How to block gay games on Steam

How to block gay games on Steam.

If you want to block homo daddy and all the other crappy gay games all you have to do is click your name top right on steam then pick preferences.

From there follow the image shown and all gay games are now 100% blocked.

Attached: block gay games.jpg (980x827, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:




dream daddy btfo

i wonder if they'll keep stats on whos done this
i'm not a big baby that needs this shit actively hidden from view but if that tag is at the forefront of a game i'll be put off enough to reconsider my purchase

The point is, most of us are never going to buy a homosexual game so there is no reason for them to be visible.

I wish you could do that IRL.

You can, just don't live in california or similar places.

Gays are like 3% of the population, most gay people move to the places above.

>/pol/fags so retarded they need a thread to tell them how to blacklist games on steam
a tranny thread died for this

Nothing to do with /pol/, just most people aren't gonna buy a gay game user.

Not even a /pol/tard (or white) but I don't need to see faggot games on Steam.
Leave that shit for white people and consolefucks.

Buy a gun and be the solution that you crave.

>give me victim status please!

there's always plenty of reasons not to restrict the information available to you. awareness of their existence is an advantage i don't want to give up. if someone says "i played dream daddy 3 times" thats a red flag to me because i'm aware of what the game is.

i mean, ignorance is bliss so go for it, but don't tell me there is absolutely zero reason to keep that shit visible

I've been on steam for about 8 years, I've never seen one gay game I would want to play.

I would rather just block them, thanks though.

Blocking the tag just blocks gay games, not blocking what people say..

You don't understand, scrolling past these games might make you gay!

i never said you'd eventually buy them. try reading what you reply to
you too
oh shit ur right

You can't make people gay anymore than you can make a gay dude straight, doesn't mean you want to see that nasty shit though.

u suck that cock bro, I'll be over here being straight.

Homos are already "victims". Murdering a couple million isn't going to change anything except for the rate of child molestation and AIDS infections.

yeah i'm thinking OP is based

>>people were talking about using this tag to mark games they don't like when it was first introduced
>>now we get this guy telling us how to make sure we never see any games with this tag
A clever ruse, OP. Unfortunately for you, some of us are only partially retarded.

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Only in Iran.

>buy my game

Attached: Gay-Men-Kissing.jpg (1200x630, 42K)

the people need to know

Cyberpunk will have this tag too you know, you'll also be blocking games that have optional LGBT options

It won't actually but nice try faggot.


I just added this tag block and Cyberpunk shows up fine.

Thanks OP, now I won't catch the gay.

I'm bi (I like futas and femboys) but seeing that tag on a game can help to spot a game with SJW content, you dont need to hide it, just look at the tags of the game you like, if it have that tag then it's like a red flag.

Attached: (female).png (632x715, 606K)

They will add this to most games that have even a slight gay romance scene, faggots will do this so they can mark every game that they wanna play, I can guarantee you this

Nice try though.

he is not wrong when he say some fags will tag some games with "both sides" content (like Mass Effect) as LGBTNHUEGFHBLKJUREHLGKR+

that's cool but what if i want to block indie shit

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You're unironically a closeted faggot if you're averse to something as innocuous as literal drawings of gay dudes.

It doesn't work like that, only the most popular ones count and there aren't enough faggots that care to make a homo tag stick to good games.

>there aren't enough faggots that care to make a homo tag stick to good games

I wish you where right


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I am. if they could they would of already done it with games like witcher 3

Nice thanks. While fags can have their games I'd like nothing to do with em

Nah that's a leftist tactic to silence people. Aside from the fact that pictures are not innocuous and that the things you see and hear affect how you think and feel, being averse to things doesn't necessarily mean you have some repressed desire. Some things just really repulse people.

actual children

Do people actually use the Steam store to find games?

I find the UI confusing and have never found an interesting game through it despite spending hours trying. I depend on word of mouth pretty much exclusively

So nothing of value will be lost then. Gotcha.

Meh, I don't really need to see these games in the store since I'm never going to buy them anyway. I really liked the filter option, removing early access and other shit like that from my view cleared up a lot of shit.

The problem with filtering tags is that it can filter good games. That tag can be applied to New Vegas, for example.

Do you know a good youtube channel for indies or something like that?

There's nothing to be repulsed by. You've either been socially indoctrinated to hate it, or you're repressing your own attraction to it.

Based but I have a problem.
I want to block all gay games, except games with cute girls being lovey dovey together.
This, sadly, requires more advanced science.

>inevitably fuck up and get sent to prison which is buttfuck central

I'm filtering sodomite shit and I still see New Vegas. Pic related, these are the tags the game has.

Anyway, if a game is REALLY that good, you'll hear about it elsewhere. You won't need steam to tell you about it.

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Steam has gay games other than dream daddy? I just see hentai trash under new releases.


You can. Just have straight sex.

This. How can we stop tags and recommendations all together?

There's nothing repulsive about it... you've just been conditioned to dislike faggotry. Break free, form your own thoughts; why is it disgusting? Love is love. Hating gays is a modern Western phenomenon, it's completely fine (to a degree) in many other times and places (Arabs, Romans, Greeks, etc.).

Shut up faggot

Yeah you can.
Molest them as a kid.

Based, was trying to do this earlier but because steam is convoluted shit with its menus I couldn't figure out how. Also blocking adult content because its nothing but lowkey pedo virgin for life weeb shit

>There's nothing to be repulsed by

Mathematically speaking it's an inevitability.
The only cultures tolerant towards LGBT are all dying out, while the cultures who block LGBT from stinking up the atmosphere are all proliferating and pretty much have the future in their hands at these trends.
Let the LGBT children feel full of themselves for this limited time before they are BTFO by foreign cultures who pretty much already have victory in their grasp over the nu-Western people who the LGBT ironically undermines itself.

how can one be so based but also cringe at the same time?

Borderline personality disorder is a hell of a drug

>There's nothing to be repulsed by.
Anyone who prides themselves on superficial values while over 18 years of age is a repulsive manchild;
while anyone who thinks a history of oppression they can call upon is something that makes them special, when every group on this planet can point to a history of oppression for themselves, is repulsively uneducated and retarded and lacking the basics of awareness.
If the whole world went around on pride parades and demanding consumer art include over 196 flags in their products with over 196 references like LGBT does, the world would be in anarchy and nothing would ever get done.
Thankfully such mentally retarded people are a minority, like the LGBT for example.

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i block all games with "female protagonist"

>/pol/ boogeyman

Why? Thats kills 90% of anime games

I don't browse steam so I don't really bother. I already know what I'm looking for when I open steam


>i wonder if they'll keep stats on whos done this
Yes and when the day comes you'll all be put in a camp

Why are you all obsessed with fags and trannies lately?

To be fair I don't think most of us ever even though of blocking a tag before this shit, there simply was never a need. Thanks homos.

they are everywhere
literally shoved in our faces

Im bi and i dont like gay or straight dating sims
If a character being gay is forced then you know due to the tags

I know but that makes you obsessed with them?

Extremely Based Steam

haha sure is crazy how the Homosexual community and culture is based around "daddy" and "twink" relationships, it's almost as if they want to fuck little boys and are using the all encompassing threat of "homophobia" to get away with it

then you block the "indie" tag

absolutely based

The world is obsessed with them. It's pride month (thanks Obama) and the west is in the midst of a culture war

obsessed for their demise

You're swindling the argument from "games with gay dudes can be repulsive to some" to "pride movement being repulsive"

It's probably because he's secretly gay amirite? That's always the conclusion you sorts draw. Pretty sad and desperate.

you can. Look up the tag, "indie"

>if you don't want to see grown adults roleplaying as babies and having their diapers changed and then fucking on the diapers you're obviously a secret adult baby fetishist yourself!

The liberal mind is so low IQ and pathetic its amazing, no wonder corporations and politicians are manipulating them to gain power

Sounds to me like people these days have a bit of a phobia for being called homophobic.

I wonder what we should call that...


>i'm aware of what the game is
That's a red flag in itself

Nah, i'm making a distinction between the politicization of gay people (LGBT), and gay people who aren't prancing infantile retards such as paraders, Twitter homos, and LGBT.

crazy how the only social science study the gays and liberals ignore is the one that shows the same centers of the brain are triggered when shown maggots eating flesh and two men kissing(its real, look it up)

yeah, totally normal which is why literally thousands of years ago they were writing about how sodomites should be killed

No you paranoid tit. I hate spiders but I idon't think about them 24/7. Its weird to constantly think about something you hate.

>i'm making a distinction
For whom, nobody argued for pride or LGBT movement

Obviously they're closet homophobes trying to overcompensate


The same biased social science "study" posted every thread

I'll ask you this again, if my "penile circumference" doesn't change when I'm shown a morbidly obese woman, does that mean I'm gay?

>LGBT label
>nobody argued for...
Apparently you have a small brain.

You'd probably think about spiders a lot more if there was a literal spider pride month and every corporation put spiders all over their logo


based and not gay OP

>whats that, you don't want to engage in sexual scat play? a perfectly normal human body function? Wow you must be a repressed shit eater!

Based and redpilled. Might as well add "anime" and "visual novel" while you are at it.
Maybe he is not a weeb faggot like you.

>you can sage n hide games on steam
based and redpilled

How long before faggot devs and their asshole buddies in the media claim Valve is homophobic for allowing their users to do this and demand it be removed?

That's just arguing semantics, and you fucking know it: those people who replied to you weren't talking about an easy way to distinguish games with something gay in them and neither were you. Can you even stay on fucking point?

Straightfags OBSESSED

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>The same biased social science "study" posted every thread
You probably spend too much time in these threads defending your not-gayness.

Not him but being so weak you cant scroll past a homo game without sperging out makes you the faggot. Doesn't matter what kind of political bullshit you believe in, you are spineless.

fuck off fagfag

Why does it bother you so much? Why does it bother you at all?

>That's just arguing semantics
It's not. Sexualities are sexualities while LGBT is a social construct. It's arguing the topic of this thread, politicization over substance, and people being fed up with it who otherwise weren't in the past because narcissism and pride beget animus.

>There are homos in this very thread pretending to be straight

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bigoted and close-minded

You literally have to actively look for these games to see them

8/10 posters in this thread complain about censorship in games.

anime website

>wasting time to scroll inside hay to find a needle instead of just having a brain to use a magnet
Way to out yourself as a brainlet, apparently using the brain is a sign of weakness! kek

>OBSESSED straight thinks most gay people will care about this

Does this little boy engaging in a sexual dance during a "pride" march disgust you? Sorry sweetie you must be a repressed homosexual

Attached: Prideboy1.png (1200x628, 650K)

what's with all these singers singing about babies? do they want to fuck babies?

>How to block gay games on Steam
I tried but it doesn't block JRPG sadly

We're gonna get ya. Get ready to have them toes sucked

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>He says on a site that shares CP of little girls being penetrated by their fathers

Yeah solving a problem is spineless and weak.
It is strong and awesome to voluntarely force yourself to look at and scroll past homo shit instead of just removing it and be happy. No it has to be there and you have to look at it, otherwise you are a faggot(?).
Has it ever appeared to you that there might be something terribly wrong with your brain?

this shit is the most based

Kek and based

Humans can be trained to accept and perform any type of action.

This doesn't change natural aversions, and in people with high natural aversion, attempting to condition them will cause stress. Ancient Greek/Roman society are examples of such training, along with modern training regime of LGBTQ+ propaganda.

Some people might throw up or faint if they saw a dog being boiled alive, but this doesn't stop Chinese from making dinner. Other people work on meat processing lines and rip entrails from corpses for 8 hours a day, become covered in blood and viscera from head-to-toe.

Humans are supremely adaptable, and training them to accept disgusting things like homos is just another thing that can be done.

Let me red pill most of your fuckers in this thread

>Video games are made by trannies and faggot
>Most AAA studios have them
>That is all

Ladies and gentlemen
We got him
*hacker noises*

Now I understand why June was chosen as the LGBT Month, children are on vacation and free from schools in most of the world. Perfect month for LGBT pedos, they should be honest for once in their lives and settle for LGBTP just like Cucktholics were honest enough to admit they also had a problem with systematic pedoism.

>what people do in the bedroom isn't your business
>we just want to be left alone like everyone else
>slippery slope isn't real
I understand completely now, our ancestors weren't closeminded backwards savage brutes incapable of civility. They just made this exact same mistake and had to fix it the only way possible.
They tried to warn us. They were right about everything, especially women. We have been so foolish, can we even survive this?

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No, buy japanese boys love vns.

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Don't forget MMO and MOBA.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

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I think our ancestors had more gay sex with boys than litterally anyone else. I can think of at least 3 Popes and one of them had his house adorned with adolescent boys in intercourse

what are the odds idiots are gonna apply this tag to old games due to headcanon shipping and why is it 100%

>visual novel
>female protagonist
Go all the way and free yourself from faggotry

this "pride" shit isbasic human conditioning tell someone their natural reaction is "wrong" and "sinful"
2. you promise that they can be "saved" from their infraction if they follow the rules you set down
4.constantly change the rules and interpretation of those rules
3.from now on they second guess their own logic and intuition and need higher authority to tell them what is right and wrong

congrats now you have full control over the plebs, who are too scared to act on their own because it might be "homophobic" and now you're free to dress little boys up in skirts and make them do strip teases

Perfect. Just in time for the Steam sale too. You just know Valve will be promoting some faggy shit and now I don't have to see it. Thanks OP.

dilate tranny.

It's all fun and games, till people started adding the gay tags on non gay games because there's one character that might suck dick, not doing this shit just to avoid seeing one or two actual gay games.

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>It's all fun and games, till people started adding the gay tags on games with gays in them

>every studio starts adding the lgbtq+ tag to their games to show solidarity

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Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations in Ramallah are broadcasting pornographic movies and programs in Hebrew, irate residents say.

Soldiers occupied the offices of three local television and radio stations on Saturday morning,

and started broadcasting the porn clips intermittently on Saturday afternoon on the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels, the residents said.

"I have six children at home; they have nowhere to go with what is going on here and can't even watch TV," Reema, a Palestinian mother, said.

"It's not healthy really. I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men's heads."

My ancestors probably burnt yours at the stake, their only crime was not doing it before they managed to procreate.

GoG and Epic would be made happy by such an event. Nothing more worthless than a store whose tag system is broken and dishonest.

have aids

Tell them to watch Artifact streams

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what screen shows info like that, or is that a cap of someone's own reviews or something?

So you're a nigger or mixed.


The Spanish, Romans and the French were the biggest gays user

It's a homo curator.

>trying this hard to paint an entire race as fags because .000001% of the population were fags
Typical fag tactics, this is why you need to be actively oppressed

>Hating gays is a modern Western phenomenon, it's completely fine (to a degree) in many other times and places (Arabs, Romans, Greeks, etc.).

Is this the current state of American education? this is what they told you on college?

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"Allah be praised, thank you for the fap. You guys are not so bad after all"

i think its just time for you to just accept it and bend over to your new gay overlords

>Hating gays is a modern Western phenomenon, it's completely fine (to a degree) in many other times and places (Arabs, Romans, Greeks, etc.).
Explain Hadrian being lambasted by the entire Roman society for being open with his boyfucking and having to unironically restrain his openness, you dumb fucking mongoloid.

Imagine spending your time getting lathered up into a frenzy about gays on the internet after getting all of your political opinions through turboautists on social media from various interest groups.

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Animals in the wild have been spotted being gay, therefore gayness is natural you nasty bigot. If anything, homophobia is unnatural and a social construct. Now cut off your dick!
*passes legislation to make knowingly spreading AIDS legal*

You can hate gays all you want just don't be a violent caveman about mmmkay

>does it disgust you?
Yeah that shit is fucking gay lol

Why are you bigots doing this? You'll miss out on the greatest game of all time.

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because its not out yet. released games have the rating on the right sidebar, unreleased games are not "rated" yet. itll assuredly be filtered when it is released because ops image restricts "general mature content". cyberpunks actual description, NOT in the sidebar says...

"The developers describe the content like this:
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Nudity or Sexual Content, General Mature Content"

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Islam is the future and I'm afraid that time waits for no man when it comes to choosing the path of adaptation and survival, so circumstances force me to do as my brothers and sisters do and, Praised be Allah, throw gays and trannies off roofs with my brothers and sisters. It is not personal my friend, just politics and business.

well...yeah. 80 species or so. theres only like 1 animal that shows homophobia, and its an animal trained to do so by humans.

close your ears and scream nah nah nah nah all you want, but the unnatural argument just makes you look stupid.

He's clearly baiting, you fucking ape.

>Ironic "Simulator" games tagged as "Simulation"
>Implying the tag system isn't already broken

What is "natural" for animals is meaningless you fucking gay buffoon. The important thing is that you filth can only reproduce memetically, infecting the children of others.
Inevitably the corrupted effete society will be consumed by a stronger brutal one and it won't be pretty for anyone. And then it will happen again and again.

well, yeah. still gonna put that out there, because its awfully constructed.

i dont hate faggots, i even have some dyke aunts that are nice but holy shit im tired of the lgbt thing, just be a faggot and shut the fuck up

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"general mature content" being ticked means he's allowing that type of content, the only thing OP is blocking is the faggot shit.

Why is there a check on the toggle to show Early Access titles? You don't actually pay to beta test games right?

>can only reproduce memetically
and...whats wrong about this?

>adult only sexual content
Will this let me block porn games that don't contain any lolis?

Funny that you posted the straight kid

Takes 5 seconds to block it, seethe harder tranny

Oh no, how will you find out about massively marketed games like CP2077 if they aren't in the new release lists?

Are you fucking serious dude
You fags never really think of the world as a system or the downstream effects of things huh
Truly walking the path of death

not him but the world is overpopulated already. Gays not making more babies is actually one of the good things they do.

>add lgbt tag to unrelated games
>now no one can find lgbt games via search
If they do that, we win the war.

There are a lot more straight sodomites than gay ones.

Tags to exclude:
>dating sim
>female protagonist
>visual novel

You'll have the most degenerate garbage for faggots filtered out so maybe you'll actually see a good game on the store page for once

"Natural" arguments are the single worst thing in the entirety of debate. Most of these animals will also literally just stroll by a corpse of its own species without a care. Many will eat the corpses of their friends because free protein (i.e. squirrels). Hamsters eat their own babies if they get spooked by a shadow. Nature is absolutely fucking wild.

Making it worse, many people appealing to the natural absolutely love to blatantly ignore the multitude of mate-for-life species, and then try to convince people that because of a few examples its clearly great for all humans to be polyamorous.

Not him but humans aren't monogamous, otherwise we'd be monogamous. It's not some argument to be had. We aren't monogamous because we aren't monogamous and the evidence of that is all around you. I've had sex with over 15 women in my life. Humans are not exclusively a mate for life species. We have sex for fun. So do dolphins.

animals also "naturally" murder each other, does that mean we should be allowed to murder each other when we want?

We do murder each other despite all the laws saying it's bad. We also rape, and steal and pollute etc.

Also, comparing the ending of a life against someone's will to consensual buttsex isn't really a good comparison.

>Humans are not exclusively a mate for life species.
We are not exclusively, yet mate-for-life is our most successful and stable system as constantly evidenced by married people having staggeringly lower suicide and depression rates as opposed to those who practice fast-food sex.
This is stamped in the fact that we search for fast-food sex when we are in our retarded years, teenage and just beyond, while the majority who actually mature when they reach adulthood and develop some wisdom settle for seeking a real relationship that's not just superficial.

That's why getting gays married is important, and imposing the costs of divorce is important.
Lessens spread of AIDS, forces them to think beyond just buttfucking.

>a tranny thread died for this

Any good place where I can sell my steam account?
I'm done with this.

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this. africas expected to have 5 billion by 2050 and your worried about the loss of population by faggotry?

yep, agreed. i didnt say otherwise. just pointing out the argument is terrible.

animals dont just kill each other "when they want". almost exclusively, they do so to survive, or as a byproduct of survival instincts.

You fucking retards

I excluded anime and female protagonist tags and restarted steam several times, yet Shitstained keeps showing up. Does this shit even work?

I clipped out of a bunch of shit because I fasttyped way too much, then ended up with a bad argument. Typing up the extra stuff was too much effort though and I lost interest.

You are completely correct that the average human isn't instinctually mate-for-life, examples against such a thing are present throughout all of recorded human history and overwhelmingly expressed in modern society. Humans are in a kind of weird place because monogamy is expressed in most cultures world-wide, but there are still countless examples of the opposite on both macro and micro scales. There is some research into this purporting that it could be a side-effect of human's extreme adaptability.

>being this upset because you can finally filter the low quality gay shit

any effort you put towards curbing the homosexual menace is meaningless in the face of the african population explosion. its like buying a gun for self defense and driving a car without seatbelts, mate.
its okay to buy the gun, your allowed to do whatever the fuck you want, but when you put more money into protecting yourself from a statistically insignificant threat, but then insult others for "not taking effective precautions for protecting yourself/your family", you look kinda stupid.

>it's fine if western civilization and its ideals (like tolerance for fags) dies off, Africa will pick up the slack
Neoliberal ideology is such multi-level fail its actually amazing. I can almost sense the malignant intent and desire for death behind it. It's a death cult with really good PR.

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I haven't seen anything with that tag show up anyway though

I don't lose anything form the lack of info of which games are gay. This is a marketplace, i don't look at clothes when shopping for meat.

>tell someone to focus on the bigger problem

i tried. welp, ill move onto someone who might actually listen, and thus, actually have a real, tangible impact on saving the white race. you keep...uh, not doing this, but virtue signalling on an anonymous imageboard.

have a nice day

>any effort you put towards curbing the homosexual menace is meaningless in the face of the african population explosion
My dude, I have news for you:
The black collective hates and murders gays and trannies to a degree-difference that's vastly higher than whites, than the degree-difference between homosex creation rates.
The math puts gays at a net-negative with the proliferation of black people.
Lighter fluid and throwing tires into the flames is the traditional recipe for gays who act out in black communities.

Not really, I just hate steam.

like everyone else, steam tracks keywords and pages visited/typed, and puts them to the front.

basically, if gay shit shows up in your curated list, its because you look at a lot of gay shit. hilarious when you think about it.

>its like buying a gun for self defense and driving a car without seatbelts, mate.
gosh might as well do neither since we're all fucked amirite
Kill yourself you ignoramus. Yes genociding niggers (or at least not shipping them food) would be great but it has not much to do with curbing faggotry
Though it should be pointed out that it's all the same insidious memeplex pushing every single one of these civilization-killing ideas
What was built over centuries will vanish in less than one because oblivious tards who were taught to think backwards

Now, how do we block gays from real life?

Oh, no wonder i never see any gay shit. Only one I've seen is baldurs gate.


annnnnnnnnd all of that is irrelevant when compared to the african population problem. why are you even mad? more africans, means more african faggot lynchings. the vast massive overpopulation of african is going to solve the "bigger" issue of homsexuality by itself. and destroy the world, but thats not as important, i guess.

>gosh might as well do neither since we're all fucked amirite
yeah thats exactly what i said, and not a false dilemma. try again next time.

so many butthurt trannies ITT
well played, OP

>saving the white race
Oh please, most this bullshit is and always was pushed by whites and embraced by whites. It's the end result of flimsy feel-good Christian ideals. Western culture is worth preserving in spite of whites, not because of them.
Kill yourself you nu/pol/ piece of shit

Except EVERY game with gay shit in it has that tag now. Fucking ATOM GRRRL!! has characters saying "nigger" and it still has that social justice shit tag.

There's no African population problem.
We teach them to be civilized just like Romans taught Germanic barbarians who covered themselves in dung to eventually be civilized after a few centuries.
The bigger problem is that to elevate black people from the mud requires an authoritarian political initiative just like Rome as opposed to the SJW initiative which actually destroys any and all attempts at giving blacks those vital pushes they can't make themselves.
Leftytards need to die out so the black people can be led properly into civility.

>african population problem
Would solve itself in one generation if westcucks stopped shipping them food
In fact, that would give them a fucking chance to actually build their own industry. The survivors at least.
Africa is absolutely shameful, it's a continent-sized farm. One that consumes and consumes and produces nothing but suffering. Let it be.

saving the white race was an ironic jab, mate. but western culture is white culture, and you cant save it in spite of whites, when it IS whites.

>there is no problem with african population explosion
>the problem is we need to control the african population explosion

>curb your enthusiam theme

Normal people react psychologically to seeing men kissing as they do maggots, but have no such natural instinct against women together.
No idea why people have lump them together.

that's why I said it's a red flag, you need to find for yourself if it is or not a sjw shit, but at least it will help you to spot bullshit like that Chucklefish metroidvania game

Anything else to add to filter out most of the garbage on steam?

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Two problems: charity and immigration.
Charity makes any attempt at African industry pointless because you can't compete with free. Free food free clothes, no business would be sustainable. So they just sit around with flies on their face eating and wearing garbage and fucking all day because whats the point otherwise.
Immigration means that anyone smart and ambitious enough to fix that shithole leaves ASAP before they get raped to death. I don't blame them but we don't need them, their country does.
It will never get better like this because western narcissists are too obsessed with being faux-kind to what they percieve to be subhumans.

As expected as any shitlib discord tranny, you are far more racist than any rightwinger I've ever met.

RTS and Early Access

Gaben, please separate lesbians and fags/trannies into different tags next.

"western culture" is just a racists polite way of saying "white". i would be interested in hearing how western culture isnt white, so i can hear your mental gymnastics in explaining how your not just saying "white" when you say "western culture". could be fun?

i do like how this has turned into
>fags should be exterminated, and considered less than human
>oh but dont be racist, thats not nice
especially right after this post , saying stuff like "The black collective hates and murders gays and trannies to a degree-difference that's vastly higher than whites"

im never really sure if its just ideological schizophrenia, or just being stupid.

This, but the opposite. The future is homo friendly and mostly populated by chinks and brown people.

all of this is covered under one tag thats vastly simpler

can Yea Forums name it

But pedos say that lolicon is the answer to trannies and homos!

>saying stuff like "The black collective hates and murders gays and trannies to a degree-difference that's vastly higher than whites"
>im never really sure if its just ideological schizophrenia, or just being stupid.
It's fact though. Ideology is you being obsessed with portraying black people in absolute best light to suit your narrative and fears while being blind to the problems the themselves have which you don't dare speak upon for fear of being branded racist because you are a brainlet coward. Black people hate gays more than white people, this is not only documented fact but also reflected in the difference between how white governments and black governments treat gay collectives. You have to be a coward or intellectually dishonest to ignore this fact, rather you have to be the one with ideological schizophrenia and stupidity.


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There's been tons of great early access games but yeah, there's lots of rubbish too.

You have so much in common with actual white supremacists.
Which is no surprise to anyone who actually looks past the superficial.
And actually I have no problem with fags who just want to get by quietly, such things can be tolerated. But when they form a civilization-killing bloc of insane retards yeah that's a problem.
All decent people just want to be nice. The world doesn't allow for it, not for long. I've accepted my faults but the worst thing is an evil prick who thinks he's righteous. People like you have no brakes on your behavior.

Can we spare yuri from the degeneracy tag?

>portraying blacks in the best light
>in a discussion where im trying to impress how africa is more dangerous to the white population than homosexuality, moments after you yourself called me a racist, even

see? im gonna go with stupid, because that entire post is based on something that seems completely apparent, and was discussed barely minutes ago. its pretty impressive, really.


block indie.

>based gaben dabbin on the fags and trannies
loving every laugh


but that's the most awesomest genre there is!

>>in a discussion where im trying to impress how africa is more dangerous to the white population than homosexuality
Your claim is stupid since black Africans are not a danger to anyone but themselves and the Arabs up north who enslave them to this day.
In fact the Christian religion has covered more of the African black population than Islam has, Islam is on the losing side in the long term.
If anything blacks can be great allies if they are actually led properly and civilized over time by killing off leftyturds from engaging in acts which always backtrack and destroy any attempt at pulling blacks into civilized society. Need I remind you that before the "liberal" leftycucks imposed welfare and moronization of blacks in USA for example, blacks actually on their own through minor Conservative intervention went from being completely illiterate to being over 80% literate as a population before the 60's hit, and also clothed well, made great music, created great speakers and figures of intellect, even created some great economists, had high marriage rates as opposed to the current 72% and upwards single-parenthood, and had some damn respect.

This nigga knows, leftyshit btfo

Just avoid mirrors.

>tfw so insecure about sexuality you have to block all content which triggers an involuntary and scary erection because it is "gay"

>Not exclusively playing Nekojishi

they are gonna be 5 billion in 2050. its going to be literally everyones problem, when they require more food then literally any other land mass on earth.
africa is 47% muslim
>they could be great allies if we changed everything about them completely
i mean, lmao, your so lost in your own world its amazing. googling any of those "facts" took less then a second each to determine it was incorrect.

alright, my day is beginning so im gonna hop in the shower, you guys have fun taking politics seriously on the videogame board. which is actually, the entire point of this conversation. i was shitposting you, because you were shitposting Yea Forums. have a nice day.

Behold, the retarded gay zoomer tween scurries off with his transpenis dragging on the ground

based thanks

holy fucking based

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What if games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins get tagged by it though? Those games are pretty fun. I guess it doesn't matter too much though since everyone who cares about those games have already played them. If a new game shows up that has potentially gay choices in it, but the game is still good, people will find that out through other means than browsing the Steam store.