Why does everyone hate WoW now?
Why does everyone hate WoW now?
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It's always been hated. Even Wrath was hated when it was current.
Every content patch and expansion people look around and try to figure out why people still play WoW and the reason is always the same: there are no alternatives
the expansion is really bad & blizzard keeps refusing to listen
>no no, you see you want e sports
FF14 is unironically the much better game at this point, it has been for a while
It's gone on for too long and has degenerated as a result.
it was hated, but nobody wanted to run away from it, now people want to stop
I'm not a fan of the weebshit design or I'd give it a go
Because it has no good reason to be as shitty as it is right now.
They need to make an expansion with no new leveling zones. Put ALL THAT RESOURCES into more endgame content.
But beyond that they made the lived experience of the classes not fun for seemingly no reason.
This is wrong. LoL killed WoW on the PC community around 2010 and WoW didn't gain new players after wotlk.
Only failures in their 30's still play that trash.
>now people want to stop
Nope. It's still making a lot of cash. Blizzdrone will always remain loyal no matter what.
This is like giving up Coke to drink Pepsi.
Yeah most classes are just not fun. At all. I hate the nerfed dailys, time gated BS and the story etc etc.
It's become so objectively shit at its core that even the die-hard blizzardfags are starting to realise how far from grace it's fallen.
There's been bad expacs in the past that have been fixed through patches, but I can never remember it being so bad that the main selling point of an upcoming patch (8.2) is that it fixes garbage game mechanics that were the sole selling point of the expac originally.
The only light in the darkness now is Classic and the fact that Ion has now gone on record as saying that they've made major mistakes over the years (namely the massive push toward spec identity rather than class identity and all that entails) and that the team wants to fix it. As much as classic is a ploy to get boomers to give them sub money, it's also now clearly something they'll be watching in order to gauge exactly what the community wants.
FFXIV doesn't have endless grinding and the classes are actually fun to play
Everyone HATED after Cata was released and blizzard became full of Numales with Mommy issues and Onions addiction in the late 2012.
most of its faults may come from Activision, but i shit you not that 75% comes from blizzard itself and its shitty way of organizing projects.
>classes are fun to play
They all play the same you fucking dip.
Leaks from few days ago.
Only correlation is that both customer bases consist of fat people
BFA is hated so much because it took all the elements from Legion and cut out the features that were liked. Then they took the features nobody liked and made them worse.
The game lost its adventure feeling and has become a device to go grind for slight number upgrades to grind for slightly higher number upgrades. The Adventure that exists in the game is equivalent to theme park ride that you are shown a bunch of stuff but don't really do anything with the world.
I would honestly be less upset with WoW at this point if it was FTP.
>but you can grind wow tokens!
Blizzard makes the most money off of WoW tokens and I don't want money, even indirectly, going to Blizzard for me playing the game.
If you thought this shitshow was credible enough to make a screencap of it and then post it again in another thread, i'm afraid you might be a moron
based LARP posts.
yoshibabies first propoganda post
WoW its following the same steps as Star Wars galaxies
This is bullshit and I choose to believe it.
Precisely because it's such a shitshow full of retarded decisions it is plausible.
this was the most bullshit "leak" post i've seen. that other thread started by some other guy was way more credible.
what do you mean now? wow has been progressively going to shit since wrath, with every patch since then there were terrible decisions and changes taking place from then on, it didn't happen yesterday, it's just that the dislike and disatisfaction for the game has finally caught on in BFA at last, WoD didn't help either
This was believable until the full on LARP mode with Diablo 4 being that far into development.
My ex tried to get me to play before, I don’t think it’s a bad game, just not my style. I need a game with cute cosmetics like ffxiv
And that it's a first person game. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
>"they can't get loot to drop properly"
>far into developement
If they're doing it on overwatch engine then they might have working prototype easily.
And yet Legion was regarded as "good" by a lot of WoW players. The early legendary system was finally enough to get me to permanently jump ship after I got the "wrong" legendaries on 3 characters.
WoWcucks will never lose their taste for shit.
Not him but
>WAR and PLD both have burst phases
>DRK has great mitigation along with a 45 second long stronk phase
>WHM is hard heals with hard OGCD's weaved in between
>SCH, if they know the fight, has the best shields that can nullify even the hardest tank buster
>AST has card management along with safety spells in case their too busy woth cards
I would go into DPS but that would be too long to explain.
It doesn't matter if it "looked so retarded it might actually be true" - all credibility goes out the window when you realise that someone high profile enough to have that much inside knowledge of all the individual dev team wouldn't then leak said info on fucking Yea Forums, and type it up from the perspective of someone lower down the chain.
If that user wanted to make his larp believable, he should have started with something like "I was working on X game and was layed off", then given the details on upcomming stuff to do with X, following with "Heres some information on the other IPs that I gathered through conversations with other devs and the companies grapevine", and then give some breadcrumb info about the other IPs as if he really is going of tid-bits of info and rumours than he's manage to piece together.
But combos lighting up means all the jobs play the same, my favorite streamer told me so.
hey guys i also got fired from blizz and none of this is true. give me your (you)s
Have you ever worked in a real company? Grunts talk and gossip all the time, if you go to smoke break you can talk with people from all over company, make friends and get the general idea about everything going on in the company. It might be larp but dismissing it on a base "hurr no employee would know that much" is retarded.
>Reaper is gay
This is nonsense legionbaby cope. BFA is trash but so was legion
Legion somehow managed to have worse fucking gear RNG than BFA by a god damn mile. That alone makes it irredeemable garbage. Legion's story was similarly trash (no, class halls were not good. See priests literally having to get saved by paladins in their own storyline).
Legions artifacts were even worse. People just gloss over how hellish grinding to 54 in Nighthold was when Augur, Elisande and Guldan were tuned around it, not to mention the players who did M Helya pre NH which was even more ridiculous. On a per spec basis too :^)
Legendaries were worse than azerite gear fullstop.
DH were/are an absolute blight on the game and blizzard butchered a perfectly good warlock spec to add in that stupid anime trash.
The only people who talk positively about legion were the 10% who rolled the correct legendaries
i'll do it.
>nin gotta memorize ninjutsu combos and weave them into attacking faster than usual
>monk needs to focus on greased lightning stacks, punching really fucking fast and having the most positionals in the game
>samurai needs to light up 3 runes and hit like a truck, and is admittedly simple
>dragoon needs to manage their rotation, a main buff, and multiple jumps while keeping an eye on geirs/nast
>bard is buff management, dot management, and proc management
>mch is a mess
>blm is fitting as many explosions as possible into a tiny window, then swapping, then doing it again
>smn is managing dots and becoming/summoning a dragon with giant lazer beams, but requires more than 2 iq to play
>red mage doesn't require more than 2 iq to play, focuses on dualcasting and being an off support
if you say they all play the same you haven't played the game, which is par for course for Yea Forums
all weebshit garbage
its a sub version of WoW in every term maybe that FF is a better dressing game.
lol your top mmo is hemorraging subs to "weebshit garbage". gotta sting.
the wow part sounds true.
the combat is slower and boring though
not the other guy but
>lootcrates were planned for wow
>siding with the demons is diablo
>starcraft no longer being an rts
>they were planning HS VR
>blatantly sneaking in their overwatching larp headcannon about tracer and widow into the overwatch leaks
why are you defending something written for the sole purpose of rousing up Yea Forums with the most basic bait?
weebs have bad taste, what a shock?
Classic will obliterate your trash and the trash that current WoW is.
You forgot to add the part where they’re pruning actions and dumbing down the rotations for everyone.
you would think so, but not really. the game is designed around oGCDs and weaving/double weaving them into your rotations. WoW used to do some similar things, but then BFA removed a ton of oGCDs for some reason. So yea, the GCD is longer, but you're still acting during the times when your GCD is ticking.
yeah because it came out after wod and it's insane content droughts, legion objectively was a bad expansion, none of the bad stuff had actually changed from wod, some things even got worse, like the legendaries and more grindy artifact system, classes/specs were still the souless garbage they were after the wow cuts and still a lot of other shit, the only difference is that it had way more content compared to wod and well spaced inbetween, so the average playerbase didn't complain as much, after all, wow is the perfect example of the sunken cost fallacy, people have invested tons of money and hours into their accounts, if the chances arises to defend their investments, they are gonna stand by them, but Bfa just fell way beyond the justifiable levels, simply the culmination of all the bad decisions reached the threshold
>static game with no updates that has already been played to death with all content beaten will last more than a month, year tops
sure kid
Vote if you aint straight.
meant to say the wod cuts*
But Starcraft FPS being canceled was confirmed.
t. tranny
OSRS is still going strong, and theres no reason to believe that Classic will never roll out new updates.
Because modern mmos are single player games that are awful at being single player games. WoW has managed to marginalize other players so that they become a hinderance to a players content progression. That is the main core issue and it cause all the problems you see now. Class homogenization, boring pvp, zero sense of community, little world persistence, etc. All traced back to giving less and less incentive for players to interact with one another.
It's going to attract the same crowd that's been playing pservers for years and disillusioned boomers, and it'll be successful on that group alone. There's some overlap with the people still playing bfa and the XIV audience but the idea it'll kill either is laughable.
the 3rd attempt at a starcraft fps being canceled doesn't translate to "starcraft as an RTS is dead"
A lot of specs got even worse in Legion.
Rsham,, Ele Shaman, Demo lock, Destro lock, Fire mage (rip old combustion). Arcane mage, MM and Survival Hunter, Frost and Blood DK, Spriest, Disc Priest.
sv hunter in legion was one of THE most fun specs the game has ever had you dolt
>way of moknethal
>dealing with grenades
>half functional FoF clone
>mess of focus system
Old survival was a fun smooth spec. Meme spearman should never have replaced it
I remember the beta videos of Legion sub rogue, it fucking destroyed my motivation for the class. That spec was all that kept me around through WoD too.
oh yeah I forgot how bad launch sub rogue was. They made some changes later that I think helped, but I never played sub, just remember some playing it at points in Tomb
wouldn't it be funny if this shit was actually true
they announce the shit from this post at blizzcon and everything will be real
I wouldn't know weather to laugh or cry
>queueing for instanced content removes the World from World of Warcraft and all social interaction
>the game is just a few loosely connected bad game modes with a hub level (Org or Stormwind)
>if you don't have to interact with other players or travel to the dungeon/bg, you might as well have a button that makes the game entirely play itself
>flying mounts kill all sense of scale and allow for safe movement across 95% of the world
>world pvp died off
>after introducing the entire planet in Vanilla, minus Northrend, islands, Hyjal/Gilneas/Quel'Thalas, and retcon zones like the Egypt one on Cata, the game lacked an ability to organically and meaningfully expand the world. It also resulted in most potential content being blazed through leaving little interesting stuff for the future. The game would have worked better if it was ~6 distinct zones, sized up to the point of being as large as Vanilla WoW, at launch instead of 40, or whatever it was, and the world had expanded a few zones at a time in x-pacs. So that, if let's say some of the classic zones were Elynn Forest and Westfall you could focus and go into depths on stuff like Kobolds and the Defias.
But it is.
>pruning actions
Because if they didn't you would have no room on your keyboard for all of them.
>dumbing down rotations for everyone
Just healers - which isn't to say I'm defending it. DPS rotations are just as complex as they were before, in fact BLM technically got even more complicated with more buttons to push per rotation.
Tanks didn't lose a rotation because they also gained an AOE rotation. Not to mention the "ENMITY ROTATION" should only have ever been used once per fight anyway - so what's the point in having it exist?
Exactly, there is so much cut content they can go back & focus on
Im pretty sick of a new island or planet appearing every new expac, how about expanding what we have? Cata got it right, the problem was 90% of the new content was low level & there was no reason to do it
They started releasing expansions yearly. I played it when I was 14, grinded black temple for like 4 months with my guild and as soon as we got past reliquary of souls they announced wrath. Why do end game content if it's getting invalidated in a few months. They also babied the fuck out of players
Dunno, the whole expansion just screamed "we don't even care anymore" coming from Legion. everything was dialed back in an effort to cut costs and it showed. Every old and new system was lackluster. That and the community killing itself for free with raider.io and the like.
The only real leak is the the one that lists Shadowlands as the new level 70 zone, the person leaked that before we knew about the level squish
DRG is getting simpler. We're losing one mirage dive per minute and heavy thrust, the only addition is we have an extra button to hit in LotD and more punishment for missing finisher positional. The big change is that we'll always enter LotD with 30s now instead of it depending on our blood timer, now our only timer is trivial.
And the loss of HT gives us this garbage prepull buff thing we have to do.
i quit because all the classes feel the exact same. when you can't tell one caster from another its time to quit. every single class has icy veins :)
I'm not even sure, I'd already switched to WW monk. I checked out on rogue for the first time since release before Legion was even out when I saw it.
>Legion's story was similarly trash (no, class halls were not good. See priests literally having to get saved by paladins in their own storyline).
DKs class hall was one of the best things WoW had gotten in a long time.
>blizzard butchered a perfectly good warlock spec to add in that stupid anime trash.
Demo was always a badly designed spec and it was always going to lose meta (it should never have had meta). The way Demo plays in BFA is unironically one of the maybe 3 positives of bfa.
Blizzard intentionally nerfing demo to oblivion at the end WoD so meta would feel fresh on the DH was pure corporate greed and abominable game design.
Because Warhammer's better.
DK Class hall was easily the best one, ironically despite reusing their class hall
When and what was in that leak?
Level squish was soft confirmed almost a year ago when it got brought up on the Q&A, if anything is brought up in a released media it is pretty certain to come about.
Probably because of it, they were the only class designed around being their own separate thing and having a 'class hall' from the getgo.
The story being good was probably a result of having to do less setup.
>demo was a badly designed spec
casual: filtered
>it should never have had meta
dumbest post in this thread. Kanrethand had meta. Guldan had his own sort of meta. KJ and Archimonde were changed by fel power. There is absolutely no reason that warlocks could not do the same.
>BFA demo
nowhere near mop/wod demonology. Youre also forgetting their stated reason for nerfing demonology was that they dont like complex specs being good because it scares casuals. Guess DH is fitting in that regard
>DKs straight up attack lights hope
>get deus ex'd out
>also everybody forgets about it the next day and we all go back to playing friends
yeah really fucking good writing
Cuz it's just a cosmetics show off game now rather than an mmorpg
>weaving with cooldowns
sounds worse than eso combat somehow. i didn't even think that was possible
>MMO without social interaction
>RPG with no stat allocation, skill trees or any meaningful way to build your character
>Game is so easy that there's LITERALLY zero challenge whatsoever
>Story so bad and retarded that it makes porn fanfiction look good by comparison
>developers focus more on microtransactions on a B2P, monthly fee based game than on actual content
Oh gee I wonder why.
Red Mage requires cycling your YouTube videos between GCDs.
Sounds to me like it's more or less the same.
>Bought the game because Yea Forums kept shilling it
>Have to play through each fucking expansion to get to the new content otherwise shill out money for a boost
>Can't play any of the new jobs until I get to the new expansion content
This shit is a scam.
>Kanrethand had meta
Is it a good idea to bring up one of the developer's self insert?
wait are we talking about XIV or WoW
>diablo was a good guy all along and was preparing us to fight the void lords
FF XIV is simply shit, its a worse WoW thats all
He came back in Legion to stand with meta right infront of warlock players, you cant just brush him under the rug.
And what of the other major characters that were transformed by demonic power?
Can you imagine the shitshow if they came out and said “Diablo 4 only has 3 classes and fuck you, you have to buy the other 2?”
Blizzard had to tell their player base that tons of details in the Classic server weren't bugs but how the game was intentionally designed. It's going to get a dedicated group of people but I have my doubts about it roping a ton of people back in again.
it's referenced again in the secret ashbringer quest
& DK's have always been dicks, they use to kill druids in their class hall for training
>reaper is gay
I think he means bi, but aight, nothing new there, no one that thicc is straight.
>On rails singleplayer MMO that promotes and applauds degeneracy is much better
>people dont remember minor things perfectly 15 years later
>this definitely means it will fail
try harder tranny
>Buy a game
>"Ugh, I have to play this game!"
It actually works well when you have your full kit. Parts of your rotation when a lot of oGCDs come off cool down are kind of rhythmic, once a minute as a Dragoon, you use 5-6 oGCDs over 4 GCDs. It sounds weird coming from something like WoW, but it actually feels good in practice because the management of those is like a separate rotation that happens alongside your GCD rotation that rewards you for weaving consistently.
You can skip the base game. Heavensward is where the real meat is at. Stormblood is a mixed bag but I loved the side content.
if you're on aether, a dps, and wanna skip queue put up a party finder.
I kind of like having a to use my keyboard like a piano. Then i remembered ps4 friends and the limited amount of slots they had.
Yeah, I don't want to do every fucking story mission when it requires me to queue for dead content. If I wanted a linear story I'd play literally any single player FF game.
>that diablo 4
The only change that makes a big difference is the LotD/BotD timer always applying at 30s. That trivializes the only major decision we make aside from whether or not jump gets us killed.
XIV has better graphics, constant content updates and fanservice, WoW doesn't even has any of that. Oh and the story is much nicer too, if anime.
That's all the FF franchise is now. We're entering an endless cycle of SE cashing in on nostalgia.
wow has been going downhill for a while, but let me update you
>allied races were introduced too slowly, the selling point of BFA was "dude kultirans and zandalari" but they made you wait like 8 months or some shit to get them
>removed artifacts, which most people were not fond of between losing abilities/traits and/or the personality/"relationship" they made with their artifact
>no mage tower esque content yet, when mage tower got one of the most glowing responses to anything in wow ever
>first raid tier was shit, worst final boss ever(?) in raiding as he had no fucking loot/mount
>azerite armor
>classes pruned even further
I'm sure there is a lot more, but you get the idea.
You know, all of this sounds completely retarded, but it's exactly the sort of things I'd expect Blizzard to do in the current year
>better graphics
WoW is dated and the new style is hideous but so is XIV. The spell effects are also chinkbait colorsplashes.
>constant content updates
with half the raid content of WoW, which is the only thing worth playing any modern MMO for.
oh boy trannies
I'll never understand the obsession with adding all new lvling zones plus an extra 10 lvls as xpac content. Now there is so much shit that is never even visited anymore that the whole world feels bland/stale
>XIV has better graphics
XIV has a significantly better art style. WoW just looks like a shitty Toon Town.
But XIV's textures are super low quality that it's kind of pathetic.
Watered down classes. Watered down mechanics. A poorly written repeat of the storyline from Cata/Mists. The only reason I still play is because I'm on an RP server, which is a damning statement because it says that I'm solely there for player generated content rather than any of the shit blizzard is pumping out.
the thing with current wow and current xiv is that theyre not mmos. theyre just rpgs with few multiplayer elements tacked on. both focus on instanced content instead of an world where players interact with each others. mmo was always a niche and wow/xiv grew the more they moved away from what makes an mmo. and now that the games are just below average rpg experiences players are quiting to play better games plain and simple.
I would rather see Sylvana becoming Garrosh 2.0 and being killed off for good than to see her getting away with everything and becoming Kerrigan of WOW
>with half the raid content of WoW, which is the only thing worth playing any modern MMO for.
If you call a boss with 3 mechanics "content", well whatever dude.
Also raid logging is absolute shit, if you seriously play WoW and raid log you should stop playing MMOs altogether, what a waste of money.
>Subjective enjoyment =/= good design.
I enjoyed casino strike, festerblight and premop enhance. That doesn't make them well-designed specs.
Old demo required a specialised addon to play optimally which should basically never be ok
>inb4 lie about how you have a top 10 demo parse on a hard boss from the last expansion you subjectively enjoyed and you only used blizzard frames and you were a clicker.
Meta is a DH skill, it was in WCIII, the metamodel in wow is Illidan's from RoC. No warlock from pre tbc ever had anything like meta. I wouldn't pick lore as a hill to die on here it's not worth it.
Blizzards stated reason was a lie, the nuked demo so meta would feel cool and new on the DH. We agree this was terrible why are we arguing this point.
>WoW is dated
Not an excuse when the game used to make such a shitton of money.
>with half the raid content of WoW
Focusing too much on raid is precisely one of the reasons why WoW died. Your addiction to it is what caused it.
>oh boy trannies
You mean sexy clothing for males and females, adding races that both males and females find sexy and so on... Meanwhile here have a crippled gnome.
Blizzard adding the Diablo style loot to the game fucking sucked.
>Most of the game
>Run dungeon or raid
>Loot drops, get loot, all is good: dedicated raid groups could be done with raid content before the next stuff comes out
>Now it's run dungeon/raid, loot drops
>OOPS it's not Titanforged, missing a socket or had a crappy tertiary stat. You need to get it again!
>You're never done chasing upgrades
And that's not even talking about Artifact Power/Azerite or whatever.
>Why does everyone hate WoW now?
You're a couple expansions late.
You're delusional.
>mmo was always a niche and wow/xiv grew the more they moved away from what makes an mmo
Because MMOs to be successfull they have to appeal to the casual userbase and get more subs as possible.
>actual armor modeling rather than plate shirts (i know blizzard is getting better at this, but they still suck)
>armor is unique and considerably better design/detail/theme wise, especially since blizz doesn't even make tier anymore lmaoooo
>lots of details
>shit textures
>looks like a slightly upgraded korean mmo on everything but the armor
>uncanny valley character models
>uses too many "cutscenes" with shit tier animation
wow's art style is 500x better, and their execution is better as well. their fault lays in being lazy with armor design
And they suffered for it in the Omega raids. Which is a real shame cuz I really liked the last 3 fights in alphascape.
Never forget Hien's coat.
>cripples and hambeasts are now considered a race
Wowfriends don't deserve this.
>XIV story is better
xiv's story is so fucking insanely bad, you could easily get through the entire game without knowing about it.
xiv player
How is a character that was put in the game expansions after players were given meta a good lore reason for demo to have meta?
I love FFXIV but there are some hideous ground textures tossed about throughout the game. The tesselation can fuck with them even further.
>It's still making a lot of cash.
And it’ll make further cash once Classic and it’s own cash shop is released.
Stop being a redditbrained legion apologist.
>removed artifacts
good, 2/3 of the tree was flat throughput or wholly forgettable passives. You had 1 active and usually 1 relevant passive. The grind was obnoxious through over half of legion
>no mage tower
unfortunate, but mage tower was only good in NH anyway. Also glowing response is pure revisionist bullshit, if it didnt become utterly trivial by the end of the expansion people would have been seething. The playerbase as a whole HATED launch Mage Tower when it was a genuine challenge (for some, obviously feltotem never was)
>first raid tier was shit.
True. So was EN.
>worst final boss as he had no fucking loot/mount
so...Kiljaeden? Reminder Tomb of Sargeras had no mount for mythic or for the meta because class hall mounts were apparently a substitute for pushing actual content?
>azerite armor
better than legiondaries. Missing an offspec BiS legenedary into fucking mythic Tomb prog was downright bullshit, and chain running Maw until my eyes bleed wasnt a valid solution to that mistake
don't need to regrind for every spec, its significantly better
>classes pruned even further
sure, but legion was just as guilty of this.
marksmanship hunter is cancerously bad and i refuse to touch my hunter until they fix it. legion mm was excellent, it's fucking astonishing that they trashed it for this bullshit we have in bfa, what a fucking joke, class designers should be fucking fired
Luv, that's better than a story that shoves itself into your face and constantly insults your intelligence, it's better than BOTH lead writers literally self inserting as the characters they LITERALLY voice, it's better than the current lead writing his waifu into "that".
>A poorly written repeat of the storyline from Cata/Mists
WoW always had trash story.
This is actually what I hate about the game in its current state too. Going to a new continent was kind of cool back in BC and WOTLK, but now it's just bloated and you have massive zones which people have no reason to actually visit, not to mention dozens of raids and dungeons which people have no reason to do apart from transmogs/mounts. People should actually enjoy the content that's there instead of it just being an inconvenience or barrier blocking you from what you actually want.
Pic related did expansions well for the most part. It obviously wasn't a perfect game and power creep did happen like in WoW, but it managed to keep old content relevant and gave people incentives to go back for old missions and areas.
>BFA apologist
$0.02 has been deposited into your battle.net account
because its shit, i logged on for 5 mins realized this sucks and logged off
i have way more fun rping in classic then playing current content in retail
Are you seriously cherrypicking BFA's story against the rest of almost 20 years of story?
One of wow's biggest strengths is storytelling within zones and fleshing out the area. XIV is lifeless compared to wow in this way.
1. you can get through any game without knowing the story that's not an argument.
2. Since the game makes you play the MSQ unlike WoW, you have to be actively tying not to know that story.
3. Bad compared to what? Orthello? war and peace? the big bang theory? WoW?
Bullshit and you know it.
I hope they overhaul the textures one day. Give PCfriends an option for flexing their cards. Then again, Squeenix is basically owned by Snoy.
Don't ever try to argue that ANY Final Fantasy has a coherent story again.
Had a shred of credibility until the first post
>the rest of almost 20 years of story?
You mean a story that constantly gets retconned and rewritten?
thats extremely retarded and not true
12 mil peak in wotlk with sustained till cata, now its down to 2 million subs and thats in 2018 1 month after blizzon, probably less now
Yes. Even with all of that its still a more enjoyable and coherent story. I would largely mean zone stories though, since unless you are plying the current expansion, you probably wont experience that expansion's full story.
>EN was shit
EN was a perfectly average 6/10 raid and probably a top 3 starter raid.
This is coming from someone who blood tanked cenarius.
How do we know this? No official numbers and all.
>Are you seriously cherrypicking BFA's story against the rest of almost 20 years of story?
You mean Thrall? You mean that abhorrent BL xp story? Past vanilla, WoW story has always been shit. And sure you might like shit, it's in your right, but there's a reason why WoW story has been a laughing stock for literally decades.
I don't even know why they keep making this game. No one gives a shit about shit outside of raiding. They should just make a spin off where they purely make raids.
2 million people still paying 15$ a month each + all the store mounts they buy. Blizz is still making tons off WoW and now know they can put extremely little effort into it
I didn't, but you could take porn fanfiction with less plotholes, shitty characters and shitty writing in general, in fact, no story is better than WoW's story.
WoW has always been ruthlessly hamstrung by blizzard bowing to faction status quo.
Something ff14 does have to contend with, which allows things to you know actually happen.
not an argument, bfa is trash but legion was in no way better.
The last time WoW was passable was 4.2 before LFR was added and truly sealed its fate
they count how many people google 'wow'
>legendaries mean nothing
>epic equipment means nothing
>war/titanforging makes gear not really mean much, as well as destroying endgame goals
>most of the game geared towards the least amount of interacting with other players possible, from leveling to world quests, to dungeons to raiding
>raiding and raid gear prestige removed by LFR
>mythic+ section:
>unbalanced weekly affixes, sometimes they're piss-easy, sometimes people will even avoid running them
>low mythic+ keys can be run with random retards for the most time to get it over with, but still can be fucked because of a random shitter or two
>high mythic+ keys are only good for running in a closed group, usually your guild or close friends, so you end up with similar hassles to running a raid, less issues with number gathering, more issues with getting angry at teammates for messing up
>very few rewards that only start getting good after grinding the keys, or alternatively you have to keep it high doing it at least once weekly
>locked to dungeons, and some can be really annoying because of a specific part or affix
>even after preparing everything properly, knowing everything and playing perfectly, some affixes can line up and destroy your run
>even if you don't get fucked by that, someone disconnecting for whatever reason can still fuck up your key
>high end rewards compete and sometimes outdo high end raid rewards, and lots of BiS are locked to m+ rewards, and are extremely low chance to get while annoying raiders
>some shitter that lucked out can end up with BiS gear (this is also a general titanforging problem, too)
I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but this should definetly be enough to start.
Don't forget the $60 patch every two years and the other mtx.
>terrible pvp
>horrendously desynced pve
>boring rotations on every class
>long GCD (2.5 seconds)
>extremely linear zones with load times behind each one
>endgame devolves into sitting in a major town and waiting in queues
>no high mastery display of any class, there is virtually no way to show off your higher skill beyond a point, and that point is an extremely low ceiling on every class
>filled with trannies (seriously, this is not a meme, virtually every person you meet will be a lonely male larping as a female who is ready to ERP the most heinous shit you've ever seen)
Nah. I'd take WoW, even as awful as it is, over that shitshow any day.
>the rest of almost 20 years of story?
That's the point : 20 years of trash where nothing happens because of STATUS QUO.
Blizz outdid themselves here.
nah. NH was 6/10
EN was just kinda a snoozefest that was frustrating when it came to parsewhoring because of legendaries
>horrendously desynced pve
This is a ludicrously out of date argument that has been fixed at the systems level for a long time.
>boring rotations on every class
Subjective, seeing as how more buttons = more depth = more fun (for some reason) in every WoW thread I've ever seen I feel like ff14 wins here.
>long GCD (2.5 seconds)
I fell for this meme when I played wow (I've raided in top 100 guilds). The reality is weaving completely removes this issue, most classes would be unplayable with a lower gcd.
>extremely linear zones with load times behind each one
this is subjective, what even is 'linear'. You could argue wow's zones are more linear as once you outlevel the zone you never come back, at least ff14 zones a broken up into different level range areas, makes the world feel more real.
>endgame devolves into sitting in a major town and waiting in queues
yeah that's entirely unlike wow...
FFXIV is a clone of WoW from it's Wrath of the Lich King era.
It hasn't adopted a lot of the outright terrible modern decisions like titanforging or infinite AP grinds or the removal of master looter.
XIV copied WoW originally but has since added it's own touches, so while it has the core it's certainly it's own thing now while WoW has become something abhorrent at the same time.
>filled with trannies
Yeah, because your game filled with furries and twitch babies is much better, right?
Why are you WoWfags so desperate to bait people?
WoW is worst than that : It's gook bait with its 4 elf races and the China expac.
Everyone has hated wow for years, Blizzard have just made people addicted to their characters. I don't know anyone who actually had fun past half way through WotLK
Blizzard is a scum bag company, no different than a heroin dealer. I hope they all get their comeuppance one day
Notice how this tranny didn't respond convincingly to any of my arguments, and even ignored my top and bottom points. Xir can't dispute that 14's PvP is god awful and the game has an extremely low skill ceiling. I'm not going to do the autistic thing and greentext quote everything he just said, but know that this bearded """"""woman"""""" didn't even attempt to counter it. He will, now that I've pointed it out, but he didn't before.
Remember that, everyone. You can play 14 if you enjoy it, in the same way that someone who enjoys diving into septic tanks can do it if they enjoy it, but know that it's an extreme waste of time, and a godawful waste of life.
Ion is going to save the next expansion bros
>when you learn that wow players are such retards they can't do end game content without addons to tell them what's happening and what to do
pretty much the only way they can scam fresh blood into playing their gutter game
I'm convinced the game won't get better until he goes.
>not filled with furries
>Even with all of that its still a more enjoyable and coherent story.
If that’s what you think then fine, I think it’s the same big budget shlock now with fat people
>PvP in a tab target based mmo
Congratulations, you played yourself.
Don't forget how hard is wow classic, and how much better it was in every single aspect.
>playing an mmo for the pvp
The devs have this "We know whats best for you" mentality for awhile now and the game have been making 2 steps back for every step forwards
>Make heroic dungeons with fun mechanics
>Make classes all play the same and shitty new content, like islands
And now they've devolved into greentext + sardonic imageposting. This is your mind on tranny mode.
He seems to be aware of most of the problems, did you watch his last q&a?
>class rotation is less than half a dozen buttons
>complexity comes down to a priority system
>no combos
>no positionals
>no oGCDs
>they still need a an addon in order to do end game content
fucking sad
>4's PvP is god awful
Sure nothing to say about that. If you like PvP don't play XIV. But anyway playing an MMO for the PvP? Lol what an absolute faggot.
>the game has an extremely low skill ceiling
You wish, faggot. Mythic raiding compared to Ultimate fights is a joke (and you did neither of these so shut the fuck up LFR hero). And even if raiding was hard it's made pointless because everyone uses addons like DeadlyModBoss when raiding, that AUTOPILOT you.
Rotations are 10 times harder on XIV no matter what you say, 3 button smashing of WoW versus 30 button rotations to XIV. Guess who wins? Saying "it's boring" it's not an argument, faggot. It's your shit taste. And if you find 3 button smashing fun you're mentally handicapped.
He tried to reply you in a kind way since it's not a furry bastard like you, but since you're a faggot here you go with a convincingly reply. Now go play WoW and donate 50$ to Asmongold, fat ugly bastard.
wow raids are unironically built with those addons in mind
they're not "harder" per se, but if you tried to go into a mythic blind you'd have no fucking clue what's killing you or what you're supposed to be doing because the game has absolute shit tier feedback and visual clarity
2's and 3's were hella fun tho.
ffxiv is never going to have something close to this
this desu, they act like the addons are there because it's too hard when in reality the game is designed like shit
Yeah, raids on XIV are harder thankfully.
>Took 2 seconds to close the video
Don't post that Reddit shit on here again thanks.
>no combos
? But this is literally not true. Sub rogues and frost mages absolutely had combos in legion, Im sure others as well.
>All classes play the same
What does this shit even mean? BFA could be the worst game ever made (and it might be) and this wouldn't be a valid complaint.
Do you mean they're all part of a tab target based mmo?
Do you mean they all have procs and cool downs?
The builder and spender meme?
Also by way of comparison here are some radically different unique deep endgame vanilla rotations
>Sl lock
Sb until oom
>Ele shaman
Lightning bolt (and nothing else)
>bootyblasted FF14 trannies swarming a WoW thread
Damn, what the hell are you all even doing in here? Sweaty little lads. Don't forget to dilate!
If you think WOW and XIV's graphics are debatable you're blind as you are dumb.
>10 mins
fucking kek
>>XIV has better graphics
>Metamorph removed because it didn't make "sense" for WLs to have it
>when they empowered themselves by consuming their demons for years
>DH learn the skill in their questline by "reading" a fucking demon book
I was mad.
>Aspect of the Fox
I miss it bros
>Everyone who disagrees with me is h̶i̶t̶l̶e̶r̶ a trannie
user you need help.
is there anything like metamorphosis in xiv where you are just overwhelmed with power? I miss that feature
Holy fuck you are obsessed with trannies my man, they legit live rent free inside your head. Go to /gif/ and have a wank, or better get a job or an actual hobby. Don't even @ to me you little faggot in denial.
Fucking based, fuck trannies and fuck weebs
>6 minutes into the video
>No mechanics
fucking kek
besides there are longer fights in wow
It's a demon hunter skill from WCIII you zoomer retard.
Warlocks have been in the Warcraft series since orcs and humans and never had anything like it.
I always hated it.
It introduced grindy garbage, fetch quests and retarded story arcs. I wish we had an ideal world where we just got Warcraft IV straight after.
would it kill the game if they made the enemies deadly ( to the point of not being able to run around by yourself safely) but gave big bonuses to people partying up to complete quests?
probably the dreadwyrm trance the summoners have
>that discord tranny who gets so mad that he tries to @ you but forgets that you can't ping on Yea Forums the same way you ping on discord
XIV is legitimately better. Anyone who disagrees is in full on denial. I'll re-sub for WoW classic, but I wouldn't be surprised if Blizz fucks that up too.
FFXIV does have an absolutely atrocious MSQ grind for ARR though, which you cannot avoid or skip whatsoever, is tedious and mind-numbing and completely indefensible that it still exists.
Blizzard treats both their game and their community like shit by making pretty much every spec play like shit and the story fucking awful.
Guldan was actually such a good fight too
>addons again
it's bad but then again the thought of leveling through wow makes me want to kill myself. You can go through entire expansions without even getting an ability. Like 80-120 can give you literally nothing
>criticizing addons
>open video
>built in boss countdowns start popping up
yeah dude its real different having 10 seconds to Teraflare be built in versus something players write.
It's not just WoW. It's also Overwatch and Diablo.
Blizzard went full fucking retard sometime in 2018 and all their games are suffering because of it.
The addons in the gul'dan fight were bullshit I will give you that, blizzard even banned these kind of addons
I used to laugh at delusional wowkids but now the sunk cost fallacy is just depressing to me.
I legit feel bad for them for wasting 15 years on a game that's getting put to the ground by bad exec decisions.
>delusional porn addicted retard advocating masturbating to the cyber jew
>advocates getting a job and a hobby afterward (he has neither, guaranteed)
>calls someone a faggot after bringing up the idea of jerking off (probably to trannies, since he recommended /gif/ of all things)
Yeah, that'll be a
from me, dawg
And in XIV you have to wait 40-50 levels before any class gets interesting in the slightest. Rotations are literally 1-2-1-2 for pretty much every class until nearly havensward.
... do you mean the fucking readycheck? You cannot be this retarded
Do you actually think a pull countdown is some sort of boss countdown thing? Are you high?
Why the fuck is every MMO class all about rotations now instead of being an actual fucking RPG?
I mean wow classes never stop being that way. Doesn't warlock or priest have an ability that makes you stand in place for five seconds?
Sane with WoW, some specs in WoW don't even evolve past that.
t. someone who quit a month after BfA came out
We have FF14 now so no one feels the need to defend nu-WOW anymore. Stormblood was disappointing but still playable unlike BFA.
Nah, things heat up for most classes at 30/35 mechanics wise. Ninja goes from a mind melting 1-2 class to something else entirely at 38.
He's seemed to be aware of them for 5 years but doubles down on them constantly or creates new problems to replace the old ones.
>built in boss countdowns start popping up
>he's talking about the ready countdown
>It's a demon hunter skill from WCIII you zoomer retard.
I'm aware of that user, but almost none of the classes fucking reflect WCIII heros because WoW classes were just aped Everquest classes that they changed after a while, the old team lead fucking admitted as much less then two weeks ago. DH's barely even existed up until Legion, and Demo WLs became unfun fucking garbage as half your summons you couldn't even control after initial summoning and you had to play fucking the piano with Demonic Empowerment.
>XIVTranny threads are so bad they have to join and shit up WoW threads
Drain? Affliction was high apm despite standing for 5-10 seconds because you would spam like 15-20 dots non stop. I really miss it.
What do you mean an actual RPG?
nice try trannies but Im talking about the 10 second timer during a phase transition telling the healers when to have their cooldowns up. You can seethe harder though
NIN's class guide is 48 pages long
dps meters
Being aware and doing something about it is 2 completely different things. As people have complained and sent in tickets complaining the entirety of the BfA beta, to say he is aware now is staggering.
>tfw like healing
>tfw healslut and netflix healers are ruining the entire role across multiple games
My anger knows no bounds.
i dont even play xiv but please dont act like people who play wow don't do this to every other mmo under the sun
you terra flare? That wipes the raid regardless
nothing compared to the encyclopedia which is the 300+ page crafting/gathering guide
>th-they're just as b-bad as us!
"no", and you're not fooling anyone when you say you don't play 14, tranny.
I bet you don't even play either game and you just want attention.
>New player want to see how each class plays
>Fire up a ninja streamer while I shower
>Its actually hosting some ethot
>Healing of course
>She fucking clicking.
Wake me up.
Terrible, terrible post.
Wow assimilated the titan team during legion and had them working on bfa, expecting ion to change everything so fast is a bit staggering
i thought you wowfags were the kings of bantz surely you can do better than reply with the age old tranny meme
but its 100% accurate. The people who are going to be playing those ugly bunny girl things are either transexuals or obese otakus.
It's not a meme if it's true. You will never be female.
Healers as a trope went from cynical and egotistical assholes to sluts and women somehow and I'm still scratching my head how.
It's just a shame that XIV neutered what was engaging at the top level about their healing classes instead of doubling down on it and making something unique.
Only reason I'm playing WoW over XIV is M+ and Healing.
They started in Legion not BfA and people in Legion used this exact same excuse. That excuse lasting 2 expansions now tells me that them being new isn't the problem.
True. For normalfags and westcucks there's ESO also. "muh weebs" when your main mmo/former mmo is cartoony as fuck. big yikes.
>everything i don't like is a tranny
you guys are worse than reddit at this point
>Macro my rotation to 1 button and make it loop
Feels good man, I don't have to do shit other than moving around.
What's worse?
The idea that he has no idea what's wrong with the game or how to fix it.
Or the idea that he knows exactly what's wrong and how to fix it but refuses to do so.
You're not something I don't like. I feel nothing in regards to you; you will never be female.
They don't know what to do yet, Asmongold hasn't reacted to enough BFA vs FFXIV videos for them to have an argument.
no matter how much you want me to wear a skirt and take hormones i never will user get help
Never female. Last reply. Have a nice day, don't forget to stretch the wound.
>tfw you watch anything MMO related on youtube and suddenly Asmongold Reacts is going to swarm your recommendations
Installed channel blocker because of one person who doesn't even upload to youtube just has a legion of people feeding off his twitch streams by reuploading them to youtube.
It's beyond obnoxious.
whatever you say man you're the one obsessed about mutants not me
That's him!
That's Vauthry!
Except OSRS is being updated with brand new content. While vanilla cucks won't get any.
>Played on and off ever since Vanilla
>BfA is so shit I unsubbed for good, never looked once
>Before my sub ran out, decide to level a hunter because why not
>One (1) usable skill from level 1 to level 10
What the fuck
>Wahmen empowerment
>Dead Economy and professions
>No one talks
Ion's an old hardcore player. He knows exactly whats wrong with the game from a gameplay pov, he doesn't know how to fix it while continuing to milk money out of casual whales that the higher ups want him to.
This is shit.
Also Overwatch 2 is probably going to be a Destiny clone since Destiny left Activision.
>Im talking about the 10 second timer during a phase transition telling the healers when to have their cooldowns up
You are the dumbest motherfucker in this thread and that is actually an achievement.
That UI is pretty good for early 2005
KInda believeable until it got to the FFXIV bit, I enjoyed it it when I played the game but that just sounds like a load of shit made up by a FFXIV fan.
seethe harder tranny. You cant shittalk wow for having phase timers while XIV has them as well
>Telling heards when to have their CDs up
You're talking about the transition where everyone dies and gets their CDs back by next phase regardless? Whats the timer have to do with making that part of the raid worse?
Bahamut has done a teraflare countdown since fucking ff4. It's also irrelevant since all the mitigation CDs last 10-30s, it's not exactly precise to apply them.
>some FF14 tranny actually typed this entire thing up, screencapped it, and is reposting it
Better than playing obese landwhales, literal fucking cows, 2 kinds of fat midgets, and goats. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing rocks fuckwit
>I don't want to play xiv because it has otakus
says the fucking wow Yea Forumsirgin
>if I say seething people might not notice what i've said is completely wrong!
Is this what wow players are like when you don't have an add on holding your hand through everything?
>barebones cookie cutter slot machine classes
>unfulfilling leveling and dungeon crawling
>pvp is a slog with players having too much health, mobility and absorbs leading to dragged out fights
>empty world made even more emptier by flying mounts and phasing
>whats left of the community is split between facebook farmville tier mongoloids and poopsockers that require full job resume and high chinese social credit score, no core base inbetween
>story is written by a tumblerite
>character progression designed around diablo 3 soulless infite grind ladder
tranny losing his mind quoting the wrong post hahahahaha you're not the same on those pills lad!
did you use an addon to make that comment?
>30 second healer CDs
hahaha oh wow. And people actually think XIV raiding is serious?
Spirit Shell was the most grossly overpowered healer CD ever released and it was a 15 second window before it got removed. Tranq is 8 seconds and Spirit Link is 6 right now for reference.
yeah dude definitely getting handheld when you have 1/5 the window for your cooldowns. Are raidtrannies seriously this brain damaged?
It was mostly hard because people were noobs though. Now that the meta is all figured out it's not that difficult.
Everything is shit except the raids. BoD was really good. Finally got mythic Jaina down last week, but my guild only raids 5 hours a week. I enjoyed pretty much every boss fight.
>yeah dude definitely getting handheld when you have 1/5 the window for your cooldowns.
When you have add ons counting down exactly when to use them, yeah you bet, you shitter.
I can't wait for the rose colored glasses to shatter. Warrior tanks doing literally nothing but spamming thunder armor for threat, horde dps having to stand doing nothing because there's no paladin blessing to reduce threat
What's your point here? Even with addons it still takes 20 times as many attempts as vanilla garbage
The 30s mitigation is the absorb shield that almost always gets taken in a single hit. It's also preferred not to use it since it takes a GCD. All the flat % mitigation buffs are 10-15s, tank's raid mitigation, reprisal is 5s.
>Used to be a progression raider in WoW
>FFXIV's crafting and gathering has been my endgame since late Heavensward
Catching up when I started late in ARR made it tough but it's strangely thrilling while being relaxing at the same time.
The point is that nothing in wow feels challenging. The classes are hilariously simple and you use addons to trivialize the fight. The biggest reason people fail a raid is because they fail the dps check, it almost always comes down to gear level.
because muh vanilla, even though the devs are also vanillafags and making the game more like vanilla at the expense of fun
You excited for the Ishgard event? It's pretty kino imo
Endgame crafting and gathering is comfy as fuck in XIV. Wow would really benefit from expanding their professions to half that level.
>the biggest reason people fail a raid is because they fail the dps check
this is actual pure delusion. Very few progression wipes get anywhere near a boss enraging.
dead game
its because pve is garbage and used to be a way to get gear that you'd pvp with you know since wow was a wpvp focused mmo initially. no one cares about raiding it just exists to increase your power in pvp. xiv has no endgoal. you do your raids and clear content then log off and dilate.
I can't imagine failing do to mechanics when the addons are literally telling you what's happening and what to do. Part of the challenging is figuring out what's happening and how to respond. Having that handled for you sounds like a bad joke
they added like 10 reskinned races instead of unique and interesting ones that actually fit in the lore and have established lore that would be fun to explore and develop further. people have wanted naga for over TEN FUCKING YEARS and they wont do it. lazy fucks.
you forgot to mention that while questing you are an immortal god that can solo 10000 foes at once, breathe fire, and shit ice cream, and by solo I mean you could fall asleep and the mobs would find a way to die.
There's no game of you just want to play for 2 hours a day. You barely progress anywhere and it feels like an endless drag. It was designed to hold onto the players that have always played wow and never for new players
I mean how am I supposed to understand anything when I'm leveling through 9 year old content (13 if you level dreanei and belfs) and there's no class quests as you level, no context for anything. Your armour always looks like your character had paint dumped on him as he attached boat rudders to his shoulders.
Leveling in a pvp setting makes no sense. You're 60 in outland and get ganked by lvl 90 assholes. Before you'd just level and return for revenge but when you got 90 you're so far removed what's the point? It's just playing with a random handicap where at any time some random cunt will come and insta kill you.
Story is God awful. The aesthetic is retarded. First expansion you're in some outer space hellscape with PlayStation 1 graphics, then you're in a frozen coming themed undead area, then you're basically a druid shaman fighting for nature, then you're in China, then it's either orc or dreanei themed, then everything becomes MONSTER energy drink neon green, now it's just aztec or Victorian sailors.
If you think you can keep a consistent style for your character while leveling you're in for a bad time.
I forgot you guys like to redo the same content every single fucking day ad absurdum in the hope that the RBGods smile on you
Bro, are you retarded? You obviously don't play this game. I have Cutting Edge in the past 2 raids and not even once have we hit an enrage. Only in that new 2 boss raid are people hitting enrage because it's tuned around the unreleased raids gear and is only there for world first fags.
I remember losing a few healers after Blizzard killed Emergency Monitor.
i havent subbed to wow since 2011 idiot
it's 15 years old. just be glad it's not forgotten. can you remember any other games from when it came out?
>anything like vanilla
bitch you're crazy
BFA isnt even a year old.
>I'd rather have shit for lunch than shit for dinner
Both story lines were objectively shit.
Kerrigan was set up as a really good storyline and then they gave the ending to a 2-year-old to finish with crayons. Garrosh feels like that too.
The Sylvannas story is so fucked start to finish it is already worse than both of those previous plots (which it obviously is a shit copy of)
I kinda wanna see what they show off at blizzcon just to see if this massive rant is 100% true. Blizz has become such a shitshow that it's kinda easy believing this
I quit during Wrath and everyone seems to agree it has gotten even worse since then so it must be pretty awful by now.
>DKs class hall was one of the best things WoW had gotten in a long time.
I played it through. It was edgy, disjointed shit. No better or worse than anything else.
I hope they will get [b]BOOed[/b] hard at blizzcon for announcing Mechagnomes for Alliance
MoP was better than Wrath and Legion was about the same, but only because Wrath is the most overrated expansion.
>addons tell you whats happening
yeah so do my fucking eyeballs. Nobody is relying on an addon to tell them what the fire on the floor is on a mythic boss. Addons are used for timers and UI customization. You dont download a WA suite and it tells you how to do the boss, you download a WA and it shows a couple timers for debuffs expiring etc.
It could always be worse, monk just ran around stormheim for beer or some garbage
>implying the blizzdrones at blizzcon won't eat up anything blizz shits on the plate
Removing flying, neutering LFR, neutering LFD, horrible class balance, removing currency. All things that happened during the spiral towards extinction. Now there are other factors too like the more numerous options for online gaming but these things certainly didn't help.
Naga is a shit idea since everyone hated the underwater zones, but they're atleast better than fucking Kul Tiran, Void Elf, Nightborne, Mechagnomes or Vulpteras.
>neutering LFR
>neutering LFD
but BFA did neither of these. You can still kill every single raid boss in LFR, and most dungeons in LFD.
I unironically like Cata.
Please don't post shitters who got carried kudasai.
They will announce high elves for alliance & get booed by horde players
the game is shit but believe it or not it still hasnt been surpassed in terms of character progression and replayability. Ive been waiting for a good mmo or even singleplayer rpg for decade now
souls series scratched the itch a bit but its still not enough
go dilate
>They will announce high elves
that will never happen
They could add blue eyes option for BE though and annihilate the alliance once more
the faction imbalance is gonna make them pull out high elves
if they do then wow is going to end up 90% elf and human races
the actual populations are very close though, its just that alliance players dont actually participate in content. Its an RP faction, adding another race for Rpers wouldnt change that
>neutering LFR
>neutering LFD
but they didn't change either of them, unless you're talking about how the Mythic plus cancer took their gearing role.
Blizzcon still sells out even though every choice they have made since last Blizzcon sucked and the lost a lot of subs. Blizzard is literally going to make you all have phones this year to sign in. Also going to collect and sell your data to 3rd parties.
Still sells out.
fucking hell people are dumb
They're not wanted. Shut up.
they should just remove factions at this point
let belf trannies erp in goldshire
yeah nah brug
I've been playing mage and while I absolutely love the lore of the class it feels like absolute dog shit and not only now but during Legion too.
The whole mechanic of the class just makes playing as one not fun.
And this problem can be found in many other classes too.
I can't become attached to my character because my actions basically don't mean anything in the end as the mighty deeds most likely would be retconned to be made by Named NPCs I just stood near.
I am just a camera with HP bar that agro trash.
It really sucks for immersion.
I would've preffered if i played as some major named character. You just log into the location and the game gives you reigns over character that was occupied in this location and did everything relevant.
They removed any incentive to do LFR after Mists, and there's no reason to use LFD after the first few hours after hitting the lvl cap. They're definitely trying to make them irrelevant, which is why I have to laugh at every person saying that's what killed wow.
>DRG is getting simpler
DRG never was hard.
>hitting HT is skill
DRG is literally same but now you can adjust life properly thanks to jump
WoW is definition of weebshit garbage since one of major WoW/WC3 influence was anime.
Nigger, Bahamut having a countdown to his big attack is a tradition.
Hi guys, Director and Producer of Final Fantasy XIV here. I hope World of Warcraft Classic becomes just as much as a success as Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers. Let's all have a great summer.
it already is
this, wow shit the bed so hard that they're all moving to ffxiv.
>there are people gullible enough to believe this made up bullshit because the maker screenshotted it
Can modern WoW developers even play their own game?
This is Yoshi-p clearing savage with pugs
1.The majority of people are retards
2. They want it to be true because it is so shit and it will give them more excuse to shit on WOW and complain about
Thankfully Crystal will become both the RPer and WoWfugee containment DC since it's the only NA DC with non-congested servers. SE is fucking based.
>oldest boomers don't give a shit about WoW anymore
>newest zoomers also don't give a shit about WoW and literally never will
>just a weird pile of desperate autism left in the middle clinging to a 15 year old themepark that has been assraped by monetization and powercreep to the point of becoming unrecognizable
>run by a company that joined forces with Activision and is basically top tier evil at this point
>the company responsible for shit like Diablo Immortal
yeah, WoW is fucking dead and EVE was always better anyway.
ok, that's just wow with a weeb paint job.
Ion still raids with elitist jerks. They're aight but ion's healing parses are shit. It's funny whenever they hit a roadblock and one week later the encounter gets nerfed. It's actually kinda smart tho for a balancing perspective.
Yes Ion is GM of Elitist Jerks and clears mythic
admittedly he's not very good but he does actively clear content.
Nobody really knows about the other devs, they keep their character names secret so they dont get bullied too hard. Pretty sure Lore is a monk and dogshit at the game
I get you. My main (ele shammy) was absolutely raped over the years and playing it basically sucks the soul out of me. I hate that questing and dangeons are so braindead there is never any sense of accomplishment. I hate the capeshit story where you are the center of attention (but not really). I get it
Still, zones are unique and beautiful. Gameplay is still addictive. And I also really appreciate that I can play variety of unique races that are not just variations of human and elfs.
New content is kind of fun for first couple of weeks. Thats more than I can say about other mmos unfortunately
I’m legit worried about Classic.
No, they sent out limited beta invites because they want people playing 8.2
People who play MMOs should be euthanized.
was going to ask how could fuck this up, but i guess they always find a way.
FFXIV has EASILY beaten wows progression, character depth and replayability. You just don't want to drop the game you've out 10 years of your life into. That's why blizzard is still around, because they have been able to keep you trapped inside
Did they just get layered and fall off a flight path?
xiv looks and plays like dog shit
XIV has all the same issues of WoW post 3.3 but with a coat of anime on it, dont fool yourself
Citing closed worlds from character creation in FF14 is disingenuous.
The only reason Crystal is only shown as being open is because everyone worth their salt moved off crystal when it became the defacto rp datacenter. SE knows that if they don't sow in the seeds of new players on those servers that come the raid cycle for 5.0 crystal will be dead on arrival when it comes to raiding.
man, how sad
>Gook MMOs.
Not even once.
Because its lost its charm. Games overstayed its welcome since 2013
if it really did then it wouldn't be killing WoW right now.
Its not. WoW is choking itself out, XIV is a bad game and cannot attract players when WoW is even slightly above utter trash
At the beginning sure. But it stomps wow into the dirt at lvl50
Wow has been copying FFXIV with shallow imitations for a while now and every time they add some of its flavour they always fuck up and lose the charm FFXIV has. If you hate anime fine, but the game is hardly "anime". It's final fantasy.
Then do it cunt
Have fun playing a dead game, alone like you'll ever be. Sad.
1.1 million active subs btw
what do you mean by "even"
are you implying wrath did not deserve all the hate it got and then some?
imagine being 1/5 of WoD and bragging LMAo
>using outdated metrics
If this is anime
then this is anime too
I know your'e shitposting but WoW was influenced by Japan culture and "anime" a lot.
Thanks for the tip Ion
Illidan is anime trash and nobody with a brain likes him
How is deathwing anime?
WoD is not here anymore, user.
How is BFA going with 500k subs?
Fuck yourself furry
Its animations and movement still aren't as fluid as a 15 year old game. No MMO has gotten it right since WoW.
He's literally chuu2 dragon villain.
i've seen most people who play wow throwing a fit saying 8.2 should have been out a lot sooner and blizzards to stop trying to release shit when square enix does
when did the last patch come out anyway
Deathwing in the books is pretty good
Deathwing in Cata is a big anime retard
>put all the resources into what killed WoW in the first place
patch 8.1 was December 11th
patch 8.1.5 was March 12th
patch 8.2 will be tomorrow I believe
>people hating on pvp in mmo's
is that the biggest sign of a low test tranny who stutters and uses discord unironically?
No one ever liked pvp on mmos you stupid nigger
Of course, Legion was a desperate move to retain players after WoD flopped hard. Anything that came afterwards would be lackluster in comparison.
could always play a superior MMO if you don't want XIV or WoW
Phasing is a huge mistake
Phasing is great for story and single player content. Hell you can even add choices and "routes" in game. Sadly no one use those tools at full power.
I tried out Legion on release at the same time as I was playing on a WoW classic server. I was impressed by Legion content (hadn't played WoW since WoTLK) but the game felt so dead with no one talking.
Why pay for classic wow, I mean 15$ a month is too much for 15 years old game, when you have private servers. And it really is not about money, I like snickers but i wouldnt give 10$ for a candy bar.
>LoL killed RTS
>LoL killed MMOs
>LoL killed the PC community
This LoL guy sounds like a real jerk!
Holy shit why did 8.1 to 8.2 take so damn long? That's a fucking 7 month gap between major patches early into the expansions lifecycle.
>They need to make an expansion with no new leveling zones. Put ALL THAT RESOURCES into more endgame content.
This, seriously. I've long been confused by the MMO design philosophy of adding a new level cap and providing new leveling zones when it's just pointless filler. Adding more levels and content for them is fine if there's actually a point to it, but at the end of the day, you're going to hit cap after about 20 hours of gameplay, and then it's going to be an endgame grind at the same level for the next two years.
>somebody tells you your game isn't fun
>your primary counter is to tell them that they're alone and lonely while appealing to popularity
You've lost the plot. You have no idea what video games are meant for. If you aren't enjoying the game, you shouldn't be playing it; it is not a replacement for your social life.
I’m subbed to xiv at the moment and bought shadowbringers
I still think wow’s gameplay is more fun. I probably won’t play retail again until classic comes out because I’ll have a sub then. I just wish wow endgame was less rng with titan forging and you could work on your goals. Doing a heroic raid and getting no loot feels awful and azerite armor is lameo why won’t ion listen
8.1 was Dazar'alor raid, Battle for Darkshore Warfront, I believe the revamp to Island Expeditions, and that Gnomeregan pet battle dungeon
8.1.5 gave us Zandalari/Kul'tiran races and Crucible of the Storm raid. There is WoD timewalking, but that was like last month or something I think
gotta give time for people to level their allied races. And subsequently ban them for using an xp potion exploit people asked about and never received a solid answer from Blizzard on
But it's an MMO, you have to play with others to enjoy it, that's the entire premise of the genre.
So, you are actually alone playing WoW. Why? Making friends is easy user.
I don't take dick in my body so I can't get into ffxiv
I dont get why people dismiss this so easily. Some of these seem kinda credible. D4 fps project might very well get shelved, but we'll see about blizzcon.
It is no secret that morale is down the shitter and that the wow team is creatively bankrupt. Kevin Jordans critique sums it up perfectly:
"When you play content in the most time efficient manner you are not doing it because it is fun"
People "hated" old expansions and continued to play them. People hate BfA and have unsubbed.
what the fuck is yikes you fucking faggot nigger
I funposting about WoW but don't think it is bad. Maybe different. WoW on launch was casual game compared to other MMO but still had classic "MMO feeling". I suspect now it's pretty much theme park modern MMO like XIV. I can understand why someone who enjoy old style WoW don't like "theme park" but don't know why it is used as some kind of insult. Both WoW and XIV still has interesting lore. I remember WoW had great side quest too.
in the same boat...played Stormblood and kind of quit after finishing the main story because just going to Deltascape for a boss or just going to Eureka to grind was not fun. Like WoW better, but will probably play shadowbringers.
If I had to take a guess I'd say Ion couldn't fix the game if he wanted to and BFA launch kind of proved that. The game obviously wasn't ready yet, but it was pushed out half-baked anyway for the summer crowd which I believe is the fault of Activision who are likely rushing Blizzard to get it done.
They had good intentions with BFA, but on one side you have the players saying and making videos about the Azerite system just not working and being somehow worse than Artifact Power and on the other side you have investors saying
>hurry up Blizzard we don't have time for you to come up with a fix gotta get that money
so they just a small bandaid on a gushing wound so to speak. The patches so far like with the Island Expedition fixes and this new fix to Azerite in 8.2 are more like what they wanted to give us at launch and if you read the blue posts they even say this is our original vision.
Its obvious they're trying to fix BFA, but I think at this point it's just too late. 8.2 looks fun, and by looks I mean the actual story and the areas look cool, everything else is kind of just a return to MoP.
In 8.2 you go to Naz'jatar and get a piece of gear as well as a new weapon. From there its mainly
>grab daily quest
>do said quest
>get piece of new currency
>use new currency to buy gear
there's really nothing else to the place. Mechagon while it is cool, is not important in 8.2 you get everything in Naz'jatar.
Also you have to remember Ion is the perfect Game Director and mouth piece for Blizzard. He's an ex-lawyer so when he does give you an answer either on reddit or in the live Q&A he can say a lot without really saying much at all. You'll always get the canned answers from him because that's what Activision want.
This, wrath killed WoW.
>PSO2 makes it onto Xbox
>FFXIV doesn't
what the fuck why? ffxi was possible on xbox 360 and it was cross platform with ps2+pc as well.
I remember reading about something-something "Microsoft don't want something-something". It was in PS3 XIV era
TBC killed WoW
1.6 patch killed wow
why not spend that effort actually making the old zones bearable? i tried resubbing to level a new character because i thought i'd give wow a try again, but it was so fucking boring I quit after an hour
Where's 'cringe' on that chart?
because its too late. People have literal armies of alts already at cap, which means that all time spent on old zones is irrelevant for those players who have 1 or more of every class already.
It also is a mess when veteran players want to be at cap asap for their 14th character to be in the same place as the random new player who finally hit level 50 and feels accomplished. Compare this to stuff like Runescape and Maplestory (only other old games still technically alive) where people really do not have many (if any) characters capped so leveling changes are useful. Its unfortunate but this is the fate of all themepark mmos
>welfare epics
>remove any need for wpvp
>lfg function which started in bc and was doubled down on in wrath
>"There must always be a Lich King"
>rehashing nax
Dont forget ruining crafting. Plentiful epics is simply not compatible with crafted gear
That is actually a good question
so basically leveling is shit and blizzard is okay with that.
the entire chart is cringe
>>welfare epics
TBC added welfare epics
>>remove any need for wpvp
TBC added flying which killed wpvp
>>rehashing nax
The vast majority didn't do Naxx when it was current content so why do you care.
Theyre not okay with it desu, they've brought it up multiple times how shit it is.
The problem is a lot of players want leveling to simply not exist period. A more meaningful leveling experience is just a bigger hurdle to their end game transmog farm and gets a lot of pushback.
the devs slowly killed the game until the only thing left was the end game. They then killed class design and so no one gives a shit. Literally everything is shit.
And they know that but don't care. They've said multiple times they don't design the game for their customer but for themselves.
>You think you do, but you don't.
You know how much of a running joke beta is because they know all the feedback is going to be ignored? Like they don't just ignore feedback, they ignore it and then blame the fans for not giving feedback. It's retarded.
I can't imagine the type of people that still play the game. They must have a literal addiction, a mental disability, or both. Probably both.
Imagine if xiv goes on the switch. jesus christ it would sell a fuckton
Meanwhile youre not a failure posting retarded opinions on a children’s anime forum
Its had the best raiding content lol. Even the first two tiers, including dungeons, in Cata were top.
>The problem is a lot of players want leveling to simply not exist period.
The biggest complaint from wow refugees in xiv is that they have to play through the main storyline and can't just cut right to the end. I remember watching people try stormblood to yeas ago and they all bitched that nothing made sense, why should they care, and it's like no shit it doesn't make sense and you're not invested because you skipped the first two fucking games.
Because of wow the ideal mmo changed. It's not about story or world building or rpg and even mmo. It's just about going into dungeons and trying to beat bosses. That's it. You can redo the same shit on five different difficulties and the players will still be happy.
The players try ff14 and hate the fact that they have to talk to characters, listen to their problems, or the social interactions. Jesus christ I didn't think it was that bad and I thought the "wow fags are anti social nerd incels" was a meme but it's so bad. They play an MMO but somehow do not know how to interact with others
>warcraft is an mmorpg without the mmo or the rpg
I think that's the best way to sum up why it's failing
I work in Blizzard, my father works in Nintendo and my Grandfather worked in Atari. I confirm all of this
not an mmorpg anymore. nothing is massive (servers shit themselves with 20+ people pvp) and it's hardly multiplayer if you can do everything yourself without ever talking to someone.
rp is only good for erp these days which has gone down significantly.
just a game now
Exactly, and how the fuck are you supposed to fix leveling when thats your playerbase? The game has stupid amounts of gear and gold inflation as you level, so there is exactly 0 value in any sort of investment at level. Its so trivially easy that the time investment of crafting or doing at level dungeons isnt worth it beyond the experience. And thats how a lot of players want it. If stepping into the next expansion was going to spank your ass if you didnt pick up some good gear in the current one while leveling people would be raging endlessly on the forums.
This is exactly the same as FFXIV though.
Everything in the game is 101% easy unless it's EXTREME/SAVAGE raids. Everything is just so braindead I almost fall asleep when I'm not raiding.
I'm just waiting for classic desu.
WotLK had interesting side quests and locations as I remember. Does it really changed a lot?
I disagree. You go into servers and it's packed. The capital cities and the golden saucer is filled to the brim. You go out into the world and you see people leveling or doing their class quest or hunts or gathering or leves or collections.
And the leveling experience is significantly harder than wow. Imagine if wow prevented you from progressing unless you did the heroic dungeons or some of the raid bosses.
I still have some faith on Ion, really hope he fix the next expansion because despite liking ffxiv I still miss being able to have fun in wow
>people are afk in the cities
how is that different than WoW or any sort of commentary on leveling
>leveling is significantly harder than wow
Not really
>imagine if WoW prevented you from progressing unless you did the heroic dungeons or some of the raid bosses
but both of those are trivial content. MSQ isn't challenging, its no different than having LFR in WoW. It might be slightly better for continuity if a player actually pays attention but its not a challenge
it's pretty kino that he's the face of retail wow
I dont think there is a single person I wish was dead more than asmongold right now. All he does is collect mounts and transmog then gets a free gladiator boost by other people hoping to up their stream count
I have some bad news for you...
It's kind of funny that he refuses to play xiv because it's "anime". I'm really happy
harder???? when have you ever felt any difficulty in FFXIV aside from raids?
hard mode primals? I'm not saying it's that hard but it's significantly harder than wow's leveling process.
Yikes, good thing I play retail
>horrendously desynced pve
>This is a ludicrously out of date argument that has been fixed at the systems level for a long time.
HahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Eait let me catch my breath. How's that sub 20 tickrate across all servers (despite the game offloading so many processes clientside) working out? When's that getting fixed? Oh wait so it HASN'T been fixed? Aw, darn
How do you put up with ARR? I'm trying to enjoy this game but holy shit ARR feels like a fucking slog....
No it's not, at least not Classic/Vanilla wow, Elite quests always made you group with other players to be able to complete them, they gave very good rewards too.
Also there isn't any significant gear in FFXIV that makes you want to do any kind of challenge (if there were any lmao) before hard mode raids. People could remove stats from FFXIV's loot and just put ilvl and it would be exactly the same.
Before raid: "gear ilvl 399"
After raid: "gear ilvl 412" :-DDDD
There is 0 customization in FFXIV.
The only thing I enjoy about WoW anymore is exploring the pretty zones. The thought of killing 15 more demonic corrupted undead fel boars for their rectums makes me want to puke. I basically just stopped leaving stealth on my rogue, and wandered the zones aimlessly before finally unsubbing forever.
It's a decent walking simulator with a really dull chore simulator attached to it. The empty world and grave silent general chat is the nail in the coffin.
I have a bad news for you user... the whole fucking game is a slog
>You go into servers and it's packed. The capital cities and the golden saucer is filled to the brim. You go out into the world and you see people leveling or doing their class quest or hunts or gathering or leves or collections.
It's filled with a lot of AFK roleplayers. That's it. I don't see players questing and they for sure aren't queueing either. There's a reason why only 2% of the player base has actually done any savage or extreme content and it's because of roleplaying trannies.
By not being a zoomer.
For me its less about a hatred of WoW and more about a hated for Blizzard and what they've done to it.
>Elite quests always made you group with other players to be able to complete them
Elite quests are optional and have no mechanics. They simply sheer numbers because the enemies are overpowered. And you can completely ignore them and just grind boars in a corner in WoW.
>Why does everyone hate WoW now?
Because it fucked me over
Imagine grinding for literally 2 years 8hr per day on average. Suddenly new expansion arrives. A level 67 with blue items is better than you. Also the inflation killed your acquisitve power. Remember farming for this enchant recipes? Now a green recipe is better. And this happened multiple times. That's why private servers live, and wow dies
Did you remember to remove your penis
Majority of players are on Balmung and just RP all day on their catgirls/boys which is only going to get worse with bara men and bunny girls
All yoship has to do these days to appease players is make a barstool and throw it on the shop for $10 and all the rpers buy it for their in-game housing. For everyone else its the thousandth iteration of Eureka
second you complain about this on the forums though
>respect the content gaijin!
>banned from community posting
you have to be a tranny to play the game
how the fuck do you guys stand spending hours just clicking, doing the same repetitive task, with the reward being more clicking? mmorpgs are shit
Name me 1 game that's not shit
Wow, he's looking a lot better than before.
>comparing primals to elite quests like hogger with literally no mechanics
how the fuck do you guys stand spending hours just looking at a word, doing the same repetitive task, with the reward being more words?
read is shit
Woah it's like vanilla wow and every other MMO!
>hiding the name of the trial you're queuing for
>queuing for extremes instead of making a PF
You're trying to do outdated ARR extreme fight, don't you user?
cookie clicker
>paying a monthly to complain and click on resource nodes
MMO players are eternal cucks
But there's no flying in Kul Tiras or Zandalar and PvP around world quests all the time.
Btfo, more people talking about shit they have no idea about.
It is finally free from Leandro's fanfic?
>The story
Yeah no. It's a story-based game. That's like reading a long book and complaining about it having too much story.
I believe the i24 server Reborn is live now though it only has about 50 players if that's what you're asking about
BFA have trash gameplay and class design
It's simply not fun to play
From about 2006-2012 the game had a huge mainstream playerbase and was probably the closest a real mmorpg got to becoming a social mmo and online hangout spot. However each expansion after wrath took something out or changed something that drove people away. By the time WoD dropped as a incomplete xpac people had already moved on and those that played had had it.
Because they got rid of PvP vendors and now I have to tank shitty boring repetitive mythic + in order to not get vaporised by other mythic geared faggots in bgs. Also Resto druids can suck a dick.
Friendly reminder that Titanforging still exists.
Friendly reminder that the game will never be good again until it's gone.
how the fuck do you guys stand spending hours just pressing buttons, doing the same repetitive task, with the reward being more button pressing? video games are shit
>Classic WoW was casual
>People literally spent 50+ hours a week playing it
What the hell was the standard of MMOs before WoW?
XP loss on deaths, key farming, bosses spawn at 3am, no way to max level completely solo, no mob-free roads
Unfortunately the Wow sieve also filters out your dick and balls
And sometime full loot PVP or at least chance to drop loot.
Delaying because of Shadowbringers & rework of HOA wasn't something planned, they actually thought the Azerite system that they launched with was acceptable for the whole expansion
they managed to make changes that appear to noone - they literally butchered their core audience of tryhard male Asmondgold-like gamers.
Also their competition butchered them too - lol stole their casual audience and POE stole the hardcore audience.
And because wow was lost in a limbo, it became a no-man's game that is played by less and less people every year.
It's a lot like RE4, it's a solid game/expansion that introduced some shit that would go on to fuck the up the franchise later.
Still, Wrath is my favorite expansion. Was peak PvP for me.
I don't think BFA was rushed at all, it's one of the more polished expansions, they got more cinematics than ever before
The problem is the gameplay design is just awful, this is ion's first time directing & it shows, at least with Legion you had tom chilton to veto some bad decisions
Is this an out of season April fools joke
>What's the game about?
Rep grinds.
>What's the story progression tied to?
Rep grinds.
>What's the rewards tied to?
Rep grinds.
>What's QoL mechanics tied to?
Rep grinds.
>What's causing the content stretch?
Rep grinds.
>What's 8.2 about?
Rep grinds.
YES FINALLY something different!
can someone post eceleb at least good by Yea Forums standards with with tl;dr why BFA is bad. I'm unironcially curios about current state of WoW
>They need to make an expansion with no new leveling zones. Put ALL THAT RESOURCES into more endgame content.
That is the endgame of Classic though
Then being less relevant now doesn’t undo the damage they did when they got announced, retard
It took people like a month to realize Wrath was bad.
What? Classic was about leveling and rpg too.
Not vanilla, new Classic. Anyone with half a brain knows that Blizzard will float the idea of adding content after Naxxramas. They'll just be recycling old ideas that were never implemented, but it will pull subscribers regardless.
If same team who made vanilla raids going do design new raids with same mindset based on deleted content it can be good.
>same team who made vanilla raids
They all unironically hate Ion and current development though, so that's likely out the window.