What went wrong?
What went wrong?
waifu shit
Not much
>progressively gets better
Clearly X went wrong. Everything else went right.
Op hasn't ended his life
X main missions being fetch quest where a fucking mistake and the nonexistent story is too, how do fix x to get it to 10/10 status
if you look at it from right to left then yeah
Yep that's me, you are probably wondering how i got into this situation
They're all good, but I want X2. I fucking hate cliffhangers so much oh my god. If they got Naganuma and Ishimoto to compose for it, I'd cum an actual river.
Would recommend autistically playing X to 100% completion and just writing your own sequel/conclusion. I doubt we're getting X2 for a long while since a port is just easier and would bring in similar money.
Nia's eng dub voice
Apart from Nintendo’s Zelda team being incompetent, nothing.
Being forced into creating more Xenoblade games so you have to force ideas for a new Xenoblade. First game is best cause they didnt have that pressure. Now Tetsuya's gotta make ideas that fit around "blade" and other shit.
Your education for asking loaded questions
>fetch quests
I see people complain about "fetch quests" all the fucking time and i can't help but think, what the fuck other kind of quests are there? I guess kill quests, but those are just fetch quests with slightly different framing. I really wonder what kind of quests would satisfy people.
Can you think of an example of an interesting quest type?
>Can you think of an example of an interesting quest type?
Fill up your survery rate to a certain percentage by doing whatever the fuck you want. X is genius.
He said "wrong", not amazingly right.
>being a Sagafag
dude people were making fun of you for having gorillion hour long cutscenes before MGS4 made it a meme.
They're all fine
Oh wait no I meant they're all great EXCEPT 2. Sorry about that.
He could easily just call some plot element a "Blade" and have everything else be whatever. Only his own autism makes him go this in depth with it, just like how he decided to bring back the religious themes and zohar despite "Blade" having no connection to them.
go to bed eric
Not really anything, I suppose.
They're somewhat different games, all catering to certain niche RPG lovers.
Explain why you think this scene is bad from a narrative standpoint, you know the context behind it, right ? You played the game, right ?
>just like how he decided to bring back the religious themes and zohar despite "Blade" having no connection to them.
Really enjoying those brickwork textures, Monolith, thanks.
This series represents the decline of anime.
That's really more of an art-style thing
You really can't have too many of that kind of quest though. if all your quests were "hit 20% survey rate" "hit 40% survey rate" and "hit 60% survey rate" it would functionally be like not having any quests at all. the point of quests is to get you to do something other than what you were already going to do.
To be clear i agree X's quests had a ton of issues, but it wasn't because they were "fetch quests" it's because they sometimes required shit like repeatedly reloading the same small section of land to get 3 rare spawn fishes or whatever for downs girls side story, and the fact that you couldn't abandon that quest to go do something else once you started it.
What don’t you get?
They shifted from the godtier and kino aesthetic of gears and saga to generic weeb shit
you mean Tora's
No, it isn't. 2 is full of pointless moeshit scenes and tropes. Mythra being bad at cooking being an example.
Do you really think the game originally titled MONAD has no connection to religion?
he mean XC1 didnt really have Zohar or the like, and was meant to be a standalone, "not-Xeno" game
the thing is still heavily religious tho. the guy love his religion lore
>moeshit is now "whatever anime style i don't like"
fucking hell you had a point in 2008-09 when Lucky Star and K-On were thing but now it's just I DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE
Not really anymore or less than 1. Just more overtly
X is really the only one that nearly fully does away with the moe, cutesy anime stuff.
Are girls being bad at cooking such a big trope? I mean wouldn't girls being good at cooking also be a trope?
Yes much more than 1. The closest 1 gets to moeshit is Rikki but he serves as much needed comic relief. 2 stuffs it down your throat in every other scene.
The Monado is the Zohar. It's an uncaring godhead that's used by flawed lesser beings. It tells the same story as XC2, only with an arrogant and insecure Demiurge instead of a fatalistic one.
but does the trope really matter if the main story is unaffected?
They are just side story stuffs, meant to expand on the setting/characters. You can be either a good cook, a bad cook, a decent cook, or dont cook at all. all
Yes because it's unnecessary fluff that serves no purpose other than to pander to obnoxious moe fans. Who even finds that shit funny other than people who watch the same high school anime with different titles?
Takahashi said in his newest interview that all of his non xenoblade related projects always get rejected but Nintendo is a board with anything xenoblade, how will this affect the series?
I know that, but Takahashi did said that Xenoblade 1 wasnt really meant to be "Xeno", but a new line of project. But then stuffs happened, XCX brought back "Zohar-like", and XC2 tied XC1 into the Zohar multiverse
its understandable too. when you spent quite a while making a setting, it will bleed into your other games, wanting it or not
God damn, I want to ejaculate into Nia so fucking bad.
>Nintendo is a board with anything xenoblade
he's going to push the envelope as far as he can by making a Xenoblade H-game.
Moeshit is more than an artstyle. It's a form of storytelling that uses overly "cute" character design and personality in an effort to make you like a character without actually writing them to be compelling in any way. It's cheap and easy.
It wasn't "meant" to be anything because Takahashi wasn't about to pitch another 54 piece space epic only to have his funding pulled halway through episode 2.
It's a Xeno game in every way except that it was deliberately made to stand on its own.
Takahashi wasn't talking about just his projects in that part of the interview, he brings proposals from other Monolith Soft employees to Nintendo as well.
What wrong with pandering to a demographic, not every game is specifically designed to appeal to you
>but muh series consequential releases
Takahashi has prove time and time again, that he can flex his tone effectively and surely won,t affect any of his other autistic projects, just wait for your fucking turn
That not moeshit that bad writing, if you are gonna complain, complain properly
Nothing. X was a bit shallow, but 2 is great.
I know about it being obnoxious, but why dont you look at millions of other world building stuffs? its easy to just focus on what you dont like, and forget about what they did right
>a soldier commenting about a mining city on the other shoulder of Mor Ardain titan, and is worried about the fact that Torna just blasted the shit out of it
>A long quest chain for the truth of why Nopons speak retard
>Vess's quest talk about mortality and continuation of lives
>even the question about "why the fuck blades dont just keep a diary" is answered
The game's world building is meticulous and insane, my dude
Nothing you have said is actually negative, COPE more snoyfag
>2 stuffs it down your throat in every other scene.
No, 2 has the same amount of moeshit as 1, but it pairs its moeshit with art-style changes to make it explicit.
Mythra being a bad cook doesnt really exist as a plot point in XB2 vanilla, the biggest moments are
>Mythra slapping Rex
>Nia overreacting to her wanted poster
>Tora Maid scene
And it basically stops around the end of Chapter 4.
XB1 had its bullshit with Melia's intro, Reyn being a fucking idiot sometimes and, as you mentioned, Rikki.
It's not that it panders to a specific demographic that's the issue, it's that the story and characters are made compelling in the cheapest way possible. I'm sure most people who don't fawn over moeshit felt greasy and ashamed for the writerrs after watching the scene with Mythra hugging Rex, I know I did. The game is full of cheap moe "humour" and tropes that just comes across as cringey to anyone who doesn't fall on their feet just because a character looks and acts moe.
Also the sleepwalking bit
No, it apples to anybody who isn't hay.
>The game is full of cheap moe "humour" and tropes
Was there much after Chapter 4? I don't even remember if there was that much once the party gets to Mor Ardain
>looks and acts moe.
People keep using that word and I don't think they know what "moe" means
I'm not saying I hate every aspect of the game, I still find aspects of it enjoyable and have put hundreds of hours into jt. I just think it's much worse than 1, the obnoxious scenes being a huge part of that for me.
It’s only really there in the tail end of the story, and even then it’s sort of diluted and revolves around the basic Gnostic ideas of DEMIURGE BAD. With 2, the themes were a lot more significant, especially for the antagonists and their relationships with the creator.
It means blushy-crushy, the game definitely explains that pretty well
None of those things in 1 are moeshit other than Rikki. Reyn fits more into the shounen trope of the loyal best friend with more physical capabilities than the twinky MC, kind of like Zoro from One Piece.
Can you proceed to define moe, as you understand it, and then explain how XB2 has more moeshit than XB1? Because I replayed 1 on dolphin last week and it seemed to have the same amount of bullshit, it just never bothered to change the music and art-style to point it out.
Xenoblade: being exclusive to JewStop.
Xenoblade x: being boring.
Xenoblade 2: haven't played it.
Yeah, because Tora is a degenerate who would know about that shit.
It's an RPG. All RPGs are shit.
And? Why when anyone care about there fucking opinion, don't like it? Get the fuck out
What went wrong is no mechs. Xeno franchise should always have mechs, imo.
Personality traits, character designs and scenes that have no serious meaning in the main narrative of the story and which exist solely to serve the purpose of making a character appear cute/kawaii and therefore compelling.
Again, Mythra being bad at cooking being a prime example. There are several other examples in the game but it's been a while since I played the main story so I can't remember them all. I mean just the existence of Poppi and her and Tora's whole storyline is a prime example. It serves no purpose in the main conflict of the game, it just exists as filler that's supposed to come off as light hearted and cute.
Are you stupid? I can voice my opinion even if you disagree with it just as anybody else can.
Imma emulate the first Xenogears this july
People recommend that I reduce EXP gain by 50% because I hate being overleveled in games and I tend to do all side content as it comes (like in FF12 or how I don't tend to run from any random battles in random combat games and end up being too powerful).
Whats your take on it?
Is this motion captured or something? Why is it so weirdly animated?
so exactly like Reyn being a retard adds nothing to the story in XC1?
typical nu-nintendo. don't try anything new, just keep milking and rehashing.
The game doesn't try to make him appear cute/kawaii.
Just bought XC2 and am receiving it next month, what am I in for and should I play with the jap dub or eng dub? Any big changes in the text that make it inaccurate to the Japanese original?
>Mythra being bad at cooking being a prime example
Mythra is bad at cooking because she was born a weapon. Addam unconsciously pulled all the fighting bits from Pneuma, leaving Mythra lacking in a lot of departments. You're a fucking retard.
>Personality traits, character designs and scenes that have no serious meaning in the main narrative of the story and which exist solely to serve the purpose of making a character appear cute/kawaii and therefore compelling.
Okay, But Mythra's shit cooking isn't really part of that. I'd argue Morag's bad cooking skills fall under that definition more.
The difference between Mythra and Pyra's cooking ability is specifically to highlight that Pyra is the result of Mythra creating, what she thinks is a 'superior' version of herself that everyone will like more. The whole cooking thing is treated for laughs but it's meant to highlight that Mythra really has no intuition or natural empathy for people. And Pyra is good at cooking because she was designed to be really good with people in the way Mythra wishes herself to be.
continuing successful IPs isn't "milking and rehashing" just because they don't change the name on the box. XCX was a pretty huge divergence from XC1 for example, even though they're both XC they still have some pretty significant differences and calling X a rehash just because it has the same title makes you look like a shallow retard who can't see past the surface of anything.
Also just to add, Reyn doesn't get whole segments of the game allotted to his pointless storyline. Tora gets whole chapters.
Not everything needs to further the main plot.
Actually, that leads to horribly one dimensional narratives and characters, I hope nobody ever takes you seriously.
The fact that mythra not being able to cook and differentiating her from pyra triggers you that much really shows what a retard you are.
but if he was a girl you'd say it was doing it for that very purpose. There's no difference in the two things aside from how you personally perceive them.
Zeke being a dork in 2 is played up for humor and to make him likable just like the stuff you are complaining about with Mythra and Poppi. Is it somehow better because it isn't trying to make him "cute"?
>waifu shit
I can't believe Xeno died in 1998. And 2002. And 2004. And 2006. And 2010. And 2015. And 2017.
Really depends.
If you have a tolerance for off-emotion performances in key emotional-high scenes, then go with Dub since it also has a ton of fun stuff like post-battle banter, some really endearing side-comments from characters and just more "flavor" since every nation in the game has a different accent associated with them.
If you have no time for shit dubs that can potentially ruin big scenes for you, then go with Japanese Dub.
But switch back to the dub for the final battle
Moeshit is specifically, not just things that don't further the main plot, but that also try to make a character appear cute and therefore compelling. You just ignored half my definition.
X would be better if the protagonist wasn't silent, and if there weren't 20 different optional party members. On a side note, nameable heroes in games with voice acting are annoying because they are forced to make awkward dialogue where the NPCs actively avoid referring to you by name when talking you.
>X is really the only one that nearly fully does away with the moe, cutesy anime stuff.
It just would clash too much with everybody constantly dying all the fucking time to the point where you don't give a shit about the NPC characters anymore.
Good mecha designs
Nice mix of future sleek tech of more recent mecha shows with old mecha silhouettes and forms
Jap dub for sure, and yes they change the text all over the place. the most egregious examples are changing gramps and byakuya from old perverts into fags and a lot of fetish jokes around Tora's grandpa that got mistranslated into random shit.
You don't know what moe means.
Yeah. X felt like a real divergence from Xenoblade to the point where it should have been given a different name but maybe Takahashi has a plan for it in this franchise
>but if he was a girl you'd say it was doing it for that very purpose
No, I wouldn't because I don't change my entire perception of a character based on their sex.
well obviously because XC1 isn't broken up into chapters like 2 is, so it's impossible for him to get an "entire chapter" in the first place.
are these games open weorld? i'm searching for fun open worlds that aren't excessively jrpg bullshit autism with turn-based combat. is the world fun to explore? is the story good? how's the gameplay
Agreed, the mechs looked like a really good fusion of old and new, and the transforming animations were fucking nice. Pretty much a wet dream for mechafriends
Your definition of moeshit is wrong, and even then, using your definition, it doesn't describe any of the Xenoblades.
The closest Xeno's gotten to actual "moeshit" was Momo from Xenosaga but that was intentional satire and wasn't the focus of her character.
Of course you do, don't even pretend otherwise.
Any personality in a female is more to you.
He doesn't even get the equivalent of one chapter dedicated to him. His storyline is always tied to Shulk's main quest, with Tora on the other hand Rex has to go out of his way to do shit for him
XCX mechs always remind me of Lego, dunno why. Not that its a bad thing tho
obviously you do, because you haven't once complained about them doing this shit with Zeke despite him being just as bad about having humorous scenes at inappropriate times to break the mood.
All three of those games have mechs
Stop projecting
So you're fundamentally saying every Xeno game is moeshit?
Honestly Elma should have been the MC.
Zeke has more relevance to the main plot. He's the prince of Tantal and has a lot of weight politically on other Titans.
I'm talking about specific characters, not entire games.
Surprise there were no Jet Fighter variants considering their entire gimmick is transformation.
XCX yes
XC1 and 2, no not really. the world is big, and that's that, just a stage for the story to take place, and boy is the story great
All of them has pseudo exploration tho, and some places look extremely pretty
The gameplay is a hit-or-miss. At least in XCX and XC2 it grows on you the more you are invested
Alright then, every Xeno game has "moeshit" characters or female characters who do cute/funny/endearing things that have little impact on the main plot.
I always thought that was better though, helps keep more characters than just the protagonist and his bird relevant.
>the worst music in video game history (that snare drum haunts me)
>the worst combat in video game history (It's WoW, but you have to use your dpad to select abilities)
>the worst characters in video game history (pedobait, insufferable weeb trash)
>the worst world design in video game history (huge landscapes of nothing)
>the worst story in video game history (there's nothing interesting, no depth, so subtlety.)
I got baited into buying Chronicles X and sank 30 hours into it hoping there would be something redeemable.
She IS the MC tho, everything revolve around her. you are just the busyhand running around blasting shits off with your mech
No, he's just comic relief for most of the game and he could easily be removed without the plot of the game changing.
No, this is just you unironically hating female characters for being female
yeah, if we ever get a xcx2 it would be nice to have air transformations
Mythra has even more relevance to the main plot, so i'm not sure what your point is about this. Zeke still has scenes dedicated to making him a cute dork for no other reason than to increase his likability, which i thought was what you were complaining about.
Yes but 2 goes overboard with it, to the point of devoting entire segments/chapters of the game to pointless moeshit characters. At least in 1 the party is always following their main objective that is focussed on the main storyline, other than saving Juju which is a pretty short segment of the game.
The real truth is that everything after Xenogears was a mistake
>Xenogears with a finished disk 2 never
I want to cuddle with Niah
Is this ACfag? The autism feels similar, but normally he just complains about cutscenes.
This argument is literally angry feminist tier. There are hundreds of female characters I like in other video games and media. I really don't give a shit what sex a character is, I care more about how they're written.
Like I said I don't remember every moe thing in the game because it's been a while since I played, but if anything you're just adding to my argument that XC2 is overloaded with moeshit.
First game was okay, X shits on it in every single way.
XC2 is for fucking horny incel weebs. Could never get into it because of that.
Yes, he's just trying something new.
You forgot
>reduced or no random encounters
>decent dungeon designs
>a proper length soundtrack so you're not hearing the same 5 tracks for 30 hours
Would unironically be one of the best games ever made
>Not doing sidequests and reading heart-to-heart
his goofiness has a reason user. He's just too tired of needless war and suffering and being a figurehead
without zeke you cant have the entirety of the tantal chapter along with the political plots regarding flying vatican city
>At least in 1 the party is always following their main objective that is focussed on the main storyline
1's biggest flaw compared to literally every other Xeno game is that it's too focused on the main story instead of the characters. Every other Xeno game has segments that focus more on the characters and how the story revolves around them, rather than the characters revolving around the story.
Your definition of "moe" is stupid, by the way. Most JRPGs have segments that are devoted to character building, even if no actual character development happens. Using your (wrong) definition, most JRPG characters are moeshit. Especially from 50-60+ hour long JRPGs.
It sounds more. Like you being an angry smoyfag desperately clinging on a eceleb you saw once.
Good on him for branching out. It's important to always keep trying new things.
I like them all to be honest
>someone having conflicting views on a game is autistic I don't like it everybody should have the same opinion as me and like what I do or they're autistic!
Literally a brainlet way of thinking. I enjoy arguing over conflicting views on something because it leads to learning new things about it
You can make any other excuse to go to tantal.
And his connection to amalthus seemed more like an attempt to make him slightly relevant to the plot, rather than something actually meaningful.
Yeah definitely ACfag.
Going by your definition of moe, Xenoblade X is the most moe Xenoblade by a landslide.
everything post xenoblade should've been named something else
>buzzword buzzword buzzword wah I don't know what to say buzzword
>they wrote a character in the party to have plot significance, wtf
xenoblade chronicles 2 is going to reach 2 million sales and there's nothing you can do about it
But the thing with X is that the story isn't the main focus of the game, the exploration and gameplay is the majority of it. With 2 the story plays a much more major part in a player's motivation to play it compared to X and so the story is more important to consider when judging how good the game is.
I'm glad, that means more games will be made. Still doesn't mean it's better than 1 or X though.
It really seems tacked on, he's barely relevant Ina meaningful way.
really? ofc a character has to be relevant to the plot to be in the party, and Zeke is greatly relevant
and dismissing him for "they can make other excuses" is shallow as fuck. yeah fuck Morag, Mor Ardain part doesnt have anything affect the plot too. Fuck Tora also, he's literally just a robofucker, why included him?
Xeno series is also about the people in that world, how the great, big war and quest for the McGuffin affect them, and change them, you cant just write off characters like that
Xenoblade X - 9/10 (Game of the Decade)
Xenoblade 2 - 7/10 (Game of the Year 2017)
Monado: Beginning of the World - 4/10 (Ouch)
Torna: The Golden Country - 3/10 (Really lazy writing)
I would rate the relevancy of the main party members in 2 as:
Rex > Nia > Zeke >>> Morag >>>>>>>>>> Tora
>set up the blade-eater subplot
>reason why hes with Amalthus instead of lording his own home
>a semi counter-point to Rex, who is also kind of a "blade eater". Hes more mature, experienced, and embrace his own nature, in oppose to Rex's innocence and stubborness
Tora exist as a plot device for the Bana subplot (which tied into Torna's "who provide them weapons" bit)
was it necessary? not really. was it fun? fuck yes. All those pre 90s mecha reference during the factory part was great
Do people seriously think you can cut Tora? For one you lose all connection to the artificial blade plot, and for another he's important for party dynamics.
We've been through this with Luke. Having everyone shit in your protagonist's cereal all game doesn't work. It's important for Rex to have someone to guide.
Xenoblade 1 is the outlier
Cutting Tora would be like cutting Riki.
They both have zero stakes in most of what happens but I can't imagine cutting out either of them.
My issue with Tora is that there are other characters that would suit being a main party member much more than him. His character would work way better as an NPC you revisit for upgrades/customization. He shouldn't be a playable party member.
No one is really wanting to cut Tora out, chill
Hes one of the more fun characters, even if hes a bit obnoxious, and the artificial blade subplot, with all the Detroit:become human and old mecha reference were fun as fuck
>For one you lose all connection to the artificial blade plot
The only part of that entire storyline that's relevant to the main plot is the blades Bana was producing for Torna.
You could easily show that another way.
The Nopon are surprisingly uncaring about all this doom-n-gloom shits. every human out there are worried about war, refugee, the fact that the ground under them will disappear one day, and the Nopons just want to sell more shits
even more reason to have it named differently from the rest
All those things can exist even if he isn't in the main party. The issue isn't Tora as a character, it's that he takes up a slot in the party even though there are other characters in the game that would have much more relevancy as a party member. I would argue this is true for Morag too.
I'd be perfectly fine with Tora getting cut, he's worthless.
Poppi, on the other hand, is a totally different story.
>even though there are other characters in the game that would have much more relevancy as a party member
The subplot also deal with what to be a "human" tho, with real Blade are "human" in their intelligence and all the jazz.
Poppi-QT-QTpi > Hana JS-JC-JK
Mikael, Jin, Niall to name a few.
I cant really rmb who can reasonably replacing Tora. And that mean letting Poppi out too, and thats a no for me
Morag's inclusion is great tho. Shes the leveled head of the group, and her spiel of "a woman, who dedicated her whole life to her brother, wanting to know more about the world" is great
To be honest Dunban, Riki, Sharla, Reyn and even Fiora could have been cut as party members and just be NPCs and the story would be the same.
>inb4 b-but Fiora's important
Even when Fiora comes back, it's Meyneth that's more important than she is.
Only Shulk and Melia ended up mattering and having multiple developments throughout a large portion of the game to justify being party members.
Sharla might as well not even exist, the only "development" she even gets on the Mechonis only serves to make Reyn more interesting.
>Jin and Mikhail
lol no. The moment they appear they are set to be the tragic figure types
well hes a king, for once. He did give Aergeon to Morag tho
Nintendo exclusivity
>Mikael, Jin
They're villains. Mikael doesn't play much of a role until the last few chapters and only gets development in Torna.
And Niall is the fucking emperor of Mor Ardain. What possible reason could he be a party member?
>"a woman, who dedicated her whole life to her brother, wanting to know more about the world"
Just reading that sounds convoluted as fuck
Mikhail and Jin are both villains. Niall's a noncombatant.
XC1 completely disregard personal and intra-personal development, so them feeling useless is understandable. X and 2 improved on that front tho
>That user who just ignore everything and post XCX pics
those are incredibly basic motivations, are you retarded?
Nothing at all. XC2 is best JRPG since P4G.
Weak attempt bro
Animeshit got too rampant.
They're anti-heroes if anything, especially Mikael. Most JRPGs have the party member who starts off as being against the party but later on has a change of heart and joins. Take Hendrick from DQXI for example. Either Jin or Mikael would suit this role perfectly whilst also representing Torna. Malos is the only true villain the game has an needs.
Niall being the ruler of Mor Ardain really doesn't matter and can easily be written around. He'd make much more sense as a party member than Morag. Even Hugo joins the party in the DLC.
cause i just condensed her whole story a bit too much?
>1st born. was a girl, so were brought up as a boy to inherit the throne
>Niall was born, so she was discarded
>Had no real resentment, just wanting to do the best for her nation and her king-brother
>a bit too much. maybe she saw devoting her life to Niall is her life-goal. she was raised to be a king after all, serving the king is pretty much the same
>meeting the party happened
>accident happen
>greenlit by the king to follow the party, to watch the story unfold, and to find her own joy
Pretty much this. The most Fiora ever amounts to is being the catalyst for Shulk to go out on his adventure (dies and isn't a party member for 50 hours). When Meyneth sacrifices herself Fiora's role in the story becomes minimal.
Riki's just there. He had no reason to tag along and just does. Sharla is tits McGee.
What does Dunban even do again outside of the prologue? I mean, he has a good reason to go with Shulk just because his sister is fucking dead, but he doesn't really do anything of his own. The same can be said for Reyn, except Reyn doesn't have a prologue that hypes him up. He's just Shulk's friend.
My bad I just forget Morag even has her own backstory because she's such a bland boring character.
how the fuck does Niall, a character who interacts with a party member who isn't Morag maybe once, make more sense as a party member
they are the definition of tragic, even without counting in Torna. Mikhail can be reasonably added to the party yeah, but Jin is just too far gone
At least we get to use him a bit (and hes OP as fuck, as intended), and the DLC allow us to use most of the Tornan except Jin. FUCK
>Malos is the only true villain the game has an needs.
Not really.
That's not the point. If he was a party member they could just write more interactions. In terms of the world and story he has much more relevancy as a party member than Morag since he actually is the ruler of Mor Ardain and so has more at stake.
I would argue Dunban and Fiora are sort of important.
Dunban has his whole schtick with MetalFace
Fiora being a party member early on tricks the player into thinking she's a full-time party member
Torna as a whole deserved to get more time.
It would have been interesting if you got to play small mini-campaigns as Malos or Jin. God damnit, I wish Torna was part of the main game at release.
I also wish we got to stick with Jin up to the actual formation of New Torna with Malos
Then you can just make the Tantalese king a party member too then
Morag is canonically the symbol and face of Mor Ardain, wielding the "Ardanian jewel" Bridgid. shes qualified
and letting the ruler running around instead of controlling a nation in crisis is a recipe for disaster
So you agree that Mikael would be more suitable than Tora? I'm sure with some adjustments to his character Jin would be suitable as a party member too, much more than Tora and Morag at least.
Yes, really.
>I also wish we got to stick with Jin up to the actual formation of New Torna with Malos
I agree. We never really get a picture of how things went from Malos picking Jin up in an alley to him deciding "okay you're the boss now".
>Dunban has his whole schtick with MetalFace
So do Shulk, Reyn and Melia.
Dunban and Reyn have good reasons to tag along but they don't really do anything in the story. Dunban's that "dude who did things a year before the story started" and Reyn is "Shulk's best friend".
Throughout the story they just feel like Shulk's left and right arms. They don't do or think anything differently from Shulk. Dunban almost kills Mumkhar himself which would have been a cool development, but Shulk just talks him out of it, only further solidifying that only Shulk and Melia really mattered as party members.
Fiora's role as a character in the story is fine, her role as a party member in the story is silly. It feels like they only made Fiora a party member again to make Meyneth important. Shulk's interactions with Fiora are cute and all but don't really impact the story.
thats being a plot device, not a plot driver tho
If you have to make adjustments to the characters, they're not more suitable party members than the ones we already have.
they made two sequels to an already dogshit game
And while I liked the ambiguity of that, I think that if they wanted to go the ambiguous implication route for telling that story, they also did a good enough job of that in the main game's flash backs that they didn't need Torna.
If they're going to spell shit out with Torna, might as well go all the way. Though, maybe at that point, Torna should have been its own fully fledged game with time-skips and stuff to show the length and duration of the war
Sure but I doubt anybody would enjoy playing as a crusty old man, plus Zeke has more relevancy as a representative of Tantal than Morag does as a representative of Mor Ardain considering Zeke will eventually succeed the throne as opposed to Morag.
True, I'm just saying it means that cutting him out doesn't require some more trimming on other plot points like Mumkhar's motivation for joining the Mechon.
It could be done, just less cleanly than cutting Riki or Sharla or Reyn would be
Do you think someone can only care about their country and play a major role in its development if they're its ruler? That's awfully shallow.
unironically XC2 went wrong. Its the weakest in the series, and personally I just downright despise it. XC1 and XCX are much more enjoyable experiences. The only reason you get people calling it the best are because they don't want to drown themselves in buyers remorse for both the game and the Switch itself.
why dont we just add him in without cutting others out, really
and yes, writing Mik into the party will be a hell of a ride. Nia fill the 1st deserter niche alr. So for a 2nd deserter (for such a small group) he will have to be at least jin tier in term of appearance.
talking of Nia, how do you really bind yourself with a flesh eater, really.they dont reset to a core
>Yes, really.
People thinking Xeno games were ever good in the first place. Xenogears' first disc doesn't make up for how shitty the second disc is, which drags the game as a whole down to "mediocre."
Of course not but Morag as a character in terms of her motivations and position in the world is usurped by Niall in importance. They both have the same motivations except that Niall is actually the ruler of Mor Ardain. They both want to serve their country whilst being loyal to one another. The only reason I can see for Morag being a party member and not Niall is that they needed another female member other than Nia.
Who the fuck would play this after the first one's ending?
>*blocks your path*
Is this series supposed to be biblical references
You explain how he isn't first since you argued against me with no explanation first. Actually Amalthus also serves as the other main villain of the game but those are the only 2 who are true villains, and they serve that role succinctly.
>They both have the same motivations except that Niall is actually the ruler of Mor Ardain.
So what? Why is that so important to whether a character is a good fit for the party or not?
They removed the boob slider and made all the music nigger trash. Thank god Xenoblade 2 delivered.
t. hasn't played gears or saga
The only Xeno game with a substantial biblical foundation is Gears and Saga I have some points but you can connect almost any work of fiction to the bible if you look hard enough
they serve as the 2 face of a ruling coin mate
>Niall is the civil side
>Morag is the millitary side
letting the military do the dangerous job is much better
Xeno collection
So the question becomes why is Morag a party member and not Niall when Niall, objectively, has more importance in terms of both plot and his position in the game's world?
the first was a deep story with deep characters.
the second was a story with deep characters
the third was a video game that happened
What I hated the most is how the party was always locked to fucking Lynn and Elma for main missions. For fuck's sake, just include the non-optional companions in every cutscene, just like they did in 1. That, and a sequel that is probably never going to happen.
Because Niall looks too much like an MC and also because
Morag is really fucking hot and gave me a blowjob last night and trust me i came inside her mouth and she chocked on it and i had to run downstairs to get some water
user why are you reading right to left
I don't remember Niall ever exhibiting a civil side other than saying he doesn't enjoy fighting. This trait of his character is never highlighted in the plot as having any relevancy as far as I remember. He could easily just be written to be not opposed to fighting and join the party.
The first game has the shallowest story and least developed characters of any Xeno game. I'd even argue that X's story, albeit minimal was more interesting and ambitious than 1's.
Why should Niall be a party member over Morag? Why not Queen Raqura if being a ruler is all you care about when picking party members?
So basically, as I said earlier, you agree that the only reason why Morag is a party member over Niall is because they needed another woman in the party. Thanks for confirming.
Big tits > big gay robot
Fight me.
not really. it's a pretty straightforward adventure story when you get right down to it. depth and nuance aren't really it's thing at all.
i mean in term of governing a nation
and yes, they can literally do a reverse initially, and you can do the "why the empress cant join the party. shes the empress after all"
and as i said, letting the war general do war stuffs is better than making the president to it, esp when the country is about to literally explode. Someone have to stay and take care of things
X had shit localization and was on the WiiU, didn't really fully realize the Mechs/Dolls/Skells (Should have introduced models with a flying alt-mode mode and not had hovering over water/in-combat which completely made shit lose any sense of weight), the fact Elma and Lin are Required for 90% of content means the huge amount of Party members and rentals didn't matter since 3 "slots" are basically always taken by Cross (Who can't be dropped for obvious reasons), Elma and Lin, only reason to rent is to abuse Power Level strategies.
XB2 has luckbased Gacha in a fucking single player game, but the actual game is still pretty damn fun. But i liked X better cause i like the Sci-fi and Mechs.
>when Niall, objectively, has more importance in terms of both plot
I don't know how you could think this without being delusional. The only time Niall has any importance in Xenoblade 2's plot is in chapter 6. Morag's relevant to chapter 2 (where she's the main antagonist), chapter 4 (starts as an antagonist then works with the party to investigate the factory), chapter 5 (she's the one who gets the party involved in the conflict in Temperantia) and chapter 6.
She's far, far more relevant and involved in the plot than he is. He's got a higher position than her in Mor Ardain's government. That's it.
Because as I said he has more relevancy both in the game's world and to the plot than Morag does. I would understand Morag being a party member instead of Niall if Morag had some important ties to the other members, but she doesn't at all.
Prove that XB1's story is deep and its characters are deep
Define what it means for a character or story to be deep and then show how XB1's counterparts fit that definition.
Because I doubt you can.
XB1 is like Star Wars: it's simple but it's well constructed and paced and the characters, albeit simple, are still enjoyable in their interactions
The next game will have a robot with giant breast missles, that'll make you change your tone.
But she never establishes a personal connection with any of the party members. Everything she does is in service to Niall, which he could have done himself. Hell you could scrap Morag's entire character from the game and replace everything she does with Niall and the game would be the same except there would be one less redundant character.
Opinion disregarded tertiary
>lets replacing everything character A does to character B, then B will be more relevant!
>then who will do the character B part?
Jesus your are writing yourself into a corner mate
I'm really not sure what plot relevancy you think Niall has. The only moment he even remotely matters is when Nia decides to heal him. Morag acts as the enemy commander you have to fight for the first section of the game which is makes her more relevant than him just from that.
How am I a smashfag?
You're mistaking the character being stoic with her not having any attachment to the other characters.
But the thing is this line of logic works less and less the more defining characteristics a character has that are personal only to them. The problem with Morag is twofold:
Her position in the world is exactly the same as Niall's except she's not the ruler. She has exactly the same relationship and motivation to help Mor Ardain that Niall has.
Her character is so bland that she establishes no personal connection to any of the other party members. If she had some personal relationship with say Rex or Zeke then her reason to be in the party becomes stronger. She literally is as distant from them as she can possibly be without breaking away from the party entirely.
These 2 factors make it so that her character could be scrapped from the party and plotwise, replaced with Niall and nothing would be lost.
Remind me who the "him" is?
Niall's dad.
Her relationship with Zeke is plenty good tho, if the heart2hearts are to count. Quite a healthy friendship with plenty of banters
Absolutely nothing. All games are great. Its just a divisive series since its called Xenoblade since all three games are so different from each other
>poppi angry because tora is wearing a pyra shirt
And yet Niall could be in the party instead and have banter with the other party members. There literally is no reason for Niall not to be in the party instead of Morag, other than
>he's not a fighter the game mentions it once!
>he's the ruler of Mor Ardain so he has to stay there and do nothing as a figurehead!
The second being overwritten by the DLC having Hugo as a playable character in the party.
If cold steel can do it, he can do it
Hell Ys is well on its 9th game on its timeline alr, and trail is a continuous setting too
so the summary of your argument is "yes this character is relevant to the plot and has relationships with the other characters, but if you totally rewrote the game this other character would also have that"
"this game is good because everyone says it is"
>You can make any other excuse to go to tantal.
No you literally fucking can't because the people that live there refuse to meet with other titans. They are secluded from the rest of the world. You are literally retarded
Not at all. My argument is "this character has less relevancy to the plot than this other character who has exactly the same position in the world's lore except with more importance, has only very light banter with one other party member while in the party that any other character in the game could establish to a greater degree and yet is still a member of the party"
Xeno isn't Trails/Ys though, and Monolith isn't Falcom.
Falcom doesn't belong to anybody, their game ideas don't have to be approved by somebody. Falcom could get away with selling literal shit and nobody could stop them.
Monolith is owned by Nintendo. Nintendo calls the shots. Nintendo can refuse projects they don't like.
Indol's got them by the balls, just have Amalthus pull some strings to get them in. Easy.
After the dumpster fire that is XC2, the only thing that helps me fall asleep at night is knowing we'll get XCX2.
Not fully actually. The king almost waged war because of it
The king freaked out because he thought Amalthus was sending Mythra to Tantal as a threat.
Just have Amalthus send Rex with one of the ships that transports core chips from Tantal to Indol and get in the country that way, then have the events of the game progress normally from there.
>this character has less relevancy to the plot than this other character
but she doesn't, people have pointed that niall's only relevant in one chapter and morag's relevant in several, and your response has just been "well if you rewrote the game so that niall was in those parts!!!"
If the next xeno has all that gacha shit in the game again and having exploration tied to it then shit getting a hard pass
XS1 has the better world building pacing but the lack of music in gameplay and ugly models really detract from it, as well as slow late game battle. XS2 is short and has the weakest story but still gets way more shit than it deserves. XS3 finally got the art direction right, has a more consistent battle system, and has a god tier soundtrack.
I think XG is better than XS overall but XS3 is the best single game. Its the only one where the gameplay never got grating for me at any point.
Hell, I'd go so far as to say that had XS1 been as polished as XS3 then the series likely would have seen more success and maybe even given a proper chance for 5-6 entries.
Anons, he just wants Morag out of the game because she's female. This is the person who thinks Zero Suit Samus. is the greatest insult humanity has ever faced.
Just the fact that the game could be rewritten to have Niall do all of Morag's parts with very minor character changes (just make Niall not a non-combatant which has no relevancy to the plot anyway beyond being an excuse for Morag to exist in the first place) is a testament to how redundant her character really is.
Excuse me did you just assume my gender? cishet scum
sure, you could also rewrite it so that Tora has most of Nia's important parts without changing much, just make him a member of Torna and bam Zeke can handle the flesh eater parts of her storyline anyway. Basically if you really try maybe we can write out all the female characters.
Everything after XCX
The fact that she has relationships with other party members, which she barely does, isn't an argument. Any character in the game could join the party and have relationships with the other members. She has no personal connection to any of them, she's just there as an extension of Niall.
Look at Dunban, Fiora, Reyn in 1. They all have personal connections to Shulk and so have reasons to join the party. The banter and interactions come second after establishing these personal connections and serve to highlight their relationships with him.
And it's rewriting the game in the easiest simplest sense possible. Literally changing one aspect of Niall's character that has no relevancy to the plot and then putting his model into scenes instead of Morag's would be sufficient. Literally that's all they'd have to do. That's how easy it is to wipe Morag from the story because she's that irrelevant.
X did. It was a pretty big bump in the road but XB2 turned out to be a smooth recovery.
And then Tora would have to be gay for Rex, his entire backstory with his dad would have to be scrapped, Poppi wouldn't exist so there goes chapters 2 and 4 and so on...
Tora already is gay for rex, and his story with his dad doesn't have to change at all, his dad just was a member of Torna too. Artificial Blade research fits pretty well with Torna anyway.
sounds like you just want homo bait in your jrpgs, is this where all the hate for waifus came from thirsty faggots that want their gay fan service fix, I guess Floren and that fish guy aren't enough
I thought the guys in the game were good enough already. I think he's just a shotacon.
But now you're changing large parts of both character's backstories, personalities, narratives and motivations. Nia and Tora have different positions in the game's world.
Morag and Niall are pretty much the same except Niall actually is the ruler of Mor Ardain. Can you see how much shit would have to be rewritten and changed to make Tora take Nia's role, compared to having Niall take Morag's role? The latter involves one extremely minor character trait adjustment and some changes to the models and voices, the other involves scrapping entire portions of the plot and merging backstories. to make sense in a convoluted manner.
Why are Xenoblade fans so fucking autistic, holy shit.
>one extremely minor character trait adjustment
>the position that allowed her to join the party in the first place
I'm not sure you know what you are even talking about if you think "King of X Country" Is a minor detail.
there's only one autist in this thread and it's this faggot
new Newt picture is up plus a bonus
That character trait, Niall being a non-combatant, only exists to give Morag a reason to join the party in the first place though. Him being the King doesn't matter at all, as has literally been proven by the developers themselves making Hugo a party member in the DLC, or are you arguing against the developers choices now?
Every time I see one of these threads there's some military-grade autism in it.
Tl;dr brainlet 2 fags can't accept flaws in their game and have to spout autism because they're literally too stupid to accept that their game has flaws.
Niall being a non combatant is literally Niall's ONLY character trait. if you change that about him you are basically removing the character from existence. If you change that to make him into Morag you just get a less interesting Morag, but now she has a penis.
that hasn't been what this thread was about for over 2 hours now. try to keep up with the conversation before calling other people brainlets.
And yet that's one more character trait than Morag, and to reiterate, that trait ONLY exists to give Morag a reason to join the party.
>less interesting
That's heavily debatable.
If you're going by DLC rules, you'd need Morag hanging around near the party most of the time anyways if Niall was going to be a party member.
>And yet that's one more character trait than Morag
and since you want to remove that trait you'll end up back at Morag either way.
And there will be one less redundant character, Morag, in the game.
>Him being the King doesn't matter at all, as has literally been proven by the developers themselves making Hugo a party member in the DLC, or are you arguing against the developers choices now?
It does matter, actually. The Emperor of Mor Ardain can't just run around as they please like you think they can.
Hugo's specific circumstances allowed him to get around that and fight on the front lines, but you can't just remove Morag and replace her model/voice in cutscenes and call it a day like you're claiming. You'd need to rewrite things for it to make sense. (And Mor Ardain's political situation in modern Alrest is a lot less stable than it was during the Aegis War, so it's unlikely that it'd be as easy for an Emperor to step away from the throne like that. Especially because the fight against Malos was a much more easily justifiable cause to join.)
then you'd have to add in a new redundant character to explain who's leading Mor Ardain while the king is off on an adventure.
Face it, this whole "replace Morag with Niall" idea is short sighted and generally idiotic. the only reason it sounds good in your head is because you have an unhealthy disdain for female characters.
But at no point in the plot does Niall do anything on screen that shows he has duties as the ruler of Mor Ardain, even if it is implied that he does off-screen. The game itself never makes an effort to show us that he has duties that prevent him form being a party member. This just adds to the argument that Morag can be scrapped for Niall.
Alternatively, just for the butthurt feminist so I don't hurt your feelings too much, Niall could be scrapped and Morag made the leader, although that would take more rewriting than just scrapping Morag.
>although that would take more rewriting than just scrapping Morag.
how exactly would that take more rewriting than your proposed idea of dropping a party member and writing a new character into all their scenes?
>But at no point in the plot does Niall do anything on screen that shows he has duties as the ruler of Mor Ardain
Did you completely forget that chapter 6 exists?
I love jrpg silly dances
That would be extremely simple to do. Just make a character who's second in command, give them a name and just have it be stated that they'll preside over Mor Ardain while Niall is away on his much more important to the world quest of reaching the architect. Hell Morag herself could be given that role, it would make much more sense than having her in the party.
God, Tatsu was such fucking garbage.
>That would be extremely simple to do. Just make a character who's second in command, give them a name and just have it be stated that they'll preside over Mor Ardain while Niall is away
right, we could name him something like Niall, maybe make him the brother of the party member from Mor Ardain we end up with. shit why does that sound so familiar to me?
>on his much more important to the world quest of reaching the architect.
you mean that mission most people think is an impossible fairy tale? Mor Ardain is on the brink of war and you think it makes sense for the empire to just fuck off chasing myths and legends?
>Hell Morag herself could be given that role, it would make much more sense than having her in the party.
except for the part where it doesn't make any more sense at all, and actually makes less sense than the choices they decided to go with.
You need two. Someone to lead Mor Ardain while the emperor is away, and someone to go with him like the Special Inquisitor did with Hugo.
friendly reminder that takahashi agrees that xenoblade 1 is a masterpiece
'muh monado' fags need not apply
i agree, let's eat him