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I wish my PS3 didn't die
1 > 5 >> 3 > 4 >>> 2
Sorry but world tendency slowly adjusting itself to the server average upon returning to the nexus was fucking retarded regardless of how you wanted to spin things.
*ignores it like a BOSS*
True. It literally took me like 6 years to understand that. I was 15 when it came out.
>can't finish developing game
>Just destroy the entrance to a level and claim it's because of the story
Truly the deepest lore
Switch 5 and 1. Delete the rest from the list.
what game?>
>Return to nexus after beating a boss and world finally becomes pure white
>Have to immediately go back to that world to do pure white only events because if you start doing other stages and go back to nexus it'll lose its pure white status
Fuck you
>if you want pure white world tendency you need to either never die or kill yourself in the nexus
can't believe there are people unironically defending this
Show me in game where it's explained how WT works. This isn't even counting how the servers shutting down makes PWW missable. Deflect or insult me to concede the argument.
>BP version is strongest enemy in the game
What did From meme by this?
literally never had trouble adjusting world tendency as I needed once I figured it out. It's a bit an awkward mechanic though
I remember Character Tendency being pretty pointless apart from extremely specific things.
All I was able to figure out was that beating bosses and BPs raised the tendency and dying lowered it. Was it more complex than that?
White Character Tendency got gypped. If you go Black you get a whole sidequest chain but White just gets you a mediocre ring that doesn't even work anymore.
What did fromsoft mean by this?
It adjusted your health and attack modifier as a soul form or phantom and the Friend's and Foe rings were pretty great for online.
>miracle fucks are haughty and believe their miracles come from God while those filthy magic users come from Demons
>turns out God is the ultimate Demon and you're all selling your souls a bit to him at a time no matter what you do
It means that using it without the magic requirement for Cursed Weapon is a huge gamebreaker.
i cant play because i dont know what it is well back to Kingdom Under Fire
>cursed weapon dragon paddle users
>light weapon with blueblood sword
>2 katana users
it's what you saw most of in pvp but still managed to be fun
SL1 NG+7 with PBWT was a pretty fun puzzle game.
Someone please explain.
I remember the weapon upgrade paths actually providing more variety than DaS's weapon trees which were just the same shit except they got their power from different stats or dealt flat fire or lightning damage. I can't remember the details though, I think some paths had some added passive effects like mp regen or some shit.
>Tfw two hands of god users collide
Cursed Weapon could be useful for any enchantable weapon with high AR. During the server shutdown resurgence I made a hypermode Great Axe invader that used Cursed Weapon. Some of the most fun PvP I've had in Souls.
>Old Monk-ing it up with the scraping spear
I miss Demon's Souls
DS is the only souls game I actually finished without using exploits or guides
the only guides I used were build makers because I was a pvper
>giant archstone
Still mad
>that broken stone
Why tease us like that, just imagine where it could have taken us
This site is 18+
There's videos of The Northern Limits and the cut enemies on youtube. They had chunks finished but not enough.
reminder that you can still play demons souls online using the player-run DS server. go to reddit.com
>needing game mechanics to be explained
I want Prepare To Die faggots to leave
I went into the game blind and spent the whole time thinking the broken archstone would be the final world after I had beaten all the others.
World tendency is only altered by the world average when you load a save, not every time you go to the nexus. But i agree it's a bullshit mechanic. All it achieves is anyone looking for pure black or pure white events are going to play offline.
pure straight sword kino
>will literally never get a demon's souls re-release with a functional giant's archstone because Japan Studio are a bunch of faggots
Don't worry, it looked like dogshit anyway. Cut for a reason. You can look at all of the scavenged assets on the wikidot, it just looked like a shittier and more claustrophobic version of Latria's outdoor segments with retarded animorph enemies.
They already used that cut content in the other Souls games. Primarily DaS2.
>not taking it at face value that it shows what could happen to the rest of the archstones/world
DeS is far more rounded out and complete than DS1, 2 or 3. Would you literally rather they just left it out?
and? i want what the fully cohesive idea was in demon's souls, not reused assets strewn all over dark souls 2
they actually used all of it in bloodborne
How do we know that was even the world that was going to be there? Maybe cutting this whole level let them expand on the other worlds?
its so perfect
>you'll never get pre-DaS DeS discussions on Yea Forums ever again
I had a min-maxed low level build that used Blessed Lucerne +5, Adjudicator's Shield +5, Regenerator's Ring, and Second Chance for Old Monk fights. I was a boss with regenerating life, obscene damage, and a second life bar. For all intents and purposes, I was fucking invincible, unless I let my opponent kill me, and even then, some people simply lacked a weapon strong enough to out-damage my healing.
>tfw 90% of hosts died to the squidwards on the stairs
>Went into Dark Souls hoping the experience the DeS community again
>System for invasions is retarded and you need to beat a late game boss to invade consistently, half the covenants don't even work
>Even the memes are either blatant rehashes of DeS classics or part of the descent into "prepare to die" culture
>All the 2deep4u lore bullshit and "Prepare to cry"
God dammit all. Allant was right, I don't wish to go on.
I've still never actually seen the Gravelord covenant and I have over 500 hours in Dark Souls 1.
>DS1 hid black phantom additional mobs behind a broken covenant
I may boot up DS1 PTD and cheat engine it up to have a fully gravelorded world
In the nexus, in the area next to stockpile Thomas with a shit ton of developer messages.
I don't know about in game but its explained in the manual. Remember when games had those
Gravelords were such a cool concept, but the execution was fucking awful
>Need to be human to use an eye (Meaning you can be invaded by Black and Blue phantoms)
>Eye is consumed on use
>No feedback on whether on if the players in infected worlds are experiencing any issues with BP mobs
>BP monsters only spawn on NG+
Did they fix it in the remaster?
Gravelord here, let me tell you my tale of sorrow
>Hyped as fuck for the covenant, let become the perfect midboss to enhance other people's experience by being an ass.
>Nito best boss, must protect
>Make spooky build, using the Gravelord Greatsword and the Gravelord miracles, of course
>For some faggy reason you can only gravelord spots where you haven't beaten the boss, limiting your approach.
>Choose catacombs and sewers because good size and laberynthic setup, plus BP skelewheels and curse frogs will be extra assholish and will push people to challenge me
>Set up shop at an appropiate level and wait
>Nothing fucking happens
>Spend hours waiting, honest to god doing reading or studying to pass the time, only get a handful of challengers in weeks of gravelording, literally only a single instance of two challengers are the same time
>Move shop to hopefully greener pastures Blighttown, Demon Ruins, Sen's, Anor Londo, Tomb of Giants, Duke Archives, New Londo, DLC areas after they came out, The fucking Kiln
>Same shit
>Give up eventually
>Much later find out only NG+ players even got to see black phantoms
Fuck you From
>BP monsters only spawn on NG+
I love finding out new things about my favorite game. A shame it’s something godawful though. NG+ only?? Really??? I’m still amazed DS1 came out as good as it is because the sequels are a fucking mess. Should I be worried for Elden Ring to be bamco’d?
One of my biggest achievements in Souls was effectively manipulating this system after I had put myself in a tough spot.
I don't remember the details but it required that I don't die and complete some tasks, among them killing a touch NPC without dying, and going to many places without dying.
Ok give me a fun build to use. No pure magic tho.
>Eye is consumed on use
I didn't particularly mind the grind for eyes, a few trips for frogs did the trick, and it's not like spending them was much of a problem when you had it activated for hours at a time if needed be. Plus it was the currency for the covenant ranks, If I remember correctly, so struggling a bit for them was fine.
>No feedback on whether on if the players in infected worlds are experiencing any issues with BP mobs
How's this, just for discussion's sake:
Player who dies on a gravelorded world gets a portion of his souls or humanity taken and given to the gravelord, geting a message on respawn about what happened and how they can recover them and cleanse the world by killing the gravelord. Player knows exactly what's happening and has something to lose if he chickens out of fighting the cunt infecting his world. Gravelord in question knows every time he's ruining someone's day from the free dosh coming to him.
Gravelord gets an eye every time they personally kills a challenger, and also when a player ragequits the game while in an infected world.
>level str/fth
>blessed claymore +5 (or whatever floats your boat, just needs to be blessed)
>Adjudicator's Shield +5
>Regenerator's ring
>Second chance
>literally unkillable unless you are a complete brainlet
>experience why blessed infusion is useless in Souls 3
The manual barely says anything about World Tendency and says nothing about Character Tendency.
What more needs to be said?
People invading 3-2 and 5-2 were truly the scum of the earth. I should know because I liked to bring Stormruler to 3-2
The Old One is not "God" and the intro explicitly states that it was created after men.
It became Eleum Loyce in Dark Souls 2
There was health regen (holy), mana regen (enchanted, but not for every weapon), poison damage, increased crit damage, specific bow upgrades, extra DEX, extra STR.
>mfw my regenerator build will never work in a Souls game again
I understand why they took it out, but still.
Wasn't there an upgrade path specifically for bleed damage or something?
Is it possible to get pure white character tendency offline? I know getting black is piss easy
I don't know why the broken arch stone bothers anybody. I actually like it. Nothing in the world is perfect, having one of the arch stones broken added a degree of variance/realism that made the world more believable. One of many reasons DeS felt more organic and alive than later entries.
Forgot about that, yeah.
It's interesting/good system, but it's not perfect. You can easily manipulate it once you figure it out and since it's so easy to manipulate it, other players can fuck up your game. (Tendency goes too black or too white)
Pure Bladestone
>Should I be worried
>narratively LITERALLY exactly as Dark Souls
>FROM software are completely unable to deviate from their modern Souls formula
Yes, Elden Ring will be absolute garbage.
Kill all three bosses in a world without dying in there. You can kill yourself in the Nexus without affecting WT if you're worried.
Delete yourself.
That’s world tendency. I thought character tendency was boosted for killing invaders
Your "argument" is faulty from the beginning because games don't need to explain all their mechanics. It's not necessary to know how WT works to complete the game, so it doesn't matter whether anyone understands it or not.
>Enemy that looks like a jew is the strongest enemy in the game
What did FROM mean by this?
>do better, game becomes easier
>play like shit, the game becomes more difficult
>fail and succeed to different degrees in each world, adds variance to each playthrough
>play the game long enough, realize you can manipulate the system to your advantage
Defeat Unique Named NPC Black Phantoms which appear only with Pure Black World Tendency.
This applies only to these five unique "named" NPC Black Phantoms:
1-1 - Defeat Black Phantom - Executioner Miralda (+1)
2-2 - Defeat Black Phantom - Scirvir, The Wanderer (+1)
3-1 - Defeat Black Phantom - Lord Rydell (+1)
4-1 - Defeat Black Phantom - Satsuki (+1)
5-2 - Defeat Black Phantom - Selen Vinland (+1)
Defeating any of these will shift the Character Tendency 20% from Neutral towards White. Defeating all five will move the Character Tendency from Neutral to Pure White (it takes two playthroughs, or 10 kills, to go from pure black to pure white offline). Killing these will also move the World Tendency +3 towards white.
If the killing blow towards a named NPC black phantom is dealt by means of Soulsucker or any source of poison/plague damage, there will be no change in Character Tendency. If a Black Phantom falls to their death it will also prevent any change to character tendency.
>Enemy BPs can use grass
Bravo From
I see, thanks!
at most, you should be worried about from implementing something cool that doesn't work.
I remember neither of those working at all during DaS1 days and everyone resorted to pvp signs and forest faggotry instead.
the forest is still the best PvP arena in a souls game.
I hated world tendency because I was autistic as fuck about keeping it in pure white so I would play in soul form at all times.
>design average anglo
>call it an """ogre"""
I cant stop seeing Goofy from those Dolan comics
Really not that difficult. Was hard as fuck at first because we weren't used to it but now the only part that's a bitch is the poison swamp and only because you get gayed by the game since only you get slowed down and every other enemy in the game, including human enemies, doesn't.
>secrets locked behind WT
Best part
From's biggest mistake with DaS1, more than the covenants, was removing the reduced healthbar on hollow/soul form. People had absolutely no motivation to go human unless they were ready to get a gank squad.
Found The Last Remnant faggot. No one likes your shit taste games or agrees with it which is why shit like the Saga games died.
Here's my guide for you, from memory.
Head to Shrine of Storms and play normally. Get kicked by Patches and murder Urbain. Somehow this makes the Red Phantom in that room respawn infinitely, so you can farm Stones of Ephemeral Eyes.
To plunge a world to black, just pop an eye stone and die over and over.
To get back to mid, kill the Primeval demon that spawns in pure black.
To get to white, just beat the bosses without dying, so whenever you're not planning to die, play in soul form. It won't affect world tendency.
Character Tendency is a bitch though, at least 4 playthroughs needed without mistakes. To get to black and get the Foe's Ring, murder friendly NPCs. Can be done on one playthrough.
To get to white and get the Friend's Ring, plunge worlds to pure black tendency and kill the red phantom versions of world NPCs. You'll spend more than one playthrough doing this IIRC.
Assuming you go pure black first, getting back to normal and white is a slog. Multiple runs needed. You'll know if you're evil or good based on your max HP. More evil, less max HP at soul form, more good, extra HP in soul form.
I played through blind, using only a dagger and some thiefly looking leather armour.
I have no fucking idea what all that tendency stuff is to this day.
Sounds interesting, too bad game is Ded.
Remake when?
I've beaten the entire game already and did all the Tendency events.
>Remake when
Dude, what if the Penetrator, Dragon God and Dirty Collossus were good bosses?
here's a (You)
I went with a black leather suit, a sword and a spear. I still cant tell what is wrong with equipo load in das2 y 3 but i need way more point to put gear.
imagine getting a giand tombstone in remake by bluepoint, post yfw
I never took out the Fluted armor in the first run, it was just too aesthetic. Only changes I made were changing the sword and shield for the Boletarian Knight versions.
I never got the point of the soul form mechanic, you get all of your HP while alive which doesn't matter because you'll die in three hits if you aren't careful anyways, other than that you're only risking dying and losing white tendency, am I missing something?
Shrine of Winds SUCKS.
I think Soul form by default gives you like 7% more AR and increases magic damage at the expense of 50%HP. I don't know if its considered a good trade. Character Tendency is supposed to affect that. I think pure black gives 12% more damage.
Who comes up with this shit I swear I do not see the logic at all.
*Harpoons your shit-taste-having ass from a hundred meters away*
Nothin' Personnel, demonslayer...
4-1 and 3-2 are the only S-tier levels
>Never got PW in Latria.
Im sorry screaming blue ghost. I wanted to help you
Penetrator is a good pleb filter.
Dragon God and every boss in the Valley of Defilement are shit though.
I feel you.
I just like dressing up cool, once I have a weapon that suits my dude I never swap.
Makes some runs a nightmare, but it is thematic, also
You have good taste.
Why is demons souls so much more aesthetic?
>first Halloween online event where they turned all worlds to pure black
>doing 4-3
>reach that part with the narrow path where two black phantom ministers suddenly spawn in front and back blocking your way
*rolls toward you*
>Why is demons souls so much more aesthetic?
It was an experimental game that was expected to fail so miyazaki went all out on designs and atmosphere, of course for the sequel they had to downgrade it for normalfags
The problem was that it require more resources to utilize the covenant mechanic, with a greater risk, and for a lesser payoff. It's literally worse than every other PVP option you have
Dickwraiths - Requires humanity, and a cracked red eye orb, but you can get an infinite use orb. 1-2 resources
Dorkmoon - Can invade as a hollow, with an infinite use orb, or a ring. 0 resource consumption
Forest - Eats up a ring slot.
Gravelord - Requires humanity, and an eye. 2 resources. Non-negotiable
>While you get a "home field advantage" monsters are still hostile to you (HEIGHTENED risk/high maintenance if you have to clear shit out after every death/bonfire visit)
>No incentive for infected worlds to interact with a gravelord if they're not NG+ -- NG would just be putting themselves at risk of dying to another player, for no little payoff (Low interaction)
>Can only infected a limited amount of worlds at a time (Low interaction)
>No feedback as to how much suffering you're causing (Low interaction)
>Put yourself at risk of darkmoon, darkwraith, and invasions from hosted worlds, meaning you have three different people coming to kick your ass (High risk)
There will never be a game like Demons souls. You will never troll newfags with scraping spear ever again, you will never invade as a monk ever again. Let that sink in
>he doesn't use the worst builds and weapons
are you even trying desu
>Be me
>Use the scrape spear and acid cloud
Hope you competitve fucks have enough souls saved up
>you will never invade as a monk ever again
There's still Looking Glass Knight. It's not quite the same, but it's similar.
I played DeS blind so I just ignored world tendency. I just remember being confused because there'd be places or people I seemingly could never reach, or characters that would keep popping up in the loading screens that I've never encountered in any of the levels. Probably pretty annoying if you're the OCD completionist type though.
>Probably pretty annoying if you're the OCD completionist type though.
the bane of existence
reminder that a server exists for this game still and people have done playthroughs and speedruns on rpcs3
Tfw no online in rpcs3
>at most, you should be worried about from implementing something cool that doesn't work.
Yeah, as a UGS fan I was pretty bumbed with their weapon arts. Charged R2’s for them all felt more adaptable and didn’t have a mana cost. I wish I just had a third attack or parry, not this stomp shit.
Two eyes would be better... One to reuse and one to hand in... Also people typically have two eyes.
>pretty bumbed with their weapon arts. Charged R2’s for them all felt more adaptable and didn’t have a mana cost.
For years I've heard real sword users say that spinning around is impractical and you should never do it because it would get you killed. Dark Souls 3 shows us perfectly why.
it's the closest thing to a god that universe has now
wtf shut up consoles never get any issues, only PCs do
now excuse me, I'm going to emulate DeS in 4k
Best souls IMO.
Kane and Lynch 2
I disagree.
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2