Which one will you be buying Yea Forums?
>Inb4 pcfag
Which one will you be buying Yea Forums?
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The switch 2 so I can play 6 year old games in 720p without being docked, bitches.
PS5 because I have a big PS4 library already. Scarlet would have to be significantly more powerful and have compelling exclusives for me to pick it up as well. Not a poorfag so I'd buy both if it seemed worth it.
Niether, I'll stick to PC, thanks.
Neither, they won't have any games until the elite editions are out, the Pisspour's library is still too crap for me to bother buying it so I'm hoping the combined library of the PS4 and 5 will be worth it by the time the PS5 pro comes out.
Neither, no good exclusives exist anymore
Scarlet. Cause my friends are xbone players and we game when we get the chance
Xbox Scarlett, has Halo 5 and Infinite on there.
I won't be buying anything since my PC will already be able to play games.
>>Inb4 pcfag
yup, i have a PC so both are pointless to me... unless Demon's Souls II or something interesting comes up.
Neither because my 3 year old PC will outperform them. Might get a PS5 when it drops to $200 in 10 years if it can run Bloodborne at 60fps
i like the games sony publishes, and all xbox games are coming to pc, so ps5
Probably neither. I don't think there will be any point in getting some Xbox for me and while PS5 might be somewhat more appealing because it can play the 2-3 worthwhile PS4 games I'd like to try the stance Sony has with censorship is extremely unappealing and I don't feel like giving them any money.
my friends all play on pc, so either a PC or xbox for that crossplay
Ps5 about 2 years after it comes out, xbox never
XBoX games are gonna be on PC and I can just borrow Ponystation from friends.
Why would you even post then
All things being equal - the PS5. Staying in the same ecosystem has advantages, especially with backwards compatibility.
I will jump ship in a heartbeat if Sony pulls some retarded shit, or the Scarlett decides to pull a 180 and give us free online or something. The PS5 better just be a more powerful PS4 with PS1-PS4 BC at or below $500.
Problem is, I don't want to give money to SNOY.
But I have quite a few PS4 games.
I'll just stick with the PS4.
I have other consoles and a PC anyway so.
GTX 1180 ti and a Switch 2, thanks
I might pick up a used PS5 at the end of its life cycle if it manages to get a few decent exclusives that can't be bought through Steam
PS5 pro, in a couple of years.
Whichever one has my underage panty quest games uncensored. So, I'll stick to PC.
I'll dock your mother
Scarlet, I really don't like Sony or it's fans.
Whatever gets good exclusive games, so that eliminates Scarlett. I'll wait & see if PS5 delivers anything.
i'll probably upgrade my pc first, i'll get the ps5 pro when they inevitably release it since possessing an xbox makes no sense to me
Both probably. I'll get a cheap scarlet if gamepass it's still good and i'll get a cheap PS5 if it has good exclusives.
Just don't see a reason for xbone. They have no interesting games, even if it is more powerful which I doubt
Why are playstation fan-renders always ridiculously stupid and futuristic?
>which I doubt
PS5 uses software raytracing, Xbox Scarlatt, not the Xbone, that's own its way out, will use hardware raytracing that should tell you which will be stronger out the gate.
I ain't buying shit until the upgraded version is released. I still have the classic PS4 and fucki g everything ever released runs like shit on it. I bought a switch and fuckkng BOTW, Smash, and Odyssey are STILL the only goddam games for that abysmal port machine.
Only Xtrannies are getting a Xensorbox.
Mario Tennis Aces is fantastic and kart is fun if you have friends
Depends on the games
Xbox Two needs to have a promising lineup all round
If the PS5 doesn't have a proper save manager like the ps4 and ps3 has i'm quitting consoles, getting an xbone and switch and realizing i had no control over individual saves was surreal.
>you can't post if you're not a console fag
It's unrelated to the topic. PCfags just can't help themselves.
They never can
t. Redditor
Probably neither for a while because they'll cost a lot. If PS5 cam play every previous PlayStation's games though, then I'll get one later on while selling my PS3&4. The one digital game I wanted to horde on my PS3,Afterburner Climax, got brought back to mobile so I assume it will get a new console or PC release in the next couple years, meaning I'll be able to sell it without fear.
probably the xbox because its going to have 4 gen worth of back compat according to what they said at e3 and i have a shitload of og xbox and 360 games. my 360 disk drive doesn't even open anymore. also halo infinite (assuming its good and not shit like 5).
will probably get all next gen consoles regardless anyway like i've done through the last 2 gens.
>calling anyone a Redditor
Go back
>PS5 uses software raytracing, Xbox Scarlatt, not the Xbone, that's own its way out, will use hardware raytracing that should tell you which will be stronger out the gate.
All i'm reading is that both GPUs will support raytracing and that's it.
>Just don't see a reason for xbone
good think the OP question isn't about xbone then.
hard choice
a console with no confirmed games
or a console with a halo game
I've been a strictly Nintendo guy for several years but I think next gen I'll pick up a PlayStation with it too.
not him but watch digital foundries video which came out yesterday. MS confirmed hardware based ray tracing but sony didn't and are being coy about it. for all we know ps5 might not support hardware rt and there's nothing to suggest it will right now. i think mark cerny should have just straight up said which one it is instead of beating around the bush.
I'm mainly a PC player, but I'm considering buying a PS5 to hack and pirate any good exclusives Sony puts out. Since it'll probably be sold at a loss, they'd actually lose money on me, and I'd like that very much.
>while selling my PS3&4
Why? Best case scenario you will make between 200 and 250 USD, even if you live in a country with a fucked up economy.
They will both use a Zen2 GPU from AMD, if one has the other has to.
Anyway there's this directly from AMD CEO mouth
Ummm sweetie PS5 will have another god of war probably
Xbox. Got too much shit that I don't intend to lose. Also only have 2-3 friends who play PlayStation games online. Where as I've got 10-11 on Xbox. Played GTA V with the same group of 3-4 players since release and now we are playing Red Dead Online. Got another group of 4 that I play Gears/Halo/Rainbow six siege with. And 3 cousins I play FIFA with.
Xbox sucks ass and I'll never buy another Snoy product again
>isn't even red
PC and Switch unless PS5 can, miraculously, do better than the PS4's weak library of Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2; but, Shawn Layden has stated he wants to funnel all resources into mobie games going forward so it won't happen.
PC x Switch Bros get in here
>They will both use a Zen2 GPU
>zen 2
zen 2 is a processor architecture. it has literally nothing at all to do with gpu's. and supporting ray tracing means nothing. the ps4 can support ray tracing, the way its handled is what we're talking about here. are these ray tracing calculations being done on dedicated ray tracing hardware (similar to nvidia rtx) or is it being done in software/shaders. MS have confirmed they're using a hardware based solution like rtx and it's not up to sony to tell us which solution they're using.
fyi hardware accelerated ray tracing >>>>>>>> software/shader based ray tracing. look at pic related. the 2060 is a $350 gpu with hardware accelerated ray tracing, the 1080 ti is a $800 card without hardware assisted rt so it uses software/shader rt.
also as a final point as of right now neither the xbox 2 or ps5 gpu's actually support ray tracing hardware so any rt hardware will be custom from microsoft and sony so it'll be interesting to see who does a better job.
>it's not up to sony to tell us which solution they're using.
and its up to*
Scarlett All Digital Edition for my Xbox Games Pass + Video Streaming
if the gpu supports it like the link says of course it will be hardware based, if it was software the cpu would be doing all the work.
no. games don't run ray tracing on the processor its massively inefficient. all graphics cards on the market right now and like the last 15 years can support ray tracing but none have it hardware assisted. it's either using software/shaders on the gpu or dedicated cores on the gpu. there's no software rt in games. by sony saying it supports rt means it either support shader rt or hardware. they haven't said either one. MS said their's is hardware (and again that digital foundry video shows a massive die dize at 380mm2 which is huge for a 7nm midrange gpu).
Uhm sweatie you're so right PS5 please
>none have it hardware assisted
except rtx* i should add
>here's no software rt in games.
on the processor*
Moved to ps after Xbox announced all that DRM shit before the 1 release, so PS5
>also have a pc you ratbags
The point is that all GPUs technically support raytracing and raytracing IS largely hardware based since it relies MUCH more on computational output than anything else.
The only CPUs doing raytracing are in literal supercomputers.
>The switch 2 so I can play 6 year old games in 720p without being docked, bitches.
does switch really do this? wtf
>PC patiently waiting race chimes in once again
It never shocks me.
No more consoles. They're all social justice shit now. So are GOG and Steam.
The Xbox one number four version 3. I have a big library of 360 games, many of my friends are on Xbox and game pass gives me more games that I can possible beat in a month so exclusives don't matter much to me.
PS5 because I work tech for Microsoft and the Xbox team are cunts.
Nobody I know actually plays on console. but if I had to pick, I'd pick the one with PC cross play
Depends on the exclusives
>Sony censors everything now
>Xbox is just Westernshit the console
For the first time I will be skipping out on a Sony console and just sticking to Nintendo + PC. The only way they could win me over is a new Ape Escape
I too was born in 95 XD
You could always just kys
Sony only censors weeb trash confirmed fag with shit taste
Haha nice one fellow pc gamer
What decent games came out for PS4 on this generation? I can remember only cinematic shit and Bloodborne that is not bad but pretty much overhyped. I expected a proper Gran Tourismo game at least, but Snoy exclusives are even worse than on previous generation.
PS5 no matter what for the exclusives
Scarlet depending on performance and if GPU prices remain insane
Maybe stop being a degenerate paedophile
Probably a PS5 since anything on the Scarlet I want to play will be on PC anyways.
Xbox Scarlett. Then probably a PS5 a year or two later.
Pretty much just Bloodborne and GR2.
The rest are your typical western cinematic games, not awful, but don't provide much that you can't get elsewhere.
This gen in general has been pretty shitty on the exclusive front, Xbox has had literally 3 or 4 exclusives and PS4 had maybe 5 worthwhile ones.
Everything kind of went to PC this gen, tons of console games that were console-only went multiplat this gen.
Will they *really* be able to do native 4k at 60fps?
Would it be better to stick with a 1080p for these consoles? Any chance they'll support 1440p monitors?
Since PS1 I have owned only Nintendo + PlayStation systems.
This is the first generation I will consider switching to Xbox. Not one did they buy a ton of studios so they have tons of exclusives incoming possibly rivaling Nintendo, and they have been more consumer friendly, but the censorshit on PlayStation just makes me uninterested.
If Microsoft confirms no censorship and keeps up the consumer friendly practices, I will switch.
Or just not get a new gen console, I did built a gaming PC a couple years ago, but I hardly use it. So I dunno.
i wait to see what games each console will have, to see the benchmarks, the price and maybe then make a choice.
Yo I thought you jumped off a bridge you better be underwater still nigga
Why do PCfags always sound so desperate?