SGDQ - Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

Now: Half-Minute Hero
Next: Timespinner
Later: Castlevania

Full Schedule:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I am up next guys, wish me luck!

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>cutting off the guy as he wraps up the run
>that awkward moment of silence before the hesitant clapping starts

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When s touhou?

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>put ribbons in your hair
>job done

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E, barely tolerable


So was that the awful runs block?

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>shadman art gets posted

good for a lunch break

How much have you donated to help the doctors Yea Forums?

>Half-minute Hero
>27 minutes

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The Timespinner game's OST sounds pretty good. Is it any good as a Metroidvania?


Rate Super Time Force Ultra!

SS: Rygar
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2

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>Let's get that 3 second run for Half-MInute Hero!
>"I couldn't agree more"

cuz the game fucking sucks lmao

Solid wholesome run with great skill.
only sad halfcoordinated din't run himself.

Now that the run is over you should get up and stretch your muscles!

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That shit started yesterday.

the master sword replica actually looks neat, wonder if the guy has them for sale

waste of my time/10

literal who game/10


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Play Half Minute Hero on Vita!

Fuck you and fuck stretching. Cramps let me know I'm still alive.

>half minute hero
>speedrun is WELL over half a minute?
someone wanna explain this bullshit?

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What the fuck is a "Vita"?

couple of gay bros/10

What a shitty block

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user thank you for helping my health!

I'll be sure to do so Wii fit mommy

Hello when is Skyrim

it's a gamecube fps game, why would it be a good metroid game?

>girl in blue shirt thinks she's ducking under the camera talking to that guy
>it just makes her close up on the other camera

top kek, lose weight

It'll be PC with the shitty new graphics i bet

It's not bad, but limited in scope as far as maps and enemies are concerned.


>If you mess up you really have to know the game to recover
>Proceeds to choke several times including recovers
>No couch or anything comfy

any cute feet?

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Hello tomorrow at 7

How many fumos does everyone here have? I have 13 counting the 2 yuugi fumos i made

Skyrim is so boring at GDQ events. I saw one last year and it's just a bunch of glitching. That's legit all it is. The guy glitches and skips a bunch of cutscenes and goes straight to Alduin and kills him.

>half-minute hero
>run takes nearly half an hour
Explain this faggotry

right here buddy

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I wish he would dedicate himself to speedrunning a game for an SDGQ event.

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>flat Misaki
any more of this?


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Have I missed anything actually good? I went to bed during the tony hawk shrek run

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Reminder that MSF:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

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That's not true, last year they fucked up a ton of stuff and had to god mod on Alduin because they were so bad at it.

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0 because stuffed animals are for kids
>hot glues my hundred resin lewd anime figurines

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well well well looks like we've got ourselves a coupla comedians

He is too busy debating petty politics to ever be relevant in video games again

That's Timesplitters. When I read the title I thought that'd be what it was too but this OST sounds nothing like Timesplitters and so I saw that the title is actually alittle different and checked some screenshots and it IS a Metroidvania game.


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Remember to donate for good cause!

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Why is Proto boycotting GDQ?
Is it something to do with that all female marathon?

It really makes you appreciate how hard developing the extensive range and sprites are.
That's why the Castlevania games started recycling them so much, Timespinner didn't have any such luxury.
Game has a good range of bosses, but lacks a boss rush mode.

You can't kill the terrorists if they are dead.

Good, fuck europoors

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There is literally nothing wrong with the first three though, even if you assume the fourth is true.
It's right in their name. Doctors WITHOUT BORDERS.

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There's literally an entire novel dedicated to flat Misaki.

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he's a bit busy sniffing the bull's asshole

What is the best place to buy them? I only bought figures from amiami or mandarake

>donating to "The West Enders"

F for fucking boring and unimpressive. Was no different from watching a casual longplay. Couch fags and runner were embarrassing and annoying. Total waste of time.

Jesus when did kungfufruitcup become a fat pig? Fucking white women. Can't even take care of themselves

Someone redpill me on doctors without borders

Ah I see, sounds kinda like Rabi-Ribi from what I've played of that game. How's the gameplay? Is there some good weapon variety?

A compromise couldn't be found with the town square committee controlling his behavior.

accelerationism is based, fuck you faggot
donate everything you have to these chads amongst men.

I want it

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>petty politics
He literally, single handedly destroyed the alt-right and stopped them spreading online

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Is this the nerd form of manspreading? Beanpoling?

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literally my posture rn

Updated for STFU. D tier it is.

SS: Rygar
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2

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uh, yea, im thinking hes based

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he isn't allowed near children

got them long ago from a jap friend of mine

I bet that smells like a cellar full of cheese.

Talking more about more art but I'm surprised that a minor character (at least in the main series) has her own novel with Touma.

Because he is batshit insane. Last year he went on a long ass rant on twitter about how traps are anti-trans and reeeeee'd about it for a good while. This was after people said some random low effort trap was way more passable than him.

The guy who blue pilled us on DwB said right before he magically became a doctor he was helping with plays, so just use that an an indicator of how well trained these doctors are.

take your pick

God I really want a gf

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Women who are showered with positive attention will never put any effort into sustaining their appearance.

you will donate during this run, right user?

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h-..h.hairy boys..

surugaya, yahoo auctions jp if its outside of a release season (just before reitaisai), if its during a release season than buy from gift directly
for any of these you need to use a proxy like buyee, neokyo, or whiterabbitexpress

literally running mobile games now........

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As I said, petty politics
Talk to me when he is relevant in vidya again

>30 second dude
The plot in this game is cheese kino

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This nigger talking fast

>referring Madoca Magica Girls
Straight out of Reddit.

This game seems stupid as fuck.

OK. Let's get real here.


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>support isis
>accelerate to more violent muslims
>more people become untrusting and racist

Mobile games are still games! From Mario Run to Sudoku, mobile gamers make up 70% of the gamer population, and rising!

Fuck off with the racism

Dude madoka lmao

He's only got 30 seconds

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>growth spurt any%

Paper Mario did the saying no joke better.

>this is a vita game
looks like some mobile shit

Has there been any absolute meme/trainwreck tier runs yet?

Good luck with Runescape!

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I rate this bait about a 3.6. Not great, but not terrible.


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This game is really stupid

Ok, that was very helpful, thank you touhou bro

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hi snekposter, I missed you!

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GDQ would be nothing without your tireless efforts, good luck in your run.

Imagine actually believing this.

>instant choke

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ducktales 2 runner died twice on easy mode difficulty but that might be it
god i wish i were the car

I can't really describe the gameplay any better than "it's alright" and the weapon variety is not that great, basically consisting of "orbs" that you equip that fire a variety of projectiles or limited range melee-like attacks. it's similar to how the several dozen swords in SOTN are all very similar out side of special effects and attacks.

>*gets skull caved in by a ghoul for his wallet after taking a wrong turn*

Already a trainwreck

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Closest is probably Ducktales 2.
Died twice on easy and went over by a few minutes an said it was a good run anyway.

I played this when it was on the 360 Arcade.
I never played the sequel because they dropped the non-pixel artstyle.
Smooth artstyle looks better than the pixelshit, fight me boomers.

She's pretty much as important as Mikoto now, since they're both flying around in their lesbian rocket motorcycle.

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wtf is this retarded ass game?

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Isn't it SJW as fuck?

There is more than one country in the world user.

Shut up stupid

anything meme worthy happened yet?

We get it you like Jews.

This game looks fun as heck. Great run.


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That article was describing something happening in multiple countries. How about you get a point that's even somewhat related to the topic?

Ah I see. $20 is abit steep so I hope it goes on Summer sale for a decent price. Thanks for all the info.

Do you play videogames?

There's no federal age of consent, you retard.

was not*

>gay modes
wtf is this bullshit?

A guy had a lisp But I'm pretty sure it was only because he was anxious at the beginning because once he got into a groove it mostly disappeared

Gotta fill 7 days of dumb arbitrary speed aids somehow.

Almost every character is gay and/or polyamorous and there's one "i was born male but I'm female" character.

Only played the second one and thought it was okay, feels kind of like a puzzle game really due to working out the order to do shit and when to do it.

seconded, cheers dude

Ye but they cranked all that gender bs into one cutscene once you did all the sidequests.

Well shoot, are they like buddy cops now or something? Sounds interesting. Maybe I'll hop on board the novel train one of these days if it has some jolly cooperation. Became a pretty big fan of Mac Guyver man Hamazura after the last season that aired.

I don't have a problem with high quality handheld games we saw with the 3ds and vita but the majority of mobile game developers release gacha and terrible phone games.

I'll just stick with Bloodstained then.

>falling for donation scams

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>xseed game

How many bongs for Castlevania?

>shoutouts to Ys and Falcom


Speed talker run.

This is the most fun Ive had watching a run this SGDQ so far.

That guy has spoken like that in every single run for years.

You know, this isn't bad. It's a fucking speedgame and it feels like it. Color me intrigued.

You can expect me to read every shitpost in these threads.

I enjoyed it for what it was but I played it off of someone else's Steam account. Put about 6 hours into one playthrough.

State your home board.

Mods pls don't delete

Yea Forums here having tons of fun.

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Pretty amusing considering he has the body of one.

2 bongs

>late shroom pull

/x/ - my home is about as shit as this event.

Have sex

/mlpol/ eternal

Yea Forums reporting in

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/vp/ reporting in

>LARP, the board

Fuck that place.


go back


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/u/ here

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/pol/ here

Yeah. We used to be pretty fun though...

Bend over

Yea Forums here as well. Literally here only because of this game

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I don't understand this game or what is going on. The dude is on speed or some shit. Like he downed a lot of adderall.

/pol/ with love :3

/vg/alter reporting in

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/g/ - I don't really care about vidya that much anymore but I try to still watch gdqs and ESA

whens the next sonic game?

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Yea Forums

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God I hate these pixel meme game runs.

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Yea Forumssp/ here.

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its okay when japan does it though


This is offending my Japanese sensibilities

Hello from /vg/

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>last season that aired.
I'm glad you liked it, but I can't see how you were able to follow half of it without reading the books.

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a and vg

It's just a dumbass autopilot RPG. People aren't kidding when they say it's like a mobile game. The game basically plays itself.

Something I've always wanted to ask y/u/rifriends. How triggered do they get by the "dykes getting dicked" thread on /h/?

>used to be obsessed with anime from 2012-2018
>now feel nothing when i look at it
>can't force myself to watch any shows anymore
what happened to me?

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this is the crossover i've been looking for

What happened to Siglemic?

How was irony this advanced in those dark ages

Are there still unfunny godawful skits?
Is that Fred Flinstone tranny still running it? The neckbeard Jew? The bearded basedboy? The Vietnamese tranny?
How cringe has it been so far?
Any massive chokes?

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Became Sheglemic, just plays weird games at weird hours and does really weird keyboard layouts to be cool.

Banned for not cutting his dick off.

You grew up or you're having a depression

all board lurker/shitposter reporting in fuck reddit

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I personally don't mind it honestly
others are autistic about it though

/vp/ and /pol/ here

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you became a frog poster


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we don't

same user i lost all intrest in basically all my hobbies and now spend most my time on Yea Forums or watching twitch

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it's because you used to have tons of anime you were interested in that had come out earlier and now you're stuck with currently airing trash and don't know the 1-2 good shows airing a season.

What do you like now?

>God I hate these pixel meme game runs.

Every game is a pixel game dumbass

Looks like I woke up to a pretty garbage game.

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>Got Mists (So.y)!


Greetings from /r/gaming!

With me?

whens castlevania

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They also exchange food, water and drugs for sex.

mob psycho 2
manaria friends
yuru camp

someone get teh donator to say onions, not so y, but onions

The pacing definitely felt quite abit off but the plots were easy enough to reach an understanding on for each arc. In particular the whole season felt more like development of Accelerator and Hamazura with some other things happening on the side more than anything else.

Even though animation wasn't on point most of the time the background art was quite amazing and the stories were still quite fun too. Acqua was my favorite character for sure.

Yea Forums

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does /r/ have a general for gaming now?

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lol that's called a date :p

*freeze frame* Yeah...that's me. You might be wondering how I ended up like this? Well, it all starts with something called autism.


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After timesplitters

The same thing happend to me. When I look at a show I have this feeling that's it's all so silly. In regards to all anime not just comedy. I don't know why I used to love it. I got really into Yea Forums instead.

Yea Forums here having fun.

ironically you'd need pretty big yuri goggles for a fetish like that

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proto isnt allowed in anymore for hijacking everything

Remember when GDQ used to be full of chads and Stacey? Now it's all skinny nerds and trannies.

this guy is so hairy

Is that a man? Or a trans? I can't tell? It literally reminds me of the "Never talk to me or my son again." meme.

Kid in the purple shirt looks like a massive asshole.

user, it was always skinnyfat nerds

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I need a hairy friend

lmao they band protogirl (boy)?

Well played.
Go back to Yea Forums faggot.

Why are there no trannies, what is going on. This is v. suspicious.

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What universe did you get mandela'd in from

Anyone else like yuri, but hate yurifags?

get a dog then

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Yea Forums: wahh there's a tranny on gcd i cant watch it now we have to go back
also Yea Forums: wtf i havent seen a tranny in two seconds where are the trannies??

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Maybe WE are the trannies.

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>werster & AndrewG aren't chads

Xe's genderfluid shitlord


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its off seeming that gdq is tranny central

Nope. Both yuri and yurifags are garbage.

I know I am

Weird, eh?

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8/10 - not bad.

>refilling the timer
More like full minute hero lmao


>the man who wears pikachu shirts in public, speedruns pokemon and sonic for a living and got cucked live on camera by his own brother



liking yuri makes a yurifag though

not officially, but he had a psychotic breakdown and claimed to have multiple headmates after his token tranny podcast panel they gave him in agdq

They finished transitioning so you can't tell them apart from all the other autists there.

6/10 not bad and fast talker


Didn't they have their own speedrunning even in spring? The one with the hyena mascot.

S if not even better.
This was speed

he only got sword,witch and zommie waifu

He's pretty great, but sadly he isn't in NT a ton. He also looks like someone who takes bowling way too seriously.

please stop / 10

I haven't watched much this time, but I know last gdq, people were getting upset with some of the high profile trannies for being awful people at all times but on camera.

Really good.
Hated the game casually though.

Pretty good, 8/10.

A tier. I enjoyed it. High pace and the runner kept up with his commentary.

I was told it would only be a 30 second speedrun/10

Where my Hunterchads at?

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A tier

didnt watch/10

cmon whoever decided that HAD to know

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I ever only see people(cucks) complain about yuri.

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bretty gud




Very fast.

S tbqh

fast game and good commentary

Looks like the tranny meme is finally ending bros, what will be the next thing?

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Speak up so the rest of the thread can hear you.

Did they say that donation was from /vg/?

3/10 boring as fuck

people here have really low standards

Almost like Yea Forums isnt one person.....


Fucking responded to the wrong post
was for

Yeah but he said the N word in front of a black guy and the curly haired jew guy. More chad then you.

shut the fuck up

reminder that the only good yuri is the pure virgin 404 male missing yuri

But if you like trannies you're obviously an SJW shill who isn't a Yea Forumsirgin

Ah bummer. I could see that about the bowling thing for sure though. Cheers and thanks for the images!

Put down my leather bound "Introduction to metaphysics" by Heidegger to reply to this post.

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castlevania block soon

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How smelly do you think the venue is?

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Based Arby's, made sure no trannies will ever appear again on GDQ.

Not so fast

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Maybe they've fully transitioned!

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What if I just want to fuck them?


funny how every group ends like this
trannies were basically the furries of the 2010's

What is the best run so far?

inb4 homies run

>Guys like this have 90% chance to steal your offspring

smelly enough that a tarrant-type shooter wouldn't enter it

hopefully not something I like

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Shut the flip up about trannies. Why the flip are you all so obsessed with flipping trannies

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Genderspinner up next

Gays. Didn't you see those two faggots before?

Fun high pace run. Deserves the A rank.

SS: Rygar
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2

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That's okay.

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>favourite metroid

Gdq mornings are so comfy.

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no u

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It's before the Americans wake up


furries still exist, user

So many castlevanias holy fuck

Nobody attempts to do the dial8 thing anymore?

what year was it Sam Hyde went to GDQ but they didn't let him in?

Maybe the real trannies were the friends we made along the way


Totally. It was stolen. I'm the victim here.

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Y'all ready for thirty minutes worth of ORB spam?

How can you ever rate a CoolKid run an F? Fuck off

Yeah but they were everywhere for a while in the mid 2000s, now they just exist as small groups that nobody pays attention to anymore.

Fags are old news, theres gotta be something new and spicy degeneration.

I'm always here user

just tuned in, did I miss any cringe?

Ninja Spirit was SS.


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there are SO many castlevania ripoffs and none are good, how is that possible

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Right here

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isn't that the terrorist guy though? How can he still walk the streets?

I never claimed they stopped existing
they just went through the typical phases like trannies
obscure fetish > progressive movement > increased hatred for them > big fuckups > becoming an obscure fetish again


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Basically yeah, internet social trends are a funny thing but I wonder what could be next?


>he doesn't know about Timespinner

no, i'm not ready

Bloodstained & Curse is the Moon are basically SOTN clone done right.

Maybe he'll choke and have a breakdown

Police can't stop him.

Well, there's Bloodstained.

I want to fug raymoo

Attached: db87e95d275b730d5a9e09c8335c1eec.jpg (2000x2500, 2.01M)

im up, eurofag

Cute numbers

>what is hollow knight

>S: Streets of Rage

Attached: 1551285749716.jpg (960x882, 59K)

mtf trannies are old news, the hot new meme will be ftm trannies everywhere

curse of the moon was pretty good


Attached: Zenitsu Gode Mode (2).webm (852x480, 2.81M)

What's a fucking headmate?
Well, i guess that might increase the quality of this GDQ a bit again.

>men with vagene
you know what
im fine with this

It is

Stop lying to yourself user. It wasn't amazing, but wasn't horrible either.

>Opinions mattering

Pick one.


What's he doing?

>claris running metroid game
so we're getting 15 minutes of failed tricks and some skinny guy sitting in a life-crippling way as the couch assimilates him? oh, and a ton of other couch trannies

Attached: 1546808561397.jpg (250x500, 85K)

they're like tulpas

Been up since 11 PM, baby.

Attached: proud.png (229x611, 337K)


Curse of the Moon was excellent, especially considering it was the side project.

Are Americans not up? Shouldn't it be noon est. Most should be at work.

cuckstarters are too invested to see the truth

>loving these remixes

Attached: 1452106674549.gif (640x360, 1.06M)

It's gonna be those guys who pretend they have multiple personalities. Trannies already caught on and are starting to switch to the new hot thing.

Time for bed user

Holy shit maybe I'll start watching it again

boy oh boy, my favorite game is coming up
who doesn't like KabpoyORB!: The Splooshy Hyping Charmed Game

11pm? Which timezone?

>procedurally generated
>boring artwork
>lazy 2.5D


Attached: FB_IMG_1556641454890.jpg (600x600, 36K)

Is Timespinner any good?

who do you think i am? a productive member of society?

Attached: bearded_vulture_0.jpg (1140x550, 78K)

I'm fine with the board itself but why do Yea Forums mods act like they have a huge stick up their ass?

/cyoag/ lurker here.

Attached: 9a6.php.jpg (398x500, 23K)

nice numbers
awful post

Attached: 13241603543504354.png (635x628, 656K)



Tranny on couch?

luna nights looks good

What the fuck is that thing on the middle

Where's our girl this year?

Attached: DTChf2kXcAAaalG (1).jpg (1200x800, 133K)

>Tranny on the couch
Here we go

There's a girl on the sofa.

Attached: Ed.png (457x505, 279K)

Timespinner? Is it good or shit? I've never heard of it before now

so more self induced insanity. good to know. Like they needed that.


Whos that cutie

his imaginary friends talk to him

If I wear a Pepe shirt while couching will I get in trouble?

A bunch of Castlevania ripoffs. I guess I'll take a break from watching for a bit.


Attached: 1546866658549.jpg (600x600, 52K)


>procedurally generated

Is that really a tranny? I thought it was a real girl.

>being so fat that you have no jawline

skipped going this year :(

it's a tranny

I want that fucking sword dude

Just got off work.

Attached: i come back.jpg (462x499, 84K)

cute girl in middle

Attached: protogirl.webm (182x282, 181K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-24 11-40-25-57.webm (414x471, 463K)

Yeah he is a hate speech symbol after all.

At least there's a SotN run coming up

Fucking tourists.

>6 foot 5 hon

I don't care if that is a tranny, I would

voice sounds like a girl (female)

SJW shit.

No that's a girl's voice user.

That's a very passable tranny and she doesn't look terrible.

I'd fuck her boipucci

not invited, but according to him he had plans to see a friend

>this level design

Attached: 1552030904291.jpg (720x405, 48K)

I said it's time for bed user.

Is that a dude or a girl?

Attached: 1560181009050.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

>Unironically thinking that's a tranny
You fucking retards are truly beyond help.

>Yea Forums has been mindbroken into literally believing that all women with short hair are trannies

Is he? I'd say he is like a twitch mascot more than anyhting.

I know nothing about castlevania games.
This game considered bad? Why? its 2d and looks nice
wish ritual of the night looked like this instead of that awful 2.5d

Choking already ohnonono


What do you think you are watching?

Attached: 1555671458180.gif (221x231, 514K)

Someone should speedrun dishonored

Attached: 76efb0ccd625ad12412a9d98ac9c9cdee1b3d20b.jpg (736x981, 50K)


Short hair is shit anyways

Rainbow Poodle or some shit.

>he had plans to see a friend
Oh man, those sour grapes.

No, I'm playing Nioh, and drinking beer, and you can't stop me!

Attached: 1557343085344.png (834x733, 419K)



Attached: wahoo.gif (680x315, 141K)

Law of averages

Shut the fuck up, retard jew enabler.

rainbow poodle

Because it is. The tranny shit is just icing on the cake.

What does he have to do with Twitch?

She’s ugly so whether or not she’s a tranny doesn’t matter


Attached: 1548830263091.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>Orb shit again
Already tempted to juts mute the stream and do something else.

Will Double Gear System be making an appearance this year?

This reminds me of SotN.


Manlet detected

>titty statues

What's this orb meme

Because it's SJW shit.

I haven't heard about this on Yea Forums once so I doubt people here have played it

It's aight. No SOTN or anything but servicable. No that long tho.

You were hoping she'd be trans, weren't you. Of course a tranny fetishist would hate short hair.

Attached: __lei_lei_vampire_game_drawn_by_ueyama_michirou__d7d3e59326917544e89e37db69796976.jpg (713x880, 155K)


Kill yourself


>defending trannies
go back to twitter, i can smell you from here

There are like hundreds of twitch pepe emotes

I bet she's a little nervous and gassy

You'll get a stomach ache if you drink beer. Just go to bed.

Why do they shill super meat boy every year?

I hope they don't shout ORB during the castlevania block

could you elaborate on this?

What is wrong with streamers?

This game looks great

I remember playing this game last year and it felt pretty mediocre start to end.

I can't stop thinking about trannys, somebody help me please

Attached: 1446215023992.png (337x338, 32K)

This game looks like a poor knockoff of SoTN

Why is this game so empty?

Not gonna lie, those are some cute fucking feet.

Hasn't happened in the two years I've worked this job. I stay up until 4-5 PM usually. I get enough sleep.

Sponsor prob

hes right, tomboys a shit




>28 min estimate
These shit games always feel so long

Attached: FC7DD791-8DB9-4F55-8E08-0DACC0C056FA.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Good luck, friend

>"Oh shit"

Attached: d2eq0c3-89d5bed3-23df-4698-a494-30a6680283a9.jpg (671x576, 29K)

Looks like shit.

Attached: 1557726570351.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

I'm sorry, user
It's terminal.

Why haven't you become a cute 2D robot yet Yea Forums?

Attached: 56124127_p4.png (1500x2929, 1.59M)

Literally every character in the game is some form of LGBT except for maybe the villain.

Condolences on your cancerous opinion.

>Runner said SHIT

He's banned

Super Meat Boy Forever is supposedly coming out soon
But does anybody really give a shit?


People don't like it cause they just hate indie sprite based games that only exist to ape better games

Reminder that someone in these threads claimed they could do this dance perfectly and they have not provided proof.

sounds like an egg thats starting to crack :3c

i bet you like Chie you turbofag

such a CRINGE! thread

Attached: file.png (858x544, 57K)

>doctors without boarders is a great cause

Attached: D2MUPk9WsAElnvB.jpg (1042x982, 95K)


Excuses and more excuses.
Go to bed already, loser.

I don't play high school friend simulators.

They should shut the run down

how did i never hear of this game before?

Hey that's my waifu dont post her again ok

Attached: 0b441978cd2630073e674e0e448503ee7aaa92fd.png (360x390, 136K)

It's a real girl lads, I can tell by the voice believe me

new bread

I want to fuck her so badly



Attached: lend her a hand.png (556x838, 462K)

So is Doctors without Boarders a program to send doctors to african shitholes where they get infected with ebola?

Well it's better than donating to Girls Who Code


People don't like to talk about good games on Yea Forums.

Probably because it's shit

Trannies don't get proper sleep and drink alcohol to forget. Who's the real tranny? TRANNY.

Good joke.

This fucking game barely has any enemies what the fuck

The only good charities are the ones local to you

Attached: 1486349908343.jpg (640x932, 91K)

Dilate with me then.

Yes, its "donate us money so whitey can go to Africa and save those poor Africans who can't save themselves". Fucking white saviors

is the mc of this game a tranny?

Wow GDQ is even more cucked than I thought
Trannies and trying to save niggers

>ctrl+F "Trann"
>Only 45 results
You're improving, lads.

I got a problem with my cars trannsmission, guys. Whenever I reach a speed of 40mph+, the trannsmission becomes harder to use, like the trannsmission is jamming up and the trannsmission stick wont budge.


who this

minus the part where they've become so tranny obsessed they're convincing themselves actual girls are trannies too.

Pirate it. It's a fun game. Though the story is eh, portraits look ugly and has sjw garbage dialouge in the optional quests which you should be skipping.

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