddit. first they decide they want to take you down then they look through your history to find a reason

In a world where everything you do is observed and catalogued, the fear is not getting caught for specific transgressions. It is that, the moment you become a problem in the eyes of someone with access to this information, they can dredge it up and use it to punish you, since you have almost certainly done something.

Reddit is a surveillance state.

ahaha LIT BTW ahah jej and kek btw

based retard.

>...bot manipulation where they were used to generate upvotes...
I was recommended reddit the other day by an otherwise decent guy, so I had a look in order to form an actually informed opinion, and it turned out the top spots are filled with links to content requiring payment to access.
So yeah, it's probably mostly bots.

remember when they purged all of Seth Rich's posts after he got Murd? nothing dodgy about that

>One is even a Russian bot
so he's a figment of the Democratic Party's imagination? COOL

user. This is Shmillary Shminton. theyre coming for you.

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Winnie the pooh!

>so he's a figment of the Democratic Party's imagination

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wtf i love videogames journalism now


If such defective person can become millionaire you have no excuse of being less successfull than him

>i dont like it either, and i dont approve of it, but i dont see why it shouldnt be allowed. these are both privately owned companies.

Only issue I have is that it isn't publicly disclosed on their group page. If it was prominantly displayed on their page in the banner that the mods are compensated by Epic for their work on their fortnite group, then I would have no problem with it. Let the users know that they are being "paid" by the epic to mod the group, then let the userbase make their own decisions about the content on the group.

Certainly not in anywhere as pure,uncorrupt, and honest as China.