Leak Nintendo Switch Mini

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I will buy it Day One.

The hell is that dpad, doesn't look so mini either

All i want is a switch pro. Same size but higher specs and no bezel (making the screen bigger).

>Old fakes
Here's the real new switch model

Attached: file.png (1500x1500, 318K)

the switch is already mini. now it's going to be GBA size and you won't be able to dock it?

>play your favorite games from the '90s in stunning 480p!

>some lardass actually wants a smaller, featureless switch

Nintendo logo is not centered

isn't it already tiny?

I'm waiting for an XL with way improved specs, the hardware is far outdated now

my dad works at nintendo

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>+ and -
sorry fag, but these are for distinguishing between left and right controller, useless if its all 1 piece


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>+ and - have never been on a single controller before

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>The Switch is considered "tiny" in this day and age
What the fuck went wrong?

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Consolets are used to playing their games at 720p in their 65" screens, so it looks tiny for them.

>*super glues cheap ass shitty Joycons to switch*
Heres your "upgrade" bro.

Fuck that shit give me the "pro" model.

Sexy as shit, can't wait to get this.

Fake af, there's not going to be a switch revision

Nice mockup you got there, where is the Pro?

What's with all these switch mini "leaks" lately? And what's with leakfags and always giving them proper d-pads and making the joycons connected to the system? And what the fuck is with those analog sticks? Nintendo didn't change circle pads when they updated the 3DS multiple times, why the fuck would they change the analog sticks?

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Do not trust rumors.
Do not trust pictures.
Do not trust videos of people playing it.
Do not trust even one placed in front of you.

It's 3D printed, ALL IS 3D PRINTED.

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Don't care, gimme the Switch pro.

Only 19.99$? Whoh, it's really cheap.

where is the pro version?

Is this the real leak? Doesn't look that much portable or "mini" to me.

What'swith the faggot hoping for a Pro version? Imagine paying 400 for a cheap ass handheld that wont get any exclusives.

This, unless it's an official announcement by Nintendo then it's fucking FAAAAAAKE

This is not a machine to play games on.
It's a machine to create fakes, to create the next round playstation 5 and make everyone on IGN believe you until sony release the square box of always.

i can play smash on this?

You guys are fucking retarded. If Nintendo gonna release new model, they would announce it at E3

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>yfw nintendo makes a switch 3D printer, so you can get real smash bros trophies and take 3D printable pictures on the Link awakening remake

That was not the case with the New 3DS though.

That would be fucking bonkers
They made a Gameboy Printer, so Switch 3D Printer would be the next step right?

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When was that? It's really weird to not announce hardware at ee

Yep, i'm even referencing the fact that on Zelda DX you could print some specific pictures found in the game.

Why waste money on mini model when you already know that pro model is coming?

Don't tell me you actually want to play this shit in handheld mode

>Why waste money on mini model when you already know that pro model is coming?
They're still rumours though. So far those revisions dont exist until they're announced.

New 3DS was revealed in August 2014

Anyway what's the point of buying this waste when there's millions of hackable switch available in the market?

The only people that want a mini switch are people who haven't tried to play something with the full sized joycons. Fuckers are painful after even ten minutes for an adult man.

that's basically a fucking Vita, this shit can't be real

Don't you love a new challenge?

muh pocket sized

If you own a bag of any decent size it's barely any impact at all. Or you could be one of those autists that's ashamed of vidya. If you're travelling or whatever, it's fine to stick in a laptop bag's front pocket or whatever.

What's more likely is a Switch Pro/Home that's a more dedicated console rather than a handheld, either that or an XL.

The joycon are fine, I play with them all the time and I have big adult man hands.

How is that a bad thing though?

so whats the point of this

will it not be able to dock?

looks like a clunky psp also the buttons looks like they're made out of plastic

Switch has nothing but ports, just like the vita too.

>What's more likely is a Switch Pro/Home that's a more dedicated console
Switch is just a glorified handheld though. That shit isnt changing.

What ethnicity are you qnd what generation?

I don't see the problem.
>portable is actually portable for people who don't exclusively wear cargo pants or carry around huge bags
>smaller screen makes low resolutions less noticeable
>no pointless joycon gimmick

Is actually faggot shit though.

A bunch of cases and third party accessories showing an apparent Switch mini have surfaced. The fact that no SKUs or anything like that for a new console have surfaced and Nintendo explictly said to their stockholders there are no plans for new models.

Hence why there's no reason for a "mini" revision.

Where are the fucking Switch Pro/XL leaks i cant takes this anymore

They wont make a home console though. Move on. You're not getting a Home console with 3rd party.

The mini revision is not needed, but if they release it, it will make the switch look outdated, just ask the original DS vs the second one etc..
Also you need the exact same thing to make a Switch mini and a Switch pro, a die shrink on the CPU so you can either use a smaller battery or clock the GPU up.

Here, have one.

Attached: nswitch mock up.jpg (800x450, 78K)

The design isn't really bad, it's just that is 1:1 exactly like a vita, still will keep playing with both my Nintendo Sandwitch and my Playstation Zero Vitals, gotta finish FF VII on my Hacker Vita

I had no idea the atari lynx was so fucking big

I always thought it was GBA size at the most, never seen one in person.

>That pic

user, what do you carry around with you on a day to day basis, really? Because I can't think of anybody who actually carries just a vita or a 3DS with them on top of their wallet and phone. If you've got a laptop bag or whatever for work, it fits in fine.

I already have one. It's called a PS4.
>Not being an idort in 2019

The DS actually benefited from the downsize since it was relatively clunky. It's definitely going to be more of a N3DS revision than a DS to DS lite. The inevitable New 2DSXL equivalent will be great though.

Nintendo never make handheld consoles without upgrade version before and what make you think Switch is exception?

It is small, when compared to the wii u game pad.

White boomer?

>Bigger than the Lynx
>And the Lynx has an actual fucking d-pad
What the fuck went wrong indeed

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A Switch Mini makes zero sense. A "New Switch" is more likely.

Fuck you

I rather an HD perma-docked Switch Tbh famalamdingdongpai.

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Switch is according to them not a handheld but a hybrid. But yeah there's going to be a revision sooner or later

Thankfully phones managed to kill small screens.


Do just an underpowered shit console eh?

Here you go

Attached: Switch_pro_leak.png (530x117, 44K)

I have a game gear and it’s absolutely massive and weighs quite a bit for a handheld

Disgusting joycon angle
But what the fuck you can see hit points in BotW? Is that a mod or did I miss an option?

The Lynx was also a piece of garbage and don't pretend otherwise.
>but the Switch is garbage too!
Still magnitudes better than the fucking Lynx.

This. I hate using the joycon, and avoid it as much as I can. The only reason I'd consider getting this model, is that it's all one solid unit. I hate playing the Switch handheld, because it feels like a fragile piece of shit.

kek nice leak you got there fag.

Why don't your wrists work like a normal human's?

Looks awful.


>extra CPU
this isn't the 90s

Add a higher quality dock, that isn't a light piece of shitty plastic that grates against the screen, and we have a deal. Make the screen glass too.

>extra cpu
>It isn't the 90's
motherboards with dual sockets exists to this day and you can even get one a a consumer

>thinking they'll reveal a hardware revision this early
Next gen is literally one year later, with PS5 and Xbox Scarlett hitting in 2020. They'll reveal a new model around 2020 when the Switch loses its footing during the next gen

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Bruh, that's the slim model Lynx. The original was even wider.

Attached: lynx.png (694x378, 374K)

And how many mobile devices use them? You really think they would opt for a whole separate CPU instead of increasing core count? I mean Nintendo makes a lot of poor hardware decisions, but they aren't THAT dumb

If you upgrade the blue tunic to level 2 defense, it gives you the ability to see hit point numbers.

honestly if they reveal a Switch revision able to easily run PS4 games I would buy it in a hearbeat, even if the PS5 is 100x more powerful.

Shouldn't that angle be the opposite direction?

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The Switch Mini is a stepping stone. It will co-exist with the current switch at the $300 price point while the current model gets a pack-in game until the Switch Pro / Ultra is ready. The Switch Ultra will release as a replacement for the standard Switch model, and then the Switch Mini will get a price decrease to be the budget-friendly option.

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I am more interested if those 2 new model will make the standard one cheaper, iam considering buying one but ~290€ seems a bit much for it.

they can barely run games to PS3 levels, how can they run PS4 levels of games?

>1080p gameplay in portable mode
>4k video and upscaled in docked
look man i know this is fake but i seriously hope no one believes nintendo would actually do something that would be on this level

dude, it has actual fluorescent lamps behind the screen. it's actual brick size

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Your picture is quite wrong.
Both systems will use a tegra X1, but die shrunk.
Switch mini needs the die shrink to be able to use a smaller battery and cooler (see the pic and try to imagine those things in a smaller form factor).
Switch pro needs the die shrink to clock higher.
And forget about the tegra X2, because the ONLY thing it brings to table is the ability of using more memory chips in parallel, and this is a big no for battery operated devices.

Attached: ifixit-switch-teardown-3.jpg (2024x1520, 220K)

With better hardware duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

It won't. Whatever comes after the Switch however could, provided Nintendo uses an AMD embedded chip. I mean right now they sell ones that would walk all over the regular ps4 and xbox one

Just how long had this rumor of a Switch Mini been around? I've think I heard of this 'coming real soon' for years now.

The PS3 struggled to get to 720p while people whine when Switch games go down this resolution while docked.
And PS3 also struggle to hit the 30 FPS target, while people again whine when the switch is delivering solid 30 FPS.

Upscaling does not take that much processing power m8. It's not the same thing as 4k native gameplay. Thare are tons of 4K video devices out there that are tiny.

i guess so but i refuse that even a company like Nintendo, who isn't know exactly for their hardware, would have a stable 1080p gameplay in handheld mode.

Of course. Once 2 new model is released they will slowly abandon standard model just like what they did with DS and 3DS

But later down the line in the PS3's lifespan, people actually knew how to develop it better with its shitty cell processor and got more 720p games.

>1080 portable
>4K docked

if only...

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>And forget about the tegra X2, because the ONLY thing it brings to table is the ability of using more memory chips in parallel, and this is a big no for battery operated devices.
Wouldn't be a problem for something that can be docked, as much as I don't see it happening myself.

Who the fuck buys these scams, honestly

Meanwhile anyone that put any decent effort on the switch get 1080p out of the thing.


yeah and that's what its future is too

Its still quite stupid, and a 10nm Tegra X1 would run laps around the current Tegra X2, that is designed for being ran out of a car battery.

Why tho








>tfw haven't bought a Nintendo console/handheld since the Wii/og3ds
>Finally going to get back on Nintendo team


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Fake, it's not tilted.

Yeah Nintendo is not gonna do any of these designs. They're pushing the Joy Cons and offline multiplayer hard which wouldn't work with a proper D-Pad and the Switch Mini wouldn't work with Labo or Joy Cons either.

This, just make a fucking game console, none of the bullshit, Switch should have been handheld only out the gate, don't know what Yea Forums's fixation on Nintendo making home consoles when the last good one they made was the N64.

You're right. Fuck captialism.

>pro fixes the build quality of the original
>overclocked with better cooling
>xenoshit 2 and other games don't look like garbage anymore
>no more joycon drift
please nintendo

Be honest. You would buy it if you didn't have a switch.

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I would buy this if not for the same specs and resolutions. Increase the ppi then we talk money

And sell 5 million units this time, yes, great idea.

I don't have a Switch and I am literally waiting for one that is solid black like the one in the middle. You bet your sweet little ass I'd buy one.

The n64 sucks but the last good console Nintendo made was the gamecube.

But Jay was lampooning ignorant, brand-driven consumerism not capitalism.

original gameboy competitors figure they would do well to add color and backlight, a reasonable conclusion but the technology wasn't there in the price range it needed to be in.

that is how the monochrome gameboy dominated, through sheer stupidity of their competitors.

>wii can do everything the gamecube can and then some
>gamecube was the last good nintendo console

Mini faggots are the worst.
>I want a smaller console!!!!

Kill yourself

Cope. Fucking. Cope.

Wii couldn't get good games that's for sure lmao

I agree with you and have stopped using my gamecube all together in favor of the wii, but most of the wii benefits come from homebrew and gamecube playability.
The motion control wii stuff and wii games were very underwhelming and the success of the wii basically solidified Nintendos commitment to gimmicks on all of their future consoles.

No, because I want the one that has more power.

How else are Nintendo homos supposed to shove them up their asses?

>switch mini
>remove the joycons, which they've been pushing as one of the unique selling points
>remove the docking, which was the other unique selling points
You people are so stupid. You really think they would make a 2.0 that doesn't work with other first party games like arms or anything else that requires the joycon?

By gimmicks you mean innovation and not just making the same damn console over and over (which is just a weak PC).

If you just want the same shit forever, go to Playstation or XBOX. Plenty of options for you. I actually like a company trying to do new shit though. Without innovation we would just be playing on Atari consoles. People like you are dreadful and hold back technological development in favor of familiarity.

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$200 instead of $199.99
nice try

>*gulp* yes i do *gulp* like eating the same *chew* underpowered shit *gurgle* everytime
The state of you people.

I wouldn't call motion controls a gimmick. Many of the best games on the Wii were the ones that made good use of the motion controls. Had the lower specs not tied it down so much the Wii would have been a monster FPS machine

Like I said, all consoles are weak PCs. I prefer new shit.

So....you would prefer weak underpowered gimicky shit everytime, because its new?

I just want to get one thing straight. You're saying this as someone who wants the switch mini, which will undoubtedly be weaker than the OG switch?

But the current Nintendo console is just being used as a platform to port a bunch of games their past consoles were too weak to play. The wii motion control had to be updated later in the console lifespan because the launch version was so shitty, the motion controls in the wiiu were rarely used effectively, the screen was nice for maps and inventory but also not always used.
This is another issue. If nintendo were to implement these innovations in to a console that also competed specs-wise, developers and the industry as a whole would be forced to implement them. By making themselves an outlier, it makes it easier for companies to simply ignore them.

>No switch revision
Do you have brain damage?

I have brain un-damage mother fucker

>developers and the industry as a whole would be forced to implement them
This is in direct contrast to your previous statement where you said the screen was nice for maps and inventory but not always used. Developers aren't forced to do anything, if they don't want to bother with gyro or whatever on the switch, they don't have to. If they didn't want to bother with motion controls on the wii, they didn't have to.

The screen is already too small and they want to make a mini.

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>1080p portable

even if it were enough powerful to do that it would just eat battery there is no point

The wii remote was a very different controller, effectively implementing controls for an FPS without requiring the classic controller often meant motion controls. Now this doesn't really apply for the Switch, but devs aren't ALWAYS so lazy they would forgo things like motion controls.

Regardless if Nintendo's consoles had better specs that would be one less barrier to widespread adoption of the features Nintendo adds to their consoles such as motion controls

They don't have to but it would be more likely that developers would use them if the consoles were in direct competition with the other big two. As it is now, Nintendo console innovations are usually seen as an "or" instead of an "and". If Nintendo would compete with Sony with a console with similar specs AND motion controls, it would actually push manufacturers and developers to adapt/adopt. But why innovate new games when a sizeable part of the market won't even consider they console because graphics whoring and beyond that, Nintendo will probably drop the gimmick next generation for something else? Console whoring will never go away, it's basically the only constant the video game industry has had for the past 50 years.

I’m pretty sure that’s still on the way. Something about the mini AND pro getting leaked and developed at the same time, but recently the pro was delayed a bit.

It'll sell more than that, people didn't buy this thing for the Joycons and dock, they brought it because they could play console quality games on the go.

And what you can't do with a regular console as the guy asked for?

The Atari Lynx hardware didn't even require all that space. Some marketing exec literally told them that kids associated size with power so they made it fucking huge thinking that would help it outsell the pocket sized Gameboy.

Of course they are making a revision, and of course it is a switch mini. Their target is children with the mini. The goal is to have the price be $199.99 or lower so that parents buy one for each of their children, instead of one for the family TV. And that means multiplying game sales as well.

And they won't be able to do that with an even smaller screen and less power.

But user, the Switch mini was leaked years ago. Don't you remember?

Attached: Nintendo-NX-Controller-Large-Small-1200x664.jpg (1200x664, 92K)

The retarded looking dpad makes this kind of believable.

Thats where the evolution of technology comes in. At the moment it would be too expensive to make it work. In the future thought the price of the components will drop and thous will be able to be made for cheap.

this was such a convincing fake because the wii nunchucks and the DS and 3DS were such stupid ideas

tfw haven't bought a nintendo console since the gamecube

man children defending nintendo's bullshit

but why made it?
the battery will always last less than a 720p and on a small screen you don't notice much
it's just not worth it

Time to give it up, it was already leaked, you rushed out to buy this thing and didn't even wait for the better revision.

Me too

Better than what came after.

GameCube sucked and had the worst sequels to the games that came out for the N64.

This. I'm waiting for more power.

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you mean like the NX previously posted in this thread?

I own a switch and I’m buying a mini. My og switch is hacked

gamecube blasphemy

We've been hearing about a Switch Mini since 2017, Iwata before he died even stated that we were getting one, I'm just annoyed that it took them this long to release it when their handhelds do better than their home consoles.

They never said mini, faggot. They said revision.

GameCube sucked, it made me Switch over to Xbox.

I don't like it. I want detachable joycons on a Switch revision.

I know this might be strange concept for a Nintendo fan but game libraries don't need to be completely made up of sequels and re-releases.
>eternal darkness
>baten kaitos
>viewtiful joe
>chibi robo
>super monkey ball
>luigos mansion
These were all great new IPs that were unmatched by later Nintendo consoles.
As far as sequels go:
>resident evil 4
>mario kart double dash
>metroid prime
>fzero gx
>prince of persia
>star wars rogue games
>final fantasy crystal chronicles
>animal crossing
>paper mario
>smash bros melee

How can its future be the same as something that it outsold?