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2 and 3 are both shit there I said it.
Oh no he dint!
Where's the best game?
Oh yeah. Guess that one exists too.
All these games are for stupid autistic children.
Dark Souls fanbase can get fucked, they ruin good games with their autism
Why do people like these games? I never played any them besides the first one.
I beat the first boss, then I started going through that ruined town area and then I just sort of stopped.
I feel like there must be something wrong with me since so many people like this game, including people that have similar tastes to mine, but I just don't get it.
>Sekiro fanbase
It's one of those games that are challenging if you go blind or completely braindead if you use a guide. Some people like it hard some others like being faggots
>fights a tutorial boss
>walks so little that he doesn’t find the first actual boss of the game
>wonders aloud why the game is good
You’re a complete faggot. Instead of us spoon feeding opinions you could just go read anywhere online this game is ever discussed, why don’t you actually play the game and give it an actual attempt?
Wheres the superchad Kings Field series in this?
both 2 and 3 are shit
completely unnecessary games
Why didn't they bring back Shunsuke Kida for any of the other games? It's not like they tried to maintain a different tone between the series.in any other aspect.
For me it was just that the first game that I played had a great mysterious atmosphere. I didn't know anything about it besides the difficulty meme, and going in completely blind was interesting because the game is obtuse on everything; barely any tutorials, weird hidden story, no direction besides vague NPC ramblings, plus I'm a sucker for knights and dragons and all that shit.
People get all up their asses about analyzing every aspect of these games, but really I think it's popular because at the time it just did things different than most games.
Where is DeSu?
Dark Souls 2 has a fanbase?
What if allmthose Dark Souls 2 shitpost threads lately?
3 really isn't that bad dude. It's not as good as Dark Souls 1, but its not a bad game at all. 2 is really bad though like not even for just a Souls game its just a bad game all around.
Because it sucked?
A game should be able to immediately grab my attention.
I can play the first mission in Starcraft and immediately understand the appeal.
I can play through the first level of a Mario game and immediately understand the appeal.
I can play through the first level of Quake and immediately understand the appeal.
I can't understand the appeal of Dark Souls just by playing it.
I also went in only knowing about the YOU DIED LMAO shit, but I still wasn't really drawn in. I guess there is a sort of mystery to everything but nothing made me invested in to unraveling it.
Reminder - its no longer OK to have a Souls thread without talking about Demon and Sekiro (and soon Elden)
Yes, there's about 10 contrarians who bitch about Dark Souls 3 constantly here to defend it for the sake of the (You)s.
i reinstalled it like 2 times before breaking through the first zones and actually liking it, you may not like the "you need 30 hours before it gets good" but it really worked for me that time
I own all these games.
Sekiro is a generic action game. Don't put it in the same sentence than Demon's Souls. Retard.
swap bloodborne and demon souls and this is perfect
>Mad 'cus he couldn't beat a single boss
The FUCK is DeS
2 is a good game
Haven't played Sekiro, probably never will.
as you wish my lord
Why are fromsoft fags such enormous faggots?
So, uh, user... you clearly realize that Dark Souls 2 is clearly the worst souls game, right?
>can't beat the game because you have to actually do more than block and roll
not bigger than cdpr cucks desu
so.. like ... you understand the worst souls game is ds3 right? not really up for debate you know...
Have you seen their track record? It's all shovelware besides Miyazaki's games. And even then I hear Miyazaki's mech game is trash, but that hardly matters when so is the rest of the IP. No sane human being would identify as a Fromfag.
Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Bloodborne unironically
No need to fight, you're both right.
>Miyazaki's mech game is trash
I seriously hope you are not talking about Armored Core.
Yeah, ACfags can't shut up about 4(?) being bad, and you know it must be really fucking bad if even ACfags won't have it.
2 Is objectively the best of the series, Dark Souls 2 is going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest game of the 2010-2020 decade.
I cannot comprehend the thought process behind people who proclaim DaS2 as the best in the series.
it is my strong belief that 3 only gets dogpiled on because for most people it's the 5th game in the series and about where the gameplay is going to start feeling really, really old.
the bosses are the best in the franchise, the world looks great, it has a plethora of good tracks (I have vordt in my head right now,) the weapon variation is great, and as a conclusion, it's compelling.
I like the exploration, the difficulty helps make it more mysterious.
ds1 fags are the literal worst
ds3 fags dont exist
niggas look gay as hell
dumb Sekiniggers, literally everyone forgot about your game and Elden Ring is going to shit all over it.
Half of it is shitposting, the other half are duel chamber subhumans who don't even like playing the actual games but still feel like polluting discussion with their worthless input.
2 is shit
3 is an incomplete product.
3 is a polished turd.
You're right that it's an action game at least.
ever thought you were just a retarded nigger with tiny little smooth brain? i got my fresh tims on, fuck you retard boy fucking little dumb dumb bitch like haha fuck you. stupid litttle fool funny little man, haha funny meme posting picture of poorly drawn rabbit with question mark that may be green? What?!!?! lol fuck you nigger, i got my fucking fresh tims on and i fucking love it, my tims are looking incredible, my tims are looking powerful, my tims are looking unstoppable.
It Is a turd but my biggest issue with it is that they had fixes for my gripes with the game, but chose to not implement them.
For instance, I really hated how much this game uses browns and yellows. They had already metagated that with the different time changing ceremonies that change how the whole environments look and their visual effects are intriguing to behold, but they chose to make that cut content.
found the darksouls 2 player
I've never played a Dark Souls game and have no desire to, they all look really fucking boring.
This image gives us a glimpse into the twisted mind of the DS2 fan
zoom zoom
what in the fuck are these abominations, this isn't regular
gotta live fast boomer lel
okay, this is epic
because i have a wife
They're the only good ARPGs around besides Dragon's Dogma.
cool story retard
Why does your kind shit all over Elden Ring threads?
he's sperg
>ds3 fans are the coolest dudes
Das2 added stuff to a game I like and Das3 disregarded even the good changes
Dark Souls 1 is a janky update to demons souls
>Why yes, Dark Souls 2 is my favorite in the series
>Its has the best weapons, armor, and pvp
>What more do you need?
An actual game, dumb chadposter
I actually like 3 the best, 1 had the best singleplayer/worldbuilding/atmosphere, but the multiplayer was pretty shit, 2 had fun varied pvp, but the game mechanics were clunky af.
3 is a good mix, can't really find anything to hate, it has the most balanced pvp and the best bossfights.
Good level design
It actually does have the best variety of weapons, armor, and spells. Going from that to Bloodborne was a bit dissapointing, although BB is objectively a much better game, it would have been nice to have more options when it came to combat
>guy in the middle
Imagine spending so much attention and money on your looks and still not fixing an obvious overbite
That is one hilariously tiny jaw, christ. Look at that forward head posture oh no no no
Gay and fake fans of different dark souls can't coexist this is common knowledge
Say that to his face faggots not online and see what happens
basic movement to be better, no auto tracking swings, no stat that affect you i-frames, for your swings to actually land where you aimed it, and for the game to be overall less buggy than it is.
oh and it would also be great if the change some of the boss fights that are either just a ton off normal enemies or a boss with adds.