Was Tifa an Asian?
Was Tifa an Asian?
FF7 was an asian
>Tifa Lockhart
No. She was an anime. Anime is what Asians wish they looked like.
>Anime is what Asians wish they looked like.
But she at least looks more Asian than White in that pic.
No. But japs are literally incapable of modeling convincing white people, so ever since they moved past the low poly-era everyone appears Asian.
>lives with a negro
>raising someone else's kid
>works at a degenerate bar
>bitches about electricity while consuming it
>supports terrorists over her own interests
>cucking a blond boy with ptsd
She's white. Pic related, get yourself a brown girl if you want to be worshiped.
>But japs are literally incapable of modeling convincing white people
jesus christ what awful head canon
90% of the post-AC fanarts for her are a mistake.
Tifa was always White until that movie came out but everyone started to draw her as Asian at that point.
Shes clearly a hapa.
You just went full Nig Mode, what do you call 2B?
You mean her fucking actual company you retard. And still to this very day with the launch of a new game. I fucking knew the cope this reveal would cause was going to be delusion tier.
According to Nomura she's supposed to be whatever Ayumi Ito is.
Sephiroth was the asianest and Barret the niggest
>fantasy world
Why does it matter?
Sorry but what are you asking me? 2B? What? This is Heather Mason.
Yeah just look how Asian she is.
She's Nibelheimnese so probably Germanic.
Why is Nomura allowed to put his waifu in game but this guy isn't?
no, she was haitian
>Anime is what Asians wish they looked like.
And anime characters look like whites.
Let's also not forget that Asians pay thousands of dollars to gain white traits.
You never saw this posted before her reveal. No one ever said "who cares" it was always "AC is a one off mistake, wait till the Remake, then you will all see she is white!" Oh dear.
>what are trolls, what are dwarfs, what are elfs, etc
I wish people could stop thinking about tits and race for just one sec so they could focus instead on how awful her new outfit is. What she's wearing completely clashes with what Squeenix themselves said was their vision of her character.
This is feminist propaganda and those aren't even Japanese.
If you have to ask if white looking characters are Asians, there's a good chance you suffer from brain damage.
Consider killing yourself.
Fantasy races yes, not real life ones.
Your pic related WAS allowed. He did it three fucking times.
>she isn't these girls so she isn't asian
do you just wait around for these tifa threads or...?
Let me tell you what parts of Gaia are white.
Citra? Ancient niggas
Wu-tang? Asian niggas
Chocobo farm? Feathery niggas
That's not Tifa, that's some eth*cal slut
Of course she is. Tifa is japanese name.
There are bigger concerns with the remake than Tifa at all.
>a picture of insect gooks is feminist proaganda
>japanese aren't japanese
what did the weebcel mean by this
Yes, she even lists for Cloud’s Aryan cock
Being worshipped is not worth having a disgusting mutt of a baby.
she and Cloud are japs
real life human races doesn't exist either, it's all political agenda.
>a picture of insect gooks is feminist proaganda
That's what I said, yes.
>japanese aren't japanese
But I didn't say this. What are you babbling about?
>what did the weebcel mean by this
Can you prove that I'm a weeb and an incel and then explain the relevance?
Its bot a whitey name.
Just a heads up that the OP of this thread has been samefagging for a while because he's trying to get people to believe that a character like Tifa is Asian despite not having any Asian traits.
>do you just wait around for these tifa threads or...?
do you just wake up and spam yellow fever threads on Yea Forums every day or...?
Well yes, I agree with you there. But I meant just with regards to Tifa. The moment I heard they were including compilation shit I immediately tried to stop thinking about it.
When the fuck did it become "Lockhart"??? Is that a Square Enix invention?
I remember it ALWAYS being "Lockheart" for Tifa, while the "hart" spelling being for Squall's surname, Leonhart. I remember 100% clearly for several reasons, partly because I would get annoyed when people wrote "Leonheart" and I knew one cause for why they did it was they were used to writing "Lockheart".
(Yeah I know Lockhart is a real name and that's why some people in their confusion used that real world spelling for Tifa, but that's beside the point here.)
heart for Tifa,
hart for Squall,
That's the way it always was.
Here's an Asian who looks like Tifa
I give you Tifa is Asian but Clould is White.
The roots of a WMAF paring in Japanese games.
>not worth having a disgusting mutt of a baby.
If you're american, I have bad news for you.
You are delusional if you don't think this Asian roastie looks like a Tifa
Anime characters aren't white.
Why not just make her a half-asian so everyone is happy and gets their fetish? White Aerith, asian Yuffie, Tifa a mix of both.
Parasite Eve was based on FF7
Ayaya is Cloud
Daniel is Barret
Answer the question you insufferable autist
And yes, you are a beta incel with yellow fever.
He looks like a jap with bleached hair
If this is real why was there no ferrari in the game?
Found another ziphead who looks like Tifa
Prove that I'm autist. Prove that I'm beta. Prove that I'm an incel. Explain what's wrong with preferring Asian women.
Anime characters are white that is why asian girls grow up wanting white bfs
well, she does look like a hapa
user please give me source of all games except Star ocean, ff7 and ff10
barrets big as fuck
You are extremely dishonest and desperate.
They are not white. You have a racial inferiority complex.
>Anime characters aren't white.
Asians, especially Japanese, disagree with you.
Who do I believe? Asians and my own common sense, or an autistic delusional weirdo such as yourself?
They do not disagree. Anime characters do not look white. You have a racial insecurity complex. I have seen all of these propaganda pictures countless times so don't bother posting them.
Prove that I'm autistic.
> You are extremely dishonest and desperate.
Says the aspie spamming "Tifa is Asian" every hour despite nothing suggests she's Asian
Seriously, kill yourself. Stop postponing your inevitable suicide.
>anti-jap incel can't calm down and is doing butthurt cherrypicking
Cloud better makes sure, that she doesn't shoot up a school while listening to 'pump up kicks'
they are white and asian people go to great effort to look white
thats why asian appearance has changed so dramatically over the past 300 years
I have not spammed any such thing.
>Seriously, kill yourself. Stop postponing your inevitable suicide.
Maeda is Tifa
Tifa is prototype of Tifa
Maeda is japanese
Tifa is japanese too then
Close this thread
Nothing to discuss here
>we bought him on to make sure the actual white characters stay white this time
>Tifa STILL remains literally asian looking
You are hurting your own argument
>nothing suggests she's asian
They do not look white and Asia is not a country.
Like I said, I have seen all of these already. Many times. It's totally pointless for you to post these.
Not that guy but you're such a faggot, believe me Asian women think you're pathetic too in addition to white women.
I didn't make the thread, im just in it.
Maeda is Tifa
We need to somehow put a filter on this image, you faggots are fucking annoying
>Bleached fag
What kind of people bother wasting time to make such stuff?
Why don't they go out and talk to real women instead of doing this?
Or can they at least use Photoshop for something more meaningful?
Prove that Asian and white women have that opinion about me.
>Cloud better makes sure, that she doesn't shoot up a school while listening to 'pump up kicks'
I laughed way to hard on this
Tifa is daughter of Maeda and Aya
They don't look white, but they look a LOT whiter than they did 300 years ago. Their facial features have become more caucasian as a result of evolution. Also I never said asia was a country you fucked up junkie.
Cloud is the daughter of Daniel and Aeris
> Also I never said asia was a country you fucked up junkie.
Yeah you did:
>asian people go to great effort to look white
Prove that I'm a junkie.
So are you saying asians aren't people? So you're racist as well as a junkie.
Desperate incels hahahahahaha
Show me where I said anything like that. Prove that I'm a junkie.
This is japanese. Tifa looked like this
you're so fucked up on heroin you don't even realise what you are saying
Prove that I'm a junkie or admit that you made a false accusation.
Another Asian roastie who looks like Tifa
>butthurt cherrypicking
Is this supposed to be attractive
looks like a generic gook with surgery and make up
Since Tifa gives her snatch to Cloud, this doesn't so far fetched
>this "Asian" woman I cherry picked doesn't look like this video game character, therefore the video game character can't be modeled after a Japanese woman
You are retarded. Please stop.
I don't need to prove anything to a junkie lowlife dropout
They say the insect princess was an inspiration for Tifa's character model.
You can clearly see the similarities.
She is Japanese, not Korean, and she hasn't had any surgery. All women wear make up.
Feminists should all be rounded up in concentration camps.
>says he's cherrypicking while trying to convince everyone that tifa is asian despite not having asian traits
Kill yourself schizo
Then you admit that you made a false accusation and you concede defeat. I have won the argument.
This is idol shit right
> She is Japanese, not Korean
What the fuck are you even trying to say, weebcel?
You said she's Korean, and plastic surgery is also a Korean meme.
Prove that I'm a weeb. Prove that I'm an incel. Explain the relevance of both.
Actually, Ayumi Ito was the inspiration for Tifa's character model.
OP aka WCK is always replying multiple times (samefagging) to any post that laughs at the ugliness of Asian roasties. It's kind of sad but also entertaining.
The only thing you have won is a miserable death overdosing in a puddle of your own shit and vomit
Gook is an umbrella term for Asians, retard
You admit that you made a false accusation and you concede defeat. I have won the argument.
It means Koreans.
a damn he's having a seizure someone call a.... nah forget it society will be better off with one less junkie around
You admit that you made a false accusation and you concede defeat. I have won the argument.
no, only yuffie is asian
the rest very obviously come from caucasian inspired cities
>Actually, Ayumi Ito was the inspiration for Tifa's character model.
Keep telling yourself that, OP. You first samefagged and shitposted and tried to get everyone to believe that Tifa's inspiration was that chinkoid pornstar and now you've saying her inspiration is a different chinkoid pornstar. The funny thing about your yellow crusade is that none of these chinks look remotely similar to Tifa, but you'll keep trying to convince people that there are similarities because you are tremendously autistic, delusional and desperate.
Make up your mind, schizo. Stick to one voice in your head.
I think this is where the frothing at the mouth begins, followed by choking on your own tongue
>Tifa STILL remains literally asian looking
She was never Asian or Asian looking, so there is no "still", and she still doesn't look Asian.
You are fucking autistic holy shit
Ayumi Ito is Japanese and not a porn star.
>none of these chinks look remotely similar to Tifa
Which is totally irrelevant.
>you are tremendously autistic, delusional and desperate.
This is projection.
Hey rapeape i know you're reading this
Most of your Yea Forums jannies are /r9k/ trolls with yellow fever and they deliberately refuse to delete these off-topic yellow fever threads. Fire them and find new jannies. If you don't believe me, ask them why they never delete these garbage threads when they're online on Discord.
This is why you're being called autistic you stupid faggot.
>You admit that you made a false accusation and you concede defeat. I have won the argument.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
Prove that I'm autistic.
By the way, these threads are yet another indication of how totally done for America is. This is the sort of thing that people now obsess over. Their entire mental well-being, or what little is left of it, depends on convincing themselves that Japanese video game and anime characters look white.
Ayumi Ito didn't play Tifa until 2005 you fucking moron
> This is projection.
Your entire yellow crusade is a projection, autist.
I made no statements about when she did or did not start playing her, you fucking moron. I said:
>Ayumi Ito is Japanese and not a porn star.
>You have a racial insecurity complex.
Says the aspie who tries to claim white characters are Asian
>prove I'm autistic
People just need to see how you repsond to know you're autistic. Keep being a retard though.
Prove that I'm projecting. Prove that I'm autistic.
She isn't white. Prove that I'm an aspie.
Imagine not knowing who she is
Prove that I'm autistic. Prove that I'm retarded.
What a fucking dogshit thread
Why are weebs so fucking paranoid and insecure? Even when Asians say their characters are meant to be Caucasian, there'll be some autist like OP who will claim otherwise.
You smackheads really are clueless about the words that come out of your own mouths no wonder you're all choking on your own vomit
Why should he give a shit about insect roasties? Only incels who are desperate will settle for literal trash at the bottom of the trash can.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
You admit that you made a false accusation and you concede defeat. I have won the argument.
But they said that they're meant to be Japanese.
>you can't go back to 1997 and play FF7 during winter break again
Aren't they more like entirely different species though? It's like calling Neanderthals a different "race" of homo sapiens sapiens.
Americans. This is seriously important to them. Especially the feminists.
And heroin addicts
Why is WCK not rangebanned yet? How many times do you have to ban him to realize he needs to be rangebanned?
white feminists. mostly ugly white women.
Pay attention to the sperglord with yellow fever aka WCK replying to every post that goes against his narrative.
too masculine face
>WCK is still autistically adding random posts submitted people to his collage
pure unadulterated autism
You are asking the false question, so let me correct that:
>Does Tifa look Wutaian or have Wutaian ancestry?
>Tifa's only 5'4
That cant be right
putting this meme to rest.
The new tifa has 'eastern style of beauty' not that she's actually 100 percent asian. This means she has a rounder face and 'cuter', take a look at the Korean or Jap idols usually 'uguu onii chan' cute.
>too masculine face
She's not a mongoloid aka Asian so that's not possible.
What is your point again, WCK?
Want to know something fucking cool? Every single one of those girls has that long straight black pubic hair between their legs. What do you think about that?
Huh, I figured Tifa was at least 5’7.
That quote is fake and was edited in by autists anyways the developers have never said anything about the characters looking too white or not
Oh hey, the roastie is back. I wonder what happened?
These are Japanese women and surgery is a Korean meme. Photoshop is used everywhere. Nobody ever has a problem with celebrities being used as example of white women.
this is actually making me mad, she had an attractive as fuck jawline
Tifa was stacked
This is feminist propaganda.
The yellow roastie and her army of incels worshipping her is never away.
>These are Japanese women and surgery is a Korean meme.
There's no difference between them and plastic surgery has been more common among Japanese than Koreans in the last 30 years.
Seriously, kill yourself. You're fucking clueless about everything. Maybe you'll be reborn as a chinkoid, it's your dream after all.
Show me a single interview by Square Enix or anybody involved with Final Fantasy that said Tifa was inspired by Jennifer Connelly in any capacity. Go on I'll wait.
They look different and plastic surgery is a Korean meme.
>Seriously, kill yourself. You're fucking clueless about everything.
This is projection. I am well-informed and intelligent. You are ignorant and stupid.
>Maybe you'll be reborn as a chinkoid, it's your dream after all.
Show me where I have expressed any desire to be Chinese.
>you are projection!!!
>you are feminist propaganda!!!
>you are racially inferior complex!!!
What did WCK mean by these projections?
I have no idea who WCK is or why you think I am him. And I don't think this photo is of Japanese girls.
Show me a single interview by Square Enix or anybody involved with Final Fantasy that said Tifa was inspired by insect roasties in any capacity. Go on I'll wait.
You've made the claim several times. Now prove it.
So she's white
I'm so glad remake Tifa ended up totally Asian. you were probably foaming at the mouth when the trailer was released
holy shit the yellow fever incel is still going at it
Good God, you are so autistic and delusional. Does your parents know that you spend most of your life on Yea Forums as a yellow knight?
Prove that I'm autistic and delusional.
>no asian traits
>"OMG she's asian, my voices in my head are telling me the truth, I better autistically spam Yea Forums with my recent discovery"
seek help, mentally ill autist
That's scary!
Went from being oh ok that's cute, to fuck that.
>and wished to work with her on Advent Children. With Aerith's voice actor already decided, Nomura asked Ito to voice Tifa, feeling her "husky voice" would offer a good contrast to Maaya Sakamoto's soft-spoken Aerith.[33] Nomura additionally noted that after completing Tifa's updated design, the producers debated about her finalized details, but once Ito had been cast for the role they chose to blend many traits from the voice actress into the character's final appearance.[34]
>but everyone started to draw her as Asian at that point.
Probably because her design in that movie was based on a Japanese person
>And I don't think this photo is of Japanese girls.
Yeah you're right. They're clearly African LOL fucking kill yourself already
I fucking love that anger. Your tears sutain me. Tifa is now officially asian and theres literally nothing you can do about it. A million more yellow fever fags were born from this decision.
Wait, Tifa is 20?
Show me where I said or implied that they're African.
Asians aren't cute and never will be lol. They're literal GOBLINS.
t. lived in Japan and Singapore for 5 years
You keep responding to bait to try and get the last word like an autistic person.
I think Japanese are the cutest. What are you going to do about it?
I have not responded to bait, and those who bring up having the last word are the ones who want to have it. You have no proof that I am autistic.
> t.lived in my moms basement for 5 years and counting
>the character has a japanese voice actor so that means it's japanese
AHHAAHAHAHA holy shit you are fucking schizophrenic
I feel bad for your parents, they invested a lot of time amd money to produce such a loser of a son.
> I think yellow roasties are the cutest
They are very cute after surgery and makeup
>move from rome to Tokyo in 1997
>FF7 release date was Jan 31 1997
Unless he's a super artist who instantly recruited by Square the moment he came to Japan to design their characters one month before the game was released, there's no way he's involved in the original FF7.
>I think Japanese are the cutest. What are you going to do about it?
More like what are you going to do, nothing, because nobody likes asian fever faggots.
>wck is still going at it
reminder that this is OP
do incels not realize that white characters in anime are drawn much differently than the baseline anime faces
asians don't have long, projecting beak noses, or prominent nose bridges like whiteoids
anyone upload all those amerimutt fatfucks. amerimutt devs and hollywood have still hid all those ugly fatfucks and the average american woman aside from genuine sjws making disgusting cgs on tumblr
Because white women don't wear makeup, only asians do
His quote says that she is based on her voice actress.
Surgery is a Korean meme and all women wear makeup. You cannot defeat me with these tired old gimmicks. You've been posting these forever and I'm totally immune to them. You cannot win against me.
I don't have to do anything and I don't need your approval.
>literally mentions her face in the second half
why are you like this
>they chose to blend many traits from the voice actress into the character's final appearance.[34]
Read it again dumbass. Heres something extra just to drive it into your skull.
>Aerith and Tifa are double heroines. One has a western-style look and the other an eastern-style look.
Man up and admit defeat.
The only explicitly White characters I know from anime are Annie from Attack on Titan and the girl with the long beak from Hunter x Hunter.
You have to stop samefagging and kill yourself instead. You'll be doing everyone a favor, including your parents.
How old did you think she was? Arieth is 22.
Lots of anime set in Japan have the "foreigner" character. Usually, Shonen aren't set in Japan so it never comes up
I have not samefagged. Only one of those posts is mine. You keep talking about "my" parents, but you are in reality talking about yours.
And it doesn't matter how many of these webms you post. I've seen them all before. They're proven bullshit. They have no effect on me.
lmao the weebcel is frothing from his mouth and coping with projections
korean surgery isnt a meme. its real. they are similar to amerimutts. very impressionable and superstitious, want to stick out but do the same shit.
just refer to nk women . they represent korean natural beauty
You have done said a single thing that would prove that I'm a weeb or an incel, and the only one who has projected here is you. It's hilarious that you keep wasting your time cropping these images.
It's a Korean meme. That is, it's something that happens in Korea. It does not automatically apply to other countries.
>garbage off-topic yellow fever thread still up
>OP aka WCK is still projecting and having an autistic meltdown because nobody is dumb enough to believe Tifa is a mongoloid
"Competent" mods at work here obviously.
Bumping the thread just for you.
> just refer to nk women . they represent korean natural beauty
They get it as well. Asians are just insecure and anxious.
See:why do you have to claim your boogeyman exists when the only boogeyman is you?
You are legit insane show me where the Asian women hurt you my dude
Bro, you’re proving it yourself. You have an autistic obsession with “proof” that ironically enough proves your autism. Good day.
Not him but I'm just glad we put that autist who hates asian women in his place. That guy has serious issues.
You made an accusation, so now you must prove it. That's how it works. If you don't like it, don't make accusations.
Oh look. More Asians who look like Tifa.
Damn... Maybe OP aka WCK isn't a delusional fucktard? Haha.
Oh look, she's still trying to make this "argument" work because she is not well in the head.
Shes based off her VA Ayumi Ito. Not sure what these girls have to do with anything.
I think she looks Asian and I also think spamming a thread with “prove it” is a pretty autistic famalam. If someone said you were acting stupid would you ask them to prove it?
I'm not spamming anything. People are accusing me of things, and I am simply asking them to prove their accusations. You are shifting blame. Where's your proof that I'm autistic?
I can't find the video on youtube anymore. What happened?
How salty is the retard that spams ugly asians?
He’s pretty upset
I’m trying to help you here. I understand you think you’re defending yourself, but you’re doing so in a way some people would call autistic. This is an anonymous board, nobody cares what anyone else says and these dumb shitposts will all be deleted soon, so don’t care about what random people on the internet say.
I don't understand your question. Was there an "Asia" in FF7?
Does Wutai count?
There is nothing autistic about it and you cannot argue anything to the contrary. It is completely normal and sensible to expect people to provide evidence when they make accusations. You are just entitled and think that others aren't allowed to question anything you say.
Lol prove it.
If anyone’s Asian in the universe it’s yuffie
Then Tifa's not Asian, since her hometown looks Western. Tifa is western.
Yuffie, best girl, is from Wutai, so they're the best looking women.
Prove what?
There is no "africa" either but do you want to autistically dispute that barrett is not black too? What? Should we say "is she yellow??"
>going to be barret's age soon
>still don't have a gun-arm
what am I doing with my life
Is Lockhart/Lockheart another Berenstain universe split thing?
>weebcel is still going at it
get a job or just kill yourself holy shit
Where's Asia on this map?
>You are just entitled and think that others aren't allowed to question anything you say.
Prove it or admit you have autism.
What do you think your autistic spam and samefaggotry will achieve?
yuffie's city
What makes you think you're allowed to demand me to prove anything when you just rejected the entire idea of demanding proof? Also, the burden of proof isn't even on me.
I have not spammed, I have not samefagged, and you can't prove that I'm autistic.
yuffie isn't asian either
That’s the whole point, demanding proof is dumb and you should stop doing it.
Yuffie looks nothing like an Asian
Aerith looks nothing like an Iranian (there are some Iranians with green eyes and light brown hair but the majority of their women have dark brown hair and eyes)
Tifa looks nothing like an Asian.
Try again, weebcel.
See this picture? Does it look like Terry Crews to you? No? Then it seems like I have cunningly proven that Terry Crews is not black.
The west-most continent.
Oh, its you again. Why don't you fuck off to Japan already and go for a nice walk through Aokigahara.
>Yuffie Kisaragi
>not asian
I can click on the Yea Forums catalog and I'll always see OP and his autistic screeching.
What the fuck is going on?
That's Aerith. Tifa is more like a Hāfu.
It's not dumb, it's completely normal and sensible and what grown-ups are supposed to do. If you can't provide any proof for your accusations then you admit to them being false.
>Oh, its you again
Oh it's a redditor again.
>Why don't you fuck off to Japan already and go for a nice walk through Aokigahara.
What is this even supposed to mean?
That's a nigger.
See this picture? This is an insectoid.
See the picture in your OP? That's a video game character who looks white.
Cringe. Just stop already. I guarantee you dont even play final fantasy.
>Vid totally related
Half-Centralian, Half-Wutaian
Yeah it's a nigger, and it's making the point that your logic is completely asinine.
>See the picture in your OP? That's a video game character who looks white.
No it's not.
Those aren't Japanese, and isn't it funny that 90% of these images are always of middle or high school students?
woah thats deep
how can video games be real if races dont even exist
kek at these buttuhurt white landwhales. theyve suddenly increased for some reason since this year.
>Those aren't Japanese
He didn't say they were.
>isn't it funny that 90% of these images are always of middle or high school students
Seek medical attention.
I was just trying to help you be less autistic user. It is not normal to sperg out over something as inconsequential as a random user calling you autistic. In some settings demanding proof of an accusation is appropriate, like if police say you broke into a house or something, but this isn’t one of them. This is one of the things you ignore.
>He didn't say they were.
Then what is their relevance?
It is. In the case of Japanese schools, they can't wear make up or do much of anything. Probably the same in Korea.
>Seek medical attention.
You can't prove that I'm autistic, and it's not "sperging out" to expect people to prove their accusations. You're going to have a difficult time in the grown up world.
Cringe. Just stop already. You are fucking delusional and autistic.
>draw a white person
>give it japanese name
>"it's asian xD"
based retard
Do you not tire of the endless cycle, Yea Forums?
probably from east asia like Israel or turkey
She doesn't look white.
>No it's not.
Keep telling yourself that while spamming "Tifa is asian" posts. I'm sure you think your yellow crusade will work. LOL
Is this your fifth or sixth thread today?
>Those aren't Japanese
They are, you asinine retard.
tifa is 21
do you know what asian people look like, you nigger?
pro-tip: not like that
Best of luck with the autism user, I feel for your parents.
You're correct, WCK.
Tifa looks like yellow roasties, just like the yellow roastie in this picture.
>I think she looks Asian
take ur meds, schizo
I have not spammed any such posts and I have not made any threads.
Their faces and uniforms seem Korean.
She doesn't look white.
I have no idea who WCK is, but what I do know is that on every board I go to there's always some guy and someone is always claiming I'm him. Different guy every time.
>Then what is their relevance?
Their relevance to what? As this thread is about asians, and not explicitly Japanese, then it is relevant to the topic of discussion.
>It is.
No, it isn't funny.
>In the case of Japanese schools, they can't wear make up or do much of anything.
You said they aren't Japanese.
>Probably the same in Korea.
No it isn't.
Because you have mental health issues such as race dysphoria and dog muncher enamorment.
What's wrong with liking Asian and White girls?
>Their relevance to what?
>As this thread is about asians, and not explicitly Japanese, then it is relevant to the topic of discussion.
This is a Japanese game and the character is based on a Japanese woman.
>You said they aren't Japanese.
>No it isn't.
Ok, do you have a source for this? They don't seem like they're wearing makeup.
>Because you have mental health issues such as race dysphoria and dog muncher enamorment.
maybe half asian
>character is based on a Japanese woman
Care to provide a source for that statement from the developer/character deisgner?
>Ok, do you have a source for this?
No it isn't, i'm only attracted to white women and latinas, persians, anything close to resembling human basically.
Tifa is clearly a light skinned nigga
Lockheart was always a mistranslation, just like Aeris.
>Care to provide a source for that statement from the developer/character deisgner?
We already went over this several times in this thread.
Ok. This doesn't mean anything though, since Korea isn't relevant.
>No it isn't
Then you must have proof that I have race dysphoria and "dog muncher enamorment," whatever that is.
>character is based on a Japanese woman
>Care to provide a source for that statement from the developer/character deisgner?
See Debate over. And you better reply you coward.
She’s a 10/10 on that shot
She’s also a 10/10 in the sewers
She only looks weird in Seventh Heaven
Why is her model so inconsistent?
Regardless, she’ll always be the most beautiful vidya girl for me.
I thought Marlene was Dyne's daughter?
I say I’ve witnessed his dog muncher enamorment first hand. Put it on the record.
muh dick
I’d unlock her heart with my dick
No. The asians in FF 7 were explicitly the Wutai folk.
Appearance-wise she still Asian though. there's tons of fictional European settings in anime it doesn't really mean anything
>believing in the I Earth bullshit
Even if it was a misstranslation, why aren't all the other misstranslations being corrected? Like Barret, who is actually called Bullet.
Traits such as what, her hair? Because she looks nothing like her. If you think otherwise you literally have autism.
They look pretty similar.
You asked for proof If nomura or any of the devs thought Tifa was inspired by a Japanese woman and I gave it to you. Advent Children Tifa was inspired directly by her and the Remake seems to follow suit.
>random posts but multiple people
That is a drop in the ocean compared to your autistic spam, WCK.
>is a japanese video game character asian
Yea Forums is so fucking retarded
literally pink women rage thread
Does necessarily mean they have to be Japanese. Barret is definitely not Japanese. Yuffie is definitely Japanese. Everyone else is a little more ambiguous.
They get salty but this is actually a group of Asian men from Reddit that's dumps their spam folders anytime people are attracted to Asian women. This seems like a waste of time though because Yea Forums is more of a reflection of reality and it doesn't directly influence it. If anything they're making asian men look like creeps on par with indian guys. Kinda counter productive.
That was only for her Advent Children design you disigenuous fuck. Which everybody knows looks nothing like the original and is a disgrace to her design.
Pic related is her voice actor for FF7 remake. What now? Obviously Tifa was designed in the same way Advent Children Tifa was, right?
Yea Forums a reflection of reality? Maybe for mentally deranged people.
Jesus fuck you are retarded, That isn't her jap VA, is your stupid ass actually arguing that foreign va's are actual who characters are designs are based on?
Asia doesn't exist in the FFVII and FFVIIR universe, though Wutai is the closest to it (hence you should people that look "Asian" as "Wutaian" instead). Well, stuff like "Korean BBQ" and such stuff exists, but that just might be the name of the inventor that created it in-universe.
There are several links in this discussion that you refused to refute that explicitly States the Final Fantasy director nomura says that Tifa is inspired by the Japanese voice actress Ayumi ito this girl is never mentioned.
You're embarrassing yourself right now
Asians don't exist in Spira but yuna is definitely asian, tidus is definitely asian. This is a bad argument.
no. they are on int. they dont know anything other than identity politics. they have no bobby or are ccp shills
>his daughter Marlene
The trailer they showed is clearly recordings across multiple game builds. Everyone is inconsistent across them. It was dumb of them to do that.
>Asians don't exist in Spira but yuna is definitely asian, tidus is definitely asian. This is a bad argument.
No. They look similar to Earth's Asians, but they aren't. Because there is no Asia in their worlds. So naturally their bodily structures are refered to differently. Just like the Al Bhed in FFX.
My entire point is they are based on asians you mongrel, any idiot who thinks tifa wasn't is a fucking retard.
Al Bhed are clearly Middle Eastern.
Thanks alot now I have to find jap upskirts
They aren't stictly 1:1 though. Rikku doesn't really look all that Middle Eastern to me. While she does have some resemblences to Middle Eastern looks, there are aspects of her that look "Western" or European as well. Same with several other Al Bhed. Many of them look more like Latino rather than Middle Easterners.
Nomura has clearly decided to work in asian features since at least AC.
It’s over. No amount of “hahahahah weeb” changes that
Middle Easterners don't typically have blonde hair and green eyes.
I always saw Tifa as half-asian/half-white, while Aerith is full white and Yuffie is full asian.