Pic related is $15.50 in my country (steam), is it worth it? I loved The Witcher 3 for its world and this seems to have a similarly immersive and detailed world.
Pic related is $15.50 in my country (steam), is it worth it...
it's a terrible buggy mess
Is $15 lot of money to you? If not then why ask, if it is then save that money for the sale and get a game you know you want 100%.
Also don't buy something just because it's in sale.
I just couldn't get into it, world seems to be well built but the very movement and fight seems so fucking unswift I couldn't stick to the game
Don’t listen to this guy unless you’re also a CoD fanboy in which case KCD might be too hard to control for you.
Average salary here is $400/month, so yeah, $15.50 is like 5 days worth of groceries.I buy like one game ($15-$30) per month and I'm trying to decide between this and Mordhau.
It's $0.00 on every torrent site.
>and this seems to have a similarly immersive and detailed world.
pretty much. get ready for tw3 meets morrowind and gothic 2 though, its pretty great.
How bad are the bugs?
Gamebreaking or just typical euro-jank?
Just pirate the game
Gothic 2 orginal release level
Then fucking pirate it. It has no multiplayer.
I would buy if you want to help these guys they are pretty decent developers
I played when random encounters were missing, so I got a very nice walking simulator. I enjoyed it but fuck the monastery portion
This game is for TRUwhites only
just jank, it really wasnt that bad and i played it on release. nothing game breaking.
its probably worth $15, you'll get at least like 20 hours out of it.
it pretty boring tbqh
It got over 16 months of fixes and updates, don't listen to that fag.
Normally I'm in favor of buying games, but when you get a spic paycheck & you aren't even sure you are going to like the game, I'd advise to pirate first and if you really like it you can buy it later.
I love the game, took about 100 hours to complete.
However the game does have a few flaws. Combat can either be entirely too difficult or too easy, it's tricky at first to learn but once you get it most enemies won't be a problem. A few quests can become broken, one or two can not be completed. I haven't played in almost a year so these might be fixed.
Stealth more or less works but if you want Thief levels of stealth then you need to get the best equipment for it, not a problem since it's pretty cheap but having to switch from stealth clothes to combat gear is kind of a pain.
The game is beautiful but takes a beast of a computer to play on max settings, however you can still probably get a decent frame rate on a toaster on the lowest settings.
I didn't experience too many bugs or glitches, except for broken quests, some of those videos you see if being 'flying kicked' in the face never really happened to me but I imagine they still exist.
Most of these aren't exactly flaws but nitpicking stuff, and even then it didn't stop me from enjoying the game. However, a choice between this or Mordhau? That's a hard one.
It's a 9/10 if you are into RPG's or historic games. If you like fast paced action it will be a 3/10 and you will sit in front of your PC like this guy
Africa and the united states mostly.
Recent version doesn't have that many bug now, except some animation bug in rare occasion (people sitting in the air).
The biggest problem are the framerate drop and texture loading while in city.
Gameplay wise I like the fact they try to do a gameplay mechanics for everything but fight with more than one ennemy are awful because of the lock on target.
It is okay but a lot of the bugs really turned me away from it, I havent revisited it yet though
What country?
It's a good game, very different from the other RPGs out there. Story and world are very well done. It's very slow at the start, and it's NOT the type of RPG where you become fucking god-tier Dovakhin-like beast. Your character is considered useless relative to the other people in the game. Combat is very good, but can be intimidating and confusing at first.
Worth checking out.
do this op kingdom come made normie money 15$ is nothing to them
>is it worth it?
unless you live in a 3rd world country and you can barely pay for your daily bowl of rice I think it's it's a quite silly question, go for it.
Kingdom Come is fantastic, played it on release without any major bugs at all. The closest thing to a bug is webm related.
It's similar to TW3 in that every gameplay aspect sucks dick and it's only worth playing through the story and to look at the sights.
One secondary quest broke and another I couldn't progress for me close to release but that's it. However, I swear the performance has gotten worse. I tried to replay the game a few weeks ago and it ran like shit on the same settings I had on release.
Loved this game. Recently wanted to come back and try out the HD textures pack but even with shadows on low I still only swing about 20-29 FPS. I know this isn't /g/ but I'm currently using a b350 board, Ryzen 1300X, and a 1060 6GB. What's the fastest upgrade I can make to push me over at least 50 FPS?
Europe was 100% white at that time
lmao, would make for a great mod
Not really? Why do you think you can get away with this sick revisionism?
So you're telling me there were blacks in Europe commonly?
I'm telling you to educate yourself.
Dude I have just been playing this recently (Patch 1.7) and its great. Easily one of my favourite RPGs ever. Havent encountered any game breaking bugs, Graphics are great, combat is really fun, story is good. Seriously recommend it.
Talking about immersion it is probably the most immersive stock game I have ever played. Everything is realistic in the sense that you have to get good through experience. You even have to learn to read.
I played it for a little but then for reasons i left it behind
Was comfy though, should repick it now
I did, turns out there were no blacks in Europe and it was 100% white
>I loved The Witcher 3 for its world
this is just so fucking sad to read
Wrong and racismpilled
Just started playing it a few days ago and haven't come across any bugs. Texture pop-in is pretty bad though.
Prove me wrong then, you were the one asking where they are so I told you
a cpu with fast ram(good timings).
incel cpus should be good with normal ram but they are expensive and have less use in modern games that use moar cores
a 2700x with cl14 ram with fast timings is above 60fps with a good enough gpu
been playing this game for a week straight now and i love it, easily the best open world rpg ive played. dunno what bugs these guys are talking about but all i get is some pop in ground textures when im in big towns sometimes. the combat is solid as fuck i like it but it takes practice to get good at and dont even think about fighting more than 3 or 4 guys at once because its not fucking skyrim the shits realistic.
How's the performance? I pirated it around the time it came out but it was pretty awful in towns.
Also, any of the DLCs worth it?
you can fix that, i remember i did back when ui played it, i think some nigger on the nexus had preconfigured config files, i think you need an ssd but not sure
Just pirate it like everyone else you fag.
I make 6k a month, clearly above the average and still never pay for shit. Id rather have my money saved for important things or at the very least buy real things that have use to me
Tim Sweeney is that you?
It is okay
Nice Middle Age Riding Simulator.
Hunting in the Woods,
Robbing Peasants,
Eating and drinking beer at the pubs,
You deserve to have bad internet connection for the rest of your miserable life.
>Making 6k a month
>Still poor
its weird, i have an i7 7700 16gb ram and a 1080. on 1080p very high settings towns in the game drops from 70-80+ to like 30-40ish but if you drop shadows to medium it goes back to 60+. however in 1440p very high settings the framerate in towns doesn't drop at all but when you're inside a dense forest it drops down into to the 40's. so i just play on 1080p and deal with the shitty framerate in towns its not that bad.
Yes, is is worth it, also check out the Nexus for mods.
did you check your cpu usage during those drops?
Immersive and detailed are the two words that describe this game the best, get it and don't let the first 2-3 hours of scripted on-rail story discourage you.
nah i never bothered, its just not the greatest optimized game.
have to play this game TWICE for Quests where i fuck up all.and where i go full asshole.
it's a demanging game.
An ancient 4 core will have trouble running it.
Check the usage, if it hits max then you can probably try and fix it, nexus has a tool that allows you to bruteforce the game to leave a little breathing room so the game doesn't permalock the cpu. also change ram timings, that helps in cases like this too and allows the game to not drop so much fps.
yes its much more worth, what people call bugs is there idiocy and retardnes preventing them to progress, this is a real RPG where you got to think and you dont get the todd howards ass fuck hand holding meme going on.
Everything is earn´d in that game.
Only literal idiots complain about it.
It's literally the Crysis of this generation in terms of graphics, and that's also why people complain about it. Consoleshitters couldn't handle it at all, and even pirates on their toasters couldn't handle it. So basically only PC masterracers could enjoy the true spectacle of it. And oh what a spectacle it was.
Royal edition contain all dlc and the game is great.
Honestly it looks like an rpg i'd like but without all the fantasy stuff which makes rather boring
t. hasn't played since launch
there are mods to add goblin warrens and goblin encounters and take out Cumans, it's kinda buggy but an overall kino Goblin Slayer simulator
there are pirates who pirate because they can't afford it
and there's you
fuck you
Lame worldbuilding — that's what boring, and world here feels unique, because we are so used to fantasy, which is a main source of lame worlbuilding.
>Lame worldbuilding
Isn't it literally the real world? what could they possibly change? Add Macho Man Randy Savage dragons?
Kinda. Yeah it still has bugs BUT after 1.5 years of patching its stable and nothing terribly game breaking. Its playable.
It's more important what they didn't include.
The Mediterranean.
If you get into a fight with more than 2 people run away like a sissy coward and try to whittle their numbers down with bow and arrow
Stealth Archer is once again the Master Race of character builds. Also, being a thief is much more fun than being a fighter.
guys where can i pirate games without needing to be affraid of viruses and shit? I have a new Pc with a 2080ti and i7 9700k etc and I want to be very careful to not download crap on my PC.
I especially want to play the new metro. I would buy a key but I just dont want the Epic store on my PC.
Perfect RPG. Better than the Witcher 3 for me in my opinion. The world is immersive and the combat gets good halfway through the game (You have to train with Cpt. Bernard), since you are a peasant.
The game is a snooze-fest at the start, but gets good afterward. The bugs are almost non-existent now since they have been patching shit for months. Even if you witness the bugs they are Skyrim tier, nothing game-breaking.
Buy it or pirate it, it's your choice. But you should play it one way or another.
>The game is a snooze-fest at the start,
Don't lie to people, running away from Cuman ambushes being unable to fight back is a tightest shit.
>I like games that start with literal two and half hours of cut scenes that are apparently labelled as "worldbuilding"
yee haw