Phantasy Star Online 2 with the aesthetic of 1 and the larger instanced areas of Dragon's Dogma Online
Holy shit, all my money.
I know that fragment exists but ps2 servers are kill.
Just proof that MMOs are dead, the games revolving around them live longer :(
THIS, please just give me an actual The World MMO. Imagine one with all classes, areas, and features from the games but with modern updated graphics and mechanics. I would never log out.
I just want MMOs where the in-game community isn't dead.
Pic related and discord killed the atmosphere of MMOs.
Now people don't immerse themselves in the world and almost all interaction happens outside the game.
It's so souless.
Also player-driven worlds and roleplay like Star Wars Galaxies. where you don't have to be a combatant and can play the entire game being a merchant, dancer, blacksmith or any other career path.
Rend got me convinced that there's a better way to scratch the itch. No endless, soul-sucking grind, but rather a weeks- or months-long cooperative RPG that resets when you win or lose. So right now I'm just wanting it to either get fixed or for something to come out that avoids its problems.
>Win by getting kills, rather than running around in a field spam clicking
>Ways to limit playtime effectiveness, so it's more about strategically using your time rather than just playing the most
>No honeycombing base-building bullshit
>Allow the game to end when one team has clearly won
m8 external chat has been around since the dawn of MMOs. In-game community changed but it isn't because communication offerings did.
Re-release WoW on consoles from a first person perspective, with a proper hit detection system, a new in-game engine, and overhaul new expansions after BC
>with all the micros being armor skins and shit that mean nothing to gameplay
I don't get how people like this. Just about every MMO out now is just a visual mess of people running around in nonsensical dress up shit rather than armor fitting for their level and class. Feels like I'm playing mobileshit.
>2.5d graphics
>6 classes, 3 races, 3 major world zones
>Sword class, hammer class, 2 staff classes, archer class and merchant class.
>Any class can be tank or dps, only 1 of the staff classes can heal tho. Healers are not necessary tho since you can heal in other ways.
>Game is pve/pvp focused aas in all PVE content got PVP aspects to it
>There's only one instance of each dungeon, which means 1000 of players would be in the same dungeon at the same time
>Full on PVP in dungeons, max party size is 5
>No dungeons untill lvl 40, there are 3 lvl 40 dungeons, 3 lvl 50 dungeons and so on. Max lvl is 100 btw
>A lvl 41 player can't enter a lvl 40 dungeon but can enter lvl 50 dungeons. A lvl 41 player can handle himself and solo stuff in lvl 50 dungeon if he got bis gear, his biggest opponent would be other players and bosses.
>need to COOP with other partys to beat bosses btw, first player who picks up the loot gets. Player who picks up the gear and dies inside dungeon drops everything he picked up for other players to pick up.
Open world exploration themed RPG
Set in the MTG universe, playing as an un-named Planeswalker.
You can witness the events of the Thran-Phyrexian war, the Eldrazi titans, the Rise of Nicol Bolas, etc. as you explore the planes.
You can run into other real players and have MTG battles when you do.