I want a Final Fantasy Kaiju game.
I want a Final Fantasy Kaiju game
literally the entire game playing as a colossal creature and having an exciting story line and being long.
Go on...
A bunch of cool abilities you can unlock and use and also magical powers, attacks are performed in unique combos also. This world not only has good fighting but also you get to do a lot of other cool stuff and explore an open world in each area you go to.
maybe a theme park could be in it too almost like the golden saucer from FFVII but way more stuff to do.
And not to mention... A multiplayer campaign mode and a single player campaign mode (each mode lets you can choose which Kaiju you want to start the game as).
so Reign.
It will still play like a final fantasy game, but the fighting is revved up more.
Yeah, that'd be neat. Too bad everyone would figure out your a dragon pervert if you ever bought that game.
Idk, should it have character customizing or what?
And I wouldn't care
Can it also be a game where I get raw’d by bahamut?
With that, it could allow you to get a hold of gems that make you able to perform various tasks you normally couldn't, they could like an enhancement. (not quite like materia but almost certainly like it)
wtf why are nippleless chests so hot?
I mean, it kinda already exists.
because they look good
Could be easy to make. They already have the framework with Dissidia. They just have to make a bunch of summon characters and do some scaling and shit.
Question, would each games version of a same summon be its own character, or would the summon just have skins for each games version?
That is a very good question, and I'll get back to you on that later, I gotta take a break, I'll be right back.
That's a good idea. I want to destroy Osaka as Alexander
>gets absolutely destroyed by Alexander
>Played this game for 2 hours
>"Wow this is kind of like monster hunter but worse"
>Bought monster hunter 4g and played it for 120 hours
Thank you final fantasy explorers for reminding me how good monster hunter is.
In single player you pick a character, in multiplayer they are skins you can custom make, some of the kaiju are existing summons in Final Fantasy, some are not.
The game will definately have mature elements that are dark and gritty and other areas are more light-hearted
Even some moments where you must fight more than one boss at the same time.
Sounds like something that won't sell
What would you add for the game then?
And the special edition could come with its own trading cards, and a couple of statues of the kaiju from the game and an art book.
quick question, what type of music should be in this game?
Did I mention you can basically fly in it as high as you want and as fast as you want?
think of all the cool fights you get.
What do you guys want in this game?
Dude sweet
You'll get to customize your own party and even buy stuff in a store.
post some summons
I'm trying to come up with a good setting for the game to be in.